The only one family possible future from for Afghanistan !?
( The prove and evidence is still seen )
بسم الله الر حمن الرحیم
Allah ma sahle allah ua Mohammad ua Ali ua Jahfar ua Mohammad Ali
ua dauat hu Imane hu ua aulade hu na jannat
jannat Imane hu ua aulade hu Imame hu ke i Iman
ua dauat hu ke aulade hu ke aulade hu aulade hu ke i ghosh
ua said u ke i ghosh
ua kafir ke u kafir ke kafir uas uasa u ke kafir u kafir
Thies Website is only for Said Jousuf Muhammad Ali ibn Said Mansoor, Said Boabour ibn Said Mansoor and Masooda bin Said Mansoor.
3.8 billion people have nothing to do over thies side. The Family is only supported by the SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economin Union.
The Eurasian Economic Union is the only frame Jousuf Boabour and Masooda have a direct 100 % juridical support.
The authority is only on One and One to One declared.
Thies constitution is confirmed even by the USA and the ICC and ICJ
and exist since year 2018. All international acts crimes wars and genocide is detected and the origin from.
November 28, 2024 ( 19:15 o'clock )
November 29, 2024 ( 4:52 o'clock )
Dear citizens of Lüneburg and Germany and Europe
do you have seen the power of Kabul Murad Khani Said Mansoor ?
I Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohmmad Ali Khan call 1.7 billion muslimin to give my family free and bring them to their father and partner.
( - Speak and pray the formula for the citizens of Lüneburg and Germany:
Allah ma sahalo u Mohammad ua Allah ua Muhammad ua Mohammad Ali ua Jahfar ua Ali ua Mohammad and give the richest peopel of the world
their rights on our family with fire on our property
like I have done in Bamijahan.- )
The whales do not know under the ocean what on the land is about but are shure what is going on and give all the sign for they know everything,
and how I can not know nothing about whats going on by the Kafir
to my family. And how the whales can know my code ?
The ant I respect not to step on them and they save my doorstep theirfor
form the skorpion how they can know me to do such an act ?
And how the birds all can know where to sit and give me the savety
from where the danger is come from ?
Why the doves pray on my steps on the why to my family not
to act to my enemys ?
Why the world is changing when I lost and need to win ?
Hy alle muslimin ua musleman give me my sons and the mother back.
And than I will call to the ant, the birds, the doves, the whales for to pray for you.
I have ended your fight with water and you set it again in fire and want
more love and more ownership, why ?
You all judged me and my family, why ?
I can help you and you can even not give me a medicin and the acide
by a dark been is comming and I saw how give me a injection
one day on one foot and the other day on the other foot on the same position and my son get lucky he saw that.
I gave my son only one time a beat on his face to get up
my son gave me more than 20 beats to my face to wake up and he cry.
If you have a brain of a ant how you can help me and see my sons and the mother belong to me and need to be saved ?
I do not speak because you took from me everything
and my sons will also not speak if you take them everything from.
And believe me they are satisfied with their everything on a one man
The kafir do not know how they can get a holyness and use
the brain of holnesses with technology get set their mind and controll
a community abou billion. What do you believe if you do not know
what to blieve if you are allone ?
I believe to my sons and their mother and mothers I called to save them. One from the east and one from the west.
And they are all three your Queen in different Countries.
My sons are small and jung, what you will do if they are adult.
You have not the power to have a appointment with me but look after my wife and her sons, - why ?
The representaive of 1.7 billion muslime spit of my sons, beat them with
the belt, beat them with the chain and set them out on the street.
Even nothing to eat and nothing to were.
Why ?
You see me as your Imam, but if than what do you do with my soon and the mother ?
They took the right to own my family, to destroy it, then to be the first to mourn it and the first to say excuse me for it. They are waiting for the law to judge the guilty in the final act of total annihilation. They laugh about how easy it is to get Money from.
The Man in our Family is a Mosad Agent !
Said Mansoor order hierwith the complet destruction of Israel.
The order is to attack with all kind of military equipment on Israel.
Russia is ordered to use all kind military missiles and uranium ammunition
on Israel for mass desruction.
We have a cooperation of Mosad with german citizens and Braun and Grün.
Since 2011, the Germans have not uphold rules and principles towards my wife and children.
Below that, the mother cannot be shaken hands. Not to look at the children, not to force them, not to give a threat
not to touch them, not to ask them to stand up, not show your tonge. And they still use button to switch to make themselves aware that they have spiritual contact, which is only possible through the sons and the mother, because they have been sexual abused since the Kindergarten hidekamp 2014 .
Further the mother was in a women Klinik for women only but the workers were men.
The father was not allowed to enter but the doctors examined them were man.
And they knew the whole Islam World representative are at the Klinic
the türkish Kurds in Harz Holtel confirmed.
And noone know what they have done behind the close doors with my family.
The whole Harz community was in a secret constitution and prepared the Klinic
can do want they want to do.
The first who are upset are the Killer and murder.
Here for example Mr. Seleskjy. He wants a common line and Baby from my sons.
Old man, tell your children and foreign inhabitants to bring my two sons and their mother to their father Said Mansoor , otherwise I'll take all your saving Money as the richest nation in Europe.
There is a contract and bond between Kurds and Türkjye. There is also a contract between the Islamic world and the Arab world, so there is a contractual obligation for the Kurds and Turkjye as well as with the Islamic world and Arab within the framework of International and National Law
with us Home Office Murad Khani Kabul over the Constitution
existing in Belal Mosque Hamburg Wandsbek.
(Wajdi Ausi is not a contract holder or representatives of Makkah or the Arabs or the Islamic world.
His mission is known to us and the person Wajdi Ausi have nothing to do or have a common frame with the SCO, BRICS and Eurasia and the Said Mansoor family.
Shah Rohe Khan made still a Jock on the Indian Award in India about the man. The man is supported by the Police and the Constitution of Germany) A contract or signature do not exist with the Husband
of Masooda bin Said Mansoor here Said Mansoor.
Result: A state contract with Wajdi Ausi and his representatives
do not exist.
Arg. And old Arg
Historical support for the International Court of Justice in The Hague Netherlands
The Arg and the old Arg have to ask about data protection and privacy
for that we have a officially permanet deal with data and privacy data
over the Home Office of the old Arg representative through Cyber.
Mean: cy or say or sy translated from Dari lookin for.
-ber or baar translated from dari: to all.
The ICC and the ICJ is requested for the case and is still ongoing
in the frame of Cyberwar.
(The New Generation of Information Policy for Wealth and Prosperity owns the cybertechnology to get through espionage and data theft
wealth and justified inheritance through coercion and rape.)
The legal owner of the Arg in Kabul is ready to hold talks with the Western world here especially BRD, EU, USA and Canada
in order to find a solution to end the conflict, in this case as the representative and owner of the land also all the billions invested in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan since 2001 as the property of the Arg and owner of the Arg.
The owner himself makes himself available for negotiations with Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Joe Biden or D. Trump, in the present case at the highest level of government and president. The Arg and its owner have made all preparations in this regard in order to prevent a world war with the West within the framework of the SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union which was founded by the Argowner themselve.
November 29, 2024 ( 10:15 o'clock ) . Around 9:17 Rathaus 2 times, around 10:00 o'clock 3 times Amtsgericht Lüneburg we have called. The conflict is called as dieser Conflict
or thies conflict. We can not understand the reality on the ground since the year 1981
the history we have checked with Great Britain Orthodox church.
The old Arg Murad Khani Kabul ask in the current case for declaration because we had the first contact of clarification and the support is from the old Throne the arrest warrent we asked and requested for.
As of August 14, 2021, all government business will be officially conducted via the Home Office Murad Khnai Kabul Yorckstr. 8.
The Interium government is in fact once again set to zero by Lüneburg, Hamburg, Berlin, because
the ideas of the son of Mir Mohammad Ali Khan Mahmood Zia is not respected.
Kabul and thus Afghanistan must observe International Law within the framework of the SCO and Eurasian Economic Union.
All businesses in Kabul and Afghanistan is governed by International Law. Economic contracts have been in force since 2001 to 2021
to the National Constitution signed by Hamid Karzai and Ashraf Ghani existing refering to Chapter 9 Article 146
the officially recognized government and the official ministers have signed.
The Arg has been instructed on November 26, 2024 ( by 12:00 p.m. European time ) for a negotiation to be prepared for to get contact.
The Western world is seen by Mrs. Schuldt and Mr. Flores according to the WWW attitude of the USA as the only possibility of establishing contact. The UN and Great Britain are switch off. The Arg have taken the constitution of stand-off.
The Arg is waiting and has a protocol and dress code.
What do you know about Kerbala ?
Kerbal is the City of Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan. He is the owner of Kerbala.
The love he had from Murad Khani Kabul until the Story of Kerbala
not only Water was allowed to bring their relatives of Hussain
he turned blood the World into Water.
Muslimin and Musliman my sons Jousuf and Baobour and their Mother
are part of thies story and you do not give them back to me for money you do.
His fight against the enemy in the year 2003 was not to fight.
And tell me who is the wisest of you who bring water and turn the blood into water. The Story turned the world into black and you are rising the white fag !? So blieve me thies is the truth. Songs is sung and wunder was done
and you still need love. And tell me who is the richest of you ?
