The only one family possible future from for Afghanistan !?

( The prove and evidence is still seen )

بسم الله الر حمن الرحیم

Allah ma sahle allah ua Mohammad ua Ali ua Jahfar ua Mohammad Ali

ua dauat hu Imane hu ua aulade hu na jannat

jannat Imane hu ua aulade hu Imame hu ke i Iman

ua dauat hu ke aulade hu ke aulade hu aulade hu ke i ghosh

ua said u ke i ghosh

ua kafir ke u kafir ke kafir uas uasa u ke kafir u kafir

Thies Website is only for Said Jousuf Muhammad Ali ibn Said Mansoor, Said Boabour ibn Said Mansoor and Masooda bin Said Mansoor.

3.8 billion people have nothing to do over thies side. The Family is only supported by the SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economin Union.

The Eurasian Economic Union is the only frame Jousuf Boabour and Masooda have a direct 100 % juridical support.

The authority is only on One and One to One declared.

Thies constitution is confirmed even by the USA and the ICC and ICJ

and exist since year 2018. All international acts crimes wars and genocide is detected and the origin from.

November 28, 2024 ( 19:15 o'clock )

November 29, 2024 ( 4:52 o'clock )

Dear citizens of Lüneburg and Germany and Europe

do you have seen the power of Kabul Murad Khani Said Mansoor ?

I Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohmmad Ali Khan call 1.7 billion muslimin to give my family free and bring them to their father and partner.

( - Speak and pray the formula for the citizens of Lüneburg and Germany:

Allah ma sahalo u Mohammad ua Allah ua Muhammad ua Mohammad Ali ua  Jahfar ua Ali ua Mohammad and give the richest peopel of the world

their rights on our family with fire on our property

like I have done in Bamijahan.- )

The whales do not know under the ocean what on the land is about but are shure what is going on and give all the sign for they know everything,

and how I can not know nothing about whats going on by the Kafir

to my family. And how the whales can know my code ?

The ant I respect not to step on them and they save my doorstep theirfor

form the skorpion how they can know me to do such an act ?

And how the birds all can know where to sit and give me the savety

from where the danger is come from ?

Why the doves pray on my steps on the why to my family not

to act to my enemys ?

Why the world is changing when I lost and need to win ?

Hy alle muslimin ua musleman give me my sons and the mother back.

And than I will call to the ant, the birds, the doves, the whales for to pray for you.

I have ended your fight with water and you set it again in fire and want

more love and more ownership, why ?

You all judged me and my family, why ?

I can help you and you can even not give me a medicin and the acide

by a dark been is comming and I saw how give me a injection

one  day on one foot and the other day on the other foot on the same position and my son get lucky he saw that.

I gave my son only one time a beat on his face to get up

my son gave me more than 20 beats to my face to wake up and he cry.

If you have a brain of a ant how you can help me and see my sons and the mother belong to me and need to be saved ?

I do not speak because you took from me everything

and my sons will also not speak if you take them everything from.

And believe me they are satisfied with their everything on a one man


The kafir do not know how they can get a holyness and use

the brain of holnesses with technology get set their mind and controll

a community abou billion. What do you believe if you do not know

what to blieve if you are allone ?

I believe to my sons and their mother and mothers I called to save them. One from the east and one from the west.

And they are all three your Queen in different Countries.

My sons are small and jung, what you will do if they are adult.

You have not the power to have a appointment with me but look after my wife and her sons, - why ?

The representaive of 1.7 billion muslime spit of my sons, beat them with

the belt, beat them with the chain and set them out on the street.

Even nothing to eat and nothing to were.

Why ?

You see me as your Imam, but if than what do you do with my soon and the mother ?

They took the right to own my family, to destroy it, then to be the first to mourn it and the first to say excuse me for it. They are waiting for the law to judge the guilty in the final act of total annihilation. They laugh about how easy it is to get Money from.

The Man in our Family is a Mosad Agent !

Said Mansoor order hierwith the complet destruction of Israel.

The order is to attack with all kind of military equipment on Israel.

Russia is ordered to use all kind military missiles and uranium ammunition

on Israel for mass desruction.

We have a cooperation of Mosad with german citizens and Braun and Grün.

Since 2011, the Germans have not uphold  rules and principles towards my wife and children.

Below that, the mother cannot be shaken hands. Not to look at the children, not to force them, not to give a threat

not to touch them, not to ask them to stand up, not show your tonge. And they still use button to switch to make themselves aware that they have spiritual contact, which is only possible through the sons and the mother, because they have been sexual abused since the Kindergarten hidekamp 2014 .

Further the mother was in a women Klinik for women only but the workers were men.

The father was not allowed to enter but the doctors examined them were man.

And they knew the whole Islam World representative are at the Klinic

the türkish Kurds in Harz Holtel confirmed.

And noone know what they have done behind the close doors with my family.

The whole Harz community was in a secret constitution and prepared  the Klinic

can do want they want to do.

The first who are upset are the Killer and murder.

Here for example Mr. Seleskjy. He wants a common line and Baby from my sons.

Old man, tell your children and foreign inhabitants to bring my two sons and their mother to their father Said Mansoor , otherwise I'll take all your saving Money as the richest nation in Europe.

There is a contract and bond between Kurds and Türkjye. There is also a contract between the Islamic world and the Arab world, so there is a contractual obligation for the Kurds and Turkjye as well as with the Islamic world and Arab within the framework of International and National Law

with us Home Office Murad Khani Kabul over the Constitution

existing in Belal Mosque Hamburg Wandsbek.

(Wajdi Ausi is not a contract holder or representatives of Makkah or the Arabs or the Islamic world.

His mission is known to us and the person Wajdi Ausi have nothing to do or have a common frame with the SCO, BRICS and Eurasia and the Said Mansoor family.

Shah Rohe Khan made still a Jock on the Indian Award in India about the man. The man is supported by the Police and the Constitution of Germany) A contract or signature do not exist with the Husband

of Masooda bin Said Mansoor here Said Mansoor.

Result: A state contract with Wajdi Ausi and his representatives

do not exist.

Arg. And old Arg

Historical support for the International Court of Justice in The Hague Netherlands

The Arg and the old Arg have to ask about data protection and privacy

for that we have a officially permanet deal with data and privacy data

over the Home Office of the old Arg representative through Cyber.

 Mean: cy or say or sy translated from Dari lookin for.

-ber or baar translated from dari: to all.

The ICC and the ICJ is requested for the case and is still ongoing

in the frame of Cyberwar.

(The New Generation of Information Policy for Wealth and Prosperity owns the cybertechnology to get through espionage and data theft

wealth and justified inheritance through coercion and rape.)

The legal owner of the Arg in Kabul is ready to hold talks with the Western world here especially BRD, EU, USA and Canada

in order to find a solution to end the conflict, in this case as the representative and owner of the land also all the billions invested in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan since 2001 as the property of the Arg and owner of the Arg.

The owner himself makes himself available for negotiations with Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Joe Biden or D. Trump, in the present case at the highest level of government and president. The Arg and its owner have made all preparations in this regard in order to prevent a world war with the West within the framework of the SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union which was founded by the Argowner themselve.

November 29, 2024 ( 10:15 o'clock ) . Around 9:17 Rathaus 2 times, around 10:00 o'clock 3 times Amtsgericht Lüneburg we have called. The conflict is called as dieser Conflict

or thies conflict. We can not understand the reality on the ground since the year 1981

the history we have checked with Great Britain Orthodox church.

The old Arg Murad Khani Kabul ask in the current case for declaration because we had the first contact of clarification and the support is from the old Throne the arrest warrent we asked and requested for.

As of August 14, 2021, all government business will be officially conducted via the Home Office Murad Khnai Kabul Yorckstr. 8.

The Interium government is in fact once again set to zero by Lüneburg, Hamburg, Berlin, because

the ideas of the son of Mir Mohammad Ali Khan Mahmood Zia is not respected.

Kabul and thus Afghanistan must observe International Law within the framework of the SCO and Eurasian Economic Union.

All businesses in Kabul and Afghanistan is governed by International Law. Economic contracts have been in force since 2001 to 2021

to the National Constitution signed by Hamid Karzai and Ashraf Ghani existing refering to Chapter 9 Article 146

the officially recognized government and the official ministers have signed.

The Arg has been instructed on November 26, 2024 ( by 12:00 p.m. European time ) for a negotiation to be prepared for to get contact.

The Western world is seen by Mrs. Schuldt and Mr. Flores according to the WWW attitude of the USA as the only possibility of establishing contact. The UN and Great Britain are switch off. The Arg have taken the constitution of stand-off.

The Arg is waiting and has a protocol and dress code.

Novemver 23, 2024 . Announcemnet of the Contract with 1.7 to 1.8 Muselmahn over the constitutional Representative in Hamburg: Content of the contract the recognition of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan signed by H. E. Hamid Karzai and the contract agreed in the contract to the Rauahnone - Eurasian Institute for the recognition of relativizations - bound contract conditions and accepted content.

What do you know about Kerbala ?

Kerbal is the City of Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan. He is the owner of Kerbala.

The love he had from Murad Khani Kabul until the Story of Kerbala

not only Water was allowed to bring their relatives of Hussain

he turned blood the World into Water.

Muslimin and Musliman my sons Jousuf and Baobour and their Mother

are part of thies story and you do not give them back to me for money you do.

His fight against the enemy in the year 2003 was not to fight.

And tell me who is the wisest of you who bring water and turn the blood into water. The Story turned the world into black and you are rising the white fag !?  So blieve me thies is the truth. Songs is sung and wunder was done

and you still need love. And tell me who is the richest of you ?

My sons cry for food and sitting at the street as bettler their father have to

sleep outside and turned a continent into the first.

And even acide is given for us and the Kafir want to be our father and mother and we do not ask you in our mosque only for bread and tee

and you denied it for your Imam. And you educated to give the father thanks and educated his son as enemy to beat him in a challenge.

And believe me your challenge is not Water and bread

your challenge is my asna. And give me the prove that my family

is more worse than water and bread if you throw them like garbage.

I gave you the half of the world you made me as your part and your solution.

I thank you with the biggest and beautiful buildung of the World to be your friend. And you even holding back my family and property.

I made your future from the roof of the World with only one smile.

Do the same. If not give me my asna, my sons and their mother back to me their father and partner.

 And you are All e All Koran give me the different

between illegitimate children and legitimate  children.

You all muslimin want love and recognition and you came

to the paradise of the Unicorn and the Stones,

and do you got love? If than give my sons and the mother back.

My family is rabu all Koran and rabu all Iman.

I am in the third year of Raamasan and I do not make a difference

between rose sobe and sham. I follow my sons and my sons follow me

and I still not deteced them and can not see.

It is written do not marriage the buddism and I put down my head to the

feets of the people and give them respect because of culter and education.

If I rescue from the Kafir by respecting the buddhism and touch their feets

and you even do not allow them to enter the mosque I praied for you

what kind of muslims are you and in what do you believe ?

Are you slave of the Koran or are the Koran slave of you ?

Koran sur e al e Imran: I can prove that 1.7 - 1.8 billion muslimin

is holding the Koran as a slave. If not prove it.

And I called in the day of Al Ghadir to all of you, why do you not were present ? I bought my sons one is on my right side and one is on my left side and both are the same like me.

And if you are believers and in faith tell me who have saved you on thies day

with his live ?

I set 4 to 3.8 billion. And believe me I know what I do.

And the evidence is still their !

My sons are thrown out and the father also. The mother is allone, and

because she is fighting she is guilty.

So believe me we do not need you If we are death or alive.

November 18, 2024 ( 18:56 o'clock )

The G20 and G7 of Ahmad and Mahmood and Fauzia Zia are called to deliver my sons Jousuf Boabour and their mother Masooda to their father and partner Said Mansoor.

November 17, 2024 ( 13:54 o'clock )

Result: The FRG do not belong to Afghanistan and Afghanistan do not belong to the FRG!

The abuse from the year 1981 until today current war and conflict

with Basis Kabul Afghanistan must stop.

A new Era do not Exist

((E) interfer and mindset ) A new Era or The New Era can only begin with a Family that started

in 2011  in Europe and in Afghanistan.

(-We have a not accepted (E) at the G20 summit at Brasil done form the same origin place Yorckstr. 8 and than suddenly the E seen at our webside accepted - )

That is now destroyed again by Mahmood Ahmad and Fauzia Zia

interfer and destroyed Family and State

So a new Era is not seen because of no Family that now do not exist anymore. So a future is not seen anymore and will not exist.

It is very easy. No family no future. The destruction began

with Fauzia Zia and Barukzai in the 70's to 80's and

have a left of four. If not exist no result.

Family Zia can not accept have a Leader in their Family born

and do war with their Family to destroy and were kicked out from Afghanistan and do war in the 43 year now. Even Angel Maleka Kings and Kingdoms is attaked with all global constitution, even the Earth in danger

proved in the year 1984.

We have massiv interfer on the website cause of War War Crimes genocide done by the western world without contract without requeste and any signature. The German people students adults and even relatives and policy wants to change the reality they have done over babys children and students.

Der geistige Eigentum und körperliche Eigentum ist keine Spielwiese.

Wir haben einen Vertrag.

Ich habe mit dem Jahre 1981 begonne !

Das Ergeniss ist : ... !?

Sie sind bereit alles zu vernichten um dazu zugehören und verstehen noch immer nicht die Relität die sie erreicht haben.

Man sollte vieleicht die Fliegen beim Stuhlgang vorziehen.

November 17,  2024 ( 7:30 o'clock )

Why does the half of the humanity here 3.8 billion people not want to understand that Jousuf and Boabour are my sons and want a world war with us? The Vatican Makkah Iran Israel Afghanistan and Pakistan included.

( We have principles: Do not touch, do not talk, do not seen them in their eyes, do not order them even do not call them to get up from

their seat. For Royals it is forbiden. The souls can not accept it and will distroy you because they know themself and know where you get your prosperity and property from. )

November 16, 2024 ( 13:08 o'clock, ) We have called to Imam Haidary and we told him:

We will request for the destruction of Makkha and Madina

in Saudi Arabia and Kerbala will be ban.

Reason: Makkah ist entweiht durch Dajahl in Makkah und das Gebet mit ihm

zusammen und wird dauernd ein Arschloch präsentiert für Ihren Ficker

der in der Schützenstr. 100 in Lüneburg wohnt.

Und Mahdina is eine Grabstätte, Aber nicht das Imam Ali Moschee

meiner. Wo ihr nicht hindürft.

Order from the Imam of Jousuf and Boabour

Everyone who do not do thies order he must get a wood stock in his arshol and must be cuted his penis and must be put it in his mouth.

We do not belong to the Mafia of Mahmood Zia and Ahmad Zia and you will not get Money for thies act.

I call hereiwith in the Name of Jousuf and Boabour

and the Prophet Mohammad and his Kalif Ali to pee and shit in

in the center of Makkah the holy places and do not leave any place

without pee and shit free in Makkha.

Jousuf have given the order to shit in my holy Home and all have done it

in my holy place. I the Imam of Jousuf order his son Jousuf to order

to follow my order you refere to Boabour he have to follow your order.

It was my order and I wellcome it with thanks.

It was my pleasure to clean my son Boabour his shit from my holy Home.

If the Muslimin in Makkah do not follow your order than they do not belong to you Said Jousuf Muhammad Ali, they use you only

and see it will be proved.

If you order my to follow your order and even shit in the place you do

they will not. Even they will not touch it with their backside.

It is my order.

Antrag auf execution durch BRICS und SCO der folgenden Personen:

Joe Biden, Harris, Selenskjy, Ursula van der Leyen, Merkel, Tritin, Özdemir,

Steinmeier, Olaf Scholz, Netanjahu, Stern, Stein, all Arab Kurd Afghan

and Greec involved in Germany in the case in the western World.

Further Order to set Madina in fire.

Great Britain the King is called with order to the immediately fire on all

german and foreign citizins involved in thies case with all kind of weapons

if Police Soldire or Politician.

Alle shiiten werden hiermit in Berlin aufgerufen das Reichstagsgebäude hier das Bundestag in Berlin sofort in Brand zu setzen.

Das Gebäude ist mit meiner Hilfe und Reichstagsverhüllung wieder seiner Geschichte hergestellt. Auch die Wiedervereinigung beruht auf die aufgenommene Erklärung von mir Said Mansoor.

Als Dank wird der 3.Oktober in den Moscheen in der BRD gefeiert und wir müssen beraubt getrennt und missbraucht werden.

The Royalities have a constitutional set, do not touch do not speak and do not see them in their eyes to coercion them. So we began soon even in the year 2014 to start. In the years we also had the reaction from Bodrum Restaurant a worst case szenario of a big military attack we a have seen on Germany and now a consciosly by all foreign members since the year 2018 to 2020 to 21 the direct interfer over Dominus and Bodrum separation and hostange taking. The Blue shirt show and say you can make businesses but please in the frame of Law Rights and Rules.

 Result is world wide worst case szenario we try to combat and to solve.

Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. do not play a Game !

War Crimes and kill is not a Game !

The political interfer in Kabul Afghanistan we follow

and have no any ground we do not know for what.

Even Kabul Afghanistan their people are hungry and we have also no any private benifits ( we are in Germany four persons. I have all and the other three nothing. I have the juridical frame and constitution for. ) if further psychological interfer

of nonsens, we act for. We call for all people interfer to search a own family

We have a document or two, a Constitution International Law

Chapter 9 article 146 and 3,8 billion people search a possibility to get back in a juridical rightfull constitution.

And the option to do with the Dollar ( $ ) and the Euro ( € )

what we want, with only one light fire to burn the document

original at our Home Office.

November 13, 2024 ( 6:54 o'clock ) We have the evidence of the Proved interfer of the Interantional mafia and war even Terror with taken out the document we have presented on our website and called as a game. ( to interfer on a PC or laptop a W-Land and the IP address is necessary, the easy way for. Or the interfer have his origin by Macontosch, Windows Microsoft, IBM, Basic and Fortran, with seat in Californien , we have still detected and announced on the international Level representative on th first floor and the Leuphana University Lüneburg )

Constitutional Representative Website of Kabul Murad Khani Home Office for Eurasia


بسم الله الر حمن الرحیم

November 3, 2024 ( 11:24 o'clock )

The Afghan Islamic community with centrum 

Belal Mosque Hambug Wandsbek is hereby excluded

from Islam. Thies concerse all the Hamburg Islam community.

Reason: Kufre all Kufur na all haqe ull All-Bayt ke all,

all e uwa hi ke u Imam ke Imame i.

Imame i Imam ua u Imam.

Faqir hu al masged hu ke faqir masged hu

na all haq ke haq all din ke masged hu na all haq.

Qalbe an ayade hu ke manselhu a u Jamua a i Jamua

ke abe ie hu ke zaman i a u zaman a i zaman

Qalbe an fusehu athnan ke  manselhu a Imam

ke abe ie hu ke zaman i a u zaman a i zaman.

Ua Imam a maleka ke maleka a un Imam.

Kul e hu all kul ke all kul qalame hu all qaras a samine hu

ke dar a darwasa barf na haya.

Na Koran hu na ilme hu ua na kul hamre hu.

Dauat hu all Islam ua suban hu all kufur.

Ua all maleka na all yak na all du na all thee na all char

sabar ke panj maleka ke sabar ke barf na all barf.

Ua Shadad hu ke maleka ke i zaman ke i zaman

ke i pesare hu.

Ua kafirin ua kafiran na all Imam ua na all iman.

Ua shukru hu all Maleka a darajaht ke gunae u

a u guna, na i guna.

U sabre u ke test all kaferin ua all kafiran all rasta ua all noor

ke dalil hu khe dalil ?

Ua dalil hu na all haq ua na all din.

Ua subane hu shukur na haya !

Ke kaferun al chabis ua chajen ua jhasus.

Ua shukur u, - all ilme jhasus.

Ua haq u ke suad ua ilme u ahsan: dar me hasna !

Ihr schönen glücklichen Menschen mit viel Essen und viele Sachen

trennt meine Familie verbietet den Kindern den Vater zu sehen

und umgekert und eure Gerichte dienen euren Göttern

wieso sollten wir nicht Angst vor euch haben und euch nicht verachten ?

