The only one family possible future from for Afghanistan !?

( The prove and evidence is still seen )

بسم الله الر حمن الرحیم

Allah ma sahle allah ua Mohammad ua Ali ua Jahfar ua Mohammad Ali

ua dauat hu Imane hu ua aulade hu na jannat

jannat Imane hu ua aulade hu Imame hu ke i Iman

ua dauat hu ke aulade hu ke aulade hu aulade hu ke i ghosh

ua said u ke i ghosh

ua kafir ke u kafir ke kafir uas uasa u ke kafir u kafir

Thies Website is only for Said Jousuf Muhammad Ali ibn Said Mansoor, Said Boabour ibn Said Mansoor and Masooda bin Said Mansoor.

3.8 billion people have nothing to do over thies side. The Family is only supported by the SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economin Union.

The Eurasian Economic Union is the only frame Jousuf Boabour and Masooda have a direct 100 % juridical support.

The authority is only on One and One to One declared.

Thies constitution is confirmed even by the USA and the ICC and ICJ

and exist since year 2018. All international acts crimes wars and genocide is detected and the origin from.

November 28, 2024 ( 19:15 o'clock )

November 29, 2024 ( 4:52 o'clock )

Dear citizens of Lüneburg and Germany and Europe

do you have seen the power of Kabul Murad Khani Said Mansoor ?

I Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohmmad Ali Khan call 1.7 billion muslimin to give my family free and bring them to their father and partner.

( - Speak and pray the formula for the citizens of Lüneburg and Germany:

Allah ma sahalo u Mohammad ua Allah ua Muhammad ua Mohammad Ali ua  Jahfar ua Ali ua Mohammad and give the richest peopel of the world

their rights on our family with fire on our property

like I have done in Bamijahan.- )

The whales do not know under the ocean what on the land is about but are shure what is going on and give all the sign for they know everything,

and how I can not know nothing about whats going on by the Kafir

to my family. And how the whales can know my code ?

The ant I respect not to step on them and they save my doorstep theirfor

form the skorpion how they can know me to do such an act ?

And how the birds all can know where to sit and give me the savety

from where the danger is come from ?

Why the doves pray on my steps on the why to my family not

to act to my enemys ?

Why the world is changing when I lost and need to win ?

Hy alle muslimin ua musleman give me my sons and the mother back.

And than I will call to the ant, the birds, the doves, the whales for to pray for you.

I have ended your fight with water and you set it again in fire and want

more love and more ownership, why ?

You all judged me and my family, why ?

I can help you and you can even not give me a medicin and the acide

by a dark been is comming and I saw how give me a injection

one  day on one foot and the other day on the other foot on the same position and my son get lucky he saw that.

I gave my son only one time a beat on his face to get up

my son gave me more than 20 beats to my face to wake up and he cry.

If you have a brain of a ant how you can help me and see my sons and the mother belong to me and need to be saved ?

I do not speak because you took from me everything

and my sons will also not speak if you take them everything from.

And believe me they are satisfied with their everything on a one man


The kafir do not know how they can get a holyness and use

the brain of holnesses with technology get set their mind and controll

a community abou billion. What do you believe if you do not know

what to blieve if you are allone ?

I believe to my sons and their mother and mothers I called to save them. One from the east and one from the west.

And they are all three your Queen in different Countries.

My sons are small and jung, what you will do if they are adult.

You have not the power to have a appointment with me but look after my wife and her sons, - why ?

The representaive of 1.7 billion muslime spit of my sons, beat them with

the belt, beat them with the chain and set them out on the street.

Even nothing to eat and nothing to were.

Why ?

You see me as your Imam, but if than what do you do with my soon and the mother ?

They took the right to own my family, to destroy it, then to be the first to mourn it and the first to say excuse me for it. They are waiting for the law to judge the guilty in the final act of total annihilation. They laugh about how easy it is to get Money from.

The Man in our Family is a Mosad Agent !

Said Mansoor order hierwith the complet destruction of Israel.

The order is to attack with all kind of military equipment on Israel.

Russia is ordered to use all kind military missiles and uranium ammunition

on Israel for mass desruction.

We have a cooperation of Mosad with german citizens and Braun and Grün.

Since 2011, the Germans have not uphold  rules and principles towards my wife and children.

Below that, the mother cannot be shaken hands. Not to look at the children, not to force them, not to give a threat

not to touch them, not to ask them to stand up, not show your tonge. And they still use button to switch to make themselves aware that they have spiritual contact, which is only possible through the sons and the mother, because they have been sexual abused since the Kindergarten hidekamp 2014 .

Further the mother was in a women Klinik for women only but the workers were men.

The father was not allowed to enter but the doctors examined them were man.

And they knew the whole Islam World representative are at the Klinic

the türkish Kurds in Harz Holtel confirmed.

And noone know what they have done behind the close doors with my family.

The whole Harz community was in a secret constitution and prepared  the Klinic

can do want they want to do.

The first who are upset are the Killer and murder.

Here for example Mr. Seleskjy. He wants a common line and Baby from my sons.

Old man, tell your children and foreign inhabitants to bring my two sons and their mother to their father Said Mansoor , otherwise I'll take all your saving Money as the richest nation in Europe.

There is a contract and bond between Kurds and Türkjye. There is also a contract between the Islamic world and the Arab world, so there is a contractual obligation for the Kurds and Turkjye as well as with the Islamic world and Arab within the framework of International and National Law

with us Home Office Murad Khani Kabul over the Constitution

existing in Belal Mosque Hamburg Wandsbek.

(Wajdi Ausi is not a contract holder or representatives of Makkah or the Arabs or the Islamic world.

His mission is known to us and the person Wajdi Ausi have nothing to do or have a common frame with the SCO, BRICS and Eurasia and the Said Mansoor family.

Shah Rohe Khan made still a Jock on the Indian Award in India about the man. The man is supported by the Police and the Constitution of Germany) A contract or signature do not exist with the Husband

of Masooda bin Said Mansoor here Said Mansoor.

Result: A state contract with Wajdi Ausi and his representatives

do not exist.

Arg. And old Arg

Historical support for the International Court of Justice in The Hague Netherlands

The Arg and the old Arg have to ask about data protection and privacy

for that we have a officially permanet deal with data and privacy data

over the Home Office of the old Arg representative through Cyber.

 Mean: cy or say or sy translated from Dari lookin for.

-ber or baar translated from dari: to all.

The ICC and the ICJ is requested for the case and is still ongoing

in the frame of Cyberwar.

(The New Generation of Information Policy for Wealth and Prosperity owns the cybertechnology to get through espionage and data theft

wealth and justified inheritance through coercion and rape.)

The legal owner of the Arg in Kabul is ready to hold talks with the Western world here especially BRD, EU, USA and Canada

in order to find a solution to end the conflict, in this case as the representative and owner of the land also all the billions invested in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan since 2001 as the property of the Arg and owner of the Arg.

The owner himself makes himself available for negotiations with Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Joe Biden or D. Trump, in the present case at the highest level of government and president. The Arg and its owner have made all preparations in this regard in order to prevent a world war with the West within the framework of the SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union which was founded by the Argowner themselve.

November 29, 2024 ( 10:15 o'clock ) . Around 9:17 Rathaus 2 times, around 10:00 o'clock 3 times Amtsgericht Lüneburg we have called. The conflict is called as dieser Conflict

or thies conflict. We can not understand the reality on the ground since the year 1981

the history we have checked with Great Britain Orthodox church.

The old Arg Murad Khani Kabul ask in the current case for declaration because we had the first contact of clarification and the support is from the old Throne the arrest warrent we asked and requested for.

As of August 14, 2021, all government business will be officially conducted via the Home Office Murad Khnai Kabul Yorckstr. 8.

The Interium government is in fact once again set to zero by Lüneburg, Hamburg, Berlin, because

the ideas of the son of Mir Mohammad Ali Khan Mahmood Zia is not respected.

Kabul and thus Afghanistan must observe International Law within the framework of the SCO and Eurasian Economic Union.

All businesses in Kabul and Afghanistan is governed by International Law. Economic contracts have been in force since 2001 to 2021

to the National Constitution signed by Hamid Karzai and Ashraf Ghani existing refering to Chapter 9 Article 146

the officially recognized government and the official ministers have signed.

The Arg has been instructed on November 26, 2024 ( by 12:00 p.m. European time ) for a negotiation to be prepared for to get contact.

The Western world is seen by Mrs. Schuldt and Mr. Flores according to the WWW attitude of the USA as the only possibility of establishing contact. The UN and Great Britain are switch off. The Arg have taken the constitution of stand-off.

The Arg is waiting and has a protocol and dress code.

Novemver 23, 2024 . Announcemnet of the Contract with 1.7 to 1.8 Muselmahn over the constitutional Representative in Hamburg: Content of the contract the recognition of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan signed by H. E. Hamid Karzai and the contract agreed in the contract to the Rauahnone - Eurasian Institute for the recognition of relativizations - bound contract conditions and accepted content.

What do you know about Kerbala ?

Kerbal is the City of Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan. He is the owner of Kerbala.

The love he had from Murad Khani Kabul until the Story of Kerbala

not only Water was allowed to bring their relatives of Hussain

he turned blood the World into Water.

Muslimin and Musliman my sons Jousuf and Baobour and their Mother

are part of thies story and you do not give them back to me for money you do.

His fight against the enemy in the year 2003 was not to fight.

And tell me who is the wisest of you who bring water and turn the blood into water. The Story turned the world into black and you are rising the white fag !?  So blieve me thies is the truth. Songs is sung and wunder was done

and you still need love. And tell me who is the richest of you ?

My sons cry for food and sitting at the street as bettler their father have to

sleep outside and turned a continent into the first.

And even acide is given for us and the Kafir want to be our father and mother and we do not ask you in our mosque only for bread and tee

and you denied it for your Imam. And you educated to give the father thanks and educated his son as enemy to beat him in a challenge.

And believe me your challenge is not Water and bread

your challenge is my asna. And give me the prove that my family

is more worse than water and bread if you throw them like garbage.

I gave you the half of the world you made me as your part and your solution.

I thank you with the biggest and beautiful buildung of the World to be your friend. And you even holding back my family and property.

I made your future from the roof of the World with only one smile.

Do the same. If not give me my asna, my sons and their mother back to me their father and partner.

 And you are All e All Koran give me the different

between illegitimate children and legitimate  children.

You all muslimin want love and recognition and you came

to the paradise of the Unicorn and the Stones,

and do you got love? If than give my sons and the mother back.

My family is rabu all Koran and rabu all Iman.

I am in the third year of Raamasan and I do not make a difference

between rose sobe and sham. I follow my sons and my sons follow me

and I still not deteced them and can not see.

It is written do not marriage the buddism and I put down my head to the

feets of the people and give them respect because of culter and education.

If I rescue from the Kafir by respecting the buddhism and touch their feets

and you even do not allow them to enter the mosque I praied for you

what kind of muslims are you and in what do you believe ?

Are you slave of the Koran or are the Koran slave of you ?

Koran sur e al e Imran: I can prove that 1.7 - 1.8 billion muslimin

is holding the Koran as a slave. If not prove it.

And I called in the day of Al Ghadir to all of you, why do you not were present ? I bought my sons one is on my right side and one is on my left side and both are the same like me.

And if you are believers and in faith tell me who have saved you on thies day

with his live ?

I set 4 to 3.8 billion. And believe me I know what I do.

And the evidence is still their !

My sons are thrown out and the father also. The mother is allone, and

because she is fighting she is guilty.

So believe me we do not need you If we are death or alive.

November 18, 2024 ( 18:56 o'clock )

The G20 and G7 of Ahmad and Mahmood and Fauzia Zia are called to deliver my sons Jousuf Boabour and their mother Masooda to their father and partner Said Mansoor.

November 17, 2024 ( 13:54 o'clock )

Result: The FRG do not belong to Afghanistan and Afghanistan do not belong to the FRG!

The abuse from the year 1981 until today current war and conflict

with Basis Kabul Afghanistan must stop.

A new Era do not Exist

((E) interfer and mindset ) A new Era or The New Era can only begin with a Family that started

in 2011  in Europe and in Afghanistan.

(-We have a not accepted (E) at the G20 summit at Brasil done form the same origin place Yorckstr. 8 and than suddenly the E seen at our webside accepted - )

That is now destroyed again by Mahmood Ahmad and Fauzia Zia

interfer and destroyed Family and State

So a new Era is not seen because of no Family that now do not exist anymore. So a future is not seen anymore and will not exist.

It is very easy. No family no future. The destruction began

with Fauzia Zia and Barukzai in the 70's to 80's and

have a left of four. If not exist no result.

Family Zia can not accept have a Leader in their Family born

and do war with their Family to destroy and were kicked out from Afghanistan and do war in the 43 year now. Even Angel Maleka Kings and Kingdoms is attaked with all global constitution, even the Earth in danger

proved in the year 1984.

We have massiv interfer on the website cause of War War Crimes genocide done by the western world without contract without requeste and any signature. The German people students adults and even relatives and policy wants to change the reality they have done over babys children and students.

Der geistige Eigentum und körperliche Eigentum ist keine Spielwiese.

Wir haben einen Vertrag.

Ich habe mit dem Jahre 1981 begonne !

Das Ergeniss ist : ... !?

Sie sind bereit alles zu vernichten um dazu zugehören und verstehen noch immer nicht die Relität die sie erreicht haben.

Man sollte vieleicht die Fliegen beim Stuhlgang vorziehen.

November 17,  2024 ( 7:30 o'clock )

Why does the half of the humanity here 3.8 billion people not want to understand that Jousuf and Boabour are my sons and want a world war with us? The Vatican Makkah Iran Israel Afghanistan and Pakistan included.

( We have principles: Do not touch, do not talk, do not seen them in their eyes, do not order them even do not call them to get up from

their seat. For Royals it is forbiden. The souls can not accept it and will distroy you because they know themself and know where you get your prosperity and property from. )

November 16, 2024 ( 13:08 o'clock, ) We have called to Imam Haidary and we told him:

We will request for the destruction of Makkha and Madina

in Saudi Arabia and Kerbala will be ban.

Reason: Makkah ist entweiht durch Dajahl in Makkah und das Gebet mit ihm

zusammen und wird dauernd ein Arschloch präsentiert für Ihren Ficker

der in der Schützenstr. 100 in Lüneburg wohnt.

Und Mahdina is eine Grabstätte, Aber nicht das Imam Ali Moschee

meiner. Wo ihr nicht hindürft.

Order from the Imam of Jousuf and Boabour

Everyone who do not do thies order he must get a wood stock in his arshol and must be cuted his penis and must be put it in his mouth.

We do not belong to the Mafia of Mahmood Zia and Ahmad Zia and you will not get Money for thies act.

I call hereiwith in the Name of Jousuf and Boabour

and the Prophet Mohammad and his Kalif Ali to pee and shit in

in the center of Makkah the holy places and do not leave any place

without pee and shit free in Makkha.

Jousuf have given the order to shit in my holy Home and all have done it

in my holy place. I the Imam of Jousuf order his son Jousuf to order

to follow my order you refere to Boabour he have to follow your order.

It was my order and I wellcome it with thanks.

It was my pleasure to clean my son Boabour his shit from my holy Home.

If the Muslimin in Makkah do not follow your order than they do not belong to you Said Jousuf Muhammad Ali, they use you only

and see it will be proved.

If you order my to follow your order and even shit in the place you do

they will not. Even they will not touch it with their backside.

It is my order.

Antrag auf execution durch BRICS und SCO der folgenden Personen:

Joe Biden, Harris, Selenskjy, Ursula van der Leyen, Merkel, Tritin, Özdemir,

Steinmeier, Olaf Scholz, Netanjahu, Stern, Stein, all Arab Kurd Afghan

and Greec involved in Germany in the case in the western World.

Further Order to set Madina in fire.

Great Britain the King is called with order to the immediately fire on all

german and foreign citizins involved in thies case with all kind of weapons

if Police Soldire or Politician.

Alle shiiten werden hiermit in Berlin aufgerufen das Reichstagsgebäude hier das Bundestag in Berlin sofort in Brand zu setzen.

Das Gebäude ist mit meiner Hilfe und Reichstagsverhüllung wieder seiner Geschichte hergestellt. Auch die Wiedervereinigung beruht auf die aufgenommene Erklärung von mir Said Mansoor.

Als Dank wird der 3.Oktober in den Moscheen in der BRD gefeiert und wir müssen beraubt getrennt und missbraucht werden.

The Royalities have a constitutional set, do not touch do not speak and do not see them in their eyes to coercion them. So we began soon even in the year 2014 to start. In the years we also had the reaction from Bodrum Restaurant a worst case szenario of a big military attack we a have seen on Germany and now a consciosly by all foreign members since the year 2018 to 2020 to 21 the direct interfer over Dominus and Bodrum separation and hostange taking. The Blue shirt show and say you can make businesses but please in the frame of Law Rights and Rules.

 Result is world wide worst case szenario we try to combat and to solve.

Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. do not play a Game !

War Crimes and kill is not a Game !

The political interfer in Kabul Afghanistan we follow

and have no any ground we do not know for what.

Even Kabul Afghanistan their people are hungry and we have also no any private benifits ( we are in Germany four persons. I have all and the other three nothing. I have the juridical frame and constitution for. ) if further psychological interfer

of nonsens, we act for. We call for all people interfer to search a own family

We have a document or two, a Constitution International Law

Chapter 9 article 146 and 3,8 billion people search a possibility to get back in a juridical rightfull constitution.

And the option to do with the Dollar ( $ ) and the Euro ( € )

what we want, with only one light fire to burn the document

original at our Home Office.

November 13, 2024 ( 6:54 o'clock ) We have the evidence of the Proved interfer of the Interantional mafia and war even Terror with taken out the document we have presented on our website and called as a game. ( to interfer on a PC or laptop a W-Land and the IP address is necessary, the easy way for. Or the interfer have his origin by Macontosch, Windows Microsoft, IBM, Basic and Fortran, with seat in Californien , we have still detected and announced on the international Level representative on th first floor and the Leuphana University Lüneburg )

Constitutional Representative Website of Kabul Murad Khani Home Office for Eurasia


بسم الله الر حمن الرحیم

November 3, 2024 ( 11:24 o'clock )

The Afghan Islamic community with centrum 

Belal Mosque Hambug Wandsbek is hereby excluded

from Islam. Thies concerse all the Hamburg Islam community.

Reason: Kufre all Kufur na all haqe ull All-Bayt ke all,

all e uwa hi ke u Imam ke Imame i.

Imame i Imam ua u Imam.

Faqir hu al masged hu ke faqir masged hu

na all haq ke haq all din ke masged hu na all haq.

Qalbe an ayade hu ke manselhu a u Jamua a i Jamua

ke abe ie hu ke zaman i a u zaman a i zaman

Qalbe an fusehu athnan ke  manselhu a Imam

ke abe ie hu ke zaman i a u zaman a i zaman.

Ua Imam a maleka ke maleka a un Imam.

Kul e hu all kul ke all kul qalame hu all qaras a samine hu

ke dar a darwasa barf na haya.

Na Koran hu na ilme hu ua na kul hamre hu.

Dauat hu all Islam ua suban hu all kufur.

Ua all maleka na all yak na all du na all thee na all char

sabar ke panj maleka ke sabar ke barf na all barf.

Ua Shadad hu ke maleka ke i zaman ke i zaman

ke i pesare hu.

Ua kafirin ua kafiran na all Imam ua na all iman.

Ua shukru hu all Maleka a darajaht ke gunae u

a u guna, na i guna.

U sabre u ke test all kaferin ua all kafiran all rasta ua all noor

ke dalil hu khe dalil ?

Ua dalil hu na all haq ua na all din.

Ua subane hu shukur na haya !

Ke kaferun al chabis ua chajen ua jhasus.

Ua shukur u, - all ilme jhasus.

Ua haq u ke suad ua ilme u ahsan: dar me hasna !

Ihr schönen glücklichen Menschen mit viel Essen und viele Sachen

trennt meine Familie verbietet den Kindern den Vater zu sehen

und umgekert und eure Gerichte dienen euren Göttern

wieso sollten wir nicht Angst vor euch haben und euch nicht verachten ?

November 3, 2024

Official statement of Said Mansoor Mohmmad Ali Khan:

The children Jousuf and Boabour have been taken the testimony of being God and their father of being God, who is said have created the earth, humanity, the universe and much more on earth.

We see the neighbor on the ground floor as well as in Lüneburg and Germany the Austos ( cares ) change to the color white and let themselves be

of Greece. The President of the Federal Republic of Germany

is in Greece specifically for the educated sons to have given the testimony in the school and the population to be God

and to explain the culture of the FRG inhabited by gods.The father has publicly appealed several times

in Isam as well as in Abrahm, man is to be seen as God forbidden.

We hereby declare that the FRG is in a state of war against humanity as a whole and is reality since at least the year 2000.

The Vatican and the Pope is hereby called for the immediate exclusion of the German population with a population of at least 110

Millions of people and is demanded herewith urgent action at all levels.

November 2, 2024 ( 17:03 o'clock )

Lüneburg is hereby declared the most dangerous city of mankind

Official declaration the city of Lüneburg comparable to Irish conditions before the agreement with England.

The HaLo, the city of Lüneburg, has the UNSC as tool the family and state of Afghanistan as a solution to international problems the UNSC is involved in Lüneburg and Germany.

The collaps of the UNSC must be avoided because the FRG have

a refer to the Charter of the United Nations as International Law.

The BRICS, SCO and the Eurasian Economic Union are adviced

to take the Charter of the United Nations as groud Constitution

for the International Law.

And is also soon implemented.

The western World and the European Union are not

in the frame of the International Law. By the Collaps

of the UNSC we see and detected only by Russia is constitutional conform


Die Art der Geiselnahme und Missbrauh der Familie Said Mansoor ist mit Smargten und Rubenen zu bewerten.

So etwas kann man nur mit einem Weltkrieg beenden.

Germany and the west by misuse the Home Office to clean

themself and give the guilty to the wife and sons

are on 1 meter at the first floor.

The sons and the mother is cut everything money

water electricity and heating

even they have to sleep at the VHS ground floor

to take their testimony they are guilt for everything

and 85 milion population laugh.

Sie haben das Geld dem Vater gekürzt weil die Kinder nicht

bei dem Vater wohnen und der Mutter seit dem März nicht zukommen lassen.

Und das Geld ist der Verfassung des Murad Khani Kabul sein

eigenes, - hier das Euro ( € )

Und die Vermieter wollen das Bundesfinanzministerium haben seit der neuen Regierung !?

Sie haben mein Sohn heute wieder missbraucht und getäuscht

über das Erdgeschoss und 1.  Geschoss Yorckstr. 8

sich die Taschen mit Geld voll gemacht um zu taken und loszufahren.

Die BRD ist nach zwei Weltkriegen noch immer nicht satt.

Juridical and constitutional Secretariat of the Home Office

Murad Khani Kabul

Saragossa Kingdom of Spain

Perform and keeping by Leonor of Spain Head of State

We have still the challenge form the University and the FRG

from the first floor with war genocide not only in Afghanistan

Palestine and whole islam World.

The commet to have fighted with them is : respect .

October 31, 2024 ( 4:50 o'clock )

We do not have any relationship with the Arab World we will attack with all kind of Military Forces every Arab Nation if Algerien or otra Arab paises. We have no any Contract with you and we do not want !

The Kingdome of Spain is not Afghanistan and also not Asia !

We give herewith the last warining !

We will  now act very very fast by the next seen act !

All forces of BRICS, SCO and the Eurasian Economic Union is requested and ordered for preparation of the immediately military force against the Arab World.

We order herewith China the immediately take over of I-Mac

represented by Algeria and Naser Arab Word of derecha representative in Germany City Lüneburg.

Murad Khani Kabul do not have any Contract with Algeria or Arab World.

China is a natural Asia contracted relationship existing

and Juridical Member.

We have the direct cooperation of women with fuckers

to attack guys and men and even boys. Also many representatives to do with them the same

to women is done to have revange they were deflowered.

The naturel problem is men and boys have no any vagina and how

they called and is necessary to be virgin ?

The western World specially Germany educating from the begin

of the Kindergarten to see the arshol as vagina.

It is not possible to get from the arshol a baby or have the

 Arnord Schwarzenegger case.

( comment origin Said Mansoor: ...they do not want to give up )

The Imam Zaman call from the FRG and its allies his sons and mother.

 We believe enough is enough !


The Home Office hereby officially declares itself to be the Basis as it was postered by the government and the FRG in the election campaign

as the only official legal and constitutional Basis for the FRG and the European Union.

The European Union and its European currency is another time asked to give up his seat and his constitution

thus by two decisions and one announcing and cancelled the Contract with Said Mansoor to leave his seat.

Reason: Said Mansoor Constitution of The ECB took offcially the responsibilty of Eurasia

and announced the Bank Russii, Bank of China and the

India Bank as new World Bank ' s.

October 18, 2024 ( 18:00 o'clock ) correction and cleared external modification, - and according to the current policy

We have a still laugh and kill and robe since at least 1981 we see and have detected from Germany and still go on like a game.

Diese Realität wird vom 1. Stockwerk bestätigt mit seit monaten bedienenden Lichtschalter die im Auftrag der BRD

Regierung und Universitäten Geisteswissenschaft und Wirtschaftspsychology vom Home Office protocolieren

und für den Krieg einsetzen.

Diese Realtät wird von allen Kooperierenden Königshauser in der EU


October 19, 2024 ( 6:19 o'clock )

The Private Website of Murad Khani Kabul Home Office is herewith set on a complet realty and facts belong. We have all out of 4 to 85 million

in germany and will  not change.

Reason:  The interfer of Family Zia is seen at the postbox and all  letters

and documents stolen must be from the Hamburg Zia,

USA, Germany Barukzai and allies constitution with the

juridical right over the mother and the sons to declare

genocide and war in Afghanistan as justified

and make the mother as Frau schuld and father schuld and sons schuld

we have seen at violation rape and assassination attempt to all

4 family members.

About the University City and the Leuphana University in Lüneburg.

The Home Office have a interfer form the University of Lüneburg permanently on the Website in the Home Office and all international relationships of Murad Khani Kabul began at least from the year 2017 permanenty and cause  assassination war and destruction to know al better

than Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan. We have connected the BND Bundesnachrichtendienst over Telecom German Security Service but no reaction and no will to prevent war and genocide we have seen because of the past war and interfer of Germany world wide for war.

Both sons Jousuf and Boabour and their mother is permanently used to wash Germany

blood from the past 43 years of war world wide done through the constitution of Said Mansoor pecially in Afghanistan and Palestine.

The war in Ukraine is koordinated war over the interfer in the Webside of Murad Khani Kabul

Home Office and all possible interfer over 1und1 Webmailer and the Website IONOS

and permanently psychological war from the Family Said Mansoor and clocked dicisioned for the War in Ukraine and Palestine

and Afghanistan we still have ongoing and the war will continue.

The know the reality of clocked interfer in the Family and the UNSC, ICC, ICJ and many

international Institutions like SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union

react permanently.

The Home Office have a constitutional set of 1 + 2 and 10 Secretary permantly

on the high level Constitution to detect what Ahmad and his 3.8 billion connection do.

Pakistan work from Lüneburg with India constitution and a India Restaurant do not exist Pakistan is a permanent tool of the German war in Afghanistan and international Arena for

Ahmad and Mohmood they are not accepted in India

because they made many assassination attempted in India against Said Mansoor as their Problem.

The initiation of a world war over the district court of Lüenburg Ms. Campowsky and  the legal conformity of the United Nations a war against Iraq and Islam World. Case number:

21 XIV 3690 L ( August 1, 2002 )

The walk to the psychiatry was predictable and awaited from the police at Lehmkuhlsgehege 37 Barendorf.

Reason: Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali has a mindset with 1 ( one )

                                                               Aktenzeichen zur Einleitung eines Weltkrieges über das Amtsgericht Lüenburg

Frau Campowsky und dem Beschuss und die Rechtskonformität der United Nations einen Krieg gegen den Irak und

Islamische Welt einzuleiten. Aktenzeichen: 21 XIV 3690 L ( 1. August 2002 )

Der Gang in den Irrenanstalt Psychiatry war Vorhersehbar und auf die Polizei abgewartet in der Lehmkuhlsgehege 37 Barendorf.

Grund: Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali hat über die Belal Moschee Hamburg einen

 mindset mit 1 ( one ) angesetzt.

Es ist ganz klar, dass hier die Frage der Existezrechtes nachvollziehbar ist.

It is quite clear that the question of the right to exist is understandable here.

Murad Khani Kabul do not share any global governance or global government

gobal economy or global financial systems

For us it is Haram.

We do not want controll the World.

But 3.8 billion population want to belong to somewhere

but not to us . Juridical not possible.

The Home Office have since the year 2018 opening hours for appointment ( termin ).

Not the EU, FRG, NATO, or any Arab or Muslimin and even not relatives has come

to make a contract or call for any solution of any problems or finance matter

from our Banks like we have to present juridical and constitutional

for Asia.


is herewith represented


Ukraine has a technological achievement that is in every plane is included. It's the Transponda. The war of the durani / barukzai / akbari

Odesa technology is based on the right to be entitled to everything. Thus, Russia does not lead a war because of the Tranponada

of which it has no idea at all, but about its ethnic population and affiliation.

Thus, NATO, EU, Ukraine and Germany are guilty of genocide and war crimes

guilty. ( And not the woman's guilty / Frau ist Schuld !? )

Time set : ( Portugal ) september 27, 2024

We do not accept any excuse or politics. We have a plan, and the requested declaration the capitulation.

We have for thies case a Application at the International Court of Justice in The Hague Application number: 29836347531354205.

Murad Khani Said Mansoor: 0 / 1 / 4

We have also Claims and claims of reparation.

Minimum request on Europe and the USA in the case of Afghanistan. And the universality of this case: return of all cultural goods

which belong to Africa and Asia, especially the period from the year 2001, immediately begin in one hour from the time 17:15 European time zone.

The Pope and the Kardinals is requested one more time

to hand over the vatican to the orthodox church.

Kabul Murad Khani declar for Afghanistan immediately the neutrality in the west east conflict over Money.

Further we Murad Khani Kabul declare for both currencys Dollar ( $ ) and Euro ( € ) have done what is necessary

to clarify the constitution and conditions we have about and the possible support for.

In Asia and Africa we have natural consitutions and natural worth of products and woth of currencys.

Also we have by Right Law and Rules the difference between privat and public matters.

In Article 51 of the UN-Charter we have both. But it is not written about Money.

Home Office Murad Khani Kabul

Kabul declare we do not have any war in Asia and Africa

All mindset constitution and economic ground

for a future is set by the realty and will be continue.

The sexuell activities for to take the soul from the first foor

on the constitution of the sons is contitue.

Both persons deniy to know anything or to understand anything

we have a permanet correction daily to have done all things

better by mentaly examine and science of so called proband

representative of Murad Khani Kabul.

We have to think the increase of anomaly by thrying to change the history.

Officially opening of the criminal Case from the year 1978

in Kabul Karte thee

Juridical Ground: The child is illegatim and cause since the year at least

1978 problems. The mindeset of 45 years is incomprehensible.

(  - We have serious detected permanently modificants and stolen

Archive ! We have a officially contract with 1 und 1 und IONOS. )

Kabul / Afghanistan

Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor

send his highest diplomat Mir Agha e Soumma

to the conference in Bonn year 2002

I Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan

can not detect any signature at any document

for have allowed 50 states interfer
or declared 50 states as part of the constitution
of Afghanistan or Kabul or have any juridical or economical even political

contract or declared relationship for exploitation

of Afghanistan

 بسم الله الر حمن الرحیم

Dear ladys and gentleman only I Said Msnoor M. A.  as owner of the

constitution and origin belong name Rauahnone

have the right over thies website.

The interfer cause missunderstanding collapses and war and destruction.

I have the right to do what I want  to do on my own website.

By interfer I have the right for the request of a

military attack and operation.

All Military activities and operation is herewith declared from Rauahnone

in the frame of my own representative constitution

of the International Law, BRICS, SCO and Eurasian Economic Union as

100 % juridical conform !

The world and humanity do not like the Germans and do not want

to have anything to do with them. This is 100% reality.

Murad Khani Kabul has brought for the FRG since 1981 and over 

the Willhelm Rabe School in Lünburg the dollars for his World War Army

and genocide against Palestine

Private Website

Mir Mohammad Ali Khan

of the Constitution of Murad Khani

Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali

Kabul has given the Arab world the Burgje al Kalifa

and the friendship was the abuse of the sons and the mother.

Thies is not accaptable !

The FRG is in a religious war!

( September 8, 2024 , 20:25 o'clock )

Murad Khani Kabul have a historical juridical evidence

we have even represented on our Webside

Home Office Juridical Basis for the east west conflict in cooperation with Spain and Türkiye his representative in Türkler

We ask Israel and Germany the USA to

finish the show we have no challenge

with you who has the last word with his relativization. 

Please put an end to your brainshit.

The world is in the abyss and it has been going all over the world since the year 2000.

You making blood from water since the year 2000!

We have called at 13:14 the Police and the police called back with

number: 83065200 Germany,  USA and Israel  made the Problem 

in cooperation with Mahmood Zia und his Family and Barukzai please solve it !

My sons was and is going in Hasenburger School and was teached them

his father have stolen a lot of things in Germany and made a lot of crimes.

Also Oedeme like Wilhem Rabe Schule teached my sons their father is a criminal.

And the parents should leave the church in el pueblo.

Home Office  Jousuf Boabour and their Mother


- Masooda is with the United Nations awarded as mother of her sons  and officially and internationally recognized.

September 21, 2024 ( 7:38 o'clock )

We have a clear separation along the authoritys like the model from

 Mir Mohammad Ali Khan. This particularly effects Afghanistan
( Bestätigung 12:00 Uht August 8, 2024: Es besteht die Verfassungsrechtliche Zugriff of das Home Office als Rechtsgrundlage

für internationale Politik und Rechtsansprüche seit mindestens offiziel dem Jahre 2018 und ist ab dem Jahre 2022

als Bindung erkannt und wird politisch vollzogen obwohl die Erklärung Afghanische Staatsbüger zu sein vollzogen wurde )

Establishment of written contact with the Federal Republic of Germany and NATO

If an adoption has taken place we will request the extermination of the people.

Bad ke sat !

Opening of the Reality: Begin of the War of Mahmood Zia and Ahmad Zia against

Thies website is designed in accordance with the right to express one's own opinion and serves to shed light on existing prejudices

above the person presenting here. It only pursues its own representative constitution and serves to clarify its circumstances.

Thies website is not designed to declare war or attack, but rather to defend ourselves.

The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul does not represent the Constitution of the International Court of Justice or

the International Criminal Court. Nor does it represent the Constitution of the United Nations.

 The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul is bound to Documents, Certificates and Contracts.

Una sito web de la cultura Afghano y su responsabilidad a su pais

Eine Website der Afghan Kultur und seine Verantwortung für sein Land

The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul is not a moral authority.

(The idea and understanding of morality is educated and


So there is no moral justification for war.

The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby declares its sovereignty and integrity, which has existed since 1981.

 Any violation of these rights, enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, triggers an official declaration

of war and warfare. This is especially true

in the case of espionage and disregard of data protection regulations, which also includes the privacy.

Said Mansoor declare the responsibility for Afghanistan.

We will also requets to the International Court in the Hague

in Netherlands in the case of property.

Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan i uphold still

ths constitution of  Afghanistan and accept the Constitutional

exist on the Country and the Afghan Aviation representetd by Murad Khani Kabul

representative Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohmmad Ali Khan

Health: Good clean clothing and higyene from head to feet.

Afghanistan is not part of Saudi Arabia and is not allowed for the Arab World to interfer.

 Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan ibn Jahfar call officially the Hanafi

in Afghanistan immediately for the Afghan Unity and to uphold

the constitution of Afghanistan Chapter 9 Article 146.

We advice no contact with Germany and Europe

Ahmad and Mahmood are still at War. The constitution can not be changed.

A historical change in Afghanistan is after 45 years not done.

( Hinrichtung der Familie Sardar Mohammad Daoud Khan durch

(Said) Mahmood Zia in Zusammnarbeit der Akbari ist

somit 100 % bewiesen ! )

The Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul

think that Mahmood Zia has executed hundred thousand

of government members in Afghanistan and from Afghanistan world wide

sind the year 2021.

Die Begründung des Vernichtungsfeldzuges gegen jede Regierung

in Afghanistan und gegenüber der Frau und Mutter der Söhne des Said Mansoor,

sie alle gehörchen Mahmood Zia nicht.

All Afghan People know they were in the same boot of Noor ( the Prophet Noha p.b.u.h. ) build with the wood Arche

 and the word Afghan is a Pashtun word.

( The Nuristani People do not believe in Islam since 100 year, like the Barukzai Akbari told to the Murad Khani Representative, because they used them as Hanafis a very long time, and not since 1402 year, but they know the human and the history they come from is older than the

Prophet Mohammad ( p.b.u.h. ). The Afghan People all live over 2000 meter over the see level and when say Toba ( Allah forgive )

then they mean a big thing has happen with a big disaster like a volkan eruption.

شاهزد فهرافغانستان

کلیت افغانستان در تاریخ، مذهب، فرهنگ و حقیقت  شناختن

The International Security of Kingdoms made notice to the W- house ( We are not in Afghanistan, we are in Germany and the Family is belong to Afghanistan / Asia not to Germany ! ) The Center of NATO,EU,USA,Israel, FRG and the Vatican was through the children with laugh over the streets not accepted. Request to the International Security Adviser to arrest all Head of States and Ministers attended at the Summit on Peace in Ukraine cause of crimes and corruption.

A.A.B. I Afghan Afghanistan Bank I Central Bank of Afghanistan

( Officially of the  First Representative of the Afghan Trust Fund of the Central Bank of Afghanistan Dr. Shah Mohammad Mehrabi and Anwar Ul Haq Ahadi  )

Vocal for Local since the year 2018, general knowledge.

Adults from the age 70 excluded.

After the announcement of Vocal for Local and the G 20 Summit

2023 in Bharat and the recovering of Constitutions Contracts and International Courts

Officially State Representation of Afghanistan since

the year 2018

Home Office of the Throne of Murad Khani

Author and representative of Chapter 9, Article 146 ( state of emergency ), Chapter 2, Article 41 ( land ownership ), Chapter 1, Article  9 ( property of the state )

The Home Office gives herewith himselv the clear conformity in the fram of Law

Rights and Rules and his representative work on his website

Content of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

The Throne of Murad Khani have no change in his Constitution since 1978

The constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (current reference Chapter 9, Article 146) applies. Currently here in German. Murad Khani Kabul accept the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
Rauahnone is the Representative of the High Court of the Space and Airspace in the System of the First Star near the Earth
The Earth and the Nature can be without the human but  the human can not be without the Earth and the Nature

Thies website is designed in accordance with the right to express one's own opinion and serves to shed light on existing prejudices

above the person presenting here. It only pursues its own representative constitution and serves to clarify its circumstances.

Thies website is not designed to declare war or attack, but rather to defend ourselves.


We ask the city of Lüneburg to finally separate the man (your man) from the family, sons and mother. The city married a criminal with the mother with two sons ( not allowed ! )

and than they talk also about her husband.

Jurisdiction: Federal Republic of Germany. Sworn in to the Bible Lüneburg District Court 1990. Beginning of chess in 1991 in Mexico. The morality around the pink chess game. Checkmate from Afghanistan Kabul, Throne of Murad Khani.

On the 4th - 6th December 2019 the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court announce the message for Afghanistan: the national justice system was legitimate.

The International Criminal Court in The Hague announce thereby the message : Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan, First Representative of the Throne of Murad Khani who legitimated the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, your  Excellency and his Institution Rauahnone is legitimate.