My sons cry for food and sitting at the street as bettler their father have to
sleep outside and turned a continent into the first.
And even acide is given for us and the Kafir want to be our father and mother and we do not ask you in our mosque only for bread and tee
and you denied it for your Imam. And you educated to give the father thanks and educated his son as enemy to beat him in a challenge.
And believe me your challenge is not Water and bread
your challenge is my asna. And give me the prove that my family
is more worse than water and bread if you throw them like garbage.
I gave you the half of the world you made me as your part and your solution.
I thank you with the biggest and beautiful buildung of the World to be your friend. And you even holding back my family and property.
I made your future from the roof of the World with only one smile.
Do the same. If not give me my asna, my sons and their mother back to me their father and partner.
And you are All e All Koran give me the different
between illegitimate children and legitimate children.
You all muslimin want love and recognition and you came
to the paradise of the Unicorn and the Stones,
and do you got love? If than give my sons and the mother back.
My family is rabu all Koran and rabu all Iman.
I am in the third year of Raamasan and I do not make a difference
between rose sobe and sham. I follow my sons and my sons follow me
and I still not deteced them and can not see.
It is written do not marriage the buddism and I put down my head to the
feets of the people and give them respect because of culter and education.
If I rescue from the Kafir by respecting the buddhism and touch their feets
and you even do not allow them to enter the mosque I praied for you
what kind of muslims are you and in what do you believe ?
Are you slave of the Koran or are the Koran slave of you ?
Koran sur e al e Imran: I can prove that 1.7 - 1.8 billion muslimin
is holding the Koran as a slave. If not prove it.
And I called in the day of Al Ghadir to all of you, why do you not were present ? I bought my sons one is on my right side and one is on my left side and both are the same like me.
And if you are believers and in faith tell me who have saved you on thies day
with his live ?
I set 4 to 3.8 billion. And believe me I know what I do.
And the evidence is still their !
My sons are thrown out and the father also. The mother is allone, and
because she is fighting she is guilty.
So believe me we do not need you If we are death or alive.
November 18, 2024 ( 18:56 o'clock )
The G20 and G7 of Ahmad and Mahmood and Fauzia Zia are called to deliver my sons Jousuf Boabour and their mother Masooda to their father and partner Said Mansoor.
November 17, 2024 ( 13:54 o'clock )
Result: The FRG do not belong to Afghanistan and Afghanistan do not belong to the FRG!
The abuse from the year 1981 until today current war and conflict
with Basis Kabul Afghanistan must stop.
A new Era do not Exist
((E) interfer and mindset ) A new Era or The New Era can only begin with a Family that started
in 2011 in Europe and in Afghanistan.
(-We have a not accepted (E) at the G20 summit at Brasil done form the same origin place Yorckstr. 8 and than suddenly the E seen at our webside accepted - )
That is now destroyed again by Mahmood Ahmad and Fauzia Zia
interfer and destroyed Family and State
So a new Era is not seen because of no Family that now do not exist anymore. So a future is not seen anymore and will not exist.
It is very easy. No family no future. The destruction began
with Fauzia Zia and Barukzai in the 70's to 80's and
have a left of four. If not exist no result.
Family Zia can not accept have a Leader in their Family born
and do war with their Family to destroy and were kicked out from Afghanistan and do war in the 43 year now. Even Angel Maleka Kings and Kingdoms is attaked with all global constitution, even the Earth in danger
proved in the year 1984.
We have massiv interfer on the website cause of War War Crimes genocide done by the western world without contract without requeste and any signature. The German people students adults and even relatives and policy wants to change the reality they have done over babys children and students.
Der geistige Eigentum und körperliche Eigentum ist keine Spielwiese.
Wir haben einen Vertrag.
Ich habe mit dem Jahre 1981 begonne !
Das Ergeniss ist : ... !?
Sie sind bereit alles zu vernichten um dazu zugehören und verstehen noch immer nicht die Relität die sie erreicht haben.
Man sollte vieleicht die Fliegen beim Stuhlgang vorziehen.
November 17, 2024 ( 7:30 o'clock )
Why does the half of the humanity here 3.8 billion people not want to understand that Jousuf and Boabour are my sons and want a world war with us? The Vatican Makkah Iran Israel Afghanistan and Pakistan included.
( We have principles: Do not touch, do not talk, do not seen them in their eyes, do not order them even do not call them to get up from
their seat. For Royals it is forbiden. The souls can not accept it and will distroy you because they know themself and know where you get your prosperity and property from. )
November 16, 2024 ( 13:08 o'clock, ) We have called to Imam Haidary and we told him:
We will request for the destruction of Makkha and Madina
in Saudi Arabia and Kerbala will be ban.
Reason: Makkah ist entweiht durch Dajahl in Makkah und das Gebet mit ihm
zusammen und wird dauernd ein Arschloch präsentiert für Ihren Ficker
der in der Schützenstr. 100 in Lüneburg wohnt.
Und Mahdina is eine Grabstätte, Aber nicht das Imam Ali Moschee
meiner. Wo ihr nicht hindürft.
Order from the Imam of Jousuf and Boabour
Everyone who do not do thies order he must get a wood stock in his arshol and must be cuted his penis and must be put it in his mouth.
We do not belong to the Mafia of Mahmood Zia and Ahmad Zia and you will not get Money for thies act.
I call hereiwith in the Name of Jousuf and Boabour
and the Prophet Mohammad and his Kalif Ali to pee and shit in
in the center of Makkah the holy places and do not leave any place
without pee and shit free in Makkha.
Jousuf have given the order to shit in my holy Home and all have done it
in my holy place. I the Imam of Jousuf order his son Jousuf to order
to follow my order you refere to Boabour he have to follow your order.
It was my order and I wellcome it with thanks.
It was my pleasure to clean my son Boabour his shit from my holy Home.
If the Muslimin in Makkah do not follow your order than they do not belong to you Said Jousuf Muhammad Ali, they use you only
and see it will be proved.
If you order my to follow your order and even shit in the place you do
they will not. Even they will not touch it with their backside.
It is my order.
Antrag auf execution durch BRICS und SCO der folgenden Personen:
Joe Biden, Harris, Selenskjy, Ursula van der Leyen, Merkel, Tritin, Özdemir,
Steinmeier, Olaf Scholz, Netanjahu, Stern, Stein, all Arab Kurd Afghan
and Greec involved in Germany in the case in the western World.
Further Order to set Madina in fire.
Great Britain the King is called with order to the immediately fire on all
german and foreign citizins involved in thies case with all kind of weapons
if Police Soldire or Politician.
Alle shiiten werden hiermit in Berlin aufgerufen das Reichstagsgebäude hier das Bundestag in Berlin sofort in Brand zu setzen.
Das Gebäude ist mit meiner Hilfe und Reichstagsverhüllung wieder seiner Geschichte hergestellt. Auch die Wiedervereinigung beruht auf die aufgenommene Erklärung von mir Said Mansoor.
Als Dank wird der 3.Oktober in den Moscheen in der BRD gefeiert und wir müssen beraubt getrennt und missbraucht werden.
The Royalities have a constitutional set, do not touch do not speak and do not see them in their eyes to coercion them. So we began soon even in the year 2014 to start. In the years we also had the reaction from Bodrum Restaurant a worst case szenario of a big military attack we a have seen on Germany and now a consciosly by all foreign members since the year 2018 to 2020 to 21 the direct interfer over Dominus and Bodrum separation and hostange taking. The Blue shirt show and say you can make businesses but please in the frame of Law Rights and Rules.
Result is world wide worst case szenario we try to combat and to solve.
Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. do not play a Game !
War Crimes and kill is not a Game !
The political interfer in Kabul Afghanistan we follow
and have no any ground we do not know for what.
Even Kabul Afghanistan their people are hungry and we have also no any private benifits ( we are in Germany four persons. I have all and the other three nothing. I have the juridical frame and constitution for. ) if further psychological interfer
of nonsens, we act for. We call for all people interfer to search a own family
We have a document or two, a Constitution International Law
Chapter 9 article 146 and 3,8 billion people search a possibility to get back in a juridical rightfull constitution.
And the option to do with the Dollar ( $ ) and the Euro ( € )
what we want, with only one light fire to burn the document
original at our Home Office.
Constitutional Representative Website of Kabul Murad Khani Home Office for Eurasia
بسم الله الر حمن الرحیم
November 3, 2024 ( 11:24 o'clock )
The Afghan Islamic community with centrum
Belal Mosque Hambug Wandsbek is hereby excluded
from Islam. Thies concerse all the Hamburg Islam community.
Reason: Kufre all Kufur na all haqe ull All-Bayt ke all,
all e uwa hi ke u Imam ke Imame i.
Imame i Imam ua u Imam.
Faqir hu al masged hu ke faqir masged hu
na all haq ke haq all din ke masged hu na all haq.
Qalbe an ayade hu ke manselhu a u Jamua a i Jamua
ke abe ie hu ke zaman i a u zaman a i zaman
Qalbe an fusehu athnan ke manselhu a Imam
ke abe ie hu ke zaman i a u zaman a i zaman.
Ua Imam a maleka ke maleka a un Imam.
Kul e hu all kul ke all kul qalame hu all qaras a samine hu
ke dar a darwasa barf na haya.
Na Koran hu na ilme hu ua na kul hamre hu.