November 3, 2024

Official statement of Said Mansoor Mohmmad Ali Khan:

The children Jousuf and Boabour have been taken the testimony of being God and their father of being God, who is said have created the earth, humanity, the universe and much more on earth.

We see the neighbor on the ground floor as well as in Lüneburg and Germany the Austos ( cares ) change to the color white and let themselves be

of Greece. The President of the Federal Republic of Germany

is in Greece specifically for the educated sons to have given the testimony in the school and the population to be God

and to explain the culture of the FRG inhabited by gods.The father has publicly appealed several times

in Isam as well as in Abrahm, man is to be seen as God forbidden.

We hereby declare that the FRG is in a state of war against humanity as a whole and is reality since at least the year 2000.

The Vatican and the Pope is hereby called for the immediate exclusion of the German population with a population of at least 110

Millions of people and is demanded herewith urgent action at all levels.

November 2, 2024 ( 17:03 o'clock )

Lüneburg is hereby declared the most dangerous city of mankind

Official declaration the city of Lüneburg comparable to Irish conditions before the agreement with England.

The HaLo, the city of Lüneburg, has the UNSC as tool the family and state of Afghanistan as a solution to international problems the UNSC is involved in Lüneburg and Germany.

The collaps of the UNSC must be avoided because the FRG have

a refer to the Charter of the United Nations as International Law.

The BRICS, SCO and the Eurasian Economic Union are adviced

to take the Charter of the United Nations as groud Constitution

for the International Law.

And is also soon implemented.

The western World and the European Union are not

in the frame of the International Law. By the Collaps

of the UNSC we see and detected only by Russia is constitutional conform


Die Art der Geiselnahme und Missbrauh der Familie Said Mansoor ist mit Smargten und Rubenen zu bewerten.

So etwas kann man nur mit einem Weltkrieg beenden.

Germany and the west by misuse the Home Office to clean

themself and give the guilty to the wife and sons

are on 1 meter at the first floor.

The sons and the mother is cut everything money

water electricity and heating

even they have to sleep at the VHS ground floor

to take their testimony they are guilt for everything

and 85 milion population laugh.

Sie haben das Geld dem Vater gekürzt weil die Kinder nicht

bei dem Vater wohnen und der Mutter seit dem März nicht zukommen lassen.

Und das Geld ist der Verfassung des Murad Khani Kabul sein

eigenes, - hier das Euro ( € )

Und die Vermieter wollen das Bundesfinanzministerium haben seit der neuen Regierung !?

Sie haben mein Sohn heute wieder missbraucht und getäuscht

über das Erdgeschoss und 1.  Geschoss Yorckstr. 8

sich die Taschen mit Geld voll gemacht um zu taken und loszufahren.

Die BRD ist nach zwei Weltkriegen noch immer nicht satt.

Juridical and constitutional Secretariat of the Home Office

Murad Khani Kabul

Saragossa Kingdom of Spain

Perform and keeping by Leonor of Spain Head of State

We have still the challenge form the University and the FRG

from the first floor with war genocide not only in Afghanistan

Palestine and whole islam World.

The commet to have fighted with them is : respect .

October 31, 2024 ( 4:50 o'clock )

We do not have any relationship with the Arab World we will attack with all kind of Military Forces every Arab Nation if Algerien or otra Arab paises. We have no any Contract with you and we do not want !

The Kingdome of Spain is not Afghanistan and also not Asia !

We give herewith the last warining !

We will  now act very very fast by the next seen act !

All forces of BRICS, SCO and the Eurasian Economic Union is requested and ordered for preparation of the immediately military force against the Arab World.

We order herewith China the immediately take over of I-Mac

represented by Algeria and Naser Arab Word of derecha representative in Germany City Lüneburg.

Murad Khani Kabul do not have any Contract with Algeria or Arab World.

China is a natural Asia contracted relationship existing

and Juridical Member.

We have the direct cooperation of women with fuckers

to attack guys and men and even boys. Also many representatives to do with them the same

to women is done to have revange they were deflowered.

The naturel problem is men and boys have no any vagina and how

they called and is necessary to be virgin ?

The western World specially Germany educating from the begin

of the Kindergarten to see the arshol as vagina.

It is not possible to get from the arshol a baby or have the

 Arnord Schwarzenegger case.

( comment origin Said Mansoor: ...they do not want to give up )

The Imam Zaman call from the FRG and its allies his sons and mother.

 We believe enough is enough !


The Home Office hereby officially declares itself to be the Basis as it was postered by the government and the FRG in the election campaign

as the only official legal and constitutional Basis for the FRG and the European Union.

The European Union and its European currency is another time asked to give up his seat and his constitution

thus by two decisions and one announcing and cancelled the Contract with Said Mansoor to leave his seat.

Reason: Said Mansoor Constitution of The ECB took offcially the responsibilty of Eurasia

and announced the Bank Russii, Bank of China and the

India Bank as new World Bank ' s.

October 18, 2024 ( 18:00 o'clock ) correction and cleared external modification, - and according to the current policy

We have a still laugh and kill and robe since at least 1981 we see and have detected from Germany and still go on like a game.

Diese Realität wird vom 1. Stockwerk bestätigt mit seit monaten bedienenden Lichtschalter die im Auftrag der BRD

Regierung und Universitäten Geisteswissenschaft und Wirtschaftspsychology vom Home Office protocolieren

und für den Krieg einsetzen.

Diese Realtät wird von allen Kooperierenden Königshauser in der EU


October 19, 2024 ( 6:19 o'clock )

The Private Website of Murad Khani Kabul Home Office is herewith set on a complet realty and facts belong. We have all out of 4 to 85 million

in germany and will  not change.

Reason:  The interfer of Family Zia is seen at the postbox and all  letters

and documents stolen must be from the Hamburg Zia,

USA, Germany Barukzai and allies constitution with the

juridical right over the mother and the sons to declare

genocide and war in Afghanistan as justified

and make the mother as Frau schuld and father schuld and sons schuld

we have seen at violation rape and assassination attempt to all

4 family members.

About the University City and the Leuphana University in Lüneburg.

The Home Office have a interfer form the University of Lüneburg permanently on the Website in the Home Office and all international relationships of Murad Khani Kabul began at least from the year 2017 permanenty and cause  assassination war and destruction to know al better

than Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan. We have connected the BND Bundesnachrichtendienst over Telecom German Security Service but no reaction and no will to prevent war and genocide we have seen because of the past war and interfer of Germany world wide for war.

Both sons Jousuf and Boabour and their mother is permanently used to wash Germany

blood from the past 43 years of war world wide done through the constitution of Said Mansoor pecially in Afghanistan and Palestine.

The war in Ukraine is koordinated war over the interfer in the Webside of Murad Khani Kabul

Home Office and all possible interfer over 1und1 Webmailer and the Website IONOS

and permanently psychological war from the Family Said Mansoor and clocked dicisioned for the War in Ukraine and Palestine

and Afghanistan we still have ongoing and the war will continue.

The know the reality of clocked interfer in the Family and the UNSC, ICC, ICJ and many

international Institutions like SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union

react permanently.

The Home Office have a constitutional set of 1 + 2 and 10 Secretary permantly

on the high level Constitution to detect what Ahmad and his 3.8 billion connection do.

Pakistan work from Lüneburg with India constitution and a India Restaurant do not exist Pakistan is a permanent tool of the German war in Afghanistan and international Arena for

Ahmad and Mohmood they are not accepted in India

because they made many assassination attempted in India against Said Mansoor as their Problem.

The initiation of a world war over the district court of Lüenburg Ms. Campowsky and  the legal conformity of the United Nations a war against Iraq and Islam World. Case number:

21 XIV 3690 L ( August 1, 2002 )

The walk to the psychiatry was predictable and awaited from the police at Lehmkuhlsgehege 37 Barendorf.

Reason: Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali has a mindset with 1 ( one )

                                                               Aktenzeichen zur Einleitung eines Weltkrieges über das Amtsgericht Lüenburg

Frau Campowsky und dem Beschuss und die Rechtskonformität der United Nations einen Krieg gegen den Irak und

Islamische Welt einzuleiten. Aktenzeichen: 21 XIV 3690 L ( 1. August 2002 )

Der Gang in den Irrenanstalt Psychiatry war Vorhersehbar und auf die Polizei abgewartet in der Lehmkuhlsgehege 37 Barendorf.

Grund: Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali hat über die Belal Moschee Hamburg einen

 mindset mit 1 ( one ) angesetzt.

Es ist ganz klar, dass hier die Frage der Existezrechtes nachvollziehbar ist.

It is quite clear that the question of the right to exist is understandable here.

Murad Khani Kabul do not share any global governance or global government

gobal economy or global financial systems

For us it is Haram.

We do not want controll the World.

But 3.8 billion population want to belong to somewhere

but not to us . Juridical not possible.

The Home Office have since the year 2018 opening hours for appointment ( termin ).

Not the EU, FRG, NATO, or any Arab or Muslimin and even not relatives has come

to make a contract or call for any solution of any problems or finance matter

from our Banks like we have to present juridical and constitutional

for Asia.


is herewith represented


Ukraine has a technological achievement that is in every plane is included. It's the Transponda. The war of the durani / barukzai / akbari

Odesa technology is based on the right to be entitled to everything. Thus, Russia does not lead a war because of the Tranponada

of which it has no idea at all, but about its ethnic population and affiliation.

Thus, NATO, EU, Ukraine and Germany are guilty of genocide and war crimes

guilty. ( And not the woman's guilty / Frau ist Schuld !? )

Time set : ( Portugal ) september 27, 2024

We do not accept any excuse or politics. We have a plan, and the requested declaration the capitulation.

We have for thies case a Application at the International Court of Justice in The Hague Application number: 29836347531354205.

Murad Khani Said Mansoor: 0 / 1 / 4

We have also Claims and claims of reparation.

Minimum request on Europe and the USA in the case of Afghanistan. And the universality of this case: return of all cultural goods

which belong to Africa and Asia, especially the period from the year 2001, immediately begin in one hour from the time 17:15 European time zone.

The Pope and the Kardinals is requested one more time

to hand over the vatican to the orthodox church.

Kabul Murad Khani declar for Afghanistan immediately the neutrality in the west east conflict over Money.

Further we Murad Khani Kabul declare for both currencys Dollar ( $ ) and Euro ( € ) have done what is necessary

to clarify the constitution and conditions we have about and the possible support for.

In Asia and Africa we have natural consitutions and natural worth of products and woth of currencys.

Also we have by Right Law and Rules the difference between privat and public matters.

In Article 51 of the UN-Charter we have both. But it is not written about Money.

Home Office Murad Khani Kabul

Kabul declare we do not have any war in Asia and Africa

All mindset constitution and economic ground

for a future is set by the realty and will be continue.

The sexuell activities for to take the soul from the first foor

on the constitution of the sons is contitue.

Both persons deniy to know anything or to understand anything

we have a permanet correction daily to have done all things

better by mentaly examine and science of so called proband

representative of Murad Khani Kabul.

We have to think the increase of anomaly by thrying to change the history.

Officially opening of the criminal Case from the year 1978

in Kabul Karte thee

Juridical Ground: The child is illegatim and cause since the year at least

1978 problems. The mindeset of 45 years is incomprehensible.

(  - We have serious detected permanently modificants and stolen

Archive ! We have a officially contract with 1 und 1 und IONOS. )

Kabul / Afghanistan

Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor

send his highest diplomat Mir Agha e Soumma

to the conference in Bonn year 2002

I Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan

can not detect any signature at any document

for have allowed 50 states interfer
or declared 50 states as part of the constitution
of Afghanistan or Kabul or have any juridical or economical even political

contract or declared relationship for exploitation

of Afghanistan

 بسم الله الر حمن الرحیم

Dear ladys and gentleman only I Said Msnoor M. A.  as owner of the

constitution and origin belong name Rauahnone

have the right over thies website.

The interfer cause missunderstanding collapses and war and destruction.

I have the right to do what I want  to do on my own website.

By interfer I have the right for the request of a

military attack and operation.

All Military activities and operation is herewith declared from Rauahnone

in the frame of my own representative constitution

of the International Law, BRICS, SCO and Eurasian Economic Union as

100 % juridical conform !

The world and humanity do not like the Germans and do not want

to have anything to do with them. This is 100% reality.

Murad Khani Kabul has brought for the FRG since 1981 and over 

the Willhelm Rabe School in Lünburg the dollars for his World War Army

and genocide against Palestine

Private Website

Mir Mohammad Ali Khan

of the Constitution of Murad Khani

Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali

Kabul has given the Arab world the Burgje al Kalifa

and the friendship was the abuse of the sons and the mother.

Thies is not accaptable !

The FRG is in a religious war!

( September 8, 2024 , 20:25 o'clock )

Murad Khani Kabul have a historical juridical evidence

we have even represented on our Webside

Home Office Juridical Basis for the east west conflict in cooperation with Spain and Türkiye his representative in Türkler

We ask Israel and Germany the USA to

finish the show we have no challenge

with you who has the last word with his relativization. 

Please put an end to your brainshit.

The world is in the abyss and it has been going all over the world since the year 2000.

You making blood from water since the year 2000!

We have called at 13:14 the Police and the police called back with

number: 83065200 Germany,  USA and Israel  made the Problem 

in cooperation with Mahmood Zia und his Family and Barukzai please solve it !

My sons was and is going in Hasenburger School and was teached them

his father have stolen a lot of things in Germany and made a lot of crimes.

Also Oedeme like Wilhem Rabe Schule teached my sons their father is a criminal.

And the parents should leave the church in el pueblo.

Home Office  Jousuf Boabour and their Mother


- Masooda is with the United Nations awarded as mother of her sons  and officially and internationally recognized.

September 21, 2024 ( 7:38 o'clock )

We have a clear separation along the authoritys like the model from

 Mir Mohammad Ali Khan. This particularly effects Afghanistan
( Bestätigung 12:00 Uht August 8, 2024: Es besteht die Verfassungsrechtliche Zugriff of das Home Office als Rechtsgrundlage

für internationale Politik und Rechtsansprüche seit mindestens offiziel dem Jahre 2018 und ist ab dem Jahre 2022

als Bindung erkannt und wird politisch vollzogen obwohl die Erklärung Afghanische Staatsbüger zu sein vollzogen wurde )

Establishment of written contact with the Federal Republic of Germany and NATO

If an adoption has taken place we will request the extermination of the people.

Bad ke sat !

Opening of the Reality: Begin of the War of Mahmood Zia and Ahmad Zia against

Thies website is designed in accordance with the right to express one's own opinion and serves to shed light on existing prejudices

above the person presenting here. It only pursues its own representative constitution and serves to clarify its circumstances.

Thies website is not designed to declare war or attack, but rather to defend ourselves.

The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul does not represent the Constitution of the International Court of Justice or

the International Criminal Court. Nor does it represent the Constitution of the United Nations.

 The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul is bound to Documents, Certificates and Contracts.

Una sito web de la cultura Afghano y su responsabilidad a su pais

Eine Website der Afghan Kultur und seine Verantwortung für sein Land

The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul is not a moral authority.

(The idea and understanding of morality is educated and


So there is no moral justification for war.

The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul hereby declares its sovereignty and integrity, which has existed since 1981.

 Any violation of these rights, enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, triggers an official declaration

of war and warfare. This is especially true

in the case of espionage and disregard of data protection regulations, which also includes the privacy.

Said Mansoor declare the responsibility for Afghanistan.

We will also requets to the International Court in the Hague

in Netherlands in the case of property.

Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan i uphold still

ths constitution of  Afghanistan and accept the Constitutional

exist on the Country and the Afghan Aviation representetd by Murad Khani Kabul

representative Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohmmad Ali Khan

Health: Good clean clothing and higyene from head to feet.

Afghanistan is not part of Saudi Arabia and is not allowed for the Arab World to interfer.

 Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan ibn Jahfar call officially the Hanafi

in Afghanistan immediately for the Afghan Unity and to uphold

the constitution of Afghanistan Chapter 9 Article 146.

We advice no contact with Germany and Europe

Ahmad and Mahmood are still at War. The constitution can not be changed.

A historical change in Afghanistan is after 45 years not done.

( Hinrichtung der Familie Sardar Mohammad Daoud Khan durch

(Said) Mahmood Zia in Zusammnarbeit der Akbari ist

somit 100 % bewiesen ! )

The Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul

think that Mahmood Zia has executed hundred thousand

of government members in Afghanistan and from Afghanistan world wide

sind the year 2021.

Die Begründung des Vernichtungsfeldzuges gegen jede Regierung

in Afghanistan und gegenüber der Frau und Mutter der Söhne des Said Mansoor,

sie alle gehörchen Mahmood Zia nicht.

All Afghan People know they were in the same boot of Noor ( the Prophet Noha p.b.u.h. ) build with the wood Arche

 and the word Afghan is a Pashtun word.

( The Nuristani People do not believe in Islam since 100 year, like the Barukzai Akbari told to the Murad Khani Representative, because they used them as Hanafis a very long time, and not since 1402 year, but they know the human and the history they come from is older than the

Prophet Mohammad ( p.b.u.h. ). The Afghan People all live over 2000 meter over the see level and when say Toba ( Allah forgive )

then they mean a big thing has happen with a big disaster like a volkan eruption.

شاهزد فهرافغانستان

کلیت افغانستان در تاریخ، مذهب، فرهنگ و حقیقت  شناختن

The International Security of Kingdoms made notice to the W- house ( We are not in Afghanistan, we are in Germany and the Family is belong to Afghanistan / Asia not to Germany ! ) The Center of NATO,EU,USA,Israel, FRG and the Vatican was through the children with laugh over the streets not accepted. Request to the International Security Adviser to arrest all Head of States and Ministers attended at the Summit on Peace in Ukraine cause of crimes and corruption.

A.A.B. I Afghan Afghanistan Bank I Central Bank of Afghanistan

( Officially of the  First Representative of the Afghan Trust Fund of the Central Bank of Afghanistan Dr. Shah Mohammad Mehrabi and Anwar Ul Haq Ahadi  )

Vocal for Local since the year 2018, general knowledge.

Adults from the age 70 excluded.

After the announcement of Vocal for Local and the G 20 Summit

2023 in Bharat and the recovering of Constitutions Contracts and International Courts

Officially State Representation of Afghanistan since

the year 2018

Home Office of the Throne of Murad Khani

Author and representative of Chapter 9, Article 146 ( state of emergency ), Chapter 2, Article 41 ( land ownership ), Chapter 1, Article  9 ( property of the state )

The Home Office gives herewith himselv the clear conformity in the fram of Law

Rights and Rules and his representative work on his website

Content of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

The Throne of Murad Khani have no change in his Constitution since 1978

The constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (current reference Chapter 9, Article 146) applies. Currently here in German. Murad Khani Kabul accept the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
Rauahnone is the Representative of the High Court of the Space and Airspace in the System of the First Star near the Earth
The Earth and the Nature can be without the human but  the human can not be without the Earth and the Nature

Thies website is designed in accordance with the right to express one's own opinion and serves to shed light on existing prejudices

above the person presenting here. It only pursues its own representative constitution and serves to clarify its circumstances.

Thies website is not designed to declare war or attack, but rather to defend ourselves.

The Family Asian Constitution is still set by the A.A.B.

Googoosh. Man omadaam.

Dr. Zartabib Mir Mohammad Ali Khan call to his son Mahmood and his grandson Ahmad please stop I love you and I will also buy for you both a bicycle.

The garves are full and the rivers are full of blood.

My son was taken by my wife with red stars to the places of education and

holyness and faith and he have seen a lot of blood never a man

or a child can see. And noone died noone hurt and the love is permanent and is not died.

August 9, 2024 ( 19:11 o'clock )

Dear King Charles III

We would be pleased to know your relatives in your own fram Constitution we have still

visited London and set and talked to you by my personal representative H. E. Hamid Karzai.

In the Glas we have their is no more space and the graves of milion of people

for the right to be a part of your Kingdom of Great Britain

and the right for prosperity smells over all mountains.

The Throne do not like your relatives in germany and also do not like your

german bund and community since the year 1981.

They do not well come me !

And do it the same with my family. It is not acceptabel.