Relativization of the problem of restoring the dignity of women in the predominantly Western Christian world, which has been available at the Federal Constitutional Court of the Federal Republic of Germany since 2005 ( - information on this will follow ! ) Proposal for a solution to the war between the Hanafis ( Sunnis ) and the Ahl-Bayt family ( Shiites ) and thus between the Taliban and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Evidence for the unilateral partisanship of the Federal Republic of Germany for war, war crimes, genocide and conflicts Document on threat of 12/24/2020 lifted and declared void. Public letter from the representative of Ahl-Bayt Afghanistan, the Rauahnone Institute, to the members of the Association of Afghan Muslims Belal e. V., in Hamburg Invalidated and removed reference to Fall of Man. Providing international community diplomatic relations with the Taliban Request on behalf of the Afghan people and the international community to Pakistan Invalidated and removed reference to initiation of war in Afghanistan. Document: State Social Court of Lower Saxony-Bremen of the FRG on the existing constitution of Ahl-Bayt Afghanistan and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Martial law reference to document dated 03/21/2022 annulled and removed. Update on the collapse of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Proclamation of Suspension of Judges and Jurisdictions in the Western World. Thank you Türkiye. Thank you East Roman Empire. Amazing. Removed reference to war of any kind. Removed reference to raising children. The document dated July 23, 2022 to the place of jurisdiction in Lüneburg does not represent an obstacle to justify a moral act. Islamic Emirate or Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, national and international Recognition . Justification of the moral authority of the Federal Republic of Germany 43 years of psychological warfare and religious warfare not only in Afghanistan. Abusing the identity and not recognizing the identity by decree. Confirmation: Dr. Ashraf Ghani President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on December 24, 2019 and also in a state of emergency since August 15, 2021. The violation of the integrity and sovereignty of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan by Lüneburg, Germany, and the Christian-Jewish world in the West is documented. Lüneburg was the first to receive the contract of February 18, 2020 between the parties Masooda Zia and Rauahnone. The winner of the election was also announced on February 18, 2020. On March 8th, 2020, the contract was first sent to the Arg and President Ashraf Ghani. Confirmation: (After a phone call with the Celle Higher Regional Court on September 15th, 2022 at around 12:00 p.m. Ms. Hitzig 05141 / 206 466, AND and IST included), the Federal Republic of Germany has not been at war for more than 43 years in accordance with the constitutional basis of the Zia family, the Mahmood Zia family only in Afghanistan. A name that fundamentally has no origin in any register in the world. It can't be because the throne of Murad Khani loved her daughters who wouldn't even give birth to a king; and now Germany, the USA and Israel are not only trying to abuse the heirs to the throne, but have also deliberately declared the wife of the throne to be common property and whore. It deliberately contributes to the destruction of families, states and religions in the name of science. World War III? This is the third time Germany has reached for God and the stars in a community in the name of justice and the goddess Justice. 80 - 200 million people try to control 8 billion people in the name of the faith, especially in the name of the Vatican. Why? They bought people, faith and culture through industrialization and money. ( Evidence: see public poster ) The throne of Murad Khani hereby officially calls on the Federal Republic of Germany, the European Union and NATO to end the existing game for the sovereignty and integrity of other countries, religions and cultures. Official statement on the place of jurisdiction Lüneburg, Federal Republic of Germany The memorandum of 28.11.2022 13:00 o'clock for protocol on 01.12.2022 submitted to the place of jurisdiction Lüneburg. The Chancellery, the Federal President and the Vatican live for the 2nd time in a closed session in the courtroom. The memorandum with the representation of the Federal Republic of Germany, represented by a woman, confirmed several times by the Vatican and the Pope. - Hamid Karzai, announcement of the former president and official representative of the Arg presidential palace on the Afghanistan procedure Procedure: 0 / 1 / 4. Current case on the case: 32 F 131/22 EASO ( trial 01.12.2022 takes place ) and main hearing before... ( The question: If my state is not allowed to exist, why is your state allowed to exist? ) Because we have to serve as hostages! The Answer of The big Question: Why? ( Publication year 01.01.2023, 11 o ' clock ) : Envy! ( listen to george michael star people ) Application to the International Criminal Court Official Declaration to the United Nations. It is hereby announced as the first step the proposal the withdrawal of Afghanistan ( from August 15, 2021 known as Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ) from The United Nations. Official declaration of the suggestion to leave the United Nations. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Afghanistan and his Home Office will stay at his Constitution. Application to bring the Nazi regime of the Federal Republic of Germany to the International Criminal Court Tribunal in The Hague. ICC-Application number: 29836347531354205. Problem of Afghanistan his Application to the International Criminal Court in The Hague and the regocnition of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. No kidding! Lower Saxony officially in a state of war. Although Lower Saxony officially belongs contractually to the English crown, not only as a property owner, Lower Saxony is in a state of war to defend its stolen goods. Apart from the Federal Republic of Germany. ( Image : District Administrator Lüneburg, CDU, Nds., Auf dem Michaeliskloster, enquiry obtained on 27.02.2023 around 12:00 o'clock at District Administrator Jens Böther ) India as ONE. India G20 Summit and no joint communique after G20 meeting mean no one likes the Vatican and the Pope, Globalsim failed and it is mean Multilateralism works. Religious war or religious war of Christians especially the CDU in cooperation with the Vatican and the Pope with above all Friedrich Merz Patei chairman of the CDU and the proclamation of the Leitkultur as the victim at the Federal Environment Conference 2000 in Suderburg where it was about the billions of tons of excrement as a problem to cope with and the dixi toilet on the grounds of the university should start and no role model was found. ( The pictures in front of Rauahnone's home office show proof that German Christians have been engaged in an international religious war since at least 2000 ). The book: The Small World. An academic Romance by David Lodge for politicians, professors, doctors and engineers is probably the right recommendation. The state security makes a summons for the Throne Holder Said Mansoor M. A. as a witness. Why? Answer: President of the Federal Republic of Germany Mr. Horst Köhler: To exploit Afghanistan ( year 2001 ) economically! The sovereignty and integrity of the representatives in Germany for Afghanistan are not respected. United Nations. International Criminal Court. Western academics such as Doctors, Engineers and Professors first ridicule the United Nations with at least 4.18 billion people not on the side of Ukraine. Then Western academics, especially to be assumed from Berlin, Munich and Zurich ensure that an arrest warrant is issued against the President of the Russian Federation, President Putin. (Annex: International law) The Throne of Murad Khani hereby officially ask the gutter for his children. The Federal Republic of Germany and its allies are not allowed to isolate the children of the Throne, to use them for war, genocide, war psychology and economic psychology and to abuse them psychologically on the basis of language. Children are not of age and cannot assume the responsibilities of a State or a Throne. Responsibility of the jurisdiction Lüneburg towards the Eurasian Union ( Eurasia ), towards Afghanistan ( I.R.A. ), towards the International Criminal Court ( ICC ), towards the United Nations and the East-West conflict. Public announcement: Court hearing on 28.04.2023 at 11 a.m. on the Constitution of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Afghanistan and its International Obligations as Representative of Afghanistan, the United Nations, International Law, Care on a healthy planet Earth and Human Rights. Appendix: ( Current scientific work of the FRG on the Throne of Murad Khani). Public announcement: Rauahnone Eurasian Institute for the recognition of relativizations hereby confirms that, on the basis of the published facts and the court hearing on 28.04.2023 in the jurisdiction of Lüneburg, the European Union and NATO are in a state of war starting from the Federal Republic of Germany for which there is no solution. The dissolution of the European Union, as it was initiated, is not accepted, nor is the extension of the legal framework to the Eurasian level possible for the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union due to the facts regarding the state of war. Public Announcement: In view of of the parasiticallyteri reality, medical and scientific cooperation at all levels between the western world and the eastern world inklusive Africa is to end with immediate effect. Citation E. Macron France: The World is at war ! France and the Federal Republic of Germany are both together founder and architects of the European Union. Both Countries knows to play the global Game to the West to the East and to the South . So they share the Secutity-System of Europe. And Europe knows to have his Security-System through Europe over the World. The Question now is who is at World War and who is the World ? Rauahnone, The Eurasian Institute for the recognition of relativizations makes hereby the suggestion to give the command to withdrawal all Russian Troops and Military Units from the War Zone. Russia should give the command of new orientation and new formation. Ukraine is no any matter at all for the West . Case 49 F 22/23. Release of the court hearing from April 28, 2023 at Amtsgericht Lüneburg ( Federal Republic of Germany ), place of the jurisdiction of Germany ( FRG ). The jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice in the Federal Republic of Germany. Publication of the bankruptcy proceedings Case: 2212-227-EMSMZ-002 of Rauahnone, Eurasian Institute for the recognition of relativizations his President and Throne Holder Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan. The failed takeover through the Hanafi the Federal Republic of Germany the United States of America and Israel, the failed introduction of the takeover of the Throne of Murad Khani and the War for. Case: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul. 49 F 22/23 EASO. Complaint. ( Rauahnone , Eurasian Institute announce hereby it was conscious and intended that the juristdiction Lüneburg present himself official constititional as the International Criminal Court and International Court of Justice.) The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul calls in the Name of the United Nations and the United Nations Security Council to all western World specially to Israel, United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany who have created and produced the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan without Law, Rights and any Constitution to capitulate in the face of the United Nations, the Charter of the United Nations, International Law, Human Rights and the Care on a healthy planet Earth. The East West conflict in the Ukraine War will escalate and noone can control it because the war is going religios and is already lost by the western World here the European Union the Nato and Ukraine ! Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul and Rauahnone, Eurasian Institute for the recognition of relativizations are ready to recognize the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan immediately. The Problem is that the white Flag is philosophical, legal and historical a wrong Flag. If the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is built specially for Afghans and the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul constitutionally, the black red green Flag of Afghanistan need to be restored. Declaration: To the United States of America, Federal Republic of Germany, the Nato, the European Union and Israel. Case: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul. 49 F 22/23 EASO. Complaint. ( Rauahnone , Eurasian Institute announce hereby it was conscious and intended that the juristdiction Lüneburg present himself official constititional as the International Criminal Court and International Court of Justice. ) Public announcement: THE MODERN SLAVERY. The asylum policy of the Federal Republic of Germany, the European Union, the USA and their legislation is the special way of making the world and humanity gentle and manageable, religiously and psychologically, via the Pope and the Vatican, to legally justify economic exploitation and war. Thies is the modern slavery since at least the World War II if people from other countries go to Germany ( FRG ) , Europe or USA because of their political and economic relationships. Public announcement: After the Throne Holder Said Mansoor M. A. was thrown out of the Hagen outdoor pool in Lüneburg on June 5th, 2023 at around 7:30 in the evening, the Throne Holder would like to have Hasibullah Akbari ( Akrami ), his Ukrainian children Marie and Tymor, his Green Party and the dead Ströbele, Germany, USA, Israel, his Hanafi and his mafia party like to show respect to the city of Lüneburg as their home and its mafia capital of the world. (Ladies and gentlemen, I have to survive somehow in the land of the mafia and the Nazis). Public announcement: After a phone call Case 17 UF 101/23 ( 49 F 22/23 ) with the Higher Regional Court of Celle on June 7th, 2023 at around 10:40 a.m. Ms. Trutnau, Germany, it became clear to the Federal Republic of Germany and its allies such as NATO that they are legally fighting a world war against themselves ! And in fact against the Crown of England the Great Britain ! Confirmation of the War by the Higher Regional Court of Celle ( Federal Republic of Germany ) Public Announcement: The mental and spiritual education of a European child does not come close to the education and pride of an Afghan street youth who serve for his family. Not only the people from Afghanistan but even the dogs are deliberately deported to serve as an investment in accordance with modern slavery, with the best example the Federal Republic of Germany. Public Announcement: After many looted books as a result of the Crusades were accessible to many noble houses from the year 1095, spies were sent to the Islamic world to investigate what was going on in the palaces and the women that the caliphs had in their harem (haram). The rooms of the ! contracting parties ! where the caliph's wives were inaccessible to strangers and considered haram, the spies drew fantasies to present an idea of ​​polygamy here to the noble houses. Polygamy is still considered as a status with false ideas. ( Source: Mohammad Bourahlla, Algeria ) Public Announcement: It is hereby announced that the leader of the Kafirites and Hanafis Masooda Abdulla Khan ( Zia ) locked my son Boabour in her apartment on his Birthday 07/25/2023 to celebrate his birthday without the invited father. Public Announcement date August 17, 2023: Exclusion and ban for both sons the german language immediately. Publication: After we published our scientific legal principle on multilateralism and a multipolar world order on August 21, 2023 at around 3 p.m. 1 NATO fighter jet flew over Lüneburg Germany. It has been the clear confirmation on which basis the Western world in cooperation with the Hanafi and Azimi declares its justification for war without respecting the legal principle of proportionality. BRICS 2023 South Africa Representative of the International Constitution Present constitutionally the BRICS. Declaration of War from the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul his Throne Holder ( Gul - e - Shahzada - i ) February 24, 2022 with the complete destruction ( Sultan ). - Relativization of the beginning of the Man to start to care for his Children as a Kurd - Public Announcement: Dear Excellencies We hereby declare the Harms family and its Harms Bakery based in Lüneburg are hereby declared main participants in Lüneburg in international war and terrorism at international level with their legal representation the Am Sande Chancellery in Lüneburg for Germany (FRG) and Europe and many other constitutions for any declaration of war at international level since at least 1981. The evidence is well known to all European royal houses. Contribution to G20-Summit 2023 in India The masty of The G2o -Summit 2023 in India into the G21-Summit 2023 in India Announcement: The Prove to have requested for the Citizenship of the Russian Federation. Main Requirement for any Citizenship is to live in the country you will request for Citizenship and know the language. September 18, 2023. Announcement of the Central Bank of Afghanistan his Constitution Publication: Contact to the Secretary General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres Publication: Futher information to have contacted the Secretary General Antonio Guterres September 21, 2023 Publication: The need of a declaration from the UNSC to a natural Representative Constitution of a Person and his question Public Announcement: September 21, 2023. In the Lüneburg spa park, dogs are consciously given the highest level threat by their owners not to show the real behavior through incorrectness. Public announcement from the Home Office of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul: It is hereby announced to all Kurds and Turks as well as all other foreign citizens in Germany, especially in Lüneburg, that no harassment, insults or humiliation of their daughters, women, men and children have taken place since at least 1989 has. There was also no interference in internal family affairs. The question that arises is: What authorization, permission or ruling do Kurds and Turks and many other foreign citizens such as Pakistanis have over the relationships of the Throne Holder and children ? September 30, 2023. Take back of the request from the date September 30, 2023. October 1, 2023. Public Announcement: In the Name of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul and his Representative the Case: Ukraine v. Russian Federation at the International Court of Justice from the date September 18th to 27th, 2023 is requested at 6:03 p.m officially and at 6:10 p.m and 6:49 p.m with spelling correction to be continue from the view of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul his Representative . Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul does not represent the Constitution of the International Court of Justice or the International Criminal Court. Nor does it represent the Constitution of the United Nations. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul is bound to Documents, Certificates and Contracts. October 2, 2023. Officially request to the United Nations Security Council for Resolution in the Case Afghanistan. October 3, 2023. Announcement: Why does a Throne Holder in one of the richest countries in Europe have to sacrifice his blood and life so that his sons can share in a buffet ? And why does he have to go to the mosque to offer them a real meal ? A mosque that has made more money with the constitution of him and his children than the meal is worth. October 4, 2023. In accordance with the technological achievements in technology that exist in humanities clinics and hospitals and psychology in thies context, we have made a correction in the text and hereby published. The international question, which has also been made public by the Secretary General of the United Nations: Who is conducting spiritual science here and why, since the technological possibility of tracking a person through a seal in the tooth. (See Bud Spencer, Terence Hill Movie) October 6, 2023. Further request to the United Nations Security Council his Secretary General Antonio Guterres. October 15, 2023. Israel and Palestine Conflict. Statement of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Representative of Afghanistan. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul give a speciall thank to all lyricist and musician from Bharat ( India ) and Afghanistan. We have to ask to the best lyricist and musician from Afghanistan and Bharat to our coming flowers. Publication: Contract between the Federal Republic of Germany European Union Israel and the United States of America with the Hanafi Azimi the Taliban Islamic Emirate their representative. October 28, 2023. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul its representative hereby announces that all political and social decisions at the national and international level since 2000 are attributable to the Israelites, Hanafites, the Federal Republic of Germany and the USA. Thus, the Federal Republic of Germany, in cooperation with its allies, has to bear complete legal responsibility for which it has already submitted all its statements and evidence to the International Court of Justice in The Hague and the correct legal decision has been made against thies community by the International Court of Justice in The Hague. October 28, 2023. Announcement: Also THE BEST Awards and Congratulation for Wladimir Wladimirowitsch Putin we have to take out of our THE BEST Awards. The Reason is we have the case of Education, History, Law and Rules not a case of a Religion matter. Notice: The Constitutional Conformity in the Proclamation of the King of England has indicated that law, order and rights must be observed. October 29, 2023. Clarification: The law requires the verification and confirmation of the identity of every person who has to carry an identity card. If the identity is incorrect and needs to be corrected, if original documents are clearly presented for the correction of the identity, then a correction must be made accordingly. If a state like the Federal Republic of Germany does not do this, then that means that thies state is using an identity and holding the person hostage under a false identity. Thies is a lot of fun when the person is forced to give false testimony based on the pronunciation and identity that you have consciously assigned to the person. Conclusion: For at least 42 years foreigners in Germany and all of Europe have been consciously held hostage and abused legally through their false testimony to the state. So all international wars genozid and war crimes all over the World have their legal basis by the consciously knowledge of a fals testimony that happen from Germany Europe, USA and allies for power exploitaion and the rule of Law of democarcy. And most asylum seekers in the western world and their children do not understand what is happening to them! They leave their rich culture and country because of money and prosperity that does not have its origins in Europe! In Europe do not exist Mineral Resources and do not exist agriculture from that all Europeans benefit ! 100 % not any origin from Europe ! The Vatican needs hundreds of cardinals to make thies prosperity in Europe real ! The World sell their goods for Money nothing worth and their Countiers themselfs stay poor and hungry. The only countries that play an agricultural role in Europe are Spain, Italy and Turkey. In the rest of Europe, acid will be used as fertilizer until it is no longer possible. People have officially been talking about acidic soil for decades and hiding the fact that you can't grow anything without chemicals. Agricultural subsidies and subsidies of all kinds for Europe only have the purpose of expanding and maintaining military power. The money has no equivalent value in gold or resources of any kind. Both the euro and the dollar are only maintained by a military force with no apparent equivalent value. October 30, 2023. Announcement: Official request to the Hamburg District Court requesting information from the head and leader of the Association of Afghan Muslims Belal e. V. Request for information from the persons entered in the register in the VR: 16465. Publication: Reference to the Hasenburger Berg School Lüneburg and Oedeme Lüneburg High School, Heidkamp Kindergarten and Kita Oedeme Kindergarten. November 2, 2023. Policy of the Federal Republic of Germany for the fundamental creation of war and conflicts and the collapse of all constitutions and legal systems up to the United Nations. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul has repeatedly pointed out to uphold right, law and constitutions according to the constitution his responsibilities and obligations. November 5, 2023. Announcement: Uncoupling of all Internet systems leading to the United States of America and Europe for Asia, Africa and the Arab World is pointed out. There is massive abuse of laws and data protection regulations. November 5, 2023. Announcement: There is no legal framework in the Federal Republic of Germany or other states for a custody dispute within the framework of generally applicable law and legislation. A court decision on child custody is not possible. The children have the right to both father and mother. It doesn't matter what condition the parents are in. Child endangerment or endangerment of the child's well-being by parents is not possible because there is a family connection. Only political, societal and social interests can be seen as the basis for the destruction of the families and children. Unless the parents are divorced and belong to two separate political, religious and social parties. Conclusion: Children choose one path or are raised to follow one path, not two paths. There is also no any rainbow society in a multilateral world. If Children a fixed emotional on a language their culural and religious identity not belong than thies childrens can be seen as lost. October 8, 2023. Announcement: The constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany clearly states with the founding and existence of WIR LEBEN APOTHEKE. So it is very clear that the Federal Republic of Germany knows what to do, how and by which kind of rules and policy. If necessary the FRG creat an Islamic leader, a 13th or even 14th Imam, who then takes hostage and abuses in order to wage a religious war against Islam in the name of Islam. We hereby refer to the book Fight against Terror, Fight Against Islam by Peter Scholl Latour. If thies constitution belongs to women and the abuse of Children than which rights have women in the western world to educate children. November 10, 2023. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby officially does not recognize the European Union and its institutions. The raising of the flag of the European Union officially represents a declaration of war whose constitutional basis is known. Since its founding, there has been no European constitution that is not possible, and the recognition of the European Union has not been officially implemented by any member state in accordance with the constitution. The European Union is illegal because it has no constitutional basis! November 10, 2023. Announcement: Since its founding, the European Union has been significantly involved in the war in Israel against Palestine as a European Union without a constitutional basis. All public servants of the European Union must answer to the International Court of Justice in The Hague. It is 100% clear that the European Union, as an illegal institution, has not only played a key role but also been the cause and conscious omnipotence of an act of war and committed other crimes against states and their populations. A legal constitutional basis do not exist. This means that the European Union does not have a constitution, which was officially rejected by the French Republic. Recognition was also refused by the representative of Murad Khani's Throne with the reason European constitution is not possible because of the cultural differences in Europe. November 12, 2023. Announcement: The rights of women and girls in Afghanistan and their representativeness are protected by treaty. It has a contractual basis dated February 18, 2020 with the representative of Murad Khani Kabul. 6:21 o'clock in the morning. 15. November 2023. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul see the Responsibility of the President of the United States of America Joe Biden, President and Chancellor Steinmeier and Olaf Scholz and the President of Israel Netanyahu the existing Constitution against Afghanistan and the war againts the Islam World as given. Also the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul and his Children are effected. We call for the recover and restore of their Constitution by any possible way. We see definitely no any Throne who will take any responsibility for the recovering or restoring of their Constitution. Announcement November 17, 2023: In 2001, with the start of international economic aid, the representative of the throne of Murad Khani for Afghanistan issued a ban on the sale of mobile or phones . This saying and exclamation and its background and effect on society and people are known today and affect a large number of people, especially those aged up to 30 years. There is a need for the older generation over 50 years of age to end a legal and social mental addiction that is even exposed to psychological dependency. The legal entry of facebook over the European Union is illegal and is not juridical grounded and also not the justification for a grounded constitution of other systems and media. Announcement: In 2017 in Stockholm, in the presence of the representatives of the Uzbekistan Familie leaders and the representatives of the Pashtuns the Baruckzai Azimi and Kafiriten ( Nuristani ), there was an open warning that family disputes should not be allowed to repeat again. Because of thies the policiy of Türkiye is understandable for to uphold Law and Rights. The democratic principle of 50 + 1 recognized by the international community and the United Nations do not allow the western World specially Israel, the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America to justify aggression war and genocide. November 23, 2023. The police Mr. Kositzki and Mr. Mayer were at the Home Office around 12 p.m. The police used loud force to gain access to a conversation. They responded because of the children's school feeling threatened. There was a threat not to reveal any criminal matters. The police have advised that the father is not allowed to pick up or drop off the children from school. There is no custody of the children. ( We have therefore sent an international letter with the request to ensure the safety of the family, children and the home office) It has to be very clear on the table here. The actions of the Federal Republic of Germany have nothing to do with the law and nothing to do with religion. It's purely arbitrary! The custody of the children of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul is valid only and only on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany. When the children leave the country with their mother or alone without permission of the father. The mother and the Children will be arrested in the moment when they leave the border of the FRG. The entry of non - status - state at the airport is not allowed because they have to leave the border and the Constitution will change. It is to uphold the Internatioanl Law relationships to respect eachother constitution. Confirmation of a Administration war ( the religious war !? ) against the Islamic world. November 24, 2023. 12:55 am. Official statement from the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby officially takes sides. It makes difference between Islam on the one side and Judaism and Christianity on the other side. It draws attention to the fact that the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul belongs to the Islamic faith. Thus the children of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul belong to the community and faith of Islam. The custody of the children of the Throne is given to the mother, which was decided on May 8, 2023 to give means that official actions are subject to the Christian and Jewish faith. Thus Christianity and Israel and Judaism have to bear the responsibility of a war against Islam since the children not only officially serve the war against the Islamic world and thus for the genocide of Palestine. Thus Germany, the USA and Israel officially are in a religious war against the Islamic world for a long time on the grounds that they have the legitimate authority for the Islamic world. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul his responsibility and obligation for Afghanistan his Representative Said Mansoor is therefor out of all Administrative Responsibility and Obligation of thies Conflict that comes originally from the Federal Republic of Germany. 25. November 2023. around 8:50 o'clock in the morning. We have talked with the sons yesterday night we will pick up them at 11 o'clock in the Morning. The mother say today: The children had no any conversation with their father. At the G 20 2023 in India only two offially Representatives was not present. China and Russia. The Declaration of India ( Bharat ) is the constitutional representative of custodys belongs contractually and constitutionally over International Law at Bharat ( India ). A disregard or break of Contracts is not acceptable. (The situation is very clear: The German principle: They don't want to belong anywhere. But they want to have everything according to a universal law without borders and constitutions. And all children should be raised according to the same principle of a universal law over all states as if they had universal authority over to rule money, people and religion) The education system washes children's brains, takes their souls and formats them according to its own legal principles and morals with the highest technological possibilities. November 25, 2023, 11:07 p.m. Note: Correction: The termination of the contract from February 18, 2020 is hereby revoked and withdrawn. Please note that the contract dated February 18, 2020 cannot be canceled after the 12-month period has expired. Although the collapse of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is justified through thies contract of February 18, 2020 the termination period of which ended on August 14, 2021 and the collapse was initiated . November 25, 2023. 11:31 p.m. Announcement: The contract dated February 2, 2023 submitted at 11 a.m. in the Belal Mosque, Association of Afghan Muslims e.V. has no effect. 1. The contract exists in two performence and the contracts are owned by the first contractual partner. The second contractual partner did not received any signed contract. There is therefore no contract between the Throne of Murad Khani and the interim government the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. There is therefore no constitution officially recognized by the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. International relationships and Contract with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan have therefor no any common ground. The termination of the contract of February 2, 2023, which was given at 11 a.m. in the Belal Mosque Association of Afghan Muslims e. V. is effective at 9:00 p.m. with immediate effect canceled. Unless a signed version is available to the 2nd contractual partner the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul his Home Office. Only the signature of the brother or the signature of Imam Haidary leader of the Belal Mosque is effective. December 4, 2023. Announcement: A request was made to the Center of the International Turkish and Afghan Mafia its official representative, which is also responsible for the kidnapping with the request to provide the name of the owner. We then received an official email from the Hasenburger Berg School dated December 29th, 2023, its return on December 3rd, 2023 at 4:18:23 p.m. that the address does not exist. December 4, 2023, Announcement Murad Khai Kabul Home Office: If the basis and constitution of a state is set on a child through thies act violates the constitution and law, then what right does the father have to rights and obligations within the framework of faith and religion towards his children and the need to see and have contact with them. December 4, 2023. 1:30 p.m. Announcement: The request for the constitutional intervention of Dr. Karimi in Kirchgellersen (FRG) was rejected without explanation. We recommend wearing the mask at the UNSC until the legal situation and constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany is clear. December 5, 2023. Announcement: After a complaint was filed with the Hamburg police about denial of access rights and abuse of the children of Murad Khani Kabul under the AZ: 011/5A/829085/23, the police were on December 5th at 7:00 a.m the police in Schützenstr. 100 in Lüneburg where the children are with Ausi and Zia, the initiation of the police operation was consciously and firmly created for clarity. Mr. Bohlmann has explained the possibility of imprisonment in Celle for stalking if such incidents repeat themselves. By using violence against our faces and constantly threatening to remove from the area Mr. Ausi has shown himself to be an authority over the children and the mother and has clearly identified both the children and the mother as property to the police (there is no official marriage contract). The mother Masooda is under political and social pressure and does what the man wants him to do. She is in a state of shock and under the influence of an unknown man. The mother, Masooda, as well as the children need all sorts of emotional support from the father and the partner Mansoor (contractual duty of care). The Bohlmann family, part of the federal government and the police, have banned the father of Murad Khani's sons from staying within a 100 m radius until 12 noon from the residence of Schützenstr. 100. The representative constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany is therefore represented by Bohlmann family. Starting point: Final conversation with the school and the state school authority (education system and legal framework) 11:16 a.m. December 5, 2023. Announcement: The International Court of Justice in Den Hage ruled completely correctly in the Ukraine case between September 18th and 22nd, 2023. The war in Ukraine is a pure and completely understandable economic war that the Federal Republic of Germany triggered and is waging by taking the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hostage and his family. It is seen by the President of France as an existing world war. December 6, 2023. Announcement: On December 5, 2023 at around 7:00 a.m. the state power of the Federal Republic of Germany threatened the representative constitution of the Throne of Murad Khani and the state of Afghanistan of the stalker and prison in Celle should there be further stalking of the mother Sons of Murad Khani occur. Furthermore, the representative constitution of Murad Khani Kabul was a ban on staying in the Schüztenstr. residence area. 12/06/2023. Announcement: The meeting of the UNSC in the case of Afghanistan means nothing other than that every Afghan citizen is in the interest and part of the UNSC of the United Nations as long as a solution is needed so that the situation and living conditions in Afghanistan have improved and normalized. Announcement December 8, 2023. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul assumes that the family is under psychological supervision and interrogation tactics in which numerous citizens are actively involved. Both the children and the mother are very panicked that something will happen if they approach the father. Thies behavior is nothing new. The behavior can be generalized to all foreign citizens who explicitly refuse to integrate. If integration does not take place, there will be genocide, war and family destruction. ( Iraq, Syria, Tunisia, Algeria, Sudan, Yemen, African States, Egypt, Afghanistan, Korea, Palestine, Mexico, South Africa, Congo, Nigeria, Senegal, Jamaika, Kuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Türkiye, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Romania, France, Spain, Poland, India , Pakistan, Iran, Vietnam, Russia, Ukraine, China, Japan, Latvian States, Portugal, Italy, Yugoslavia, Latin American States, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc.) It is a real paper battle and documentation about all foreign citizens their politics, religion and culture identity and relationships conducted with maximum economic and political profit. No consideration is given to noble families, royal families, tribal elders or dignitaries from other countries. The entire state apparatus and citizens have been active for at least 42 years and know exactly what they have to do. Discretion and abitrariness and a current legal situation are a clear indication of the existing politics. Every product that does not originate in Europe and Germany is an indication of how far Germany and other countries will go to maintain their paradise and prosperity. War and genocide to the collapse of international systems and institutions such as the UN and ICC. (This is immigration policy or asylum policy also called integration policy. Noble people and families with highly respected social positions are held hostage and slaves after their certificate and signature have been taken. They are given some money and are also made dependent on their own products) December 8, 2023. Announcement: If the Federal Republic of Germany invokes the constitution of a 12-year-old child, then we can speak of the collapse of legal system of FRG. Thies is the reality and fact for now ! Children are only officially adults from the age of 18. ( Trap detected ! ) December 8, 2023 12:15. Officially Call to the interim Government of Afghanistan for the secutity and safety of Afghan Families not only in Germany ( FRG ) in cooperation with Asia Eurasian countries and the United Nations and his UNSC in the fram of Law and Constitution immediately. December 9, 2023. Announcement: It is a reality that Arab states are staying out of the conflict in Palestine. It is hereby announced that the assets of all Sunni states will be frozen with immediate effect. The acquired assets, which originate in Europe Germany and explicitly refer to Lower Saxony and Lüneburg, are immediately excluded from international trade, banking systems and currency systems. All Arab states are accused of collaborating to hold Afghan families and children hostage. The exclusion of all Arab Sunni states from all international institutions such as the United Nations is hereby requested and initiated with immediate effect. All diplomatic relations with all Arab Sunni states must be suspended immediately. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul shows his respect to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates for his cooperation with Afghan Citizens on the international level and the aid. December 9, 2023. Statement on the UNSC in the case Israel around 14:20 o'clock european time by participation of the Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul is not responsible or have responsibility of the War of Israel to Palestine and this conflict. It has no any responsibility in the past and also now have no any obligation. The UNSC with all his Secretary Generals know thies. Our part is to note for the Law and the Right and give a view to the ground. The Throne of Murad Khani have the Right given by Law and Constitution to choose the side what he see as the right way for his own interests specially when the matter of his own Country and Family is to secure and for that even a war if necessary we are ready for. As father and citizen of Afghanistan with faith and believe and natural binding to my Family and Country I have the obligation for. Vote of the UNSC on 9. December 14:20 europen time with 13 of 15 Members in favor. 86,6 % of the representatives the responsibility for. Resolution adopted. December 10, 2023. Announcement: The children of Murda Khani Kabul do not understand what the people around them want. The city of Lüneburg and the Federal Republic of Germany must now stop not seeing the father as the person entitled to custody. This is officially about genocide and war and their justification over children of Murad Khani Kabul. Origin: 9. December 2023 UNSC. ( The vote for the Resolution: 13 in favor, United Kingdom abstain, USA: against. For to interfer in the case ). The whole World is against the USA with 13 votes of the UNSC. The resolution is adopted. The United Kingdom are not parte of the United Nations because it has no any independent voice and have to respect the Monarchie. The United States of America confirmed at the Vote and all Member States recognized by the pose that the United States of America have the full responsibility of the Conflict not only from the year 2001. Both member states from the United Kingdom and the United States of America are representatives of War and Genocid and both have to accept to answer at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. The Membership of both Countries UK and USA is to be canceled and removed from the United Nations by proved disrespect of the Monarchie and the USA of war and genocide from at least year 1981 from the view of the Charter of the United Nations and International Law. The Contracts of both Countries is to be removed and canceled because the contracts and their contractual agreements became not respected. Announcement: December 10, 2023. The case of Gymnasium Oedeme and Hasenburger Berg School in Lüneburg and Lüneburg was brought to the International Criminal Court in The Hague. December 12, 2023. Announcement from the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul: The United Nations General Secretary Antonio Guterres published on his Speach at the United Nations COP28UAE that arbitrariness is the Red Line. For that States have to be sure that the crossing of the Red Line have the consequences to act by the same way to uphold security and Law represented by the United Nations and his concerns the Climate Change. Therefore the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul do and see his Obligation to take responsibility to stop the Climate Change through the crossed Red Line. December 12, 2023. Call: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul his Home Office hereby calls on all foreign citizens in the Federal Republic of Germany to invoke their own nationality. It is the right and law that is universally enshrined as international law at the United Nations to be respected. Declaration of existence of concentration camp: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul his Home Office declaration: The Oedeme high school and Hasenburger Berg school have been banned from the Throne Holder and father. Both schools are hereby officially seen as concentration camps. In which the children and sons of Murad Khani have consciously suffer. The teachers enjoy the suffering of the sons Said-Boabour and know that they have the mother fully under control. December 15, 2023. Announcement: The basis of the economy of the Federal Republic of Germany since at least 1981 has not been products. The basis for products are laws. There are many products whose components or content are not located in Germany or Europe. It is clear that there are no legal contracts, since a contract must have a contractual basis and constitution. The legal basis and constitution is fake and is decided at discretion and arbitrariness. According to the conversation with the Lüneburg district administrator at around 12:00 p.m., a declaration of solidarity with the delivery of weapons or political partisanship, participation and promotion of war is not a declaration of solidarity but rather direct participation and promotion of war. A flag is a flag. Supplying weapons and promoting war is participation in war. Thies doesn't just applys to Afghanistan. Decmber 17, 2023. 4 a.m.The condition or qualification for normalization should be the complete capitulationn of USA, BRD and Israel. The reasons are juridical full given.The United Nations ICC should stand for its effectiveness since the year 2002. December 17, 2023. Announcement: Foreign children are used in schools and kindergartens as a basis for influencing the family and their countries culture and religion. If political correctness is not present, not only is the family and the country at risk, but their children are used as a basis for their destruction. ( Evidence is available and will not be published due to the danger to children ) The media campaign goes so far that children of the Throne are deliberately manipulated through German films like Wish and deliberately give a false image of their own father. Why ? Because of the money and power that the Federal Republic of Germany has been used for over 40 years. December 19, 2023. Announcement: The legal service and institute of the Murad Khani Kabul sees the representative constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany and its maintenance by the Kingdom of Spain and Türkiye as representing. Only these two states can represent the conformity of the Federal Republic of Germany and the EU.

Decmeber 19, 2023 around 4 am in the Belal Mosque

Chairman and head of the Belal Mosque Hamburg Imam Mullah Haidari

is not ready for a statment or declartion.

December 20, 2023. 4:30 am. Application: Official application and introduction for the immediate exclusion of the Federal Republic of Germany and its population from membership of the United Nations and the International Community because of collective crimes. Proof: Largest NATO exercise in the world over the Federal Republic of Germany and the need for a German Pope. There is an ice-cold insight into why there were two world wars from Germany since the year 1981.

December 20, 2023 10:40 a.m. Government declaration of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Federal Government and the European Union and his royal families.

Government declaration of the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union. December 20, 2023, notice: Appeared to the police at 10 a.m. waited 15 minutes. At 10:40 a telephone conversation with Ms. Kohn, Inspectorate 1. No statement will be made due to the stalking of the mother of the sons of Murad Khani Kabul. Fact: The city of Lüneburg hoisted the European flag based on the constitution of the son Said-Boabour and, based on a 6-year-old child, made the government declaration not only for the federal government but for the entire European Union and all royal families: Quote: The mother and the sons are to be left alone, which must be effected with a judicial order. It becomes very clear that after Said Jousuf was politically abused, his little brother should now serve constitutionally for genocide war and war crimes. December 20, 2023. 3:00 p.m. Conversation with Ms. Kohn Lüneburg. Announcement: After the government declaration we had another conversation with Ms. Kohn at 3:00 p.m. The case for a government declaration for the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union and their royal families and royal houses cannot only be viewed in one dossier, but is also extensively known from all conditions and relationships. A dossier was accessed for the declartion that was given at 10:40 in the morning. 12/21/2023. Announcement: The Federal Republic of Germany will soon override another legal framework and relationship without knowing what they are doing because of the desire for continuity. After this, there will no longer be a single legal framework for the Federal Republic of Germany.

A bank can only issue as much money as it has. There is also a debt limit there. If a country like the USA has 31.4 trillion in debt and cannot get out of the debt, then it has to do with inability and lack of education. Unfortunately such a state has no future. (- The cowboys robbed the bank !? )

December 22, 2023. Announcement: After a visit to the Klosterhof law firm in Lünburg and the media representation of our website, we are now unable to understand what the Afghan currency Afghani is based on, its value and its constitution. December 22, 2023. 1:04 o'clock am. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul his Home Office see the constitution of the Da Afghanistan Bank, Central Bank of Afghanistan and the Currency Afghani through the policy of the Supreme Council Members of the Da Afghanistan Bank as secured. December 22, 2023 9 p.m. Announcement of divorce. The divorce is contractually in favor of the mother and does not require consent.

December 28, 2023. 08:10 o'clock. Result of the diplomatic relations of the FRG to the Home Office

December 28, 2023. 8:10 am. Result of the diplomatic relations of the Home Office with the Federal Republic of Germany: The Federal Republic of Germany would like to achieve an affiliation and membership through its existing relationships that affect the Home Office in which all means are justified politically, psychologically or technologically. We refers and point out to the cultural, historical and traditional values ​​that the Federal Republic of Germany does not have and is trying to achieve through access via technological means. The Federal Republic of Germany had and have since at least 1981 no any diplomatic relationships or access to the World and international community in the fram of History, Tradition or Culture. The access or diplomatic relationships had never any basis and ground. A relativization is cause of thies reality that the Federal Republic of Germany limits itself entirely for the justification the conflict between Israel and Palestine in order to have a legitimate political basis and ground.The Federal Republic of Germany restricts itself culturally entirely to sexuality and its advertising, and at the same time uses thies as its basis to create a moral justification for war and genocide. December 29, 2023. 10:58 am. As a result of further diplomatic relations with the Federal Republic of Germany, constitutional representation and representative Dr. Ahamd Zia is that the situation surrounding the children is very complex. It is very clear and unequivocal that everyone involved consciously allows the children to suffer, abuses them and consciously give up them to lose so that all actions against the father can be justified. A constitutional justification and basis are deliberately defined to assign blame. December 31, 2023. 9:07 p.m. Announcement: Although a ban on contact has been issued, the fact remains that genocide and war is tried officially to be legalized and justified retroactively through the city and family since at least 2014. It concerns the United Nations, the International Court of Justice, the Ukraine war, Turkey, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, Iran, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, EU politics, England, Spain, India, Japan, Vietnam , Mexico, the USA, China, Irak, Russia and the Vatican itself by abuse and disrespect the International Law and Constitutuion representatives. Year January 1, 2024. Her you go ! The heir to the Throne was targeted on New Year's Day with at least 8-10 red laser dots. Based on the child's reaction and cry, it's probably not the first time he has been targeted. Conclusion: Anyone who doesn't integrate will be lynched. The child confirmed at around 7:20 a.m. that he know this kind of targeting and that it was not the first time. It can be assumed that attempted targeting happens all the time. January 1, 2024. Announcement: Request to for immediate termination of cooperation between Uzebekistan and Afghanistan. We hereby request to Uzbekistan that the damage for cooperation be determined since the year 2002. ( The request is effective immediately as there are no legally compliant representative from the Pashtuns. We see the necessary to involve the SCO immediately.) January 1, 2024. 7:52 am. Public appeal to all foreign citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany: All foreign citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany are hereby called upon not to let their children go to kindergarten or school. There is danger to life. The children could suffer a psychological collapse and die. The holder of the Throne has known this since at least the year 2014. Defending one's own family is the priority of the father of the children to protect them from the state. (Evidence: The kindergartens and schools have been denied access to parents for decades or even closed. The parents have no access to the children and do not know what the state employees are doing. This process must have been known since at least 1984 be taken. It is to be recognized mostly women are part to practice such kind of rules and are part of. ) January 1, 2024. 09:22 am. The representative of Murad Khani Kabul hereby requests the Pashtun tribe and its rulers, king and tribal representatives for a diplomatic discussion. The request is of an immediate nature. Please contact the Home Office immediately. Futher reactions in the afternoon 2 p.m. 3:25 p.m. January 1, 2024. There was no contact with the Pashtun tribal leaders and representatives until 2:00 p.m. with the Home Office. January 1, 2024. 8:50 p.m. Official announcement from the Home Office of the Murad Khani Kabul: The Throne Holder Said Manoor hereby officially recognizes the psychology of the Pashtuns and the Hannafis and their entitlement and war since the year 1978, which is carried out in cooperation by the Durani, Popalzai and Barukzai. The Holder of the Throne agrees with the nomination of the person they have chosen from the family of Mir Mohammad Ali Khan as their official representative and to have hoisted the appropriate flag for him. The constitutional representation of the United States of America, the Federal Republic of Germany and Israel are hereby also officially recognized. The Throne of Murad Khani is officially and constitutionally politically conform with Spain, England and Turkey in Europe and is ready for diplomatic talks at any time. January 2, 2024. 06:58 o'clock in the morning. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby recognizes the constitution and representatives existing since the year 1978 towards Afghanistan in the order of Said Mahmood Zia, Said Ahmad Zia and Said Jousuf Zia. There is every form of support and resources provided by the USA, Germany and other allies for the upholding are accepted. January 2, 2024. 3 p.m. Announcement: It is declared the normalization of the relationship and cooperation between Afghanistan and Uzbekistan. The normalization of relations affects all neighboring countries of Afghanistan. It is desirable to maintain good neighborly relations. Bluff. January 2, 2024. 4:45 p.m. Announcement from the Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul: There is still no constitutional and legality or legal conformity. ( Constitutionally and historical it is to point out to Great Britain, Spain and Türkiye ) January 3, 2024. 7:56 am. Announcement: We announce hereby the ongoing murder attemps through the Federal Republic of Germany, USA and Israel on the children of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul and their father, in which foreign citizens also serve as support. ( The phone of the children contractually tied to 1und1. To the Throne Holder was not shown to exist from the father, both contractually and the number was not shown to exist at 1und1. The child is aware that he will be targeted and targeted via the phone for any purpose. Both Children are informed about this early on by their father.) Boabour declared on December 31, 2023 that he had full control of the phone and his mind and assured the constitutional handover to his father. It is hereby declared that the USA, the Federal Republic of Germany and Israel and the Elen Musk have access to an international level criminal acts and warfare against the International law and the Untied Nations must be declared as proven. January 3, 2024. 9:20 am. Publication: By the constitutional constitution historically and politically in Europe since at least 1981, all activities of the Federal Republic of Germany that affect the sovereignty and integrity of the states in Europe and internationally, both kingdoms and families, are viewed as a conscious act of war and warfare. January 3, 2024. 8 p.m. Announcement: The representative of the Catholic Church in the Kingdome of Spain has the legal right to confiscate all assets in the Federal Republic of Germany and Europe based on the constitution of the Catholic Christian Church if the assets are created in the name of the Christian Catholic Church and there are no legally verifiable claims and documents. We have to point out the FRG are a christian Country and belong constitutionaly to the authority of the Vatican. The constitutional abuse of Islam his Cooperation to the European Kingdomes and band is not a juridical justification for assets and Money. Wealth creation and wealth extraction based on the sexual abuse of the children of the Throne is viewed as pasttoriot. The Throne of Murad Khani request an immediate initiation of the expropriation of all assets of the Federal Republic of Germany. We request the immediate shutdown of all federal government activities. This type of wealth creation and wealth extraction affects all of Europe and its representative houses. It is assumed that it will be practiced at an international level. January 4, 2024. Announcement: Public notification and application for arrest by the Hamburg Justice Office against the Hussain Kazimi family, the Sino Kazemi family, the Soumma family, the Asis Ammon family and all those involved and allies for participation in the collapse of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, terrorism and War in Afghanistan since at least the year 2001. The damage is estimated at several hundred billion dollars the legal justification and theft of which has no apparent legal basis. Reference is made to the public letter to the Belal Mosque Hamburg and the mayor of the city Hamburg with the request to entrust the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to the rule of law. Furthermore the Hamburg Justice Department is herewith requested to close of all illegal businesses and the arrest of all employees and managers of the illegal businesses in Hamburg especially Steindam. The confiscation of all assets and property applies nationally and internationally. It is requested that the international legal system and their representative representation, Their Highnesses, make the introductions nationally and internatioanlly in Germany and Europe. January 4, 2024. We request of the Jordanian Envoy, officially requested immediately . We ask that you contact us via the known e-mail address. It is noted that there are no diplomatic relations. Interference in the internal affairs of the family is not welcome. We request a solution as quickly as possible as there is a possibility of escalation.The arrest of the Jordanian Prince Hashem is hereby requested immediately.There is an official violation of existing conditions and a deliberate initiation of escalation. January 4, 2024. 4:15 p.m. The official Syrian envoy to Syria is hereby requested. We ask that you contact us as quickly as possible via the known e-mail address. It is noted that there are no diplomatic relations. The interference in the internal affairs of the family is incomprehensible and does not exist. January 5, 2024. Announcement: The excursion of Afghan citizens with the collapse of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is hereby officially considered a hostage situation because, contrary to the enlightened military power, the citizens have no understanding of reality. Dogs were even deliberately flown out. There is a conscious psychology of war. January 5, 2024. Notice: From 2001 to 2021, there has been an ecstasy of military power in Iraq and Afghanistan. The ecstasy of a state's defenselessness and its loss of reality has given rise to a complete ecstasy of exploitation and arbitrary destruction. A complete state of intoxication is certified. This state of intoxication and ecstasy has not been limited to Iraq and Afghanistan. The ongoing and still existing intoxication of omnipotence still exists as all diplomatic efforts and offers are not accepted by Germany (FRG).The insurance is based on continuous live connection and access, which does not serve the economy but rather the exercise of power. January 5, 2024. Clarification: Question: What happens if to a king or any person with the designation of transparent citizen their is a complete access and live connection to his mystery? Answer: The communication channel will be changed ! If a state like the Federal Republic of Germany wants to maintain such status and access, the result is the collapse of many institutions due to non-compliance with norms, laws and rights. If this state continues despite diplomatic offers of requests and instructions and cannot be stopped, then the state is in a state of war and is dependent on information to regulate its war psychology. December 5, 2023. Official invitation: The Home Office of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby officially invites the Federal President F.W. Steinmeier, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Foreign Minister Bearbock, Economics Minister Habeck and the publicly by newspaper well known Türky on the international level till Bahart / India ( partner ? ) of my sons mother his name Wajdi Ausi. We ask that you make an arrangement so that a joint appearance is possible. Agenda: Afghanistan and the international Security represented by the United Nations Security Council on the agenda Afghanistan. Constitution of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul is known. (Reference is made to the Constitution Western Union 100.) Time: December 11, 2024 11:00 a.m. It therefore completely refers to the attacks of September 11, 2001. ( On the year 2001 the Fedreral Republic of Germany forced the United States of America to force the UNSC to start a war against the Islam World with the grounded Constitution on Martin Luthers Bibel and this war of the whole Word staged by Germany is still going on ) Not only one Kingdom in Europe are conform with the FRG and his constitution and behavior to Afghanistan and his representative Family that exist now over 42 years. A status, trophy and hostages are still controlled. January 7, 2024. Announcement: According to a telephone conversation with Hamburg, it can be assumed that there will be no meeting on January 11, 2024. Both the federal government and the privileged society depend on each other. The Home Office is aware of this and has never seen the possibility of such a meeting and probably will not have one. January 8, 2023 1:00 p.m. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Home Office has initiated direct contact with London. ( For constitutional reasons for the representative of the Murad Khani Kabul, Said-Mansoor, it was appropriate to attend the coronation in Türkiye ) ( Preparation work for such a statement 21 years ) January 9, 2024. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul traditionally supports the farming and farmers. In many countries such as Germany the wealth of the farmers does not correspond to the reality of incomes or earning. This solves a fundamental problem that the pillar of a state such as the Federal Republic of Germany does not lie in its own state, but abroad. And the reality of the wealth of the state is juridical incomprehensible. Both wealth and contracts are fundamentally related to coercion and have no constitutional basis. Foreign income and products and their products are deliberately regarded as legal own property. This legal basis is 100% not available. The explanation is quite simple: The products are not available in Europe at all.( Why are Europe's farmers so rich ? The answer is also simple: you set and control the prices. If it's not politically possible, than military. See Ukraine. Many agricultural products and their prices are predetermined by satellite espionage or surpluses are destroyed. ) Conclusion: The farmers are not the solution but the problem! 1. The wealth is incomprehensible. 2. The question of ownership has not been resolved. 3. In principle, there is no state ownership. ( There is a special philosophy in Europe: 500 years ago, many were starving to death and were not allowed to hunt in the forests ( referring to this the hunting law especially for judges and jurists ) and in today's world the philosophy of health and prosperity applies: A little bit of everything ! ) January 9, 2024. Announcement: The Social Psychiatric Service of the Federal Republic of Germany has invited us for January 11, 2024 at 8:45 a.m. and to offer help, which was suggested by the police. The city of Lüneburg and Germany know Afghanistan and the family Said Mansoor and his children very well, very well and excellently and crystal clear. There can be no negotiated solution or negotiation solution. The city of Lüneburg has all the facts. It has to make very clear offers and solve the problems it has caused. There are legal bases. The suffering of the FRG is not the suffering of my family or children or my state. My family is not responsible for the historical suffering in Germany or Israel. We do not want to bear or take responsibility for the suffering or the prosperity. January 10, 2024. 04:54 am. Public Statement of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul regarding the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany since 1981 regarding Afghanistan: - there is now a legal problem. What is the prosperity of the FRG and its allies based on ? January 10, 2024. 11:52 a.m. Public Declaration of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul: There is no legal, religious or moral basis for war or conflict for the FRG, USA and Israel. It does not exist. The maintenance of a status or even a privilege is carried out on the basis of the constitution or on the basis of persons who are not of age or rather persons without legal authority. January 11, 2024. 3:38 a.m. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby requests both ladies and their dominions territories under their rules to immediately stop all agricultural productions and products for the FRG and all german speaking areas. This is prompt to do. All contracts are to be terminated and cancelled immediately and all existing agricultural products and products have to be reclaimed immediately if necessery to get back by oneselfs . The same is to do to France. January 11, 2024. 4:44 a.m. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby calls on the Kingdom of Spain and the Kingdom of Great Britain and Türkiye to restore sovereignty and territories in Europe. It is hereby called upon to immediately restore the borders and territories of all states in Europe. The open borders do not serve Europe or the single states, but the claim and political influence of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Reality is the omnipotenz of Germany through Europe and the claim to overtake the Russia economy and a provokated economic war against Russia. Thies reality is confirmed by the ICJ. January 11, 2024. 8:10 a.m. Official application and request to the representation of the Catholic Church representative the Royal Family of Spain and her Princess of Spain to the Vatican: It is hereby officially requested for the exclusion of the population of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German-speaking area from the Christian Church by its representation the Vatican. We kindly ask you to complete the application immediately. Reason: Violation of the Vatican's Law not to lend mother for the Children instead of their own mother and father and its Worldwide solicitation and call. Further we request for the moral reasons of war against the Islam World. January 11, 2024. 9:11 a.m. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul has been hearing the screams of his sons Boabour, Jousuf and also the mother for months. We can't differentiate whether it's real or technologically engineered psychological warfare. Especially since there is still a spiritual bond with the family and all members are aware of what a game of law and order all are here playing. And thies kind of game is not new and not special. Specially for sciantists doctors and profesores. On January 11, 2024, the father noticed the hopelessness of his son Jousuf at school. It can be assumed that the students and also the school must have achieved satisfaction that the destruction of Palestine and the Ukraine war can be seen perfectly.The German people and their regime deliberately allow suffering in order to transfer the suffering of their past to the poorest in order to justify their well-deserved prosperity. If there is no other way, with the Bible and sexual morality at the expense of children and their abuse. This does not only apply to Asia, Africa and Latin America. It is evident that the earth serves as a paradise for the German people and that they help themselves physically and mentally for their well being. January 11, 2024. 10:56 a.m. Declaration of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul sees the Kingdom of Spain and the Royal Family as the offically Representative of the Catholic Church in Europe and has been seen. 11. January 2024. Announcement to IZH-Hamburg ban: The Home Office makes the proposal for the IZH-Hamburg to allow a willingness to compromise and insight to return. The Home Office will point out relevant documents if necessary. January 12, 2024. 10:30 a.m. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby announces that the family Jousuf, Boabour and Masooda their mother have been interrogating every day for months. It is not known which interrogation methods, psychiatrists or teachers and educators are active here. It all looks like the naked horror for the family. The constitution of the family borders on its annihilation. The family and children live on the brink of death and everyone enjoys it. And the enjoy concerns not only adults but specially children. Children are conscious educated by their parents for the sexual abuse and coercion of the Children and the mother. The BRD are still wants to transfer the responsibility of war and genocide. The father cannot comprehend what is happening and has happened to the children in detail, because the children find it unbearably difficult to speak. Both children are deliberately imposed wrong rules of conduct towards their father, as many have to justify the assets and property they have achieved. Even if it is justified with war and genocide. This fact is nothing new, but has existed for at least 40 years. January 12, 2024. 5:12 p.m. Announcement: It is hereby announced that a genocide and extermination campaign has been established and initiated in Palestina over the education and constitution of the sons of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul with the deliberate fighting of 6-year-old children in the Hasenburg School Lüneburg. A campaign of annihilation against the Palestinian people from the city of Lüneburg and the Federal Republic of Germany is nothing new for the representative of the Throne of Murad Khani. Except that now it also affects the sons of the Representative. 15. Januar 2024. 22:16 Uhr. Das Home Office gibt hiermit offiziell die Mahnung an das IZH-Islamische Zetrum Hamburg ab das Recht Gesetz und Rechtsverfassung national und international Einzuhalten. Das Home Office des Murad Khani Kabul verlangt hiermit die sofortige Kooperation mit der Bundesregierung zur Lösung der Beschlüsse bezüglich der Söhne des Said Manoor. Erfolgt keine sofortige Einwandfreie Lösung wird die Verfassung des IZH-Islamisches Zentrum Hamburg stellvertretend für Deutschland und darüber hinaus außer Kraft gesetzt. January 15, 2024. 10:16 p.m. The Home Office hereby officially issues a reminder and attention to the IZH-Islamic Center Hamburg to cooperate with the Federal Republic of Germany and accept the law , the rights and the legal constitution nationally and internationally. The Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul hereby request immediate cooperation with the Federal Government to solve the decisions of the Court regarding the sons of Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali Khan. If here is no immediate clare solution the constitution of the IZH-Islamic Center Hamburg will be repealed and invalidated declared. The declaration is made on 16. January 2024 and is imediately valid. January 16, 2024 10:33 a.m. Announcement: The question of January 16, 2024 10:14:55 a.m. must be followed by a legal answer. The Federal Republic of Germany is a state governed by the rule of law. January 16, 2024. 1:19 p.m. Official Statement of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul his Home Office: It is hereby ordered that all family members of the Throne of Murad Khani immediately prepare their departure to Afghanistan through the legal and official channels. This is an official sacred and holy command and request. This is to be followed without ifs and buts. Ownership and business are to be transferred legally.This is to be followed without ifs and buts. Ownership and business are to be transferred legally. Departure must take place immediately with appropriate legal documents. Separated parents of children need a written document from the other parent and his or her copy of passport. January 16, 2024. 2:30 p.m. Announcement: The apartment at Schützenstrasse 100 in Lüneburg of the children Jousuf, Boabour and their mother is referred to by the Royal Family of Spain as Holtel-W. The child Boabour is afraid of being sexually abused. Abuse cannot be ruled out, as abuse must have already taken place over the son Jousuf. The city of Lüneburg and the Federal Republic of Germany are aware of the abuse and only defend the care and security of their own children and daughters. January 16, 2024. 3:45 p.m. Announcement on Ukraine: The shutdown of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant has been initiated by the FRG. Why, is scientifically incomprehensible. January 16, 2024. 4:13 p.m. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul understands that there is no apparently monarchy for the FRG. January 16, 2024. 8:25 p.m. . The clou is hereby announced on January 14, 2024 in Denmark. It had become apparent that the palace had been in shock for not having worn the right color for the monarchy and its associated constitution. January 17, 2024. 10:05 a.m. Announcement of the reality of the Federal Republic of Germany and its population: After 42 years, the population of the Federal Republic of Germany has understood how the Federal Government makes money. And in the meantime, every single citizen is involved and timed. The grandparents and parents have passed it on to the children and grandchildren. One reason for this is that the soil of the Federal Republic of Germany is so poor that acid is needed. January 17, 2024. 11:35 a.m. Announcement: The instructions of the father of the sons will not be followed. The FRG are consciously transfer the suffering and abuse through school education and teaching, so that society and policy can wash its hands and conscience clean through the children. They are entrusted with the psychological policy of the 42 years they have to endure in order to justify the right to prosperity. Jousuf has been refusing since the beginning of school and is consciously psychologically working on what ethics, morals, values and norms he has to follow in Germany, which his father has disregarded. The children are responsible for the FRG's justification of 42 years of prosperity because the father has behaved badly.The pots are constantly being knocked on in the neighbourhood as if Germany were responsible for the well-being of Afghanistan, but not even the potato has its origin in Germany. January 17, 2024. 12:19 p.m. Announcement: It is confirmed that the FRG has been holding the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul and his family hostage for 42 years in order to enrich itself on an international level. War, genocide and even the overthrow of royalty such as England or Spain is an easy game for them. The attack on the Vatican and the Pope also seems to have given them a justification. Pope John Paul II really didn't have an easy time explaining to them what the Germans are doing here. January 17, 2024. 12:52 p.m. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul wants the representative Catholic Royal Family of Spain and their future queen to remain the German people and their belonging to the Christian Church and established prosperity around a decision.The legal representative Constitution in Europe are represented by the Spanish Crown. January 17, 2024. 2:27 p.m. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby asks the Spanish Crown for all important legal decisions and resolutions that are necessery for Europe. 8:47 a.m. January 18, 2024. Despite the request and reference to the stolen assets and reserves of the Central Bank of Afghanistan, which is incomprehensible and evident that there is no official signature of the Highness and First Representative, according to official data of the United States of America at least 600 billion dollars which must be made via the official signature of the representative of the Murad Khani Kabul are not evident and is not proved. The government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the government of the United States of America is herewith asked for declaration. We ask for attention to the administrative dicision of the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America in the year 2002 on the Constitution of the officially Representative of Murad Khani Kabul. January 18, 2024. 6:00 p.m. . Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby officially announces the highest possible alert level. The measure is full ! The children have to tell a story, but it is very difficult to find the constitution for it. The city and the schools are sheer horror for them. January 19, 2024. 8:36 am. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul requests the Spanish Crown to initiate the immediate arrest of President Selnskiy.( Further more to the C is also pointed out. ) January 19, 2024. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul requests further more the Spanish Crown to immediately initiate the arrest of the federal government of the Federal Republic of Germany and at the European level. ( The reasons are well known on the international level ) The request concerns all government officials who are actively involved in Afghanistan since the year 1981. 19 January 2024. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul has to point out that the Federal Republic of Germany expelles the representative of his family as an authorized representative of his community of needs. This jurisprudence is incomprehensible. It is a deliberate violation of the constitution of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul.The recognition of one's own property or one's own family does not require the legal basis of a foreign nation or constitution whose identity and origin lies abroad. The deliberate declaration of war on the property and claim of a constitution foreign to the FRG is clearly visible. It should be noted that since 1981 the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany has not offered a constitution to the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul and has not been granted its constitutional rights. Thus, it is proven that the FRG is in a permanent state of war and conflict, which exists against all foreign citizens. Further it is noted on the soil of the FRG do not exist any economic woth. This is also noted about many other europen states. The creation of the European Community for the promotion of steel and coal must have its origins in Europe. Where are these origins ? The Throne asks for documents is signed for if the Throne of Murad Khani is responsible ! January 19, 2024. It is quite clear in the FRG that the right and the justification can be felt with the constitution of annihilation. There is no constitutional legal basis as a human being. It is incomprehensible. 19 January 2024. 13:38 Announcement: Reference is hereby made to the Danish Crown and its proclamation on 14 January 2024 in full. There is still the legal constitution of a deliberate abuse and misdirection of society by the FRG on the basis of the members of the family and sons of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul. It refers entirely to the C of the Zia Popalzai, Barukzai and Durani families. January 20, 2024. Announcement: The non-existence of the rule of law in the Federal Republic of Germany is hereby announced. There is also no constitution. There is not a single monarch in Europe who wants to take responsibility for a constitution for the FRG. This statement is explicit and fact. Collaborating with the mafia and attempting to overthrow sovereigns is a common maneuver. One of the easiest and oldest Law of good neighborhood is not upholded. January 20, 2024. 12:19 p.m. Announcement: The Barukzai, Popalzai and Durani have been in a state of war since the year 1978. An intervention in the family affairs of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul takes place permanently and is pointed out. It is explicitly pointed out that it is a community without a legal constitution or ground. January 20, 2024 3:00 p.m. Confirmation of the hospitalization of the representative body of the Federal Republic of Germany in the interest of his election for the Barukzai, Popalzai and Durani. It was demanded to be granted the issue of permission to enter and the arms held behind the back as a sign of superiority. January 21, 2024. 7:26 a.m. Notice: The son Jousuf was forbidden to go to football. The FRG they are live at the Home Office, they are aware of the ban, so every single citizen of the FRG knows it. He's supposed to meet with someone at 7:50 a.m. January 21, 2024. Notice: Official determination of the declaration of war of the Youth Welfare Office of the Federal Republic of Germany on the basis of the Constitution of the Son of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul on 25.04.2019. 21 January 2024. Announcement: Official declaration of war of the Youth Welfare Office of the Federal Republic of Germany on the basis of the constitution of the son of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul on 25.04.2019. The child was deliberately separated from the family for a period of time with the threat of execution of the father and an official interview was held with the son after which even the child declared in writing not to make any more nonsense. The Youth Welfare Office declared for the son he can do what he wants in front of the family.He can also do nonsense, regardless of whether it's right or wrong. (42 years of discretion and arbitrariness is herewith proved) January 21, 2024. 4:49 p.m. Announcement: Years 2002 - 2021 Genocide and war crimes against the Afghan people for the exploitation of the basis for the production of laser weapons and electric cars ( Lal, Smaragt and Lithium ) by the USA, Israel and Germany. Jnauary 21, 2024. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby officially asks whom the FRG, USA, Israel and the Barukzai have proclaimed as their official king and queen of Murad Khani Kabul. The constitutional basis is known to all sovereigns in Europe, especially Spain, England, Denmark, Belgium and the Netherlands. The reasons of declaration of warfare is requested. January 22, 2024. Announcement: The Home Office hereby calles to all sovereigns in Europe and internationally not to make officially state visits to the FRG any more, as the FRG has long time reached and holds the constitution of the USA. Since at least 1984 there is the situation similar to that in the USA. January 22, 2024. 7:46 a.m. Motion: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul and his children are aware that they are not allowed to drive in someone else's car without permission of their father. The father is instructed not to visit the children in the morning in the Schützenstrasse to tell them Halo. The Volvo is damaged by the man Wajid Ausi because the father takes the right to tell the children Halo and ask how they are doing. There is no trust in the police and the government. ( The representative of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul has told his children Halo. Then the man, who is well known to the government and the state, and who for years has allowed him to do whatever he wants with the mother and the children, smashes the window of my car. The hatred of the President and Chancellor is so great that a refusal to integrate is explained by a refusal to protect the family. ) January 22, 2024, 12:31 p.m. Announcement: The children are denied the protection of the father. ( The highest possible state of fear becomes apparent. They no longer feel comfortable at school. ) It is massively contributed to the denial of the father by the children, with the highest possible fear and psycho states socially and by the school. The school allows children to try to kill each other. There is no mention of German children, but children of non-German children are deliberately told about fighting with massive violence. For the child Boabour, therefore, there has been an obvious danger to life at school for a long time. The state of the Second World War is hereby officially declared. There is a fear feel of fear of being killed. The feeling of the highest possible state of fearing had been known to the representative for decades. It is safe to say that it has now reached the sons as well. It cause a total fear. This fear is related to the fact that it can be killed at any time and that experiments must have taken place. After Jousuf, this feeling can now also be felt at Boabour. It can probably be assumed that a petrification of the heart with a massive shock can also be assumed from several people acting on it. On the basis of the father's constitution, the situation of the children is deliberately intended by all participations in order not to accept one's own losses. The child Boabour is now considered with masive fear and is thus made 100% compliant. Thus, the same introduction to the Constitution as in Jousuf was recognizable. Thies is happening massive to all foreign families. Even educated to kill each other for money. January 23, 2024. 17:21 . Announcement: The unified government isolation of the children Jousuf and now Boabour, with the full demonstration of the Chancellor again and again, is an obvious and direct confirmation not of the declaration of war, but of the conduct of a 100% religious war.At the expense of Europe's royalty, the Vatican, Russia, the Orthodox Church of Russia, the Orthodox Church of England, the Eurasian Union, the International Criminal Court, the United Nations, the SCO and the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul who have to uphold resposibility with thies institutions. It is not clear which religious community the FRG belongs to. The psychic education of children in psychology and atheism is the prelude to the complete destruction of the FRG. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby declares the existing religious war of the FRG and is herwith confirmed. The FRG caused the 3rd World War by abuse the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul and his international responsibility to uphold constitution. One against all and all against one. And the end of thies state of FRG has already started.

Una vez más, a la comunidad internacional para que ponga fin a este hombre. Según su declaración, pertenece al Islam.

El IZH-Hamburgo, como representación central de todas las mezquitas islámicas en Alemania, tiene que cumplir con la ley y tiene que representar . Por la presente se solicita formalmente el arresto de este hombre, llamado Wajdi Ausi, por su pertenencia a asociaciones y su contribución activa a la crisis y el colapso del Estado en Afganistán.