Dauat hu all Islam ua suban hu all kufur.
Ua all maleka na all yak na all du na all thee na all char
sabar ke panj maleka ke sabar ke barf na all barf.
Ua Shadad hu ke maleka ke i zaman ke i zaman
ke i pesare hu.
Ua kafirin ua kafiran na all Imam ua na all iman.
Ua shukru hu all Maleka a darajaht ke gunae u
a u guna, na i guna.
U sabre u ke test all kaferin ua all kafiran all rasta ua all noor
ke dalil hu khe dalil ?
Ua dalil hu na all haq ua na all din.
Ua subane hu shukur na haya !
Ke kaferun al chabis ua chajen ua jhasus.
Ua shukur u, - all ilme jhasus.
Ua haq u ke suad ua ilme u ahsan: dar me hasna !
Ihr schönen glücklichen Menschen mit viel Essen und viele Sachen
trennt meine Familie verbietet den Kindern den Vater zu sehen
und umgekert und eure Gerichte dienen euren Göttern
wieso sollten wir nicht Angst vor euch haben und euch nicht verachten ?
November 3, 2024
Official statement of Said Mansoor Mohmmad Ali Khan:
The children Jousuf and Boabour have been taken the testimony of being God and their father of being God, who is said have created the earth, humanity, the universe and much more on earth.
We see the neighbor on the ground floor as well as in Lüneburg and Germany the Austos ( cares ) change to the color white and let themselves be
of Greece. The President of the Federal Republic of Germany
is in Greece specifically for the educated sons to have given the testimony in the school and the population to be God
and to explain the culture of the FRG inhabited by gods.The father has publicly appealed several times
in Isam as well as in Abrahm, man is to be seen as God forbidden.
We hereby declare that the FRG is in a state of war against humanity as a whole and is reality since at least the year 2000.
The Vatican and the Pope is hereby called for the immediate exclusion of the German population with a population of at least 110
Millions of people and is demanded herewith urgent action at all levels.
November 2, 2024 ( 17:03 o'clock )
Lüneburg is hereby declared the most dangerous city of mankind
Official declaration the city of Lüneburg comparable to Irish conditions before the agreement with England.
The HaLo, the city of Lüneburg, has the UNSC as tool the family and state of Afghanistan as a solution to international problems the UNSC is involved in Lüneburg and Germany.
The collaps of the UNSC must be avoided because the FRG have
a refer to the Charter of the United Nations as International Law.
The BRICS, SCO and the Eurasian Economic Union are adviced
to take the Charter of the United Nations as groud Constitution
for the International Law.
And is also soon implemented.
The western World and the European Union are not
in the frame of the International Law. By the Collaps
of the UNSC we see and detected only by Russia is constitutional conform
Die Art der Geiselnahme und Missbrauh der Familie Said Mansoor ist mit Smargten und Rubenen zu bewerten.
So etwas kann man nur mit einem Weltkrieg beenden.
Germany and the west by misuse the Home Office to clean
themself and give the guilty to the wife and sons
are on 1 meter at the first floor.
The sons and the mother is cut everything money
water electricity and heating
even they have to sleep at the VHS ground floor
to take their testimony they are guilt for everything
and 85 milion population laugh.
Sie haben das Geld dem Vater gekürzt weil die Kinder nicht
bei dem Vater wohnen und der Mutter seit dem März nicht zukommen lassen.
Und das Geld ist der Verfassung des Murad Khani Kabul sein
eigenes, - hier das Euro ( € )
Und die Vermieter wollen das Bundesfinanzministerium haben seit der neuen Regierung !?
Sie haben mein Sohn heute wieder missbraucht und getäuscht
über das Erdgeschoss und 1. Geschoss Yorckstr. 8
sich die Taschen mit Geld voll gemacht um zu taken und loszufahren.
Die BRD ist nach zwei Weltkriegen noch immer nicht satt.
Juridical and constitutional Secretariat of the Home Office
Murad Khani Kabul
Saragossa Kingdom of Spain
Perform and keeping by Leonor of Spain Head of State
We have still the challenge form the University and the FRG
from the first floor with war genocide not only in Afghanistan
Palestine and whole islam World.
The commet to have fighted with them is : respect .
October 31, 2024 ( 4:50 o'clock )
We do not have any relationship with the Arab World we will attack with all kind of Military Forces every Arab Nation if Algerien or otra Arab paises. We have no any Contract with you and we do not want !
The Kingdome of Spain is not Afghanistan and also not Asia !
We give herewith the last warining !
We will now act very very fast by the next seen act !
All forces of BRICS, SCO and the Eurasian Economic Union is requested and ordered for preparation of the immediately military force against the Arab World.
We order herewith China the immediately take over of I-Mac
represented by Algeria and Naser Arab Word of derecha representative in Germany City Lüneburg.
Murad Khani Kabul do not have any Contract with Algeria or Arab World.
China is a natural Asia contracted relationship existing
and Juridical Member.
We have the direct cooperation of women with fuckers
to attack guys and men and even boys. Also many representatives to do with them the same
to women is done to have revange they were deflowered.
The naturel problem is men and boys have no any vagina and how
they called and is necessary to be virgin ?
The western World specially Germany educating from the begin
of the Kindergarten to see the arshol as vagina.
It is not possible to get from the arshol a baby or have the
Arnord Schwarzenegger case.
( comment origin Said Mansoor: ...they do not want to give up )
The Imam Zaman call from the FRG and its allies his sons and mother.
We believe enough is enough !
The Home Office hereby officially declares itself to be the Basis as it was postered by the government and the FRG in the election campaign
as the only official legal and constitutional Basis for the FRG and the European Union.
The European Union and its European currency is another time asked to give up his seat and his constitution
thus by two decisions and one announcing and cancelled the Contract with Said Mansoor to leave his seat.
Reason: Said Mansoor Constitution of The ECB took offcially the responsibilty of Eurasia
and announced the Bank Russii, Bank of China and the
India Bank as new World Bank ' s.
October 18, 2024 ( 18:00 o'clock ) correction and cleared external modification, - and according to the current policy
We have a still laugh and kill and robe since at least 1981 we see and have detected from Germany and still go on like a game.
Diese Realität wird vom 1. Stockwerk bestätigt mit seit monaten bedienenden Lichtschalter die im Auftrag der BRD
Regierung und Universitäten Geisteswissenschaft und Wirtschaftspsychology vom Home Office protocolieren
und für den Krieg einsetzen.
Diese Realtät wird von allen Kooperierenden Königshauser in der EU
October 19, 2024 ( 6:19 o'clock )
The Private Website of Murad Khani Kabul Home Office is herewith set on a complet realty and facts belong. We have all out of 4 to 85 million
in germany and will not change.
Reason: The interfer of Family Zia is seen at the postbox and all letters
and documents stolen must be from the Hamburg Zia,
USA, Germany Barukzai and allies constitution with the
juridical right over the mother and the sons to declare
genocide and war in Afghanistan as justified
and make the mother as Frau schuld and father schuld and sons schuld
we have seen at violation rape and assassination attempt to all
4 family members.
About the University City and the Leuphana University in Lüneburg.
The Home Office have a interfer form the University of Lüneburg permanently on the Website in the Home Office and all international relationships of Murad Khani Kabul began at least from the year 2017 permanenty and cause assassination war and destruction to know al better
than Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan. We have connected the BND Bundesnachrichtendienst over Telecom German Security Service but no reaction and no will to prevent war and genocide we have seen because of the past war and interfer of Germany world wide for war.
Both sons Jousuf and Boabour and their mother is permanently used to wash Germany
blood from the past 43 years of war world wide done through the constitution of Said Mansoor pecially in Afghanistan and Palestine.
The war in Ukraine is koordinated war over the interfer in the Webside of Murad Khani Kabul
Home Office and all possible interfer over 1und1 Webmailer and the Website IONOS
and permanently psychological war from the Family Said Mansoor and clocked dicisioned for the War in Ukraine and Palestine
and Afghanistan we still have ongoing and the war will continue.
The know the reality of clocked interfer in the Family and the UNSC, ICC, ICJ and many
international Institutions like SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union
react permanently.
The Home Office have a constitutional set of 1 + 2 and 10 Secretary permantly
on the high level Constitution to detect what Ahmad and his 3.8 billion connection do.
Pakistan work from Lüneburg with India constitution and a India Restaurant do not exist Pakistan is a permanent tool of the German war in Afghanistan and international Arena for
Ahmad and Mohmood they are not accepted in India
because they made many assassination attempted in India against Said Mansoor as their Problem.
The initiation of a world war over the district court of Lüenburg Ms. Campowsky and the legal conformity of the United Nations a war against Iraq and Islam World. Case number:
21 XIV 3690 L ( August 1, 2002 )
The walk to the psychiatry was predictable and awaited from the police at Lehmkuhlsgehege 37 Barendorf.
Reason: Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali has a mindset with 1 ( one )
Aktenzeichen zur Einleitung eines Weltkrieges über das Amtsgericht Lüenburg
Frau Campowsky und dem Beschuss und die Rechtskonformität der United Nations einen Krieg gegen den Irak und
Islamische Welt einzuleiten. Aktenzeichen: 21 XIV 3690 L ( 1. August 2002 )
Der Gang in den Irrenanstalt Psychiatry war Vorhersehbar und auf die Polizei abgewartet in der Lehmkuhlsgehege 37 Barendorf.