They do not belong to human or animals behavior against the family of the representative Murad Khani Kabul

and his necessary responsibility to uphold the constitution of Murad Khani Kabul.

Beginng with the neighbors the Queen set to uphold distance.

The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul is clearly in a state of war against the German population.

It is very clear that they have taken my children away and fights over them. This time it is the legitimate sons.

We get no information, no contact and no permission. There is the preparation of a war, which has been officially requested.


We believe that there is no ratio of 4 to 85 million in the FRG, but that a new ratio must be defined after July 8, 2024. The new ratio is 3.8 billion to 4 + 2 ( we are waiting for the two sons and the mother ).

The new ratio is 4+2 to 8 billion.

Reason: We are in the territory of the 4.2 billion.

For Russia with love. The constitutional Juridical Support from Murad Khani Kabul at least by the Eurasian Economic Union. ( Said Mansoor M. A. are 100 % the family situatuin will be not changed. The suppoert from the yorckstr. 8 and Lüneburg and Germany is permannetly and clocked. We are sure 100 % the case can only have a military Solution. ) Wake up at 13:36 o'clock after an other attack by Germany, USA, Israel and allies for to get the sons and hold all unalwfull children as ground constitution for War genocide and war crimes specially by women on the first fornt to be good fuckt and make and made conrackt with their sex contracktor without any state or business document groundet on Constitutions or International Law. Thies time direct from Lüneurg Schröder Holger Andreas from Mälzer to represent the SPD and the government even the whole world by Chancellor Schröder and Fischer authority for war in palestine and the World.

The Isolation is part of many Royal Houses Strategy to uphold the Constitution and not be violated in privacy or public. If than War break out.

The Throne of Murad Khani is since the year 2000 in Isolation

to prevent the World War and many of the conflicts is still started

and we have a international desaster by the non respect of Law

And the reasons not to respect the Law and do war

and genocied and even abuse and kidnapping

is not written in any book.

Officially Colors of the Murad Khani Kabul representatives.

The Constitutional Language on the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul is Dari and Spanish English as

european language for cooperation.


Contact with the family of Said Mansoor without the consent of the father has been forbidden by the father since the birth of the sons. We have therefore an anomaly. The restrictions and discharges must be strictly respected and requirements and legal juridical processes.

It affects the whole period of time.

As the result we seperated the evangelic and catholic Church as well

the Islam World. We simply overrode them because the legal process was not followed. 

The conscious separation of mother and sons serves the path and result that we see. The separation is national and at the European level and the USA and Israel was deliberately brought about. Reason: The prosperity needs more Money.

Mission Impossible

The Imam Ali Mosque in Afghanistan is part of Imam Jahfar and his descendants and is considered to belong to Imam Jahfar.

His descendants are thus referred to as Jahfari and see Imam Jahfar as their Imam. Thus, Afghanistan is the land of the Jahfari, to which the Hanafis also belong.

80 % of Afghanistan are Hanafi and is teached by the Jahfari.

It is impossible that the Hanafi and the Jahfari fight eachother, also when they called sunniten. The FRG can not play Ping Pong between the mother and the father

of the sons. It is only a taktic to show you what you do not to get involved

in any cases.

And the result of your politics to Afghanistan is a disaster for the whole World.

There will be no agreement with the 1.8 billion Muslims. and 2 billion Christians give - if no understanding, but forced marriage and submission of the sons. The children in my family cannot be accepted. Mine too, because I didn't appoint them, but you.

My sons and mine are mine, and I know who is to belongs to me.

I offer you the Belal Mosque and the IZH as an exchange, otherwise you would not have my sons and mothers as yours. Thies offer is wise and worth.

Both mosques are embedded in a legal framework and only the legal framework can

recognize the contracts and relationships and declare them legal.

( The legal framwork is clear and known on all levels )

All business is taken over nationally and internationally through the representative representation of the Royla Family

with immediate effect. Excluding legal treaties on governments

level state treaties as well as legal business contracts.

Official Statement to the King of Spain

19.06.2024 ( 18:30 o'clock )

The Federal Republic of Germany, Israel and the United States of America have

attacked all levels of the constitution over the representative his sons and declared themselves innocent. The International Court of Justice in The Hague is called to crisis conference immediately.

( The immediate closure of all constitutional institutions and legal institutions and their safeguarding applies.

The Dalei Lama is to be bring to Nepal with his delegation to secure and close the state of Nepal.

All borders and airspace are to be closed immediately after the arrival of the Dalei Lama in Nepal. Foreigners are to be ordered to leave the country Nepal immediately.)

Spain need only one Document to clear and give over Germany and Europe a clearification about responsibility.

His Sultan

Juy 12, 2024. ( 20:13 o'clock )

We now ask the city of Lüneburg and the government of the FRG to carry out the reunion of the family.

A Collaps can now be initiated from bottom or from top.

From the bottom: The key was hiden under the wok ( from China ).

From the top: We had a open balcony from the baconyroom.


So, we do not see any way we should prefer the FRG, EU and the NATO

representing by the Chin-chin of USA with the NATO representative.

The western Word have now a extrem juridical problem to solve the Money they have got from

and the internatioanl policy from palesten to Afica, Asia, Spain, Latain Countries and Nepal.

And all from only one City and Street.

Document to the Vatican in Rom

Request to the muslimin

They are not your sons they are my sons and she is my wife. It is proved by your own faith. Ask them at the mosque, I declared the sons as our own belong to our community you do not care and I as father do all what I can.

The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul his Home Office is not amused for any cooperation of the Kingdome of Great Britain with the Mafia, specially the Afghan Mafia

with reference to Murad Khani Kabul Afghanistan, not from Düsseldorf, not from Hamburg or Lüneburg, or from Swiss or any possibility to declare

constitutions do not exist, like the Federal Republic of Germany.

The Throne of Murad Kahni Kabul beginn herewith the war to get the sons and the mother back to his father Said Mansoor.

Both represenatives takes immediately the oath and responsibility for the Constitution and have to respect the Law and Protocol.

The two fronts of representation have still  family responsibility to take

and have the House Right.

Die Nötigung der Verfassung meines Sohnes durch den Mann hat mit einem Klaps auf dem Po angefangen und sich bestätigt kein Respekt und Missbrauch ungehindert durchzusetzen. ( Wir mögen das Sunnitentum nicht. Sie sind 1,7 milliarden und sie müssen meine Söhne frei geben und die Mutter. Wir sind nur wenige). Do not make ours feel wrong to be guilty for you. ( Thies is the thought of the confict you present to win ours and you can't. Stay at yours you are much more than us. Very much more! And what you have done to them to feel them be guilty I know !) Thies is a old strategy to get something. The constitution was published and was taken out from the Website we have to publish again. ( Attachment declaration from July 22, 2024 9:41 o'clock ) Request to H.E. Leonor of Spain to sign further Document for clarify the reality on the ground. If the requests are not happen in the case of the family matter we will serve the document (31.07.2024 13:48 o'clock ) at 15:00 o'clock for the signature. ( We see the signature for the document as necessary because of the sons and the signature and thumbprint of older one have nothing to do in the case current case and is abused blackmailed on all possible leves to do a whole World War and destroy all the World religion states cultures and juridical Institutions the family have nothing to do with ! It is a educational case germany do not want to accept from the year 2001. ) August 10, 2024 ( 6:22 o'clock ). Leonor of Spain are free ( clear ) to order any Military Operation in Europe and Germany.


All IT ( ES ) Children IT Grils and IT People is

advised to go to the Kingdom

of Spain and get your problems solved

3.8 billion people are juridical in a trap and can not got out.

The Home Office are ready for further representation with the Basis in Zaragossa

as representative for a solution.

The recognition of Leonor de Bourbon was still happen soon through Murad Khani Kabul bevor the military academic part of Leonor of Spain and the attack of the gobierno over Swiss. The reaction of Hamburg ( Germany ) the Zia Familie and Barukzai to Saragossa was to late to understand anything.

We have allways the question to have clear and hallal economic and financial background.

The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul thanks The Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall for his aktive work to save the family.

1. August 2024 17:55 o'clock Announcement: There is now a 6 to 3.8 billion ratio for the family and applies for the military protection of the SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union under the Charter of the United Nations Article 51. We ask for the immediately return of the sons and the mother to the father and ( husband ) Said Mansoor.

Detected Crisis

Constitutional Representation

The Arg

The Cybear War

War against cybear

Translationa and meaning: Cy or sai or si

means also from the African Masai:

looking for. In thies context the abuse

privacy and the data protection law

we have. Specially International Highnisses

and Houses have a Ar constitution and the responsibility to uphold the constitution is to present specially for currency and money.

Round 1. after the declaration 18:47 o'clock. Announcement: We have declared a 6 to 3.8 constitution at 17:55 o'clock and is confirmed. The espionage from the ground floor with the immdiately report to the government and allie was given. First floor interfer is confirmed. Request for confirm: ... Round 2 20:26 o'clock. Request: Question: 1. The ADAC Contract was cancelled and now still exist. Why ? 2. I requested for 1und1 Mobile. Where are they. I got a new number for the Dorothee Börner Mobile ( Primo by Doro ) but also no any documents exist about in my Home Office anymore. 3. Who have the right to enter the Home Office, also with shoes and even with cigarrets ? Result: Sabe. 21:21 o'clock. August 1, 2024. Round 3th. Request for a standby connectivity on the same canal for online apointments for the security of the family. 22:56 o'clock. August 1, 2024 Round 4th: civil as Police at the Wallstr. about 22:40 o'clock. Request: Question if light on the bicke behind is possible, in the front i have to change the battery. What is requested by the Brauni's ? Ist es ein existierendes Schlachtruf ? Result: We have order from Germany to Saragossa from the begin of the military training and even interfer in every relationship from all representatives, türk, afghan german, kurd and arab. 23:25 o'clock. August 1, 2024. Request: Is it the existing right on the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul existing from the year 2000 and do Leonor of Spain have requested in the year 2022 the same right ? Result: August 2, 2024 11:35 o'clock. Round 4.1th. Request: Call to 1und1 ( Telecom ) no any connectivity to the family and still controlled constitutional leadership of their mind. Are the family alive ? We do not have seen the family since at least 4 month. What do the city and FRG and allies paying ? The FRG separated in August 14, 2021 by the court the family to have more fun. What is the matter ? Do the right of existence is of the family and permission on earth by the omnipotent is to be allowed ? We have to ask the same ? And cause of thies existential question a genocide of the Humanity was done ! Why ? What is going on on the minde of thies people ? We have to ask if the humanity on the earth have to ask for permission to be allowed to live at the western World, specially the women ? We have a permanent laugh and fun from the Royality of Great Britain at the first floor and the Royality on the ground floor. What is the matter ? If the telecomunication is not repaired and we do not see my sons and mother, means we have existential threat by western women. Leonor of Spain is asked to take out the Royal Camilia from her dangerous course we have seen from the begin of the Irak war in the year 2001. Result of the outcome: The effect of her course is known ! The problem of Harry and Camilia to be part of to be seen as is not acceptable and do not belong to a medial represention the question for how much media is needed ? August 2, 2024 13:41 o'clock. Round 4.2th. Request: The constitutional interfer exist at from Mrs. Camila Queen Consort and we wish to respect family matters. 15:11 o'clock . August 2, 2024. After we announced over the phone from Jousuf that the Home Office would hand over the real documents to the mother and she needed an appointment, and the man from Turkey also agreed, the telecom broke off the communication options. We continue to declare the military attack and operation against the United States of America, the Ukraine Israel and the FRG as juridical justified. Round 5th. Request: I get the PIN and the PUK in the red Dosier today back. Some one have the still kys. Who was inside the Home Office and what is thies kind of game. I still not have my sons and the mother. Result: ... August 3, 2024 Round 6th we took out because belong to the ICC and the ICJ directly. ( All documents on thies website is saved by the Law ) August 3, 2024, 20:39 o'clock Round 7th Request for the formal representation grounded by the 45-5 reality on the ground: Constitutional familiary bund is accepted to be saved. August 3, 2024 21:09 o'clock. Round 8th Request: The accepted future Queen of Spain is called to use The House Right. Result: The House Right in the case of the disrespect have the omnipotent to advice and do what is necessary. Result: ... August 4, 2024 5:05 o'clock. Round 9th. Request for all out operation to get the sons back on the frame of the Constitution 45 - 5. The Throne are ready to visit the son and the girl of both. We ask for confirm of the constitution of 45 - 5. Result : !? August 4, 2024 5:48 o'clock Round 10th. From the Result: No protocol ! And derecha is not respected. No result. No book ! We do not see in the western World any USA or Europe. It is not possible. No any respect. No solution. The interfer is not allowed and was not requested. We do not like Media and Advertising. We have our own graves. Request for the Protocol. Result: Protocol is not accepted. HoLa will be not accepted and also not a läuftahno ! The interfer in international and global matters and Kingdoms are not accepted, also not in family matter. Result is we see war since at least 2014. August 4, 2024 6:20 o'clock Round 11th. Request for the atomic destruction of the USA and the FRG in the case if the family is not in the frame and constitution of the father. We do not see any exisential right. The right is defined of to do a excessive pain to the children and family to have any right of life and prosperity. Further we have requested for the arrest of Mrs Harris and called to STOP ( - was globaly done at the oath ceremony ) not to interfer. Result: Mujer del Primero dada el Título que es necesitan para actos mundiales a Leonor of Spain. ( Answer of Leonor of Spain: Sí ! ) August 4, 2024. 7:22 o'clock. Round 12 th. Request for the formal representation: Result: Out of responsibility. Priority family care ( 6 ... ). August 4, 2024 18:14 o'clock. Round 13th. Request for the formal representation in the case of the juridical reference to Islamic Center in Hamburg and European businesses in the Islamic Word from. Result: ... August 5, 2024 6:13 o'clock. Round 14th Request for the formal representation. The possibility of communication by phone is in the postbox still detected and known by the city Lüneburg. Result: The show in Türkije is still done. Answer:Bon! August 5, 2024. 7:26 o'clock. Round 15th. Request for the formal represenation. The Throne know every service the German and allies do are requesting for output and consideration for even when at the cash register at the store they call for even 50 € if we are allowed to pass. The Throne requesting herewith for the output we have still given and constitutional exist and representatives are still do to accept. Result : Outcome: Relativization of the criminal psychological result on the highest level. August 5, 2024. 15:43 o'clock. Round 16th. Request for the formal representation. Oath: Needed notarization at the Notar Am Klostergang (Klosterhof) Lüneburg. Mr. Knipper was not at place but Mr. Blank was called. He wanted to see the documents befor to take a apoitment for us. We have to think that the ( § ) is to be requested for the Chancellery and for Germany even for all written constitution seen the ( § ) as relativization to declare from Internationsl Constitutions or juridical right from . Result : The juridical Right, Law and Constitution is known. Further constitutional declaration is not necessary. August 5, 2024. 16:43 o'clock.The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Representative of the UNSC has opened the Letter from the court Germany. We ask the 20 minutes UNSC representative das Rathaus Lüneburg ( und seine Verbündeten um Aufklärung ! ) and allies for declaration ? And where are the Family, sons and their mother ? August 6, 2024 15:19 o'clock. Round 17th. Request for the formal representation. The Kolsterhof ( Klostergang ) asked if the signature is requested to be notarization and the thumbprint is called for any request, - if it is requested for ? Is it ? And if why ? Result: Saved in case !

August 6, 2024 ( 17:21 o'clock ) Announcement

2.5 billion Christians and 1.8 billion Muslims are hereby officially excluded from the Constitution of the Murad Khani Kabul family, his sons and mother, as well as the representative of the Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M.A. from the community and the legal community.

The reason: abuse of the legitimate sons Said-Jousuf and Said-Boabour.

The Throne is in the constitution and is still waiting for the sons and the mother.

August 7, 2024 2:43 o'clock. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul asks Leonor of Spain for the signature the application to the Unitd Nations Juridical Constitution. ( Attachment document for signature ). We will wait for the last time to the FRG, USA, Israel, Court and Police of Lüneburg to solve the case. ( The request from August 3, 2024 12:35 o'clock announced on the side ICC and ICJ, International Court in The Hague is ready for signature. ) We have to declar copy of this document is taken out from the Home Office and we do not know who. Reality and Fakt is the request is 100 % juridical right ! Leonor of Spain is ordered to sign the document. ( 8:30 o'clock: Entering in the Home Office : Question to the neighbor ground floor: Have ? Answer : Yes ! ) August 7, 2024 8:44 o'clock. Round 20th, Request for the formal representation. The 45 - 5 Constitution is still not accepted and is answered with War and Horror, Anomali and the ongoing Kidnapping. Result: We will have a visit to Spain. Constitution is still set and international known. Augsut 7, 2024. 18:45 o'clock. Round 18 and 19 one more time for formal representaion. Result: ... August 8, 2024 9:17 o'clock . Round 21th Request: The Kingdom of Spain and Leonor of Spain is requested to give informationes about Said Jousuf Muhammad Ali ibn Said Mansoor and Said Boabour ibn Said Mansoor immediately. Further we will sign the document. We will go on war against the FRG directly. Leonor of Spain have the full power of command in Europe. ( Code: Code is not given ! The juridical Right and Constitution of Spain nationaly and internationaley is set and the King of Spain have still the juridical right of the authority over Spain ) . We have to note for the Basis that Germany have brought the Kingdom of Spain with the use of the mafia under his economic control. August 8, 2024. 11:24 o'clock. Round 22th. Request for the formal representation: The Home Office confirm no any juridical bund to the Federal Republic of Germany. Do not exist at any Level. Not possible ! Afghanistan and Murad Khani Kabul can not be a part of the History of Germany or Europe or USA or even the NATO. The Constitution and the religion do not allow. NATO and Europe we know Spain have no any interests. The Constitution the Mafia build the EU and the NATO we have no any interests. The interfer to do what german want to do is unacceptabel we do not want a confrontation with the first floor or ground floor. It is not possible. We have our own graves. The communication with HaLo and Mrs. Schuld will not work. No protocal no respect ! August 8, 2024. 12:06 o'clock. Round 23th. Formal representation for the 85 million Kings and Queens and Gods in Germany. We have set a constitution of 4 to 85 million and I have to uphold it. The Constitution do not allow to fit Europe Germany or the USA or the NATO. It is up to Felipe VI to do what necessary and all necessary is still done. Juridical Constitutional and declarative ! The Law Rights and Rules is to be uphold and Murad Khani Kabul have set the Chapter 9 Article 146 of the Constitution and the Kingdom of Spain have to respect ! The relationships is on all Leves to the Kingdom of Spain recognizable. The Family matter can cause a bigger war. We need a acceptabel personality even more respected than Mr. Flores. The Situation will go more worse and is wanted becaus the german citizens are not accepted by Kabul. We need a clear interfer of a human and not from any gender without any education, culture respect, religion. The Family matter is not a diplomatic matter or property matter. August 8, 2024. 15:39 Round 24th, Request: We will take juridical contact to HaLo. Result: 1. The man is constantly informed through FRG and is allway in contact to take immediately a stand and a statement. For what and why ? We have data protection and privacy. 2. The family constitution is used through the whole City Lüneburg to have still the grounded juridical financy by the father transformed to the sons specially Jousuf. Why and where are the documents. 3. We know the sons is often going to the doctor why you do not tell it to me ? August 8, 2024 19:48 o'clock. Round 25. Request for the formal represenation. Basis will stay. Result: ... August 9, 2024. 8:02 o'clock. Round 26. Request for the formal representation at the Basis in Zaragossa: Result: Result: We are waiting for the HaLo contact to solve the situation and crisis on the juridical way and the juridical existing problems. Murad Khani Kabul and Aghanistan have no any Rainbowflag. We are not your Gods or property. We told the HaLo representatives at the Yorckstr. 8 that we are waiting for the officially contact from HaLo. Result: Reality on the ground ! Spain , Türkiye, SCO, BRICS, Eurasian Economic Union and the ICJ are waiting for the juridical contact involved in the case by Murad Khani Kabul. The Juridical Case was presented to the ICC with the Application number: 29836347531354205 and the result was given by the International Court of Justice in The Hague Netherlands. The case is still Murad Khani Kabul his international relationships and constituion used by the FRG to do what they want. We are still waiting for the juridical way to solve and clear the family case. It is not a game and also not a diplomatic matter, we have facts and they are on the tabel. August 10, 2024 ( 6:31 o'clock ). Round 27. Request for the formal representation. August 10, 2024 . The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul are ready to take the responsibility of the Terror attacks on September 11, 2001 in New Yorck. We want in opposite our sons and the mother back to their father Said Mansoor M. A. . Result: The case is still solved and clear. We ask all partys to give the sons and the mother back to their father Said Mansoor. Otherwise the question of a existential right is given. The case ist from the year 2001 to 2024 solved and we ask the responsible authorities to bring them back. If not than no any rules exist for futher exchange. The Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Spain are involeved and we ask immidiately activitis to solve the case. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul thanks The Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall for his aktive work to save the family. August 10, 2024 13:55 o'clock. Round 28th. Leonor of Spain is ordered to stay at the Basis for formal representation and cooperation to get the family back. We do not understand how it is possible to hear a unknown man we never seen bevor, have with the sons and the mother psychologic soul communication without to be part of the family. Request August 11th, 2024 8:49 o'clock. Result: He plays psychiatry and owned the soul of the family. Also a technical connectivity to the brain of the father is build over the Clinic Lüneburg. Whole the City Lüneburg know it.