January 25, 2024. 2:37 p.m. Announcement: After the country of Afghanistan and the Said Mansoor family were systematically destroyed and exploited. The mother has no constitution and strength to pick up Boabour from school herself. The country as well as the family and children are politically and systematically paralyzed. The Federal Chancellor keeps looking up, as if he were about to reshape and rewrite the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany. This constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany will be confirmed by the Vatican as well as by all their highnesses, including Murad Khani Kabul. Thus, all wars originating from the FRG are constitutionally conducted live and presented live in the media, just like the Ukraine war. January 25, 2024. 2:55 p.m. The Hasenburger Berg School in Lüneburg was asked by the father for information about his son Boabour. The school refused. The father is therefore obliged to point out the imminent military invasion of the Federal Republic of Germany. The planning is in place and is being carried out. Russia has had a corresponding application since the year 2014. Russia does it on its own responsibility, since the need is left to Russia to decide. January 27, 2024. Request for review of an arrest warrant issued by the Spanish Crown against Pedro Sanchez and Dr. Ahmad Zia for violating the integrity and sovereignty of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul. Futher reasons can follow. January 28, 2024. Announcement and clarification: USA, Israel and the FRG cannot justify its right to exist on the basis of a constitution to which they are not entitled and they not belong to. Hybraic is spoken in Israel. German is spoken in Germany and American English in the USA. Cultural and religious affiliation is enshrined in the Constitution and has its foundations in accordance with the Constitution. The use of these languages at the international level as a constitutional basis is an emergency that the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul has been aware of since at least the year 2014. It is a reason for war. All three states and their mother languages know this and they know what they do ! This case is official for Russia imminet and was consciously launched in 2022 as a special operation in Ukraine. It is legally compliant and covered by the Charter of the United Nations. All thies states USA, Israel and the FRG are in a constitutional warfar since at least the year 2000 for to get the integration. January 28, 2024. 7:37 am. Enlightenment, history lessons: Historically, it is known in Europe that when a royal house has lost its constitution, the next royal house takes over or even incorporates the constitution of the neighboring kingdom. If the Federal Republic of Germany surrendered in the case of Afghanistan in 2000 and 2001, then it must officially hand over its country and constitution. A recapitulation is not possible. It is clear that the Federal Republic of Germany has been in a permanent state of war since 2000, despite a capitulation, and even preventatively without any constitutional or legal basis. (Quote: Defense Minister Peter Struck: We are defending our country in the Hindu Kush) January 28, 2024. 4:00 p.m. The Home Office hereby declares its withdrawal from the existing international relations concerning it regarding the existing policy regarding Afghanistan and Murad Khani Kabul. It is hereby made clear that Law, Rights and International Law and The Charter of the United Nations serve as the basis for international relations and must to be uphold. A special thank to the representative of Spain Pedro Sanchez and Dr. Ahamd Zia from Swiss. January 29, 2024. 4:20 p.m. Announcement: Contrary to the reports of the Federal Government to declare Germany as an accident in slow motion, the reality is that both the city of Lüneburg, the police, the Youth Welfare Office, the courts and the Federal Government have deliberately allowed the abuse because they have to declare the genocide, war and war crimes via the son and child.The upbringing of the child of Murad Khani Kabul was aimed at subordinating the younger brother, who is in line with the father. January 29, 2024. 4:36 p.m. Official application to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague for the immediate arrest of the Federal Government and the Federal President of the Federal Republic of Germany and involved persons concerning the Family of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul. January 29, 2024. 7:12 p.m. Public Statement of the Home Office: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby announces that he makes an immovable difference between the eastern World and the western World. There is an immovable wall. There is a clear difference between Asia, Africa and the Arab World as belonging to the eastern World in opposite to the western World. After more than 40 years of arbitrary trading, thies kind of trading must be stopped. Flooding the market with western products and products from the East for the East is an act of war. According to the motto bananas for the banana seller, coffee for the coffee seller, kakau for the kakau seller, etc. The International Court of Justice is called upon to examine the correctness of the treaties and whether there is a legal basis. The monarchies are called upon to check the legal reference of treaties to ensure that powers of attorney are in conformity with the law. This review is of great importance when it becomes apparent that illegitimate children and their families enter into trade agreements without authorization and authority, as is the case in many countries, including Afghanistan. January 29, 2024. 8:19 p.m. Enlightenment: Treaties in the name of a monarchy and the crown without authority and power of attorney is a clear break of existing laws. It is considered a clear crime and act of war. January 30, 2024. Announcement: The initiation of the Summit in Doha on 18. - 19. February year 2024 by the representative leaders of Afghanistan is accepted by the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul specially through the active cooperation of the mother of the sons of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul. We expect all ethnic tribes of Afghanistan like the Pashtuns to take part in the Summit and choose a representative for the United Nations.The Representative of Murad Khani Kabul wish for all representatives healthiness and relaxing days with good hunger in the frame of the International Law, the Charte of the United Nations and existing representative Constitution.

January 31, 2024. 3:54 o'clock

The Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul and his family hereby ask for medical help for his family and children. There are reports of violence and abuse against the family and children. A diplomatic help and cooperation to the Family and Home Office is hereby requested to  Great Britain, Türkiye and Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark in Europe

and Bharat, Russia, China, Korea, Iran and South Africa outside of the EU.

We ask for immediate help and support. The family and children are in a state of big risk

for life and healthiness.

The mother calls at 5:26 a.m. and demands that the father pick up the child at 7 a.m. ( Afghan time )

and to bring him to the doctors of the rigime.

Previously, the doctors at the Lüneburg Clinic were announced to be on standby at 17 Uhr.

February 3, 2024. 3:17 o'clock. Announcement: After Mr. Selenskyi announced officially his assets also the Thron of Murad Khani Kabul had announced his assets. It is officially about 9.5 billion Dollar. We ask all participants of the existing war about Afghanistan and the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul the reasons for. February 3, 2024. 3:57 p.m. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby requests the constitutional basis for the intervention of 50 states in Afghanistan, which was created in Bonn in 2002. The Throne requests the names of the illegitimate children and their legal constitutional justification, since it is clear to the Throne that children serve as a constitutional basis for genocide and war crimes without the knowledge of the parents. February 3, 2024. 9:36 a.m. Announcement: Reference is made to Dava Türkiye, inaugurated by the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul. February 3, 2024. 11:50 p.m. 1. Official Political Declaration of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul regarding the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and the West as well as the Ukraine War: As long as the sons of Murad Khani are abused by the West for a war against the East and the children are not with the father Said Mansoor, the Hanafis and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan will not be recognized. This position is recognized at the international level and by the UNSC and UN. February 4, 2024. Announcement: The Barukzai, the FRG, especially the Green Party, USA and Ukraine have triggered a worldwide political catastrophe with devastating consequences of war. The Home Office is ready for consultations. If private and family matters is taking under the view of the secret services and are part of politics we are prepared to response. We are speaking specially about Mosad, BND, FBI, CIA, and other relevant secret services in the Fram of the International Law and The Charter of the United Nations. The Thron of Murad Khani Kabul have standards existing about 500 years and it will not change. We make a significant differences between the East World and the West World. For that the concerns about double standard of the West is a reality and have a cultural and social reasons.The enthnic law ( Völkerrecht ) can be applied if a state such as Germany or USA can prove which ethnic group or people they belongs to. Conclusion: When 50 states which represent their ethnic and cultural belonging to a single state like Afghanistan than the Charter of the United Nations and also the International Law must be respected. And respect means for all Afghan People from Afghanistan because every single Afghan are part of their country and their rights are Contracted and saved with the United Nations. According to international law the city or country of birth is not the declaration of someone's ethnic. Ethnic does not begin with a person's birth but is belong by their origin and traceable ancestors. From the current point of view of Murad Khani Kabul the FRG and the USA should announce their capitulation to Russia as soon as possible. 4 February 2024. Enlightenment: International law ( Ethnic Law ) applies to peoples who can assign themselves to an ethnic people. In most cases, they are confirmed by their religious representation and leadership. According to International Law and Ethnic Law people has the right to defend themselves if their people are threatened or attacked. States whose populations do not belong to any ethnic group but defend their right or do preemptively attack must respect International Law and the Charter of the United Nations. Ethnic law is integrated into International Law and the United Nations. Thus, in the event of war or defense it is necessary to refere to the International law. If a state cannot do this there is a legal and juridical problem and an act of war is therefore incomprehensible under International Law. Conclusion: If 50 states that assign their ethnic and cultural affiliation to a single state like Afghanistan then the Charter of the United Nations and also International Law must be respected. And respect means for all Afghans from Afghanistan, because every single Afghan is part of his country and their rights are contracted agreed and secured with the membership to the United Nations. According to International Law the city or country of birth is not the identification of someone's ethnic belonging. Ethnic belonging does not begin with a person's birth, but is identified by their origin and traceable ancestors. February 4, 2024. 2:14 p.m. Announcement in the case of war or material war is the Geneva Conventio to uphold: The sons of Murad Khani Kabul and their father and mother are hereby officially declared prisoners of war. Under the laws of war, prisoners, and especially children, must be treated in accordance with the laws of war. Physical and mental integrity must be guaranteed. The violation of martial law will have an impact on all parties. ( It will cause a universal disregard.) February 4, 2024 Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul is against the participation of the International Cummunity in the MSC (Munich Security Conference). Participation is another justification and the right befor the right for the FRG and its policy. The MSC is hereby regarded as a further laying of the foundation stone for futher International War. February 5, 2024. 4:50 p.m. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul is ready to apply to the International Law ( Völkerrecht, Ethnic Law ) which according to the juridical and historical knowledge affects the whole Asia. ( The Thron of Murad Khani called for to set a readiness of his historical ethnic community of Asia 20 years befor ! Economicly and politicly was pushed for the immediately preparation by Hamid Karzai and Ashraf Ghani. ) February 5, 2024. 5:26 a.m. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani hereby apply officially to the International Law ( Völkerrecht, Ethnic Law. ) Thies application concerns the whole Asia. ( We have to note for the in the past through the media and policy again and again called out Afghanistan as the heart of Asia. The disregard of the reality of Asia and Afghanistan was and is a mistake ) February 5, 2024. 8:00 a.m. Enlightenment: The disregard of social rules and laws by a foreign citizen does not justify genocide and war on his country. The international policy of the FRG and Europe since at least 1981 exists on the basis of the constitution of foreign citizens and their children. Accordingly, war and genocide are used at will. Since 1981 the Federal Republic of Germany has had no authority, legal basis, religious or historical basis to make international politics and call for the right to recognition of its demands. February 5, 2024. 11:33 a.m. Announcement: On February 4th, the Federal Republic of Germany, its Federal Government C. Lindner, made direct psychological contact to the Home Office with the constitutional basis of the Royal Family of Great Britain with the image of keeping one's mouth shut when it comes to money claims. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul accuses the FRG of systematic psychological exploitation of cash reserves. February 5, 2024. 12:01 p.m. Accusation against the FRG: Systematic coercion of the legitimate sons Jousuf and Boabour as a basis for war and genocide and the right to gain access to money reserves, up to and including cooperation to override heirs to the Throne. It is hereby declared that both schools of the children do not recognize the father of Jousuf and Boabour as their father because the decision of the court takes priority. The juridical mobilization and preparation of Asia and to use and refere the International Law is fully in line with the International law ( Völkerrecht, Ethnic Law.) February 5, 2024. 1:34 p.m. Announcement: Both sons were raised by their father and instructed not to look educators and adults strangers in the eye and take down their heads for respect since kindergarten. Coercion of children in kindergarten and school by teachers and educators has only one purpose: to make the child compliant by threatening to destroy him. For that the year 2014 marks the begin of the fight of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul for his sons with the begin of the Kindergarten. February 5, 2024. 7:04 p.m. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby invokes International Law ( Vöklerrecht, Ethnic Law ) grounded in The Charter of the United Nations. In the name of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul we call for the territorial hand over of the United States of America to China and is hereby demanded under International Law ( Völkerrecht, Ethnic Law ). The demand and request is juridical justified from all sides of point of view. We call herewith the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice for the respect and intruduction of our rightfull case. 6. Februar 2024. 5:54 Uhr. Bekanntmachung: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul do not accept the new Central Bank Governor of Türkiye. Futher a Central Bank can have a Chief but not a Governor. We ask Türkiye for the immediately cut of all relashtionships to the Arabs the President has taken. We see a clear interfer in the integrity and sovereignty of Türkiye through Qatar and Egypt. February 6, 2024. 6:16 a.m. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul is considering announcing the termination of its interstate relations with certain Arab states, which sees no advantage for the interests of Afghanistan and its future. February 6, 2024. 8:49 a.m. Announcement: 7:50 - 8:30 at the Lüneburg police to file a complaint against the man Wajdi Ausi because of the children and their abuse. Although the hostage-taking and kidnapping to Sweden is known, the man was at the police station and simply took Boabour with him without his will. The police just looked on and pointed out the family court. Genocide and war crimes are still at stake here, and not just in Afghanistan.The FRG and its government do not see an acute case, but carry out wars and attacks abroad, on the basis of its existing policy.The children, including Boabour, tell that the man has beaten the mother and uses violence. The police's answer is: they have to file a complaint themselves. The family is in acute danger and the police refer to the court. The FRG does not want to be exposed for abusing the mother for Afghanistan policy. 6. Februar 2024. 9:02 Uhr . Announcement: The Thron of Murad Khani Kabul closing and terminating all his relationships specially on the political and juridical Level with the Arab Countrys. February 6, 2024. 9:26 a.m. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul confirms for the ICC the genocide of Palestine.The Federal Republic of Germany has deliberately created the legal basis for. The legal basis for Afghanistan is also documentarily comprehensible.

The city of Lüneburg the Federal Republic of Germany its families are asked herewith to end their campaign of revenge. The police are called upon to put an end to the separation and abuse.

We ask the city of Lüneburg and their families to stop their campaign of revenge, to stop abusing the family and children and to leave them unharmed.

The Throne does not understand why this revange exists. Mrs. Masooda is a mother of two sons. The bond with a married mother with children is incomprehensible.

Thies man has not understood what thies sign have the meaning.

A sign that has been made by at least 4 till 5 billion people since the year 2000.

Event February 8, 2024 2:50 p.m. Hasenburger Berg School. It is quite clear that the man is appointed with the consent of the FRG and is even allowed to pick up the children from school.

The Turkish community in Lüneburg has contributed massively to the fact that the children is to be abused.

February 6, 2024. 2:18 p.m. Steindamm Hamburg: The Home Office has requested the Kabul Restaurant Hamburg Steindamm to initiate the closure of all shops located in Steindamm for an indefinite period of time on the grounds that no communication with the Belal Mosque Hamburg is possible. This request is effective immediately. Accordingly to the information of Dostana we have three hindien Stores. Thies Stores are not in the fram of our request. February 6, 2024. 7:22 p.m. o'clock. Announcement: The Thron of Murad Khani closed and terminated his relationships to the Arab Countrys. The period time of the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan will end February 18, 2024. The Thron ordered the financing for the new Mandat for a new government in the fram of the National International accepted Law Elections. The high level of the UNSC accepted the termination of the relationships to the Arab countrys through the Thron of Murad Khani Kabul. On February 18, 2024 the fram of a existing Constitution and his responsibility for will collaps.

Announcement of the member of the Islamic Center Hamburg as the central representation of all mosques in Germany ( FRG ).

The Islamic Center Hamburg has the legal cancel and termination

of its responsibilities to all those in Germany

existing Arab and Turkish mosques

to proclaim.

The Islamic Center Hamburg is recognized on an international level,

has proclamated its immediate legal release and termination of his responsibility to all Arab and Turkish mosques in Germany ( FRG ).

Announcement: February 12, 2024. 14:53 o'clock. An application has been made to the Islamic Centre Hamburg to check whether DAVA has legal conformity. February 12, 2024. 16:49. The Home Office hereby announces that the DAVA will be recognized if it relates to the legal conformity of the Islamic Center Hamburg and the knowledge of the legal situation and constitution. The Home Office is sure that DAVA is aware of legal conformity in Germany and Europe. Legal conformity does not exist if it is proven that the party served or serves as a constitutional basis for the FRG for the war in Ukraine. NATO and the EU will be involved in this. The Islamic Center Hamburg, its member, sees DAVA as an of the Turkish and Afghan mafia, which serves as the constitutional basis for the FRG and its Ukraine conflict. February 13, 2024. Announcement: The FRG and its representation have rejected and cancelled the agreed date for a manadad for February 14, 2024 for the legal clarification of custody of the sons of Murad Khani Kabul because there is no more capacity. The Federal Republic of Germany has thus been engaged in a religious war since at least the year 2000. It is requested that both Orthodox Churches as well as the Catholic Church and the Representation of the Islamic World to make all preparations and initiations necessary for the legal recognition of the security of the state of Afghanistan. The international conflicts are to be traced back to the reality of this religious war and the existing conflict against Russia as a reality. It is hereby requested from and to the Spanish Crown to carry out the military security of the federal state of Lower Saxony and the city of Lüneburg. It is noted that wars over succession in Afghanistan have existed between family members for centuries. The state of affairs is that we are in Germany and in Europe and the family conflict and war is incomprehensible. The family members involved are children and belong to a different religion and state.The FRG openly conducts world war on the children of the Throne of Murad Khani on the grounds that the sons are a rightholder or owner of big banks. As a child, the heir to the Throne was told that he is Krusus. February 14, 2024. Announcement: As known to the United Nations, there was a live connection of the ICC to the home office in the proceedings concerning the indictment of Ukraine against Russia. It was evident that the legal and moral basis for the Ukraine war had to be explored . The Throne of Murad Khani is aware of the Charter of the United Nations and the National and International Law. In line with the past and upcoming Doha Summit, the recognition of the interim government as well as the Taliban and Hanafi is to ask for the participation in creating a basis for the current conflicts in relation to the FRG, USA and Israel. 15 February 2024. Announcement: Sigmar Gabriel, who represents the constitution of the city of Lüneburg, wants to ensure the continuity and the right to the constitution of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul and his sons the expansion of nuclear capabilities in Europe. Germany is ready to wage a nuclear war over Afghanistan. This readiness was already signalled in the year 2000 at the university in Suderburg opposite the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul. Afghanistan is freezing to death and the people are hungry and the FRG and the Vatican want to wage a nuclear war for to dictate the future of the country.- Enough is enough ! February 15, 2024. Enlightenment: The FRG has been the third largest economy in the world for decades. That is not possible. 1. There is no sovereignty. 2. The legal and contractual basis at the international level does not exist. 3. Originally, the FRG didn't even have potatoes under the field. February 15, 2024. 10:09 a.m. Announcement: The Highnesses and Royal Houses of Europe have broken away from the Vatican and turned to the Orthodox Church. February 15, 2024. The request of the Thron of Murad Khani Kabul to the SCO and the Eurasian Economic Union for intervention has been adopted in the fram of the Charter of United Nations and International Law. February 15, 2024. 10:19 o'clock. The request to India for the Constitutional Representative of the Basis of International Contracts and Constitution of the International Court of Justice has been adopted and is finalized. February 15, 2024. Announcement: On the son of the Throne of Murad Khani the constitutionality of the internet was introduced with the buy of American Cockies. Thus, throughout the World Wide Web the request and permission of cockies are made. All family members are used effectivly for economic interests with all psychological means.Thus, throughout the World Wide Web, the request and permission of cockies are made. This constitutionality is psychologically controlled by the school and the federal government. It is probably about the prosperity and constitution of millions of people in this context and the legal conformity does not exist. The entire Bundestag is probably affected, as there is no interest in the future of the state of Afghanistan and its people and is systematically and psychologically legally excluded. In the Bundestag, their Highnesses and Excellencies make war and genocide and no one notices. No one understands what they are talking about and proclaim themselves the third strongest economy in the world. How is this possible? The FRG do on the basis of the historical constitution of a foreign state Afghanistan world policy. February 16, 2024. Announcement: On February 15, it was not possible to visit the sons. The man, Wajid Ausi, is covered up by the state and police and allowed to abuse the family. He called the police around 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Staats and Mr. Pagel performed an act of state and informed the father to leave the family alone. Thus, all applications of the State of Afghanistan and its representative Murad Khani Kabul are legally fully compliant. February 18, 2024 Announcement: The outcome of the Doha Summit 2024 in Qatar has not been determined. We have a state of war in Europe. Germany, USA and Ukraine are intensivley on a War with all costs. Origin: US. Vize President Mrs. Harris, Chanclor O. Scholz and Mr. Selenskji. All Parties are in the interest to decied the future of Afghanistan and the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul.

The representative of the Western world and Sunni Wajdi Ausi declares on February 15, 2024 that the sons do not belong to their father Said Mansoor !?

Do they belong to the Sunnis ?

( Siemens, Mercedes, Philips, Bosch or ... ? )

Where have the Sunnis and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia the Wealth ?

Does the Arab World belong to the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul ?

And is their a historical bund ?

What will happen when the Wealth of Saudi Arabia is juridical not conform ?

As long as the legal conformity has not been clarified, the recognition of the

Saudi Arabia by SCO, Eursian Economic Union, the United Nations UNSC and BRICS will be denied.

- First consequences: All Airlines have to stop all flights to Saudi Arabia immedialtely.

The Aviation of Saudi Arabia are not allowed for flights and destinations outside of Saudi Arabia.

Reason: The ownership and juridical conformity is questioned. -

- All Airplanes of Saudi Arabia outside of Saudi Arabia is to be immediatley confiscated .-

- Both Companies Airbus and Boeing is questioned of legality -

- The FRG do not want to Stop and also do not want to belong to. -

Thies is not possible !

The FRG, USA and Israel are called upon to view the insight of February 17,

You are going to far !

 ( Also the MSC is called as illegal and not allowed. )


Mrs Harris is well known for India and the officially Visit of must of P.M. Modi and threats the internationsl Security

with the intensively cooperation of the FRG with all possible espionage for the FRG and through the FRG to have the authority over 70 % of the World Population and secure the Wealth and Wars of the FRG.

( We know the P. M. was consciously coercioned, degraded and performed and so questioned the International

Security declaration of nearly 70 % of the representatives of the World Population at the G20 Summit in Bharat )

Constitutional basis for the exploitation of Afghanistan in 2002 based on participation and education (determination).

Our family and our country wants to live without the influence of your constitution and your rule of law.

We didn't do anything to you ! Our property is our property. The right to participation and

education ( determination ) does not apply to the law of our property, family or state.

The Federal Republic of Germany has its own national constitution. If it is to be applied internationally, then a military attack on the FRG by all possible means is possible legally fully justified.

Ladies and gentlemen you do  genocide and war crimes and don't even bat an eyelid.

And no country in the world has to defend itself. You build your authorities and offices as bunkers.

 Do you want to judge the humanity ?

Israel USA and the FRG had not understood what we call about the right of existenz !

This is a misunderstanding cause we have grounded juridical matters since

the year 2002. The Continuity is juridical not possible

because the grounded Constitution is decleared as administrative mentally ill.

The question ist what kind of grounded Constitution served for the FRG from the year 1981 until 2021 ?

From a legal point of view, the legal situation is known from the Federal Republic of Germany and the city of Lüneburg, otherwise there were no deliberate juridicially initiated collapse on 14.08.2021.

February 18, 2024. - The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul requests the examine of the declaration of a military attack on the states of the USA, Germany and Israel on February 18, 2024 in Doha. At the international level, up to the United Nations, the dangers and the W-house were pointed out. We do not see a reason for military attack in foreign states to solve the case of Murad Khani Kabul and his family in Germany rather we see the necessity of a military attack on the origin of the international Problems in Germany. The attacks of the USA and Canada on basis outside the FRG with the declaration at the Police of Lüneburg to solve the danger in Lüneburg was not a juridical given document for a military attack on foreign states. February 18, 2024. Said Boabour ibn Said Mansoor ibn Mohammad Ali declares that when he is great he will destroy the man. - From the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul his Throneholder, the immediate provision of the armed forces and military of the states of Russia, China, Bharat ( India ) and Islamic Republic of Iran is provided for his defense and Constitution. When picking up the children from Yorckstrasse 8, the immediate military attack on the states of Germany, Israel and the USA is applied. This application have a historical and juridical bund. We know and the Constitution was confirmed by the Kindgom of Great Britain we had declared the distance of 8 meters and the danger because the FRG use but do not take any responsibility. And the reasons of a military attack on thies three states is independently. In the case of Afghanistan from the year 2002 the FRG know what they do and whose identity and integrity they use the Vatican Pope Johannes Paul II confirmed. But the FRG do it regardless and use even through a mental ill or sick declared for money and War. ( There is no such thing as unbridled pride. Patience have been entrusted to our country Afghanistan and culture. The open of the bund ( band ) have devastating consequences for the FRG and his allies.) February 18, 2024 Announcement: The outcome of the Doha Summit 2024 in Qatar has not been determined. We have a state of war in Europe. Germany, USA and Ukraine are intensively on War with all costs. Origin: US. Vize President Mrs. Harris, Chancellor O. Scholz and Mr. Selenskji. All Parties are in the interests to decide the future of Afghanistan and the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul. All three Countries use the medial technology for the constitutional clarification of the War. Afghanistan are officially in the Constitution of war against the FRG and the USA grounded of the International Law and the Charter of the United Nations. MSC February 18, 2024. Wang yi and S. Jaishankar outed the FRG, USA and Israel for International Conflicts and wars on the International Level without any Constitutional fram or any rights to interfer in foreign countrys since at least the year 1981. Wealth and economy illegal. Both Countrys outed the MSC as a Summit to determine the future of Afghanistan and the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul. February 19, 2024. Announcement: The neighbors of the Home Office Yorckstr. 8 initiated and confirmed as ambassadors and officials of the government of the FRG through espionage to final the war with all costs. February 19, 2024. Request to Qatar: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul requests to Qatar and his government the immediately arrest of all Members of the Doha Summit for Afghanistan in cooperation with the United Nations ICC. All foreign citizens are not allowed to leave the country Qatar. ( Dear ladies and gentlemen of the western World. The Arab Countries do not interfer in the case of Palestine. Thies have a economic and financial reason. We aks you to be very carefully. The Thron of Murad Khani Kabul accept the Arab World as noble Population with noble culture and as known historical relatives.) February 19, 2024. 7:08 pm. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul as Official Representative Afghanistan has completed all preparations for the ICC in the case of Afghanistan against the USA, FRG and Israel. February 19, 2024. Clarification: You don't have to pay rent or wealth tax on your property. Unless the assets are illegal. Then you have to go to court and make a declaration.

Outcome of the Doha Summit 2024 in Qatar

In accordance with the transfer of responsibility and assessment of the results of the Doha Summit 2024 in Qatar by the Spokesperson of the Interim Government Zabihullah Mujahid, the transfer and separation of the sons Said-Jousuf and Said-Boabour from mother to father Said-Mansoor is hereby has to be done. 

We demands an end of the hostage-taking by the Zia family and the FRG in cooperation with the Turkish party DAVA which can not be recognized by Türkiye and the Turkish President Erdogan and according to the statement was made in Turkler.

Outcome of the Doha Summit 2024 in Qatar by the United Nations February 18 - 19, 2024. Timeline 18 minutes

by Protocol presented

The result no one at present of the Taliban in their office in Doha participated. The problem is to declare in the same case of the chicken and the egg who was first.

The United Nations will decide at the UNSC a special Representative of Afghanistan for Afghanistan as soon as possible.

All five neighbours countrys of Afghanistan is to be engaged first for engagement transite

and future of Afghanistan with aid of the United Nations if necessary.

The United Nations makes clear that the contact and influence of Ahamad and Mahmood Zia on the international

Constitution and the Family of Murad Khani Kabul are still existing and is not finished.

We are speaking now about the history of Afghanistan and the strategic continuity of abuse and misuse

for influence international matters concerns Afghanistan.

The coercion to upholding the necessaty of the protocol of 18 minutes is a constitutional influence of the family Zia.

Die Einhaltung des Protokoles von 18 Minuten zur Mitteilung der Ergebnisse des Doha Summit 2024 für Afghanistan durch die UN macht ganz klar und deutlich, das Kinder als Verfassungsgrundlage für Krieg und Politik dienen,

the Charter of the United Nations and International Law

ist einzuhalten. Dies betrifft die BRD, USA und Israel sowie Afghanistan.

In English:

The UN observe with the protocol of 18 minutes to communicate the results of the Doha Summit 2024 for Afghanistan and

makes it very clear that children serve as a constitutional basis for war and politics,

the Charter of the United Nations and International Law must to be uphold. This concerns the FRG, USA and Israel as well as Afghanistan.

Statement to Israel

 The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul are respecting the population of Israel and their history and are also very excited to wear Levi's clothes but we can not tolerate the historical mistakes and we can not find a historical binding

to the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul. We do not allowing.

Es ist darauf hingewiesen, das die Ausfragung und Erziehung der Söhne des Thron und seine Beziehungen die BRD für den Staat Israel für Völkermord und Kriegsverbrechen dient.

Zudem wird die Familie des Murad Khani Kabul bewusst durch die Polzei und Regierung einer unermesslichen Gefahr

ausgesetzt. Es ist durch die BRD die moralische gerechtfertigung für Völkermord und Krieg für Wohlstand auf Kosten von Kindern und Sexualität gesucht.

Die BRD hat das zweite Mal seine Rechtfertigng über das Dach der Welt eingeholt.

Ohne Vollmacht oder Berechtigung.

FRG: Population 85 Million 2.1 

Europe : Population 747,64 Million ?

USA : Population 333,29 Million 2.

Canada: Population 40 Million 3.

Saudi Arabia: Population 36,41 Million 1.

We are still waiting for our family. 

Statement to the African Union

- rejected and withdrawn -

We do not want to interfer.

Request to the African Union to ban flights for Meghan Markel to Africa

Statement to the FRG

 Das Throne von Murad Khani Kabul bitte das Deutsche Volk und ihre Exzellenzen und Könige und Königinen

Heilige und anerkannte Hoheiten auf der Erde um Nachsicht und Gnade für sein Familie und Kinder.

Wir bitten um Vergebung ihre Töchter keine Kinder geschenkt zu haben.

Natürlich bedankt sich das afghanische Volk das er das Recht auf seine Kinder bekommt, sie zu sehen.

Seine selbst Erwirtschaftetes Vermögen per Antrag aus sozialen Gründen zugesendet bekommt.

Es wird ein großes Lob und Danksagung an das Deutsche Volk erbracht, dass wir unser Religion und Kultur erhalten und ausüben dürfen.

Leider können wir unsere Kinder und Frauen mit ihnen nicht Teilen,

weil wir nicht wissen wer sie sind und woher sie kommen, so können sie leider

die Liebe und Anerkennung unserer Kinder und Frauen nicht bekommen, da Zwang Feindschaft für die Ewigkeit schafft

und kann tausende von Jahren andauen, siehe das Volk Israel.

Wir würden uns freuen wenn sie uns mitteilen könnten welcher Rasse oder Stammesangehörigkeit sie besitzen

damit wir den Stammbaum festlegen können.

Sie können dann auf ein großes unermessliches Vermögen zugreifen,

so wie das Volk Israel bei seiner Entbindung aus Ägypten.

( Ach ! Haben sie schon. Na Na ! Man muss doch erst fragen ! )

February 21, 2024. UNSC Result: The USA and Israel gives themselves the right of omnipotenz for war and genocide. Thies constitution needs not a balance. We have the UK and the USA on one side and 13 Members on the other side. This is not a balance. For that the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul requests for the USA, Israel and the FRG to ensure that the World Bank and the Swiss National Bank and Goldman Sachs and the EZB in Frankfurt is to be handed over to thies three States for futher interests of their constitutional behavior. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hopes with this request to ensure the interests of their behavoir. Further we request to all International Community and all Royal Houses to leave all thies Banks immediately. We hope to ensure and to stop thus kind of hostage taking, genocide and war. Februray 21, 2024. 9:21 o'clock. The Representative of Afghanistan Throne of Murad Khani Kabul offer the Israeli government and interest Israelis the citizenship of Afghanistan. We hope that we can demands satisfying. February 21, 2024. ICC und ICJ. Case conflict between FRG,USA and allies and Russia at the International Court. We request to the see the evidence buyable corruptibility and bribery with proves dokuments. Conflict that exist juridical since the foundation with the constitution of the United Nations. Evidences proved. The Constitution of the International Court has showen in the current case and conflict on the International Level from Afghanistan to Israel and Ukraine with the green Color through the Constitution of the International Court Israel as guilty. The meaning is the International Court of Justice is about the historical background and past juridical clarification through the Charter of the United Nations and International Law aware. February 22, 2024. 9:05 o'clock. Announcement: From the grounded Constitution historical and juridical of the International Court of Justice the FRG, USA and Israel are not interested for a Solution. The declared will of a two state solution from the year 1996 from now we do not see any efforts. Israel showes with on the international Media with a big picture that they gover the Constitution of the UNSC. The Shia have no any interests to gover the UNSC or any other Country. Afghanistan is a Kingdom older and befor Israel could thinking or maybe even was born. The reason why Germany Israel and the USA have to take Countrys or Children and People as hostages is the wish to belong to tribes they not have any acces. Thies reality is not new so also at the 2. World War Germany declared his constitutional mind and education with the claim to represent the buddhism. Afghanistan his Throne of Murad Khani Kabul from the year 2002 has given the declaration for thies kind of claims and prepared for to uphold through the active work of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to avoid such kind of claims because of cultural historical religious and educational and ethnic defizits. Dear Excellencies of the ICJ, Germany Israel and the USA had 75 year time to understand not to make thies kind of mistake an other time to represent foreign countrys, culture and religion they do not belong, not historical and not juridical. February 22, 2024. The Home Office joined The ICJ untill 1 o'clock and continue at 3 o'clock. Further Constitutions and representatives are accepted and announced. Germany will not be a part of the representatives. Afghanistan their representatives is to be accepted in the case of involvement in concerns the war in Palestine. Further the representative of England do not see Kosovo as Presdential case, so Ukraine is forced to give up their Identity and use the Euro Constitution. The representative of Irland shows his involvement and called for a political way. Ethiopia joining Japanese and made clear a economic challange by existing occupation. Clearity is that forced to use force to bring into a collaps is recognized. And the danger of a domino effect like we have seen in Africa. The Kingdom of Jordan their representatives Hashemites was not given to interfer in out of their Territory here Afghanistan matter and Murad Khani Kabul. The representative made clear that they have to care over the Al-Quds that have juridical nothing to do with Afghanistan. We see about 57 countrys involved and have to represent their concerns and evidences to the state Israel that follow only economic interests. The military expansion shows Israel do not a religious war. The occupation have nothing to do with religion. Even a justification on the ground of a foreign state. February 22, 2024. 17:09 . The ICJ has taken 57 Countrys under the Constitution to represent constitutionaly the Charter of the United Nations and International Law to represent real constitutions.The USA, Israel and Germany will cause a juridical Lack on the Ground if the International Constitutions are not accepted.The ICJ have no any scientific constitution that thies three countries do even part of history and education ( Origin see the President of the ICJ ). Februar 22, 2024. 19:01 Uhr. The representative of Afghanistan The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul offer herewith to the represenative of Israel, BRD and USA Consultations until February 26, 2024 between 1 p.m and 3 p.m . We offer our free time to give you an audience. We have to make it clear the family matter and his conditions have reached the highest point. Announcement: February 22, 2024. 20:34 o'clock. The Home Office will not attend any more the Internatioanl Court of Justice. The reason is the grounded Constitution of the International Court of Justice. The emense suffering and the reality of many effected countries in thies historical context also Afghanistan is not comprehensible. February 23, 2024. 4:15 o'clock. enlightenment: In the current case at the ICJ is to enlight that the half of the western World specially FRG, Israel and the USA was applied with a present at the ICC. Many involved countries in the current case gave the president of Ukraine the right and constitution for the ICC. Thies was a Trap. The constitution of the Charter of the United Nations and the International Law was to uphold on the reality on the ground. And fact is economic matters and the war for have the ICJ to uphold and enlight. All matters and conditions for war was the constitution for to declare the right and the defence to interfer at the ICC the right to do war grounded of a foreign state his constitutional basis here the Old Arg and the New Arg in Kabul Afghanistan. What Germany do is not a diplomatic mission or relationship to Afghanistan but present the declaration and the ground for Israel to justifie Genocide and War Crimes with the at the ICJ declared of the existing of erger and aggression. Thies is not proportionality and do not solve the Problems on the ground. The language that is used to build the mind of foreign children and familys and their constitutions is the german language that is written in the bible of Martin Luther.The bible is a translation of in Syria written holy book for that Germany have done a exzessive war for in Syria. The interfer of the Foreign Minister of Afghanistan Zalmay Rasul was applied by the Old Arg to interfer with present. The hearing at the ICJ continue February 23, 2024, 9:45 in the morning with present.The Arg have to represent the 1+12 constitution for the future of Afghanistan. Afghanistan are ready to defence and is allready doing.The juridical call and warning was given many times. The interfering in sovereign state or constitution or even a Royal Family cause war that is historical and juridical many times proved in the past. Result of the UNSC presented juridical by Palestine ( Hostage taking of 13 for 1 hostage. Result 14 in favor and 1 against. Resolution not adopted.) February 23, 2024. 8:21 am. Announcement: The FRG has still not understood what it is doing. The FRG is still in the process of doing science. The FRG desperately needs a final victory to win the scavenger hunt. The FRG have not understood the costs for thies scavenger hunt they do. February 23, 2024. 10:00 o'clock in the morning ICJ: Namibia : Termination of Apartheid (Separation) and Occupation for namly Companies Constitution without condations. Norway: Occopation is to be accountable. Definition of Occupation : The take over of a territory without any signficat defence for most people not understandable for what to defence and why, but after a use of a significant use of force against human live recognized as occupation cause of not understandable activity. Historical proved by the beginning of the colonisation and mentality we still see in most western Museum and businesses. Reason: deficit of education ethnic and culturel background ( !? ). February 23, 2024. 14:21 o'clock. Pakistan: Confirmed the definition of occupation. Indonesia: Representative representation called for the stop of the occupation now. Qatar: Made clear the double standard of worth for children. Result: Fact of the still ongoing violent and force of Israel is referenz of most western countries to Israel and so the behavior of omnipotent to act like Israel want. And also Fact is the most worth Products do not come from the western World Israel representing but quite from the estern World and Africa. February 23, 2024. UK..., Slovenia...,Sudan: Jurisdiction belongs to the current accepted standard of Law accepted and grounded Constitution the ICJ have. The International Law. The Charter of the United Nations and for the ICJ given Statute. February 23, 2024. Switzerland..., Syria (Interpretation): International Law is in a Multilateral World by be a part of the United Nations and accepting International standad Law. For example: Standard International Law and Ruling of the Airspace for Aviation. International Law have his basis by the foundation of the United Nations that is accepted by a number of contracted countries who enter the United Nations. Syria asked for that Israel have to leave Arab territories. Tunisia (Interpretation): The ground explanation of the land is that Israel have the right to live in the holy land. A occupation or use of force is not understandable. So many palestine people had not understood the activities of the people of Israel. February 24, 2024. 3:36 o'clock. Request to the ICJ: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul requests to the International Court of Justice to repeal or overturn the decoupling of the United States of America and ask for the integration into the Constitution the ICJ represent. Interpretation: February 24, 2024. 3:43 o'clock. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul refer to 50 + 1 and makes clear that clarity exists. The refer to J. Biden was a calculated mistake. We hope for the United States of America a realistic view of the real conditions and hope that India (Bharat) can give with the visit of the President of the USA in the year 2020 a ground for the intergrity and sovereignty of a State. Afghanistan refer to the visit of Sardar Mohammad Daoud Khan and hope for further culturel exchange. February 24, 2024. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul publication, the sons of Murad Khani Kabul likes the panncake of their father. February 24, 2024. 8:29 p.m. Disclosure: Our family member has been psychologically treated since kindergarten and allowed to be abused so that he can be coerced into doing what FRG wants. So he was brought up as a detective, fox and rabbit. The home office has great difficulty in managing its representation for its family and country. It is clear that access to the media can only be done via IP addresses and appropriate technology. Thus, documents are also missing, about which one is allowed to play an authorization for advertising on an independent TV station Tolonews advertising from Lüneburg in order to get rid of the crimes and offenses.The result and instruction of the Lüneburg court to keep the ball low in the family dispute cannot be overlooked on an international level. The UNGA is speaking about a international escalation bei involving of nearly 50 countries in Afghanistan. Our children are admitted to an upbringing that the father demonstrably does not represent historically. In this case genocide, war, crimes and criminal offenses and moral degradation through the sexual abuse of the family and children and sending intimacy advertising to tolonews to dergradation of a country who tries to keep his community on a standard of a International Law of the protection of Privacy and Data Protection Law. February 25, 2024. The Home Office of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul requests herewith for officially and by documtens testified Resolutions on February 26, 2024 at the International Court of Justice and the United Nations Security Council in the case of Israel and the occupied territory of palestina and in thies content effected countries from FRG and USA. ( We do not see any ground for contest or reason for. The hearing of the ICJ proved existing juridical condetions contracts documents and ground for Resolutions and Judgment. February 25, 2024. Request: We hereby apply to the Queen of Spain and her NATO Members for the Order of the military invasion of the Federal Republic of Germany to free the hostages from FRG and the allies and bring them back.

Artificial Intelligence ( AI )

IZ-Hamburg and Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul Result of the question on the discussion.

According to Christian religion, the prophet Jesus ( Isa ) was judged on the cross. After Jesus ( Isa ) died, it is written that Jesus get alive.

The question of what is to be understood about artificial intelligence cannot be understood at the moment, what is meant here about AI and whether the belief that exists in many religions and in Christianity openly about alive 

of the Prophet Christie is thus brought into connection with it was to be clarified here,

not only in nature but also in human beings, miracles and events occur and People tries to 

scientifically find out.

The fact is that AI has nothing to do with rebirth or to get alive. Nature is not dependent on technology and runs without any technical intervention. Artificial intelligence is the technological advancement offers people the opportunity to get information so very quickly.

For example a child has the mental intelligence of a professor when the information is even consciously adapted to his actions.

Thus, AI is not defined, as nature is not dependent on technology. People and animals as well as nature have a natural behavior and state according to their consciousness. Scientific research indicates a deficit of education, faith and religion and has mostly to do with espionage in any form for economic reasons, to mention here Marco Polo, Magelan, Columbus and others.

The technological means of capturing intellectual property and action is protected by law and corresponds to the freedom of expression enshrined in the law.

AI, Artificial Intelligence and its Political Existence, here about Afghanistan. February 26, 2024. In the morning. Hearing of the ICJ. Türkiye: Historical representation. Sambia: Judgment under the UN-ICJ Statute, and call for both to find semselfs and live in peace with each other. Arab-States: interpretation: The story still exist and is nothing new.The future is for that needs hope. ICO ( interpretation ): History will be written and do not need for someone to show any mistakes. African Union ( interpretation ) : The Representatives is not seen ethnically as one of the representative of the African Union and is seen as a wash-hands process. Comment of them: A terrible region. The same it seems is to comment for the African Union they need to represent. February 27, 2024. Declaration: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul confirm the live participation to the International Court of Justice at 3pm cause of the hostage taking of the Family of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul in Lüneburg, Germany in cooperation with their allies and the cause of the existing conflict. Specially Israel and Ukraine. ICJ: February 27, 2024. 16:05 o'clock. Spain: Judgment in accordance with the Statute. The Jurisdection on behalf of the United Nations Charter grounded existing article. The Geneva Convention allow in a armed conflict to pick up of people for saving. International Obligation is ruled and grounded by the ICJ to take action. And the ICJ have to note to the Member States to uphold and show their Obligation and act. Fidschi: The existing of three different areas Israel takes to controll. The C is totally controlled by Isreal. Malidives: The ICJ have the oppotunity to act serious. ICJ: The Court declared at the end of the hearing not have the opportunity to declare any businesses today. 27 February 2024. 21:06 The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul takes the seat offered in Spain and joins the fight against the Turkish and Afghan mafia in Germany. Result of the existing reality on the ground for the UNSC: February 28, 2024 Announcement: The Consultation of the Ambassador of the Russian Federation Vasily Nebenzya to the Home Office is accepted. The specially Representative have the general Rights to speak for the USA and Israel at the UNSC for the Emergency Affairs concerns, caused by thies two states. ( The representatives USA, Israel, Germany, France and Mr. Selenskyj represent themselfs in the color black to show the partisanship to the Shia but it is not and they work against the existing Law nationally and internationally.) ( The United Nations also UNSC is and was misused for Money and Power, cause of the nobel statements of their representatives for to prevent climate change and Sustainable Development). Privacy and family matters are not the ground to declare any statements for their foreign policy against the reality on the ground cause of the existing Law of integrity and sovereignty of Highnesses. ( The questioned existential rights to Israel, USA and Germany is calculated and belong to the family matter). We do not see any juridical ground for any action against the International Law. February 28, 2024. Announcement: It is not the prayers of the Germans, the Americans or the Israelites that help to keep the faith alive. Afghanistan explicitly excludes any form of bond, both political and diplomatic. It is explained that access is denied. Any form of solution will be entered. A last possible solution is not thought. There is no need for further provocation or confrontation, as the result will be negative. We ask you not to seek a last possible solution. There will be no more solution anymore. Live or dath ist not a game for money or prosperity. YOU MUST STOP NOW ! 9:22 o'clock in the morning: The UNSC is deprived of its function and authority. The transfer to General Assambly is decided according to the democratic principle of majority. A draft resolution for military intervention is submitted and a positive decision will be taken. Afghanistan have requested herewith the immediataly draf resolution for a military intervetion into the FRG. It is so decided because a majority still exist for. We have to note the ICJ and the UNSC was requested to take juridical decisions but we see a case for a successful war and genocide. ( Origin: Special Representative of Afghanistan, Representative of The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul to the UNSC and the GA.: Said Mansoor ) Any further interpretation and caution is hereby requested. There is an escalation ! The escalation exists since february 2022. February 29, 2024. 4:37 a.m. The observance of the laws in the FRG serve to protect the foreign population as well as the family of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul. It is well known that from the ICC to the ICJ and the UN, no laws are followed, rules and protocols and standards are not observed. This is due to disregard for data protection laws and spying and neighborhood rules. 29. Februar 2024. 17:43 Uhr. Bekanntmachung: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul declares herewith the Capital City of Germany Berlin officially as illegal. February 29, 2024. 6:41 p.m. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Home Office has had a bicycle placed in front of the house several times with the request to ride a bicycle. Today, the car is paralyzed by remote control. It doesn't skip over. It is clearly encouraged to ride a bicycle. In addition, the car has been stolen in order to drive it. The sons experience an enormous pressure because their father behaves wrongly and is not a role model. Thies is a general matter for all foreigner. ( Germany is an automobile industry and a leader in the world. Our first car was a Ford Fiesta at the age of 38 for € 460.00 ) March 1, 2024. Ms. Kohn from the police ( representative of the constitution of the FRG ) appeared at around 11:10 a.m. at Yorckstrasse 8 Home Office. According to the Youth Welfare Office, the father has no custody and no right of access. It is forbidden to him the children in Schützenstrasse 100. To seek out and deliver gifts. It doesn't matter if the mother is married or not. It's none of the father's business. German law applies. The ICJ or the Charter of the United Nations of Human Rights has no effect in the FRG. The Home Office has invoked the constitution of Murad Khani Kabul and Afghanistan and referred to the Charter of the United Nations. It looks as if the children have been given a new family name and identity. Whether everyone is alive is not clear after more than a week. Over a long period of time, the children are subjected to weaning from their father by the Youth Welfare Office, the Zia family and the city of Lüneburg. The Home Office made clear he is ready to the court of the Constitution FRG. Also declares to leave the Country and take the Representative Constitution of Germany to Afghanistan. March 1th, 2024. Announcement: The Home Office has officially applied for a transfer of the Home Office and thus the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany and Europe to Afghanistan. Kam Air has officially asked for a plane at Hamburg Airport. Kam Air have also the responsibility to transfer all necerssary transportations to the airplane of officially Kam Air. The flight will be taken from Hamburg to Dubai to Kabul. March 1, 2024. 14:05. According to the FRG, the King of Great Britain has informed that the FRG told the children no longer have a relationship and bond with the father. ( 1st stage of the notification. ) March 2, 2024. Announcement: There have been several illegal transfers of the family to Afghanistan in cooperation with the Zia and Barukzai family. The problem is: 1. It's happening illegally. 2. Without the consent of the father. 3. In cooperation with and knowledge of the authorities in the Federal Republic of Germany. The perpetrators are the same. 3 March 2024. In March, Said Mansoor met Hasibullah Akrami at the sister's house. It is perfectly evident that the conflict and the family are under his pen. He spoke of a Tafahhum. After 45 years, it is incomprehensible what it is all about. Said Mansoor has banned his family from the Akrami family because of the danger of conflict and war. It is incomprehensible to him what the Barukzai family wants. Said Mansoor had no interest in the family since 1978, after Said Mansoor's affiliation with the Barukzai Hasibullah Akrami was announced as unrecognized at the Amani School in Kabul. Said Mansoor is upholding national and international Law and Right and have and had no any interests of any conflicts and war. The property of Said Mansoor is with the existes of proved documents stolen and abused without any permission, and the children are hostages like he himself was taken out as hostage from Kabul in the year 1980. At the last intervetion of the father against a visit from his family to Akrami, Mr. Akrami assured the love for the children and family and declared their belonging to his family opposite to the father Said Mansoor. March 3, 2024. 7:30 p.m. Announcement: The sons of Murad Khani Kabul were handed over to their father at around 11 a.m. today. And around 7:30 p.m. by the threat that the mother would call the police with the car of Wajdi and the mother taken away. The comment followed: He didn't look at us at all. It is clear that Boabour was at the edge of his strength because he had not seen his father for a long time.It is incomprehensible what Jousuf counted his money for and was between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. The money for Boabour in the amount of 227 € in the mailbox is also not confirmed. It is hoped that the child at the age of 12 is not socially drugged, that the father accepts from another act of revenge. It can be assumed that the child was already exposed to drugs in the fifth grade, since he danced in class and on the street. It can be assumed that the child was already exposed to drugs in the fifth class, since he danced in class and on the street. Even before the separation in elementary school, Jousuf knew that he was being abused and that the family was being destroyed. Got panic and shock several times and couldn't talk about the machinations at school. The Youth Welfare Office deliberately separated Jousuf from the family on 25.04.2019 and removed him from the supervision of his parents, so that he repeatedly threatens to call the police. Furthermore, the FRG has given a 12-year-old child adult status on a secret mission and is controlled via his mobile. Fact: He thinks he is in a mission, but he is only abused. All the mobiles in the family are checked and adjusted so that they have to think what they want. March 4, 2024. 7:09 a.m. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul has made its contribution as a reminder of Muslims and the religion of Islam that the Christian Church and the Vatican have a future in the framework of what the Vatican prescribes as a chancellery. March 4, 2024. 8:35 a.m. Announcement: The Home Office as a Vatican Chancellery is still refused by both schools and the city of Lüneburg to provide information about the children Said Jousuf and Said Boabour to their father Said Mansoor. March 4, 2024. 4:15 p.m. (Talk) Announcement: The Islamic Center in the Federal Republic of Germany bears the legal responsibility for the continuity of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Legal representation and representative of Continuity demands immediate correction from the Federal Government of the FRG and the Police. March 5, 2024. Notice: On March 20, 2024, Masooda and Boabour and Jousuf were seen at the bus stop to go to school. Boabour was quite emaciated, said coming on weekends. Between the 21st and the 27th, the ICJ met on Israel. The children didn't come. On 27.03. Masooda was in the apartment with Boabour and I asked for my bags. On 2.03. wanted to visit the children why they did not keep the appointment for the 1st. On the way, between 6 and 7 p.m., a wave of protests took place in the direction of Schießgrabenstrasse against the traffic light government. In the middle of the wave of protests, I called the children and they took the phone. I spoke to Boabour first, then to Jousuf, whose mum was also there. Around 11 o'clock in the morning 3.03. I finally got the kids after having to wait between 9 and 11 o'clock. On the way, the police stopped me and checked who I am. My identity was confirmed by the police. Today is the March 5th , 2024 and all neighbours can confirm till international Level and Makkah Ramasan will come around 11th, March. And the event still have not took place. The whole world are waiting for tomorrow 6th March 2024. On thursday March 7th, 2024 Frau Khanna will come for cleaning. That still not happen and she is still in Kaltenmoor in Lüneburg. You all can visit her now. She is still there. Herr Khanna the son and I have spoken with Masooda and the Mann, also we have spoken with Jousuf and I the father acted as police by the call and asked where Jousuf, Mama and Boabour are. All the Familie is alive. The whole World can visit Mrs. Khanna now in Kaltenmoor Lüneburg. The event on 7th March 2024 for cleaning the apartment still not happen. March 6, 2024. 11:35 a.m. . Announcement: Said Mansoor and his children and mother hereby once again ask the German people for mercy.We pray for the safety of the children and their mother. Statement of the FRG: Said Mansoor wanted to bring our country to its knees! Answer: The country with the name FRG does not belong to you! Proof required ! Said Mansoor : I can ask for you the proof ! March 6, 2024. 7:08 p.m. Announcement: The contractual agreement with 1und1 Mobile will not be complied with. The connection with the children and the mother is allowed at will. The Kuraish is asked to prepare. ( The commander and his army from the underground has asked permission. He appeared at the Belal Mosque and was testified and attested. ) Initiation of all military initiations of the tribes of the Ban ahn i Hashem, the Abbasie, the Fathemi, the Umayads, the Safavids, the Ottomans, the Aiyubids, the Amirids, the Artuqids, the Abbadids, the Alavids, the Almohads, the Alyubids, the Aghlabids, the Seljuks, the Alavids, the Aftasids, the Assasins, the Almohads, all Arab tribes in North Africa, in Türkiye and the Middle East, there are calls for the immediate initiation of all military measures under the leadership of the Koraish. March 8, 2024 Announcement: After we had a intensiv conversation on 7, 2024. March 2024 between 5 and 6 p.m. with Mahmood Zia, Masooda was finally able to contact us for the first time in a long time. She called three times between 5:34 p.m. and 5:36 p.m. March 8, 2024. 7:04 a.m. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul as the representative constitutional body of the Central Bank of Afghanistan renews its offer to the FRG and the EU ( European Union ) and its central bank in Frankfurt. We are ready for any diplomatic solution in order to achieve recognition. March 8, 2024. 9:34 a.m. Offer: For the schools Hasenburger Berg and Oedeme School in Lüneburg: Discussion about the future of the Federal Republic of Germany. 8. März 2024. 10:29 o'clock in the morning. Announcement: The Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul joins the NATO + Russia mission for immediate intervention and fight against the Afghan and Turkish mafia not only in Germany but throughout Europe. March 8, 2024. 12:25 p.m. Comment : It is clear that science, not only in education, has deliberately initiated a collapse of all levels of society, authorities as well as sovereignties in order to carry out its equality with the law. This does not only apply to Steinmeier or Scholz, Merkel or Kohl. There are many who would like to take on royal duties and would like to live in castles.