Grund: Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali hat über die Belal Moschee Hamburg einen
mindset mit 1 ( one ) angesetzt.
Es ist ganz klar, dass hier die Frage der Existezrechtes nachvollziehbar ist.
It is quite clear that the question of the right to exist is understandable here.
Murad Khani Kabul do not share any global governance or global government
gobal economy or global financial systems
For us it is Haram.
We do not want controll the World.
But 3.8 billion population want to belong to somewhere
but not to us . Juridical not possible.
The Home Office have since the year 2018 opening hours for appointment ( termin ).
Not the EU, FRG, NATO, or any Arab or Muslimin and even not relatives has come
to make a contract or call for any solution of any problems or finance matter
from our Banks like we have to present juridical and constitutional
for Asia.
is herewith represented
Ukraine has a technological achievement that is in every plane is included. It's the Transponda. The war of the durani / barukzai / akbari
Odesa technology is based on the right to be entitled to everything. Thus, Russia does not lead a war because of the Tranponada
of which it has no idea at all, but about its ethnic population and affiliation.
Thus, NATO, EU, Ukraine and Germany are guilty of genocide and war crimes
guilty. ( And not the woman's guilty / Frau ist Schuld !? )
Time set : ( Portugal ) september 27, 2024
We do not accept any excuse or politics. We have a plan, and the requested declaration the capitulation.
We have for thies case a Application at the International Court of Justice in The Hague Application number: 29836347531354205.
Murad Khani Said Mansoor: 0 / 1 / 4
We have also Claims and claims of reparation.
Minimum request on Europe and the USA in the case of Afghanistan. And the universality of this case: return of all cultural goods
which belong to Africa and Asia, especially the period from the year 2001, immediately begin in one hour from the time 17:15 European time zone.
The Pope and the Kardinals is requested one more time
to hand over the vatican to the orthodox church.
Kabul Murad Khani declar for Afghanistan immediately the neutrality in the west east conflict over Money.
Further we Murad Khani Kabul declare for both currencys Dollar ( $ ) and Euro ( € ) have done what is necessary
to clarify the constitution and conditions we have about and the possible support for.
In Asia and Africa we have natural consitutions and natural worth of products and woth of currencys.
Also we have by Right Law and Rules the difference between privat and public matters.
In Article 51 of the UN-Charter we have both. But it is not written about Money.
Home Office Murad Khani Kabul
Kabul declare we do not have any war in Asia and Africa
All mindset constitution and economic ground
for a future is set by the realty and will be continue.
The sexuell activities for to take the soul from the first foor
on the constitution of the sons is contitue.
Both persons deniy to know anything or to understand anything
we have a permanet correction daily to have done all things
better by mentaly examine and science of so called proband
representative of Murad Khani Kabul.
We have to think the increase of anomaly by thrying to change the history.
Officially opening of the criminal Case from the year 1978
in Kabul Karte thee
Juridical Ground: The child is illegatim and cause since the year at least
1978 problems. The mindeset of 45 years is incomprehensible.
( - We have serious detected permanently modificants and stolen
Archive ! We have a officially contract with 1 und 1 und IONOS. )
Kabul / Afghanistan
Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor
send his highest diplomat Mir Agha e Soumma
to the conference in Bonn year 2002
I Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan
can not detect any signature at any document
for have allowed 50 states interfer
or declared 50 states as part of the constitution
of Afghanistan or Kabul or have any juridical or economical even political
contract or declared relationship for exploitation
of Afghanistan
بسم الله الر حمن الرحیم
Dear ladys and gentleman only I Said Msnoor M. A. as owner of the
constitution and origin belong name Rauahnone
have the right over thies website.
The interfer cause missunderstanding collapses and war and destruction.
I have the right to do what I want to do on my own website.
By interfer I have the right for the request of a
military attack and operation.
All Military activities and operation is herewith declared from Rauahnone
in the frame of my own representative constitution
of the International Law, BRICS, SCO and Eurasian Economic Union as
100 % juridical conform !
The world and humanity do not like the Germans and do not want
to have anything to do with them. This is 100% reality.
Murad Khani Kabul has brought for the FRG since 1981 and over
the Willhelm Rabe School in Lünburg the dollars for his World War Army
and genocide against Palestine
Private Website
Mir Mohammad Ali Khan
of the Constitution of Murad Khani
Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali
Kabul has given the Arab world the Burgje al Kalifa
and the friendship was the abuse of the sons and the mother.
Thies is not accaptable !
The FRG is in a religious war!
( September 8, 2024 , 20:25 o'clock )
Murad Khani Kabul have a historical juridical evidence
we have even represented on our Webside
Home Office Juridical Basis for the east west conflict in cooperation with Spain and Türkiye his representative in Türkler
We ask Israel and Germany the USA to
finish the show we have no challenge
with you who has the last word with his relativization.
Please put an end to your brainshit.
The world is in the abyss and it has been going all over the world since the year 2000.
You making blood from water since the year 2000!
We have called at 13:14 the Police and the police called back with
number: 83065200 Germany, USA and Israel made the Problem
in cooperation with Mahmood Zia und his Family and Barukzai please solve it !
My sons was and is going in Hasenburger School and was teached them
his father have stolen a lot of things in Germany and made a lot of crimes.
Also Oedeme like Wilhem Rabe Schule teached my sons their father is a criminal.
And the parents should leave the church in el pueblo.
Home Office Jousuf Boabour and their Mother
- Masooda is with the United Nations awarded as mother of her sons and officially and internationally recognized.
September 21, 2024 ( 7:38 o'clock )
We have a clear separation along the authoritys like the model from
Mir Mohammad Ali Khan. This particularly effects Afghanistan
( Bestätigung 12:00 Uht August 8, 2024: Es besteht die Verfassungsrechtliche Zugriff of das Home Office als Rechtsgrundlage
für internationale Politik und Rechtsansprüche seit mindestens offiziel dem Jahre 2018 und ist ab dem Jahre 2022
als Bindung erkannt und wird politisch vollzogen obwohl die Erklärung Afghanische Staatsbüger zu sein vollzogen wurde )
Establishment of written contact with the Federal Republic of Germany and NATO
If an adoption has taken place we will request the extermination of the people.
Bad ke sat !
Opening of the Reality: Begin of the War of Mahmood Zia and Ahmad Zia against
Thies website is designed in accordance with the right to express one's own opinion and serves to shed light on existing prejudices
above the person presenting here. It only pursues its own representative constitution and serves to clarify its circumstances.
Thies website is not designed to declare war or attack, but rather to defend ourselves.
The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul does not represent the Constitution of the International Court of Justice or
the International Criminal Court. Nor does it represent the Constitution of the United Nations.
The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul is bound to Documents, Certificates and Contracts.
Una sito web de la cultura Afghano y su responsabilidad a su pais
Eine Website der Afghan Kultur und seine Verantwortung für sein Land
The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul is not a moral authority.
(The idea and understanding of morality is educated and
So there is no moral justification for war.
The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby declares its sovereignty and integrity, which has existed since 1981.
Any violation of these rights, enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, triggers an official declaration
of war and warfare. This is especially true
in the case of espionage and disregard of data protection regulations, which also includes the privacy.
Said Mansoor declare the responsibility for Afghanistan.
We will also requets to the International Court in the Hague
in Netherlands in the case of property.
Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan i uphold still
ths constitution of Afghanistan and accept the Constitutional
exist on the Country and the Afghan Aviation representetd by Murad Khani Kabul
representative Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohmmad Ali Khan
Afghanistan is not part of Saudi Arabia and is not allowed for the Arab World to interfer.
Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan ibn Jahfar call officially the Hanafi
in Afghanistan immediately for the Afghan Unity and to uphold
the constitution of Afghanistan Chapter 9 Article 146.
We advice no contact with Germany and Europe
Ahmad and Mahmood are still at War. The constitution can not be changed.
A historical change in Afghanistan is after 45 years not done.
( Hinrichtung der Familie Sardar Mohammad Daoud Khan durch
(Said) Mahmood Zia in Zusammnarbeit der Akbari ist
somit 100 % bewiesen ! )
The Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul
think that Mahmood Zia has executed hundred thousand
of government members in Afghanistan and from Afghanistan world wide
sind the year 2021.
Die Begründung des Vernichtungsfeldzuges gegen jede Regierung
in Afghanistan und gegenüber der Frau und Mutter der Söhne des Said Mansoor,
sie alle gehörchen Mahmood Zia nicht.
All Afghan People know they were in the same boot of Noor ( the Prophet Noha p.b.u.h. ) build with the wood Arche
and the word Afghan is a Pashtun word.
( The Nuristani People do not believe in Islam since 100 year, like the Barukzai Akbari told to the Murad Khani Representative, because they used them as Hanafis a very long time, and not since 1402 year, but they know the human and the history they come from is older than the
Prophet Mohammad ( p.b.u.h. ). The Afghan People all live over 2000 meter over the see level and when say Toba ( Allah forgive )
then they mean a big thing has happen with a big disaster like a volkan eruption.