Result from Round 28th, 2024 ( 8:48 o'clock) : Que ? ( What ? , Was ? )

Das Ergebiss der Stadt Lüneburg und der BRD ist die Einschleusung eines Forensikpatienten in die Familie. Schläge und Misshandlungen mit dem Gürtel und ihre Farbphilosophy vom Home Office bis Doha und Königreich von Spanien. Um nur einige Gründe für eine Kriegserklärung zu geben.

Das Ergebniss dieser Veröffentlichung ist: Der Mann scheint noch immer Super zu rufen ! Und die BRD will noch immer nichts machen.

Das ist nicht normal !

Die BRD hat nichts mit Willkommenskultur oder Regenbogenflagge zu tun,

oder das Recht Existenz zu geben oder Existenz zu  nehmen.

August 11, 2024 19:36 o'clock 29th Round. Request for a formal representation. The Euro ( € ) is constitutionaly done by the Constitution exist. The Question: Where are the sons ? In Afghanistan ? In Spain ? Or in the USA ? We can not guaranty for the Dollar. It is not the Job of my Family. The Interest of the Dollar are from the birth of Jousuf their and contact through Barak Obama was technological taken to him for the influence in Afghanistan. A award by denemark her princes to be in the Home Office and at Leuphana University is, at the same way like Princes Amalia from Netherlands we have no any direct connectivity. Result: We have a global war of Ahmad and Mahmood since 1981 because we are not accepted as family member. Also my children are not accpted and is juridical not possible to get in any frame. The legal sons are in the frame. We know Spain have the overview. Result: Round 30th. August 11, 2024 20:14 o'clock. Round 30th. Request for the formal representation. The Euro Constitution is known ? Who have the Dollar Constitution ? Result: Thank you very much Michael. Columbus came from Spain and my family allowed him to the land over the Atlantic. Without Spain we never had the USA. Thanks for your conection to the Durani and Barukzai and as the officially representative and representation of USA. Of course we know you love Jousuf from the beginn and naturely also Boabour.
August 11th , 2024. Round 31. Request for the formal representation for Michael Douglas as officially connection to the whole USA and the influence of the USA over the World. Result: Basic Instinct. Do not trust friends who do not know everything about you. We the Kingdom of Spain we will find a way for your problems. We are very sorry about the arrival of Mr. J. Biden. My father and the future King of Spain are very strictly and religious. August 11, 2024 21:04 o'clock Round 32. Request for the formal representation. Result: The international matter is a frame to represent a big attantion necessary. A relationship or love is not part of or business. The Constitution do not allow a difference . Our children consitutional is respected and must be legal outherwise we get a lot of problems. A military representation and military act is for us normal. We are ready even to start any war is necessary to save and uphold the constitution of or children. If they are kidnapped or killed it will have a dimensional for the future and the contituity result. The history of the past showed of every result of interfer in our family. It will cause a global effect and we are not ready to risk any wrong behavior to our family and allways prepared early for the response, - even military. We do not like games about our family or about money. The USA is known as a gambler but we try to find the way for the US from Spain we have prepared for. Egypt and Israel is a wrong way ! Constitutional reality from Murad Khani Kabul from the year 1981: I do not like german Peopel. And my father also do not liked them and their war for knowledge and prosperity. That 's real ! Any galactical or universel course from the US we do not know about, specially not in Afghanistan. The Galaxis and the Univers will be prepared if the reality one the ground is not accepted. August 12, 2024. 12:43 o'clock. Round 33 Request for the formal representaion. - Intervention im Home Office. We do not have any need to mowing the grass infront of the Home Office. But the FRG are here and do what they want do to and support the first floor and further neighbors. Result : The women in Germany wants to take all the responsiblity happen to the family and do not accept documents rights laws and rules and further needed Constitutions. The Result from is to make a relativization for all conflicts and all matters to the Constitution of a Woman with the Name Schuld ( guilty ). Meaning: The women is guilty for all. So Frau Schuld. Mrs Guilty. Result: The Kingdom of Spain know. August 12, 2024 ( 16:35 o'clock ) Round 34. Request for a formal representation. - Request to Türkije to clear the juridical constitution of HaLo in Lüneburg, Lossiusstraße and the residenz of the sons and the mother. Result: Request for Türkiye was happen. August 12, 2024. 17:38 o'clock. Round 35. Request for a formal representaion. Mahmood Zia has interfered in the family crisis for the second time, although it was close to a solution. He himself is the cause. We have requested for Türkiye officialy at 16:35 o'clock to take oath and bring a solution. The oath of Türkiye is the same like Spain. Türkiye is Muselmahn and belong to Asia. Spain represenative for a constitutional known future all 4 holy books. Clear is Mahmood Zia and the western World lives as west represntative through the constitution of Murad Khani Kabul and have also my sons and the mother for. We have set a 6 to 4.2 billion and must uphold the juridical constitution for. The Head of State of Murad Khani Kabul will not change ! The Western World came at 17:38 o'clock but without the sons and the mother. Result: August 12, 2024. 21:38 o'clock Request for highest alert meeting Round 35. We do not want a World War between a daughter of a Professor Dorothee Börner and a Queen of a Kingdom. The door of the Home Office was open. We will request the highest allert because of the daughter of a NAZI regime the mother turned the gaza and palestine into a genocide. Not only the city Lüneburg but all germany and Europe until Spain is involved until India New York and Dalai Lama. Result: International disaster from germany for to get Money. The relationship was not wanted. The interfer in the Family and sons is not understandable. August 12, 2024 22:43 o'clock. Request for the formal representaion. Round 36. Result: No result . August 12, 2024 23:24 o'clock. Round 37. Request for the formal representation. Result: We will go by One ! Reason: We had since many times a One by One constitution on all levels. The result is a constitutional confirmity represented by Europeans and have not changed from many times. The leadership of Spain in Europe caused the Constitution is needed in all Kingdoms to uphold and confirm Basises of understanding and cooperation. Result is a new Era and change of standards for a multilateral world. The historical past of the western World is not conform with the eastern World. For that we offered the port for Spain for new outcomes in a natural way of natural goods and exchange. August 13, 2024. 00:11 o'clock. Round 38. Request for a formal representation. Result: August 13, 2024 ( 8:31 o'clock ) Round 39. Request for a formal represenation. Murad Khani Kabul do not have any property in Germany and the german constitution have juridical no any ground to prove any own property of Murad Khani in Germany. Result: Correct ! August 13, 2024 ( 11:20 o'clock ). Round 40. Request for the formal representation. Reference in Lüneburg only to the Home Office. - Request is confirmed. August 13, 2024 15:52 o'clock, Round 41. Request for a formal representation. The Home Office do not take any responsibility for Lüneburg or the Federal Republic of Germany. The Cosntitution is known. August 13, 2024 19:21 o'clock Round 42. Request for a formal representation and the response of the Ministers if a Law for two husbands is juridical for a woman allowed to have married or not ? Result : The question is still from religious and philosophical and medical also contractual matter cleared. August 14, 2024 10:32 o'clock. Request for the formal representaion. Kingdom of Spain as place of mediator and mediation between east and the west ongoing conflict of the NATO and EU against Russia. And Russia against Ukraine with existing questioned of the Constitution of Murad Khani Kabul since the year 1978 and 1976. About 45 years of War. Result: The Protocol say: We had since the begin of the Conflict no any ground cause no any protocol was accepted and we are waiting for a common ground by the protocol. ( The protocol of the accepted Queen of Spain at Saragossa: The color of Leonor of Spain is since the year 2018 known and have a officially Uniform . The color is the the same Throne of Murad Khani have with a red who is prefered. ) August 14, 2024 17:27 o'clock. Round 44. Request for the formal representation. Question : Result from HaLo ? Result: No any feedback. August 14, 20:08 o'clock. Round 45. Request for the formal representation. We have the case of no any protocol was upholded since the begin of the crisis. We have no any formal dresses and no any respect to any constitution, reference to the ICC, UNSC, Vatican and further Institutions. Result: No any understandable demands and the constitutions for. Request for confirm: The Minsters will follow all instructions of the accepted Queen of Spain Leonor. Protocol: August 14, 2024. 21:10 o'clock. Both sons are calling for the father. The mother also calling. Taxi is at the constitution of Mahmood and Akbari and hamburg also constitutional belong to the taxidrivers. The Chancler have a direct online connectivity like he knows the relationship of Leonor of Spain to Murad Khani Kabul Home Office. Hamburg got panic as they get knew not the daughter of Masud Souma was chosen but a relationship to Spain is existing since 1 year in the year 2023. The attack from the Barukzai and the relatives of the Murad Khani Kabul came to Spain. After one year relationship with Spain and to Türkiye all Constitutions was set. On october the 7th 2023 the ceremony and further ceremonys was completed. The disrespect and ignorance of the german population to accept Law, Rights and Rules and further use the sons and the mother as ground constitution for further claims cause international conflicts and anomalis. Means the germans do what they want without to know what they do with the thought of to be omnipotent and cause international misunderstanding because the ground for the activities and behavior of many politics and Business People was not understandable. Also the center of a cultur and ethnic origin people dyarbakir was in Türkiye visisted by the Hamburg Kabul Lüneburg constitution to reach any conformity. August 14, 2024 21:45 o'clock. Round 46. Request for the formal represenation. We think a permanent war could happen if the Islam Word and the Sunnitism specially in the case of Afghanistan do not respect the Law, Rights and Rules. Also illegitimat children are involved and need respect and recognition. The Constitution of the FRG respect both if legitimat or illegitimat. So the principle of Kingdoms the fight against every of them and the international conflicts and war from Germany is grounded that references also against religions. The question is what the illegitimat childrens wants ? August 14, 2024. 22:52 o'clock. Round 46. Request for the formal representation. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Home Office do not know why suddenly thies document exist. Result: We do not accept the Constitution of Germany and the grounded Constitution by the Contract of the Sachsen King and the Vatican the Pope. The Kingdom of Great Britain know thies and the conformity about thies constitutional ground for Germany to act on the international Level do not exist anymore. Result: Great Britain took the Brexist and hold on his own constitutional Pfund. The Vatican represented the EU and the Euro, the Vatican do not asked if we are confrom with. Also the Pope gave the cruse of the Vatican to the orthodox church at the coronation ceremony. If Gansewein is wachtching after the sons of Murad Khani Kabul and the Vatican do not understand they have no any power of attorney than we have to act, and we have acted.
August 15, 2024 8:16 o'clock. Round 47. Request for the formal representaion. The change of the residenz must be done immediately to yorckstr. 8, if the sons and mother are in Lüneburg, if not why the HoLo do not tell me . I do not get informations. I am righfull and clear and do not abuse or disrespect the Law. The First floor and ground floor decleared they are ES children. Mean both are working to seperat the sons and the ongoing seperation on all leves. The Result is the separation of Afghanistan and Kabul and the collaps of the currency Afghani. We have on all Levels influence and collapses is ongoing. The Ukraine war is specially direkted from the first floor and ground floor. We have international Impacts on all leves by espionage from the first floor and the ground floor and the work to separet the sons and the mother in a ongoing omniputent of Germany . The chanceller is on a standby only to the Homne Office. Kabul take the oath. Result: The interfer from Lüneburg and Hamburg exist massiv on the international levels. The Declaration is that specially the husband insult the family and the mother for that a separation was done by the IZ-Hamburg and the Belal Mosque and Türkisch community in cooperation with the foreigners in Lüneburg. The separation caused massiv abuse pysicaly and mentaly from Dr. Ahmad Zia and all sides to the sons and the mother and was wanted by the son of Charkuss and Mordagau. Evidence exist by the firm who is bringing and preparing the secound floor Schnackenburgeralle, Hamburg to Großmann ( Constitution of Dr. Ahmad Zia the son of Charkuss and Mordagau ) Dr. Ahmad Zia is not conform that Masooda do not take side for Dr. Ahmad Zia his psychological war and attacks specially to Russia 45 years of War in Afghanistan on international level to be accepted as the chosen one from Mir Mohammad Ali Khan. He was not and started by the boxer Klitschko fights against Russia and do not want to stop. August 15, 2025 ( 8:47 o'clock ) Round 48. Request for the formal representation. Result: Spain know and acting a long time for in cooperation to stop the german omnipotent. At least with a german Pope. Result: The Port is still known. Result from the round 46. : Hallo ! ( HaLo ). Spain waiting for the official juridiacl reaction. August 15, 2024 ( 9:42 o'clock ) Round 49th. Request for the formal representation. Result from round 46th : Hallo ! (HaLo). Spain still waiting for the juridical reaction ( The represenattive from the ground floor left. 9:49 o'clock ) Result: So, correct !

August 15, 2024 ( 10:19 o'clock )

Current Result of the outcome from the Kingdom of Spain

The International Court in The Hague is supported by the Kingdome of Spain constitutional Representative for.

The interfer of Europe and the United States of America in Afghanistan is a crime if any juridical way is not taken or is not proven for.

August 15, 2024 ( 11:00 o'clock ) Round 50th. Request for the formal represenation. Request to prove and allow the Afghan Airlines for flights if conditions and Constitutions is upholded and proved and to give the Airspace free. Result: ... August 15, 2024 ( 11:36 o'clock ) we have called on phone and have spoken on the vioce recoder of Frau Schuldt. We called for a juridical declaration and told them that we have Constitutional involved Spain. We are waiting now 1 hour to have a result.

Declaration of the Home Office Murad Khani Kabul

( August 15, 2024 11:45 o'clock )

Germany do not want to take any responsibility for anything happened on the international Level. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul his Office take

immediately the Oath as offcially support of the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

August 15, 2024 ( 11:52 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Germany know from the year 2000 and at least the year 2002 The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul support a International Court and try to uphold the constitution for. The UN and the UNSC know and have the knowledgment.

Dieser Krieg seit dem Jahre 2001 beruft auf uneheliche Kinder,  die ein Anspruch auf Afghanistan stellen und gestellt haben.
Es gibt somit eine realen Krieg des Vaticanes und dem Papst gegen die Islamische Welt.

In English:

Thies war since 2001 has been based on illegitimate children who have and have laid claim to Afghanistan.

There is thus a real war between the Vatican and the Pope against the Islamic world.

August 15, 2024 ( 13:48 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation of the juridical mundial Constitution. Result: Businesses on common interests are still done. Constitution declaration and juridical frame is set. The ongoing relationship over 2 years has a global effect to Asia, Africa and Latin Countries. The separation of Spain and Türkiye is constitutional made from the EU and the NATO. Asia support with the Charbahar Port Spain with the SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union. Spain have the obligation to secure and save the security of the Home Office the sons and the mother with all military possibility ( - only from Spain as Basis Saragossa ) Murad Khani Kabul have nothing to do with any military activities of Germany EU and the NATO against any country in the Islamic World since the year 1981. We have a new familiary Constitution of 6 + 2 and is to uphold. ) August 15, 2024 ( 18:12 o'clock ) Request for the formal representaion for the Order: Order of the immediately request and order of immediately UN- Mandat for the Staate Germany so called Federal Republic of germany. The Internatioanl Mafia Leader Mahmood Zia ordered to attack the childrens and the mother of all kind of abuse on all Levels. The Staat is out of control and the government is hiding himself behind religion and international Law and o not act to save the Family of Murad Khani Kabul. The out of control is existing from the year 2001. The year 2003 was set for a new begining and futher collapsed after a constitution was set.

Throne von Murad Khani Kabul , August 15, 2024 ( 18:57 o'clock )

Wir beantragen von König von Spanien Felipe VI in der BRD sofort den Ausnahmezustand auszurufen.

Die BRD ist außer Kontrolle und wird von der Mafia regiert.

Begründung: Die BRD hat sich im Rahmen der international Law geflüchtet

und hat gleichzeitig internationale Institutionen angegriffen.

Die Internationle Mafia hat nicht nur die Kinder zum Missbrauch frei gegeben

sondern auch beim Frisour die Ohren abgeschnitten. Die Mutter zur Hure erklärt

und die Söhne als Mittäter zur Illegalen Geschäfte und Handlungen gezwungen.

Auch eine Brand muss es gegeben haben die Kinder werden

trotz gewaltanwendung nicht von der Regierung und Polizei zum Vater gebracht sondern

dienen als Grundlage der Verfassung des Vaters für Krieg, Völkermord und

International illegalen Geschäften.

Wir beantragen von allen Muselmahnen die Makkah und Medina endgültig in Brad zu setzen.

Beide Statten sind seit 43 Jahren einem

finanziellen Ursprung entsprungen, das seine Nachkommen wie Müll behandelt.

In der BRD herrscht die juristische und gesellschaftliche Verfassung der Frauen die Mutter der Söhne mit richtiger Sexualtät

medizinisch abhilfe geschaft zu haben.

Und somit eine grundlegende Verfassung

für die Zerstörung der Staates Afghanistan

vollbracht und somit Türkiye mitten drin erklärt.

Die  Stadt Lüenburg hat nach 22 Jahren die Rache für sein Vorzeigetochter mit gesetzlicher Erklärung Zwei Männer zu haben

und Rache an die Menschheit auszuüben mit allen Mittel erreicht.

Die Scheidung mit den Nachrichten erklärte Türkiye mitten drin

durch die Mafia der Mahmood Zia eingeleitet über dominos

hat nicht nur eine Scheidung notwendig gemacht sondern

Vollmacht und Vertrag, dass zum Wohle der Mutter und den Frauen

in Afghanistan bei der UN sogar abgeleht wurde, von der Mafia

des Ahmad und Mahmood und trotz dem noch Gültigkeit hat.