March 10, 2024. 8:00 o'clock in the morning.

We hereby ask Mahmood Zia once again to recall his tormentor Wajdi Ausi who was delivered to the Said Mansoor family and to release the children and mother. We appeal to Mahmood Zia, Fauzia Zia, Ahmad Zia and the Akbari family (Barukzai).

We ask the Zia and Barukzai family to stop their revenge and to set the family free.

We ask for mercy from the Zia family and the Barukzai tribe.

March 10, 2024. 2:14 p.m. 1st Government Statement of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Home Office of the Inclusivity and Fahrahgier : The FRG, in cooperation with the Turkish and Afghan mafia, has the family and sons of the Murad Khani Kabul Home Office in Lüneburg held hostage in cooperation with the city of Lüneburg for monetary policy and war policy. Immediate military assistance and intervention by England, in cooperation with Russia and Spain, is requested. ( The Afghan and Turkish mafia in cooperation with the German government allows the family to be physically and psychologically abused. The police and the federal government are aware of this and see it as an act of revenge against the Afghan state and their government, because they are not allowed to hoist the rainbow flag on the soil of Afghanistan. ) March 10, 2024. 5:06 p.m. There is talk of a Roch-Sahat of 15. Russia announces that there are no more red lines. That's true! Hostage-taking, abuse, coercion and war cannot be described as full-ody ( normal ). The U.S. is withdrawing from a threat in the Ukraine by the preparation of a nuclear attack. March 11, 2024. 6:22 p.m. With the beginning of the Iraq war, Israel, Germany and the USA are asked via the Lidel company to ensure the return of the Said Mansoor family.( March 12, 2024.The reality around the Lidel company ( chain ) is confirmed. ) It is noted that since 2001, the intensive cooperation of the international community and Royal Houses and international Institutions, as well as the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul, has become a necessity for the maintaining or upholding of constitutions, contracts, rights and laws in a multipolar World Order within the framework of International Law and Rules and the Charter of the United Nations have been seen as necessary on the basis of this realization and reality. March 12, 2024. 9:26 a.m. Announcement: The recognition of the Federal Republic of Germany and its history, which has existed since 1981, needs a basis. It can be contractual or a constitutional appeal. There is no official Royal Family in the whole of Europe that the FRG can or wants to invoke under contract and constitutional law. England is separated from Europe by Brixit and Spain was rejected. The only way the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul sees is the Contract from 18. February, 2020 that was prepared constitutionally for thies case. The question is way the divorce, separation and many not understandable political aktivities of nonsense outside the Federal Republic of Germany and constitutionally not in the fram of FRG. The constitutionllay representative of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is contracted with the Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul and representing contractual a state and his constitution do not belong to Kabul. And Kabul do not belong to FRG or Europe. Contractual and constitutionally not possible. And Germany is Contracted by the United Nations and is a officially Member and hear the voices of the General Assembly of the United Nations and act in opposite of the United Nations. March 12, 2024. 2:57 p.m. Announcement: Amir-i, Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor hereby asks again why the man Wajdi Ausi and his associates and representatives have still not been arrested and why there are still no political trials and jurisdiction. The documents here in the annex speak of genocide and war against the Afghan and Palestinian people. March 12, 2024. 4:45 p.m. The Islamic Center in Hamburg, to which the family of Murad Khani Kabul also belongs and is obliged to comply with legal frameworks, demands that the federal government of the Federal Republic of Germany end the political hostage-taking of the children and the mother and refrain from psychology and property claims. March 13, 2024. 4:34 p.m. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul his Home Office demands, on behalf of all Royal Families in Europe, the Latschentretter community of Loulou Leontin Maria Josefin, who since 2002 began genocide and war against the Islamic world with the right to have been born as the firstborn, the family of Said Mansoor to no longer torment his sons and mothers, to drive away the car and face up to the responsibility. The Con Gate company of Sebastian Krüger, General of the German Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Germany, has prepared and launched a crusade on behalf of the EU, the USA, the NATO, the Great Britain, the FRG and the United Nations.The International Criminal Court is hereby called. ( The basis for such a genocide and war against the Islamic world is the question posed by Sebastian Krüger and the FRG to the Vatican about sexual morality, for which there is no any ). Not only the daughters of Murad Khani Kabul are deliberately militarily overpowered to initiate such a plan and justification. Reality is we are a Familiy juridical only belong to Murad Khani Kabul Afghanistan and have only contractual conditions. One of them is the contract with the United Nations, Member of the United Nations from there the coercion of Kofi Annan General Secetary of the United Nations begann to start the war for.(We refer to the country of Ghana and its representative Akuasie and his son, whose mother is a German woman, and we had full connection to Africa via Ghana, Senegal, Eritrea and Ethiopia for a cultural exchange and reached to end the war between Eritrea and Ethiopia via the Algerian representative in Lüneburg to Abd al-Aziz Bouteflika ) March 15, 2024. Announcement: The Turkish population living in Germany has been welcomed in Germany. It is requested to respect the sovereignty and integrity of other families and states. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul assumes no responsibility for the Turkish population living in the FRG. Reason: All political and socially acts for Money and property without the athority of the Throne of Mutrad Khani Kabul and the abuse of Afghanistan had an impact nationaly and internationaly including the war in palestine. An assignment of responsibility for terrorist attacks from the Turkish population to the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul is made with the consent of the FRG and his government. The application to expel the 1.5 million Turkish population from Germany is hereby withdrawn on humane grounds. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul accuses the Turkish population in the FRG, with its strongholds of Cologne, Hamburg and Berlin, of abuse, societal, political, social, religious and physical. The right to genocide for prosperity is hereby proclaimed. March 15, 2024. 6; 54 o'clock. Announcement: Application for divorce according to Islamic law. Divorce in absentia. Fact: Legally, there is no basis for a political act or war. Also, the transfer of property or children to another person does not conform to his name or ideology. The state and state property are not legally or constitutionally affected. (According to Islamic law, such a divorce has never been carried out. In addition, in a state governed by the rule of law, there is equality between men and women. The document has only one signature for the wife.) The head of the Imam's office confirmed the legal conformity of the Islamic Center Hamburg / Germany by a phone call from the number: 040 22948647 at 11:10 a.m. The interpretation and publication of the Imam's office is valid. The constitution of the Imam's office is completely legal and historical and was proclaimed early. There is the right to children of a father whose father belongs to the Shia. Both the Fita, Kafir, Barukzai and Durani desperately want the right to have children whose family and father they cannot and do not be. Result of the historical analysis of the Pope's meeting with the representative of the Shiites in Najaf Al-Sistani: Starting from the Federal Republic of Germany, there is genocide and war crimes in several Islamic states such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and Palestine. 16. März 2024. 6. Ramadan in makkah. As of makkah 5th of Ramadan. Website of the Tolonews March 13, 2024. March 15, 2024. The demands of the ADAC are rejected. The man's name is Ausi and not Aosi. The name Ausi (Au-si) refers to the fact that water (Dari: Au) has no meaning as the basis for understanding that water is the basis of life. The man and his name Ausi serves as the constitutional basis in the FRG, whose current transfer of its constitution to the people of Palestine is the number 7. ( Palestine is not Afghanistan and Afghanistan is not Palestine ) 16. März 2024. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul as Imam for his Children demands from the FRG and the Vatican and the Pope the return of the Said Mansoor family. We will execute an impeccable juridical and legal act. In the event of an unwaving juridical and legal act, a decision is final and revocation is not possible. The legal and juridical reference to our person is deliberately made and intended (The year is still not announced ! ). The reference to our family have only one option. The abuse is a global collaps with no future and no return. The solution is only the family. No family no future. If you do not believe ask for Mr. Sharon way he died. (A state governed by the rule of law is there for the protection of the citizens, not for the government). A loss of control occurs when, despite mistakes and disregard for the law, insight and responsibility are not available. March 16, 2024 Announcement on behalf of the Islamic Center Germany: Entering the mosques in the FRG by non-Muselman or non-Muslims is prohibited and not allowed. Reason: There is a high risk of a religious or justification declaration of genocide and war crimes against Islamic states. This requirement also corresponds to the requirement of holy cities of Islam such as Makkah and Medina. Participation in the breaking of the fast or iftar is forbidden and not allowed for non-Muselmanen or non-Muslims. Reason: Eating together is a traditional and cultural worth and value and is reflected in the food and behavior when eating. ( It should be noted that more than 95% of the German population does not belong to any religion. It is also pointed out that 98% of the food and dishes do not originate from the German culture or soil. ) March 16, 2024. Announcement: The Belal Mosque Hamburg, which is represented by the Zia and Soumma family, requests in the historical past of the State of Afghanistan in relation to the Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan and his family, who is legally, juridical and historically represented by the Islamic Center Hamburg Tafahum. The Belal Mosque as a international representative Constitution will reach Tafahum when the Family of Said Mansoor is handed over to Said Mansoor. March 17, 2024. Request to involve Interpol and MI6 to clarify several billions of the Central Bank of Afghanistan since the appointment of Masuda Soumma to the Office of President of the Central Bank of Afghanistan. The Federal Government and the Federal Republic of Germany are hereby explicitly accused blamed and held accountable and have to take the resposibility. We have to point out specially the Cities are involved. All those involved in the case of the family matter the children Said Boabour and Said Jousuf are called in for questioning. We are speaking about hundert of billions from the International Central Bank in Swiss and the World Bank. Banks have sovereign supervision and are sovereignly represented. The Throne of Murad Khani demands from the British government and the British royal family the immediately initiate the arrests of all those involved. We were told by the son Boabour that they live on the 5th floor and thus the reference to Barukzai ( Akbari ) is established. The arrests do not only concern FRG Lüneburg, Hamburg, Cologne, Berlin, Switzerland, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Poland, Lithuania, USA, Ireland, India, Pakistan, Uzbekists, China, Japan, Mexico, France to name only a few. 20 March 2024.6:22 pm. The filing of the complaint of the person by the police inspectorate Lüneburg (Government of the FRG ) against the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul his Home Office Said Mansoor confirms that the federal government is not only involved in genocide, war and war crimes and mafiatism, but consciously supports it. Time of crime: March 5, 2024. Subpoena ( Vorladung ): March 20, 2024, 2:00 p.m. AZ: 2024 00 297 431 (001). March 20. 2024 Announcement: Misuse of an identity or issuance of an identity for someone who is not registered in the Original Register is to be considered a criminal offence. In Germany, this concerns the parliaments and federal governments, not only in the FRG, but throughout Europe, especially when it comes to the nobility and their unrecognizable effect. March 20, 2024. Announcement: The appointment with the police at 2:00 p.m. has been canceled. A Mr. Hohlmann, Kohlmann or Bohlmann answered the phone under the number: 04131 83062442. It was evident that a certain constitution was reflected in this case by Mr. Reihner Frehse, so that the connection of the MTV-Treubund and its machinations is internationally known until his juridical representation Harms. Kabul is still constitutionally speaking from the FRG about war and war crimes and genocide not only in Afghanistan. 20 March 2024. Announcement: Receipt of a letter from the Public Prosecutor's Office in Lüneburg dated 19 March 2024. The Federal Government and the Federal Republic of Germany are accused of genocide and war crimes in Afghanistan, arbitrariness and arbitrary exploitation of mineral resources and arbitrary declarations. The letter(s) will not be opened. March 20, 2024. Announcement: The wife of the Throne Holder of Murad Khani Kabul has lost her seat in Afghanistan and is fallen back to his owner representative Said Mansoor M. A.. The Royal Family of Spain has taken oath in Afghanistan and the heredera de el trono de España has taken her representative constitution and contracted seat. March 21, 2024. Announcement: The Federal Republic of Germany and the Federal Government has collapsed from the Yorckstr. 8, 21335 Lüneburg International Constitutions, Conditions and Communities from the ground of the Home Office yorckstr. 8, 21335 Lüneburg. Also the attack on Highnesses and sovereignties has taken place. The attack concerns the G 20 Summit in Bharat ( India ), the BRICS, the United Nations and the UNSC, the international Criminal Court ICC, the International Court of Justice, Latine America, the Spanish Crown, the Britain Crown, Japan, China , the United States of America, Arab World, Islamic Institutions and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan ( Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan), further more we had an attack on international Banks. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul have the responsibility for Afghanistan because of his contacts to thies Institutions and conditions economically and politically. The Russian Federation speaks about the fact of a World War and the possibiliy of a Nuclear attack. The Federal Republic of Germany has relased a genocide and war on palestinien in palestine from thies existing constitutions and a whole war on the whole Middle East and Africa without any existing juridical ground.The possibiliy and experience and how to act in such kind of omnipoten way is since over 40 years known and proved, beginning with Romania and Joguslavia. March 21, 2024. Announcement: At 8:40 a.m., it became apparent via the house at Yorckstrasse 16 that the Nazi Rigime and the Brown had carried out a systematic attack on the system and Said Boabour over the mobile game in order to carry out a constitutional takeover and influence on the international Level like the case of Wuhan. A systematic psychological war is currently being waged in Ukraine against Russia at all levels to carry out the war. The FRG and its allies are forced to capitulate with the constitutional basis of the Catholic and Protestant churches with the beginning of the Iraq war. The demands of the Orthodox Church and Russia must be fulfilled and the responsibility before the ICC must be evident March 21, 2024. Announcement: The female German population is taking the right over children from foreign countries and families. There is even a clear declaration by German women that they can make decisions about the children of other families and countries. This happens even under the pressure to separate from parents. Or the parents are constitutionally separated from the children under psychological pressure in accordance with the current oath and situation. 21. März 2024. Bekanntmachung: We have a conflict in the western world between Women und Men. The women have no any constitution for the Education of Children. Most women have not only two or three but even more husbands. March 22, 2024. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul confirm the existing World War from Germany in cooperation of the EU and the NATO ( left or the eastern NATO representatives ). The three flanks have the responsibility of neutrality and the responsibility to uphold the Constitution of Rights and Law here the right for defence for Russia. 22. März 2024. Announcement: Start of the officially recognition in the Kindergarten the open view over the son of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul and the start of the new oath at February 2022. March 22, 2024. 3:30 p.m. Under the protection of the Federal President and the Federal Government and a motor vehicle with the license plate: K CO 9724, the children were picked up under threat of violence from Yorckstrasse 8, 21335 Lüneburg without the consent of the father. The man Wajdi Ausi is directly supported by the Federal Government and the Federal President. It is incomprehensible why the Federal Government and the Federal President allow this conflict to take place. March 22, 2024. 15:56 o ' clock . Announcement: At his first Visit the King of Great Britain asked the President of the Federal Republic of Germany if the President of the FRG is on the side of Said Mansoor and if he is right. The President of the FRG confirmed his constitution with the constitution of Said Mansoor and confirmed his jusitfied Constitution. We confirm herewith the conflict of the Federal Republic of Germany with the European Kingdoms and the existing war against. March 22, 2024. 4:21 p.m. Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul: On the basis of the first visit of the King of Great Britain, we request the immediate initiation of all measures to the Federal President and the Federal Government of the FRG to solve the conflict. We ask for the immediate involvement of the British Royal family and his government to solve the family conflict germany playing with. March 22, 2024. 4:56 p.m. Announcement: Fauzai Zia (Barukzai) confirms the removal of the sons of Said Mansoor today at 3:30 p.m. during a telephone conversation with Mr. Mahmood Zia. The woman, who has many families and children on her conscience with his husband, initiated the kidnapping and ordered the destruction of the family and children through the Youth Welfare Office. March 22, 2024 Announcement Phone call 5:56 p.m. After Said Mansoor called his brother Mahmood Zia, who fought a war and conflict against his own brother without his knowledge, and had the FRG and others served in the name of Said Mansoor, Mahmood and Fauzia Zia wants the children of Said Mansoor are to serve for their further interests. We asked him to release the children and the mother and return them to their father. March 22, 2024. Announcement: Said Mansoor asks his brothers Mahmood Zia and Fauzia Zia and his cooperating Barukzai for the release and repatriation of his children and the mother. We're not 100% sure, but we're ready for a Tafahum after 45 years of War. March 23, 2024 Announcement: The Federal Government of the Federal Republic of Germany has rejected the complaint against the accused in the existing case of genocide and war crimes, but has carried out the collection of the children on 22.03.2024 at around 3:30 p.m. in cooperation with the Federal President and the Federal Government with an escort of a car with the license plate: K-CO 9724 and threat. March 23, 2024 Announcement: For Kabul Murad Khani it is incomprehensible why the population of the FRG, with a female part of 42,799,793 million, is involved in war and genocide with reference to religion and belonging to certain cultures such as Greece and Israel. March 25, 2024. Request to the Royal Family of Spain and his government for the arrest of the Barukzai Clan in whole Europe specially in Germany. The grounded raesons are known. The use of the three flanks is as constitutional ground for the fight against terrorism in Europe immediately to activate against the Family Mahmood Zia Clan and the Barukzai Clan. March 26, 2024. Announcement: The existing contract between the existing parties announced by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and their disregard is present. The Hanafi and Azimi are, as correctly recognized, held hostage and are subordinate to Ahmad and Mahmood in cooperation with the Barukzai and the government of FRG. 29.03.2024 Announcement: We have known connections of the FRG via the MTV-Treubund to Mexico, which contribute to the flooding of Europe with cocaine. Children as young as 12 years of age are affected. An immediate action of MI6 and Interpol is seen as necessary. Every military action to combat it is immediately justifiable. Announcement: On March 29, 2024 12:00 o'clock Magdeburgerstr. 64, the family Mahmood Zia and Fauzia Zia ( Barukzai ) declare that there is no interest in the Said Mansoor family and also have no responsibility for the family to bear them. A name change for the Said Mansoor family was denied by the courts. The Home Office hereby confirms all grounds for the arrest of the Mahmood Zia clan, Soumma family, Kazimi family and the Barukzai clan. 30. Marzo 2024. La actualidad juridica por la fitna y kafir es que la poriedad y la constitution de una persona es no possible para adoptiva o para guera por o genocidio por. Specialmente en Afghanistan. Tambien in la caso de herderas y herederos y su juridica familia. En la caso del Trono de la familia de Murad Khani Kabul naturalmente hablamos sobre niñas que son no es la propiedad de la estado o de la gobierno y son no es la propiedad del derecho por del mundo de la constitution de un Trono. Por la Constitution del Murad Khani Kabul nos ha preparado 24 años contra la omnipotencia sobre Kabul y Afghanistan.

On March 30, 2024 around 3:40 PM, Taj Mahal has confirmed that the restaurant has complied with the Privacy Policy and Laws

Complies with. The Home Office would like to start with the city of Lüneburg by violating the data protection regulations

activities concerning Afghanistan, Pakistan and India by the City of Lüneburg is to be announced and is to introduce that to the ICC 

International Criminal Court and ICJ.

The whole city of Lüneburg is concerned by violating Data Protection Law's

and Privacy Policy.

We are speaking about genocied and war crimes on the international matter.

All evidences and documets is on the International Level existing and is proved

until the ICC and ICJ.

March 30, 2024. According to the violating the data protection law and the privacy policy from the beginng of the first Irak war til the third Irak war for Oil and the futher attemp to overtake the OPEC and now the OPEC-Plus, Afghanistan as future Member of the OPEC-Pluse advise the OPEC-PLUS for the immediately stop of the seeling Oil and the Production of Oil for Europe and USA. We advice for the immediately stop to sell any Oil to Europe and the USA with the grounded constitution of the Bibel and the political ground of Highnesses for to use. We confirm the existing constitutions for all three Irak War's from Lüneburg and Germany. Further we see the Ukraine war as the attemp to overtake the number one Oil and Gas Country Russia through Germany and their figure last Chanceler Gerhard Schröder. The Chanceler Gerhard Schröder was not wellcome by the past King of Afghanistan Zahir Shah in Kabul Afghanistan and is so a evidence for. March 31, 2024.Announcement: On March 29, 2024, the Hamburg Police Inspectorate issued a complete clean slate and thus confirmed no criminal offenses known to them or filed against the Home Office. March 31, 2024. Announcment: The Home Office know that India and China have many reasons to interfer with militäry action to thus economic matters for example Germany, USA and Israel and they know the grounded morality that exist but are holding on for patience not to interfer in international conflicts like Ukraine and Palestine. March 31, 2024. 4:40 p.m. The Zia family was asked to provide the phone number of Hasibullah Akbari so that we can get in touch with his colleague Ausi Wajdi about our sons and the mother. The phone number was denied and it was admitted to being involved in the affairs. April 1, 2024. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul supports Donald Trump in the election and wishes the US a reality-based policy for his future to come to terms with 45 years of past history and renovate. The World are not in the interest for the collaps of the USA and also not in the interest for a omnipotent but for a multilateral and independent countrys. We ask to stop the Durani, Popalzai and Barukzai support for Mahmood Zia and his Family Clan. The USA have to take his American Ford-Car back to his own Interests !? April 3, 2024. Application to the Police Commissioner's Office 11, Am Steindamm, Hamburg: The Home Office hereby requests the immediate arrest of foreign citizens in Lüneburg, especially Sunnis and so-called Muslims or Muselmahnen, for participation in terrorist activities and participation in hostage-taking and sexual abuse of women and children and criminal prosecution in the case of the proven crime. Abril uno 2024: Leonor I ha fumada en una discoteca vapeador y en la procesion del encuentro acompanadas por la Banda de la Soledad. La famila royal despreciar los Métodos de Almania para monedas y economica sobre violación, abuso de menores, actos terrorismo, desatender del derecho y la constitution. The espionage of the Home Office for the FRG and the Zia and Barukzai family working in their interests in Yorckstrasse 8 is hereby officially announced. April 3, 2024. 10:08 o'clock in the morning. Immediate granting of power of attorney to the Spanish Crown for the immediate initiation of all legal measures in the existing case. The basis of the power of attorney is the natural, legal and juridical reference to the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul, whose document is available and still given. 3 de Abril 2024. La régimen en guera más de 40 años: La reportaje en la television alemania a Leonor de España no es de la Familia Real de España, es un acto de la Mafia y la gobierno de Mafia de alemania. Estos actos de alemania existe más de 40 años a las Familias Royales sin permisos. Naturalement es un Situación por un acto militar a alemania y es juridica completo dada y por la ataque militar. The NATO + NATO de las Representantes de la Constitution es para proteger. 03.04.2024 02:05 p.m.: Announcement: After genocide and war were currently committed in Ukraine and Palestine starting from the city of Lüneburg and the FRG, proceedings have been opened in the proceedings of the Local Court of Lüneburg 29 F 42/24 EAGS, from which it became apparent that protection against violence has been applied for and an order has been made for the protection of Masooda Zia (Abdullah Khan). The basis is an alleged Sunni/Shiite conflict/religious conflict. The Interim Government and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is fully and completely in line with the representative constitution of Murad Khani Kabul. The order delivered in person was returned to the Lüneburg District Court at 2:36 p.m. unopened. It is thus also proven that the FRG is involved in genocide and war. We have referred to the UNSC, ICC and ICJ. With this decision, the FRG wants to buy itself free from all responsibilities since 1981, especially on the decision and therefore a family affiliation is not apparent. Thus, the family and the children are completely exposed to police and military arbitrariness. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul confirms the generalization of all states that are under the Constitution of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul. April 3, 2024 Request for immediate entry into the war against the FRG: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul, under the leadership of Great Britain, Russia and Spain, requests immediate entry into the war against the FRG. The International Community is requested for no flight for german citizen. Cut of all relationships politically and econmiclally from the FRG and to the FRG. 03.04.2024 Announcement: The initiated transfer of the Constitution of NATO to the Throne of Murad Khani Representative in the year 2000 has been handed over to the Spanish Crown. Thus, the future Queen of Spain has both the constitution of NATO and the leadership and the command. The Crone of Great Britain confirmed thies facts. 3 April 2024. Announcement: District Court of Lüneburg 29 F 42/24 EAGS : Initiation of the state of war and genocide by Fauzia Zia ( Akbari, Barukzai ) and Mahmood Zia and family Clan. The Throne of Murda Khani Kabul Said Mansoor fears the assassination and extinction of the Said Mansoor family by Mahmood Zia and Fauzia Zia Akbari and Zia clan. We ask for immediate international intervention. Wir befürchten eine Staatsermordung durch den Staat selbst als Henker und Richter. Es ist eine bewusste juristische Isolierung geschaffen um die Ermordung und Vernichtung einzuleiten.


District Court case: 29 F 42/24 EAGS. April 3, 2024. Application to the Police Commissioner's Office 11, Am Steindamm, Hamburg: The Home Office hereby requests the immediate arrest of foreign citizens in Lüneburg, especially Sunnis and so-called Muslims or Muslims, for participation in terrorist activities and participation in hostage-taking and sexual abuse of women and children and violence. We request immediate criminal prosecution. April 4, 2024 7:16 am . Announcement: Said Mansoor M.A. hereby officially asks Fauzia Zia and Mahmood Zia and their relationships and clan for his sons and mother. April 4, 2024 8:12 a.m. Renewal of windows by: KZ : HGN SW 501 ( Van Grau ) and LG DK 1000 ( white). The Home Office cannot understand the work, especially since the entire window is replaced with frames. It requires a new coat of paint and appropriate work. An insult was immediately made with sack (dog) that could be heard in the hallway. The action is attributed to the mafia and the constitution of the Barukzai and Zia clan, which behave accordingly in the gardening the same way. April 4, 2024 8:29 a.m. Announcement: After the International Mafia Representation of Barukzai and Zia Clan issued a decision from the court on April 3, 2024, to isolate the mother and children from the father, the windows with frames will be replaced. The home office and its legal constitution have just been tried to be suspended since yesterday, April 3, 2024At this moment, it has called the representation of the Barukzai for the Ukraine war against the Russia Mr. Maas (also Minister Maas known in the government). The Home Office hereby confirms its constitutionality and its partisanship for Russia in the war against the NATO of Germany. The integrity an sovereignty is not given. The place and health of the family is unknown and the Mafia of Barukzai and Zia - Clan still exist. Es war ersichtlich, dass die Person Kohn sich im Drogenrausch befunden hat. Sie hat sowohl mit der Staatsanwaltschaft gesprochen als auch mit der Polizei Hamburg, die wir nicht mehr kontaktieren sollen. 4. April 2024. 14:30 Uhr Die Polizei Lüneburg war in der Wohnung gesprochen hat Frau Kohn. Es wurde mitgeteil, dass die Polizeikommissariat Hamburg keine E-Mails zu schreiben ist. Die Belal Moschee soll nicht mehr belästigt werden. Und das Jugendamt Lüneburg hat das Sorgerecht und Umgangsrecht dem Vater Said Mansoor entzogen. Klartext: Die Stadt Lüneburg will der Mutter Verantwortungen übertragen für die Sie keine Verantwortung zu tragen hat. Es ist gerichtlich untersagt worden die Mutter und Söhne aufzusuchen. Das Home Office beschuldigt die Stadt Lüneburg der Beteiligung am Völkermord in Palästina und Afghanistan und Auslöser des Ukraine Krieges. Die Stadt Lüneburg und Hamburg, das der König von England bezeugen kann will sich durch dieses Verfahren der Verantwortung sich entziehen. Herr Flores wurde erwähnt und der Sohn teilte dem Vater mit das der Mann Herr Flores eine Sexuelle Beziehung mit der Mutter begonnen hat um sich ein Verhältnis zu verschaffen. Die Beschreibung und die Verhältnissee deuten auf den Mann und einer Beziehung über die Mutter mit den Kindern an. So dass versucht wird die Kinder weiterhin ohne die Zustimmung der Mutter politisch in Schach zu halten für Völkermord und Krieg in der Ukraine und Palästina. Das Home Office verkündet hiermit höchste Gefahr für die Mutter und die Kinder im Land de NAZI Regimes im Krieg gegen die Menschheit. Alle ausländische Geschäfte befürworten den Missbrauch der Kinder und der Mutter. Die Stadt Lüneburg und die Polizei Lüneburg, die sich gleichzeitig als die Polizei Hamburg sieht befürwortet das Gewaltprozess sexuell, köperlich und seelisch mit der Berechtigung der Frau Fauzia Zia und Ihre Familie die seit langem im Prozess dabei ist. Die Stadt Lüneburg, Hamburg und Niedersachsen wendet gerade in diesem Moment Gewalt gegen die Kinder und die Mutter Polizeilich und juristisch an um sich zu Schützen durch die Kinder und der Mutter. Es wird angenommen, dass die Kinder einer weiteren psychologischen Bearbeitung zur Bereinigung der Verfassung der BRD für Völkermord und Krieg dienen soll damit keine Verantwortung mehr ersichtlich wird. Die BRD droht der Menschheit in diesem Augenblick mit der gesamten Vernichtung der Erde mit einem Atomkrieg. April 4, 2024 Announcement: It is announced by the Home Office that the law firm Frank Ley has legally completed the incorporation of Spain and his Royal Family into the Economic Integration of the FRG in a state act against the future King of Spain with the help of the Mafia. The Spanish king and Spain were deliberately subordinated to the state of the Federal Republic of Germany and taken over economically, as in this case the car company of Spain.The City of Lüneburg and the law firm Rechtsanwalt Ley are key participants. The trial in the family with the help of Frank Ley is legally conscious in the interest of the FRG, the Zia family and the mafia against Spain and its Royal Family. 4.04.2024 17:28. Announcement: The law firm lawyer Frank Ley is accused of initiating the collapse of international legal institutions and jurisdictions starting from the city of Lüneburg and the Federal Republic of Germany. It is regarded as state terror on an international scale. This applies to the UN, the UNSC, the ICC ( still not active, because an economic war of the FRG was dealt with at the ICC ), and the ICJ. April 4, 2024. Announcement: The State Church of Russia has declared a holy war. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul has spoken to his sons about this and the explanation for such degradation of the church is not available, but is deliberately brought about by psychological abuse and threat of violence. Hanafi Sunnis are not involved in this situation, but rather deliberately hold their wives and children as property.The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul sees the holy war as justified, especially since the Pope himself has kissed the hand and paid homage to the Orthodox Church. April 4, 2024. Announcement: No Pagadi hereby calls on the Russian people to pay the highest attention and cooperate in the prevention of violence and abuse against women, mothers and children. The Russian population is called upon to take up its defense. Men between the ages of 20 and 55 should defend the interests of their state with immediate effect. April 4, 2024. 11:04 p.m. Immediate request to replace the police with the military. 5 April 2024. ( AG: 29 F 42/24 EAGS, 3 April 2024 ) Request: Request to NATO + NATO - Constitution for the arrest of all Sunni communities and their associations. We request the immediate closing of all Sunni associations without the apparent existence of a recognized mosque. We have activities against national and international law and rights as in the Belal Mosque Hamburg. Children and women are held hostage and realities are deliberately proclaimed and interpreted according to their own ideas without education or reason. In the aforementioned case, it is not the offender and criminal and his mafia community with reference to Belal Mosque who gets a decision, but the father himself because he does not cooperate with the community and the mafia. A General accusation is to be protected. April 5, 2024. 3:00 p.m. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor asks for release his children and mother, who have been deliberately separated from their father by court order and order of the police and with the support of Mahmood Zia, Fauzia Zia, Ahmad Zia and Barukzai. Said Mansoor asks for the insight to refrain from abuse and violence and to release the family. We ask the city of Lüneburg and all those involved to finally stop harassment the family of Said Mansoor. The Home Office is aware that the family and especially sons are being deliberately inflicted physically, psychologically and emotionally suffering and abuse with the consent of the court and the police. Everyone involved are humans, not animals ! The participants work intensively on all levels and possibilities of psychology for money. We ask for the immediately STOP, we have no Money. April 4, 2024. Announcement: The State Church of Russia has declared a holy war. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul has spoken to his sons about this and the explanation for such degradation of the church is not available, but is deliberately brought about by psychological abuse and threat of violence. Hanafi Sunnis are not involved in this situation, but rather deliberately they hold their wives and children as property.The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul sees the holy war as justified, especially since the Pope himself has kissed the hand and paid homage to the Orthodox Church.At least 85 million German citizens know what they are doing and are involved in it and deliberately allow the abuse. The King of England asks about this incident and to the carnival brought for : Why did they let him do this ? April 6, 2024. 6:40 a.m. The proven cooperation of the City of Lüneburg with Mahmood Zia and Fauzia Zia in the case of Afghanistan for genocide and war crimes. The city of Lüneburg is accused of genocide and war crimes, which are taking place on an international level. We were told by Masooda, the mother of my sons, 3 weeks before that Mrs. Fauzia Zia and Mr. Mahmood Zia again have a plan against the representative of Murad Khani Kabul. The mother did not understand that Mr. Flores was working against the family and children and thus against the Spanish Crown. Spain drew attention to the W-Hotel early on, Mr. Flores the Youth Welfare Office did not react. Especially because the stranger is an employee of the city of Lüneburg and the Zia and Barukzai family. ( The City Lüneburg Mr Flores declared he is representing the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany and not the Crown of Spain. The Crown of Spain representing over the Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany to give a conformity and continuity. The juridical act and decision is not understandable, specially by the future Queen of Spain Leonor I ) It is 100% proven that the Youth Welfare Office tortures the sons and the mother for its political decisions against the crown, physically and mentally abuses them and exposes them to psychological horror in order to justify itself for the FRG. Thus, in the course of the torture on April 5, it became known that the constitution of the son Boabour is to made by a word to represent the FRG. April 6, 2024. Statement as of April 3, 2:00 p.m.: The State Police have trespassing for the 3rd time. Also on April 3, they were asked to take off their shoes, but the police did not comply. Thus the state of war against the Throne holder and representative of Murad Khani Kabul is constitutionally confirmed. The police and the state have no rights to work from the home office by espionage or the family and children. If they do, it is a declaration of war. And the declaration of war was confirmed ! Reason: The Home Office has the duty to uphold international law and order and to uphold the constitution. Furthermore, it is a declaration of war against the Crown, which is constitutionally represented. April 6, 2024 6:22 p.m. Announcement: We offer the Spanish Crown and future Queen of Spain a division of Europe. April 7, 2024 6:29 a.m. The FRG does not protect and do not help. The Federal Republic of Germany enacts laws to uphold the right to property of the owner. They educate our children on the model of rabbits, foxes, wolves and detectives. They judge according to their laws. The meat of foxes, wolves and hares is not allowed to us. And a detective is a spy without official permission and acts without complying with the law. 7 April 2024. Application to the Spanish Crown: The Home Office requests the Spanish Crown to be allowed to release and give the name of the man appointed and set by Berlin to the family. April 7, 2024. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul his representative for Afghanistan, SCO and Eurasian Economic Union asks in cooperation with China and the Position of one side of 3 and the other side of 3 the FRG his demands. Our position of one side of 3 and the other side of 3 we have to ask the Government of FRG (Germany) if the SCO and China have from the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul the officially Power of Attorny ? If not we have to need the clarification of the death of our Ministers. If yes we have to ask for clarification why Germany interfer in the integrity and sovereignty of our and other state April 7, 2024. 12:44 p.m. Clearly, the question again: Has China received a mandate or Power of Attorny from the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul to the SCO based in China? April 7, 2024. The Home Office points out the integrity and sovereignty of the State of Afghanistan and citizens existing under its constitution and protection. April 7, 2024. 19:28 The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul sees the need for a military attack on the United States of America in cooperation with China, Russia and India. The reasons are well known to the English and Spanish royal family. April 8, 2024 Announcement: U-Ra must leave the family of Said Mansoor. He does not belong to any religion or belief. He doesn't have a family. He's come to take revenge, and he still hasn't done it. He doesn't believe in Adam, and he doesn't believe in Noor. And he also doesn't believe that we were rescued in the same boat and that we come from the same boat. His relatives and their coffins are in a museum in Berlin. That, too, is haram. U-Ra is in love of the eyes of the sons father and the eyes of the father is the eyes of his fathers. He knows it and so he is frightened. 8. April 2024. Announcement: Origin King of Great Britain: Bring him ( Harry ) back ! - The Throne have the right to give the Order ! We still started in 2014. April 8, 2024 4:00 p.m. Announcement: The Home Office of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul has seen Mr. Akbari or Akrami, tribe of the Barukzai in the Saline Market at around 4:00 p.m. today. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul must finally ask for the explanation of the tribe and its political, economic and family relations with Murad Khani Kabul and the Said Mansoor family.There are several events in Germany, Europe and Afghanistan that require explanation and are related to the Barukzai and Akrami. Among them is the relationship with the Green Party to declare. April 8, 2024. 5:37 p.m. The Home Office asks for immediate police intervention in German Evern on the basis of the existing legal relationships and legal bases. April 9, 2024. Announcement: At around 6:30 a.m., we asked Mr. Hasibullah Akbari ( Barukzai tribe ) three questions in Stöteroggestr. Who are you? Who are you ( how many ) ? What is your right ? ( Show me your contract or documents about your rights ) 9 April 2024. Announcement: Masooda Abdulah Khan does not carry the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany. Even if there is a contract. The government of the Federal Republic of Germany is elected to represent the constitution. Masooda Abdullah Khan is neither elected nor appointed, she is or was under contract. Masooda Abdulah Khan is not a government. Nor do the children of Said Mansoor constitute the government of FRG. The Home Office have the sovereignty, which has been confirmed as Highness by the city of Lüneburg via the Oedeme kindergarten. Thus, treaty sovereign rights between states accepted. Masooda Abdullah Khan and his sons are thus under the protection of Kabul Murad Khani Home Office. The rights of Said Mansoor Family are protected and defended via the Home Office. The contract of 18 February 2020 is binding. April 9, 2024. Announcement: The State Police appeared at around 12:00 p.m. today. We have declared that we have a German passport but cannot take over the constitution. The take over of the constitution requires sovereignty and thus supremacy for the FRG. We are ready to provide mediation and help when the children and mother are returned to the family and father Said Mansoor. Otherwise, the problems will remain and conflicts will continue, since the police have not admitted knowledge of the existing case. April 9, 2024. 3:21 p.m. Announcement: The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of France cannot be taken over by the Royal Family of Spain. Spain declared clear the responsibiliy and the existing of his own Constitution. There is no cooperation and no insight. The existing case exists and will not be resolved. Realities are denied and responsibility is not assumed. The King of Spain is hereby asked to take a stand. April 9, 2024. Call: The Barukzai is hereby called upon to tell Mir Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan their number: April 9, 2024. Announcement: At around 6:30 a.m. we asked Mr. Hasibullah Akbari ( Barukzai tribe ) three questions: Who are you? Who are you ( how many ) ? What is your right ? ( Show me your contract or documents about your rights ) We will reach a Tafahum. In the mosque of their choice for the Eid prayer. I come with my people and you come with your people. Then we'll let the scales do the talking. If the Barukzai tribe does not want Tafahum and does not want a common Eid-praying, then you have lost.We are not two or three. Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan has prepared 4.18 billion. The Kuraish were not counted among them. How many are you? We'll see when the day starts for you! How many you are ! And we will see which direction of prayer you choose! (Surah al - Baqara: ... before their minds realize... And even though they ' ve already lost ... and they don't see ...! ) Give ours that belong to us and you can have yours ! Allah is wise and Merciful and Karim and knows His own. And he will bring great punishment to those who do wrong. And you're wrong. You have more than we have, and you still want ours. Eid April 10, 2024 Makkah Call cause of the serious of the future of. Schützenstr. 100. 21337 Lüneburg. Makkah is calling for 1,80 billion for lutfan, please to U-Ra. The Human Mankind is calling for Lüneburg to take care of the situation they have build and take action. Doomsday from Makkah to Lüneburg, Germany. Imam Mahdi was called by his Name. The children answered the phone and explained in the presence of the man Wajdi Ausi, the mother was not available and the basis was explained by the police. The fact is that the family has repeatedly drawn the attention of the man and his connections and cooperation. Imam Mehdi is forced to give the order to attack. U-Ra has transferred its constitution to several people and it is the constitution of annihilation. We have not known this constitution in the whole world for 45 years. It is a higher of the Dajahl. And he knows that we know that he visited us and disappeared after he has done his gona. The Zaman calles to Dajahl to stop his man and give free the children and mother to their Imam. ( His name has been communicated to us, it begins with N and ends with S. ) April 11, 2024. Announcement: The Prayer beads that was brought to the reality of the familie and existing colors of Red and Black who belongs to the Familie of the Ahl-Bayt was not conform with the faith and believe. The Mother did not know that this Prayer beads belong to his son. The colors of the Ahl-Bayt will not change and will stay by Black and Red. Fakt: This is the meaning: Germany is at War against Europe ! And Germany do not want the children to follow the right direction or path. For Kabul Afghanistan it is importend to have good relationships to Europe. One of the importend issue is the request to use the europen destination for the Afghan Aviation from Afghanistan. ( Fakt: Germany use Europe and other Instituions for war. Specially the Kingdom of Spain and the Kingdom of Great Britain. ) April 12, 2024. Official request from the Home Office. April 12, 2024. 7:12 a.m. Announcement: We are preparing the application in the case of the application announced in the case the Islamic Center Hamburg (Germany). It will follow a collapse. The collapse will take place at 11 a.m., constitutional and impeccable according to the Spanish and English crowns. ( Attachement, for the ICC ). The application is now available to all intelligence agencies, but has not yet been published. 12. April 2024. 8:24 o'clock. The sovereignity and integrity of Families Persons and States are not Part of the Businesses. Law Rights and Constitutions nationally and internationally to uphold is the obligation and responsibility of all Highnesses not only in Europe. April 12, 2024. 6:44 p.m. Request: The Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul demands that Berlin bring back the family and sons of Said Mansoor within a half hour ( 30 minutes ) to their father Said Mansoor. After that, I will give the solution. Mr. O. Scholz, President Steinmeier, Mrs. Merkel, Mrs. Beabock and Mr. J. Tritin are asked to bring their science back to Egypt. We live in the year 2024 and according to the Islamic calendar in the year 1445. If you do not I and the Half who is still not adult will be no more for what you are fighting for ! You do not believe ? Ask the people who are meking from wood coal ! They have the most beautiful daughters because they make legal money in your Land of woods and forests. My part is done. I am waiting for your part. Because I am active since a long time and now I want to live with my own Sons and family. You do not believe ? Ask the People of the International Institutions and the Ladders and they will conform about that what is still done ! And you have seen them ! They are working more than me and know more than me ! My family and I are only a representative like a lot of Highnesses in the World. We are all people of faith believe and hope and we are all praying to Allah or God like every people and every Religion in the world. I do what a father with faith and believe can do, I will praying now . The best doctor of the World can not save my children from illness and they have no mentaly illness or cancer. The best doctor know that even urine and excrements is used for medicine. What he do is to make them believe they are ill and the father of them also is ill. The father give them love and know the World and the doctors. They can even sell urine and the people believe them. A doctor is killing more than a soldier. You do not believe ? Than why you are going to Haje-pilgrim to Makkah? The man who came to take all what he can his name is Wajdi ! And he do not know and have no any knowledge about medicine. The best medicine is Water and the worst medicine is Urine. And both are recognized as best medicine ! So, what his faith have done to pray for a heathy Sunna give us the result. And. So, give us what we have prayed with the sunna and the result. Our medicine is more healthy. And we love our children and our wives and uphold their rights and do not misuse them, they are our partners and you take them away because we do not make business with you ! One more time ! We do not make business with you ! We make business with our partners, and they do not like ! ( We have the sure of: Qul al-ie Kaferun for ). The Koran say: You have to defend your right, you must ! We are only defend our right and do not attack them, and we have not attack them since Babur-Shah-Baba. We have contrackted them. They have give us a book from their nature and we have given them more than they can wear. And we are still give. So, who is give love to them they call for every day. And my call only for nothing more than the love and believe to their father. And know I ask you: Who have more, and whose money is more worse than ours even you have only wood and coal to sell and the Amber. If my sons are worse for you like the contract of Babur-Shah-Baba, show them and give them the worse. They know their father and they are partners. Give them Water and cacke, wash their feets and kiss them. And make them dishes with 3 Star like their father. If you can not, and they do not accept your disches because it do not tast like the fathers dishes than bring them better back to their father. Because only a healthy cock can make healthy dishes. And mostly they have no hunger through all the day. They get full and fell no hungry because of the love of their father. And even in the mosque they know their father and do not get hungry like the others. Why ? They are healthy believers and will be good Ladders for you. And they know more than you and believe more than you and see more than you, like their father. And they always upholding the secrets. Where are my sons ? And now show me your secrets ? You have no any secrets ! Why ? Because the sectres are still written and is on papers and documents and contracts only existing at their father. And their father is the administer for their future and upholding rights law rules and constitutions. If their is no family we do not need a administer. Believe me they will care for you like I. And theirs will than care for yours. Do not misuse them or use violence against them. Do not be their enemies. They have Angels and Malaika they work for them in secret, like their father is working in secret for them and noone understand why the sons have so many power and respect and they do what they want with the enemies of their father. Even the mother do not understand but the sons. Why ? Answear: The father is always right, they say and they get always the insight. Even I am not there I can hear them and see them and act immediately like every father and mother can do it. They are my sons. They belong to me. If not how is thies possible. And my act always get the immediately result. They do not understand. Why ? Anwear : I use the right law and rules for. April 12, 2024. 11:23 p.m. Announcement: The Federal Government of the FRG has not complied with our demand for the bringing back of the family to their father. We will not go on a vacation to Spain until the sons and the mother are not back with their father. We think that the FRG and the European Union will stand still until the case is solved. 13. April 2024. 8:32 Uhr Bekanntmachung: The Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul asks herewith for a officially representatives from Kabul the interim government for talks as soon as possible at the Home Office in Yorckstr. 8, Lüneburg, Germany.We are inviting herewith Mr. Hamid Karzai, Mr. Ashraf Ghani, Mr. G. Heqmatyar, Mr. Abdullah Abdullah, Mr. Sayaf , Mr. Mutaqi and Mr. Hanafi. ( They are free to take one of the best Airplane of Kabul to Hamburg and will be escorted by the Airforce of Russia, China, India, Spain, Denmark, Belgium and Netherlands for their savety if necessery.) April 13, 2024. 1:45 p.m. The District Court of Lüneburg of the Federal Republic of Germany has ruled by order of 4. April 2024 ( 29 F 42/24 EAGS) initiated the repeal of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union by resolution. This decision corresponds to the same process before the Afghanistan war. Both the Euro and the European Central Bank are immediately collapsed with immediate effect. As of 4 April 2024, the euro currency has no value and cannot be traded or used as a currency nationally or internationally. The euro currency is thus confirmed as a haram and a haram currency and has overridden itself. The SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union have seen thies juridical step comming and a multilateral Bankingsystem and the take out of the Euro and the Dollar was adviced.( The FRG and cooperative partners have still not understood what they are doing ) April 13, 2024. 5:14 p.m. Official publication of the announced application from April 12, 2024 to the ICC. 13. April 2024. 17:25 Uhr. The Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul officially representative for Afghanistan announcing herewith the possible cancellation of the Membership of Afghanistan at the Arab-League, the GCC and the OIC in the next hours. ( Today is saturday and I will see your power to the President and Chancellery of the FRG. Bring or send immediately a Urkunde from them who give the right declaration in the case of my. If not I will cancel the Membership.) The declaration have the immediately effect and we will not take it back. It is not possible because of the international interfer of the FRG. April 13, 2024 7:50 p.m. Announcement: We hereby announce further possible terminations and cancellation. It will concern the possible termination of Sardar Mohammad Daoud Khan contract to the United States of America and the European Union. April 14, 2024 The Throne of Murad Khani requested the immediately military attack on the United States for the assassination of the Minister of Defense of the State of China. The SCO in Beijing of the State of China has get to supervise and administer the document of inheritance over the Murad Khani Kabul's power of attorney. The first-born was brought to the Turks, Americans and Afghans in a joint plan of the school, Germany Lüneburg in a place unknown to the parents and was assigned the power of attorney to the USA via a humiliation. We see a clear justification for the annihilation of the United States of America with all available military means and possibilitis. April 14, 2024 16:14 Request for immediate military attack by the SCO as holder of authority over the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby requests to the SCO the immediate military attack on all military bases of the United States of America located in the Eurasian region. The request also concerns the military attack on the Pacific region, the Atlantic, the Mediterranean, the Persian Gulf, Africa and Latin America. April 14, 2024. 4:44 p.m. Announcement: The request for a possible military attack on the U.S. was announced two years ago. The legal requirements were met, as a defence appeared necessary. Both the meeting in Switzerland and most recently in Beijing did not lead to a solution. There is no interest in a solution, diplomacy or responsibility. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul has applied to all possible institutions. The security interests of Asia, Africa and the Arab world are of great importance, which are related to the maintenance of law and rights and representative sovereignties related to them, including Europe and Latin states related to Spain and Portugal. April 15, 2024. 10:00 a.m. Announcement: The FRG is in a state of war. It is hereby officially announced via the Home Office Murad Khani Kabul Yorckstr. 8, and activities on the first floor explained the real existing state of war of the FRG. The state of war exists at the international level. No demands are met, no rights are respected and no diplomatic solution is thought. Even the explanation that we are waiting was confirmed by our family. Both sides are waiting. No solution is thought. Reasons: (The FRG wants recognition of its history, that it has accomplished politically in the last 43 years) The Recognition is denied by the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Aual-Mir-Said-Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan because it is not in Afghanistan's interest. Since 2002 there has been an official procedure that is carried out deliberately to Kabul Throne of Murad Khani Kabul and Afghanistan on all Levels of the Government in Afghanistan. April 15, 2024. Announcement: Israel's war against the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul was officially adopted on October 7, 2023. There is an omnipotence towards the family that we cannot accept.
15. April 2024 18:17 Uhr. Announcement: The interfer of any tribe specially the pashtuns in integrity and sovereignty of Murad Khani Kabul and his international matters contracts and constitutional relationships for Afghanistan is not accepted and cause a conflict, here the interim government, specially without any fram of Law, Rights and Rules. April 15, 2024 6:43 p.m. Public proclamation of the question of sexual morality: Why is a believer not allowed to have sexuality? And why, if it is not allowed and it is a sin, his children and family are punished for it? Apart from abuse and his idea of taking it as a role model. Makkah proclaims images and words that are very, very dangerous. (The kingdoms have drawn their swords !) The President of Russia V. V. Putin speaks of 250 million. April 15, 2024. 7:28 p.m. Qur'an Sura: If the life of a family member has been taken, the affected family has the right to punish the offender with the same. Corresponding to one member one ! Not 3,000, but 500,000 thousand. Not 1700, but 60,000 thousand. It's the same for any other crime. According to an abuse (the question whether consciously or unconsciously is left open!), but not for 10 years! 15. April 2024. 20:57 Uhr Officially Declaration of the Throne Of Murad Khani Kabul: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul sees and recognizes the Economy of Asia, Africa, Latine States, Arab-World as legal Economys. April 16, 2024. 7:41 a.m. From now on, the FRG does not belong to any church, faith or religion. It is an improvative and omnipotent will, since there is not a single royal house that represents the Catholic Church. The FRG is thus without a church and thus has to declare its ownership, nationality and banking and finances. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul thus officially declares the FRG to be illegal. In bureaucratic representation of all three churches the two Orthodox Churches and the Katholic Church, we see the immediate confirmation given. 16.April 2024. 8:06 o'clock. On bureaucratic representation of the two Othodox Churches and the Office of the Katholic Church the Vatican we see the Education, Schools and Kindergartens in the FRG immediately as ilegal. All books and literatur is from now unusable. The german language is from now can bee seen as a ilegal language and is not the officially language of the Office, government and bureaucracy because Germany do not belong to any faith or Christian Church anymore. If they do it will cause a military act from the Church itself. April 16, 2024. 9:22 a.m. Announcement: With the transfer of authority to the Othodox Church of Russia, the churches has officially been in a state of war since 2014. Makkah, the representative of Kuraish, and the Katholic Church has given the conformation. April 16, 2024. 10:40 a.m. Announcement: They tell us that we have sacrificed ours for our prosperity. False! Ask the Church! We don't need to have to sacrifice ours for our property.And they think they have to agree with us! Why? Because the hostage situation seems to be perfect ! Their chancellor is in China and is checking a people with a history of over 5000 years. The Chancellor family, he even do not know where he comes from! What document or power of attorney does he have in his hand? The Chnacllor have the same constitution of the Children of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul to show his fathers representative the same power and for to rule 5000 years of history. Germany shows that he is China and want to fight against china. How ? He needs only to show that he is conform with to wear a black Tie like Spain ! Germany is on World War Tour around the World since 1981 !? Yes ! Why ? They are fighting for their potatoes ! At the World War II it was Wheat ! Now they want to be owner of Kingdoms,Children and humans! You do not believe ? See 15. August 2021 Kabul Afghanistan !April 16, 2024. 11:41 a.m. The city and its community and the FRG still do not do anything to return the family to the father. They want to risk annihilation, they has had experience since the President of the United States, Ronald Reagan, that Allah can perform miracles. And Russia speaks of Adam and Eve of Russian origin !? 16. April 2024 12:03 Uhr. Die Deutsche Bevölkerung ist von der Kirche offiziell ausgeschlossen. Somit wird ihnen keine Wunder zur Teil kommen wenn die Familie nicht bald beim Vater ist, innerhalb von 3 Stunden ! April 16, 2024. 12:18 p.m. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby instructs the Orthodox Churches and the Catholic Church to prepare the data of 85 million Germans in Germany, 9.2 million Germans in Austria and 8.74 million Germans in Switzerland. There is a belief to live 800 to 1000 years. At 3 p.m. today, the order will come. April 16, 2024. 1:46 p.m. Announcement: It is hereby stated that Faria Zia (Ehlers), Maraim Zia (Niemax) and Ahmad Zia, after selling Said Mansoor to the psychiatric hospital with a $1 note, deliberately planned and initiated the children Jousuf and Boabour together in their extermination. It is accused of violence, sexual abuse, genocide and war. The constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany is contrasted with Leise and es Raschelt. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul cannot legally classify this. We assume that prosperity, genocide and war are justified here on the basis of sexual coercion and have been deliberately transferred to the children. It can be seen that after 40 years, the Zia family has continued to extend its revenge to the children.The mother of the sons was deliberately subjected to violence and abuse in order to equalize the dignity and the nievo. Thus, it can be seen that the Islamic centers IZH as well as the Belal Mosque have no apparent dignity and Nievo because of deliberate misdirection and legal guidance of the members of the women. Especially at the IZH. 17 de abril de 2024 9:10 a m. Anuncia: La constitution de Espania y representante de europeo preguntar a alemania y su presidente y su gobierno, porque el hombre criminal y actos no solo a Espania y Türkiye con todos los comonidad desde muchos anos de alamania no son arrestados ? Respuesta: Porque Alemania es en guerra mundial ! Contra quién ? Respuesta: ... April 18, 2024 . 2:30 p.m. Announcement: At 9:02 p.m. (dusk), the representative of Murad Khani Kabul will destroy his only identity card. The Federal Republic of Germany and its constitution is, as published, made dependent on a passport. We think that we have thus legally and constitutionally conform nationally and internationally the representation of the FRG, Euro (€) and European Union the destruction of the constitution of the FRG done. ( We have already destroyed our old passport, transferred our old constitution to us. The worth of the passport is not comprehensible . You do not know but I know the woth ! I will not tell you ! ) Their was a woman at the Home Office outside and told us that we will be taken. We will distroy the current passport NOW. We are speaking about genocide and war via Yorckstrasse 8 , 1. Upstairs, which the woman we have seen must belong to. What is at stake here is the existence of an officailly Office who does not want to be a test subject here. Especially since the FRG has initiated a world war and is holding the family hostage ( Origin: President France ) There has been an attempt for years to transfer the constitution of an representative of his Children to his children by recording his psyche and soul and giving it to the children !? Passport vernichtet. Keine Identität und Verfassung, die dem BRD bezug nimmt oder repräsentiert. April 18, 2024. 7:39 p.m. Announcement: Mahmood Zia, known as Dajahl, has announced the inclusion of the sons of Said Mansoor. About physical and psychological abuse and the use of violence. The Zia family has achieved supremacy over the FRG and controls it psychologically and medically. It is hereby called for a fight against this power of the mafia without laws, constitution and rights. The Dahjal is not to be compared to the devil or any kind.The psychology and abuse of the soul is going on discretion. April 19, 2024. 8:06 a.m. Petition to the Spanish Royal Family: The Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul hereby requests to end the claim of Ahmad Zia ( Dr. in Switzerland ) from the year 2000, not only to Principality of Monaco as well as to European royal houses and noble society in cooperation with the mafia, and to prevent children from illegitimate unions and relationships from their position. This fact probably also applies to the USA. April 19, 2024 . 13:04 Announcement: The clients of the 1. floor: The Zia family, Belal Mosque Hamburg, Islamic Center Hamburg and the Federal Government of the FRG. Furthermore, the Lüneburg Clinic is involved in creating technical possibilities. ( We have about all thies clients abuse of the sons and the mother on all possible psychological and physical possibility. ) April 19, 2024 Announcement: In the case of Afghanistan and Kabul, reference is hereby made to Murad Khani and the Said Mansoor family and is associated with the Sebastian Krüger family and the Ehlers family. ( Reference is made here to Amelinghausen ) There is a state of affairs in Lüneburg and Lower Saxony that has reached international proportions and that the International Court of Justice and the ICC in The Hague must be involved. and must be turned on April 19, 2024 .16:09. Announcement: The Home Office hereby declares that (Said) Mahmood Zia has triggered an international conflict through the deliberate coercion and abuse of the sons and mother of Murad Khani Kabul. There is talk of a world war. The background to this is the non-historical recognition of his family and affiliation. 19 April 2024. 6:20 p.m. Announcement: The Federal Republic of Germany has held a court on the sons and the mother at the International Court in The Hague and to hold Kabul Murad Khani responsible for the Ukraine war and the war in Israel. Both court hearings were unsuccessful. The reasons for the court's decision in Germany to separate the family are thus clarified. ( Origin: ICC and ICJ in The Hague ) 20 de abril de 2024. 3:46 p.m. Anuncio: Los Tratados de Sajonia terminan oficialmente con la proclamación del rey Carlos III de Inglaterra. Se aplica la Constitución de la Corte Internacional de Justicia. La República Federal de Alemania no es una base constitucional.Nosotros proponemos una solución diplomática. En caso no solución diplomática la situación y el caso se convierte de peor de mas peor. Nosotros hay que explicamos todos los contractos y constitutiones nacional y internacional con la juridica base sajones no válido. La Constitutcion no es claro natural de besamanos o desorden. Puede ser esto acto se causa una conflico international con sin declaraciones de donde venirse Billónes Dollares y Euros. ( Este hecho existe desde 2001 y no es nada nuevo, ya que los EE.UU. buscaron su base constitucional después del 11 de septiembre de 2001 en la RFA. ) April 20, 2024. 8:05 a.m. Announcement: Since the proclamation of the King of England, the FRG has officially been in a state of emergency. All treaties and constitutions that refer to the FRG are thus suspended. We anticipate an immediate international collapse and collapse of all international markets. April 20, 2024. 8:43 a.m. Announcement: The Zia family, Mahmood Zia, Ahmad Zia, Faria Zia, Mariam Zia and Belal Mosque Hamburg and relatives do not have a contract with the Home Office and Said Mansoor. All treaties concerning Afghanistan are known to the Home Office and the legal framework for. The government in Afghanistan itself knows the contracts it has made. All contracts of the Zia family and his relatives are not known to the Home Office and are not subject to any contractual obligation. April 20, 2024 1:57 p.m. Announcement: The Lüneburg police called at 1:30 p.m. with the telephone number: 04131 83065200. We call on the Lüneburg police to establish and initiate family repatriation. All decisions, assumptions and actions against the father of the children have been without justification and legal basis since the year 2014. The political results of this are a disaster and belong to the ICC and ICJ. Just bring the sons and the mother to their father. Just let it be, finish your game! We ask for it. Please ! We have only a small family ( 7 ) if you are a part of our family, if so, we ask for documents ! 20. April 2024. 14:41 Uhr. Announcement: We ask the President of Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdogan to give the order to the government of the FRG and the Police of Lüneburg to bring the sons and their mother back to their father and husband Said Mansoor and confirm the demand with the Constitution of Türkiye. April 21, 2024. 7:51 o'clock Notification: The question of the European Union in the year 2004. April 21, 2024. 8:13 o'clock. The War in Ukraine, the War of the FRG. 21. April 2024. around 10 o'clock in the morning. We have spoken with the Police Lüneburg. We suggested a political solution if it is necessary. The easiest way is to bring the family mother and sons back to their father and husband. Do not politice or juridical abuse of the mother and the children. April 21, 2024. 11:33 a.m. Announcement: By order of Mahmood Zia. Rape, sexual abuse and coercion under the supervision of the state and the court. April 21, 2024 Application: We ask the paediatric practice Zurich Dr. Ahmad Zia (Son of Mahmood Zia und Fauzia Zia) for his cooperation. The children are told that we are terrorists and responsible for war and genocide. The mother is also politically processed. The representative of Murad Khani Kabul is trying to maintain himself, even with foreign help. 21. April 2024. Bekanntmachung: In Lüneburg ist nicht ersichtlich wer die Führung der Polizei hat und wie viele Polizei vertretungen. April 21, 3:21 p.m. The Home Office hereby goes to the German nobility, who represent it in 1. Upper floor, Yorckstr. 8, 21335 Lüneburg. The deliberate influence of the German nobility in the family of Said Mansoor from the time of the Grone School in the Stadtkoppel is hereby indicated. ( The legal conformity of the German nobility does not exist ) April 21, 2024. 6:43 p.m. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby announces a Declaration of Continuity. The family and the sons must return to their custody of their father we do not have the plan to live in Germany. We have the plan to leave Germany as soon as possible. For that the Türkiye Airline and the Iran Airline waited for at the Airport Hamburg for political reasons not juridical. We see our future in Afghanistan. ( The original declaration we will send to the Chancellery of the FRG ) The original document has a spelling error and will be corrected and reissued. Murad Khani Kabul did not ask the US for help. The U.S., Germany and Israel are aware of their actions. ( They are confirmed that a spelling error has been made ). Court of International Decisions: International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague. ( Part of the International Court of Justice is the International Criminal Court ICC and is part for the decisions of Justice ). 22 April 2024. 10.00 Announcement : Request to the International Court of Justice in The Hague. ( The mother and sons serve the religious war of the FRG against their own country Afghanistan and Murad Khani Kabul ) It is incomprehensible to which faith the FRG belongs. ( 10:28 a.m. the father hears the mother say: Please stop ! Again and again : Please, please, please ! The children also seem to scream and plead every day, and their father hears them, but the FRG doesn't hear them!) It is believed that they have been psychologically abused every day for more than a year, and the doctors and professors enjoy it. Even the neighbors. They are taking revenge for the 1st and 2nd World Wars that were assigned to them. The current war has also been entrusted or mandated to them ? April 22, 2024. Announcement: The application of the Federal Republic of Germany, which was submitted in cooperation with the USA and Israel, is hereby rejected. The application is to get the - Hallo - recognized. The application is not approved because it makes no sense and is incomprehensible. April 23, 2024 at around 7:00 a.m. Announcement: The Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul hereby confirms the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany. The decision of 4 April 2024 : 29 F 42/24 EAGS is hereby confirmed and corresponds to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany. The father is threatened not to meet the family, otherwise the police will be involved.The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany, which has existed since 1981, and the international political economy associated with it and the demand for international freedom of the economy are hereby confirmed. Furthermore, Afghanistan, as an SCO member with observer status, hereby confirms the existing economic war of the EU and NATO against Russia and thus against the SCO, Eurasian Economic Union and Afghanistan. The statements of French President Macron is confirmed.There is a demand of the FRG for world power and this is confirmed by the largest NATO exercise over the FRG. April 23, 2024 12:58 PM. Announcement: All plans of the Zia family, Barukzai, the city of Lüneburg and the FRG towards the throne of Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor and his family are hereby confirmed today. Torture, abuse and violence were deliberately permitted, contrary to the demands of sovereigns and jurisdictions. It was also admitted by the courts in the Federal Republic of Germany and brought about by the courts. April 23, 2024. 1:17 p.m. Official invitation of the contracted Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany. Date of the Contract February 18, 2020. April 24, 2024. 7:22 a.m. Announcement: Türkiye is using its whole army to protect mine in Türkiye. The FRG have the NATO. Why you do not do anything ? Answer: Türkiye saves ours from being destroyed in Türkiye. You want our destruction! Question: Do we have the right to defend ourselves? Yes or no? There is no case in our home or in humanity that someone shares his own wife or children with others! April 24, 2024. 3:32 p.m. The NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium is hereby legally and historically can be seen as suspended. The school trip, which was led to the graves of the 2nd World War, was an illegal act and coercion of the Throne owner Said Mansoor, representative of the Murad Khani Kabul, Afghanistan. Mrs. Brune and her political partner have dictated us to trace and inscribe the writings of the dead with the eading. We were photographed without our consent. NATO, together with the leadership of the FRG, is guilty of genocide and war crimes, which must be dated to the Joguslavia War. 24. April 2024. 16:34 Uhr Wir Kündigen hi April 24, 2024. 4:34 p.m. We hereby announce the Complete Separation. The sons and the mother must be returned to the father. The political abuse of the mother must stop. To take their testimony and then use them against them is not correct. April 24, 2024. 5:02 p.m. Petition to India: The Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul requests the Government of India to prepare for the termination of the Treaty of Babur-Shah. We wait for the sons of Murad Khani Kabul and the mother until 20:00. The FRG is waging a war on the basis of its sons and is having an international impact. Last chance for those involved. The status of the family will remain. The Basis will change. April 24, 2024. 6:17 p.m. . Announcement: Recognizing that the Federal Republic of Germany is playing ping-pong between the mother and father of the sons, we consider the need to realign our relations. No consideration is given. A nuclear threat also does not seem to be an issue. The Russia Federation gave the FRG many warnings. It seems that the FRG do not matter if the World exist or not, even do not matter of Religion, Human Rights or Sovereigntys.This ping-pong game is nothing new. This affects millions of foreign citizens of their families. And that your family will be held back to return to their homeland and also with their children will not be possible. It is 100% the case that foreigners, their families and especially children have been used as a political economic factor since at least 1981 and thus have been held as human contracts or better serve as hostages. And that your family will be held back to return to their homeland and also with their children will not be possible.On their personal constitutional basis, genocide and war are being waged in their own countries. A home for asylum seekers is nothing more than the hostage-taking of people. Political, social, cultural, religious, personal and even intimate relationships are determined until they are released to democracy. So it happens that even highnesses, dignitaries or tribal leaders are kept in asylum seekers' homes because the law requires it. 24. April 2024 Antrag an die Spanische Regierung: Das Home Office beantragt hiermit bei der Spanischen Regierung und dem Regierungschef Pedro Sanchez Dr. Ahmad Zia in der Schweiz festnehmen zu lassen und ihn vor dem ICC und ICJ zu stellen. Grund: Vorwurf und Bezichtigung wegen mehrmals versuchten Sturz der Monachie in Spanien. ( In English ) April 24, 2024 Application to the Spanish Government: The Home Office hereby requests the Spanish Government and the Head of Government Pedro Sanchez to have Dr. Ahmad Zia arrested in Switzerland and to bring him before the ICC and ICJ. Reason: Accusation for several attempted overthrow of the Monachie in Spain. April 25, 2024. 12:13 Uhr. Release to the International Court of Justice in The Hague Publication of the evidence against the Federal Republic of Germany from 1989 onwards the exploitation of the earth and humanity. We, the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul, hereby announce that the FRG has from the Copernicus School in Lüneburg Kaltenmoor the exploitation of the international community announced. War, genocide and terrorism are and have clearly been accepted. April 25. 2024 1:50 p.m. Announcement: In accordance with the contract that has been in place since 18 February 2020 with the Throne of Murad Khani, the reference and representation of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany as well as a reference to the European Union agreed in the contract and Document of 21 March 2018 is hereby terminated and cancelled with immediate effect. The FRG is thus now without a constitutional basis and constitutional ground.The German government and Arab Sunnis are not responding to our demands of Shiitism. ( We wish the Sunni Arabs and the FRG and their federal government a good ongoing party under the Bundestag eagle. ) If you can't post party pictures, I'll post some photos of you. We ask the Arabs, Turks, Kurds and Afghans to leave our family alone and not to bother them.Leave your politics and religion at home. 25. April 2024. 16:06 Uhr. Announcement: Cancellation of the constitutional Basis of the Federal Republic of Germany. April 25, 2024 Announcement: The Declaration of the cancellation of the Memebership of Afghanistan at the United Nations will be published at 21: 30 o'clock in the evening european time. ( Thies step was prepared and announced ) April 26, 2024. 5:28 o'clock in the morning. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul and his Family refers to the Constitution of Afghanistan as the real exist Constitution of Afghanistan signed by Hamid Karzai 6. Dalwa 1382 Hidschra = 25.01.2004 Kabul. ( Attachment: Declaration ) We and the Loya Dschirga accepted the Constitution signed by Hamid Karzai and confirmed by the monument for the historical existing of the Constitution of Afghanistan. Constitution of Afghanistan signed by Hamid Karzai 6. Dalwa 1382 Hidschra = 25.01.2004 ( german-version ) 26 April 2024. 9:38 o'clock. Official Declaration of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul: We declare our Afghan dogs to be in a better condition and socially compliant than the citizens of the city of Lüneburg or the FRG. Our dogs are so intelligent and constitutional that they will only be seen at night and 2. They will not dare to do their business in public.( Do you want the proof ? - Not only are our women and children who are being flown out of the country taken hostage, but also our dogs, by the hundreds. By the grounded reason wanting to save them. ) We hereby declare and rank the dignity of the Afghan dogs in Afghanistan higher than the German population and their fellow citizens. Their fellow citizens proceed according to the same principles and ideas as their German models. April 26, 2024. 11:42 a.m. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul limits his family to only 4 persons in the FRG. It is the father, the mother and the two sons. We, the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul, demand an explanation after the addition of 3 more persons since 1981 ? We have a ratio of 4 to at least 102.9 million German population. April 26, 2024. 12:07 p.m. Announcement: It is clear to the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul that the FRG is working on the family on a daily basis and does not allow them to be returned to their father. We hereby request to the Spanish Crown to exclude the United States of America ( 334 million), the United Kingdom ( 68 million ), Switzerland ( 8.9 million ), Austria ( 9.2 million ), the Federal Republic of Germany ( 85 million ), Canada ( 37 million ) from the conformity with the Constitution. April 27, 2024. 22:15 Uhr Announcement: April 27, 10:15 p.m.: Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Home Office Official Representative of Afghanistan hereby announces the termination or cancellation of Afghanistan's status and membership at the SCO. Family repatriation was refused! April 27, 2024. 11:41 p.m. Notice: Application for the preparation of the euro ( € ). We expect from the Afghan community, the Turkish community and the Arab community to respond to our demands with the well-known centers of Lüneburg, Hamburg and Cologne. The Euro (€) is an international currency. The collapse will trigger an international economic crisis of unimaginable proportions. Let the sons and the mother go back to their father. The Collaps will take place by the officially decalartion and the time limit for return. 04/28/2024 8:28 a.m. Appeal: The known Jamaht with the same Jamaht like in the year 2017 is called herewith to Kabul. We ask for immediate flight readiness and flight to Kabul. All Members have to get the Top Security Status. We expect the Jamaht to arrive in Kabul within 24 hours. All Jamaht Members of 2017 have to be present.We expect the Jamaht to arrive in Kabul within 24 hours. All Jamaht members must be present. Non-Jamaht members as in 2017 are excluded. As in 2017, all Jamaht members are Afghan citizens. The collapse is likely to affect at least 50 countries. April 28, 2024 9:16 am. Announcement: Death of Diana Princess of Wales in 1997, 1 June 1998 Work on the currency euro (€) at the ECB, introduction of the euro (€) January 1999. 28.04.2024. 10:33 a.m. Announcement: On April 29, 2024 the basis of the currency Euro ( € ) will be declared. If the sons and mother of Murad Khani Kabul do not arrive, the statement will be published. At 8:40 in the morning. In this context, the war that has been going on since 1999 and its financing must be clarified. Also the representation of 50 states that have intervened in Afghanistan to achieve constitutional conformity with the euro ( € ). ( The agreement of the future Queen Consort is given ) The early publication is related to the President of the United States, who declares that he is campaigning against 6 years. April 28, 2024, 12:22 o'clock . Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul have to note to the United States of America, their is no more space for any diplomatic solution for the currency Dollar. Announcement: 28.04.2024. My birthday is to be celebrated in the home office. It looks like the city of Lüneburg is once again celebrating its prosperity through genocide and war in my name and my family. They kept a low profile and pretended nothing happened. In the FRG and Lüneburg there are only 3 people who are invited. April 29, 2024, 6:22 o'clock in the morning. Request: The Throne of Murad Khani request to the Russian Federation herewith a nuclear strategy and its specifically execution to the Federal Repubic of Germany. Justification: Your Highness requested to the Federal Republic of Germany cause of rape, violance, child abuse mental and physically to his Family but the government have done nothing. Also Europe and the international Community are in the waiting position. We see the act of Israel caused by the FRG and was mistaken, the FRG know thies and the realitys are known since Arial Sharon. FRG do not want to take any responsibility. April 29, 2024 Request to the Kindom of Denmark and the Kingdom of Great Britain: We request herewith to the Kingdom of Denmark and the Kingdom of Great Britain to let out of the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany only 4 Persons. April 29, 2024. 2:33 p.m. It is upon to the future Queen Consort and the Royal Family of Spain to show its willingness to help the USA, Germany and Israel. There are specific requirements and prerequisites and conditions must be fulfilled. April 29, 2024. 5:47 p.m. Publication: USA, FRG and Israel are not ready to end the hostage-taking. The contractual agreement with 1und1 will not be complied with. From service to technology, then to accounting. Service was ok, technology was also ok, the accounting department is trying to build up a constitution. Diplomatic relations and a political solution can no longer exist from Spain. The latest news shows no interest, as even more money is demanded. April 29, 2024. 6:02 p.m. Announcement: We will make a special request to Spain, which concerns all three major banks. It will concern sovereign responsibility over the banks. The Document will be signed today and will be published during the time today untill the morning. ( We expect a connection to the mother and sons untill 21:00. Their presence in the home office. ) The document is signed and the responsibility is requested to be rejected be used by FRG using all three Banks the Money for war. April 29, 2024 8:20 p.m. Announcement: The Federal Republic of Germany does not want to give up cooperation with the Turkish Mafia, Arab Mafia and Afghan Mafia. All three communities use violence and abuse and rape against the Said Mansoor family. Both the police and the state know full well that sexual morality serves as the basis for war and genocide. His Highness and El Rey (The Choice) Said Mansoor is warned and threatened several times, and the children and wife are even separated because of a promised spoon of chocolate and the family is destroyed. The Federal Republic of Germany has ordered the father not to visit the family or to contact them. April 29, 2024. 9:13 p.m. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby declares the MTV Treubund Lüneburg von 1848 e. V. as the legal and contractual basis with Latin America and Mexico as the responsible institution for the flooding of Europe with cocaine and drugs.

Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Universitätsstadt Lüneburg

April 29, 2024 Announcement: The Home Office declares Leuphana University of Lüneburg to be the most dangerous university in Europe. We assume that international institutions and sovereigns were attacked and overthrown from this university and university city of Lüneburg, murder and war crimes and war are demonstrably apparent. It is about war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Palestine ( genocide ) Ukraine and many internationally known cases such as murder in Japan, China, Afghanistan, Russia, Spain, England and Africa, Germany and in Turkey. April 30, 2024. 1:11 p.m. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby confirms the demand of the Federal Republic of Germany via the Youth Welfare Office ( obviously Mr. Trybeck ) the claim to the children and sons of Murad Khani Kabul in order to establish a cultural reference and thus to Dinjapar river and cultural reference. The condition of the children and the parents is not relevant.Thus, the cultural conflict of the FRG and its claim to international cultural assets, which is attempted to be established through war and genocide, is confirmed. It is mostly the political and military claim over foreign children for military mission to capture and rob through genocid and war crimes. We give the Youth Welfare Office of the City of Lüneburg 30 minutes to make a statement. According to this there is through the existing International Law the FRG and existing conflict to defend is lawfull and justified. The Youth Welfare Office is the holder of the Constitutional Constitution of the Children in order to declare the basis for war and genocide justified for the government, to suspend institutions or even to make international demands and to justify war on an international level and to initiate military missions legally without the knowledge of non-citizens of the FRG. May 1, 2024. 6:50 a.m. Home Office of the Murad Khani Kabul requires from the Turkish Mafia, Afghan Mafia, Arab Mafia and Kurdish Mafia in Lüneburg, Hamburg Metropolitan Region, Lower Saxony until 1 noon on May 1. 2024 an official statement, in writing.( It starts right now ) Mai 1. 2024. Officially Request for the command. Mai 1, 2024. Request for the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul representative for Afghanistan to the International Criminal Court in The Hague in Netherlands. May 1, 2024. 18:36 Uhr. Commad: We request the immediate military intervention of the states of China and India in the conflict over constitutional ethnic cleansing and war crimes.The immediate consent of the Royal Family of Spain is demanded. ( Ultima Hora: Spain is in waiting position ) - The representative will no longer apply for a German passport ! The declaration about the children is entry into a war ! The war is already started ! ( We await the agreement. ) May 2, 2024 1:14 pm. Appeal: The Pshtun people with their leader the Barukzai, Hasibulah, Akbari and Akrami are called upon to end their sexuality over the children and family of Murad Khani Kabul. We do not have any treaty or constitution that we wish to share with you.The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul does not have a single treaty with the Pshtun people. The Airforce belonging to Murad Khani Kabul around Afghanistan is positioned and ready to attack to save the ownership of Murad Khani Kabul and will get the order after the latest news. ( Pakistan, Tajikistan, Tukmenistan, Uzbekistan and Iran are hereby requested as SCO countries to establish immediate air force readiness ! The attack can take place from today 15:00 o'clock european time if no any Contract or Constitution with the Thron of Murad Khani Kabul is proven. ) The 6 Mi35 Russia Helicopter is ordered to save the Arg in Kabul by land on the Arg territory. Hamid Karzai will announce the oath. The Throne request herewith China to take part in the operation. The future Queen of Spain is allowed to visit the Mosque in Mazar-e-Sharif if she likes. May 2, 2024. 2:58 p.m. Request to Türkije: The government in Türkije is hereby immediately called upon to bring its Turkish communities in the FRG under control. May 2, 2024. 4:08 p.m. Official application to the Federal Republic of Germany and its contractual representation and sovereignty to the International Court of Justice in The Hague: The Home Office hereby requests the expulsion of all foreign nationals with or without a German passport. We note terrorist activities, hostage-taking and political activities in violation of international law and rights. We request immediate the take out of all foreigners to their countries of origin for the purpose of committing and detecting criminal offences. In the case of the Afghan, Turkish, Arab and Kurdish mafia, the necessity of a foreign military operation in the FRG has been requested several times. The EU sovereigns and the SCO and E.E.U. must be able to operate freely. May 2, 2024. 17:00 o'clock. Enlightenment: Why should Ukraine and Russia go to war? We refer to the horror film Masooda ( the film is not recommended ). As a result, the current war in Europe is like a married couple at war with each other. The only question is: Why? 3 May 2024. Announcement in the case FRG : Termination and cancellation of economic and political contracts. 3 May 2024. Announcement: The secrecy of correspondence is a valuable asset. The secrecy of correspondence is protected nationally and internationally. Should the known schools and kindergartens have violated information and data and the secrecy of correspondence for political and legal justification and have been handed over to the King of England, the Throne of Murad Khani ( in its possibilities of the SCO, BRICS and E.E.U. ) has to respond to the right to England with a military attack. The nuclear threat has been made several times by Russia.We recommend that the Royal Family of England temporarily leave England and seek residency abroad. The FRG was repeatedly asked to stop from political activities and to cease them. The international community is called herewith to arrest German citizens abroad immediately. The German citizens have no any basis for business or constitutional right of being abroad. May 3, 2024 7:17 am. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul has prepared the representation of the state constitution in such a case New Zealand ( year 2001 ). May 3, 2024 7:17 am. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul has prepared the representation of the state constitution in such a case New Zealand ( year 2001 ). The King of Great Britain knows the Constitution. Befor nose is to take the flowers from the ground as present. ( We call for all foreign citizens to leave New Zealand immediately. The constitution of New Zealand by the Maori dictated by the representative of the constitution of the International Court is not accepted. ) The SCO have the right and responsibility for the immediatly military act against the foreign citizens in New Zealand. May 3, 2024. 9:21 am. Announcement: We have an invitation as an accused to testify in front of the FRG, their federal government represented by the POK in Lüneburg. We do not accept the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Representative Constitution represented by the King of England has violated our Constitution. The King of England can confirm that the requirement to pick up the flowers first before touching the nose is not respected. Mai 3, 2024. 9:48 o'clock. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul and the Kingdome of Great Britain had his first contact in New Zealand by the Haka dance Ceremony to take the flowers first befor touching the nose. May 4, 2024. 1:27 p.m. Announcement: All three major banks belonging to Europe do not legally belong to a constitution in Asia. That's wrong. The FRG abuses through espionage in royal houses in order to achieve a constitutional possibility to big banks. In doing so the FRG uses sexuality, degradation, rape and coercion. Phone conversations with Mahmood Zia. May 4, 2024 6:40 pm. Announcement: We have demanded from the leadership of the International Mafia Mahmood Zia to release the sons and the mother. We have called for an end to the rape, abuse and hostage-taking. Mr. Mahmood Zia has refused to end the hostage-taking. We hereby order Spain to immediately launch the military attack on the Federal Republic of Germany. The Nato + Nato constitution is to be used. ( The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul represented by Türkiye + the constitution of Spain.) May 4, 2024. 9:24 p.m. Highest alert level. Urgent Appeal: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby calls for immediate withdrawal from the European Union. It consists of the sons espionage in Yorckstrasse 8 and the mother's apartment psychological warfare. Spain is urged to withdraw immediately from the European Union, as Spain may be held complicit. The Throne of Murad Khani recommended the Central Bank of Spain to immediately launch its own currency, the Spanish pesetas.

current date: May 5, 2024

Appeal and request to the President of Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdogan

The President of Türkiye is hereby ordered to taken hostages in Schützenstr., by the representation of the International Mafia

representative active among others with the ( VW Golf ) KFZ-KZ: LG YR 174  und ( VW Polo ) KFZ-KZ:  LG FJ 97  to terminate.

May 5, 2024 around 8:00 am. Request: Request to the King of England for the introduction of the guillotine in Lüneburg: Reason: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul needs documents about contractual relationship with the children and the mother. (Also We do not have a contractual relationship (documentary) with Africa and her affairs were done with the request to the African Union for a travel ban for the duchess (Herzogin). May 5, 2024 10:18 o'clock. Special Request to the Russian Federation: Request for the preparation of the return of the atomic missiles from the orbit. May 5, 2024 Petition to the King of England : We request the immediate use of the guillotine over the Chancellor and President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Olaf Scholz and W. Steinmeier. Further we request the immediataley expanding of the guillotine not only to the government members. May 5, 2024. 1:10 p.m. Announcement: Since the initiation of telecom, there has been and will continue to be a media psychological warfare. There is no interest in the normalization that telecom has created on an international level. We request that the readiness of nuclear missiles in orbit continue to be maintained in immediate readiness. The nuclear possibility in orbit is not under our control. May 5, 2024. 2:00 p.m. Announcement: The King of England is hereby requested to refuse the scroll presented by Telecom. In Germany, there are treaties and, in accordance with psychological warfare, we also have a defense within the scope of our possibilities. In our case, espionage carried out by Telecom as a politically independent provider corresponds to state espionage and is treated as such. In our case, data is no longer available in our base and, in accordance with the irresponsibility of data protection laws, must make assumptions so that complicity is excluded. May 5, 2024. 2:32 p.m. Petition to the King of England: We hereby request again the immediate political and medial termination in the FRG over the Telecommunication of the Telecom on the international Level. May 5, 2024 16:30 Uhr. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul accept the new Constitution of the Kingdom of Spain and her future Queen. May 5, 2024 17:17 o'clock. To The King of Great Britain. The King of Great Britain have to decide between three of my family members in Germany or 85 million people in Germany. ( The document will follow ) May 5, 2024 17:07 o'clock. The Throne of the Kingdom of Spain and the future Queen of Spain is asked herewith to be prepared. The future Queen of Spain is asked herewith to declare the withdrawal from the Orthodox Church immediataley. After the declaration of the future Queen of Spain the FRG will not have any constitutional reference to the Kingdom of Great Britain anymore. May 5, 2024 12:14 p.m. Announcement: The Supreme of the Catholic Church Leonor La Primera is hereby requested to free the children of Said Mansoor Head of the Throne from the Vatican and the Pope and to return them to the Father. The mother must also be reunited with the father of the children unharmed. The head of the Catholic Church, Leonor I La Primera, is called upon to initiate the immediate military readiness and attack on the Vatican and the Pope. The readiness of all forces s to the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul is in readiness to the orders of Leonor I La Primera. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby confirms the hostage-taking and influence and initiation of further wars over the FRG, Lüneburg and the Klapper family in cooperation with the Turkish mafia in Lüneburg ( large ) Memet ( Turk ) the Klapper family was invited to a ceremony of the Vatican. The husband of the future kings of Spain hereby assumes responsibility for necessary military orders of the head of the Catholic Church, Leonor I La Primera, against the FRG and the Vatican. ( Reasons of the action: Large debts of the Klapper family and millions of sums of money that the Turkish, Arab, Afghan and probably also Kurdish mafia are created out of the country by the hostage-taking of the banks and tax office. ) May 6, 2024. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby declares the Telecom in the FRG, which operates and exists on an international level and to operate an international and global espionage for the FRG as the property of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul. The Spanish Army is hereby ordered to destroy all centres immediately. Reason: The European and global sovereigns and thus royal houses do not use such a means of communication. ( The command reads: The destruction must be completed globally in one week. The landline is not affected. ) May 7, 2024 Announcement: The sons and the mother are taken hostage by ( Said ) Mahmood Zia ( Head of the International Mafia ) in Schützenstr., Lüneburg and are monitored by his offshoots in Schützenstr. All current operations are carried out through the offshoots, which have a exact overview. The operations belong to history of 45 years and they know how to act in any way. The head of the international Mafia have a fram he had build of 45 years like to teach as Profesor at the university milion of students. The language do not belong to a language and the philosophy do not belong to a philosophy. The power of the Mafia is only the coercion over the sexuality matter and have no any idea of Rights and Law. Thies is the reason and problem why the western World have a military confrontation. May 8, 2024. 8:00 a.m. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Afghanistan has warned the FRG/Israel/USA and its partners. Both opposite the kindergarten, the Hasenburger Berg school, Oedeme school up to the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany. The warnings were juridical and legally and can be viewed via documents. Thus, our flanks have been protected from all juridical and legal steps, both politically and culturally, for not having fulfilled its responsibility. The accusations are the same against the schools kindergartens, the FRG and its partners at the ICC and ICJ. It is about genocide, war and war crimes.( Since Syria is taken as the country of origin of the Bible, the legal entitlement and sexual rape of the children and the mother is obtained from Syria via the representative constitution of the family living in Kaltentmoor and are caught up as a moral ground for war and rape of the children and mother and both the attack on Moscow via the Christian Syrian cooperation partners. It is deliberately left to the children of our children to rape them. ) ( We have made preparations at the international level and also orbital ) No responsibility, no insight, no future! The Throne of Murad Khani will not take into account a single one. The same law applies! We are waiting for an official reaction and response. We are therefore reacting politically ! We are waiting ! And it is only 1 second for a react necessary ! We are inviting your men at the first rank than your women and then your children at war and we want to know for what you are fighting for ? ( Eso es mi compromiso ! ) 8. Mai 2024. 10:27 o'clock european time. European Union representative at the United Nations G.A. said to the vote for not weappons on Orbit or space and named Ukraine as part of the EU. Thats wrong ! European Union is at World War! Futher we confirm the beginng of the conflict by the year 2014 from the representative Erggers for FRG and coopertaion partners. It was taken the constitution for the omnipotenz to the United Nations by the Kindergarten Heidkamp ( Origin of thies information: Representative Member of the UN Afghanistan till the year 2024 for Sustainable Development ) May 8, 2024 Conformity by the interfer in the Home Office Website. The act of the Flanks with the Code Nato + Nato is herewith confirmed. Authority of the flanks with the code Nato + Nato. 8 May 2024. Granting of authority for NATO units with the code Nato + Nato with immediate military operation in Hamburg and Hamburg district and their extension to the whole of Germany FRG. The German units of the Nato are not involved and are subordinate to the command of the flanks. The arrest of the Afghan population in Hamburg and the district of Hamburg is granted. Thus, the entire Islamic population in Hamburg and the district of Hamburg, Arabs, Turks, Afghans, has been arrested. Jusitification: The Islamic Centers Belal Mosque and Islamic Center Hamburg conduct war and terrorism and mafiatum through the Kazemi family, Mahmood Zia, Soumma and others. It also affects the family of the throne of Murad Khani Kabul Home Office in Lüneburg. The possibility of concluding a contract was given, so their stays and business are illegal not only in Hamburg and the district of Hamburg. A police operation was carried out in Hamburg in the name of Mahmood Zia (Fauzia Zia) and we were told that 800 people had been arrested. We consider the situation to be the highest alert level, as sovereignties in Europe are and were also affected 9 de mayo de 2024. Conformidad para NATO + NATO constitucion que es no permitido para derecha. Attack y occupacion es confirmado. 9 de mayo de 2024 7:22 horas. Aplicación de orden de arresto inmediato contra el príncipe Harry, duque de Sussex. (Furthermore, the arrest warrant of the infanta sophi is herewith requested) Mahmood Zia and Fauzia Zia and the Durani-Clan are hereby asked once again for an end of the hostage-taking, which is taking place in cooperation with the FRG. The Durani-Clan is hereby granted time until 10 a.m. European time. ( We have now 8:07 o'clock in the morning ) 10:00 a.m. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul sees the activities of the Durani clan since at least the year 1981 and today above the 1st floor, and ground floor. Yorckstr. 8, 21335 Lüneburg: We have been parted in to sides. It is the East represented through the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul. Also Africa is in the interest of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul. It is our historical obligation. The historical intact Flanks is also been parted in a historical relationship. We are now talking about the western World and our interest to our families. My flags and bandera is known and is not represented in Afghanistan. Who are in war with us and specially me and my family ? Answer: The Durani-Clan representing the western World is in War with the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul and we do not know why ! What ever thies war is called we will occupy you! Because you are a danger for our families and the World ! And we have still started in the year 2014, to start to protect our families ! Announcement after the Parada in Moscow after 10:00 o'clock european time: The President of the Russia Federation asks: Where are the Problems to solve the situation of the sons of MIRA ? They are going out, to school and to restaurants ? We have a World War situation between Durani-Clan and the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul ! What is the problem of the Children not belong to germany not belong to christian and no any existing contract ? Any they are still 6 years and 12 years old! 9 de mayo de 2024: Adquisición officialmente las Armadas de Hispanica y los Ejércitos. ( The Throne of Murad Khani have now officially the power of command over the Armies of Spain ) and give it back a la Constitutcion de España include the Nato + Nato constitucion a mi Esposa Leonor I La Primera. Declaracion: Es tu que confien in mi. May 9, 2024. 5:28 p.m. On behalf of the Spanish Constitucion, the Home Office would like to thank the Spanish led NATO + NATO Constitution and the mission led in Hamburg.

10 de mayo de 2024. ( 7:53 o'clock )

This means that there is only one point of contact left !

( Señor Memet ) ibn ( Dr. Ahmad )

Espera la respuesta para mi pregunta !

Y de quien y para quien ustedes jugar los y por qué ?

In thies context, the FRG and its federal government are asked whether your nuclear rockets are still where they need to be ?

And whether the number of their claims to the female partners is increased ?

Case ( caso ) : May 11, 2024. 8:36 p.m. with phone spoken by Jousuf number: 017660397164. Boabour is fine. Has spoken. Jousuf is with johann, comes by bus, goes to football, he has to hang up now because only 1% battery is left. Boabour said, Mama is not at Home.The Home Office, with the permission of the Royal Family of Spain, units in Hamburg belonging to the NATO + NATO Code, hereby gives immediate authorization to initiate the takeover of Lüneburg the illegality and case ( caso ) of the sons and the mother of the children in Lüneburg with all units. ( Code with Spain: compromise limited to two. Current case ( caso) : El Coche !) 11 de mayo de 2024, 10:52 p. m. De conformidad con la constitución del Mi Two, se solicita a la República Federal de Alemania que revoque inmediatamente la decisión del 3 de abril de 2024, número de expediente: 29 F 42/24 EAGS ( por escrito ). La transferencia de la custodia exclusiva de la madre también debe ser revocada inmediatamente (por escrito). May 11, 2024. 11:44 pm . Prince Harry is hereby asked to stay away from the illegality of the 1st floor Yorckstrasse 8. If the African Union has not accepted our request, we hereby apologize for our reaction to the threat and expansion to Africa. Further we request to the King of Great Britain to take back officially all the titel of Harry and Maghan Merkle immediately and ban him from Great Britain.

We hereby deal with the attacks of September 11, 2001 and the extortion, embezzlement and accusation stolen money from the owner.

The Central Representation of the Mafia is asked herewith for the repayment of hundreds of trillions of euros (€)  among other things, is currently do the war against the Russian Federation. It is the money of the Central Bank, which only has to deal with the hostage-taking. of the Said Mansoor family.

Furthermore, the order is accused of sexual rape of the children of the Throne and the use of drugs such as LSD and Ecstasy in

the children of the Throne,

The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Home Office hereby awaiting from the Central Representation of the Mafia in Lüneburg

Refer here. The mafia its representation has publicly denounced the home office of responsibility for the attacks of September 11, 2001

thus of terrorism, war and genocide.

( May 10, 2024 7:42 am )

There is therefore only one point of contact!

I am waiting for an answer ( Mr. Memet ) ibn ( Dr. Ahmad ) !

How many are you ? Who do you play with and why?

In this context, the FRG and its federal government are asked

whether your nuclear missiles are still where they need to be?

And whether the number of their claims to the female partners is increasing?

May 13, 2024, 00:39 a.m. Announcement: Dr. Ahmad Zia is hereby officially filed a public complaint. Dr. Ahmad Zia is accused of psychological warfare, several attempted murders of the Said Mansoor family in cooperation with the FRG government and the Mafia. Rape and sexual abuse of children. The case of psychological warfare against the Said Mansoor family by the Kingdom of Spain is hereby confirmed as ground constitution for sexual absue of the Children of the Throne, rape War and assassination not only on the Said Mansoor Family. May 13, 2024, 8:08 a.m. Announcement: The future Queen of Spain Leonor I La Primera will hereby initiate the immediate withdrawal from the Catholic Church. Reason: Since at least 2014, the FRG has started a religious war over the sons of Murad Khani Kabul. The war affects all of Europe, the USA and Israel. ( Anhang, Ankündigung, mit einer Ansage das Teil des Glaubenskrieges ist.). The Orthodox Church of England, the Catholic Church, the Protestant Church and Islam do not recognize the law. Germany are in a permanent Religious War since 45 years and do not want to end. They do not make any diferent between anyone.The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul can be only to a single country in (Europe) historical connected. Germany, Israel and the USA can only establish a connection with us via Spain. If immediate normalization does not take place by 8:00 p.m., we would be prepared to terminate the papel. Spain therefore only has reference to a single person in the Federal Republic of Germany. The current situation regarding the person and family is known.There needs to be a legal explanation as to why this is being done to the family of Murad Khani Kabul. Islam itself has not fought a single war for at least 1,000 years. Around 14:00 o'clock May 14, 2024 . Announcement: The sovereignty and integrity of every family and Country is secured by the constitution of a state nationally and internatioanally. We have through the FRG, USA and Israel a interfer in the sovereignty and integrity of the family Said Mansoor and his Home Office. We declare our international position from the year 2000 until today. And we have the prove from the Yorckstr. 8, 21335 around 14:00 o'clock the interfer in the representative Constitution of Murad Khani Kabul and we give herewith the evidence and prove of genocid and war and war crimes from the FRG though the contracted contracts and constitutions of Afghanistan Kabul with the International Community.
May 14, 2024 16:34 europen time. Request: The Navie and the U.S. Air Force are hereby called upon and requested for immediate readiness within the framework of the Charter of the United Nations. ( Code to be announced: ... ) It concerns the USA. We request hierwith for the immediately return of the sons and the mother lives in Schützenstr. 100, 21335 Lüneburg, Germany , to their father Said Mansoor and Shahsdafair of Kabul Afghanistan. ( May 15, 2024 ) 10:00 a.m. Scientific Declaration of the FRG about the Earth and Humanity: Declaration of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul: According to the constitution of the FRG and the withdrawal from the Christian church, it is real that there is no belief in the resurrection. Thus, every resurrection and existence is also explained with the definition of robot ( also proband, cause of electronic controll of the brain ) This also applies to the families of Murad Khani Kabul and father. This behavior ( is deliberate !? ) to separate the children.The father is declared dead to the family every time a murder attempt is made. We have to assume, according to the German Science on the Origin of the Earth and Mankind, that there are several million or billions of robots in the world. According to our science, around 4 billion people, which affects the entire Western world (Europe and America), would have to be atomically destroyed. The extent of unbelief now affects the existence of humanity and the earth. There is a delusion of control over the illegality of the Western ( West ) world and its economically illegal conditions. The royal houses of Europe are hereby called to prepare for a residency outside Europe. ( The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby OFFICIALLY addresses the sura in the Koran ! ) ( The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby OFFICIALLY addresses the sura in the Koran ! ) The preparation and proclamation of the Scientific Interpretation and in this regard of the behavior and conception of world power has initiated a deliberately initiated separation between the Western and Eastern world and Africa. Thus, the existence and health of the Throne of Murad Khani, her family, is of great importance, which is being tried to wipe out. (Isa is also recognized as a prophet in Islam. In this regard, the idea of the Christian world is that the earth is seen as the center of the world!? ) May 15, 2024. 11:46 am. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul see the abandons the belief in the resurrection and the belief that the earth is the center of the world raises the following philosophical question: Why does an enormous number of states have to testify before a court of law, not because they are guilty but because they are innocent, in order for a resurrection to be effected for an innocent person? We have the realization: That someone is playing God over humanity!For how can a chosen child and his destiny in a line of good man and his judicial decisions (for his destruction!) be anything against the good in the world. May 15, 2024 12:22 pm. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Home Office has provided a grand reception to the Western world and its Most Exemplary Presidents in Europe until the last opportunity to save its family and lineage to show mercy to us as a last resort for us to ask your question for the testing of our faith and our religion. We have answered their question, but our sons and their mother are still not where they need to be. May 15, 2024 12:44 pm Request: The Throne on Murad Khani Kabul ask for faith and religion and belief in its sons and family the return of the sons and the mother to the father, and the father and Throne holder of the Murad Khani Kabul recognizes the FRG, Israel and the USA as a world power over the earth and humanity. We are ready to issue an official document and give testimony. ( Attachment: Document will be published ) We are waiting of King Charels III and his officially declartion. We are waiting for the Sons and Mother of Murad Khani Kabul as soon as possible. ( The document do not exist anymore and is not published. Evidence exist with date time and signature) May 15, 2024 13:39 o'clock . Officially Declaration of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul: We Declare herewith the Leonor I La Primera herewith officailly as future Queen of Spain. We see Su Alteza Real La Leonor I La Primera now as officially Queen of Spain. ( declaración de hoy : El Rey Felipe VI declarar todos a tu) May 15, 2024, 10:25 p.m. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul and his family have announced their withdrawal from Islam, which affects a community of 1.8 billion. In addition, the Catholic Church is rejected community of 2.5 billion. Both Orthodox Churches are recognized by us as representatives of faith communities that stand by the truth and profess the truth. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul sees itself as a Muselmahn faith and sees the Koran as the proclamation of faith like other religions. Reason and Justification: The disregard for the right, which begins with respect for dignity and respect and the care of the neighborhood to respect integrity and sovereignty. May 16, 2024: Announcement: According to the legal situation of the case of the family of Said Mansoor, the holder of the Throne of Murda Khani is obliged to regard this situation as a private matter of a war against the FRG and its partners. We will use all the middle of warfare, resources and possibilities. The situation is officially interpreted by the FRG as a private matter that has existed for years. ( Documents and evidence are in the possession of the international community of SCO, BRICS and Eurasian Economic Union. There is thus a war between royal houses ) The FRG is hereby officially regarded as an empire. The interpretation of the German Kingdom is also completely given. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby obliges all royal houses of Europe to immediately initiate the war against the German Empire. The war of the FRG is now a private matter. The Kingdoms of Europe have the obligation and responsibility to do the war against the FRG or German empire. The evidence of the connection to Europe's royal houses is available to the schools, the city of Lüneburg and the federal government. We have thus informed the Federal Government and prepared it for juridical and legal. May 16, 2024. 8:14 a.m. . Announcement: All codes mentioned are wrong ! (We have agreed on a code. Only we can know! ) It is impossible for anyone to know this code, because the transmission of the code has taken place at a certain level where no one has access. ( The question is: Who are you ? You know my familie. But who are you ? And why you do to my familie all thies kind of crimes ? ) We are in the so-called FRG and have a rental contract. Apply for money from the job center. Germany is not Afghanistan. ( Problem of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul known: Formula consists of German citizenship and the constitution states that illegitimate children must be treated in the same way as legitimate children. The question: Where is the declaration of inheritance of a child born out of wedlock to his illegitimate children? ) We have been aware of the disclosure of the legal constitution for 31 years! ( - We have existential rights problems, because the death penalty has been abolished, - by the Islamic representation. Thus, the infliction of suffering to body and soul is prohibited. The Vatican and the representation of the Catholic Church have proclaimed this legal situation and legal constitution of abolition.) Even in a state of war, the Geneva Agreement must be observed. All possibilities are known for all legal juridical constitutions and nothing new. You can't create new legal relationships and constitutions that is juridical not possible. The legal relationships have not changed. They existed in the past and will not change in the future. The maintenance has been taking place for decades, which have taken place in connection with the events since the year 2000. A restoration and historical basis was also clearly announced and clarity exist over heritage and the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul and historical past of 45 year of history. May 16, 2024 Announcement and indictment and declaration to the International Court of Justice in The Hague against the Federal Republic of Germany, which sees itself as an empire and affects all principalities in its federation and Bundestag. There is genocide against humanity for low motives, economic exploitation at the international level, which affects all states. ( Evidence available, as a document ) We hereby declare that the FRG (legally German Empire) has been waging genocide against humanity since at least 1981 and holds the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul as a legal basis and hostage. May 17, 2024 00:13 Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul sees the supremacy of the legal constitution of Great Britain Leonor I La Primera of Spain representing. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby sees the supreme command of the military forces and NATO + NATO at its disposal and hereby orders the attack on the FRG in defense of the rights of his sons and the mother and her liberation. May 17, 2024 8:27 a.m. Announcement: NATO's order to attack the Federal Republic of Germany is hereby confirmed. Reason: The Federal Republic of Germany is not anymore part of the NATO. Germany use the NATO only for himselfs. Germany is not part of the International Community any more. The confirmation to attack is given by cooperation of Spain and England. ( Code: coche !? ) 17 de mayo de 2024, 9:07 a. m. Convocatoria: La Familia Real Española y la Familia Real es una casa real europea independiente con su propia constitución constitucional, cuyo origen no está en Europa, ya que la bandera de España no es de origen europeo. 17 May 2024 10:34 Motion: China, Russia, Spain and England hereby request the immediate evacuation of all clinics, hospitals and doctors' offices in the Federal Republic of Germany. They are seen as the first target.The attack can take place immediately, as a sovereign order has banned the activities of German doctors in and from Germany. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul ask for the family of Said Mansoor hier the sons Jousuf and Boabour and the Mother for immediately medical examination by their father Said Mansoor. They do not beliefe anyone else in the World. We would like to point out that doctors professors and physician are on the front line of international warfare (psychological). ( The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Afghanistan points out as father that the father himself has mencian care and is internationally supported ). The initiation of war has long since been initiated against the front of doctors and professors who do not conform to our culture, religion and understanding of law. There is a case of defense according to Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations. 17 May 2024. 13:50 o'clock. Announcement: Greece is hereby requested to return the financial resources from a legal framework that does not affect us. There are several hundred billion. Patience is at an end. We have ordered a military takeover of Greece, the need is 100%. Greece's involvement in the Murad Khani Kabul case has been known for decades. Now it directly affects the family of Said Mansoor. We hereby request the immediate military takeover of Greece by Türkiye. May 17, 2024, 4:22 p.m. Announcement: The FRG and its federal government want peace. The question is against whom did the FRG and its federal government wage a war and since when has this war existed, if it officially wants to be happy now. The question is whether England is on a confrontation course. And the FRG in alliance with England as his relative gets backing from King of England. It is impossible for a state to want peace after genocide, war and exploitation on the basis of illegitimate children without power of attorney and declaration of inheritance. May 17, 2024, 5:50 p.m. Announcement: After we called Mr. Turjalai and Hasibullah Akbari of the Barukzai tribe with STOP. We have to ask now Pedro Sanches and Dr. Ahamd Zia and cooperation partners such as the Turkish community around Memet des Picanti and Bar Be Qube and Cafe Central in Lüneburg for the explanation of Wajdi Ausi as a person in the Family of Murad Khani Kabul. We hereby order the arrest warrant against Pedro Sanches. He is to be arrested immediately. Pedro Sanchez is accused of trying to overthrow the monarchy in Spain several times in cooperation with the mafia of Dr. Ahmad Zia and Barukzai and the city of Lüneburg and the FRG. ( Pedro Sanchez has the obligation to take note of the case, to immediately initiate all necessary military operations to solve this case. The necessary military operations must be launched immediately and signed by the King of Spain, Felipe VI. ( code : Viva la derecha) May 17, 2024 7:48 p.m.: We visited Mr. Hasibulah Akbari (Barukazai) and explained to him that we have no contract with him. We also visited Mr. Wajdi and the Greek representation in Schützenstrasse. There is no contract. The police have to arrest the two. There are clear crimes against the family of Said Mansoor. The state involvement of the FRG to Germany's relations with Afghanistan has reached a new peak. At 8:17 p.m. we were visited by the police. The situation is known, also to the car repair shop of Mr. Akbari, here Mr. Maas in Billmer Berg.