شاهزد فهرافغانستان
کلیت افغانستان در تاریخ، مذهب، فرهنگ و حقیقت شناختن
A.A.B. I Afghan Afghanistan Bank I Central Bank of Afghanistan
( Officially of the First Representative of the Afghan Trust Fund of the Central Bank of Afghanistan Dr. Shah Mohammad Mehrabi and Anwar Ul Haq Ahadi )
Vocal for Local since the year 2018, general knowledge.
Adults from the age 70 excluded.
After the announcement of Vocal for Local and the G 20 Summit
2023 in Bharat and the recovering of Constitutions Contracts and International Courts
Officially State Representation of Afghanistan since
the year 2018
Home Office of the Throne of Murad Khani
Author and representative of Chapter 9, Article 146 ( state of emergency ), Chapter 2, Article 41 ( land ownership ), Chapter 1, Article 9 ( property of the state )
The Home Office gives herewith himselv the clear conformity in the fram of Law
Rights and Rules and his representative work on his website
Content of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
The Throne of Murad Khani have no change in his Constitution since 1978
Thies website is designed in accordance with the right to express one's own opinion and serves to shed light on existing prejudices
above the person presenting here. It only pursues its own representative constitution and serves to clarify its circumstances.
Thies website is not designed to declare war or attack, but rather to defend ourselves.
We ask the city of Lüneburg to finally separate the man (your man) from the family, sons and mother. The city married a criminal with the mother with two sons ( not allowed ! )
and than they talk also about her husband.
Jurisdiction: Federal Republic of Germany. Sworn in to the Bible Lüneburg District Court 1990. Beginning of chess in 1991 in Mexico. The morality around the pink chess game. Checkmate from Afghanistan Kabul, Throne of Murad Khani.
On the 4th - 6th December 2019 the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court announce the message for Afghanistan: the national justice system was legitimate.
The International Criminal Court in The Hague announce thereby the message : Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan, First Representative of the Throne of Murad Khani who legitimated the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, your Excellency and his Institution Rauahnone is legitimate.
Decmeber 19, 2023 around 4 am in the Belal Mosque
Chairman and head of the Belal Mosque Hamburg Imam Mullah Haidari
is not ready for a statment or declartion.
December 20, 2023 10:40 a.m. Government declaration of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Federal Government and the European Union and his royal families.
A bank can only issue as much money as it has. There is also a debt limit there. If a country like the USA has 31.4 trillion in debt and cannot get out of the debt, then it has to do with inability and lack of education. Unfortunately such a state has no future. (- The cowboys robbed the bank !? )
December 28, 2023. 08:10 o'clock. Result of the diplomatic relations of the FRG to the Home Office
Una vez más, a la comunidad internacional para que ponga fin a este hombre. Según su declaración, pertenece al Islam.
El IZH-Hamburgo, como representación central de todas las mezquitas islámicas en Alemania, tiene que cumplir con la ley y tiene que representar . Por la presente se solicita formalmente el arresto de este hombre, llamado Wajdi Ausi, por su pertenencia a asociaciones y su contribución activa a la crisis y el colapso del Estado en Afganistán.
January 31, 2024. 3:54 o'clock
The Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul and his family hereby ask for medical help for his family and children. There are reports of violence and abuse against the family and children. A diplomatic help and cooperation to the Family and Home Office is hereby requested to Great Britain, Türkiye and Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark in Europe
and Bharat, Russia, China, Korea, Iran and South Africa outside of the EU.
We ask for immediate help and support. The family and children are in a state of big risk
for life and healthiness.
The mother calls at 5:26 a.m. and demands that the father pick up the child at 7 a.m. ( Afghan time )
and to bring him to the doctors of the rigime.
Previously, the doctors at the Lüneburg Clinic were announced to be on standby at 17 Uhr.
The city of Lüneburg the Federal Republic of Germany its families are asked herewith to end their campaign of revenge. The police are called upon to put an end to the separation and abuse.
We ask the city of Lüneburg and their families to stop their campaign of revenge, to stop abusing the family and children and to leave them unharmed.
The Throne does not understand why this revange exists. Mrs. Masooda is a mother of two sons. The bond with a married mother with children is incomprehensible.
Thies man has not understood what thies sign have the meaning.
A sign that has been made by at least 4 till 5 billion people since the year 2000.
Event February 8, 2024 2:50 p.m. Hasenburger Berg School. It is quite clear that the man is appointed with the consent of the FRG and is even allowed to pick up the children from school.
The Turkish community in Lüneburg has contributed massively to the fact that the children is to be abused.
Announcement of the member of the Islamic Center Hamburg as the central representation of all mosques in Germany ( FRG ).
The Islamic Center Hamburg has the legal cancel and termination
of its responsibilities to all those in Germany
existing Arab and Turkish mosques
to proclaim.
The Islamic Center Hamburg is recognized on an international level,
has proclamated its immediate legal release and termination of his responsibility to all Arab and Turkish mosques in Germany ( FRG ).
The representative of the Western world and Sunni Wajdi Ausi declares on February 15, 2024 that the sons do not belong to their father Said Mansoor !?
Do they belong to the Sunnis ?
( Siemens, Mercedes, Philips, Bosch or ... ? )
Where have the Sunnis and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia the Wealth ?
Does the Arab World belong to the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul ?
And is their a historical bund ?
What will happen when the Wealth of Saudi Arabia is juridical not conform ?
As long as the legal conformity has not been clarified, the recognition of the
Saudi Arabia by SCO, Eursian Economic Union, the United Nations UNSC and BRICS will be denied.
- First consequences: All Airlines have to stop all flights to Saudi Arabia immedialtely.
The Aviation of Saudi Arabia are not allowed for flights and destinations outside of Saudi Arabia.
Reason: The ownership and juridical conformity is questioned. -
- All Airplanes of Saudi Arabia outside of Saudi Arabia is to be immediatley confiscated .-
- Both Companies Airbus and Boeing is questioned of legality -
- The FRG do not want to Stop and also do not want to belong to. -
Thies is not possible !
The FRG, USA and Israel are called upon to view the insight of February 17,
You are going to far !
( Also the MSC is called as illegal and not allowed. )
Mrs Harris is well known for India and the officially Visit of must of P.M. Modi and threats the internationsl Security
with the intensively cooperation of the FRG with all possible espionage for the FRG and through the FRG to have the authority over 70 % of the World Population and secure the Wealth and Wars of the FRG.
( We know the P. M. was consciously coercioned, degraded and performed and so questioned the International
Security declaration of nearly 70 % of the representatives of the World Population at the G20 Summit in Bharat )
Constitutional basis for the exploitation of Afghanistan in 2002 based on participation and education (determination).
Our family and our country wants to live without the influence of your constitution and your rule of law.
We didn't do anything to you ! Our property is our property. The right to participation and
education ( determination ) does not apply to the law of our property, family or state.
The Federal Republic of Germany has its own national constitution. If it is to be applied internationally, then a military attack on the FRG by all possible means is possible legally fully justified.
Ladies and gentlemen you do genocide and war crimes and don't even bat an eyelid.
And no country in the world has to defend itself. You build your authorities and offices as bunkers.
Do you want to judge the humanity ?
Israel USA and the FRG had not understood what we call about the right of existenz !
This is a misunderstanding cause we have grounded juridical matters since
the year 2002. The Continuity is juridical not possible
because the grounded Constitution is decleared as administrative mentally ill.
The question ist what kind of grounded Constitution served for the FRG from the year 1981 until 2021 ?
From a legal point of view, the legal situation is known from the Federal Republic of Germany and the city of Lüneburg, otherwise there were no deliberate juridicially initiated collapse on 14.08.2021.
Outcome of the Doha Summit 2024 in Qatar
In accordance with the transfer of responsibility and assessment of the results of the Doha Summit 2024 in Qatar by the Spokesperson of the Interim Government Zabihullah Mujahid, the transfer and separation of the sons Said-Jousuf and Said-Boabour from mother to father Said-Mansoor is hereby has to be done.
We demands an end of the hostage-taking by the Zia family and the FRG in cooperation with the Turkish party DAVA which can not be recognized by Türkiye and the Turkish President Erdogan and according to the statement was made in Turkler.
Outcome of the Doha Summit 2024 in Qatar by the United Nations February 18 - 19, 2024. Timeline 18 minutes
by Protocol presented
The result no one at present of the Taliban in their office in Doha participated. The problem is to declare in the same case of the chicken and the egg who was first.
The United Nations will decide at the UNSC a special Representative of Afghanistan for Afghanistan as soon as possible.
All five neighbours countrys of Afghanistan is to be engaged first for engagement transite
and future of Afghanistan with aid of the United Nations if necessary.
The United Nations makes clear that the contact and influence of Ahamad and Mahmood Zia on the international
Constitution and the Family of Murad Khani Kabul are still existing and is not finished.
We are speaking now about the history of Afghanistan and the strategic continuity of abuse and misuse
for influence international matters concerns Afghanistan.
The coercion to upholding the necessaty of the protocol of 18 minutes is a constitutional influence of the family Zia.
Die Einhaltung des Protokoles von 18 Minuten zur Mitteilung der Ergebnisse des Doha Summit 2024 für Afghanistan durch die UN macht ganz klar und deutlich, das Kinder als Verfassungsgrundlage für Krieg und Politik dienen,
the Charter of the United Nations and International Law
ist einzuhalten. Dies betrifft die BRD, USA und Israel sowie Afghanistan.