August 16, 2024 ( 11:10 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation of the existing Constitution for the Kingdom of Spain. The color of yellow changed to gold it is not accepted. Yellow is one of common colors of Spain and India. We have no any interest of any Dorothee Börner philosophie or constitution. Result: Leonor of Spain can decide by herself if a military attack to or on the Federal Republic of Germany must happen or is necessary to do.The SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union are set on all out Readiness. August 16, 2024 ( 11:50 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. We can still hear the bunded man through the women and the city and FRG and allies in the Family that is done through sexual abuse and rape and the violence accepted. If Spain have not take any decision, ... Spain have to give a officially declaration. If not we have further ongoing. Rsesult: ... August 16, 2024 13:13 o'clock. Current announcement of the results: The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul do not accept 4.1 billion people in the frame of his family. We need not and we must not and the juridical frame for do not exist ! ( We have a last set constitution and will not change. We see the water will be opened for outside. We will not accept it . Please hold your problems for yourself ) You have still my sons and the mother . Your graves you can hold by yourself ! August 16, 2024 ( 22:34 o'clock ) Request for a formal representaion. Request for the Order to Italy to prepar for war in entering into Germany. Reason: To much weaponse, is preparing for war. Result: Italy is under the flag of Spain. The Euro is under the flag of Spain. Spain will oder what is to be ordered for Europen Kingdom. Reason: To much basis of American military and weapons. The order will be to all Kingdoms around the Federal Republik of Germany for rediness. We have to declare the first floor in the yorckstr. as Basis for America and FRG and allies. August 16, 2024 ( 23:07 o'clock ) request for the formal representaion. Question: Who is the representative King or Queen of Germany ( FRG ). Which Tribe or autoritative family have the constitution of Germany except the federal government ? Result : Great Britain have a juridical constituion to uphold. Kabul have only with Spain a constitutional Relationship. The military presens and weapons from the USA have nothing to do with a juridical constitution to defend. Euro do not belong to germany is represented by the UN and constitutional representative Mario Draghi from Italy. August 17, 2024 ( 10:32 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. We got contacted with the first floor yorckstr. 8 ringed the bell and asked the persons what they are doing and they declared they do not know what we are speaking about. Also asked why they have no any name at the bell for the appartment. Also the UNSC, the ICC and the ICJ know about ! We have contacted them at the day we recived the Hupe ( horn ). Result: They are still working and was working for the War in Afghanistan, Palestine, Ukraine and further grounded wars for properity in Germany. ( The outcome form the University of Lüneburg and the City representative for education: geil ! ) ( - you can hear the voices of the neighbor!) Result: We think the University of Lüneburg have done relativizations from the beginn of the year 2001 over Suderburg Fachhochschule and reached from Germany all over the World and done many collapses of International Institutions for to win the game ) Result: The accepted Queen of Spain Leonor will declare the Throne will not have a direct confronation with Great Britain. We wait the solution from the representative of the court Celle and we do not want wait longer. August 17, 2024 ( 11:43 o'clock ) Great Britain Prince Harry and Prince William must bring the sons and the mother to their father otherwise I will give the Order of the military attack from to Great Britain. Your relatives and descendants you have in Germany are not in control and your on the first floor do what they want, on the international Level. And your Hamburg and Dr. Ahmad connection is wrong and caused a lot of problems on the international Level. We separeted you from Dr. Ahmad Zia at the UN. Your behavior is still ongoing and have no any direct result. The juridical constitution is clear. The Queen signed a decree is abused and was planted to abuse. August 17, 2024 ( 12:26 o'clock ) Prince William representative of Great Britain musst take up stand against ( Said ) Mahmood Zia Lüneburg and Niedersachen. We order herewith let the sons and the mother bring back to their father and their partner. We will wait a distance from New Zealand to Hambug. ( Dear King Charles we had also let our relatives go their way and ignored them . We do not matter if they are alive or die, the same they do it with us. Bring your people with force in the jail. Also the UNSC is reached now of the gap about cause of the right to have the right but realy do not exist in anyway ) The Order for the military attack against the Mahmood Zia Clans over the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul is ordered. August 17, 2024. 15:42 o'clock. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul have decided to declare war against 4 states. USA, Germany , Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan. Reason: Psychological and technical control of the family of Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan. We are prepared and we can start at any time. August 17, 2024 16:32 Request for the formal representaion. Question: We had from the 9.11. 2001 a through germany a chaos in germany and the western World. We are trackted we know. The chaos is a matter of the western world. To not belong to the eastern World. The fronts have the job to recover the 45 years pasting of german policy. The tracking do not give any result but will cause more war and problems we have still see and have seen. We do not accept the western World we do not need . We musst not. Reslut: We will leave germany by disrespect the existing constitutions the western world have. The ICC and the ICJ, the SCO, the BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union will be asked to support all foreigner to leav Europr and America back to Asia and Afcia. We have the Air control and we will take also the Land and See control to leave without any respect of any western constitution. August 18, 2024 ( 16:03 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. FRG and his allies have intered over Dorothee Börner and the City Lüneburg the Irak War and Afghanistan and further inernatiosn conflicts and wars up to use the Telecom and prais the primo by Doro constitution. Result : Fakt ! ( Code : abuse of 28 by Ahmad and Mohmood ! Birth of Said Mansoor 28.04.1974, registried ) August 18, 2024 ( 16:28 o'clock ) Request for the formal representaion. We have a brother to brother war since the year 1979 in Afghanistan. The Kingdom of Spain know this. Result: August 18, 2024 ( 16:49 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. We have three basis: Saragossa, Türkiye, Kabul and Yorckstr. 8 . and the Oath in India. The military entry in India is not allowed and will cause World War. Result: The entry of Europeans or NATO or Germany in India or Asia without any permission is the lose and the out of control an will cause the immediately World War. Thies situation is constitutional taken from Said Jousuf and Said Boabour and Said Mansoor. The Throne will take immidiately juridical constitution and have declare the constitutional by India known Oath of Afghanistan. The NAZI Regime and all western allies will be military attacked. The Order is given. August 18, 2024 ( 18:03 o'clock ). Bahart ke but ke uska bache sahi ua salamat ke auara samajtahe i sub ke bolta oath sub nahi samjtahe uska bemari he. Asia y Africa do not except the oath i constitution since 45 year still ongoin. Sub jantahe ke kia karte i kia bolte leken hinsan and haiwan je nahi karte. Sarurat ke pass mere meri bache e uska mama nahi dedenge leken hamsaya y sub german adami masala nahi leken haseman and samin ke owner dektahe uska. August 18, 2024 ( 19:58 o'clock). Request for the formal representaion. Order of state of emergency in Spain, Kingdom of Spain. Flight is to be stoped immediately in the airspace of Spain. Spain had declared his sovereignty and inegrtity. Humen exchang is immediately to be stoped. Reason: We had a interfer of Selenskij and Pedro Sanches about the constitutional Oath and we have a military activity of the Eurasian Economic Union his representative Country at the border of Ukraine. The represntative Constitution of the Eurasian Economic Union will give the order for the entry into Ukraine immediately. August 19, 2024. 9:19 o'clock. Leonor of Spain is asked to bring the sons and the mother to their father Said Mansoor Mohamad Ali Khan and give offically by document the commad for. August 19, 2024 10:00 o'clock. Leonro of Spain is asked to give the offcially commad by document to nbring the sons and the mother to their father at least in one hour. August 19, 2024 15:08 o'clock. Request for the formal representation. The Telecom changed the nummer of Jousuf from: 01785898464 into 017660397164. We had a permanent comunication with Jousuf do not worked. We have to think that immens Military activity form the Telecom Germany and Ukraine was done with the constitutional groud of Jousuf against Russia and Palestin. August 19, 2024 (18:03 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. We will not request for the german Pass anymore. The Request is a Afghan Pass. The solution of the family matter is not solved. If no pass no possibility to travel. The solution for Germany is about 7 km. No Family no future. Request for the order to fix the Fragate Braunschweig behind the Tower and do not let the Fregate Braunschweig out. We are very sorry about thies act ! Result: ( Said ) Mahmood Zia ist hinter der Tower Brigde in London festgebunden und kommt nicht mehr weg. August 20, 2024 19:27 o'clock. Request for the formal representation. Conform of the Malysia constitution. And the Thailand constitution existing in the colors, red, green and blue since the year 2002. Result: August 20, 2024 20:04 o'clock. Request for the formal representation. Result: Der Mann hat die begattung aller drei Beziehungen angekündigt, die Söhne wohl eingeschlossen. Die Frage ist nur warum. Auch die BRD und Geheimdienste in Kooperation mit der Schweiz und Barukzai und Durani haben mitgemacht. Was ist das Begehren. Auch wurden Körpermerkmale zur Sprache gebracht als auch das Verhalten der Söhne als Schuldige für Krieg und Völkermord, das von der Regierung plakatiert wurde. August 20, 2024 20:21 o'clock Request for the formal representation. Question ? What kind of War we have in Europe and palestine. We do not see any religion or faith also a juridical ground we can not detect. If it is a psychological war, what is the grounded constitution for ? HaLo do not say where the sons is and where they are and what they are doing with the family. We do not want request for a Uniform. We ask Spain for massiv attack, the constitution is still known by Spain. Result: ... August 21, 2024 1:48 o'clock. Request for the formal represenation. We have set a 2 + 2 constitution by India and Japanese. Result: Constitutional not posible ! August 21, 2024 2:07 o'clock. Request for the formal representation: The red, green and blue of Thailand constitution is a conscious abused constitution by members and the begin of the war by germany in Irak. Result: The set is One by One, One plus two with four. August 21, 2024 10:00 o'clock. Request for a formal representation. The begin is a Elefant set by 2000 and started by the abuse with by 2001. Also we have a Elefant in the room like it was mentioned at the India Japanese security meeting. The Elefant was shot in Africa by, but still exist in a other direct constitution. Result: Cut of Afghan questioned coversation and diplomacy. The level is not for decided. A nonsens uneducated constitution of disrespect ! August 21, 2024 4:08 o'clock. Request for the formal representaion. A 2 + 2 constituion is not possible.The constitutions was declared by the women und girls in Lüneburg to set on the internatioanl agenda. We have dog born in many races from the women as relation constitution by women but also current a set malaisian India Japanese India constitution by declared juridical to set by girls and women in Lüneburg to be married with two husbands and have a offcially partenership. The result is a contantly fallen of international constitutions and juridical representatives by men. We have a constantly ongoing chaos by germany and gernan women on international level. Result: Constitutional juridical control of women and equality rights. August 21, 2024 4:39 o'clock . outcome: The first flour and representatives and the set 4.1 billion activities from is known from the Kingdom of Spain and Murad Khani Kabul officially as terrorists and is declared as.
August 21, 2024 7:35 o'clock. Request for the formal representation. We wil talk with HaLo and give officially the announcement of the military entrey into Lüneburg and Niedersachen. All juridical requests was not accpeted and juridical documents and talks by protocol is not given. Our last e-mail was not answered. We will enter Germany by military force. Request: The accepted Queen of Spain and the her Rey for, also owner of the given power of attorney is requested to give the last order with the officially constitution of the United Nations to HaLo in Lüneburg. August 21, 2024 8:01 o'clock. Request for the Spanisch Military Uniform. Rank Admiral. Further request: Preparation for command by receive of the Military Uniform. We rquested for the last order to HaLo and need a call from HaLo. Result: We have still cultural problems with the germans. Fakt is the Sachen King had over 200 wifes and the question for women to have two man like the man is a problem to solve the case. August 21, 2024 9:22 o'clock. Request for the formal representation. To who is germany belong. Is germany a Kingdom, a juridical state or have germany a juridical owner? Who is the owner and who gives the last order ? Do HaLo gives the last order ? If than why ?Result: The Kingdom of Spain needs signatures to solve the problem ! Germany have a flage territory and a capital city with the government ! The Kingdom of Spain have recogniced the signature of Said Mansoor in Dari. August 21, 2024 9:49 o'clock . Request for the formal representation. The phone of jousuf USA have the line for number: 017660397164 is switched off. Request for the historical permission by Spain to Colombus to sail over the Atlantic for to discover America. Who is the owner of the USA ( America ) and whom do it belong ? The sons do not like to stay at the man, why HaLo do thies game ? Result: August 21, 2024 10:23 o'clock. Request for the fromel representative. The telefon was blocked as I wanted to send Jousuf he have to say the man he can not stay at our familie, after that the police intfer and the mother called i am god i am god ! We request to the Kingdom of Spain to ask the USA for the by Spain officially discoverd Territory of America ( USA ) and the hand over immediately. The document must be signed. The Kingdom called and also we call now to stop for the USA if not we will call for the hand over. Result: We request herewith for to aks the USA and Germany and Israel for the hand over my sons Jousuf and Boabour. August 21, 2024 12:44 o'clock. The United Natiosn have still not accepted the Emirate Afghanistan and will not accept and is still not recognized by the United Nations. We Order herewith to Stop all international Aid to the Emirate Afghanistan and order the Kingdom of Spain to stop all financial aid immediately. This is a imperative Order ! Reason: The USA, Israel and Germany still holding my sons kidnapped. The SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union is called immediately to stop all activities for Afghanistan. And we call the ban of Air, Land and River over Afghanistan immediately. August 21, 2024 12:46 o'clock. Request for the formal representation. Result of the outcome : We see the interfer of Barack Obama since the year 2014 and is still going on without asked him for any help. ba is not written from the Home Office , wrong ! August 21, 2024 13:16 o'clock. we have a permanent interfer of the man to use violence against the sons by the belt, to spit to order to keep the cigarettes from the floor and use of violence against the sons and the mother allowed by the neighbors of yorckstr. 8 and further, Schützenstr., the City of Lüneburg, government of Germany and the 85 to 700 million people who know it and get profit from. Even the UNSC is collaped and abused by the City of Lüneburg and yorckstr. 8 neighbors 1. floor, groundfloor and further to circle the United Nations into the frame of the crimes of gernocid and war crimes inside the matter of Afghanistan. August 21, 2024 17:35. Request for the formal representation. Call of the mother and the offer to let the sons at the weekend to the father. We have not accepted. Befor the offer all system of the internet was cutted. The Website and the internet in cooperation of the representative of the city Lünbeurg und Germany and so the western World. We do not accepted. We are talking about kidnapping by the city Lüneburg and western World all together, now. Result: We will not visit Spain and also not Türkije. The international Criminal Court is called in the case of Afghanistan because of war, genocide and war crimes by the city of Lüneburg germany and western allies specially in cooperation of the ground floor at the yorckstr. 8 and the cooperation of Telecom was serving and is serving and misusing in coopertion with the USA and Israel the family and was comming infront of the door in black. Result: August 21, 2024 17:35 o'clock. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul will go in war against the Kingdom of Great Britain and order the preparation of the war against England Great Britain. The SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union is ordered from the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul for preparation.

The set One plus One, One plus two with four is cancelled.

August 22, 2024 12:47 o'clock. Request for confirm of the constitution by the ICJ and ICC in The Hague Netherlands: We are sure that the man do with coercion and violence against the sons and the mother to give a wrong and fals testimony and are fearful of their life and the city Lüneburg HaLo and the FRG ( BRD ) and Ukraine know thies and do a World war with their Coantitution against the Eurasian Economic Union. Restlut: The Internatioan Court of Justice has confrimed the existing constitution and is aware of ! The man is not allowed to be in the family and have a constitution in the frame of 4.1 billion people the same juridical constitution, confirmed by the Kingdom of Spain with the declared W- Hotel and announced the danger. Result: The man must go out from the family. Better later than to late. August 22, 2024. 13:37 o'clock. Request for the formal representaion. The constitution is known in Afghanistan since the year 1976 and in germany since 1981 and the education result of facts is clear since the year 2000. The year 2002 is confirmed by a juridical dicision of the court Lüneburg Germany. Result: If the man do not go out from the sons and the mother I will not accept Aisha. The man must bring the sons and the mother back to their father and juridical partner. The man from Türkiye must follow my order and he do not ! Not only one order and also not only one request ! He wants that I confirm for the conflict that he have his behavior. August 22, 2024 14:11 o'clock . Request for the formal representation. Order for to cut all Fruits from Latin countries immediately. Request for the Order to cut all Bannanas, the Annanas , Suggar and Coffee . The Latin Countries needs the fruits by themslef all Contract made without any confirmity of the Throne is to be cancelled immediately. Foreign people from Europe in Latin Countries without any juridical constitution is requested to be arrested in jail. All Container ships must be stoped immediateyl and return to Latin countries immediately. Also ships still not opened in Hamburg and Europe have to be closed and return back to Latin Countries. The Oil Energy for the ships will be payed and have to be payed by the Leonor of Spain only for the return. The questioned Oil for energy in the past was payed for must be asked. Result: We do not have the conformity. They need Money ! The fruits do not test !? It is not possible to ship fruits. Coffee do also not belong to Latin countries and do not test. Caffee is a product of Ehtopia. Only the Italy have the good coffee and comes from Ethopia and the conflict existed for decades in Eritrea and Ethopia, we have solved it over Algeria. August 22, 2024 15:05 o'clock. Request for the formal representation. We called the Police at 15:05 in Lüneburg and asked is something happened in the Schützenstr. 98- 100. They do to give and wanted not to give any information and was also not in the past ready to give any information. Result: Yo sabe mucho ! The Kingdom of Spain is tracking the constitution of el pueble Lüneburg ! August 22, 2024 15:22 o'clock. Request for the formal representation. We called the police at 15:22 and gave the conformity Lüneburg Germany have to be prepared for a conflict with the Kingdom of Spain. We are sure the military activities against Spain was happened, also political and criminal in cooperation with the Mafia and cooperation with the police themself. Result: The omnipotent still exist ! August 22, 2024 15:45 o'clock. Polan and India result: The football team to the world cup needs fighter-jets to be escorted !? Polan have a historical education given about Europe for we are very pround of. Also polan do not know Preuß or Russia we do not care about. 16:27 o'clock. we called the police at 16:27 o'clock and asked for information about Schützenstr. 98-100. They asked as about what ? The polan and India summit is asked with questions... No answere we will cut the Summit immediately ! We have a Johannes Paul constitution and we rethink about the summit because the police do not work with us and do not answer our questions ! Also the Euro we have given amount a big amount to Polan and Estland Letland and Litauen is questioned ! Summit with polan has no any result the Police of Lüneburg do not cooperating with Bharat and we will have to cut all relations with Europe. Russia will be the only one cooperation partner to solve the conflict. Eurasian Economic Union is in War with Europe . We have the Oder to take all polan Letland Litauen Estland and go forward until Germany complet and will clean the country from German People. Asia and Africa will have to stop all Studient exchange. The Studient exchange with Europe is nonsense. European are maybe allowed to come to Asia but Asia do not need for any Exchange. Asia is independet. We will give our people the correction and see to the past and will begin the natural mind befor 45 years. The timeset of climate change is comming from Europe and is about problems they can not solve. Most of the western people are uneducated and lost. Only one of them the Ukraine President caused for to work for Germany, EU and the western World a holy disater for the Humanity. India is called for help and is maybe ready with to introduce Rupie as one of the asian most expensive currencys in the World. And India is ready for his own currency to pay by any business. All contracts of the European Union must be resigned by the Kingdom of Spain. Europe have origin only Amber for any exchange for business. Result: The result is for Spain in germany no any understanding in all activities of the Barukzai and Zia Family and allies, Arab, Kurds, Afghans, Sinti and Romas and germans. Why they do the violence against the sons and the mother and what do they want ? We have every time again and again the question what do they want? They separating the sons the mother and the father and abuse them and the result is conflict and collapses. Why ? August 22, 2024 22:18 o'clock . Request for the formal representation. Request for to confirm. Result: Cooperation, we have 1 + 2. August 22, 2024 22:50 o'clock . Request for the formal representation. Request for to confirm. Result: Mute August 22, 2024 22:57 o'clock . Request for the formal representation. Request for to confirm. Result: Mute. Result: Thankfull for Aragon they have to need to be awarded. August 22, 2024 23:24 o'clock. Announcement: The imam is diagnosed with an enlargement of the anus. After one's own son was annal fucked by Christian Syria, it seems that nightly visits with prior anesthesia to the father were also held annal intercourse. The international relationship of the home office of the Murad Khani Kabul urges everyone to obtain a constitution when there are no treaties. It is probably obvious that about the revenge of Dorothee Börner and the cooperation of Prince Harry and Hamburg clans, the father and the sons have to deliberately hold an annal intercourse so that there is a Christian, Jewish and Muslim equality about the recognition of the father is heterosexual and has intercourse with men, which does not correspond to the truth. In addition, it should be noted that the 1st floor has direct access to Aragon and Zaragoza and that all representation and incidents belong to the 1st floor and the first floor is deliberately comprehensible. Our son Jousuf have the kys of his home to his father and so the man who is with the family was comming with prior anesthesia over food and drinks in the kitchen for give the father a annalfuck, also many other people who have the key must be inside the flat and gave the Imam annal fuck like they do with the sons. Why they do it we do not know and is a act of Mahmood Zia and Ahamd Zia international Mafia leaders. The father and the sons and the mother are still not done, we are waiting for the rest of 4.2 billion humanity to do with us contracts. 4.2 billion people we will hunt and your are allowed to hunt us. It means we will kill and destroy 1.7 billion sunnits and 2.4 billion christian belong to the Vatican or to nowhere. August 23, 2024 6:36 o'clock. Request for the formal representaion. First floor and ground floor and further neighbors are involved in the anesthesia of the Father fro give him Annal fuck by the cooperation of the matter of the Aragones. We will take our request back to have done any conformity. The spekulation is only of One and have the refer to Said Boabour with the reason that the father has been annal fucked and have no any right anymore. Also underpants is taken out from the Home Office. Result: The Home Office still exist and the documents are effective. To be fucked and have no any rights we need a declartion ? Also the accepted Queen of Spain is called if she lost her rights ?