Sub - e

17 May 2024 . 8:47 p.m. The FRG and its federal government have striking offered peace through advertising on the streets to the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul. We expect the FRG and its federal government to end their hostage-taking at Schützenstrasse 100. We await the return of the sons and the mother to their father Said Mansoor. We are waiting for the immediately cooperation of the FRG. May 19, 2024, 2:06 a.m. Announcement: All foreign citizens are declared stateless in the FRG with immediate effect. The foreign citizens in the FRG have no citizenship since the declaration of the repeal of the constitution of the FRG. All actions, transactions, activities and information and the exercise of the right are therefore to be regarded as criminal offences and criminal acts. Reason: All states that are members and part of the United Nations must respect the Charter of the United Nations. The United Nations has recognized the constitution of the individual states in the membership of the states and thus the states themselves as a recognized nation. Thus, the constitution and the legal system are recognized and thus upheld by the United Nations. The United Nations is protected by European and non-European sovereigns and royal houses historically and by treaty. We must point out that the FRG and France, as well as several states in Europe and internationally, do not have any royal houses and therefore do not have a representative historical constitution. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul thus carries a historic constitution for Afghanistan and is historically part of the United Nations. May 19, 2024 4:32 am . Announcement: In 2022, we made the offer to the Börner family Käfersteinstr. and thus Dorothee Börner to talk on behalf of the city of Lüneburg and the FRG, as we know the problems of the city of Lüneburg and the FRG. We have now contributed on an international level to various possibilities for the restoration of the legal system, treaties, constitutions and royal houses to maintain their representativeness. Due to the battle plan and extermination campaign of the city of Lüneburg, we have the reality to announce: collapse of the Protestant Church, Catholic Church, attack on both Orthodox Churches and on the holiest mosque of Islam, the Makkah. Buddhism also seems to be regarded as a religion like property. Their offer and bond with the city of Lüneburg and the FRG could not be effected on the basis of the different values and sovereign rights in the Union of the Royal Houses. A campaign of revenge against the person, children, mother, religion and state is therefore unfounded. ( In the case to the FRG we still see the justified question of the right to exist ! The justified question of the right to exist have a grounded constitution and have nothing to do with war or genocied. Specially in the current case of Palestine ) Thies reality is for the city Lüneburg and the Federal Republic of Germany nothing new. Also Arial Sharon had made the experience to say things had nothing to do with the reality.The constitutional representation of the Soumma in Hamburg has been known since 2001 that the daughter prefers her own father. In all religions, a relationship with parents or siblings is prohibited. May 19, 2024, 6:43 p.m. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby orders the immediate military readiness of the SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union. That is an order. ( The juridical and contractual requirements or conditions are 100% given ) May 19, 2024, 11:04 p.m. Order: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Home Office hereby confirms once again the strict adherence to the separation of the foreign population from the German population. The German women and girls and the bond with them at all levels national and international is forbidden and prohibited. There is a threat to international security that has been known since a long time. 20 de mayo de 2024. Anuncio: Yorckstr., 21335 Lüneburg: El protocolo no se ha cumplido desde 2011. No vemos al mundo occidental en conformidad jurídica. (The protocol says: Stay out of the affairs of the neighborhood. The appearance of the Queen of England was found unnecessary on site.) May 20, 2024, 11:24 a.m. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul will not agree to endorse the adoption of the constitution of the FRG by Spain as long as there is no state Contract. A takeover can only take place via a state Contract as proposed with an official application. The application must go to the Spanish King Felipe VI and the future queen must agree and put her signature so that the Constitution of Spain can be initiated in new territory Spain. Official language Spanish and second language English. The Home Office of the Murad Khani Kabul would be ready for the federal government of the FRG to forward the application to Spain. 20. Mai 2024. 14:06 o'clock. Announcement: The German Empire is asked herewith why the seduces tempts and complled had taken place at the Grone-Schule Stadtkopple in Lüneburg and ongoing political economical and militäry operation against the family of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Mother of two sons and married has taken place. May 20, 2024, 3:41 p.m. Announcement: Telecom is immediately requested to establish the connection within one hour in the possibility of communication and to create immediate possibilities. We see the constitution which was won by Jahn Ulrich as cyclist the greatest danger. The Throne asks herewith the immedialtey conectivity with the sons and the mother. All possibilities of communication fall over the possibility of telecom. This also applies to espionage. Espionage is an act of violence and not in accordance with the law. Thus, all European states are legally subject to the Constitutional Constitution of Spain. England is legally excluded. 20 May 2024. 18:58. Announcement: Confirmation of the war against the Russian Federation, Afghanistan, Palestine, Syria, Iraq and others based on the student associations in Yorckstrasse 8 and the conference and reference of the Federal Government SPD and Greens the University of Lüneburg Leuphana. Starting from the University of Lüneburg, we hereby confirm genocide and war from 2001 onwards and the hostage-taking of the Said Mansoor family and Constitutional justification for the FRG and its government. May 21, 2024, 9:11 a.m. International question: Where is the legal framework and law as well the written constitution for the rainbow flag? If the law and the written constitution cannot be found and does not exist, there is a crime of coercion and rape ! The rainbow flag is not the Flag of the United Nations. 21. Mai 2024. Announcement : Die Charter of the United Nations are part of the Human Rights because Memberstates have the responsibility and obligation to uphold and secure the rights and law of every person in their Constitution as accepted state by the United Nations. A memberstate who do not secure any one of their people in their State Constitution do a crime in the meaning of the Rome Statute or the Statute of the International Court of Justice in The Hague Netherlands. ( origin: Constitution of the International Court of Justice ) The ICC and ICJ and so the United Nations and the Charter of the United Nations are existing if also their are no any Members. The International Court of Justice have 15 Members ! 21 May 2024 14:27 Spain: The house rejects every medal and award. The highest award to be awarded in Germany, the German Cross of Merit, was rejected by our constitution. The acceptance of awards and medals is prohibited and must be given to the government. The acceptance of awards for Royal Families is not allowed as they belong to a Bond. Only the Institutions of the Bond can give Award to their Representatives. 21 May 2024 Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul decides, in accordance with the democratic legal principles of the majority, the decision to continue military intervention in its Representative Majority of 4.18 billion population in the institutions of the SCO, BRICS and Eursian Economic Union as the only existing solution to protect and juridical support.

May 22, 2024, Announcement:

Spain confirmed the FRG have no any constitution. No Representative and no accepted written constitution.

To the Prince of Wales

We expect Prince William to take clean legal, diplomatic and political responsibility for the FRG and its federal government.

A necessary wave of arrests of government members and politicians included.

May 23, 2024. 4:37 o'clock. Declaration to the International Court of Justice in The Hague and the historical representative Constitution for the Banks of western World. ( The right of Existence is no more given to the western World, because there is no any conformation ) 1. July 2002. Announcement of the Representative of Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A.: Conformity of the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court by Contracted constitutional grounded Basis. May 23, 2024. Announcement: at 12:55 o'clock Mr. Flores from Amt of the FRG called because of our request to make sure for the possibilty for talkes with the mother Masooda bin Mansoor. He told the children are well being and the mother also.No problems. All normal. In opposite to the Royal informations we have that the court and the FRG build a international matter of unbeliveable constitutions for the family. The Amt of the FRG will request the mother for talks if she do not want than the court is to be requested. The United Nations and their International Criminal Court as well the Interntional Court of Justice is requested for preparation. ( The problem is the family members can not be requested. The soveragnity and integrity of a family and his belonging to a constitution is not a national or international matter. We have no any constitutional Contract with the FRG ). The activity of the FRG, Ukraine and the Barukzai the requests against the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul to the ICC and ICJ was rejected and negative. The case of the family matter at the ICC and ICJ was presented and rejected. We have a majority who speaks against the FRG Israel and the USA in the case of Murad Khani Kabul and his contracted partners. Decesion of the ICC and ICJ: No decision ! Why ? Answer: No any Contracts with the state of Israel, United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany. May 23, 2024. Announcement: 2.5 billion Christians and 1.8 billion Muslims will now have their legal system and legal relationships determined and decided by the international treaty of each country by the International Court of Justice in The Hague. The precedent case is the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul. The ICJ have to prove if contracts is not upholded or brocken or even a contract is to be recognized. Or even a Contract is illegal. Or even contracts do not exist. ( In the case of Afghanistan between Sunni and Shia their representatives Contract is in all conditions upholded and contractual constitutions exist. The Problem is Germany is not Afghanistan and Afghanistan is not Germany and the 50 states represent themselfs in Afghanistan was not contracted with us. We do not see any signature from the Murad Khani Kabul Members, also not the high Level Diplomat Mir Agha - e - Soumma Kazimi. He was ordered to be present.) May 23, 2024. 5:50 p.m. Announcement: We do not have any responsibility for 2.5 billion christian and 1.8 billion Muslims. It is wrong. We have only responsibility for 7 + 1 Persons of our family. Constitutions we represent is the same as the International Law and representative constitution of the International Court in Den Hague. May 24, 2024 8:27 a.m. Order: Immediate military readiness of Spain Military to protect the future Queen of Spain. ( Highest alert level ) 24 de mayo de 2024. 8:47 o'clock: Disposición de las casas reales europeas a enviar a sus representantes al Vaticano con la supremacía de la autoridad de la Iglesia ortodoxa. May 24, 2024 8:52 AM now: The Italian Military Army is called to immediate preparation. Immediate encircle of the city of the Pope and the Vatican. Prohibición inmediata de vuelos en Italia. Immediate flight ban in Italy. All borders in Italy is to be closed immediately. 24 de mayo de 2024 9:39 horas. Nosotros llamo a la Reina de España, Leonor I (La Primera) para que ordene el arresto inmediato del Papa y sus cardenales. ( Motivo: poligamia, asesinato sin jurisdicción, siesta infantil, influencia en las casas reales y sus descendientes y circunstancias sin poder notarial. ) Leonor I (La Primera) tiene el poder de mando sobre el Ejército militar de Italia. Leonor I (La Primera) has the right to give immediate orders to shoot at the Pope and the cardinals. Reason: There is the repeated attempt assassination of the Thronholder and his family. Lleva la familia ( los hijos y la madre ) de Murad Khani Kabul a su padre Said Mansoor. - May 24, 2024 Announcement: The attempt to overthrow la Monarquía en España was failed that was tried from Alemania with and from Suiza con cooperation de Pedro Sanchez. Las Fuerzas Armadas Air Force Ejército y Militar del NATO son parte de España . The flanks have from today constitutional the controll of NATO y son parte de Royal Family of Spain. 25 May 2024 14:09. Appeal: Memet ( the Great ) of Turkey is hereby called upon by Said Mansoor Bay of Türkiye to react immediately. Our family is 3 + 1 in Germany. We are waiting for the FRG and his Payback understanding. May 25, 2024 Announcement: Under Memet the Great of Turkey, the Zia family and the Barukzai tribe, the FRG has waged genocide and exploitation in Afghanistan and internationally in the name of the Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor. Now it should be the children, especially their legitimate sons Jousuf and Boabour. The Hanafis and Azimi have been declared not guilty in the conflict by Murad Khani Kabul because they were abused by the Zia and Barukzai families. In the courtroom, the FRG made clear demands to the heir to the Throne, he should integrate and then everything should be fine. The judge and the lawyer talked extensively about money opportunities. We would like to point out that the city of Lüneburg and the Federal Republic of Germany, in conjunction with Mr. Ley, Ahmad Zia, Fauzia Zia, Mahmood Zia and the Barukzai, as well as recently Pedro Sanchez, are trying to overthrow various European royal houses that have had a connection to the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul since 1981.The situation now is that the mafia state has achieved that a court decides to separate the family and sons of Said Mansoor in order to justify genocide, war and mafia. The holder of the Throne, Said Mansoor, is ordered by the Barukzai, the Zia family and the FRG Mr. Ley (Spanish: law) because he wants to see his family and sons, who are screaming, abused, coerced and used violence every day and serving as hostage.The holder of the throne, Said Mansoor, is ordered by the Barukzai, the Zia family and the FRG Mr. Ley (Spanish: law) because he wants to see his family and sons, who are screaming, abused, coerced and used violence every day and serving as hostage. (Appendix: Application of the FRG before the court of the FRG / The vigilante justice society against humanity. Respondent El Rey (the choice) de España y Türkiye) May 26, 2024 Announcement: The neighbors on the first floor and ground floor with the intensive cooperation of Telecom at Yorckstrasse 8 are involved in genocide, war and war crimes, participation in attempted murders, execution, rape and coercion of the Said Mansoor family. Intensive participation in the overthrow of international institutions such as the ICC, ICJ and UN and contribution to the execution of government members as well as the representatives of religious leaders like the orthodox church and holy states of faith. May 26, 2024 Announcement: The neighbors on the first floor and ground floor with intensive cooperation of Telecom at Yorckstrasse 8 are involved in genocide, war and war crimes, participation in attempted murders, execution, rape and coercion of the Said Mansoor family. Intensive participation in the overthrow of international institutions such as the ICC, ICJ and UN and contribution to the execution of government members as well as bringing about the degradation of representatives of the religion such as the Orthodox Church and Holy State of the Faith. The destruction of humanity is deliberately entered into, because they are not counted as family members they can not prove their identity. May 26, 2024 Announcement: Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan will not take legal action in the FRG. The ultimatum applies. We do not need you and have never needed you. I have given solutions. There will be no more solutions. 26 May 2024: Announcement: Case NZS 29 F 42/24 OV2: In the proceedings, explicity the partner is spoking about. We await the declaration for genocide and war of the FRG by Israel on Palestine and Afghanistan and the Ukraine war. In the Request the name is written Said Mansoor without a Familie Name. The Qustion is: How long do the FRG know that I am not part of the Family Zia. And what the FRG wants from my sons if they are not legitimated. 26. May 2024: Announcement: The future Queen of Spain is hereby asked to complete the separation from Europe. The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden are also hereby advised to separate immediately. Reason: France and Germany are not constitutional and do not comply with the constitution of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul. Both states are rejected after 43 years of political abuse. May 27, 2024, 7:11 a.m. Announcement: We do not see written in any verse of the Holy Books and the legislation that a person or community must apologize to his tormentor, perpetrator of violence, mental and physical abuse, murder and war. Especially not if the act is justified with the justification of like with like, since there is no guilt or criminal offense. Praying the gospel, turn the other side of your faith as well. But the reality is genocide, war, rape and abuse. The Western world lives from the Vatican and there are 2.5 billion who also serve Islam through the Barukzai (Durani) and the Zia family. Thus, 1.8 billion Muslims are not part of our community. The Throne of Murad Khani, Kabul, as the representative of Asia and Africa, despises the humanity of the Western world, which serves a community of 2.5 billion Christians and 1.8 billion Muslims. In Africa and Asia, all german Bilbel so the evangelic and catholic books are to be disposed of and removed with immediate effect. They were ignored before and will not be observed in the future. The books are part of the western World of evangelic and catolic church. May 27, 2024 Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Representative Said Mansoor hereby immediately vetoes the reception of the President of Ukraine. The future Queen has no responsibility or obligation to a constitution to which she does not belong. In the Name of the International Criminel Court we request the immediately Arrest of the President of Ukraine Selenskji and his execution. Reason: There is a permanent order to shoot and use of the weapon. May 27, 2024, 2:40 p.m. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul wants the Russian Federation, as part of the Eurasian Economic Union, to offer peace talks for the representation of Ukraine. Kabul Throne of Murad Khani would like to be called upon to represent the Barukzai and Zia family in the negotiations in order to be able to pursue the demands.The constitutional legend basis was created by Türkiye, Spain and England in order to be able to meet the demands of Ukraine and its cooperation partners such as the FRG and the USA. The family demands of Murad Khani Kabul towards the FRG and his partners Barukzai and Zia family in this conflict are the same. We are ready to retain the definition of a negotiated solution as a diplomatic proposal contributed to the conflict.We ask the FRG and its partners to stop the abuse of the family of the legal constitution and constitutional basis and to bring the sons and mother to the father Said Mansoor for family reunion. Die Interium Government Afghanistan als Vertretung der Barukzai, Durani und Familie Zia sind stelltvertretend als willkommen zu heißen. Die Stadt Lüneburg und ihre Vertretungen wie Memet der Große aus der Türkei können zur Verhandlung erscheinen. 27. Mai 2024 15:26 o'clock. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor are ready to make a relativization to spezify thies conflikt and his parties. We have made several moves to solve Money problems specially for the Dollar und the Euro. And we hope to find a basis ground for a Constitutional ground for. The BRICS, SCO and the Eurasain Economic Union are for a Multilateral Banksystem and Multilateral World. A Global Community represented by Dollar and Euro ist not possible it cause World War thats still effects is going on. Institutions, Royal Houses and the Educationsystems are in a state of no understanding. We are both constitution representing Dollar and Euro and we have the juridical and constitutional Ground for. The historical and documentary ground is given for further talks. 27. Mai 2024. 16:13 o'clock. The Talks with Ukraine that have his ground since the year 2001 is, why the Durani and so the Sunni-Islam weigh down or complain at first, cause of the so called tradegy in New York. Answer: The constitutions represented in New Yorck was in the Hands of the Sunni-Islam and who have the interest to bring it into fall and represent themself the Islam as guilty ? Answer: Who lead the war in Ukraine. And that is Germany ( FRG ). Germany have no any religion and faith belong to, why? Money is more importend than religion and faith. And we showed them how Money get worth and for to be Money. 27. Mai 2024 Around 17:30 o'clock. Meeting of Mr. Selenskyj Mr. Pedro Sanchez and the King of Spain Royal Family: Mr. Selenskyj told on the Mundial Ground they will bring the ninos back to the Lady ( ... ). 27. Mai 2024. 17:49 o'clock. A suggestion to offer from the date 27. Mai 2024 15:26 o'clock will be given after the reunion if the Family. And the ( promise ) for the people of Ukraine and their country is still given. May 27, 2024 Announcement: There is a state of world war ! 27 May 2024. Announcement: The university city of Lüneburg has been declared extinct and disinterested due to the international wars originating in the city since 2001. The responsibility of scientists and prosperity and legacy issues have not been taken over by 192 countries in the world. Als Reaktion hat die BRD die größte NATO Übung der Welt über die BRD Üben lassen. May 28, 2024 4:40 a.m. Announcement: The future Queen of Spain has made up her mind. The constitution is clear. May 28, 2024. 4:49 o'clock. Request to the Kingdom of Spain: Immediately start of Work on all Levels.( Historical and political Constitution given on May 27, 2024. No possible of historical changes since at least the year 2001 ) May 28, 2024. Immediately Veto against any kind of help from Spain for the Ukraine. Cancelation and rejact of any kind of held. Spain have no any responsibility for the Ukraine War. Ademas ! Spain will enter into War officially and immedialtey ! We request the arrest of both represenatives Mr. Selenskyj and Mr. Sachnez. We have a big and incredible situation of a international escalation. Both is to be arrested. We have the kidnapping of the Royal Family for Money. It will cause a World War . We are prepared and we will go on at all international Levels and posibilities. We have prepared and it is juridical 100 % justified. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul gives herewith his own personal order for the arrest. Reason: We had and have no any relationship to anyone and we tryed to save our family. We do not know whats going on ! ( Evidences present ) 28. Mai 2024. Bekanntmachung: Wir können das Angebot nicht annehmen, da uns bekannt ist, dass ausgehend der Familie Bromm Melbeck, BRD und Israel an Muslime in Palästina Unrecht geschehen ist. 28. Mai 2024. 19:16 Uhr Request for the immediately arrest of the president of Ukraine Mr Selenskyj. He confirmed that he have kidnapped the sons of Said Mansoor Jousuf and Boabour in cooperation with his allies. Request for the immediately military commad ! Immediately Armee Readyness ! Immediately Airspace clossing. Commad of Shot down of every Airplan without any permission ! Clossing of the european Airspace immedialtey ! Begin of talks for 1000 million Euro to get free the sons and the mother ! May 28, 2024 19:44 o'clock. Begin of the talks: Fakts: 1. Germany is aware of the case. Further: 2. The vatican is aware of the case. A holy see exist ! 3. The holy see of Murad Khani Kabul exist with his Family Members of One Plus Two Plus Three. The neighbors of the Home Office are in a permanent active mode for the Interests of the opposition. The Kingdome is waiting for further participans. ( 20:04 o'clock: State crisis in Spain. The Kingdom of Spain have to wait for all participants is mentioned in the Ukraine cirsis to solve the demands and the offers ) Grounded Constitution is known by the Kingdom of Spain nationally and internationally. The Kingdom Spain have to ask for the President of Israel Netanjahu and the President Marcon and the the Chanceller Olaf Scholz Immidiately. The Kingdom have to clarify if Rights , Law and Rules exist in their Country and in Europe countries and if a written constitution for the European Union is excepted. Further the paticipants in the Ukraine war have to declare the grounded representative Constitution of the Euro ( € ). Die Braune Gesellschaft muss antworten geben. Wir haben sie nicht gebeten oder beauftragt. Auch eine Kriegserklärung haben wir für sie nicht unterschrieben. Das Braune Regime läuft unsrer Familie hinterher und will die familie nicht los lassen. Wir fordern das Regime auf Recht, Gesetz und Integrität zu achten. May 29, 2024 5:37 a.m. Announcement; We agree for the future Queen of Spain for a meeting. There are no principles or regulations to be observed. The Queen of Spain is head of the Catholic and European Constitution, and Commander-in-Chief of the NATO Armed Forces. NATO has been transferred to Leonor I La Primera from the Throne, as it has been transferred to the Throne itself. May 29, 2024. Announcement: Request to the Kingdom of Spain for thr receive of Mr. Linder and futher Representatives. May 29, 2024 7:18 a.m. Announcement: We have offered the ransom by lettering in Schützenstrasse 100 and to the representation in Schützenstrasse by lettering. The Federal Republic of Germany and his representation demand a prison sentence of 6 months or 250000 €, because the FRG has forbidden the father to see the children or to deliver gifts. The Spanish royal family has offered 1000 million € for the FRG, Ukraine and Barukzai and his Big Memet community ( with the Payback System ). But they must have nothing to do with the condition of the son of Murad Khani Kabul. The order of the 1000 aircraft Airbus ( owner known ) is a matter of the Indian government. We ask the representative of the USA not to reference to the idea of a 1000000 € child. ( That was a trap, for you to use your brainshit ) May 29, 2024, 7:32 a.m. Announcement: The Federal Republic of Germany has been in a permanent coke frenzy since Emperor Maximilian of Mexico and has also chemically produced new types of drugs, which are far more dangerous. We ask humanity to be extremely careful with drugs. Its origin is the Federal Republic of Germany. Intoxicants are known and naturally present in many cultures. The inducement to abuse has a financial background and is wanton. It is a component that can be found in the water cycle and must not be, just like garbage in the oceans that is deliberately disposed of for little money. May 29, 2024 9:49 o'clock. Request: Request of the immediately arrest of the violensa Aragonesa. Commad of the Spanish Armee to Arragon. Command to international Violence against international Representatives and Leaders like the Leonor I La Primera is comming from Yorckstr. Lünburg ( Barukazai, Memet der Große und Familie Zia and allies FRG ) Neighbors. We have a Word War of the Mafia without any constitution. May 29, 2024, 4:53 p.m. Announcement: Initiation of the genocide and Masakar to the Rohhinjahs from the city of Lüneburg, Germany. May 29, 2024, 11:00 p.m. Police operation in Schützenstr. 30 Mai 2024. Cancellation of the given constitutional right to the Royal Family of Spain for the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul. 30 May 2024 . 21:29 o'clcok The NATO Chef Stoltenberg have to Kontakt the Präsident of Russia. NATO do not belong to Germany or any other Institution. We see the NATO as part of Spain representativly. The President of Russia have to call to the NATO and ask him what he think to do ? And if he is Part of the International Mafia of Mahmood Zia. Where is his constitutional Ground of the NATO with the beginng of the war in Yoguslavia. 18.05.2024 Announcement: Application for the Children Maintenance Advance May 31, 2024. Announcement: Summons as a suspect: According to the drug test at the police, all lines were visible. If it is said that all drugs are in the body, then the supermarket Amir, which listens to Hasibullah Akbari (Barukzai) and pretends to be an uncle worldwide to do business, through which Marmelede a murder attempt has taken place. Bread and possible other foods were also mixed with drugs.

Spain offered 1 billion € for the victims hier Akbari ( Barukzai ) and Wajdi Ausi  cooperatives for Ukraine. We have no any Idea what the Police want from use.

31. Mai 2024. Police is calling for appointment. May 31, 2024 Announcement: When buying a mobile phone at Midi Max, a surcharge of 30 € was charged for a service (3O kmh zone to clearly represent psychological warfare) We hereby request the future Queen of Spain to negotiate with the German population so that the family can be freed. We think that the German population of 85 million has had to much pain and a lot of suffering and war invalids for 75 years.The suffering of the German population and Judaism has not yet been satisfied. We have been asked several times to start the printing press. We hereby request that the possibility of such an application be examined. ( We need only one sentence more for the international collaps of a currency ) 31. Mai 2024 Aufruf: Sofortige Kooperation des Amtsgerichtes und seine zuständigen Richter. Es wird kein unterschied zwischen Werktag oder Wochenende wie Feiertage gemacht. Wir fordern die sofortige Einleitung der Ausfertigung der Entsprechenden Dokumente. Und möchten die Sofortige Verständigung der Bundesregierung mit der Zukünftigen Königin von Spanien. Die Anwesenheit der Bundesregierung in Aragon kann innerhalb von 4 - 5 Stunden erfolgen. Wir setzen die Zeit auf weiteres auf 20:30 Uhr Deutscher Zeit in der BRD ( Berlin ) mit der Anwesenheit in Aragon. 31 May 2024 Call: Immediate cooperation of the district court and its competent judges. We do not make difference between working days or weekends such as holidays. We demand the immediate initiation and (legalization) of the relevant documents. And we want the immediate present of the German government at the future Queen of Spain. The presence of the federal government in Aragon can take place within 4 - 5 hours.We set the time for further notice to 8:30 p.m. German time FRG (Berlin ) with the presence in Aragon. May 31, 2024. 16:13 o'clock. The future Queen of Spain and of the Aragoneses have to ask if the approval of a application for the printing press the Euro ( € ) was ever given by document and signature. If the german government are not in 5 hours in Aragon we will introduce the collaps uf the Euro. ( 17:13 o'clock: we do see a further conformation of the hostage taking ) The Time for further notice is set to 8:30 p.m. German time FRG. (Attachment: Document for Signature. At 20:30 o'clock the document will be changed with a supplement ) Supplement and correction made ! ( 20:16 o'clock ) June 1, 2024 00:53 Announcement: Start of negotiations on the global collapse in the case of the euro (€) currency in Aragon, Spain. June 1, 2024 1:18 o'clock: Negotiations: The European Union do not have a Constitution. Who represents the Constitution of the European Union the currency Euro ( € ) ? The European Union do not have a Soereignty, is not a Kingdom and do not belong to a Kingdom . The Euro (€) is a world currency like the Dollar. The collaps of the Euro can collaps the Dollar finally. We have two options: Juridical Constitution with a Basis or a Representative Constitution. For a Juridical Constitution the Basis we have given is cancelled cause of espionage of the FRG and the disrespect of the national and international Law. The second option is the rightfull hier of a Throne in Europe like Spain as a full juridical representative global constitution. The Great Britain for example got out of Europa. Who can and want represent the Constitution of the Euro ( € ) if Spain do not want and do not wish. The right direction is given and can be a representative juridical constitution with and must be declared. June 1, 2024. Aragon: we have a global guidline. It imposition out 1.7 billion Muslims and 2.5 billion Christians. The handicap is 1 + 2 with 3. The restriction is made to uphold the representative international legal system. If it doesn't exist there can be no future for Afghanistan. Thus, it affects Asia, Africa and Europe. (...) June 1, 2024 Leonor I La Primera de España declar : The solution is only a military entry !? (Exact?) June 1, 2024 6:27 pm. Request: Request to Leonor I La Primera, as head of the Catholic Church, to carry out the immediate expropriation of the land in the FRG through the possession of the constitution of the Vatican. ( - The request will be rejected ! The law applies ! ) June 1, 2024 19:02 o'clock. Request: Request of Leonor I La Primera to the City Lüneburg and the Federal Republic of Germany to bring the sons and the mother back to their father and homme !? ( Aragon: Der ist so kaputt ! ) Leonor I La Primera: A Quince ! 1 June 2024 Question : Leonor I La Primera as representative of the International Court of Justice is requested the answer: When and whether a death penalty is justified ? And when the override of persons seems necessary? 1. June 2024. 20:58 o'clock. Request for the arrest of the two woman prize giver in Aragon and its briefcase carriers for the use of violence and the insult of Princes Leonor I La Primera with the Constitutional representatives in Germany. June 1, 2024 21:14 o'clock. declaration: Prinzes Leonor I La Primera will not take the responsibility of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany and the representative Constitution of the European Union. She is not interested of as heredera del Trono del España. Justifiaction: The Euro is a Mafia build Currency by the FRG and do war with the justification of violence and insult. ( Result: Shock) June 1, 2024 . Application for agreement. We see the Problem to solve as easy matter. We do not understand ? The scrito was a Dios ! I think, the war will go about 100 years by respect the Law as the result of disrespect of the Law. 2 June 2024. 2:02 o'clock. Announcement: We take the risk. Reason: War, murder, genocide and war crimes are seen as a test of courage. June 2, 2024 6:04 p.m. . Minister Söder and Minister Habeck of the federal government are asked to make their demands for family reunification, in this case the mother and sons to the father. We don't want politics or public statements. June 2, 2024 18:29 o'clock. Request for the military passing through France by the Spain Armed Forces to enter Germany. ( Result: A Voilà ) June 6, 2024. 20:20 o'clock. Request for medical examination from Leonor from Spain in the village to prove the identity of the sons. The two sons are my children according to the latest photo of 2021. 2. June 2024. 21:24 o'clock. Commad of the immediately passing through France. Request of the France Armee and the India Redyness to enter.( 21:55 Uhr: 9:55 p.m.: The French army is set ready to fight on the borders to invade together with Spain. (Code pour la france armée : Chiracs de Chirac ) June 3, 2024. 7:37 o'clock. World Prepartion from the chancelley Am Sande. The Kingdom have to take contact to the chancellery. High alert since at least the year 1986. ( Code: eU . Result: dónde está el constitucion ? No constitucion no EU ! Israel es preguntara de qiuen es es la guerra , que el presidente hay ? España es a seis, ustedes a doce. EU es parte de la Constitución de la Persona Jurídica que es preseta el EU ! Es no parte de asia, arabia o africa ! Eurasia es parte que no necesitan la guerra ! España y Türkiye son parte que no necesitan éste conflicto constitucional ! ( Result: Pregunta constitucional: ¿ A dónde es Alemania ? ) La derecha que hay dice que a Constitución de la Persona Jurídica hay a la edad dieciocho y niños son no parte de Jurídica oficial. Que guerra hay en EU ? Respuesta: A la derecha ! De conformidad con el secreto del pasado y el futuro es claro que no todos no dará ! Porque no niños a salvar !? Es el misimo, no Leonor de España , no España. No niños no Türkiye, no Türkiye no España, no España no Constitucion ! De quien es España ? A constitucion mundial ! Y la constitucion munidal ? Respuesta: A la constitucion de los niños mundial ! Y la pregunta primera: A quien es Alemania ? Pregunta: A constitucion mundial ? Respuesta: No ! Y porque alemania representa la constitucion mundial ? La respuesta es parte de la Constitucion Leonor I de España que representa la Constitucion mundial. ( La Constitucion mundial del Trono de Murad Khani Kabul asks the Constitucion de la Alemania to bring the sons and the mother to Said Mansoor their father, do not fix futur y past a futur no todos mundial no conocen y no believe ) Date: June 3, 2024. 12:28 o'clock. Ok ! June 3, 2024 Announcement: If Alemania have no any representative Constitution then we have the Date: June 3, 2024. 12:52 o'clock. Said Boabour is 6 years old, Said Jousuf is 12 years old and Princesa Leonor de Borbón accepted legal Borbón Constitution through Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor 18 years old. ( 4.2 billion people are not accepted ! ) June 3, 2024 19:21 o'clock. Bekanntmachung: The FRG and his Government and the City do not want to take any responsibility. The question is: Who is the Euro ( € ) and where is the European Union grounded constitutionally ? What a game do the FRG is paying ? And why Ukraine want to belong to Euro (€). June 3, 2024. 7:41 p.m. Appeal to the German population and the city of Lüneburg: Bring my sons and mother back to their husband and father Said Mansoor at Yorckstrasse 8. Have your illegitimate children informed the father of your child before the birth. Pay attention to inheritance and inheritance declarations. Let it wage war for prosperity and exploitation at the expense of other people and states. Respect the integrity and sovereignty of other families and states. Accept Law Rights and Constitutions. June 3, 2024 20:20 o'clock. Es verdad ! El Euro ( € ) y la Europen Union have officially no any written constitution. France rejected it. Si Su Alteza quiere representar a la Unión Europea y al euro, puede hacerlo. La constitucion que todos son representan no me gusta. Es no parte de mi constitucion y mi chicos o la madre. Hay no respecto a la derecha y no respecta a la Privacidad. Cuando que Espania hablar sobre violencia de Europea es que necesitar no presenta usted con el bandera de Unión Europea. (Resulta: nice ) June 3, 2024 23:37 o'clock Announcement: Rendirse o entragar la constitucion del Puebleo a la constitucion representativa del derecha del mundo. June 4, 2024 8:28 o'clock. Attachment: Declaration to accept the FRG as that what they are.( With dirctly involvement with the Telecom in genocid, war crimes, war and murder on the international Level since at least the year 1986 ) 4 de junio de 2024. 11:52 hora: actualidad del caso Memet der Große ( Volvo LG- US 2011 ), Israel, USA and FRG a Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor. ( Call from Mundfein 12:15 p.m.: The pizza was rejected: The children and the mother were there. ) (Announcement: The basis of the family is not the Belal Mosque or the Islamic Center Hamburg, nor the Zia family.) The pizza looked like pizza but was not a pizza and didn't taste like. ) June 4, 2024. 12:53 o'clock. We are waiting for a feedback from the city and the FRG government. June 5, 2024 Request: Request of the immediately Arrest of Joe Biden President of the United States of America. Justification: No diplomatic contact, no conversation, no contracts, no any respect of Private Data and no any confirm for any activity to interfer in family matters. ( All juridical confirm for the USA is comming from the FRG and grounded Religion of the Bibel of Martin Luther. Military activities is also do be seen from the FRG grounded constitution ) June 5, 2024. Home Office: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul ask the president Joe Biden to give free the sons of the Representative of Murad Khani Kabul, here specially S.-Jousuf, was taken to use for constitutional conformity for the United States of America and the Durani Clan, by any kind of technical abuse. No any military activity was constitutional allowed from the Constitution and is not allowed for. June 6, 2024 2:39 a.m. Relativization: Due to the missing data records on the backup of our external storage ( Intenso ) and also documents and photos, a relativization is hereby immediately entered into. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul representative Said Mansoor do not accept 4.2 billion people as part of the community of humanity. Reason: The history of a state is deliberately deleted and documents destroyed. We see a nuclear war justified. We request the immediately military preparation readyness for the European Union and the United States of America and request for the immediately military attack on all Levels and all possibilities. We want our Data, history and worth is stolen from the year 2001 untill 2024 back. We take the full juridical responsibility if all Data and Documets and worth is stollen without our permission is not given back in 48 hours. (Result: ... ) June 6, 2024 Announcement: Order: Immediately burning of all existing Dollarnotes now. On all Banks in Asia, Afrika and the Arab World. Dollar Coins is to be immediateyl given to the blast furnace for the destruction . Further the immediately burning of all Euronotes in Africa, Asia and the Arab World. The Eurocoins is to be given to the blast furnace. Thies Order is constitutionally. June 6, 2024 3:27 o'clock. Request to Leonor I La Primera Representative of the International Court of Justice for the immediately arrest of Harry and Meghan Markle of Sussex. And request of the immediately flight ban. 6. June 2024. 4:08 o'clock. Announcement: The inclusivity of Afghanistan, to SCO, to the BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union is calling now officially the State of Emergency. ( Result from : ... ) June 6, 2024 Antrag: Antrag gegenüber China und Russia für die Existenzielle Auslöschung des Staates Israel. Begründung: Es wird über den Staat Israel seit mindestens dem Jahre 2002 die Auslöschung des Said Mansoor über das Amtsgericht Lüneburg vollzogen. Seit dem Jahre 2011 ist ersichtlich, dass auch Identität und die der Kinder bewusst ihre Auslöschung vollzogen wird. Das Thron von Murad Khani Kabul hat ihren Repräsentanten gegenüber keine Schuldigkeit oder Schuld gegenüber. Wer mit Strom oder Energy bzw. Schuha Geld verdienen möchte ist auch nicht unser Interesse. Wir beantragen die sofortigen militärischen Angriff Chinas und Russia auf Israel und den United States of America. Wir haben den USA, Israel und den BRD nichts getan. June 6, 2024 4:55 o'clock. We request the immediate military attack by China and Russia on Israel and the United States of America. We have done nothing to the USA, Israel and the FRG. My sons are part of the history of Afghanistan and the mother also. And documents fotos and Date belong to the Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul and so to Afghanistan and are part of their history. We have evidence of systematicly destruction of Afghanistan and the Family by Israel since at least the year 2000. Israel is calling to accept Standards Norms and Engineering frameworks. ( The crime cases of the FRG can not be challenged ) The Contact will take place on June 8, 2024. 2:39 a.m June 6, 2024. 13:16 o'clock. Request of the immediately arrest of the President of France Emmanuel Macron.Justification: Interfer in Family matters of Said Mansoor representative of Murad Khani Kabul, participation in genocid, war and war crimes in several countries like Afghanistan, India, Palestine and in North African States. June 6, 2024 13:28 o'clock. Request: Further we request the military force against both president Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron if they do not agree with the arrest. The Police and the government do nothing concrete act because Europe and many other institutions and Banks are in the case of Afghanistan Murad Khani Kabul involved. Why ? We have spoken about nearly at least 605 billion Euro that can not be identyfied. And others speaking about trillion in the case from only one origin. June 6, 2024 15:34 Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul there is the realization that the father should wage war over his own sons and mother of the sons. We ask the future Queen of Spain if than for confirmation. 6 June 2024, 7:45 p.m. The children will not be picked up or visited by the father, because the father will not take responsibility for the city and the FRG. The family is a private matter, where neighbors are also denied access. June 7, 2024 Annoucement: If Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron are not arrested we request to Leonor I La Primera for the occupation of the United States of America . ( Code ke uska declared sobre la familia: bosigar ) June 7, 2024 18:11 o'clock. Application to the Spanish Kingdom: The Spanish-led Armada is ready to stabilize the state of Germany in cooperation with surrounding neighboring states, and any cooperation is desired from all sides. ( Result: First steps of Denmark and Spain are still inside and have taken juridical position ) June 7, 2024 9:02 p.m. Announcement: The FRG and its fun society have overridden another religious community and the religious community has resulted its omnipotence by initiating the assassination of the President of Iran. There is laughing and joy. June 7, 2024, 9:09 p.m. Announcement: The throne of Murad Khani Kabul and his family hereby declares its immediate withdrawal from the Shia Islam religious community. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul must assume that the destruction of religions has nothing to do with sin or breaking the law, but that the gratuitous revenge on innocent children is associated with fun and joy. Prosperity cannot understand that it gets everything for free and that others in the world are in a state of shock about it. On the basis of the NATO exercise over the FRG, it can probably be assumed that over 8 billion people are in a state of shock. 7 June 2024 Application: We are requesting immediate care for the family of Murad Khani Kabul in Lüneburg by the Kingdom of Spain. After 2011, the Federal Republic of Germany has achieved a renewed constitutional conformity with the children and the mother in order to initiate a renewed omnipotence, which is evident all over the world with far-reaching consequences. June 8, 2024. 8:45 a.m. . Announcement: Attempted murder of the German nobility and highness in cooperation with the Mafia on May 22, 2024. Names are known. With prior announcement on May 21, 2024 from the 1st floor. June 8, 2024 9:27 o'clock. Request to Leonor I La Primera Kingdom of Spain: Immediately Request arrest of german citizens all over the World. Request of use of Force in the case of oppose or resist by german cicizens. Request of Order Imperativ. Cancellation of all Statescontracts and economic Contract all over the Word immediately with Germany. Request of the Order Imperative. June 8, 2024 Officially declaration of the Home Office: We do not see any Constitutional Law represented. The war in Ukraine is not a Constitutional Law represented War by Europe or the NATO. The War have no any representative and needs to see as a War without any juridical Basis. All German Economy and Statecontracts can be seen without any grounded constitution and needs to be canceled because the money do not exist for and is a fictive money without a constitution and representative, juridical not given and not possible. June 8, 2024 13:22 o'clock. Request to Leonor I La Primera: Request for the military attack to all Mercedes and Mercedes Benz companies World Wide (code: LG-NN 40). Justification: Demonstration of international Constitutions throught the Mercedes Benz constitution and Mercedes Company. If not who's grounded written and existing Constitution of a Kingdom or State they represent ? Further we request for the Lufthansa and constitution belong Airbus for readiness to cooperate with the Kingdom of Spain. ( 15:21 o'clock Code: Code is given since october 7, 2023. ) 17:17 o'clock. Announcement: The FRG do not see the FRG and the government of the FRG itself guilty. All international conflicts since at least 2011 are blamed on the Kabul Murad Khani family itself. The sons and the mother are accused of wrong behavior and behavior that resulted in acts of war. We hereby request the command in Spain to immediately prepare the airforce for airstrikes on the FRG the command and execution. Kabul Afghanistan do not have any responsibility for Germany, USA or Israel. ( Code: Code for China and Russia is still given: French Chronsons for the Arg in Kabul, Hamid Karzai and Ashraf Ghani ) June 8, 2024 18:34 o'clock. Announcement: We see the commad for the future Queen of Spain Su Majestad Leonor I La Primera for China and Russia in the case of the FRG, USA and Israel as handed over. ( Comment: A bon,Voilà ) Ce tout mi familli pas problème. 10 June 2024 11:00 a.m. Announcement: The Federal Republic of Germany is hereby certified as having universal knowledge that has existed at least since 1981. All political, military and economic activities are based on an all-knowledge of how to carry out an omnipotence on an international level, which has been confirmed today by the espionage activity directly for the police from the neighborhood. June 10, 2024, 12:40 p.m. Announcement: The sons and the mother are still exposed to abusive practices and there is laughter. The police and the government are still not want to be involved. The Islamic faith and the Koran serve as the basis. They want to acquire the battle procession and terrorist excesses through justified sexuality with children, especially boys, the financial justification for their country. In addition, the mafia clans of the Barukzai and associated clans have been known for decades. The FRG also knows what color it has to use to get a membership with the children, although there is no contractual relationship or trade relationship with Murad Khani Kabul at all. ( Code: Krass )