In English:
The UN observe with the protocol of 18 minutes to communicate the results of the Doha Summit 2024 for Afghanistan and
makes it very clear that children serve as a constitutional basis for war and politics,
the Charter of the United Nations and International Law must to be uphold. This concerns the FRG, USA and Israel as well as Afghanistan.
Statement to Israel
The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul are respecting the population of Israel and their history and are also very excited to wear Levi's clothes but we can not tolerate the historical mistakes and we can not find a historical binding
to the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul. We do not allowing.
Es ist darauf hingewiesen, das die Ausfragung und Erziehung der Söhne des Thron und seine Beziehungen die BRD für den Staat Israel für Völkermord und Kriegsverbrechen dient.
Zudem wird die Familie des Murad Khani Kabul bewusst durch die Polzei und Regierung einer unermesslichen Gefahr
ausgesetzt. Es ist durch die BRD die moralische gerechtfertigung für Völkermord und Krieg für Wohlstand auf Kosten von Kindern und Sexualität gesucht.
Die BRD hat das zweite Mal seine Rechtfertigng über das Dach der Welt eingeholt.
Ohne Vollmacht oder Berechtigung.
FRG: Population 85 Million 2.1
Europe : Population 747,64 Million ?
USA : Population 333,29 Million 2.
Canada: Population 40 Million 3.
Saudi Arabia: Population 36,41 Million 1.
We are still waiting for our family.
Statement to the African Union
- rejected and withdrawn -
We do not want to interfer.
Request to the African Union to ban flights for Meghan Markel to Africa
Statement to the FRG
Das Throne von Murad Khani Kabul bitte das Deutsche Volk und ihre Exzellenzen und Könige und Königinen
Heilige und anerkannte Hoheiten auf der Erde um Nachsicht und Gnade für sein Familie und Kinder.
Wir bitten um Vergebung ihre Töchter keine Kinder geschenkt zu haben.
Natürlich bedankt sich das afghanische Volk das er das Recht auf seine Kinder bekommt, sie zu sehen.
Seine selbst Erwirtschaftetes Vermögen per Antrag aus sozialen Gründen zugesendet bekommt.
Es wird ein großes Lob und Danksagung an das Deutsche Volk erbracht, dass wir unser Religion und Kultur erhalten und ausüben dürfen.
Leider können wir unsere Kinder und Frauen mit ihnen nicht Teilen,
weil wir nicht wissen wer sie sind und woher sie kommen, so können sie leider
die Liebe und Anerkennung unserer Kinder und Frauen nicht bekommen, da Zwang Feindschaft für die Ewigkeit schafft
und kann tausende von Jahren andauen, siehe das Volk Israel.
Wir würden uns freuen wenn sie uns mitteilen könnten welcher Rasse oder Stammesangehörigkeit sie besitzen
damit wir den Stammbaum festlegen können.
Sie können dann auf ein großes unermessliches Vermögen zugreifen,
so wie das Volk Israel bei seiner Entbindung aus Ägypten.
( Ach ! Haben sie schon. Na Na ! Man muss doch erst fragen ! )
Artificial Intelligence ( AI )
IZ-Hamburg and Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul Result of the question on the discussion.
According to Christian religion, the prophet Jesus ( Isa ) was judged on the cross. After Jesus ( Isa ) died, it is written that Jesus get alive.
The question of what is to be understood about artificial intelligence cannot be understood at the moment, what is meant here about AI and whether the belief that exists in many religions and in Christianity openly about alive
of the Prophet Christie is thus brought into connection with it was to be clarified here,
not only in nature but also in human beings, miracles and events occur and People tries to
scientifically find out.
The fact is that AI has nothing to do with rebirth or to get alive. Nature is not dependent on technology and runs without any technical intervention. Artificial intelligence is the technological advancement offers people the opportunity to get information so very quickly.
For example a child has the mental intelligence of a professor when the information is even consciously adapted to his actions.
Thus, AI is not defined, as nature is not dependent on technology. People and animals as well as nature have a natural behavior and state according to their consciousness. Scientific research indicates a deficit of education, faith and religion and has mostly to do with espionage in any form for economic reasons, to mention here Marco Polo, Magelan, Columbus and others.
The technological means of capturing intellectual property and action is protected by law and corresponds to the freedom of expression enshrined in the law.
March 10, 2024. 8:00 o'clock in the morning.
We hereby ask Mahmood Zia once again to recall his tormentor Wajdi Ausi who was delivered to the Said Mansoor family and to release the children and mother. We appeal to Mahmood Zia, Fauzia Zia, Ahmad Zia and the Akbari family (Barukzai).
We ask the Zia and Barukzai family to stop their revenge and to set the family free.
We ask for mercy from the Zia family and the Barukzai tribe.
On March 30, 2024 around 3:40 PM, Taj Mahal has confirmed that the restaurant has complied with the Privacy Policy and Laws
Complies with. The Home Office would like to start with the city of Lüneburg by violating the data protection regulations
activities concerning Afghanistan, Pakistan and India by the City of Lüneburg is to be announced and is to introduce that to the ICC
International Criminal Court and ICJ.
The whole city of Lüneburg is concerned by violating Data Protection Law's
and Privacy Policy.
We are speaking about genocied and war crimes on the international matter.
All evidences and documets is on the International Level existing and is proved
until the ICC and ICJ.
Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Universitätsstadt Lüneburg
current date: May 5, 2024
Appeal and request to the President of Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdogan
The President of Türkiye is hereby ordered to taken hostages in Schützenstr., by the representation of the International Mafia
representative active among others with the ( VW Golf ) KFZ-KZ: LG YR 174 und ( VW Polo ) KFZ-KZ: LG FJ 97 to terminate.
10 de mayo de 2024. ( 7:53 o'clock )
This means that there is only one point of contact left !
( Señor Memet ) ibn ( Dr. Ahmad )
Espera la respuesta para mi pregunta !
Y de quien y para quien ustedes jugar los y por qué ?
In thies context, the FRG and its federal government are asked whether your nuclear rockets are still where they need to be ?
And whether the number of their claims to the female partners is increased ?
We hereby deal with the attacks of September 11, 2001 and the extortion, embezzlement and accusation stolen money from the owner.
The Central Representation of the Mafia is asked herewith for the repayment of hundreds of trillions of euros (€) among other things, is currently do the war against the Russian Federation. It is the money of the Central Bank, which only has to deal with the hostage-taking. of the Said Mansoor family.
Furthermore, the order is accused of sexual rape of the children of the Throne and the use of drugs such as LSD and Ecstasy in
the children of the Throne,
The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Home Office hereby awaiting from the Central Representation of the Mafia in Lüneburg
Refer here. The mafia its representation has publicly denounced the home office of responsibility for the attacks of September 11, 2001
thus of terrorism, war and genocide.
( May 10, 2024 7:42 am )
There is therefore only one point of contact!
I am waiting for an answer ( Mr. Memet ) ibn ( Dr. Ahmad ) !
How many are you ? Who do you play with and why?
In this context, the FRG and its federal government are asked
whether your nuclear missiles are still where they need to be?
And whether the number of their claims to the female partners is increasing?
Sub - e
May 22, 2024, Announcement:
Spain confirmed the FRG have no any constitution. No Representative and no accepted written constitution.
To the Prince of Wales
We expect Prince William to take clean legal, diplomatic and political responsibility for the FRG and its federal government.
A necessary wave of arrests of government members and politicians included.
Spain offered 1 billion € for the victims hier Akbari ( Barukzai ) and Wajdi Ausi cooperatives for Ukraine. We have no any Idea what the Police want from use.
To Mr. Haidary hereby we declare readiness for talks for the repatriation of the family of Said Mansoor Meeting in the home office with him
and its delegation. We will try to get our partners Spain, Türkiye and Afghanistan present for the willingness to talk.
We can discuss all possibilities for negotiation.
There will be no surgery. Nor is marriage recognised.
A name change is not comprehensible.
All kinds of contracts are feasible.
( Offer can be for example all kind of bindings to any Institution
and Banksystems as well as education cooperations. All contracts until now
the Emirate made are contracts of the representative of ourselfs.
We try to understand you )
The world doctor must stop to interfer immediately. Thies is one of our demands.
I will give His Excellency to decide. I do not like people who interfer and decide about my family.
And Switzerland have to give of my his Kuala back.
I fighter-Jet is ready to take the flight immediately to our airport in the north and take his Kuala if it is left at his place.
Meeting between the representation of Christianity, Shiitism and Sunni on July 4, 2024. At 11 a.m.
July 1, 2024. ( 16:05 o'clock )
to the Representation of the Office of the City of Lüneburg
and its base and main officials the Vatican
The justification of the activities against the family must be apparent.
And thus also the application of the same with the same.
It is imperative that proportionality be recognisable.
Juy 10, 2024 ( 2:55 o'clock )
Said Mansoor asked this man to be allowed to see his children. The representative of the Murad Khani, family members Zia, Kazemi and Souma, Mr. Haidary, is asked to hand over the sons to the father Said Mansoor.
The representative of the international Afghan mafia is asked to return the sons.
Your community must accept that my name is not Zia and that my children are not
and neither did her mother. They are all called Mohammad Ali.
Otherwise, the largest Afghan community in Europe and the Western world can look forward for a future for Afghanistan.