Current outcome from the representaion from 85 milion to 4.2 billion people of the western Word not accepted constitution.

The declared  inharitance in Kabul Karte three by Mir Mohammad Ali Khan had the result the ordered by (Said) Maomood Zia to be fucked in front of the public

outside of the area of the residenz because the father gave the declaration of inheritance to his son Said Mansoor.

The Father declared to  his son (Said) Mamood Zia that he is a annalfucker.

To have lost his inheritance and was given to Mahmood Zia was a

result of 45 year of war in Afghanistan.

Also now the sons get from the Mafia of Mahmood Zia and 85 milion cooperation Parteners

and 1.8 to 2.1 billion muslims Sunnits the declaration that the

father is fuckt and the neighbors in the Yorckstr. 8 can and will testify

that the father is annalfucked and have lost his right and his inheritance.

The Koran and at no any declared rules is written

that when a man or child is fuckted and will lose his right also not

the accpeted Queen of Spain who is in kidnapping constitution of Aragon

by the order to be degraded.

August 23, 2024 7:15 o'clock Request for the formal representation. Request for confirm the constitution is represented by the Aragones to declare the rights of German people the kidapping of my sons and the declaration after let fucked the father with anesthesia Throne of Murad Khani Kabul accepted only one of the family as heir to get the world omipotence and close the Braunschweig and India Fregate behind the tower bridge in the temse by the german relatives of Great Britain. Result:

The declaration is:

The inheritance still exist and is Said Mansoor Mir Mohammad Ali Khan. The heritage has been not changed since

the war of Mahmood and Ahmad Zia started by the death

of Mir Mohammad Ali Khan in the year 1978 and the declaration by the son of Mir Mohammad Ali Khan Mahmood Zia sleeping in a tent outside with all the family,

leave him alone and declar him he sleeping in Pasha-Khana do not

changed anything.

The current war of the Eurasian Economic Union against Germany and the USA is juridical from all juridical frames

justified and juridical rightfull and will be done.

Fact is: Germany and the USA know the facts.

Mean the war war crimes and genocide is done


Mahmood Zia had with the birth of Mariam Zia ( 1978 ) a new constitution for to use against Afghanistan and Kabul to declare

his rights.

Germany and the USA know thies and have the knowledge

but do nonetheless war war crimes and genocide.

And the most dangerous women and men of german people

are who confirm the reality.

To do the Annafuck to the Throne Holder of Murad Khani Kabul by prior anasthesia by Lüneburg community

was the prior decalration of the women in Germany to be a fucked community.

Reality is the Throne Holder is a man and not a women

also he have sons and not daughters.

The same is done by the son Jousuf 8 - 12 year and began by the Kindergarten hidkamp.

To give him drugs and to do with him what the community wants.

Also the 6 year old son was given to smoke drugs by the accepted man in the family.

The Problem of the Community of Lüneburg and Germany is the daughter Dorothee Börner was still fucked

by her father and the behavior was not understandable.

So to do a World Collaps for the rights of Lüneburg and Germany over Afghanistan since the year 2001

is juridical not rightfull and will be not accepted.

The man declared that he wants to fuck everyone of the Family and thies declaration was and is accepted by Lüneburg, Germany, USA and allies.

Spain have announced the W-Hotel also the Office

announced published all claritys.

The NATO wanted by the kidnapping of the family also to get fucked

all family members.

(Spain is a NATO and EU member and know all the facts

about Germany including the first floor and ground floor and futher

representatives in Lüneburg and Germany. To visit a book summit

in Germany is a behavior to show what Spain is thinking about the german letarature)

- We think a nonsense criminal butchers and criminals

of community with a big sexual need -

Dear community of Lüenburg and Germany I have the right to examin my sons they are my sons and I must I am the father.

I Personal will clean Germany from all germans

who have throught they must interfer in my family and have the

right over them.

Dear community of Lüenburg and Germany I have the right to examin my sons they are my sons and I must I am the father.

I Personal will clean Germany from all germans

who have throught they must interfer in my family and have the

right over them. Not only one german I will leave behind.

All german people will be hunted until the last one.


The western World have the philosophy to see everyone fucked

if men or women and the equality from to get right by done sexuallity

for property prospertiy and rights !?

August 23, 2024 ( 10:05 o'clock )

We have the reality of Mr. Selenskij cooperation to have fucked all three heirs of the Throne of Murad Khani

Kabul to declare the NATO, USA and Germany specially the Durani and Barukzai ( Akrami, Akbari ) as the winner

of the World.

We will declare the state Afghanistan as lost

after the last visit of PM N. Modi behavior and reactions

without words.

The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul declare herewith not to be anymore part of the humanity.

We the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul do not care anymore

about the World and the Humanity.

The Throne do not want to be a part of Afghanistan

or the World.

The world is not accepted by the Throne of Murad Khani

Kabul. We do not see any Human.

The Family is ready to leave by any possibility.

The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul see the humanity and the

World as lost !

We have a systemaic interfer in our declartion. We think we are still kidnapped and the fucking prossion of our family is not come to the end.

We ask one more time to bring our bodys after the abuse

to our gaves in Kabul Graves of Mir Mohammad Ali Khan.

We declare one more time 4.2 billion juridical not part of our frame

You must accept it. We do not care if you are alive or death.

Even we think your are not part of the humanity. We are sure !

You have started a war of live or death to get our children.

Who are you ? And Who are we, the father and the sons ?

We need a declaration what you think who we are

what rights we have our property and your rights to us ?

August 23, 2024. 11:58 o'clock. Request for the formal representation.We need a declaration what you think who we are what rights we have our property and your rights to us ? We need a conformity of the question ! Result: No result !

Current outcome August 23, 2024 ( 12:11 o'clock )

Asia will be separated from Europe and the United States of America. The SCO his headquater will stay for all the times in Peking. From The BRICS

have Spain a access from Russia and so to the Charbahar Port and can take contact direct with Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali Khan.

The Accepted Queen of Spain Leonor of Spain have the right to take contact by phone anytime H.E. wants with the Representative of Murad

Khani Kabul. If She H.E. likes we will also declare officially Leonor of Spain part of the Throne and as that what She H.E. wants at the side of Said Mansoor to be is accepted by the Throne S. M. Mir

Mohammad Ali Khan.  The compromise of H.E. will be accepted. The Eurasian Economic Union is still in the leadership of Russia and Russia have to solve the conflict they have with Ukraine, the EU and the NATO.

Russia his Government is given herewith officially the Power of Attorney to solve the German Conflict and abuse of the family and have the order

to bring the sons and the mother from the Schützenstr. 100 back to the father and partner Said Mansoor yorckstr. 8.

Every further mind setting and words and even political activities of neighbours and the population of germany will cause dramatically consiquesces and military activities with enormous disasters.

The Throne is officialy the founder of the Eurasian Economic Union.

August 23, 2024 13:21 o'clock . Request for formal representaion. Request for confirm. Result: The Queen and the King of Spain have still given H.E. and is part of, - the Throne sepatrated. August 23, 2024 13:53 o'clock. Request for the formal representation. Request: Germany have still minute to minute blood and meat hunger of human. The Family is still hunted. Result: The declaration is still made in the year 2017 in Kabul. All political and military activities from germany has given the consiquensces of war we have now. Result: Alle Nachbarn und die Stadt Lüneburg hat eine Zugang über die Schlüssel die nur dem Sohn zur Verfügung stehen. Auch Zimmerschlüssel sind zum eintreten vorhanden. Die Schlüsselzylinder müssen einige male gewechselt worden sein damit nur ein Vorrecht Berechtigter in das Home Office eintreten kann. Wie oft über den Repräsentanten Annalprozessionen über die Betäubung der Lebensmittel stattgefunden haben ist nicht nachvollziehbar. Auch die Anzahl und Herkunftsländer der Personen ist nicht bekannt. Auch der Sohn befindet sich in einer ständigen Prozession durch die Stadt Lüneburg und ist durch die Polizei Jugendamt und Regierung geschützt so dass ein Prozess des Missbrauches als Freiwild über sich ergehen zu lassen hat. Zudem wird er als Mitarbeiter der Polizei seit längerer Zeit misbraucht, so dass der Krieg der EU, USA Germany und der NATO gegen Russia nachvollziehbar sein soll. Es wird seit 22 Jahren noch immer für die Stadt Lüneburg und seine Regierung an die Islamische Welt, Afghanistan und Königshäuser die mentale und körperliche Rache ausgeübt. Vor allem weil wir mit ihnen nichts zu tun haben wollen. Die Abnahme der Unterschrift der Anzeige gegen den Mann der die Frontscheibe zerstört hat wurde gleich als Möglichkeit gesehen dass USA und Britain einen Militärschlang im Ausland ausüben, ohne UN-Mandat. August 23, 2024 15:14 o'clock. Result of the India Ukraine meeting. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul would like to advice Ukraine to decide for his own culture and ethnice belonging to be part of Russia . The Eurasian Economic Union will be a offer. To be a part of the sons of Murad Kahni Kabul or abuse them to enter in the EU or NATO is not a solution and is not possible. For that the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul have given up both the EU and the NATO and are not part of them anymore. The juridical and representative constutution is for the Kingdom of Spain. August 23, 2024 18:22 o'clock. Request for the formal representation. Request for confirm about the case of the written divorce and the Power of Attorney given to the SCO. Result: All constitutional violence and criminal acts against the Familiemembers must be follwed. The order is to be set must to be followed, imperative. All constitutional frames is still set and will not change if all 6 + 2 is still the constitution the western world has to follow and respect. The must includes also the crimes of Ahmad and Mahmood and the Family itself and their allies, and if the World War must be done, the order must be imperative to do if the juridical frame and constitution exist. The Time set will not change if the basis and Coanstitutions and Rights and Law exist. A outset to the space from is constitutional not allowed. By have solved the problem USA and Germany the rockets must be return because of danger by out of control. Russia is requested to prepare the conditions for return. ( hereby we request for all interfer not to do in the Website, it is stupid and nonsense ) August 23, 2024 18:50 o'clock ( the interfer : he is writting ! ) Request for the formal representation. We have still a omnipotent and it is not accepted, because the reaktions belong to the interfer and the Ping Pong of the involved and with the sons and the mother. India has detected that the case can not be solved by diplomacy. Germany do not want the case to be solved, we have done a lot on all Levels, the interfer is to be omnipotent and do not need a solution. Every interfer from Germany and german speaking people is not accepted. We have set the Home Office language in Spain, English and Dari. The language can not be cultural detected. Result : Military Order for Leoner of Spain constitutional allow the enter of all Fighterjets against Germany into the airspace of Germany. Die offene Gebaudetür ist für meine eigene Familie gedacht nicht für die Öffentlichkeit. Die Nachbarn haben es wohl falsch verstanden. Somit ist die Involvierung der Nachbarn im Familienkonlikt auf internatioanler Ebene für Geld und Macht nachweisbar, die von der Verfassung des Mahmood Zia profitieren. Spanien weis, dass ich alleine arbeite und auf keine Person angewiesen bin. August 23, 2024 20:58 o'clock. Request for the formal representation. Military Order for Leoner of Spain constitutional allow the enter of all Fighterjets against Germany into the airspace of Germany. The open building door is for my own family not for the public. The neighbors must have misunderstood. Thus, the involvement of the neighbors in the family conflict is international level for money and power, who benefit from the constitution of Mahmood Zia. Spain knows that I work alone and don't depend on anyone. Result : Comment from the first floor: correct ! Result of the outcome: The First floor is permanetliy woking together with the man in the family and diliver all constitutions the man and hie allies needs ! Mean direct involvement of Hamburg, Berlin , Munich, Köln, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, New Yorck, White House and further representatives for the western Word, specially in the case of Ukraine at the UNSC, UNGA. ICC, ICJ, SCO, Eurasian Economic Union, Shinzo Abe, China, Korea, Afghanistan, Great Britain, Spain, South Africa, Vatican . Germany is prepared for the Word War and can without any juridical interfer enter the temse and the tower bridge has to be opened for them. Grounded moral and ethnic declaration: All arshols are fuckted also the Secratery General of the UN to have the juridical constitution to do further omnipotent decisions. August 23, 21:38 o'clock. Request for the formal representation. The Secretary General of the United Nations is from Portogal and his Constitutions is juridical not a matter and is secured by the Kingdom of Spain. The juridical interfer of Braunschweig and Germany in Great Britain is a provocation of War and means the enter of Great Britain. Germany is not a Kingdom ! India have many Kingdoms. Result: August 23, 2024 23:34 o'clock Request for formal representation. Request for confirm. Result: August 23, 2024 00:09 o'clock Request for formal representation. Request for confirm. Result: Around 24:00 o'clock the Eurasian Representative and SCO and BRICS representative P. M. N. Modi asked for the sons and the respect for the Country Ukraine. Mr. Selenskij confirmed to give the sons back to their father and let the constitution to their family owned an own sons of the father. August 24, 2024 00:33 o'clock. Request for the formal representation. Request for to confirm the readyness of two Misilles from the Indian Fregatte in the temse on the Reichstag Building and the Chanceller Building. Preparness Readyness by anytime. Reason: Standby interfer of the first floor still exist and will not change by the next use of the switch we will give the order. Result: The man is stucked and do not want give the family free. We can not accept any criminal act from the man and also not in our name or in the name of my sons or for the sons. It is not nessecary. If the Chancellor do not stop the case we will give the order to start the misilles. August 23, 2024 8:03 o'clock . Request for the formal representaion. Request for the order to start two missilles on Lüneburg from the fregatte of India in the temse on the City of Lüneburg immediately. Result: No any result. The stadby cooperation of the first floor do to have a effective work for have no solution or solution only they like for, set constitutions and frames to continue. Result: We have visited the first floor and asked them what they do and for whom they work. They do not know anything and do not know what we are speaking about. Result: Still set of the constitution of war. If a Solution like the father wants should come the forst floor ground floor and first floorleft maybe will die because they work the father shoul lose agaist the international move for to sole the case, Also the man will die. All needs the sons and the mother to stay alive ! August 24, 2024 ( 11:24 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Yorckstr. 8 and neighbors are the basis for the war against Russia and specially the father. Germany USA Israel and allies needs the sons and the mother to stay alive. The man will die if he have not the family in his conditions. Result: Germany, USA , EU and Israel do not understand why we do a war to get our sons and the mother back . 43 years of war in Afghanistan was a big party all over the World. Also party at the mountain of Moses had recived from Allah his rules. Specially the women serve standby open legs to say they are not guilty and all is good. The government have the rule of Law called heating Rule for all women. ( The warrior of the ground floor is started at 9:00 o'clock to go for new constitution ) Result: Ruled constitutions and rights still exist ! August 24, 2024 ( 12:07 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul will suggest and make a offer to leave Ukraine alone on his fight against Russia. We will request for the Order by the Kingdom of Spain to hold the EU ( part of the NATO ) back for the interfer in the war. The Kingdom will be requested not to represent anymore the EU, ( part of the NATO ) and the EURO ( € ). And more will follow.

Outcome August 24, 2024

The EU The NATO and Germany and the Telecom is asked to leave the case we have a big problem we can not use and is not detectable.

We think we are at World War and we will continue the war against the Federal Republic of Germany the USA and Israel

also we will all involed countries who think to have befinit

of the abuse and kidnappin of the sons will be military attacked.

All orders is set.

(The son Jousuf is right and know what to say.)

Mean he can not and is not allowd to speak from the begin

at the kindergarten Hidkamp.

The SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union

his representative was by passing of a german

at the home office confirmed in black and dark green

that the representative of Germany is passing here know

what happen with the father and past away by the ceremony

of France about death of pilots at 2:05 o'clock is real.

How he can know it ?

The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul have to declare that the juridical and constitutional declartion of war and destruction

even the call of banks for money is not anymore a declaration of the permission is musturbation allowed or not

the new chapter is that you will and have lost your authority if you have been fuckted,

and the ethnical constitution to lose your property and family is if you have been fucked.

Thies declartion is represented by the western World, also representative

of the Ismailian School and the IZ-Hamburg and his representativ Mahmood Zia. If you do not want and is not happen to you you will get

anesthesia, if child or adult, here specially men, and you will lose

your property.

The SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union will never take the Ukraine as Ukraine as member of the asian Institutions.

Specailly not if My son of the Throne of Murad Khani is in a relationship of any Ukraine peopel coppeled without any

permission of the father and do in his name cause he is now part of Ukraine

and the Durani and Mafia Oraganistaion of Mahmood Zia part of them. We will destroy every Castel in Ukraine if one of them is enterned by the footstep of my son.

And if one of the castel represents all castel of Ukraine

and thies caste have a relationship than we will destroy all.

We the Throne refused a marriage offer by the first castel of Ukraine

because we know the history of Afghanistan.

Ukraine have no any religion and no any constitution and no any history,

destroyed by the Durani.

We had many times suposed not to lose the partnership to Russia.

Russia is a big country and is origin taken by mongolia and the mongol Empire

is represented by India juridical, constitutional, contractual and ducumentary.

Without Russia is nothing possible. Realy nothing !

Hamid Karzai declared: Dear Ukraine you will los. Thies is selfdestruction by abused of the western countrys specially

Germany. Maybe the women have the need in the castels to be married but do not find any way who !?

The illegal economy is illegal to Germany and Europe, sorry !

How can Germany and EU benifit from Ukraine and Ukraine have to request for the EU ?

Germany have nothing ! Even not potetos origin from Germany !

August 24, 2024 17:30 o'clock . Request for the formal representation. We have a permanent war and genocide since the year 1981 from Germany and the war of believing and faith is still going on. The Family of Said Mansoor do not belong to Germany and Europe . We have a international disaster from the policy of Germany for prosperity and property. The war conflict is cofirmed and is juridical and religious reality. Germany have a religious war since at least 1981 and is going on further with the sons of Said Mansoor with grounded constitution in Murad Khani Kabul Afghanistan and should continue. Result: Said Mansoor his sons Jousuf and Boabour and their mother will only cooperate and have a relationship in Europe only with Spain. Türkiye is still consitutional as Türkiye historical named as. August 24, 2024 18:07 o'clock. Request for the formal representation. Request for to confirm the reality. Result : Der Mann in der Familie bekommt seine Infos und Konformität ständig und standby von der Yorckstr. 8. Das ist eine Kriminelle Handlung. Wir werden jeden Staat der von ihm profitiert, so wie die BRD ihn schützt und polizeilich unterstützt militärisch angreifen . Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. hat dazu 100 % juristische Rechtsrahmen und wird das tun. In English: The man in the family gets his information and conformity constantly and on standby from Yorckstr. 8. This is a criminal act. We will militarily attack every state that benefits from him, just the Federal Republic of Germany protects him and supports him with police support. Murad Khani Kabul have 100% legal framework for this and will do it. August 24, 2024 19:47 Request for the formal representation. Constitutional confirmity of 50. Reslut: August 24, 2024 20:11 o'clock. Request for the formal representation. Germany and their allies needs my sons and the mother to stay alive. I as father do not know what happend with the sons since they went to kindergarten. My job is to uphold their constitution. Means I have to see and watch what the FRG do nationaley and internationaly. All reactions against the FRG is calculated. Result is Germany needs the complet NATO to be secured and only over the FRG ! Request for confirmity. Result: Spain do not understand why the NATO had upholded their biggest exercise over the FRG. And the World also do not understand. August 24, 2024 22:26 o'clock Request for the formal represenatation. Result: Authority recovered !