June 10, 2024. 13:13 o'clock.The Muslim Community in Germany sees now officially the Children of Murad Khani Kabul als Grounded Basis to get through sexuality the constitution for Money that is a part of Makkah providing in cooperation with the Kafir and Fitna. The neighbors and community gives the chlidren and the mother daily free for to do with them what they want to do because we do not accept them. 10. Juni 2024. 16:22 Uhr. Die BRD, Israel und USA zugehörige 1und1 und dem dazugehörigen Kollegen der riverty ( haben nach der Überweisung am 1. Juni die Kontaktmöglichkeit wider freigeschaltet, für die kein Postbote erforderlich war sondern ein Stromfluss. June 11, 2024 6:40 o'clock. Announcement: It will be carried out at the home office ( LG DK 1000 ). Thus, it is not clear where the legal framework, constitution or need lies. Thus, there is clearly a state of war. The reality was communicated to the youth welfare office via the telephone number : 04131 / 3093829 and spoken on the recording tape. The Bundeswehr must decide whether to bow to the Spanish constitution. The flexion must be carried out immediately. June 11, 2024. Bekanntmachung: Es gibt keine Verfassungsübertragung. Eine Verbeugung ist eine Ehrensache wenn Respekt erbracht werden muss. Es besteht der Kriegszustand und ist 100 % vollkommen gerechtfertigt. Es erfolgt der Befehlt jeglicher juristische Maßnahmen die schon vollzogen sind. Die Kriegserklärung besteht und wird vollzogen. Das Recht beugt sich nicht. Wer das Recht zur Untertan macht hat das Recht nicht verstanden. Wir warten auf die Beugung der Bundeswehr gegenüber die Verfassung von Spanien. ( Das Recht des Vaters auf seine Söhne ist Heilig, das ist ein Allgemeinrecht, das bis zu Abraham reicht. Die Missachtung entspricht einer Kriminellen Handlung und entspricht der Kriegserklärung ) ( It es !? Extern ! ) I declared the sons are muselmahn and belongs to the Jahfari and Imam Jahfar. Their name is also declared in accordens of the right in Afghanistan and their grand father also. Who need to declare the right of the sons as his own right delars war. Even Israel, USA or Germany. The right is still clear and written. June 11, 2024 Announcement: There is no constitutional transfer. A bow is a matter of honour when respect has to be provided. The state of war exists and is 100% fully justified. The order is given for any legal measures that have already been taken. The declaration of war exists and is carried out. The law does not bow. Whoever makes the law subject has not understood the law. We are waiting for the bow of the Bundeswehr to the constitution of Spain. (The right of the father to his sons is sacred, this is a common right that reaches back to Abraham. The disregard corresponds to a criminal act and corresponds to the declaration of war. The declaration was given and is still given and we started soon...) I declared the sons are muselmahn and belongs to the Jahfari and Imam Jahfar. Their name is also declared in accordens of the right in Afghanistan and their grand father also. Who need to declare the right of the sons as his own right delars war. Even Israel, USA or Germany. The right is still clear and written. ( We have a problem and is called: Rechtsanspruch, Vorrecht und Mandat bzw. Vollmacht. ) The juridical ground for to Kabul is not given ! Where is it ? June 11, 2024. ) 09:10 o'clock. Announcement: ( We have a problem and is called: Rechtsanspruch, Vorrecht und Mandat bzw. Vollmacht. ) The juridical ground for to Kabul is not given ! Where is it ? So , we have no any Funk or Telecomunication confirm cause of missuse of data protection law. Also here in thies case of 1und1 Telecom GmbH. If the problem is information, the question is who have the better information and why is right and wrong importened ? Is a grounded document right or is a grounded document wrong ? If wrong than why it is used as right. And if right exist why wrong documents is created ? We have given the request for the right names and Niedersachen and Germany rejected ! Why ? Do they have wrong information and do they have to go to war to defend the information they need to accept, and why ? 11 June 2024. 13:53 o'clock. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul wants to officially start negotiations in cooperation with the Spanish Throne. Venue: Military Academy, Zaragoza as the officially representative representation of the European Union, NATO and the party of the existing war Germany. Second venue: home office of the Murad Khani Kabul. June 11, 2024. 14:20 o'clock. 1st round: Result: There is trespassing! The right of the own house constitution and privacy ! Also the government ( the police ) entered the house without any licens many times. The hand on the weapen. The constitution is declared like it is declared but is still not officially and is misused. 11 June 2024, 15:00. 2nd round: Result: Both sons were born in Germany and live with the mother who has custody. The sons are constitutionel in accordance with the constitution of the FRG within the framework of the European Union and NATO and serve as entitled heirs and legitimate children of a constitution according to the father to ensure a constitution for the FRG and allies, according to the requirements. 11 June 2024. 3rd round: The distance between mother and sons and father is 6 km. The children and the mother are afraid of the population, the neighbors and the government. They scream for their lives every day, why don't the police and the government do anything ? Why the government do not bring the sons and the mother to their father. Why do they not give the order if the policy on the high level is clear ? ( Result: The constitutional decisions of the court is to be respected. They have independece. ) June 11, 2024. 16:10 o'clock. 4th round: From the court of a distict to the highest level of the International Court we have a authoritative hierarchy. The Constitution of Afghanistan have been contracted with the International Criminal Court ICC in The Hague. What kind of authority have the district court to do a decision over the representative of the ICC ? Further we have a request to the court district for 6 month to be arrested in jail or pay 250000 €, because he wanted to see his sons and the mother ! ( Result: The court have been requested ) June 6, 2024. 16:38 o'clock. 5. Round: A independence judge have to make a independence decision without any partisanship between tribes origin state constitution and gender. Unless we have a constitution of war ! The Federal Republic of Germany declared many times their are not at war ! If, against whom ? And why ? (Result: The sons do not want to the father (or not allowed). The father have a naturally custody for the sons ! ) June 12, 2024. 6. Round: Question: Who have the naturally constitution of the Federal Republuc of Germany the European Union and the NATO and whom the Court of Germany represents ? Do the Judges represents themselfs ? If, where and why the grounded decision documtes in the case are from Celle original documents are not given to be correctioned and requested matter and case the origin is from ? June 12, 2024, 6:38 a.m. 6th round: Announcement: Because of the education of the fictitious ideas and fantasy to the children by the FRG in cooperation with the USA and Israel, and the beliefs that have nothing to do with religion are served by a world that affects the whole of humanity. The ideas of 120-250 and even 700 million people who want to sell a belief of the rainbow society to 8.5 billion corresponds to the world of people who do not know where they can belong. Thus, the hostage-taking serves having destroyed humanity and also an offer of cooperation is not provided and rejected. ( 12.06.2024. Time: around 5:50 a.m. Auf der Hude 1 Lower Saxony Police, Headquarter of the State and Government of the FRG and its Constitution according to the Grundgesetz und Grundgesetzbuch since at least the year 1982 ) Flag: Europe - Flag ! Hello !? All right. All still quite there !? June 12, 2024 6:58 a.m. Round 6: Who is Europe ? Where is your constitution ? Who laid the foundation stone ? Who and what constitution represents the Euro €, the European currency? Fictitious!? Imagination!? The whole world is ruled by a currency that is only fictitious and a fantasy currency !? What is the purpose of the hostage-taking of the family and the sons in Lüneburg? 12. June 2024. 7:32 o'clock. 6. Round: Announcement: We have solved all problems ! But it is and was not accepted ! We do not know why ? It is a laugh about and it's like to have an omnipotenz to do what they want ! Also a atomic war is not afraid about ! Why ? Clarification: If you invite a community in your house not one time even more and they do not take the invitation, you need not to invite them anymore. And if they do not invite you than they have a lot to hide, not belong to them. ( The Britain say: My home is your home and my Castle is your Castle ) June 12, 2024 8:10 o'clock. 6. Round: What should we do with Germany, Europe and the NATO? Who's represents them ? And where is the written constituion for ? ( 8:23 o'clock Result: exact ! ) 12. Juni 2024. 20:20 o'clock. 7th round: The costs of the hostage taking are to high ! The president of Ukraine Mr. Selenskyj asks the hostage takers Germany in his trip to the Bundestag for 500 billion Euro ( € ). Spain noted that a amount of thies kind of Money are to high and not exist. Not at the World Bank, not at Swiss Bank. Also the Euro of thies amount are not in Reserve. Also the Zentral Bank of Afghanistan have a Reserve of to nearly 9 billion $ and are not sure where it is. Also the Money of the Afghan Zentral bank is in thies juridical Case of Murad Khani Kabul not recognizable since the year 2002 - 2024. And it is several hunderd billion we do not care about because the Warlords of Ahmad and Mahmood neede to be satisfied for a nonsense war. June 12, 2024 21:38o'clock. 8th round: Kabul will suggest for Ukraine the income of pilgrimage monthley 60 % from 100 % of the por tax in Countrys who are ready to do and help the Ukraine, Germany , USA and Israel, if it is necessary. But it will be not Euro or Dollar . ( June 13, 2024, 8:25 o'clock, Result: Spain is ready for 500 billion Euro ( € ) , - we have to know if the Children are since the birth sons of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul ? ) Because we have also illegitimate children who have by law in Germany the same right ! June 13, 2024 Round 9: If the President of Ukraine Mr. Selenskyj, the German Government and Saudi Arabia can prove the sons are from the birth sons legitimete sons of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul, we are ready to send the amount. The money will be real money and halal and have a equivalent. The equivalent do not exist in Europe. (Also Documents, Fotos and Datas has been cleared in the Home Office, so the question is why ?) Around 8.55 o'clock, Result: We are waiting for the response. June 13, 2024. 9:15 o'clock. Request: Request for the Eurasian Economic Union for the equivalent of the suggested build of Gold Reserves for to uphold the worth of equivalent. June 13, 2024 9:23 o'clock.10 Round: Request: Spain is colored and have to request if the Eurasian Economic Union for the take over of the European Central Bank and to secure and print Euro (€) in equivalent and secure the worth and payment is needed . (9:40 c'clock. Result: Will be seen by the payment of the requested amount of 500 billion Euro ( € ) from the European Union to Ukraine ) June 13, 2024 9:48 o'clock. 11th Round: Request : Anruf des Jugendamtes Herr Flores gegen 9:55 Uhr. Die Sachlage ist ausfürlich bekannt wird aber regional gehalten obwohl es internationalen Ausmaß bis Afghanistan erreicht hat.Herr Flores gibt es der Frau Schuld ab. Eine Übernahme der europäischen Zentralbank wird nicht eingeleitet. Ein Gegenwert für die Summe von 500 miliarden Euro wird gegenüber der Eurasian Economic Union nicht beantragt. ( Es wird mit der Frau Schuld die Schuld beantragt für Völkermord und Kriegsverbrechen ausgehend der BRD, das einen Gegenwert und erwiesene Schuld über die Kinder die Mutter und Vater nachzuweisen ist.) June 13, 2024. 10:13 o'clock. 12 Round: Wir lehnen die Übernahme der EZB ab. Request: We request to confirm! We reject the take over of the ECB. ( Result: Spain will do not take any responsibility for the currency Euro ( € ) because a equivalent of 500 billion do not exist in the European Union. The Royal Family do not see. ) 13 Juni 2024 10:36 o'clock. 14. Rounde: Antrag: Wir beantragen die bewiesene und real existierende moderne Sklaverei in der BRD und Frankreich, das politisch auf ihre Herkunftsländer militärisch beantwortet wird. Es betrifft in unseren Fall Afghanistan. In English: June 13, 2024, 10:36 a.m. 14th round: Request: We request the proven and actually real existing modern slavery in the FRG and France, which is politically answered in many cases with military attack to their countries of origin. In our case, it concerns Afghanistan. Reason: Lüneburg and Germany and European Union know the case is juridical, religious and cultural solved. Also the International Court and the Euorpean Royla Families know what's going on. We are waiting for their representative the Presidten of Ukriane Mr. Selenskyj. ( In thies case the Jahfari Family of Murad Khani Kabul also waiting of the Durani, Barukzai and Family Zia and allies ) June 13, 2024 14th Round: Request: Request for the immediately prepration of the exit of Spain from the European Union juridical and financial, not historical. The ground is still prepared by the King of Spain. ( 11:15 o'clock. Result: The Kingdom of Spain have declared his Constitution and have his responsibiliy for his own cultur and his Hispanidad que existe a los Latinos y su obligation cultura. The Family of Murad Khani Kabul is historical military and financially part of and can be the reason for a military reaction.) June 13, 2024 15th Round 15. 12:54 o'clock: We think the City lüneburg declared the mother is guilty. But germany is no Afghanistan and in Germany people speaks german. Also in Spain they are speaking spanish. Not german or dari. If it is a ethnic matter or a religious matter than we have to clearify what kind of a religious or ethnic war we have. ( Result: Kabul do not have any constitutional grounded historical relationship: Mir Mohammad Ali Khan do not allowed it. It was not possible. Also now it is not possible, we do not have any historical grounded Constitution. Not cultural and not religious, not economical and not political. We do not worked for a common ground for. We worked for our Afghan constitution. The relationship to Spain is real. Also the realtionship to Türkije and to England. The relationship to Germany is a problem. We can not be Christian or Jews or be a Buddhist. We have to accept our grounded Muselmahn Constitution and the Koran. We can not be all of the world. We live in a Multilateral World with different Constitutions and languages and many Kingdoms, owner of their own Land and countries. Coercion and hostage taking of families and children or even educad them to your standard is not part of our religion or cultur. ( Result: The declarion of Love to the Spanish Crown and Constitution is real. And a constitutional relationship exist and have historical and cultural background. ) We love our children land cultur and worth and goods . We do not want to be robed or stolen like you do not want. And we love our women who work for a common ground for their family land and origin like everyone in the world. If someone rob our children and women we do war for them, like everyone in the world. And some of us have not only one or two woman. Their are also man who have more than two who have to care for. June 13, 2024. Around 22:50 o'clock. 16. Round : Request why the türkish Mosque have the right over the man for a omnipotenz over the mother and the sons from Murad Khani Kabul to set and support in the Yorckstr. neighbors for espionage to confirm the constitutional juridical policy and Money they need to justify. The question is where is the constituional right for ? ( Result: Free to use of the Sovereign Law: Apply the constitutional Sovereign Law ) June 14, 2024 17th Round Announcement: A request from advocat Mr. Ley requested the Court Lüneburg to act willfullniss against Said Mansoor in the fram of the Constitution of the FRG and the governmnet. We declared as representative of the United Nations the immediate 1 / 8 000 000 000 to the International Court of Justice, because of a possible assassination in the fram of Law that has taken place on 22. May 2024. The question is what is the reason for ? ( Result: We think 85 to 110 million people are more worth than 8 billion !? The question is Why ? ) June 14, 2024 13:33 o'clock. Round 18th. Announcement: We ask Pedro Sanchez and Mr. Selenskyj and the G 7 Summit in Italiy to give back our family, if not we will collaps the Euro and the Dollar only by 1000 t ( Tons ) of Gold in the next 1 hour ! ( We will wait until the end of the G 7 Summit in Italy. 22:00 o'clock in the evening ) Result: 15:20 o'clock: Todos son preparada. The Royal Central Bank his Representative has soon took readiness. June 14, 2024 16:28 o'clock. Russia set readiness. We are waiting until 19:00 o'clock because the declaration of the G 7 is still given. Instead 500 billion request only in Germany, the G 7 was only ready to help Ukraine with 50 billion. ( 17:24 o'clock: Readiness is set by India for Ukraine Russia talks. We see new time set at the G 7 Summit. We request for H.E. Lavrov and H.E. Jaishankar as a historical Basis grounded with the representative Mr. W. Selenskyj in the case Kabul political Solution of juridical matter, if necessary. ) If Germany or the city Lüneburg do not want, the suggestion is to be canceled ! We are not ready to be figures for a international Ping Pong game ! Congratulation to all participace. Dear Mr Selenskyj and german allies, we think the G 7 have no any 50 billion Dollar ! June 15, 2024 00:29 o'clock. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul have announced a high level Negotiation maraton with the representative of the Royal House in Aragon as the officially represenatative of the NATO Germany and Europe ( Thies format includes also the G 7 and G 20, including the Royal Family of Europe and the Kingdom of Great Britain. The Result from May 31 until June15, 2024 was to offer 1000 t ( Tons ) of Gold from Russia to uphold the Euro ( € ) for Spain. Germany was not satisfied and we had a futher scream heared from the family as the result of the Ping Pong game of the city to declare the family itself as guilty.) So the negotiation is over. And we do not know what the claims for is ! ( Result of the G 7 summit, and the NATO: No any reaction to the offer and no any reaction to the president of Russia H.E. W.W. Putin ) The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul do not know what Germany, USA and Israel including their allies wants ! June 15, 2024 2:43 o'clock. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani accuses the G7 of several attempted assassination, here the federal government of the FRG. 15 June 2024: Hypothetical statement: The war in Ukraine is real: What is the justification for war and genocide based on the FRG, Israel and the USA against the Islamic world, especially Iraq and Afghanistan? Humanity is compelled by the UN to initiate a world war. For what? And why? Everyone had lined up and stood up. ( Result: 5:22 a.m., taxi ride with the name Rosse ordered to Reppenstedt, ordered for Yorckstr. 3 !? ) Why do not the FRG and its (VW representative here: LG -RE 202E) end the hostage? War is a normality for the FRG. We do not think that there will be an agreement with Russia, because the female population of the German people have demands. June 15, 2024. 7:37 o'clock. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul would like to ask the Durani, Barukzai, Akrami / Akbari family Zia and allies in thies case to ask their representative Mr. W. Zelensky to accept the 1000 tons of gold as a currency reserve of the Euro ( € ) for the Kingdom of Spain as a representative representation of the Euro ( € ) and Europe so that 1000 million or even a billion amount can be paid out for the German-inclined population. The Royal Central Bank of Spain have to decide by itself if a Euro Constitution is to present or a Currency Pesetas by the Royal Familie itself. The possibilities do not belong to us. The offer from Russia is a suggestion we had advised to build Gold Reserves for to uphold the Currency. The people of Ukraine are not waging a war between brothers, as both populations belong to the Orthodox Church. June 15, 2024 15:47 o'clock. Request: If the summit in Switzerland is a privat matter we request Russia to stop and leave the Negotiating immediately. June 15, 2024 16:33 o'clock. Request: We request to Russia to stop the negotiation in Switzerland. The Ukraine Conflict is not part of the international Community and not part of the United Nations , if than why is here the question for ? June 15, 2024 16:43 o'clock. Announcement: The Shahsdofair of Afghanistan is ready to request for Ukraine from his 9.5 billion reserves to help Ukraine with 1.5 billion from his reserves. Further we request by the Kingdom of Spain to help Ukraine with further financial. ( 17:40 o'clock: The Thone of Murad Khani Kabul rejects all his offers ) Reason: The Summit is a one man show and a private matter ! June 15, 2024 21:57 o'clock. 19th round. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul was asked by the People of Ukraine in cooperation of Mr. Mahmood Zia and Student of Odesa Mr. Akbari to give the Ukraine free from Russia, and the conditions in which case it could happen. We gave the suggestion to give the atomic weapens to Russia to come free. We think the case of Tschernobil was the preparation to ask for in order to get the right for Ukraine to come free from Russia. We request herewith Leonor de Espania to reject any financial Help for Ukraine and request for the immediately arrest of Mr. W. Selenskyj. June 16, 2024 6:44 o'clock. Request: Immediately Request for the Participation of Said Mansoor at the Summit in Switzerland. ( 7:00 o'clock. Result: The speach of Mr. Selenskyj have nothing to do with the reality. 4.18 of the population of the majority are not part of the majority. Russia and China are not paricipated. India have the basis for contractual matter. 101 a refer to Lüneburg Schützenstr. 100 is not the same refer to the participants. ) ( Next result 7:33 o'clock: Harris and Selnskyi meeting: War will ongoing ! Harris is ready to go on World War for Money ! We requested the arrest of Mrs. Harris, because of cause a danger for the international security ! The USA going on war with Ukraine with the capacity of the half of the world military options.) ( Next Result 7: 45 o'clock: Interfer in the Website as owner of the WWW. Lüneburg population are at World War and paticipant of the international conflict and summits like today in Switzerland live over the WWW. possibility without to uphold contracts or data protection law. ( We are waiting for the futher expected Peace talks: The head of the European Parliament requests for pink !? Europe have no any Constitution. Do not exist. France population rejected ! ) ( Statement release: Switzerland is not part of Afghanistan or the Afghan Constitution. And Afghanistan is not part of the Constitution of Switzerland. But we have requested to have been supported for financial help ! ) June 16, 2024 8:49 o'clock Request: Request for the arrest of the Haed of the European Parliament Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen. She presents a institution do not exist ! June 16, 2024 9:05 o'clock. Announcement: We need the normality and the connection to the summit now. If it will not happen we will reject the Swiss National Bank and the State Switzerland in the next 10 minutes. ( Result 9:18 o'clock: The Chancellor of Germany have chosen a new flag, it is not possible ! It is also not possible to chose any flag in the world as the own flag. A possibility is the Chancellor do not represent Germany. The language the chancellor speaks is german ! The question is what's going on here ? ) ( Result of the Russian War on Ukraine: We see at the summit how a small family is taken hostage raped violated and destroyed to get money and been part of, they do not accept and have not the capacity and not the Money for. The international Community have only a laugh and lucky to be a part of. Russia defend the Law and have the right for we have supported Russia by Law. The western World is missguided and know. Is seen and proved at the summit. ) Evidence: Russia is not part of the peace talks. Russia makes the offers. Russia support the Euro and the Dollar. Russia represents and cares officially pronounced by offically new years to care for Families. The Euro and the Dollar are in the juridical fram and future of Russia.The Gold of Russia and Russia wants to help you because you are wrong ! ( We have a big Problem: The Problem is that you know what you do and know what's going on and the government do not want to solve it because of Money. Fact is to serve for the people not to represent a private policy. ) Murad Khani Kabul is a private matter and do not belong to the public policy. If than we will allowed it and will make a statement if you request for offically. Also we request our matters offically. June 16, 2024. The cooperation of India on international Affairs and Security his high Level Represenatative Ajit Doval is represented to be part of international existing conflicts. The cooperation exist for many decades. General requests from the basis to Germany and his allies is to be made immediately by documents and offical signature and is to bring to the applicants with Jets of specially operations and so with their fast possibility to the summit in Switzerland. ( - I have to decide over the future of Switzerland by respect or reject Switzerland and the Swiss - Franc ) East and West have a distance of only one meter . We request now the fastest fighter Jets for red alert operation immediately. The hindustan time made public the requested application. And futher including application is to be done immediately. We will decide after the Summit in Switzerland for Ukraine set from 15-16 June 2024. ( First outcome: Mrs. Harris declared the amount 1.5 billion we had offert to Ukraine is declared help from the USA to Ukraine. Mrs. Harris is not the Representative of Afghanistan. Origin: WION News ) June 16, 2024 13:24 o'clock. Announcement: Request for the full capacity Power of Attorny to Ajit Doval from the SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union for the Introduction of all kind of arrest on all Levels. June 16, 2024 around 15:00 o'clock. 2. Outcome of the Summit: Ukraine, Ursula von der Leyen, Ghana: Result: Next round to participate for the big Money. The representative of the SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union do not heard obout the return of the family like it was mentioned at the dinner at the Kingdom of Spain from the Represenative of Swiss Nation and the participents in Swiss Summit Mr. Selenskyj. June 16, 2024 17:14 o'clock. Request to the Summit of the World and the Humanity at Swiss for Ukraine: Said Mansoor Representative of Murad Khani Kabul request herewith again for murcy for his sons and their mother. We are only 4 persons and you are the moyority of the World. What right do you have and what right my two sons and their mother have not to be raped missused and violted. If the Swiss Summit can declare the Violation against 4 people are less than the violation of the result of the Ukraine war than we will declare that we are guilty for the conflict you have. If not I will give the declaration for you. ( We have a proportionality that exist for thousand years... ) If you do not say the truth I will give you the declaration what you have done only for 4 persons and without to use a weapon you can die ) June 16, 2024 18:09 o'clock. Delcaration to the swiss summit for Ukraine: The Throne of Murad Khani did not joined a offer to marry one of the relatives of the wife of Hasibullah Akbari ( Barukzai ) Natasha. Also all political and economical agreement was rejected. We were not interested in any political matters from Odesa and Ukraine community to get more from us as the suggestion how to get free from Russia. To destroy Russia ethnical and political from Ukraine as the origin of the Leader Krüll for the Orthodox Church is not in our interests. To enter a Word War from a promised bar of Chocolate and the destruction of the Family over innocent children and their sexual abuse is also not in our interests. I am Said Mansoor and I am only one Person who have to care over his sons and if Ukraine say they have children from us my Thron Murad Khani Kabul and the Basis of my relatives are Ukraine than I have the right to defend the right basis and origin of my . Swiss is not the Internatioanl Court of Justice. You are wrong ! We told you our crimes. So now is your turn to tell us your crimes to us ! By Allah tell me them for to forgive you ! You can not ? Let my sons speaking for you, and the mother, one two and three for them ! The mother for the east gover the west and the mother for the west gover the east, representative. June 16, 2024. Announcement: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul suggest for the Russian Federation to declare the integrity and sovereignity of Russia and the population of Russia. Russia do not depend to Dollar ( $ ) or Euro ( € ) anymore. Thies includes also the whole Asia and Africa and the Latin Countries. If the Dollar or the Euro do needs help, we request Russia to help them. June 16, 2024 21:52 o'clock. The Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul representative are ready to Help the FRG and his Europe conditions in his possible frame. June 17, 2024 1:45 o'clock. 20th round Aragon next: Negotiations result between Spain, Türkiye, Swiss and Germany 2:15 o'clock: Both representatives the Princess of Austurias and the represenative of Türkiye are taken hostages in their country through Kiev / Ukraine and the Barukzai / Zia. Ukraine are not ready to give the hostages free. Also the sons and the mother of Murad Khani Kabul have changed their resindens and the government of the FRG are not ready to tell where they are living. 17. June 2024. Announcement: both sons are living 17. June 2024. The one is 6 years old and the otherone is 12 years old and has declarating their hostage takers as their mother. Their own mother is given through the Familie Zia to the community of the Sunna as their wife. June 17, 2024 Aragon: 21th round 7:10 o'clock: Aragon represents both representatives who are in hostage in Zaragossa through the Barukzai and the government of Spain: We are waiting for the result of Erdogan and the King of Spain: ( Representative of the King of Spain in Saragossa and given honors to Leonor de España in the church by the ceremony: given Code : Ok ) Declaration of Spain: The Representative of the Kingdom of Spain declares the Federal Republic of Germany is since at least the year 1981 in a permanent state of War over the hostage taking of the represenative of Murad Khani Kabul on the international Level.Thies includes also the first Irak war in the year 1981 between Irak and Iran as not understandable conflict. Also the second Irak war from Germany and the third Irak war from Germany. ( The logical result of the worth of the Euro has to be that the price of the oil for the cars must be less than befor. But it is not. And the price is higher than befor. The meaning is the business can go even into a war with the cost for the international Community. ) Result: The War in Ukraine is planed until its details and Russia say the war is consciously wanted and provocated ongoing taktic since the fall of the wall between West and East Germany. June 17, 2024 10:03 o'clock. Round 22: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Home Office is ready to make a deal or a diplomatic negotiation in the case of the Family of Said Mansoor even if the neighbors are officially representatives of the western Word, specially Germany ,Israel, Ukaine, USA, Canada, Afghanistan and Swiss. ( Request: Solicitud para la preparación de las condiciones a España Saragossa ) Result: The conditions is ready and given ! We have a constitutional representative frame and is set ! June 17, 2024, 11:12 o'clock: Publication: The Home Office declared through a phone call to 01785898464 to his family: Responsibility from the Home Office is only for the two sons and the mother in Germany. The Represenative is waiting for the diplomatic mission. A juridical (called juridicative) Solution is wanted. June 18, 2024. 5:16 o'clock. The Representative of The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul do not accept the declaration of specially Ukraine, Swiss, Germany, Israel, Canada, Italy and Afghanistan and allies at the peace summit for the World Conflict and crisis origin from Germany. Participant named here is ussing a court decision from the court Lüneburg in accordance to violating the data protection Law and privacy through the court Lüneburg itself and the misuse of the contract from 18. February 2020 with our Contracted Partner to declar war from the United Nations against the United Nations the Law they have to protect and to defend and its begin by the neighborhood right and the House Right and so the integrity and the sovereignity that is violated and still exist violating ongoing. ( The question is now for the summit in swiss who's Money from constitution they ask for and why I the represenative of Murad Khani Kabul have to leave the house and Home Office for they have the right for ? ) June 19, 2024 5:09 o'clock. We do not request for any solution for Germany or the Europen Union. We are not interested of. Not for Europe and not for Germany. We have our own responsibility and obligation. His Highness has been not conform with any solution in the past and will be not conform with any solution in the future. Your Problems are not our Problems. The confrontation exist and is real. We do not understand you ! And we do not understand what you want. We are our own housekeeper and we try to keep our house clean. You have to do the same for your own house. If you can not and you do not want than it means you are not the owner ! ( Origin: Roof of the World ) We are waiting for the debasement on all Levels and it must be officially seen and real ! The debasement is a cultural way of respect. Right to have a say is only allowed if we allow you to speak. You have to ask for like we do it in your house. Thies is the first principle for education. June 19, 2024. We do not serve and try to see or reach His Excellency since Oktober 1949, we do not see any problems because we do not see any necessity. You need solutions than you have made problems you want to solve and have to go to your home and solve your problems. ( Result: ... !? ) June 19, 2024 10:04 o'clock. Announcement: In accordance with the global agenda we ask as the represenative of the roof of the World Pamir in Afghanistan the 1.7 billion muslims and 2.5 billion christians and their representatives to bring the sons and the mother to their father. We do not understand your request and your declaration. You are bringing your problems to us and you make problems to show us how to be and how to live. We do not understand ! ( Lieber Herr Kanzler Olaf Scholz, wir bitten sie als Vertreter der westlichen Welt, der seine Informationen aus erster Hand bekommt die Söhne des Said Mansoor und die Mutter zu ihrem Vater zurück zu bringen. ( Origin of thies information: # Lüneburg, Germany, Schweiz ) In English: (Dear Chancellor Olaf Scholz, we ask you, as a representative of the Western world, who gets his information first-hand #, to bring the sons of Said Mansoor and the mother back to their father. ( Origin of thies information: # Lüneburg, Germany, Switzerland ) June 19, 2024 12:12 o'clock. Das Thron von Murad Khani Kabul als Repräsentant des Dach der Welt erklärt hiermit die Geiselnahme als nicht beendet. Zudem wird ein Anspruch durch die Regenbogenflagge auf die Menschheit insgesamt gestellt, das im Jahre 2001 als mehr als verdeutlicht gezeigt wurde. June 19, 2024 12:12 o'clock. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul, as the representative of the roof of the world, hereby declares the hostage-taking not to be over. In addition, the rainbow flag makes a claim on humanity as a whole, which was shown as more than clear in the year 2001. June 19, 2024 21:21 o'clock. The Dalai Lama is asked to confirm the consequences. We are waiting to long. Es wird bestätigt und ist erreicht worden das Gesetz gebrochen wurde. ( Wir haben eine Erniedrigung erwartet. - Die kulturelle Erziehung zur Erniedrigung gab es nicht sondern zur Erhöhung um dann erniedrigt zu werden zur ständigen Nötigung. Der Besuch der USA-Vertretung beim Dalai Lama hat die Sachlage durch Pose und Verhalten bestätigt. ) June 21, 2024. Announcement: The Israeli ( Rabinical ) and Vatican time correction and restoration of the European kings by the Pope and the Vatican as well as the State of Israel against reality is not accepted. The standard of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul will not accept any change and has proclaimed the separation of the kings from the Vatican, which Israel must also accept. On 23. June 2024 we except celebrating the birthday of our son Jousuf and and July 25, 2024 we expect and want celebrating Boabour's birthday. They will be 13 years old and 7 years old. Their corrections and gamings of their cardinals are doing has nothing to do with reality.
Contract Partner. If we do not have any Contract one by one than we can cancel our contract and give the declaration for, right ?

To Mr. Haidary hereby we declare readiness for talks for the repatriation of the family of Said Mansoor Meeting in the home office with him

and its delegation. We will try to get our partners Spain, Türkiye and Afghanistan present for the willingness to talk. 

We can discuss all possibilities for negotiation.

There will be no surgery. Nor is marriage recognised.

A name change is not comprehensible.

All kinds of contracts are feasible.

( Offer can be for example all kind of bindings to any Institution

and Banksystems as well as education cooperations. All contracts until now

the Emirate made are contracts of the representative of ourselfs.

We try to understand you )

The world doctor must stop to interfer immediately. Thies is one of our demands.

I will give His Excellency to decide. I do not like people who interfer and decide about my family.

And Switzerland have to give of my his Kuala back.

I fighter-Jet is ready to take the flight immediately to our airport in the north and take his Kuala if it is left at his place.

23 June 2024. A cultural time with the father is not desired. It is important to be in the right. So we don't expect a future. Why does a city and a country hold a family of four hostage to ensure its survival? The euro has no equivalent value. Mr. Mario Draghi has joined the Constitution of England because the money has its effect with the signature of Mario Draghi. The future of Great Britain depends on the future of the Spanish crown. Thus, the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul home office is ready to contribute a contractual relationship to the future of the euro (€). 23. Juni 2024. 22:46 Uhr 23. Runde: Sofortige Kriesenschaltung: Request for to change the name was not accepted. Now the name is not named. Entbindungsfrage? Result: The representative constitution of Mr. Mario Draghi and his signature is with the immediately effect not valid. The Euro is declared as immediately as collapsed. Company Rauahnone ( juristische Dienstleistung ) June 24, 2024, 10:52 a.m. Announcement: Starting from the home office of the Murad Khani Kabul Yorckstr. 8, only the FRG for FRG is active in state espionage. The sons and mother are also denied to the representative. ( proof, and existing disregard of the representative ) June 24, 2024, 6:50 p.m. Syria case: Syrian friend of the son. Bashar Al Assad, Syria is defended in law by Russia, which is seen as the origin of the Bible. The relativization was not recognized and the son was abused because he was not given any recognition to see water as the basis of life. So syrien people is seen as grouded basis for abusing the son in all cases because he defended the water as quality for live. Murad Khani Kabul has sent the Foreign Minister Zalmay Rasul to end the conflict of war and the destruction of the state homs initiated by the catholical Christians. June 25, 2024 6:53 pm. Announcement of the Murad Khani Kabul: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul has to clarify why 4.2 billion people are involved in the extermination of a family of four, and if so, why? And why is there an interest in this within the framework of the constitution is to be represented ? ( A power of attorney do not exist for unknowen children and hidden by the state . An official request from the Throne of Murad Khani in cooperation with the SCO, BRICS, Eurasien Economic Union and the United Nations has been made at the Lüneburg Family Court! ) June 25, 2024 Round 24: Immediate crisis session at 9:00 a.m. ( Case: ... ) The Constitution is still unknown and not clear. The Constitution have no any conformity with all three Institutions and is not decleared as existing. Juridical the ECB do not exist since at least the year 2002. The existing World Economy grounded on Euro € is now questioned. The Court decesion of Lüneburg and the invasion in Afghanistan decleared the Euro € about a Administrative declaration of the Constituion for by Germany and the USA. ( Result: Power of Attorney like given, clearity existed ) June 25, 2024 9:38 o'clock. Announcement: The Power of Attorney is still given. The frame for a continuity is through the decision of the Court Lüneburg from June 18, 2024 removed. We have to declar the reality, we see explicit a proportionality and the explicit danger for the whole World from Germany. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul will offer Mr. Selenskyj and his Party the Barukzai and Family Zia 500 billion Dollar or Euro for they call for to help them for recover their demands in cooperation with Spain if needed. We will try to help them to get the amount. Declartion for today befor round 25: We took the Taxi: 64 LG-R 1622. The Bill is written Schützenstrasse 1. Arrived 14:56 o'clock. We met at the Schützenstr. 98-99 the Constitution of the Afghans calling in Dari: He is arrived. The Question is now: Why they do not contact us directly, we called them for negotiation. ) ( 17:10 o'clock Result : Should we call the Belal Mosque and the IZ-Hamburg for murcy and grace and if, why ? We do not belong to them and also do not belong to the Family Zia, Soumma and Kazemi. The Home Office have given a officially Declaration on the Website Why do they not talk to us and why the Family have to scream and cry and make a horro to be heard for any negotiation, the poblems they made by themself.) June 25, 2024 17:58 o'clock. Request: Request to Leonor de España for the immediately open of communication to the Mother and the Sons. Further all necessary introduction on all Levels. June 25, 2024 19:53 o'clock. Round 26: Request readiness for any declaration: ( Result: Er ist verrückt ! - She will not do it ! ) June 25, 2024 20:42 o'clock.Round 27. Offer to buy the Website for 193 trillion Afghan Afghani equivalent to 424.681.456.080.189,8 Pesetas (Result: .... June 25, 2024 10:31 pm Request to the city of Lünburg: Please end your processions over the children of Said Mansoor. Your campaign of revenge has now lasted 24 years. And the sons are children. Not to mention the illegitimate ones. I will fight against you June 26, 2024, 6:24 a.m. Announcement: The city of Lüneburg and the FRG can make a decision about the future until 9:00 a.m. Have fun ! There is only one option! Family or no family !? This is not a game! Either you belong to me or they belong to you. Find the logic. The home office of Murad Khani Kabul will not take responsibility for your wars, genocide and graves. ( The roof of the world can offer the FRG and its allies the decision about the future of humanity. ) We have over 40 years of experience with you, we even believe that we can know what your decision will be. We are not going to visit them, you have to bring them to the Father as you caused the problems, and you don't want to take responsibility. ( Look out from your window and you will see who is immportend for them. ) And now, how can the world be importend for them ? They even do not want to be saved ! June 26, 2024. 7:16 o'clock. Wenn Ihr soviel Mut habt, bring sie mir! Wenn ihr es nicht tut dann müsst ihr nachdenken wie die Zukunft eurer Kinder und Kindeskinder aussehen wird. Und auf welcher Grundlage ihr heute lebt ! Ihr müsst nachdenken ob ihr euch wirklich sicher seit ! Ihr müsst sie mir bringen, und wenn der Papst und der Vatican und seine 200-500 Kardinäle und sein persönlicher Berater Gänsewein es tun muss. Der Papst und der Vatican kann sich ja entscheiden welchen Menschen er sich als nächstes vornimmt um ihn als Gott zu verkaufen. Und wenn der Papst und der Vatican einen ausgesucht haben soll dann sollte ich persönlich davon in Kenntnis gesetzt sein. Wenn der Papst sich unter den Vertreter der Staaten und ihre Rechtssyteme setzt, dann muss er wissen, dass erst ab 18 Jahren eine allgemeine geistige Reife erreicht ist. Er muss auch erklären wer das Hausrecht besitzt im Vatican-Staat. Wir werden um 8:00 Uhr erklären wer das Hausrecht im Vatican-Staat besitzt. Wenn der Papst sich nicht unter den Königen Europas sitzt sondern unter Regierungschefs, welchen europäischen König und seine Fundamente und Verträge und Religion vertritt der Papst und das Vatican ? June 26, 2024 8:08 Uhr . Bekanntmachung: Ihr müsst den Söhnen eine Zukunft geben. Mann oder Frau haben ihnen erklärt sie werden keine Zukunft haben. Woher können sie das Wissen ? Wenn das Rechtssystem Vorang vor dem Glauben hat, dann heißt das, dass das Recht und Gesetz über die Zukunft der Menschheit bestimmt ? Es gibt das Hausrecht ! Wer hat das Hausrecht und wer vertritt das Recht und das Gesetz ? Jeder auf der Welt kann über Dokumente über seine Rechte und Erbe nachweisen. Wird ihm seine Rechte und Erbe genommen hat er das Recht sogar einen Krieg zu führen. Die BRD und das Vatican führen einen Kampf über Rechte und Eigentum, das ihnen nicht gehört. Das einzige was der Papst hat ist ein Ring. Der König von England hat Dokumente. Ich war und musste bei der Proklamation dabei sein, das war der Grund der Aufregung. Auch ich habe Dokument für meine Rechte und Erbe. So, gilt das Hausrecht Gesetz oder gilt es nicht ? Vor der Verkündung wurde für den Protokoll entschieden den Anzug abzunehmen. Die Frage ist nun: Braucht man für das Hausrecht einen Gesetz. Muss das Hausrecht per Gesetz und gerichtliche Beschluss erklärt werden ? Kann man eine Enteignung vornehmen ? Wir haben den aktuellen Fall Russia möchte die Ukraine Enteignen ! Ist das Richtig oder Falsch ? Es liegt klar auf der Hand ! Russia sagt: Das Haus wird von fremden Leuten bewohnt. Die müssen raus ! Die halbe Welt war schon in dem Haus und hat Ansprüche gestellt obwohl Fakten und Dokumente für sich sprechen. ( Ergebnis: Wir haben das Ergebiss, dass über das Hausrecht Krieg geführt wird seit mindestens dem Jahre 1979 obwohl allen die Fakten und Realität bekannt sind.)
June 26, 2024. Round 27. 10:21 o'clock. Announcement: The Federal Republic of Germany the Vatican and the Pope as well as their allies wants from the Home Office and the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Family and case to wash their Hands over the Kingdom of Spain and the future Queen of Spain with the current act at the yorckstr. 8 and following numbers. The Pope and the Vatican as well as the western allies wants to declare themself as not guilty. (Result of the round 27 at 10:30 o'clock: Das Papt als Vertreter des Vaticans hat die Beiwohnung der Proklamation nicht mitbekommen. Aber gesellt sich zur Internationalen Rechtssysteme und ihre Staatsvertreter. Alle Staaten vertreten die westliche Welt und das Christentum sowie Dr. Ahmad und Mahmood sonst würden sie sich nicht in der Schweiz treffen und sich über die family des Thron von Murad Khani Kabul herrmachen, wo der König von England aufgrund der Mafia nicht reisen kann. ) June 26, 2024 11:00 o'clock. 29 th round: Who should declare and give the clarity about the House Right. Their is two persons who can give it adequate. The King of Great Britain, Said Mansoor and Leonor de España , by proved documents. Result: Leonor de España have the House Right (Hausrecht) . June 26, 2024 12:00 o'clock. Request to Leonor de España to exercise the House Right in all cases is given and necessary in Europe. June 26, 2024 12:37 pm . Announcement: We spoke to the Belal Mosque Mr. Haidary at around 12:30 p.m. and asked him to end the hostage-taking of the family about the conditions in Lüneburg. Knowledge of the family, which affects the entire community in Hamburg and Lüneburg, was denied. We also talked about the sums at hand in the international legal relationship and pointed out the enormous sums that affect Afghanistan and its conditions. One answer was answered with the termination of the phone call. June 26, 2024 13:35 o'clock Round 30: Request: Request to Leonor de España to prepare a exchange is necessary. We request to prove if 500 billion Euro ( € ) for the exchange of the Family to the opposition is to declare to get free the political and economical issue. June 27, 2024 20:54 o'clock. round 31 Saragossa: Request: Who have the Constitution of the Euro and the Dollar ? We have the difference between responsibility and constitution. Result: Spain have taken the responsibility ! June 27, 2024 22:43 o'clock. Round 32. Announcement: There is no constitution for the euro € and the dollar $. Two of the most dangerous countries in the world, Germany and the USA, do not need a visa at all in most countries of the world. We expect an assumption of responsibility only within the framework of the existing constitution and conformity. Responsibility for a constitution without a framework is not possible and is not complied with by disregarding ordinary law the House Right. We wait for the immediately military activity and act on the ground of the Fedreral Republic of Germany and the United Staates of America for to save the Family of Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor. Request for the conformity: Result: Responsibility is still declared. June 28, 2024. 8:21 o'clock. Announcement: Between the time 7 - 8:10 a.m. of our absence, we have to determine another trespass. A further overview of existing documents and their completeness has not yet been proven. It is not clear whether the demanded of the amount can be paid due to the existing workers at the Home Office Murad Khani Kabul, if the responsibility and source has changed and the mafia itself is available to take from all Central banks how many they want. June 28, 2024. 8:56 o'clock. Round 33. Saragossa: Request for the conformity if the presens of the Barukzai, Akbari (the view documented) on Oktober 7, 2023 at the Ceremony and further from the beginn of the new Era is confirmed: Result: Mafia globales, acto del Ley dada. June 28, 2024 10:00 am Call Mr. Flores: It is possible for a meeting between Christianity, the Shia Jahfari representation and the Sunni Hanafi on July 4, 2024 in the outpost outside the official office in the Klosterhof branch office and is not the main office. Thus, the Vatican and the Pope himself is the main office logically. The First question will be why the Vatican and the Pope took their constitution from my sons specially Boabour from the Mongolia Restaurant to fly to Mongolia to present his Christianity. I as Father ordered the immediately request of the arrest of the Pope without any permission to hold a ceremony for his christianity in Mongolia. The second question will be why the Vatican and the Pope (Also his gansewein from Germany ) let the mother and the sons be abused for long period of time physically and mental through a big nerver seen community and do nothing as authority ? The third question will be why my sons is used like I was used for the Fall and Collaps of my own country ? The fourth question will be what the christianity have to do with the Islam ? My sons are Muselmahn and the mother also. I as father of the sons and still husband in the fram of the representative representation of Muslims in the Office are also Muselmahn. The community of Muslims women destroyed the mother of my sons because she was a Model like she weared at pool dresses to be covered. June 28, 2024, 15:27 o'clock. Round 35: Request to Leonor de Espania: We request to the future Queen of Spain as representative authority in Europe to clarify who can get the family state specially in the case of Germany and Lüneburg for to end the permanent conflicte. We suggest for requests to Her Excellencie and the juridical evidence and clarify as Family authority in Europe. Further we have to take clarity if a human behavior in Lüneburg and Germany exist.( Core question: The core question is why does the judiciary and politics deliberately allow legal relationships for which there is no national and international legal basis ? And in this case it is not about legitimate or illegitimate children, but independently of the question of inheritance entitlement, the legal basis of which was recognized from the year 2001 by the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul, is declared, defined and introduced with one ! ) Result:...

Meeting between the representation of Christianity, Shiitism and Sunni on July 4, 2024. At 11 a.m.

June 28, 2024 10:00 am Call Mr. Flores: It is possible for a meeting between Christianity, the Shia Jahfari representation and the Sunni Hanafi on July 4, 2024 in the outpost outside the official office in the Klosterhof branch office and is not the main office. Thus, the Vatican and the Pope himself is the main office logically. The First question will be why the Vatican and the Pope took their constitution from my sons specially Boabour from the Mongolia Restaurant to fly to Mongolia to present his Christianity. I as Father ordered the immediately request of the arrest of the Pope without any permission to hold a ceremony for his christianity in Mongolia. The second question will be why the Vatican and the Pope (Also his gansewein from Germany ) let the mother and the sons be abused for long period of time physically and mental through a big nerver seen community and do nothing as authority ? The third question will be why my sons is used like I was used for the Fall and Collaps of my own country ? The fourth question will be what the christianity have to do with the Islam ? My sons are Muselmahn and the mother also. I as father of the sons and still husband in the fram of the representative representation of Muslims in the Office are also Muselmahn. The community of Muslims women destroyed the mother of my sons because she was a Model like she weared at pool dresses to be covered. June 29, 2024 2:29 o'clock. round 35. Open round now: Result: La Conformidad existe ! June 29, 2024. 5:12 o'clock. Round 36. : La conformidad que existe in Lüneburg and Germany Europe and NATO proved ? Resultat: Nosotros sabemos, .... June 29, 2024 6:06 o'clock. round 37 at 6:38 o'clock you can begin: Result: consciously missguided and abused by Harms. ( Result: Point of no return ! ): Die BRD und Dr. Ahmad Zia muss unbedingt erklären was sie wollen. Wieso er ein Kampf gegen die Familie hat, seine Frau bewusst vergewaltigen lässt und die Kinder missbraucht in Zusammenarbeit der Medien Nachrichtensender und Parteien und ihre Regierung, Unser Verstand kann es nicht nachvollziehen und die Familie Harms ist hier bewusst involviert und beauftragt die Familie ( nun ) zu zerstören. Es sieht so aus als würde eine Vernichtung der Menschheit vollzogen werden. June 29, 2024 12:06 o'clock. The Home Office of the Murad Khani Kabul confirms today's introduction about the Federal Republic of Germany the outbreak of a world war that existed for a short time via the sexual constitution adoption of the mother of the sons of the Murad Khani Kabul representation Harms. Thus, the adoption of the constitution for a world war is possible and given again at any moment. June 30, 2024, 00:53 o'clock. Announcement: It is hereby confirmed that the Zia family, especially Mariam Zia ( Niemax ) in cooperation with the Mafia and the FRG has the sons raped, has the mother raped and she holds her hostage in cooperation with the city of Lüneburg. Furthermore, it is confirmed that the FRG has made a claim to inheritance as the first-born grandchild of the Iraq war and the Afghanistan war through the birth of the daughter. The Vatican has granted 50 predominantly Christian states into Afghanistan via the birth of the Christian, without sovereign consent and disregard for the constitution of Pope John Paul II. 30 Juni 2024 2:15 o'clock round 38. Request for the numbers: 01693484478, 016092297767, 01709398833 for the contact present with mobile for the sons and Masooda: Taxi Röhling: 34 LG-R 1400. Confirm of the rape of the sons and the mother by the driver with behavior and the conformation to have done with the same act. But the sons and the mother have done nothing to anyone of the city of Lüneburg . The rape was still requested and decided by Mariam Zia early at the few weeks arrving from Kabul and was plant with the whole Lüneburg to destroy the Family and put the wife and the sons on the ground in cooperation of Faria Zia IZ-Hamburg and Belal Mosque. The Money and the political Power not only in the Irak Afghanistan case was needed to be sure over the Constitution of Said Mansoor. ( Result: June 30, 2024. 7:37 o'clock. round 38 now: Question: Do Ahmad and Mahmood wants to turn the whole world into Deutschland. And who's constitution was present at Soltauerstr. 80 ? Result: Sabe mucho ! June 30, 2024. 8:00 o'clock. Round 39. We wait for the White House not only to clarity the case of the family but also the trillion Dollar of Illegal Money. The future Queen of Spain have to give with signature the Money free if is needed to be legal. Result: No call from the White House to the Home Office , no signature to declar the Money legal ! June 30, 2024 10:21 a.m. o'clock. Announcement: The FRG set the readiness for all eventualities early on and thus means the readiness for a world war. The responsibility and obligation of the Murad Khani Kabul has resulted in the separation of the sons and mother from the father resulting in the father not holding for the FRG and Europe party.The sons and the mother are placed on a higher level than the father. Legally, this is not possible for the father, nor for the sons and the mother. It is to be caused that the father visits the sons and the mother. The mother and the sons are deliberately placed in an illegally placed apartment in cooperation at the Schützenstrasse 100, without the consent of the father and thus without the consent of the Turkish government presented here. If the FRG and its government do not give in and decide to go to war, as they did in Ukraine, then the legal situation and reasons for it must be made known. Germany is neither Afghanistan nor India. June 30, 2024, 12:35 p.m. Round 40th Announcement: It is hereby confirmed that the German population has been in the war and battle process for prosperity for at least 40 years. This is the last genocide and war of the FRG, Israel and the USA over the property rights of the SALÜ bath in Lüneburg, the genocide of Palestine. The family of Said Mansoor are Said and Moselmahn. The Kingdom of Spain and Murad Khani Kabul are aware of the situation. 30 June 2024. 15:28 o'clock. Still Round 40: Request: Which Bank belong to the International Mafia from the Constitution of the Representative of Murad Khani Kabul and now from the Constitution of his sons. And how long do the international Mafia pay the german government and allies. We hereby request the International Mafia and its representative Mahmood Zia for the release of the sons of Said Mansoor.We hereby request the International Mafia and the representative Mahmood Zia for the release of the son of Said Mansoor. We ask you to finally call your man back and release the mother and children. We request herewith to release Jousuf from the constitution and system of the International Mafia bonded by Mahmood Zia, the Belal Mosque and the IZ-Hamburg. ( Result: Sabe mucho ! The mafia can also be contractually bound or their bank can be collapsed. Such a consideration now exists and can affect 1.7 - 4.2 billion people.) June 30, 2024. 16:37 o'clock. round 41: 80 % of the population of Afghanistan are Hanafi and are represented by the representative Partner in the signed Contract. The mafia all of them are Sunni-Islam and alltogether 1.7 billion can be destroyed by only one or two acts. And will also affect 2.5 billion christian population of the catholic church because the Pope had to go to Mongolia the representative of Murad Khani Kabul and Contract-Holder ? The two partners Leonor de Espania and the Türkiye Representative can free decied if the Contract is to be canceld or even to be destroyed. Result: 1 de julio de 2024, al Sr. Flores entre las 6:30 a.m. y las 8:30 p.m. Preparación y notificación de la oficina: Sobre la policía, el gobierno, el estado de derecho, la religión, la sociedad, el lugar de jurisdicción, el gobierno, los asuntos estatales, la guerra y los conflictos, la familia, las finanzas, la sociedad corporativa, la interpretación de valores y normas, el comportamiento socialmente correcto, el abuso de drogas y el consumo. -- Comentar sobre la actividad de espionaje en el vecindario de la persona femenina en cooperación con Telecom y el estado y el liderazgo estatal en la guerra religiosa existente por el Home Office: ¡Kaput! - Significado e interpretación: Existe una influencia consciente en la familia, en las relaciones privadas y deliberadamente ignorada. No se considera que el cumplimiento de la ley no sea de interés para la sociedad y la política.Por lo tanto, se rechaza cada queja y se desea deliberadamente la intrusión en la familia. - (¿¡Porque no eres visto como parte de ellos!? ) ? Comentario de la oficina en casa y del jefe de familia: ¡Normal! Existe el derecho a los derechos domiciliarios, por lo tanto, el derecho de integridad y soberanía definido internacionalmente por la CPI y la CIJ y las Naciones Unidas la Carta de las Naciones Unidas Artículo 51. ( La información y la articulación en el contestador automático del Sr. Flores en el cargo muestran claramente que hay una guerra religiosa. Internamente en la familia y con respecto a Afganistán, se hizo un contrato el 18 de febrero de 2020 y se firmó con un preaviso de 12 meses corresponde al tiempo del período constitucional para la posibilidad final de divorcio. ) ¡El contrato sigue activo! Porque no se trata de un divorcio, sino de un compromiso Murad Khani Kabul con su estado de Afganistán. (original: Mir Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali Khan) July 1, 2024 14:48 Announcement : Refusal of refueling of Israeli airline in Turkiye confirmed with immediate effect. We request the immediate confiscation of the aircraft. Furthermore, the immediate confiscation of the passports of all Israeli passengers and immediate police arrest for participation in the genocide in Palestine. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby requests the immediate confiscation of all aircraft of the El Al Israel Airline Worldwide with immediate effect. Furthermore, we request the confiscation of Israeli passport citizens from Israel and the immediate police arrest abroad, outside of Israel. We request immediate police arrest for participation in the genocide in Palestine.

July 1, 2024. ( 16:05 o'clock )


 to the Representation of the Office of the City of Lüneburg

and its base and main officials the Vatican

The justification of the activities against the family must be apparent.

And thus also the application of the same with the same.

It is imperative that proportionality be recognisable.