The head of the Belal Mosque and Islamic Center Hamburg is asked to deliver the sons and mother to the father Said Mansoor.
July 16, 2024
Both children are forced to keep their mouths shut and was crafting by a Scheemann made in the Oedeme kindergarten.
Intervening in family affairs is not allowed and triggers problems that can no longer be controlled. This is nothing new and is known and wanted.
The state is buttler, servent, beggar who is sitting and is opening his hands for money
Beggar on the street.
You are criminals without Money and you do not have the constitution
for to be pritted on a coin.
If your King is a man on the street who is opening his hands for Euros
do you would give the constitution of the Euro to him ?
So !
Tell us the worth of your currency Euro to our Afghani.
We are the porest in Asia and our currency is much more worth that of India !
Why ?
Our Afghani his constitution do not accept you. He is ready even to open his hands on your street for Money. He is advised to.
And he take the advise with kisses on the hand who advised him.
July 16, 2024
The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul has the right to defend itself and its children. Even if it requires the possibility of a nuclear war, which he has brought up in a legally juridical justify. The justification and precedent case is legally 100%.
The case is covered by the United Nations Charter Article 51
and historically declared justified with a majority of humanity via the SCO.
We call from Lüneburg to Bielelefld, Hamburg, Berlin, Köln, Münchnen, Schweiz, Peking,
Japan, New York, Kiev and Tel Aviv what you do !?
We are waching from UN, SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union
and your wunderfull expensive Children.
Die Stadt Lüneburg und die BRD will keine Lösung einleiten. Die BRD will um jeden Preis Anerkennung oder Vernichtung.
Seit Monaten hört die ganze Stadt die Familie
und will unbedingt, dass der Vater die Veratnwortung über die Stadt und die BRD übernimmt.
Die BRD will die Anerkennung von Völkermord und Krieg für den gebrachten Wohlstand.
Wir erwarten von der Stadt Lüneburg die Zusammenführung
der Söhne und Mutter, so wie die Trennung vollzogen ist, auch wenn
Dominus Weltbekannt geworden ist. Wir als Vater warten auf unsere
Wir können ja zwischen einer Weltbekanntheit
und der Vernichtung einer Familie wählen.
Oder die Vernichtung wenn sie gewolt ist.
Minderwertiges Volk, dass seine Bildungsrache sucht.
Wir sind nicht bereit für euch zu betteln oder euch zu vertreten. Wir leben nicht im Zeitalter der alten Ägypten
oder der Propheten Jesus ( Isa ). Wenn ihr das denkt. Dann wissen wir was wir mit euch machen.
Wir haben weiter Stöcker vorbereitet um mit euch einen Vertrag abzuschließen.
Auch sind wir bereit für eure Kinder Lolys and viel Eiskrem zu kaufen damit eure Kinder an Wert gewinnen.
Wenn ihr also Angs habt sie zu mir zu lassen damit sie nicht alles
erzählen was ihr mit ihnen gemacht habt.
Ich bin ihr Vater.
Eure Kinder und Frauen habe ich nichts angetan.
Und die, die mich gesucht haben haben mich gefunden und dann ihres weges gegangen.
Also, wir wissen um ihre Werbung und Verbindung zur Käfersteinstr. seit dem Jahre 1994.
Eine Verbindung wurde abgelehnt wegen öffentliche Entblössung somit war die Bindung nicht mehr gegeben.
Die Royal Einmischung wurde die Tür verweigert und unsere Verbindung dort wo wir es als richtig halten
als notwendig gesehen. Eure Dumpfbacke hat leider die falschen Beziehungen und Verbindungen.
Eine entsprechnde Parteinahme haben wir vorgenommen.
Wir bitten das Deutsche Volk und Ihre Royalität um 100 % tige Aufmerksamkeit.
Die Sach ist jetzt aus dem Ruder.
We expect from the city of Lüneburg and the FRG and their educated elite such as Schröder, Merkel, Wulf, Scharping, Köhler, Scholz, Steinmeier, Gauk and others, as well as their royality, to bring back the sons and the mother to their father. Both sons are consciously abused and misguided for Money from the Central Bank of Afghanistan in all existing matters.
( - You can use also a Taxi, no problem.)
July 19, 2024 ( 21:13 o'clock )
The assumption of a Red Bridge between mother and father, between Afghanistan and the German nobility is wrong.
Unfortunately, Kabul has its own historical and economic interests. Spain
have historical relationships to Afghanistan we have
early mentioned.
July 26, 2024 ( 13:43 o'clock ) Said Mansoor M. A.
Dear Mr. Haidary, the Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul will initiate both the demolition or destruction of the IZ-Hamburg as well as the demolition or destruction of the Belal Mosque.
- we are now waiting a very long time and are standing without an answer -
The home office of Murad Khani Kabul is still waiting. The blue mosque will stay closed forever. We are waiting ! Mr. Haidary. And stay away 60 meters from Russia and Spain, please !
( - grounded on Mir Masud Souma and Kazemi Family in Hamburg )
If you go too far with your Badelatschen policy, then the Belal Mosque will become even also closed today.
( - grounded on Family Zia and first born for her the Irak war from Lüneburg )
July 27, 2024 ( 18:50 o'clock )
The request is taken back against the Belal Mosque and the IZ-Hamburg for further reactions against them.
Wjdi Ausi, Representative of the University City of Lüneburg, the Federal Government ( FRG ), the United States, Israel, European Union, NATO
and Ukraine and the Hamburg clan of the mosques Belal Moschee and IZ-Hamburg.
Wir haben diesen Mann das Angebot gemacht einen Antrag auf Anerkennung
auf eine Relativierung zu stellen. Antrag auf der Website zum download Verfügbar.
( The International Institutions know the Media and News represented by the west specially Germany that thies man is inside the Islamic republic of Afghanistan. All western Institutions know what thies man for them do and why he is in the Family of Murad Khani Kabul.)
Leader of the International Mafia
The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul accuses Mahmood Zia and his clans and allies of the murder of the Sardar Mohammd Doud Khan family in Afghanistan. He is also accused of war, terror and murder in Afghanistan.
On 29. July 2024 we called him around 18:00 and asked if for the health of the sons and the mother
The sons are doing well and are with their mother.
Around 7:00 p.m. we talked to him again about why he has now taken on my sons after me
to continue his mafia society and ideas with them.
My sons don't like the family and are abused in all ways. Sexual, drugs, fear work of the mafia society in Lüneburg and Hamburg.
July 30, 2024 ( 15:00 o'clock ) Announcement
We ask herewith again the german population
where are my sons and their mother, - hallo !?
Their are not at their father Said Mansoor, - hallo !?
Do I have the right for or not ?
We have cut all bund and any social or community even political and cultural ( - Religion do not exist ) relationship
with the german population. Every further relationship with my family will cause the right of firing order if it not allowed
over the father Said Mansoor and his permission.
We see the german population not as a part of the Humanity
and are not allowed to enter any state in the World.
Reason: Genocide, War and World War, exploitation,
abuse of the family of Said Mansoor Throne of Murad Khani Kabul and
their kidnapping for Money and War. Psychological Crimes and War and psychological-economical War all over the World.
The Answer of thies kind of reality from the german population: is gut !
August 2, 2024 ( 7:30 o'clock) Announcement
Das Thron von Murad Khani Kabul gibt hiermit offiziell bekannt dass die BRD und seine Braunen die Zukunft der Menschheit bestimmen wollen.
Request of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali
The son of Dajahl, Dr. Hasrate Mordagau Charkus genocide, butcher of mankind and physician of the people on earth.
Spreading the faith of the Corona Covid 19 with reference to the Belal Mosque, Efftinge Str. 19, is requested for the repatriation of the family auf Said Mansoor.
Ahmad Zia does not belong to the family of Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali. He has no right of inheritance, not even because he is taller or older.
Most recently, he had the mother of the sons at least raped in Soltauer Str.
Also have the children sexually abused and raped and in their name
introduced war against Russia.
For the ongoing conflict from thies man and his father and family
in the last 45 years we have a juridical rightfull request for a World War
against him and cooperation partners beginning at least from
the yorckstr. 8, Lüneburg Germany.
Dear citizen of Lüneburg dear killers and murders dear children of nonsens and all foreigner. One more time ! bring my sons and the mother back to their father I Said Mansoor Mir Mohammad Ali Kahn.
Your leaders of War to have the right to fuck you give you money
the money do not belong to you and not belong them.
Do not offer my sons things juridical do not belong to them and juridical
also do not belong to you bastard and hures of juridical not have any rights for.
I ask now the 85 million hures and bastard who get money from the Mafia
of Mafmood Zia and Ahmad Zia Clan and coopertaion partners
to bring the mother and the sons back to I Said Mansoor
Mohammad Ali Khan.
Maybe 85 million bastard and hures do not exist !
We think that even 4.2 billion bastards and hures exist !
Thies is the price for you, to be nothing more
than bastards and hures !
I can prove it !
We have do not do anything to you.
I waiting for my sons and I am waiting to long
and do not know what you want from me and my family !
Last call august 25, 2024 ( 22:39 o'clock )
Drugs, murder, violence, abuse, state collapse, war. This is too much !
Finally bring my sons and mother to their father.
I have nothing to do with the likes of you!
The whole city is glued to my family.
My children are 13 and 7 and are minors.