August 25, 2024 ( 6:38 o'clock ) set of daily briefing

August 25, 2024 7:00 o'clock 1. Briefing. Request for the formal represenatation. Result: Authority recovered ! August 25, 2024 8:36 o'clock 2. Briefing. Request for the formal represenatation. Result: Authority. Result: Request for the order to India to serve Leonor of Spain with all kind of Indian Tee and Masala for a healthy oath. August 25, 2024 9:35 o'clock 3. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Dr. Ahmad and Dr. Mahmood was sinked in the temes by be presented through the Fregatte Braunschweig. Result: August 25, 2024 12:03 o'clock. 4. Briefing. Request for the formal representation Result: Nowledge about the reality constitutions exist, people needs mucho mas ! August 25, 2024 ( 12.53 o'clock ) 5. Briefing. Request for the formal representaion. Confirm of the assassination of the future Queen of Great Britain Lady Diana through the house preußen in cooperation with the Aghan Mafia. August 25, 2024 ( 13:14 o'clock ) 6. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Confirm of the expanding of preußen through the EU. And the war of house preußen in Ukraine against Russia with declaration from Austria to President Putin Ukraine is part of Katharina the Great. August 25, 2024 ( 13:29 o'clock ) 7. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Saragossa have a maleta with 5 and 4, it is not accepted by the Leonor of Spain. House preußen know thies and use. August 25, 2024 ( 13:53 o'clock ) 8. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Leonor of Spain have to request for Germany and so for the house preußen to stop his World War and expandpolicy territorial with the constitution of Murad Khani Kabul immediately. The FRG have to capitulate and give all his territory to Russia. And pay for all losses and damages World Wide since the year 1981. August 25, 2024 ( 17:08 o'clock ) 9. Briefing. All what the sons and the mother happened is comming from the espionage from the Yorckstr. 8, 21335 Lüneburg. The acts are brutal, horror and distruction in the fram of the family, regionally, nationally and internationally. The city , the government and beyond all are taking part and even the UNSC has been involved from. We do not know how many thoused or milion people have a hearing aid to the Home Office to take part be a part and do a legal business from the information in cooperation of the Akbari Akrami barukzai and Durani and the Government . Result: ... sorry we advice to the International Court of Justice. If the System collaps than we have to sepparet us from the western World, and have still taken the way. August 25, 2024 ( 19:11 o'clock ) 10. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. The conflict will not end and can not end. The conflict is consciously plant and set. The protocol do not allow to take the family . We have still a collaps, now all is searching who is guilty for. Lüneburg und Germany know the rist and know what they do. Objective and factive also from the satellite can be seen the family is separated. August 25, 2024 ( 19:48 o'clock ) 11. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Result: Ping Pong still exist and confirmity is present. August 25, 2024 ( 20:00 o'clock ) 12. Breifing. The conflict can not be terminated with relativizations. The problem exist since 2000. But still going on of nonsense. Wkipedia declared and published what relativization is talk about. August 26, 2024 6:15 o'clock 13. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Request of the Kingdom of Spain for the set from the year 2022. August 26, 2024 7:30 o'clock 14. Briefing . Request for the formal represenation. ( Inerception ) Interfer ( of the World War ) through Battermann at 7:30 o'clock representative of the conflict and war we constanly have through germany at the window like further cars and van in the past at the window we had. August 26, 2024 ( 9:13 o'clock ) 15. Briefing. Request for the formal represenation. Constitution still confirmed. August 26, 2024 10:17 o'clock 16. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. The by Queen of Great Britain made contract with germany for to care is accepted for the own benifit without to accept that the contarct partner is death. The future King of Great Britain is the holder of the by Queen made contracts. If the representative is not accepted the contracts will lose his effectiveness. Thies fact is international known by the International Law. The order of all heritage is naturally and juridicaly exist and existing. Also to hold the heritage for the heir untill the heir is 18 years old to get the heritage. August 26, 2024 10:34 o'clock. 17. Briefing. The fall of the wall and the war in afghanistan in 1989 was dicided by the bible and the further war ongoing conflict as well the preußen expandpolicy. The origin of Popelbaum Kretschmer and Weber juridical policy in cooperation of Harm is reality. Our juridical study was started by 1989 and folowed to expand to the ICJ ICC and the United Nations untill India. We have set all necessary constitutions have separated Asia and Africa from the western World. Germany have started a Word War on the religion level and will win. August 26, 2024 11:12 o'clock 18. Briefing. Request for the formal representation.The man operating in cooperation with germany Saudi Arabia and Pakistan Türkish and Afghan Mafia for the current religion war against Russia and is as ongoing soul belonger of the family and serve if he wants or not. The father can not accept the crimes and need not a declaration. All advices was done by the entry in the family how to behave to get married with Masooda and how to behave and was detected as a operation against the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan through Lüneburg Hamburg and IZH and Belal Mosque Hamburg and Family Zia and Akbari Germany and alies. The international Community is still conform through all the time since at least the year 2018. August 26, 2024 12:03 o'clock 19. Briefing. Request for the formal represntation. All request and demands of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul must be followed and is juridical in defence by Russia for all three institutions. The SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union do not interfer in the war of Russia. Eurasia is for the fram not to have such a conflict. Grmany and his allies know what they do since 1981. Such a religion war is normal. They know how to do it. They do not interfer in the family because they need them. It is the case that the father have to fight for his own family. And germany know how to benifit from. Thies case exist over 100 000 times in Europe and is not new. August 26, 2024 12:25 o'clock. 20. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. We have now a special case of thies case and the case is about ligetimate children and the flags was still set and we have a big conflict. Germany the family and allies do not knew about my relationships, also the Spain was one year not detected. August 26, 2024 12:40 o'clock. 21. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. From the summer 2023 we have since the entry in the Academy a lot of attacks. Spain Royal Family is about one year from Europe in the future. We hope to solve all missunderstanding and solve the conflict with our given constitution for. August 26, 2024 13:05 o'clock. Requst for the formal representation. The constitutional set for Spain and Türkiye is the ligality of property and prosperity and is not excepted by making a child and sons of Murad Khani Kabul for to have build the minde by women for to be accpted, the women get loved to have made by coercion the foreign children We have war cause of thies reason and will go on. Kabul Murad Khani have no any contract made since the year 1981 on the international level. Only the new Era from 2002 to 2021 for to set the mandat to the Arg given was is ligal. Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor personal had given for both Presidents the Mandat and was confirmed by juridical election and by a constitutional Election. What we see of activities against said mansoor father of Jousuf and boaboar, we see it also against the mother is a western bahavior of to be a man and man have to challenge to be a man. Specially women when they are not accepted. August 26, 2024 14:04 o'clock. 22. Briefing. Request for the formal represenation. We will go alone for Asia, SCO, BRICS and the Eursian Economic Union if the sons and the mother are not separated from the man. We have a nerver been historical crime by germany and allies to Afghanistan and is not accepted and is not tolerated. We can not open the door for everyone and we will not. We advice Spain to seppared themself from german royal familys they caused a lot of criminal cases all over the world we will continue the war, a solution juridcal backset to 1981 it not happen and the case of family name requested for in Celle the reason for is not given. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. do not like german people and do not accept german people, sorry ! August 27, 2024 ( 10:26 o'clock ) 23. Briefing. Request for formal representaion. August 27, 2024 ( 11:35 o'clock ) 24. Briefing . Request for the formal representation. India was requested in the case of Mr. Joe Biden and the USA for have kidnapped the sons of Said Mansoor M. A. Murad Khani Kabul. The USA are the main interpreter of the family for Money. August 27, 2024 ( 11:54 o'clock ) 25. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. The level is a formal representative level and belong not ... August 27 ( 12:06 o'clock ) 26. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Order, - to uphold the protocol. August 27, 2024 ( 15:24 o'clock ) 26. Briefing. Request for the formal representation in the case: 0 / 1 / 4 , Murad Khani Kabul, Afghanistan. August 27, 2024 ( 16:35 o'clock ) 27. Briefing. Request for the formal representataion. The Federal Court of Justice in Karlruhe confirms that the District Court of Lüneburg has initiated the collapse of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and has chosen a different form of government. ( Quote from the neighborhood and the German population: oh, sorry !? Now we understand !? August 27, 2024 ( 17:36 o'clock ) 28. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Request is from: Was !? August 27, 2024 ( 18:25 o'clock ) 29. Briefing. Türkiye Presiden Erdogan Wajdi Ausi. Case Murad Khani Kabul: Present at the Case : Bohlmann and Meier. Masooda was asked where she belong ? Masooda said I belong to Mansoor, he is her partner. The man talked she is not your property. I as her Partner said to the Police Mr. Meier we are divorced by the court. But I have still the Power of Attorney and the contract we made at 18. February 2020. The case is since december 10, 2023 solved but Lüneburg and Germany even Türkiye and the man do not want to respect. Result: The Kingdom of Spain and the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul had presented President Erdogan for him to be respected. August 27, 2024 ( 18:42 o'clock ) 30. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. We request to Leonor of Spain to order Türkiye and Germany to separate the man from the family, here the sons and the mother and is to bring them to their father and partner Said Mansoor M. A. . ( Attachment: Request ) August 27, 2024. 31. Briefing ( 20:39 o'clock ) The western World is using still Jousuf who have as only one a key into the Home Office but a key to the Office room he do not have. All the documents and brock of the house right and robbery is done with the support of 85 OOO citicens of Lüneburg and is accepted by the Federal Repuiblic of Germany and federal government, because the key to the Office room only is at the father of the sons. The brock of the House Right and robbery of Documents is a case for the International Criminal Court in Den Hague and have caused for whole europe and the western World War and disastert on all Levels and will go on. August 28, 2024 ( - o'clock ). 32. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Request for the constitutional mediation for the Islamic Development Bank in cooperation of the existing constitutions for in Germany to accept the offer of the Asian Banks. August 28, 2024 ( 9:35 o'clock ) 33. Briefing. Request for the formal represenation. We do not have any hub. A hub do not exist. Historical Constitutions, Contracts and representative Kingdoms and States for exist to exchange. The offer for the IDB need to be accepted. Kabul is very sorry for all but the Kingdom of Spain have and is needed to take responsibity for the case Germany. Otherwise Germany and Europe will lose. August 28, 2024 ( 10:10 o'clock ), 34. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Kabul is very sorry for all but the Kingdom of Spain have and is needed to take responsibility for the case Germany. Otherwise Germany and Europe will lose. August 28, 2024 ( 12,25 o'clock ). 35. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Constitutional conformity in cooperation with the SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union. August 28, 2024 ( 15:53 o'clock ) 36. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Request for to cut of all relationships and resposibility for the Kingdom of Great Britain immediately. Great Britain have no any Mandat, Germany also have no any Mandat to have any relationship on any level. Declaration of the cut of all treaties to the Federal Reublic of Germany and the EU immediately. Africa (African Union) and the Chabahar is open. The Kingdom of Great Britain must be isolatetd from the chaos in Great Britain and step back. August 28, 2024 ( 18:05 o'clock ) 37. Briefing. Request for the formal representation to confirm. August 28, 2024 ( 18:19 o'clock ) 38. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. confirm of the formula. August 29, 2024 ( 8:18 o'clock ) 40. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Outcome from malaysia. Milions of Malaisian are ill and need to be examined in India and have been allowed to visit India for medical treat. August 29, 2024 ( 10:30 o'clock ) 41.Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Call to the FRG by the number 030 182722720. We have spoken with Frau Stern and told her we are Said Mansoor representative Yorckstr. 8 Home Office please bring now the sons Jousuf and Boabour and the their mother back to their father Said Mansoor, thank you very much ! Result: We are waiting ! Leonor of Spain have chosen the ground floor for juridical and diplomatical exchange and contact. The juridical fram is not to be leave from, the compromise still exist ! August 29, 2024 ( 11:12 o'clock ) 42. Briefing. Request for the formal representaion. The diplomatic offer for tea was still done for the groung floor. All the neighbors form the Munstermanskamp and yorckstr. know but they do not come. Request for a juridical constitutional decision for the Kingdom of Spain. Result: The Kingdom set on readiness... The readiness contains or includes also Portugal and Latin countries immediately. ( The Kingdom of Spain accepted future Queen is over Mexico representative for all Latin Countries and was clarity by the first day enter into the Military Academy in Saragossa. The Throne adviced to stop the drug transfer and opened offcially on the international agenda the case for at the drug transfer (representative !? ) court. ) August 29, 2024 ( 11:58 o'clock ) 43. Briefing. Request for the formal represenatition. Case Mexico: NZS 53 C 85/21. Request for confirm. August 29, 2024 ( 12:14 o'clock ) 44. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Spain have to leave Karl V Award for the United Nations General Secretary and Mario Draghi. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul do not like the Braun and also not the Braunis. The Plant outside in the garden, first a pair and than only one is not understandable. Also the plant was not in the soil grounded. We do not like games, and we are not in Afghanistan. (We had massiv attack in the year 2022 from germany juridical and psychological on all levels, have contacted over the case existed with Mr. Flores. The result was distruction.) August 29, 2024 ( 12:50 o'clock ) 45. Briefing. request for the formal representaion. Call to the representative of the ground floor yorckstr. 8 Hansestadt Lüneburg number: 309 3350 Fachbereich Familie und Bildung the case was discribed on all levels. Frau Schuldt is not at the office and the person at the office we talked with do not know about anything. We asked is all two sons and the mother alive and healthy. No information . We asked the Indian Embassy around 13:04 o'clock. to advice the telecom and the Vatican to have the possibility to talk with my sons and the mother over the Telecom. Phone number of the Embassy: 0032476748575. August 29, 2024 ( 13:41 o'clock ) 46 . Briefing. Request for the formal representation. The SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union is adviced to leave the United Nations immediately. Reason: The United Nations are a War-Machines of the United States of America and Israel since at least the year 2001 declared war of the humanity against the humanity. The world do not need anymore the United Nations. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul do not accept the United Nations anymore. The history of the United Nations is herewith canceled and deleted, nonsense of brainshit representatives. Result: The accepted Queen of Spain confirm the advice and accepted the advice to step back of the SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union Members from the United Nations.

August 29, 2024 ( 14:57 o'clock )

Wir bitten die Bundesrepublik Deutschland um informationen über meine Söhne und ihre Mutter

Wir warten nochmals !

August 29, 2024. 15:50 o'clock. 47. Briefing. Request for the formal representaion. The Federal Republic of Germany refer from Fubruary 20, 2019 to the Constitution of the United Nations. By the conformity of the accepted Queen of Spain the withdraw of the Membership at the United Nation of Israel and the United Nations of the Vatican from the date August 29, 2024 13:41 o'clock the Federal Republic of Germany do not exist anymore. All Passport and Court in der Federal Republic of Germany is not legal anymore. For the government of the FRG we advice to contact with the Kingdom of Spain to find a solution. The official contact with all europeans with the german government to find a solution was rejected. The world have changed with a new Era to step back. Germany have past the train. ( The contacte with the gound floor was asked at 16:50 o'clock where the sons and the mother are. We do not know, they told. We told, ok I will tell this information. The representative warned with a emotional question who you want to tell ? So now, we have to ask the Kingdom of Spain what a future the accepted Queen of Spain have to decide for germany ? We have a collective war, war crimes and genocide. ( Result: followed the protocal. ) August 29, 2024 ( 17:11 o'clock ) 48. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Portocol was not upholded. Not in one of the International Institutions. Why ? We talk about the historical representative of Germany and the western World. ( Result: With constitution or without constitution, for Germany ? ) August 29, 2024 ( o'clock ) 49th Briefing: Dr. Ahmad Zia must end his logic to be taller or bigger in order to win and by entered Monaco by thies declaration. Size doesn't matter. He must end my son from his spiritual attitude and free my son so that he can grow. The whole family and state are after the firstborn in order to be able to abuse and use him like the father. The sons and the mother must be brought to the Father so that He can free them from Dr. Ahmad Zia . The whole Germany and the western World know what Dr. Ahmad Zia do! August 29, 2024 ( o'clock ) 49. Briefing: Dr. Ahmad Zia muss seine Logic größer zu sein um zu gewinnen und erfolgreich zu sein mit dem Einzug in Monaco beenden. Die Größe spielt keine Rolle. Er muss mein Sohn von seiner seelischen Einstellung beenden und erlösen damit er wachsen kann. Die ganze Familie und Staat hat es auf den Erstgeborenen abgesehen um ihn wie den Vater missbrauchen und benutzen zu können. Die Söhne und die Mutter müssen zum Vater gebracht werden damit er sie erlösen kann.

Said Mansoor bitte die Menschheit der Westlichen Welt seine Söhne Jousuf und Boabour und die Mutter frei zu geben und sie zu ihrem Vater und Partner zu bringen.

August 29, 2024 ( 20:27 o'clock ). 50. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Request for the Constitution. August 30, 2024 ( 3:33 o'clock ) 51. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Request for the constitution. August 30, 2024 ( 6:37 o'clock ) 52. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Request for the SCO Marins to enter into Ports in Spain. The Request is given. August 30, 2024 ( 11:21 o'clock) 53. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Confirm ES para España , Spain. August 30, 2024 ( 11:49 o'clock ) 54. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Confirm Insurance. Result: Incurance is confirmed through Spain. Constitutional also for Türkiye. August 30, 2024 ( 12:17 o'clock ) 55. Briefing. Request for the fromal representation. Confirm given Turky named now Türkiye. August 30, 2024 ( 15:45 o'clock ) 56. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. The attack is on all three cooperation partners from Germany, federal republic of germany herewith confirmed and is done by plan in a community of 85 milion and is done conscious. August 30, 2024 ( 16:50 o'clock ) 57. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. The Plan B auf the University City Lüneburg over Afghanistan Palestin and the World was successfull. Result: See what you have done with my family and further results..... August 30, 2024 ( 17:26 o'clock ) 58. Briefing. Order . Immediately order not to contact and respect any german women in the World. High international risk and danger. August 31 (comment : Er schreib!) 59. Briefing. Request for the formal representaion. Request for the Order to Germany to bring the family sons and the mother to their father and partner Said Mansoor. If the conditions is wanted than a war will go on. August 31, 2024 ( 13:47 o'clock ) 60. Briefing. Request for the formal representaion. On February 20, 2019 the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany was as not existed and as canceled and suspensioned declared. In Arpril 2020 a coordinated act of accident and psychological act to escalted the Family constitution over the mobile was drived through the youth wellfar office Köhler and the Federal Republic government. The psychological escalation by the mobile at both of them mother and the son caused divorce and separation of the sons, ende even a war in Europe and France talk World War. The Problem is to big and can not be named. All Lüneburg and Germany and even all foreigner know made escalation and get profit. The Constitution of the firm dominus is a evidance and is still proved by the ICC and the ICJ and is known. Request for conformity. August 31, 2024 ( 14:44 o'clock ) 61. Briefing. Request for the formal representaion. The Vatican use my sons specially Boabour for the International criminal court and at least mongolia and asian countries is called to arrest the President W. W. Putin. If you do not stop the vatican and Germany I will cancel the ICC and the ICJ. Boabour is permanent abuse by touching through unknown man and people since the begin of the bithe specially by women. We need the Kingdom of Spain to advice Germany and the Vatican or we will use the protocol. I will give one hour. After one hour I will request for further possibility. September 1, 2024 ( 2:05 o'clock ), 61. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Deal for to represent the EU. The deal will be very expensive !

Result outcome from Briefings September 1, 2024 ( 2:43 o'clock )

The Eurasian Economic Union is with Russia in war against Ukraine and the NATO and the EU.

Spain have taken the resonsibility ordered by the Home Office  Murad Khani Kabul

to take the constitutional representative representation.

The Eurasian Economic Union the Court in Minsk representative also for Kabul

Murad Khani in Afghanistan have the juridical constitution

to represent the juridical ground as capital  Court Eurasian Economic Union.

For the representative of the Eurasian Economic Union is the divorce and separation

of the Family a juridical problem and caused conflict

and violent abuse and brock of the House Right to enter the Home Office

 get information and grounded documents.

Espionage is also a case the Home Office have, the police, the governmet and the City Lüneburg in the FRG do not care and cause conflict and war.