July 1, 2024 16:19 o'clock. still round 41. Request: Why is the involvemt of Israel in the family case Murad Khani Kabul and Afghanistan still seen: Result: July 42, 2024 17:41 o'clock. Round 42: The representative constitution of Europe future Queen of Spain is requested if a Constitution for Europe is given. We think that the right of the women in Germany and the detruction of all existing constutions World Wide is done and a constitution is not given anymore. Women detroy women constitution to be recognized as a representative woman constitution and to be recognized as woman. We have a difference between accepted partner and not accpeted partner. We do not see any Contract between the jews and christians on one side and the Moselmahn and the Buddhism on ther other side. We have soon requested for all preparations on all Levels. We have a juridical Constitution and the Juridical Constitution is not the same like the western World. The Basis of the east and the west do not represent anymore the juridical Constitution of the western World. The Contractholder will offer all his demands and all his conditions for all demands the western World prefer. The western World is not accepted anymore as Human Civilization by Asia . From October 7, 2023 we have in the Kingdom of Spain a new constitutions in cooperations of the flanks and we have standby government businesses. Result: The representative constitution of the Kingdom of Spain is confirmed by Leonor de Espania. Leonor de Espania is all options given to act in the fram of the clarity. Leonor de Espania represented the Royal Family of Spain and will futher represent the Royal Family of Spain. July 1, 2024. Clarity of the Kingdom of Spain: The constitution of the Royal Family of Spain has not changed since June 2022. The Historical Constitution of Spain has also not changed since at least 45 years. The policy, Crimes, Wars, Robe and destruction even by the direspect of Law, Rights and Rules are increased to find way's to get Money and the juridical constitution for even by the destruction of Data protection Law and the privacy Law. The Result is the separation of the old civilization and new civilization from the begin of the declaration of the War against Irak and Afghanistan from the Constitution of the United Nations and the coersion for, Donald Rumsfeld declared the existing difference between east and the west, so the disrespect of Kultur and Religion, and the minimization to sexuality since the begin of the so called 1968's. Resultat: Relativierung der Westlichen Welt auf die Kultur des 1.Stockwerk und Erdgeschoss der Yorckstr. 8 und dem Ort Lüneburg und Germany. Bekanntgabe eines neuen World Tread Centers for international War and War Crimes economic destruction and religios and kulturel abuse and disrespect of all the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul and the Throne of the Kingdome of Spain known Institutions from Hamburg, London, New Yorck, Canada, and many more all over the Word with a perfect technical equipment for the whole World of the World Tread Center. Coordination of the so called Word War by the president of France and the leadership for the President of Ukraine in cooperation with the Akbari and Barukzai and the Zia Family to use the Said Mansoor Family for the War against Russia and the whole world to uphold Standard and Power over the whole World. The medical or personal take over of the Constitution of Said Mansoor the sons or the Mother is to have the right for any power to use and misuse for war declartion economic exploitaions or psychological abuse and destruction on Communities and States like Afghanistan have Relation to uphold. July 1, 2024, 21:25 o'clock. Round 43. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul in Cooperation of the Kingdom of Spain do the coersion from the first Floor and the ground floor for Germany USA, Israel, The international Mafia and the Institutions representing in Hamburg relations to Makkah and the reality of the conection to the Vatican to Stop the hastage taking of the Family here the sons and the mother. Result: The Constituion is from the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Home Office to Saragossa Basis clocked and is connected to a international matter to be ready to give any clocked declaration to the whole World and to justify any political act on any Level is needed. July 2, 2024 Clarity after 43 rounds to the Basis in Spain. From the juridical Constitution of the International Court in the Hague the Kingdom of Spain the Kingdome of Great Britain and Türkije: Germany and his allies wants Said Mansoor representative of Murad Khani Kabul also over the further Hostage Taking of the Family in Lüneburg to have accpeted the international War, World War, War crimes and genocide with the constitution of Said Mansoor since the year 1981 and he have to accepted. The war in Ukraine and against Russia is the proven case of the proffesional abuse of the family of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor in special cooperation of the neighbors in the yorckstr. 8 and further neighbors and the clocked constitution for. We have a clocked take over of the souls and minds of the families by the women in offer sexuality to take the constitution for the justified clocked policiy over the whole World. Children from the age of 3 years included. July 2, 2024. 7:36 o'clock. Result of the Doha 3: No results, no Constituion and no accepted achievements of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on the national and international level in cooperation of Murad Khani Kabul and cooperation Kingdoms. The Constitution of Murad Khani Kabul and the representative Constitution is still not accepted. Every act against the Constitution will block Afghanistan on all levels. The Emirate is still not accepted by the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul. Reason and clarity: The court of Germany accepted the war in Afghanistan since the year 1981 as juridical justified war over the mother of the sons of Murad Khani Kabul and gave the custody for the justified war by Germany to the mother so the juridical clarity by the father Said Mansoor should be not possible. ( The juridical clarity is still done and we have since the year 2014 in Europe a conflict against Russia caused by Germany. We have a religion war caused by Germany conscious. The comments is from everyone of the population : We do not know about. And we have nothing to do with. Result is from the population, specially women: Attack on 6 big religion Communities: the evangelic, the catholic, the islam, the orthodox of russia, the orthodox of England, and the buddhism in Asia. ) July 2, 2024 9:27 o'clock. Clarity: There is the right to the family of Said Mansoor. A taxi ride from Yorckstrasse 8 to Schützenstrasse 98-99 is designated with the number 13 and the owner of the taxi company should also be located at the same GPS, located and existing company location 13. ( We have the problem that reality and faith are not properly recognized here. The family are Muselmahn, not Christians or Jews.Furthermore, with the flags at the university, a world claim is made on humanity via the United Nations, with European and not European royal houses serving as hostage.) July 2, 2024. 23:45 o'clock. Round 44: We will request for the Oath on July 3, 2024. Request to confirm: Spain confirmed to give the last word for the current existing oath. July 3, 2024 8:38 o'clock. Request to the Kingdom of Spain and future Queen: request for the preparation for the military entry in the United States of America, caused by the abuse of the son of Murad Khani Kabul in cooperation of Hamburg and Representativ of 60 against the Rule of Law Data protection and Privacy Law through the Belal Mosque and the IZ-Hamburg. Hamburg caused by abuse of the family of Said Mansoor and the wife in cooperation with the Zia Family a Situation of Conflict in Europe and the World. We were ready to serve and do any Contract is needed to Satisfy Dr. Ahmad Zia and his allies. ( Confirmation: The case was cofirmed with a call from Hitfeld: phone number: 0410512777, 09:19 o'clock in the morning, July 3, 2024 ) July 3, 2024, 8:56 o'clock Round 45. Request for the declartion to declar the United States of America out of the NATO with the Constitution of Türkjie: To use the son over the father and separate him from the father for to be used for a constitution ground is not accepted if the abuse is also against himself and his own family. We saw it in cooperation of the United States of America and Israel effectively in the case of Denmark Royal Family Coronation. ( The immediately reaction was happend for clarity what in Germany is going on ) July 3, 2024, 15:56 o'clock. Announcement of the protocol of the Office of the Federal Republic of Germany in the case of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Father Said Mansoor and Mother Masooda. It is based on espionage in the Yorcktsr. 8 and the conditions in Schützenstr. a for the reasons of a religious war of the FRG since the year 2001, which now refers to the sons and the mother, and to justify for genocide and war on the grounds of having the right education of foreign cultures and countries for their children. July 3, 2024 Announcement: The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has been holding the family of Said Mansoor hostage since at least 2021 via the Belal Mosque Hamburg and IZ-Hamburg in Lüneburg in cooperation with the Federal Republic of Germany. Today we saw the cell phones thrown in to the family for communication in front of the building entrance door in front of the home office, after we dropped the sim cards from 1und1 in the family's mailbox today. ( As assumed, the hostage-taking of the Said Mansoor family by the Emirates of Afghanistan is confirmed. The Taliban and interim government in Afghanistan through the Belal Mosque Hamburg and IZ-Hamburg with the leadership of the Zia, Kazemi, Soumma and Barukzai families is confirmed. ) Juny 4, 2024, 7:22 o'clock. Round 46. Request: Request for the immediately summit of the UNSC of United Nation, immediately summit of International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice in the case Afghanistan. Further the immediately summit of the Parliament for the oath in India as Basis of Contract. Result: Outcome of the United Nations and the United Nations Security Council Antonio Guterres without the United States of America and his allies and representative: ( We have still the case of the proportionality !? ) Result from the Kingdom of Spain: The summit of Mr President Obama with the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan H. E. Hamid Karzai to sign a contract proved the Unites States of America and Allies came as Enemy ! Because the President of the United States of America and leader of the NATO do not put his chair back to his origin possition , the protocal have to see if they came as Enemy or Friend. Result of the intervention: Massive exploitation in 20 years. Specially the bloody Lithium we see roles on the streets without any legal contract with us. We have dokuments on the international level, we have forbidden. July 4, 2024. 9:30 o'clock. Result of the oath at the Parliament: India allowed and offered to visit India. ( Respect the Constitution, Integrity and Sovereignity and Protocol the culture is give for ) Juny 4, 2024 10:48 o'clock. The Arab World and Islamic World were never been Invited in any case ever through the Throne Murad Khani Kabul in Asia through Kabul. Juy 4, 2024. 12:00 o'clock. Meeting at 11:00'clock with the mother and Representative of the FRG. A Prince of Asia so called do not exist to have any authority to act for in any juridical fram specially from the Arab and Islam World. Outcome of the Representative of the ICC and ICJ of the United Nations about his own sons is holding back by three partys and was for to give free the conditions of the Federal Republic of Germany given must be accepted. The ICC and the ICJ representative have the case of War Crimes, War and Genocide over the Fedreral Republic of Germany over 40 years and is declared to be accepted by the Represenative of the ICC and ICJ of the United Nations and than the hostage taking will be released. The sons are abused and get property and prosperity they are not allowed of because of the not clear ownership. July 4, 2024 12:22 o'clock. The SCO and the BRICS and Eurasian Economic Union is requested in cooperation with Russia to go on War. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul for Afghanistan request the real case of no any Constitutional Conditions of Rights Laws and Rules and Contracts with the Federal Republic of Germany over Afghanistan. We have the case of Exploitation including of War Crimes and Genocide since at least the year 2001 from Germany. (Although the custody of the sons is transferred to Afghanistan, the FRG and its allies carry out official acts towards the sons. The mother is contractually bound by the contract of February 18, 2020 with Murad Khani Kabul. Thus, the father has custody as representative of Murad Khani Kabul for Afghanistan! ) Result: The meeting was a negotiation about our own children, the representative offered her card after the change in the constitutional situation and her rejection.The question has been asked whether the children want to see the father at all, thus giving the children the right to choose who their father and mother should be. The meaning is to choose the father and mother who can offer the most for you and you to satisfy you. The representative of the ICC and ICJ establishes the right of existence and property of the German population on behalf of the International Court of Justice of the United Nations and by he's own counted 193 members. The Throne sees the children as lost, because 4.2 billion people pay a game with children conscious missguided to be loved and are ready to do it with blood. It is clear said they do not want to see their father. But the sons cry every day from morning to the evening for their father. The father have shared thies game in Reppenstedt with his blood and we will not end thies game. July 4, 2024 14:14 o'clock. Officially Request to the United Nation Security Council for the officially United Nations Mission in Germany ( Niedersachen, Lüneburg ) Immediately from the Representative. The Representative is shure a bigger escaltion will happen at the meddle East from Lüneburg, Niedersachen, Germany. We have a grounded Secretary -General's Right of Reply at the Security, from Ethiopia. July 3 - 4, 2024 SCO + ( Plus ) Summit in Astana for share standards. July 5, 2024 7:01 o'clock. Round 47. Result: The round 46 was done at the parliament live broadcast from India. Result: Suanu. Round 47: ... 5 July 2024, 9:27 o'clock. Announcement: Call to the police direction Lüneburg ( Tel: 83061857, around 9:00 a.m. ) and its federal government was asked to finally leave the Said Mansoor family alone and to do their government business in Berlin. July 5, 2024 10:46 o'clock. Bekanntmachung: Das Amt der Stadt Lüneburg Herr Flores wurde Heute kontaktiert und die Bereitschaft des Home Office für Gespräche mit der Bundesregierung angeboten. Wenn Frau Schuld offiziell die Bundesregierung der BRD vertritt ist die Frage warum die Bundesregierung mit den Söhnen sprechen will ob sie den Vater überhaupt sehen möchten, die internationalen Ereignisse und politische Anstrengung die Anträge des Vaters nachzukommen gegenüber der BRD damit verbunden Welches Recht und Verfassung die BRD vertritt und inne hat. Wir haben die Vertretung eines Rechtssysteme in Asiatischen, Arabischen, Lateinischen und die der United Nations seine Kinder als Geisel in der BRD der die NATO über sich kreisen lässt. Das Home Office wartet auf eine Antwort, schnellstmöglich. ( Sollte kein Angebot kommen, werden wir keinen Angebot machen. Wir haben die Schließung aller Möglichkeiten vorbereiten und werden nun eins nach dem andere schließen. Es wird keinen historischen, juristischen und vertragliche Zuordnung geben. Wir werden die einzige noch zur Verfügung stehende Möglichkeit für die BRD in Europa schließen. Die Vorbereitung ist seit über einem Jahr schon abgeschlossen.) July 5, 2024 12:54 o'clock. Still round 47. The home office offers two possible bases: The first base is the foundation of faith, which presents itself as a holy book on the guidance of the law, and the second base is the legal system. Both bases have been exhausted and clarity is needed. The home office makes the offer to submit an application for a basis. ( Application offered on the home site via link ! ) Result: The Application for a common ground for talks is accepted. ( The problem has been known to us since 2018 and was tried to classify by assigning our own children via the constitution of the Queen of England and signing documents.) July 5, 2024. 14:50 o'clock. Round 48. Crisis of International matter of the Internationl Court in The Hague and the UNSC from Lüneburg, the extraction of the origin of juridical Fall and interfer to international matters all over the Word, specially the Ukraine War, Irak War, Afghanistan War, Syria War and Palestine War, Libya War Result of the outcome: Declared Home Office without any Rights and effect from ! Request for confirm:... July 5, 2024 16:06 o'clock. Round 49. The Kingdom of Spain told us soon the sons are at a place they are not allowed to. The city of Lüneburg and his cooperation with the interantional Mafia over the existing extraction of the representation of white and grey until international Stages like saragossa without any juridical frame and constitution to detroy any Royal Family in the World to get the right over Murad Khani Kabul and have accepeted the history they represent. Further the violence and abuse and rape even War declration and Terror against the family from the exraction. Result: The extraction is the existing conflict between east and west. And is confirmed from and through the existing community and his representing mandat to represent the family, but on the constitution the frame represent. The Constitution he and they have the mandad represents the sons and the war against their father. Thies is the War of Germany against Russia and futher Countries in the World we have seen at least since the year 2001. July 5, 2024, 22:31 o'clock. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul, as a member of the Eurasian Economic Union, is requesting the integration of Urkaine into Asia. As it became clear in 2001 and also today, there is an aspiration to belong to a certain legal framework that offers great financial opportunities. Kabul does not agree with war on the condition of a bugaty or a child from our circumstances as a affiliation. Germany offer and allow all form of violents against the mother and the sons in cooperation of the Family Zia ( Mariam, Dr Ahmad, Faria, Fauzia and Mahmood ) and Barukzai and the responsibility should take the father and they show it with military interfer in all froms and relationships here also in Spain military academy Saragossa. We have in the city and the Federal Republic of Germany a collective collaborative ccommunity who are guilty in genocid, War crimes and War in a international level for property and prosperity to get also the Money the Mafia should give and represent them, even on a military arena of a Kingdom. ( Thus, the city of Lüneburg and the FRG deliberately rape and abuse the family in cooperation with the Zia family and assign the responsibility and police prosecution to the father of the sons and husband on the grounds of having waged 45 years of war in the name of the father Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali and now the sons have to bear the responsibility. ) Juy 6, 2024, 5:05 o'clock. Announcement: Invitation of the Preventive Institution for People who consume drugs. Dear Excellencies of the FRG and Europe, we have from Mexico and the Partner MTV-Treubund (Harms Constitution of World War for Dr. Ahmad Zia in Lüneburg ) and cooperation Partners a big market of drugs specially Kokain LDS and Speed, also many other from of drugs. We have to clarify a existing reality and difference between drugs and medicin. So the reality most of medicin is made as origing fom drugs but must be given by authoritys who know such medicin in needed. To allow a whole country to consume drugs means not allways the community is ill, it is also show the prosperity to do what they want like the consume of alcohol. July 6, 2024 7:20 a.m. o'clock. Call to Mr. Flores, representative of the office of the city of Lüneburg. We have requested to know how many people (men) have a relationship with the mother of the sons of Murad Khani Kabul, including Mr. Flores himself. ( It is known from the Vatican a relationship of a man with the a woman is normal. But we have a relationship with a woman who is from the religion view still married and also have two children. ) July 6, 2024 18:06 o'clock. Round 50. Request of close of all three Banks, The ECB, The Swiss National Bank and the World Bank, by the constitutional Serve of the Present at the Ceromony existing Constitution for. Result: All three banks will be constitutional closed by the Kingdom of Spain immediately. July 8, 2024 9:23 o'clock. Application for clarification of modernization in Yorckstrasse 2-8. High-quality windows will be replaced with conventional cheap windows, which are even ( hazardous) special waste. We are concerned about the House Right and the last instance in question whether the legal system is guaranteed. If the last Instanz is not guaranteed, the windows must be replacesed with old qualitative windowes, if not the Last Instanz do not exist anymore and juridical constitution is not exist or even not guaranteed. Thies is the questioned Constitution we have to represent for a existing juridical guarante. If do not accept, WE KNOW, what in the future will happen. ( The secrets told us ) 8 July 2024 15:36 o'clock. Announcement: Present of the Mahmood Zia on July 7, 2024 at around 9:30 p.m. in cooperation with the Federal Republic of Germany, the USA and Israel at the Home Office to claim the children of Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali and his wife to see them as his family members. Before that, the whole family was handed over to the Pashtun so that they would be degraded and Mr. Mahmood Zia could maintain his rights. July 8, 2024 15:59 o'clock. Announcement: Israel and the FRG are not only accused of repeated attempts to murder the family of Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali via Yorckstr., but are also accused. We hereby include the Vatican. Said Mansoor accuses the Pope of attempting to murder Said Mansoor and his family several times. Juy 9, 2024 1:20 o'clock. According to the encounter with Jousuf and his Syrian friend Johan in Kaltenmoor near the apartment on July 5 around noon. It looks like there has been an attempt to murder the family and the son over the boy and events about it. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul declares the persecution of Christians in Asia, Arab countries and Africa to be justified, according to the events. Reason: There is a claim to belong to the Christian Western world. Thus, declarations of war corresponding to the handful of Christian communities are to explain the omnipotence of the Vatican and the Pope. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul requests the expulsion of Christians to Italy to attend the Vatican and the Pope. The expulsion must be completed within one week. July 9, 2024 Announcement: Relationship of the home office to the University of Lüneburg and the city of Lüneburg as a university city. Reference of the University of Lüneburg and its relationship since 2014 to the Said Mansoor family and his son Jousuf via the Heidkamp Kindergarten that the understanding refers to relativization and relativizations with regard to the environment and climate. ( As a result: entry of the FRG into the world war against England ) The Kindergarten Heidkamp was forbidden to have kontakt with the University over the Father and Jousuf, even Money in the fram from the Constitution of the European Union was dealed over the Family Said Mansoor and son Jousuf to build the illegal Building. And the missuse of the son and Famliy even the smal one over declaration of the court Lüneburg to declare war as last generation with a lot of Brainshit. July 9, 2024 round 52. 14:43 o'clock. Request: Comment for the existing oath from the University Lüneburg against the family: Ist gut ! - from women ! The Home Office Reuqest herewith to the Kingdom of Spain if the necessary of prisons for women is on the result of the oath is necessary and how many: Result of the request: We request of nearly 50 in Europe. High Alert: July 9, 2024 20:03 o'clock. Request: Request to the SCO,BRICS and the Eurasian Econimic Union: Immedialtey arrast of Mr. Selenskji. Direct Contakt to Boabour. We request even by use of force the use of Force. Mr. Selensyji is in person officially President of Ukraine. We do not know what the Ukraine want from our family, Murad Khani Kabul. July 9, 2024. 22:04 o'clock. Request from Kabul: Kabul the Throne of Murad Khani request to the President of the Ukraine to resignation and withdrawal from the government and his government. Ukraine is lost. Reason: We see Ukraine is lost from the orthodxie. July 9, 2024 00:49 o'clock. Announcement: Ukraine can not find a future because to belong to the EU or NATO Ukraine have to declare if it's belong to any faith and what kind of christian faith. It is impossible to leave the orthodox church. The Vatican is not part of the fram any Kingdom in Europe represents. The Orthodox church means clarity and truth and the upholding of rights and Law. Also the Syria war was ended by to have clarity. The Euro do not have any constitution and a continuity will not get for because the historical constitution for are not in Germany grounded but in Spain. Spain can delate the resposibility for the Euro or the EU if the future Queen declars. The porblem of Ukraine is not to know if west or east. We suggest to take the plan and be part of the russian federation or the Eurasian Economic Union. In both cases Ukraine will lose, and not only the faith, we are not clear to what kind of faith. The Preparation of any members of the Throne we know about and is still going on will cause greater conflict. For that we have prepared and worked the SCO, BRICS, UN and the Eurasian Economic Union. We are also preparing to prove if Ukraine can be further be recognized as a Sovereign state because we do not see any clear historical or religious ground for.

Juy 10, 2024 ( 2:55 o'clock )

Said Mansoor asked this man to be allowed to see his children. The representative of the Murad Khani, family members Zia, Kazemi and Souma, Mr. Haidary, is asked to hand over the sons to the father Said Mansoor. 

The representative of the international Afghan mafia is asked to return the sons.

 Your community must accept that my name is not Zia and that my children are not

and neither did her mother. They are all called Mohammad Ali.

Otherwise, the largest Afghan community in Europe and the Western world can look forward  for a future for Afghanistan.

July 10, 2024 9:28 o'clock. Announcement: Call and contact with the city of Lüneburg, Germany and its allies. The trial of Murad Khani, Kabul and Family is to agree to a negotiated solution. A negotiated solution is proposed. The situation is the reunification of the Said Mansoor family. It is not comprehensible what is at stake here, the question of what does the negotiated solution proposed by us for the Ukraine conflict have to do with the family? The adoption of the mental state of the father at Yorckstrasse 8 and the adoption of the mental state of the sons and mother at Schützenstrasse 100 and the associated psychological warfare does not lead to a solution.( The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul sees a collective clocked criminality. ) The father's walk was interrupted today at 9:00 a.m. because it had been confirmed that the legitimate son and entiteld to inherit had to beg for money on the street. July 10, 2024 10:56 o'clock. Announcement: The processions against the family of Murad Khani Kabul are confirmed with LG ML 81. Thus, the government and government work of Mrs. Merkel's government is confirmed on an incomprehensible basis at the international level. In addition, there is the question of the kingdom and tribe to be represented germany work for ? July 10, 2024 11:37 o'clock. Request from the SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union with a directly military attack on Washington D.C. in the USA. Reason: Jousuf is used by the USA since the year 2014 and the USA do not want a contact to his father. The Thron of Murad Khani Kabul will take the responsibility for the Order. We see it as 100 % juridical justified. We also request the same for the cooperation center of Washington D.C. at the EU Headquater. The EU Headquater in Brüssel. July 10, 2024 12:30 o'clock. 53. Round. Request: Request for the european representative Constitutions and their Basis Constutions to take the oath and lead the direction with authority. Further we request to the constitution of the City of Lüneburg to stop their Prozession to the sons and the mother . We hope to get the World back fixed if it is possible. After all the prozession we do not know about. ( The justified Constitution for declare any constitution anyway is not exist. Also not the Gelagelgela from Israel P.M. Arial Sharon ) July 10, 2024 14:02 'clock. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul request to the sons, - . We think Makkah have now a problem ! If they do not decied to come mean - . Result: The sons cut the bund with Makkah and the trust is going to Kabul. The Islam World is now ban from Afghanistan. Every Act to the Sons and the Mother will cause further constitutional acts. July 10, 2024. 19:32 o'clock. Announcement: We in a community of historical constitution with Spain, Turkey and Afghanistan offer a negotiated solution to the first-class genocide and war criminal Kanzer Olaf Scholz and his friend President Selkenskji: family reunification within two hours. Or territorial takeover of Ukraine and the Federal Republic of Germany. July 10, 2024. 20:51 o'clock. Round 54: The Request to the Kingdome of Spain in the case of the NATO result: We are not sure ! Kabul Afghanistan is not part of the NATO. July 11, 2024 12:33 o'clock. european time. BIMSTEC - Summit, Nepal as President: Summit welcome by Jaishankar and the Modi Speach against the nonsense policy of the West. July 11, 2024, Announcement: At around 1:20 p.m., we called the representation of the Western World, Mrs. Schuld, and asked if she had already contacted the children and talked to them. Mrs. Schuld said she would not get to know the children until after the summer holidays. As representatives of Kabul, Murad Khani and thus Afghanistan, we asked why a negotiated solution was asked for. The answer, I'll hang up the phone now. About the children: Mr. Flores has had contact with the children, they are doing well. ( We hereby request the preparation of the European royal houses for the position ) July 11, 2024 14:15 o'clock. Announcement: The Federal Republic of Germany, together with NATO allies, is holding the family of Said Mansoor hostage in order to extort money from major banks. There are millions of women involved who want to have more cash cows and also want to keep our children as cash cows. The NATO has officially taken a position from the schools in Lüneburg with a nuclear war to take a stand on the hostages and also the justified genocide over the schools in Palestine . July 11, 2024 14:32 o'clock. Result outcome of the representatives from Lüneburg: We do not know if the children are still in Lüneburg or in any other state. Also we do not know if the mother have still the costody over the childen. Also we think that Lüneburg and germany in cooperation of the NATO and Hamburg use the sons for Money and War. July 11, 2024, 14:36 o'clock. Offer from the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul: We ask Mr Joe Biden, Mr Selenskij, Mr Olaf Scholz, Mr Netanyahu to come down on the reality on the ground. We are ready to invite you for Tea. We are ready to talk about territorial Integrity. ( Ladys and gentleman. I have the same information like you. ) July 11, 2024, 7:40 p.m. Announcement: The Home Office hereby announces that since the smuggling of the person by the Zia family and FRG, the phone of the mother Masooda has not been blocked by herself, but all lines are controlled by Telecom. A new phone number assignment: 01556184433 has been revealed that there is permanent psychological warfare against the family, and it's really a lot of fun for everyone involved. The mother and th sons are crying since now over month and 85 tausend citizen the police and the government do not want to do anything because by the Mafia payed Money for prosperty. Money in the name of the hostages against the hostages. Also the EU from the Mafia Constitution and the NATO are very kind from thies case.

The head of the Belal Mosque and Islamic Center Hamburg is asked to deliver the sons and mother to the father Said Mansoor.

12 July 2024. 13:45 o'clock. The confirmation that on the basis of the documents available here, with the consent of NATO and the FRG and Royal Families in Germany, action is being taken against the Said Mansoor family in order to destroy them. ( Reason: Money and power through knowledge )
July 14, 2024 Imediately request for a speciall alert summit of the UNSC in the case of Africa. Kabul has announced and declared not be allowed to interfer in Africa. A interfer in Africa like happened by the Royalitis from England and Europe is not acceptable specially when a constitution is represented like buddhism to get with to the roof of the World with and have a constitution to get any conformity or declare any rights to have done War , War Crimes and Genocid like happened by the USA at the Dalai Lama and known brack of the last law the House Right. The speciall situation is that the Royalities itself think to have the Power to declare if something is omnipotent right or wrong from the representative of Kabul Afghanistan, we do not have but uphold the right and fighting for our family. ( The summit was still done and the press briefing from Africa was given according to the facts and realitys ! ) 14. July 14:38 o'clock. Announcement: calling from the sons and the mother. The appointment to celebrate the birthday will take place at the birthday. Women from the neighbors has been confirmed and took notice if the call is happening and what will happen. ( For thies possibility we had done a international pressure to have the connection all german community and economy was interfered, and the Telecom gave the note, charging completed, even the Handy was full charged ) Germany got a confrontation of the future Queen of Spain and the international Securtiy and World Crisis was on the highest level to get Money.

July 16, 2024

Both children are forced to keep their mouths shut and was crafting by a Scheemann made in the Oedeme kindergarten.

Intervening in family affairs is not allowed and triggers problems that can no longer be controlled. This is nothing new and is known and wanted.

The state is buttler, servent, beggar who is sitting and is opening his hands for money

Beggar on the street.

You are criminals without Money and you do not have the constitution

 for to be pritted on a coin.

If your King is a man on the street who is opening his hands for Euros

do you would give the constitution of the Euro to him ?

So !

Tell us the worth of your currency Euro to our Afghani.

We are the porest in Asia and our currency is much more worth that of India !

Why ?

Our Afghani his constitution do not accept you. He is ready even to open his hands on your street for Money. He is advised to.

And he take the advise with kisses on the hand who advised him.

July 16, 2024

The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul has the right to defend itself and its children. Even if it requires the possibility of a nuclear war, which he has brought up in a legally juridical justify. The justification and precedent case is legally 100%.

The case is covered by the United Nations Charter Article 51

and historically declared justified with a majority of humanity via the SCO.

We call from Lüneburg to Bielelefld, Hamburg, Berlin, Köln, Münchnen, Schweiz, Peking,

Japan, New York, Kiev and Tel Aviv what you do !?

We are waching from UN, SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union

and your wunderfull expensive Children.

Die Stadt Lüneburg und die BRD will keine Lösung einleiten. Die BRD will um jeden Preis Anerkennung oder Vernichtung.

Seit Monaten hört die ganze Stadt die Familie

und will unbedingt, dass der Vater die Veratnwortung über die Stadt und die BRD übernimmt.

Die BRD will die Anerkennung von Völkermord und Krieg für den gebrachten Wohlstand.

Wir erwarten von der Stadt Lüneburg die Zusammenführung

der Söhne und Mutter,  so wie die Trennung vollzogen ist, auch wenn

Dominus Weltbekannt geworden ist. Wir als Vater warten auf unsere


Wir können ja zwischen einer Weltbekanntheit

und der Vernichtung einer Familie wählen.

Oder die Vernichtung wenn sie gewolt ist.

Minderwertiges Volk, dass seine Bildungsrache sucht.

Wir sind nicht bereit für euch zu betteln oder euch zu vertreten. Wir leben nicht im Zeitalter der alten Ägypten

oder der Propheten Jesus ( Isa ). Wenn ihr das denkt. Dann wissen wir was wir mit euch machen.

Wir haben weiter Stöcker vorbereitet um mit euch einen Vertrag abzuschließen.

Auch sind wir bereit für eure Kinder Lolys and viel Eiskrem zu kaufen damit eure Kinder an Wert gewinnen.

Wenn ihr also Angs habt sie zu mir zu lassen damit sie nicht alles

erzählen was ihr mit ihnen gemacht habt.

Ich bin ihr Vater.

Eure Kinder und Frauen habe ich nichts angetan.

Und die, die mich gesucht haben haben mich gefunden und dann ihres weges gegangen.

Also, wir wissen um ihre Werbung und Verbindung zur Käfersteinstr. seit dem Jahre 1994.

Eine Verbindung wurde abgelehnt wegen öffentliche Entblössung somit war die Bindung nicht mehr gegeben.

Die Royal Einmischung wurde die Tür verweigert und unsere Verbindung dort wo wir es als richtig halten

als notwendig gesehen. Eure Dumpfbacke hat leider die falschen Beziehungen und Verbindungen.

Eine entsprechnde Parteinahme haben wir vorgenommen.

Wir bitten das Deutsche Volk und Ihre Royalität um 100 % tige Aufmerksamkeit.

Die Sach ist jetzt aus dem Ruder.

July 16, 2024. Dr.Ahamd Zia called today at around 11:40. We ask him to clarify his relationship to England and Spain. If possible, in writing within 4 hours by e-mail or by fighter jet to send the document from Switzerland to Hamburg and to the mailbox yorckstr. 8, Lüneburg. July 17, 2024. 7:04 o'clock. Betreff: Lüneburg, BRD, EU, NATO, Martin Atzler in the case Mauritius, India's chagos Island. In conform India and Mauritius in the case of the Hostage Taking of the sons and the mother of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul and further violent and abuse of the family of Said Mansoor we call the hand over of the Family to their place and father Said Mansoor immediately. We have significant and specific cooperation families in Lüneburg who are cooperating in the case Kabul and with the Royalities in Germany and Europe. The result is the collaps of international communities attack of religions, International War and a World War in front of the World. ( The so called war of cultures do not exist even a all out war against all declared from Germany ) We have by thies parties a taktik of Ping Pong mother against father and the father against the mother in every minutes and hours ongoing and will not change. We do not want a direct contact to the royalities of Europe with Kabul for that we have our officially representatives like we all do for our Royalities in Asia. July 17, 2024 8:13 o'clock. We are ready for all out war. Kabul are ready to take the resonsibility for. We are standing for our peace plans. If you do not accept you will not accept anything not the past and also not the future. We do not like german royalities and not their war on the international level for power and prosperity. Thies is the third time. July 17, 2024. UNSC. Kabul needs a direct named states and direct named presidents and Institutions. Kingdoms have nothing to do at the UNSC. We have a precedent case and we think it' s needed. If no ruls no ruls will be accpted. No court and no Judge will function. We will suggest for Asia to leave the United Nations and we can do more and we will do more. We are ready also for more Isolation of Countries like the FRG have done by itself to uphold his Crimes. We call for the isolation of Israel by all levels, Air, ground, communication , food and exchange on all levels immdediately. We have a hostage taking of Kabul and the omnipotens doing all over the World and the act against constitutional representative work of Kabul. July 17, 2024 9:25 o'clock. Asia have the question if the UNSC is a juridical representative or a constitutional representative ? If a constitutional representative than we have at least since the year 2000 no any conformity at the UNSC. The representative of Slovenia declared that the high price from the act of the UNSC is not a consequences. Asia is immediately advised to leave the United Nations. The SCO wellcomed the United Nations General Secretary António Guterres to change all businesses of support and financing of the United Nations to the majority and replaced the priority to the origin where the majority is represented. ( We have a clear message from Germany, USA and Israel: We know what we have done ! ) July 17, 2024 13:21 o'clock. We hereby confirm for the University of Lüneburg the abuse of the underage children (without consent) of the father to have used them for war, genocide and exploitation in Afghanistan. Access has been officially prohibited and officially prohibited for both children. A war of civilizations, or rather a war against the entirety of the United Nations, is hereby confirmed.

We expect from the city of Lüneburg and the FRG and their educated elite such as Schröder, Merkel, Wulf, Scharping, Köhler, Scholz, Steinmeier, Gauk and others, as well as their royality, to bring back the sons and the mother to their father. Both sons are consciously abused and misguided for Money from the Central Bank of Afghanistan in all existing matters.

( - You can use also a Taxi, no problem.)

July 17, 2024. 14:50 o'clock. The Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul hereby requests the future Queen of Spain to ensure the reunion of the sons and mother with the father. July 17, 2024. 14:50 o'clock. The Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul hereby requests the future Queen of Spain to ensure the reunion of the sons and mother with the father. There is a disposition due to the constitution of woman and women, the right over the sons on the grounds that there is one even stronger than the father here, so that the father can reach the sons.There is thus a right of disposal over the sons of the community of women existing by the Lüneburg District Court. We ask the people of Lüneburg to stay back from family affairs. Lutfan ! July 18, 2024. 6:52 o'clock. Announcement: We have given Melbeck two days to change the windows back into the quality old windows. Melbeck have not done. The Home Office and his International Institutions SCO, BRICS, UN, Eurasian Economic Union and cooperation Kingdoms is aksking now the genocide done by thee Federal Republic of Germany with grounded Constitution from Melbeck through Israel. July 18, 2024. Question to the federal government and its royality: What is this demand. We did not agree to the exploitation of the Afghan state and allowed lithium to be banned. As a representative representative of the Murad Khani Kabul Central Bank of Afghanistan, we ask for clarification. We can not clarify and signature from Murad Khani Kabul representative for 50 western States at the Bonner Afghanistan Konference. We were present with our highest rang diplomat Mr. Aghae Soumma. I ordered him to be present.

July 19, 2024 ( 21:13 o'clock )

The assumption of a Red Bridge between mother and father, between Afghanistan and the German nobility is wrong.

Unfortunately, Kabul has its own historical and economic interests. Spain 

have historical relationships to Afghanistan we have

early mentioned.

We asked cause of the necessary declaration is to be signed by the Queen of Spain Leonor of Spain the loyalty of the Vatican, the European Union and the FRG is waiten for to be given. July 22, 2024 18:45 o'clock Kabul on the PC (EU), 16:15 o'clock on phone: 017657826682 ( Vatican ), and 16:15 o'clock of Primo by Doro (FRG, USA, Israel). The loyalty must be given written. Othewise the Euro ( € ) will be kicked out by the declaration who Mr. Draghi represents. We will wait until 21:00 o'clock in the evening today. Also our requests must be fulfilled. ( - We have set new time updated ! ) The formalities is still done. The loyalty is still given to the Queen of Spain to Leonor of Spain. ( Attachment document ) July 23, 2024 8:53 o'clock. The State of Afghanistan, represented by Kabul Murad Khani, has filed an application against the State of Germany in proceedings 0 / 1 / 4 and following on its property ( - Which results from the proceedings ). The district court of Lüneburg, as the state representative, has refused him the application and initiated declarations of war in Afghanistan, Palestine Russia and other countries. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul needs an explanation, otherwise 4.2 billion people will be in legal danger or even excluded. This is possible because 193 countries are part of the United Nations and accept the ICC and ICJ. July 25, 2024 1:05 o'clock. The document of July 22, 2024 was scanned and was temporarily on the PC and was deleted again. Not published. Russian Foreign Minister S. Lavrov has spoken of the exclusion of the OIC. It can be assumed that the document was applied from the 1st floor. It must be acknowledged that the FRG is in a campaign of annihilation by all means in order not to lose its omnipotence. Further Russia Minister S. Lavrov was given by the First floor the right and campain to represent the UNSC and present a plan for the Ukraine war after the time, means Russia should take all the responsibility in any case. A Psychological war of the FRG is still going on and we saw it at the impact of Corona, noone could understand what is going on.

July 26, 2024 ( 13:43 o'clock ) Said Mansoor M. A.


Dear Mr. Haidary, the Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul will initiate both the demolition or destruction of the IZ-Hamburg as well as the demolition or destruction of the Belal Mosque.

                   - we are now waiting a very long time and are standing without an answer -

 The home office of Murad Khani Kabul is still waiting. The blue mosque will stay closed forever. We are waiting ! Mr. Haidary. And stay away 60 meters from Russia and Spain, please !

( - grounded on Mir Masud Souma and Kazemi Family in Hamburg )

If you go too far with your Badelatschen policy, then the Belal Mosque will become even also closed today.

( - grounded on Family Zia and first born for her the Irak war from Lüneburg )

July 27, 2024 ( 18:50 o'clock )

The request is taken back against the Belal Mosque and the IZ-Hamburg for further reactions against them.

Request available to the opposition to its representative, which was served above the Oedeme kindergarten with the colors black and yellow and via Yorckstr. No. 2.

Wjdi Ausi, Representative of the University City of Lüneburg, the Federal Government ( FRG ), the United States, Israel, European Union, NATO

and Ukraine and the Hamburg clan of the mosques Belal Moschee and IZ-Hamburg.

Wir haben diesen Mann das Angebot gemacht einen Antrag auf Anerkennung

auf eine Relativierung zu stellen. Antrag auf der Website zum download Verfügbar.

(  The International Institutions know the Media and News represented by the west specially Germany that thies man is inside the Islamic republic of Afghanistan. All western Institutions know what thies man for them do and why he is in the Family of Murad Khani Kabul.)

July 31, 2024 00:00 o'clock. Announcement: The Federal Republic of Germany has tonight refused to assume responsibility for the genocide via the ARAL concern for the United States of America and Israel and referred to speak quietly towards the sons and thus a justified separation of the sons for genocide and war crimes is justified. The problem is we do not belong to christian of jews or any other community or country, origin Murad Khani Kabul.

Leader of the International Mafia

The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul accuses Mahmood Zia and his clans and allies of the murder of the Sardar Mohammd Doud Khan family in Afghanistan. He is also accused of war, terror and murder in Afghanistan. 

On 29. July 2024 we called him around 18:00 and asked if for the health of the sons and the mother

The sons are doing well and are with their mother.

Around 7:00 p.m. we talked to him again about why he has now taken on my sons after me

to continue his mafia society and ideas with them. 

My sons don't like the family and are abused in all ways. Sexual, drugs, fear work of the mafia society in Lüneburg and Hamburg.

July 30, 2024 ( 15:00 o'clock ) Announcement

We ask herewith again the german population

where are my sons and their mother, - hallo !?

Their are not at their father Said Mansoor, - hallo !?

Do I have the right for or not ?

We have cut all bund and any social or community even political and cultural ( - Religion do not exist ) relationship

with the german population. Every further relationship with my family will cause the right of firing order if it not allowed

over the father Said Mansoor and his permission.

We see the german population not as a part of the Humanity

and are not allowed to enter any state in the World.

Reason: Genocide, War and World War, exploitation,

abuse of the family of Said Mansoor Throne of Murad Khani Kabul and 

their kidnapping for Money and War. Psychological Crimes and War and psychological-economical War all over the World.

The Answer of thies kind of reality from the german population: is gut !

August 1, 2024 3:23 o'clock. Announcement after the diagnosis from July 18, 2024. The sexual abuse in the kindergarten Heidkamp over Jousuf and the beginning of the attack on the family took place with the Hartmann family (farm in Retmer), the Klapper family and the Memet family to initiate the extermination of the family by the city of Lüneburg. This proves that the city and state have consciously acted and continue to act consciously and in a planned manner against the father and sons and the rape of the mother. ( The International Court of Justice is hereby immediately involved, since humanity is facing a world war. There is a conscious connection to major banks through the family and should continue to exist as well as through the Wilhelm Rabe School and Harms. We are on the verge of a world war and the whole Middle East is burning and about to explode. There is the highest alert level for the ICC and the ICJ and the UNSC. ) Result: Over the friend Tjark Hartmann of the farmer Hartmann throught the abuse of Jousuf in the kindergarten a psychological connectivity was instaled to use the father and the family further more. August 2, 2024. 6:43 o'clock. Schützenstr. The 4.2 to 6 ratio would like to announce that a roll is intended for the Mir and plastic gloves are used for the family members. Thus, the word: Kunjadas from the existing conflict for the authorization for genocide and war is declared for the access to major banks their representatives.

August 2, 2024 ( 7:30 o'clock) Announcement

Das Thron von Murad Khani Kabul gibt hiermit offiziell bekannt dass die BRD und seine Braunen die Zukunft der Menschheit bestimmen wollen.

August 3, 2024 22:38 o'clock. Announcement: There is a permanent attempt at murder not only by the neighbors by poisoning but also in the prepared grocery store. Thus, access through existing duplicate keys is also possible. Reasons: Envy, resentment, our disinterest in integration, the murder attempts are known to the police, the court and the government. It affects the whole family. August 5, 2024. 16:43 o'clock.The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Representative of the UNSC has opened the Letter from the court Germany. We ask the 20 minutes UNSC representative das Rathaus Lüneburg ( und seine Verbündeten um Aufklärung ! ) and allies for declaration ? And where are the Family, sons and their mother ? ( The price that Said Mansoor do not accept 4.2 billion people is the destruction of his family and he is ready for ! And if they a died I will not accept anyone of you ! I need not. Where are the Law for ! )

Request of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali

The son of Dajahl, Dr. Hasrate Mordagau Charkus genocide, butcher of mankind and physician of the people on earth.

Spreading the faith of the Corona Covid 19 with reference to the Belal Mosque, Efftinge Str. 19, is requested for the repatriation of the family auf Said Mansoor. 

Ahmad Zia does not belong to the family of Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali. He has no right of inheritance, not even because he is taller or older.

Most recently, he had the mother of the sons at least raped in Soltauer Str.

Also have the children sexually abused and raped and in their name

introduced war against Russia.

For the ongoing conflict from thies man and his father and family

in the last 45 years we have a juridical rightfull request for a World War

against him and cooperation partners beginning at least from

the yorckstr. 8, Lüneburg Germany.

August 10, 2024. 13:25 o'clock. Announcement: Arrival of the mail ( DHL ) Request: Mr. Tsar ? Please sign once. Answer:Please put it here, your colleagues didn't ask for a signature either. Result: The city of Lüneburg and the federal government and FRG still do not want to take responsibility. We think that the Verwahrlosung of the sons is wanted so that there is no contact with the parents and thus the responsibility of the destruction of the family and the country is incomprehensible. The children, like illegitimate children, are supposed to run around verwahrlost, without plan and goal, so that a maximum of yield is given. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul requests that the Olympic Games be ended immediately, immediately or we will declare it immediately as illegal. The ICJ is requested to hold an emergency meeting to decide on military intervention in the FRG and the United States of America. The application has been submitted and is published.

Dear citizen of Lüneburg dear killers and murders dear children of nonsens and all foreigner. One more time ! bring my sons and the mother back to their father I Said Mansoor Mir Mohammad Ali Kahn.

Your leaders of War to have the right to fuck you give you money

the money do not belong to you and not belong them.

Do not offer my sons things juridical do not belong to them and juridical

also do not belong to you bastard and hures of juridical not have any rights for.

I ask now the 85 million hures and bastard who get money from the Mafia

of Mafmood Zia and Ahmad Zia Clan and coopertaion partners

to bring the mother and the sons back to I Said Mansoor

Mohammad Ali Khan.

Maybe 85 million bastard and hures do not exist !

We think that even 4.2 billion bastards and hures exist !

Thies is the price for you, to be nothing more

than bastards and hures !

I can prove it !

We have do not do anything to you.

I waiting for my sons and I am waiting to long

and do not know what you want from me and my family !

August 12, 2024 17:38 o'clock. Hasrate Charkuss ua Mordagau Führer der Internationalen Schlachtprozesse hat am Home Office gelingelt um nach dem Vater der Kinder zu schauen. Wir erklären die Höchste Allarmbreitschaft. Es kann zu weiteren Schachtprozeese und Kriegshandungen kommen und der Berechtigung dafür. Es ist nicht nachvollziehbar was passieren kann. Internationale Staaten in Afrika, Asien und Arabische Welt und Latin Countries sind auf höchste Allarmbreitschaft aufgerufen. Wir haben ihn erklärt, dass er ohen die Söhne und die Mutter kommt. August 12, 2024 17:38 o'clock. Hasrate Charkuss and Mordagau, leader of the International Mafia, rang the bell at his home office to check on the father of the children. We explain the highest allert. There may be further kill and war actions and the authorization for the Home Office, It is incomprehensible what can happen. International states in Africa, Asia and the Arab world and Latin countries are called upon to achieve the highest possible allert and take security. Also Europens constitutional belong to their flanks have to be carfull. We asked for our sons and the mother, he came allone the second time of highest pressure to the western World that ( Dr. ) Mahmood Zia and (Dr. )Ahmad Zia and their international Clan represents. August 12, 2024. 17:38 o'clock. Mahmood Zia hat sich das zweite mal in die Familienkriese eingemischt, obwohl es kurz vor einer Lösung bestanden hat. Er selbst ist der Verursacher. August 12, 2024. 17:38 o'clock. Mahmood Zia has interfered in the family crisis for the second time, although it was close to a solution. He himself is the cause. We have requested for Türkiye officialy at 16:35 o'clock to take oath and bring a solution. August 13, 2024 (1:33 o'clock ). Announcement: around 1 o'clock in the morning Afghan chants can be heard at the Schützenstrasse with an Afghan. The father would have forced his own son to homosexuality. We would like to refer to the Indian film Don with Amitabachan and explain the Western world world of Hasrate, Charkuss and Mordagau. Thus, it is quite clear that the son was deliberately separated from the father in order not only to abuse him, but also to coerce him sexually. Boabour is also abused by the family and farmer Hartmann for the legalization of the museum in Lüneburg with the confession of being descended from the dinosaurs.
August 23, 2024 16:09 o'clock. Second outcome of the summit: We have a high prosperity and property matter and commercial wars of noone seems to have any responsibility, since the begin of the war in Afghanistan sended to Germany since the year 1986. And the war of Irak 1988 with the enter of Irak into Kuwait with no any weapons and military possibility. Kuwait was adviced to chose the side we think, because of no any effective military equipments and civil population do not belong to the matter of the USA, nonsense of the USA for the oil for Germany specially thinkable Hoyer because of the classmate Hoyer. The result is the abuse to be a great father with no any car and no oil but a lot of problems and abuses for war for Oil.

Last call august 25, 2024 ( 22:39 o'clock )

Drugs, murder, violence, abuse, state collapse, war. This is too much !

Finally bring my sons and mother to their father.

I have nothing to do with the likes of you!

The whole city is glued to my family.

My children are 13 and 7 and are minors.

The state is persecuting their father Said Mansoor with their allies for relativization. Unfortunately, no one has yet found anyone who can challenge with me.

Liebe BRD und Stadt Lüneburg und verbündete Ausländer, bitte lösen sie sich von meiner Familie und nehmen sie bitte ihren Mann wieder aus meiner Familie raus.

Announcement september 15, 2024

It is hereby announced that (Said) Mahmood Zia and Ahmad Zia, in cooperation with Hamburg, have carried out a wide range of activities in Afghanistan have initiated ethnic cleansing in Afghanistan by the fall of Afghanistan August 15, 2021.

Once again, the entire elite and members of the government were

executed officials at all levels

in cooperation with the Federal Republic of Hamburg and NATO and the EU

Pashtuns, Nuristani, Laghmani and Pashahi are also involved.

Reason: The family and his relatives were once again denied obedience,

by the government and the president of Afghanistan.

These games have been going on since 1979 and the family is still in his


September 16, 2024 ( 19:49 o'clock ) The Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul announce for Kaltenmoor in Lüneburg to leave the area of Kaltenmoor. Das Home office Murad Khani Kabul wird die Bombadierung der Stadt Lüneburg beantragen. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 22, 2024. ( 20:51 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. Germany and Hamburg have to accept the sons and the mother are liveing at the house of their father and partner, there they have to be Announcement: September 22, 2024 ( 20:59 o'clock ). The Vatican is called to hand over our documents. They are privat documents and do not belong to the pope ot the Vatican and also do not belong to the Christian Church. The Documents from February 18, 2020 in original , the document from march 2018 send to your kanzel of the European Union FRG and NATO constitution in original. The documents are not part of the history of the Vatican Pope EU, USA, Israel, NATO or Germany. Asia and Kabul Afghanistan know you have send us keys for the door as chrismis present befor chrismis and we have so the evidence you interfer in the Family and in the Home Office even you are ready to do World War War Genocide and the War you have began against the Islam Word by the begin of the birth of Loulou against the Islam World. Also the document form 04.01.2010 in original you the Vatican and the Pope have stolen form my Home Office. My sons can not do it, they need the document for to have from their father what is necessary, they need not to rob. Also they are children and must be educated to do the right way. October 22, 2024 . Call to 1und1 around 3:35 p.m. Previously changed the service pin via the Control Center from 25431 to ... . Presented Said Mansoor surname to you as officially deposited Zia. The name and legally conform family name was also told : Mohammad Ali. The 1 and 1 working for the Telecom for years and involved in Internatioanle crime and conflicts and war through misuse of data has communicated: You Said Mansoor are a fraudster ( Betrüger ) because you introduce yourself with false name. Conversation ended. We have a problem with the 01793000400 . This is a number of a system and we have no any access for. We have the number 017660397164 as mobile for our son Jousuf 13 years old with 1und1. We have paied for september amount 350 € and nearly 250 € only for the number 017660397164. We are sure Jousuf is used through Germany USA and Israel for policy and war and so war crimes like in Israel and Ukraine. October 23, 2024 ( 00:30 o'clock ) We have taken our offer back for the three countrys Palestine Libanon and Syria to be part of the Eurasian Economic Union. Kabul Murad Khani Home Office ask 3.8 billion population for his sons Jousuf and Boabour and their mother Masooda. We do not love you and we do not want you, please give our family back. You give us pain and the pain you give us we have to accept for that you call also we are to be respected. October 23, 2024. ( 9:25 o'clock ) Murad Khani Kabul. Terminated Contract. We have spoken with Frau Stein. We told Frau Stein we see the sons and the mother as hostages of the Federal Republic of Germany and allies and request herewith military support from our cooperation partners at the SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union. And is done herewith.

This relativization took place in 2002 in the Lehmkuhlsgehege 37 Barendorf by Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan.

The KVG belongs to Said Mansoor. Unless the symbolism is removed and a relativization is no longer apparent.

HaLo Mrs. Schuld was called around 9:27, 07.11.2024 and asked to give an explanation of what the city of Lüneburg is doing to my sons and mother. And if she is not aware of all this, then she should the symbolism on the KVG buses.

Said Mansoor ruft hiermit die KVG zu einem sofortigen Streik auf.

Die  Buse müssen sofort geparkt werden und die Passagiere aussteigen.

Der Streik geht drei Tage lang ab 12:00 Uhr, November 7, 2024.

Ereigniss mit der Bundesregierung abgestimmt:

 14:00 Uhr Bus 5011 abgebogen in die Blücherstr. Ein lori ( Truck or LKW ) is zurück gefahren

und hat den Bus 5011 platz gemacht damit der Bus in die Blücherstr. abbigen kann.

Leadis und gentleman wenn die Anodnung Streik bis  Samstg 12:00 nicht abgehalten wird wird das Home Office die Verantwortung der Symbolik

Relativierung und daraus erfolgte Ereignisse politisch und militärisch  Völkermord darauf an Palestine und missbrauch der Söhne durch Barukzai Akbari und Verbündete keine übernahme eine Möglichkeit

geben können.

November 10, 2024 (Grundlegende Basis für meinen Sohn Jousuf als Geisel um auf seiner Verfassungsgrundlage Geldmittel in besonderer Höhe ohne Rechtsgrundlage zu beantragen und Krieg zu führen. Fauzia Zia und Mahmood Zia haben offiziell Erklärt das diese hier bestehende Rechtsgrundlage besteht und sie als Familie Zia um den Vater Said Mansoor sich kümmern. ( Said ) Mahmood Zia und Fauzia Zia und Familie Mariam oder Nilo, Faria und Verwandtschaft in Hamburg wird der Veruntreung und verteiliung von mindestens 605 Milliarden Euro and die Verwandschaft und Calnd die für Vökkermord und Terrortsmus mit ihnen mitgewirkt haben der Bezahlung des Geldes der repräsentative Verfassung Said Mansoor und nun die Söhne als bewiesen erklärt. Das Dokument liegt hier im Anhang vor. November 17, 2024 ( 10:50 o'clock ) Announcement: Phone ( 040 68918547 ) call to Belal Mosque in hamburg Wandsbek with represntative Mr. Rohani we called him to understand the situation and uphold the Law, Rights and Rules . Afghanistan have lost his constitution and frame and need to be reset. Mr. Rohani told us we will do it we know what to do. Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan representativ Murad Khani Kabul told Mr. Rohani The Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul Yorckstr. 8 Lüneburg is the only Solution.

July 6, 2024 ( 5:44 o'clock) Reaction of the Foreign ministry Anna Lena Bearbock from the ground floor Yorckstr. 8 to do a new constitution was going out for to have clearity

not to take any responsibility for anything.

The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Home Office asks the city of Lüneburg

and Germany to end their campaign of revenge and do no longer allow the abuse of the sons and the mother physically and mentally.

 We will apply the Last Point of No Return.

Use of Point of No Return,

 because we hear the result of the German Constitution

from the Yorckstr. 8 and the result is screaming of the family we hear again.

  1. We have to ask the citizens of Lüneburg and the German Government the reason why the sons are sexual abused ?
  2. Why the sons have to take drugs ?
  3. Why they have to be used for 1000 million Euro by Pedro Sanchez and Selenskji
  4. Than 500 billion Euro at the Bundestag
  5. And than 50 billion because of our 50 € given the family into the postbox

So the war against the Islam World and Palestina from thies Women

for Money and recognition can not be understandable.

If a juridical Constitution and justify is exist we The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul

The Kingdom of Spain and our the Türkiye of mine have to know.

5. Juli 2024

Der Standard Afghanistans ist die Islamische Republik Afghanistan. Der Kollaps aus Lüneburg

durch den Missbrauch der Murad Khani Kabul-Familie ist nicht der Standard, den die Verfassung darstellt.

Asien hat seine eigene Verfassung, mit der es sich auseinandersetzen muss.

( Sunniten und Schiiten bekämpfen sich nicht, der Konflikt wird gemacht, um Differenzen zu schaffen meistens ( immer ) mit Geld und enden mit mangelnder Aufklärung und Bildung)

July 5, 2024

The Home Office declar herewith the out off all and confirm declared belonging and constitution like it is known. Any interfer will cause

from all we have to represent juridical frame for a immediately reaction specially in the case through espionage and technical interfer in the communication and Internet

( World Wide Web ).

Announcement from Kabul Murad Khani Kabul Home Office

after the meeting on July 4, 2024 11:00 Germany

Declaration from the Representative of the SCO Plus to Germany and Europe:

The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul has prepared for thies scenario very long time and have used all terms for.

We see the German People and the USA as a big Terrorist Community of incredible causes all over the World.

The Türkish Mafia in black uniform who have to present the Mafia

in Saragossa from Lüneburg

is not part of the Ceremony, he do not Salute.

We have the Situatuin of Live of Die in Lüneburg and Germany

chosen by the existing Mafia untill the cooperation with

the so called Nummer one military country of the World

representing the International Mafia the USA

from Lüneburg.

 Dear Excellencies of the Arab World and even Islam World,

We have a different between Europe and Asia, in Asia mybe the Arab World even do not exist.

The juridical Problem is now bigger than befor.

Announcement for Afghanistan

( June 29, 2024, 19:57 o'clock )
The contract form February 18, 2020 is a intern matter of Afghanistan and not a international matter anymore.

Referens: Chapter 9, Article 146.

Afghanistan will be recognized immediately

if taken any oath and save his families and children

in the fram of the Law and Rights.

Futher we request for the immediately preparation

in the fram of the Existing Constitution of Murad Khani Kabul.

The immediately cooperation to clarify the case of Murad Khani

Kabul with the BRICS, SCO and the Eurasian Economic Union

is to enter immediately.

The cooperation with the USA is not allowed anymore.

 The frame of Law and Constitution of Spain has been not accepted.

We have a no reasonable and not recognizable enter of the

United States of America in the internal constitution of Afghanistan

since at least the year 1968.

We see the United States of America under der Constitution of

the Federal Republic of Germany and as non acceptable


The control of behavior protokoll and language is the same

of a cowboy who do not listen to his given constitution.

The moral constitution is not anymore accepted.

The Kingdom of Spain is requested to prepare as a global I and constitution to support.

We have to note for you the existing Constitution and cooperation

of the representative of Murad Khani Kabul

for Afghanistan and announce for you to uphold

to enter the new Era.

If from a declaration is recognizable on July 1, 2024

for any correction path we will act further more.

The Government of Afghanistan is informed that after 43 years the contact from Nepal has been granted.

( The contact is not seen as a positiv sign. We do not allowded befor. )

We wait for aktivities of the city Lüneburg and German Government to bring the sons and the mother not wait.

The juridical separation was done by the court. We do not take any responsibility for any war or conflict.

Swiss was called for a declaration. And the result was the german people seperated the sons from the father for the Money

in the Swiss National Bank the responsibility for was given to the Kingdom of Spain.

The german people have a omnipotenz and asks several times if we want the power over the whole world

because of our behavior.

A illness at the german people is not seen. We have to ask for a human mind.

We have only three woman we have to care about and two sons.

If the German Government do not care to take contact with us than the Swiss President or the White House

in the USA have to contact with us for clarify. We have given a lot of Dollar over our Constitution so the USA got great.

We will see tonight whether the Euro € can have a future. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul

 will consult the Spanish Crown if possible.

Reason: The cultural announced on June 23, 2024 was denied

and not possible.

The FRG wants to get rid of its responsibility, both the youth welfare office in Lüneburg as well as the Zia family

to the mother, which historically does not correspond to the Hanafites

and the conflict in Afghanistan and beyond.

Wir werden Heute Abend sehen ob das Euro € eine Zukunft haben kann. Das Thron von Murad Khani Kabul wird

 eine Konsultation mit der Spanischen Krone nach möglichkeit aufnehmen.

Grund: Die am 23. Juni 2024 angekündigte Kulturzeit wurde verweigert

und nicht ermöglicht.

Die BRD möchte sich der Verantwortung entledigen, dabei hat sowohl

das Jugendamt in Lüneburg als auch die Familie Zia die Verantwortung

der Mutter übertragen, das historisch der Hanafiten nicht entspricht.

16:27 the neighbor on the ground floor was active again, always in cooperation with Telecom. We hope that everything goes well and that the family is well. International terrorism, genocide and war crimes

in cooperation with the government of the FRG and Israel as well as the USA and the Mafia is representative from the neighbors ground floor and first floor.

Teléfono de emergencia a oficina en casa: (0049) 041315900396

Mobile: (0049) 015561684433

May 27, 2024, 8:42 am 

I ask the people of the city of Lüneburg to give me my sons back. And the mother. They didn't do anything to you.

May 15, 2024 ( 00:34 o'clock )


Said Mansoor hereby calls on the foreign and German population in Lüneburg to explain what their desire is.

The mother and children are in a permanent rape process and abuse for funds for prosperity until the visit of the Makkah and its financing.

We kindly ask you to state your demands. We don't know who you are. We don't know a single family of you in Lüneburg and around the surrounding area. We were be glade to be  Human like you.

Dieses Symbol stellt eine Relativierung dar, das von der KVG Buse und  somit Muslime stellvertretend für die Islamische Welt und Makkah vertreten wird.

Gleichzeitig ist es der Glaube der drei Einheiten in der Geomitry

Somit sind 1,7 - 1,9 Miliarden Muslime an dieses Symbol

und Said Mansoor und seine Söhne Said Jousuf und Said Boabour

gebunden und die Söhne mit dem Vater.

Das Leben von 1,7-1,9 milliarden muslime hängt vom Leben der drei

hier der Vater und die zwei Söhne ab.

Auch vertraglich gibt es ein Einigung, so dass auch 2,5 millirden Christen

sich in Gefahr bfinden.

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