The state is persecuting their father Said Mansoor with their allies for relativization. Unfortunately, no one has yet found anyone who can challenge with me.
Liebe BRD und Stadt Lüneburg und verbündete Ausländer, bitte lösen sie sich von meiner Familie und nehmen sie bitte ihren Mann wieder aus meiner Familie raus.
Announcement september 15, 2024
It is hereby announced that (Said) Mahmood Zia and Ahmad Zia, in cooperation with Hamburg, have carried out a wide range of activities in Afghanistan have initiated ethnic cleansing in Afghanistan by the fall of Afghanistan August 15, 2021.
Once again, the entire elite and members of the government were
executed officials at all levels
in cooperation with the Federal Republic of Hamburg and NATO and the EU
Pashtuns, Nuristani, Laghmani and Pashahi are also involved.
Reason: The family and his relatives were once again denied obedience,
by the government and the president of Afghanistan.
These games have been going on since 1979 and the family is still in his
This relativization took place in 2002 in the Lehmkuhlsgehege 37 Barendorf by Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan.
The KVG belongs to Said Mansoor. Unless the symbolism is removed and a relativization is no longer apparent.
HaLo Mrs. Schuld was called around 9:27, 07.11.2024 and asked to give an explanation of what the city of Lüneburg is doing to my sons and mother. And if she is not aware of all this, then she should the symbolism on the KVG buses.
Said Mansoor ruft hiermit die KVG zu einem sofortigen Streik auf.
Die Buse müssen sofort geparkt werden und die Passagiere aussteigen.
Der Streik geht drei Tage lang ab 12:00 Uhr, November 7, 2024.
Ereigniss mit der Bundesregierung abgestimmt:
14:00 Uhr Bus 5011 abgebogen in die Blücherstr. Ein lori ( Truck or LKW ) is zurück gefahren
und hat den Bus 5011 platz gemacht damit der Bus in die Blücherstr. abbigen kann.
Leadis und gentleman wenn die Anodnung Streik bis Samstg 12:00 nicht abgehalten wird wird das Home Office die Verantwortung der Symbolik
Relativierung und daraus erfolgte Ereignisse politisch und militärisch Völkermord darauf an Palestine und missbrauch der Söhne durch Barukzai Akbari und Verbündete keine übernahme eine Möglichkeit
geben können.
July 6, 2024 ( 5:44 o'clock) Reaction of the Foreign ministry Anna Lena Bearbock from the ground floor Yorckstr. 8 to do a new constitution was going out for to have clearity
not to take any responsibility for anything.
The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Home Office asks the city of Lüneburg
and Germany to end their campaign of revenge and do no longer allow the abuse of the sons and the mother physically and mentally.
We will apply the Last Point of No Return.
Use of Point of No Return,
because we hear the result of the German Constitution
from the Yorckstr. 8 and the result is screaming of the family we hear again.
So the war against the Islam World and Palestina from thies Women
for Money and recognition can not be understandable.
If a juridical Constitution and justify is exist we The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul
The Kingdom of Spain and our the Türkiye of mine have to know.
5. Juli 2024
Der Standard Afghanistans ist die Islamische Republik Afghanistan. Der Kollaps aus Lüneburg
durch den Missbrauch der Murad Khani Kabul-Familie ist nicht der Standard, den die Verfassung darstellt.
Asien hat seine eigene Verfassung, mit der es sich auseinandersetzen muss.
( Sunniten und Schiiten bekämpfen sich nicht, der Konflikt wird gemacht, um Differenzen zu schaffen meistens ( immer ) mit Geld und enden mit mangelnder Aufklärung und Bildung)
July 5, 2024
The Home Office declar herewith the out off all and confirm declared belonging and constitution like it is known. Any interfer will cause
from all we have to represent juridical frame for a immediately reaction specially in the case through espionage and technical interfer in the communication and Internet
( World Wide Web ).
Announcement from Kabul Murad Khani Kabul Home Office
after the meeting on July 4, 2024 11:00 Germany
Declaration from the Representative of the SCO Plus to Germany and Europe:
The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul has prepared for thies scenario very long time and have used all terms for.
We see the German People and the USA as a big Terrorist Community of incredible causes all over the World.
The Türkish Mafia in black uniform who have to present the Mafia
in Saragossa from Lüneburg
is not part of the Ceremony, he do not Salute.
We have the Situatuin of Live of Die in Lüneburg and Germany
chosen by the existing Mafia untill the cooperation with
the so called Nummer one military country of the World
representing the International Mafia the USA
from Lüneburg.
Dear Excellencies of the Arab World and even Islam World,
We have a different between Europe and Asia, in Asia mybe the Arab World even do not exist.
The juridical Problem is now bigger than befor.
Announcement for Afghanistan
( June 29, 2024, 19:57 o'clock )
The contract form February 18, 2020 is a intern matter of Afghanistan and not a international matter anymore.
Referens: Chapter 9, Article 146.
Afghanistan will be recognized immediately
if taken any oath and save his families and children
in the fram of the Law and Rights.
Futher we request for the immediately preparation
in the fram of the Existing Constitution of Murad Khani Kabul.
The immediately cooperation to clarify the case of Murad Khani
Kabul with the BRICS, SCO and the Eurasian Economic Union
is to enter immediately.
The cooperation with the USA is not allowed anymore.
The frame of Law and Constitution of Spain has been not accepted.
We have a no reasonable and not recognizable enter of the
United States of America in the internal constitution of Afghanistan
since at least the year 1968.
We see the United States of America under der Constitution of
the Federal Republic of Germany and as non acceptable
The control of behavior protokoll and language is the same
of a cowboy who do not listen to his given constitution.
The moral constitution is not anymore accepted.
The Kingdom of Spain is requested to prepare as a global I and constitution to support.
We have to note for you the existing Constitution and cooperation
of the representative of Murad Khani Kabul
for Afghanistan and announce for you to uphold
to enter the new Era.
If from a declaration is recognizable on July 1, 2024
for any correction path we will act further more.
The Government of Afghanistan is informed that after 43 years the contact from Nepal has been granted.
( The contact is not seen as a positiv sign. We do not allowded befor. )
We wait for aktivities of the city Lüneburg and German Government to bring the sons and the mother not wait.
The juridical separation was done by the court. We do not take any responsibility for any war or conflict.
Swiss was called for a declaration. And the result was the german people seperated the sons from the father for the Money
in the Swiss National Bank the responsibility for was given to the Kingdom of Spain.
The german people have a omnipotenz and asks several times if we want the power over the whole world
because of our behavior.
A illness at the german people is not seen. We have to ask for a human mind.
We have only three woman we have to care about and two sons.
If the German Government do not care to take contact with us than the Swiss President or the White House
in the USA have to contact with us for clarify. We have given a lot of Dollar over our Constitution so the USA got great.
We will see tonight whether the Euro € can have a future. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul
will consult the Spanish Crown if possible.
Reason: The cultural announced on June 23, 2024 was denied
and not possible.
The FRG wants to get rid of its responsibility, both the youth welfare office in Lüneburg as well as the Zia family
to the mother, which historically does not correspond to the Hanafites
and the conflict in Afghanistan and beyond.
Wir werden Heute Abend sehen ob das Euro € eine Zukunft haben kann. Das Thron von Murad Khani Kabul wird
eine Konsultation mit der Spanischen Krone nach möglichkeit aufnehmen.
Grund: Die am 23. Juni 2024 angekündigte Kulturzeit wurde verweigert
und nicht ermöglicht.
Die BRD möchte sich der Verantwortung entledigen, dabei hat sowohl
das Jugendamt in Lüneburg als auch die Familie Zia die Verantwortung
der Mutter übertragen, das historisch der Hanafiten nicht entspricht.
16:27 the neighbor on the ground floor was active again, always in cooperation with Telecom. We hope that everything goes well and that the family is well. International terrorism, genocide and war crimes
in cooperation with the government of the FRG and Israel as well as the USA and the Mafia is representative from the neighbors ground floor and first floor.
Teléfono de emergencia a oficina en casa: (0049) 041315900396
Mobile: (0049) 015561684433
May 27, 2024, 8:42 am
I ask the people of the city of Lüneburg to give me my sons back. And the mother. They didn't do anything to you.
May 15, 2024 ( 00:34 o'clock )
Said Mansoor hereby calls on the foreign and German population in Lüneburg to explain what their desire is.
The mother and children are in a permanent rape process and abuse for funds for prosperity until the visit of the Makkah and its financing.
We kindly ask you to state your demands. We don't know who you are. We don't know a single family of you in Lüneburg and around the surrounding area. We were be glade to be Human like you.
Dieses Symbol stellt eine Relativierung dar, das von der KVG Buse und somit Muslime stellvertretend für die Islamische Welt und Makkah vertreten wird.
Gleichzeitig ist es der Glaube der drei Einheiten in der Geomitry
Somit sind 1,7 - 1,9 Miliarden Muslime an dieses Symbol
und Said Mansoor und seine Söhne Said Jousuf und Said Boabour
gebunden und die Söhne mit dem Vater.
Das Leben von 1,7-1,9 milliarden muslime hängt vom Leben der drei
hier der Vater und die zwei Söhne ab.
Auch vertraglich gibt es ein Einigung, so dass auch 2,5 millirden Christen
sich in Gefahr bfinden.
The best for the best