September 1, 2024 ( 3:33 o'clock) 62. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Requested, and is confirmed. The declaration in the year 1992 to ( dr. ) Ahmad Zia that I and he are grown up and we can not get grow anymore and he has win the race was a trap to see what he do. Result is that Ahmad Zia abuse the sons of Murad Khani Kabul psychological and set them not to grow. The enter of Monaco and futher illegal and not juridical activities we do not know about. September 1, 2024 ( 3:48 o'clock) 63. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Result: The ground floor do not work for Spain they work for ( Dr.) Ahmad Zia in a international uncomprehensible dangerous matter untill the Kingdom of Great Britain.

Result of the outcome September 1,  2024  ( 4:02 o'clock )

Spain cofirmed at the 63. Briefing to Saragossa that Ahmad Zia is involed over the ground floor and first floor in the war against Russia and the family matter intensive

until the Kingdom of Great Britain and many activities over the family Zia in Lüneburg

also the entering of the Fregate Braunschweig in the temse and the necessary enter

of the Fregate of India behind Ahmad Zia to advice the rule of Law and

Constitution he have to accept since the war in the year 1979 his family has began

in Afghanistan and current do against Russia in Europe.

September 1, 2024 (5:29 o'clock) 64. Briefing. Request to the formal representation. Request for confirm Niedersachsen are under the juriducal control of Great Britain since the end of the second World War and not under the control of Lüneburg, the Kingdom of Spain have the constitutional representative constitution to present. September 1, 2024 ( 5:53 o'clock ) 65. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. The visit to Spain will be not for business. We have still set our Constitution. September 1, 2024 ( 12:51 o'clock) 66. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. We announce herewith three original documents grounded for the relationship to Masooda is stolen from the case and a document refer to the given hertage by Mir Mohammad Ali Khan signed by Mahmood Zia and Fauzia Zia. Testimony documents exist. We have to declare the ground floor representative of Dr. Ahmad Zia and further cooperation partners. The Hamburg Mafia of Mahmood and Ahmad inclusiv the IZ-Hamburg and Belal Mosque. Prince Harry and his wife we have to accuse in the standby interfer in the family matter of Said Mansoor Mir Mohammad Ali Khan also. Request to confirm: Confirm is still given by the visit of Prince Harry in Spain and the Queen not amused behavior from him.

September 1, 2024 ( 13:24 o'clock ) 67. Briefing.

 Fifth outcome

Dear S.A.R. Leonor of Spain the original documents must given back. I have cut the relationship and have done futher cancellation against the Arab World for Asia and Eurasia.

Basis Constitutions and history will be not changed. We think Ahmad and his vist in Wales as well the cooperation with Harry and the Mafia

in the Family matter Said Mansoor Mir Mohammad Ali  Khani caused many problems and defficulties.

The visit of Meghan and Harry in Africa was many times announced not to do

and have direct influence in the Ukraine war in the fact

of the Klischtko Brothers to be the new Boxer legends like Muhammad Ali.

September 1, 2024 (14:48 o'clock) 68. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. The Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. do not belong to the Mafia and also do not take bribery. The Euro and the Dollar do not belong to Ahmad Zia and his Clan. Request for confirmity. Great Britain and Murad Khani Kabul are not necessary to take bachtisch or bribery from the Arab World. September 1, 2024 ( 16:09 o'clock ) 69. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. We have got the conformity state of war from the first foor. Request for confromity and the reason for ? Result: The state of war is confirmed by the kindgom of Spain. Reason is the separating of the sons and the mother and germany and allies do not want the sons and the mother have to go back to their father and partner ! September 1, 2024 ( 16:45 o'clock ) 70. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Confirmity for the Court of Eurasian Economic Union and the declaration of the International Court of Justice have declared that a war will come and two times detected as a economic war by the International Court of Justice. ( Wir bestätigt, dass die BRD mit seine 85 milionen Einwohner und seine Verbündeten eine Kreuzzug gegen Afghanistan und dem Islam seit dem Jahre 2001 führt. ) September 1, 2024 ( 19:02 o'clock ). 71. Briefing. Request for HaLo we have done but no any result, ground floor Yorcktsr. 8. September 2, 2024 ( 7:21 o'clock ) 72. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Yorckstr. 8 all cooperation in Mafia and FRG and allies and futher brock of the House Right, derecha de casa, Invovement of Tuia we know. We have now a proved involvemnet of all the City and Germany by introducing and leadership through the Vatican and Pope.Wohnugschlüsse ja , aber woher hat er die Zimmerschlüssel ? So wie es aussieht hat die BRD die jungs abgerichtet gegen den eigenen Vater zu sein und ihn sogar zu beseitigen !? In welchem Namen arbeiten die Killerkommandos und die Polizei in der BRD ? Die BRD hat die Kinder abgerichtet und missbraucht und benutzt sie auch noch als Verfassungsgrundlage ? September 2, 2024 ( 8:47 o'clock ) 73. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Property can not be declared by sexuality with a woman, child or Baby. The ownership of all property in the western World is questioned and not accepted. If queen or King prices or princ any standard heir of ownership by documents is possible, also heridera and heridrero, but a relationship with a partner to have any rights of property is not possible. Documents about inheritance must be seen and proved also a power of attorney is in case of Children neccesary. ( Eltern haften für ihre Kinder ! Parents are responsible for their Children !)

September 2, 2024 ( 9:21 o'clock ) 6. outcome

EDEKA do not accepte the right Law and Constitution

and declare over the Loewestiftung the owner of representative Constitution of Rights as mentaly ill.

The declaraion of War and Even World War is in the year 2005

against the Islamic republic of Afghanistan as rightfull declared over the Loewestiftung in Ochtmissen

and the killing of Afghan people have started

and end of the period of Johannes Paul II.

September 2, 2024 74. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. The the cashier ( Kasse ) do not open for the representative but for the Constitution to declar human as mentally ill ? ( They do allways their the the inside the text in the webside. They have to much atomic misselles, to much mentally ill human, maybe about 700 million !? ) Reality : 1981 at the Franfurt airport our person was not wellcome ! The meaning is : They know what they do ! September 2, 2024 ( 11:21 o'clock ) 75. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Further broken of rules and protocol at the window, representative of FRG and allies is seen at the window. ( Refer: We do not want a reality of the Afghan Mafia of Kazemi and Soumma used by education of our son. The high represetative Mir Agha - e Soumma have saved the reality of registration office in Kabul not to be destroyed by Mahmood Zia and Barukzai. ) September 2, 2024 ( 12:06 o'clock ) 76. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. The Sweden Volvo LG- 27 for 14 of Scandinavia Uzback constitution we can not respect and will be attacked. Helsenki know 2001 we do not have any conformity with your constitution. We will cut Scandinavia Kingdoms if the Rule of Law is not accepted. We have a massiv attack of war and genocide we warned Stockholm not to interfer in the Constiution of Murad Khani Kabul in the year 2015. The attack on the airport in Helsenki 2001 to the representative was not published. September 2, 2024 ( 14:18 o'clock ) 77. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. The accepted Queen of Spain is seen as owner of the Casa and have the House Right. September 2, 2024 ( 14:34 o'clock ) 78. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. The declared House Right over the constitution of the father for 100 is officially given to the accepted Queen of Spain Leonor of Spain.

September 2, 2024 ( 15:11 o'clock ) 78. Briefing

Officillay declaration of the admistrative work of Said Mansoor Mir Mohammad Ali Khan

The Federal Republic of Germany play since the year 1981 with the whole humanity and the earth a laboratory game on the table.

Prove and evidence conectivity and cabeled Home Office to

for psychological influence in the family of Murad Khani Kabul

sons and mother and the existing influence from the first floor and further

involed neighbors to international relationships.

Request for confirm. Result:

September 2, 2024 ( 15:38 o'clock ) 79. Briefing. Request for the formal representaion. If the situation and conditions over 100 and brought constitutional Rights over the father to declare the sons and the mother as a tool for germany matters over the condition of Diyarbakir and Sheribahn Azun than all Persons and the governments and involved states must be attacked. Result: The juridical attack is still done. Türkiye and Spain have common interests and germany let Erdogan play a role to take the conditions he do not know about in Germany. For that he had to go to Spain to have conformity. We do not have any interests in political matters in Germany and Europe. Only when our own family is in the interest. September 2, 2024 ( 16:11 o'clock ) 80. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Request for confirm the result. September 2, 2024 ( 16:27 o'clock ) 81. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Confirm of existing given Papel and interfer of 200 from Swiss. September 2, 2024 ( 16:44 o'clock ) 82. Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Result from Germany from the outcome of the results : Bohee. ( Fact: Germany do war and genocide since year 1981 on the international level for property and prosperity in the name of the family of Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali Khan. And if requested for take financial support, the last toyes of the children and even clothes are stolen to be conform to make illegal contracts in businesses. Request for confirm, and happened the same to the Kingdom of Spain. September 2, 2024 ( 17:33 o'clock ) 83. Request for the formal representation. The sons and the mother are given conscious wrong informations, instructions and promisses by the police, government and security. The Airspace is to be closed if people exchange is happening without juridical constitution and standards. The Juridical constitution of Asia have not changed since 45 years and will not change. Economic exploitation and grows without logical mind is a long time seen. September 2, 2024 84. Briefing ( 20:02 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Conformation of the west east conflict by end with the fall of the wall between east and west in Germany through a use of a missiles attack on russia with a big distruction . Result: September Briefing: Request for all necessary instructions by documents and signature.

September 3, 2024 ( 00:17 o'clock )

Throne von Murad Khani Kabul beended hiermit alle Internationalen Beziehungen zu England Great Britain. Great Britain wird hiermit gewarnt

Afrika oder Asien zu betreten. Sollte es adzu kommen wird sofort eine Kriegserklärung ausgerufen. Spanien und Türkiye ist hiermit angerufen

von Great Britain abstand zu  halten.

Wir geben hiermit die Zusammenarbeit von Harry und Meghan mit der Mafia

bekannt. Das Auftrenten in den Medien wird hiermit sofort untersagt und als Gefahr

für weiter verhältnisse in Europa angesehn.

The interfer in the Family of Great Britain is done by the Afghan Mafia

in cooperation of Ahmad Zia in Wales.

Futher activities from untill Hamid Karzai presens at Oxford is

the result of no any future recognizable and must transfered

for a representative constitution for the Kingdom Spain.

Spanien gibt hiermit die Strafrechtliche Verfolgung von Harry und Meghan bekannt.

Eine Mögliche Verhaftung wird eingeleitet.

Spain hereby announces the criminal prosecution of Harry and Meghan.

A possible arrest will be initiated.

00:41 o'clock sofortige Übernahme der Verfassungsrechtliche Konstitution der BRD und ihre repräsentative Gesetzesgrundlage und Strafgesetzbuch.

Es wird hiermit die Verfassungsrechtliche Vertretung der Bundesrepublik  Deutschland über die rechtlich anerkannte Konstitution durch den König

von England mit Unterstützung des Thron von Murad Khani Kabul

druch Leonor von Spanien anerkannt.

00:41 o'clock immediate adoption of the constitutional Constitution of the FRG and its representative legal basis and criminal code. 

The Constitutional Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany is hereby informed of the legally recognized constitution by the King

of England with the support of the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul by the Kingdom of Spain Leonor of Spain recognized.

Leonor of Spain is herewith the complet juridical Constitution

Jurisdiction and sovereignty over Germany ( FRG ) given.

1:33 o'clock. Request and order for the representation and support of the International Law and the Charter of the United Nations on the existing

and presented Constitution untill at least the year 2035. The Kingdom of Spain is supported by the Eurasian Economic Union, BRICS and specially the SCO.

All Institutions and the ICC and the ICJ are part

the Members of the United Nations have to respect.

03:12 o'clock. Psychological war of the Barukzai and Durani in cooperation of the Green, FRG, USA and Mafia allies in War against Russia to delcar Ukraine as part of the Europen Union. ( Foreign ministry and government to get in the EU ( Car Service) , Wagner Group, Hansestandt Lüneburg Rathaus, Uzbek in Schweden, Stockholm, the whole bone eaters of Pashtuns Amiri, Wie leben apotheke, Sclüsseldienst to get in the Home Office and Abed automobile to have the Taxi control. Request to confirm the coalition of war against the family and the war against Russia. Result: Sabe ! 15:58 o'clock. Briefing. Request for juridical response and juridical clarity in Lüneburg, Germany.

Das Home Office arbeitet nicht für die BRD Bundesrepublik Deutschland auch nicht für Europa

Sie müssen den Missbrauch meiner Söhne und Mutter beenden !

Wir bitten sie um unser Leben und um ihr Leben !

43 Jahre ist genug, wir bitten sie aufzuhören !

Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland ist gefordert nochmals mit aller Dringlichkeit die Familien Angelegenheit und seine politischen Missbrauch

zu beenden.

Sollte die Angelegenheit nicht bis dem September 3, 2024

juristisch und politisch ein Ende haben, werden wir eine weiter Stufe

nehmen. Die Söhne Jousuf und Boabour und ihre Mutter Masooda

müssen zu ihrem Vater und Partner gebraucht werden.

Die beendigung des Kriegs in der Ukraine ist leicht.

Seit dem Jahre 2021 sagen wir ihnen lassen sie unsere Familie in ruhe

bringen sie sie zu ihrem Vater und Partner und sie tuen es nicht.

Die Söhne sind 13 Jahre und 7 Jahre was machen sie mit ihnen ?

Wir brauchen Dokumente und Papiere sonst gibt es für sie kein Rechtsstaat

und keine Verfassung und Rechtsvertretung.

Das Königreich Spanien wartet auf ihre Entscheidung sonst gibt es für sie niemanden mehr auf dieser Welt.

Was machen sie? Die Menschen wollen Ihnen helfen !

Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. wird die Verantwortung des Krieges der westlichen Welt

gegen Russia nicht übernehmen und auch nicht zulassen das Jousuf oder Boabour oder Masooda die Verantwortung tragen sollen.

September 4, 2024 ( 10:30 o'clock ) Briefing. Request for the formal representation. The represetative of HaLo on the ground floor was adivced over the Espionage to take contact with the Kingdom of Spain to solve their problems. We got a call instead from 020 334969743 for the reason we the Family Throne of Murad Khani Kabul have still debt ( Schulden ). The case of the family, war war crimes and genocide in Afghanistan we have to pay for !?

( Said ) Mahmood Zia und sein Sohn Ahamd Zia werden hiermit des Völkermorder in Afghanistan nicht nur bezichtigt sondern zur Last gelegt.

Beweisführung: Entwendung von Dokumenten aus dem Home Office in Zusammenarbeit mit der BRD Lüneburg und Nachbarn.

Das Oberlandesgericht Celle, das authoritative zur Great Britain gehört hat eine Namenesänderung in Mohammad Ali verweigret.

Weiterhin ist durch Mahmood Zia die Vernichtung der Familie Said Mansoor ausgerufen.

Die Zusammenarbeit mit entsprechenden Familien in Lüneburg ist geklärt.

Die Begründung liegt darin, dass Mir Mohammad Ali Khan

mit Verantwortung oder sogar Hauptverantwortung für den 2. Weltkrieg tragen soll.

In English

( Said ) Mahmood Zia and his son Ahamd Zia are not only accused of genocide in Afghanistan since 1978 years.

Evidence: Theft or stolen of documents from the Home Office in cooperation with the Federal Republic of Germany Lüneburg and neighbors.

The Higher Regional Court of Celle, which authoritatively belongs to Great Britain, has refused to change name in Mohammad Ali.

Furthermore, Mahmood Zia has proclaimed the destruction of the Said Mansoor family.

The cooperation with corresponding families in Lüneburg is clarified.

Evidence of documents


Der Papst wird des Völkermordes und Kriegsverbrechen vorgeworfen. Wir sehen einen Krieg der Katholischen Kirche gegen

die Orthodoxe Kirche. Das Home Office Murad Khani sieht die Einmischung und Einflussnahme des Vatican

und den Papst seit dem Jahre 2000 als gegeben und ersichtlich.

Die Aufklärung und Lösung des Falles Afghanistan obliegt nur und nur Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali Khan.

Sie haben es nicht gelöst und haben es auch nicht zur Lösung beigetragen sondern im Jahre 2021  bewusst wieder zum Kollaps gebracht.

Wir sind Muselmahne und gehören nicht zum Christentum oder dem Judentum

Wir arbeiten auch nicht für Sie.

Wir bitten sie entwendete Dokumente wieder der Familie zurück zu geben.

Ich Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali Khan bin bereit sie anzugreifen.

Die juristischen Vorbereitunegn sind getroffen.

Der Angriff ist vollzogen worden !

Der Papst und das Vatican ist gezwungen sich der macht des Protokolles und der beantragten Zuwendung zu ergeben

und das natürliche Recht zu akzeptieren

und Beschlüsse und Entscheidungen gegen das Gesetz

nach Willkür und Ermessen Einhalt zu leisten zu widersprechen

und zu stornieren.

Grundlage der Verfassunggebende Macht ist die spanische Krone

Königreich Spanien.

Die spanische Krone hat dem Papst hiermit zu beantragen den Standard

Tiere aufzuheben und auf Mensch sein zurückzusetzen dazu zu plädieren.

Announcement september 4, 2024 ( 13.57 o'clock )

The case of Afghanistan was solved in the year 2002.

Historical evidence and personality are H.E. Hamid Karzai

and Dr.  Ashraf Ghani.

All political declarations and international activities confirmed

with the reality and are a historical set for Asia, Eurasia and Africa.

Both Presidents was honored on all international Levels.

The constitution signed by Hamid Karzai in the year 2004

is one of the best constitutions in the Islam World

and Asia and also called as with a grounded foundation.

Afghanistan have no any historical relationship with Europe

and never had.

The historical bund is only seen in Spain and Türkiye we had

soon started.

By the reset of the Afghan Flage and the constitution

with the refer to the grounded Foundation and Chapter 9 articale 146

all posibilitys will be started again and is not lost.

The preparation and safty of the basement of documents  was still soon declared.

The Kindom of Spain have the Powert of attorney to ask the money

gone from the constitution of Murad Khani Kabul

Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali

All systems control are terminated

and the Afgahn peopen in Hamburg specially Belal Mosque and the IZ-Hamburg cosntitution is asked the Money belong to the Central Bank

of Afghanistan.

The Money do not belong by personality but belong by given Documets

to Afghanistan and his government.

Hamburg and Germany know Murad Khani Kabul

asked them to make contract and declaration by the Notar

not to  lose the constitution.

Result was the refer to the Unietd Nations was done on a ground

do not existed anymore caused of the collaps in the year 2021.

Juridical clarify for Murad Khani Kabul . Murad Khani und das neue Arg beziehen sich somit auf Kapitel 9, Artikel 146 der Verfassung Afghanistan.

Logical for the minde

Murad Khani Kabul know the history of Afghanistan for that a constitutional mindset for the future was prepared.

The Constitution of Afghanistan: Chapter 9, Artical 146 : In a state of emergency the constitution is not allowed to change.

Means only by the president or his Vice President, First and Second and the Government the Constitution is possible to change.

Ashraf Ghani is the only one just in time he can do.

September 4, 2024 September Briefing. Request for the formal representation. We have a direct connection to Paypal without any requested code. All juridical not conform . First connection to Türkiye . It is confrimed the man is from Türkiye and know. What is happening to her we do not know. The man know her also know how got into the constitution of the Kingdom of Spain. Request for conformity. Lüneburg cutted the conectivity with Maike Dingler classmat from the year 1987 - 1992. 19:10 o'clock. High allert for all three Countries , Türkiye, Spain. Germany do not by Law. They know what they do. We have irreversible aktivities and anomalies from espionage at the Home Office. Germany know its belong to Afghanistan Kabul and do conscious the wrong way and is not by Law. The activities are not comprehensible. Germany know what the cost of the separation is and do it consciosly and support it not only by government. The 100 € we have given as present for our partner in Türkiye and we were dectected and followed by germans . The Vacation was planed and have done it like we wanted. Constitution is set in Türkiye and was given by swimming. Briefing, The door to the Home Office was cutted and was not possible to ring the bell or open it from the apartment. Jousuf could not escape into the Home Office from 17. April until the ende of the activities from Melbeck Maike Bromm caused war and distruction in Palestine for money.Jousuf was warned not to visit his father by the City. Request for confirm. September Briefing. September 4, 2024, 20:40 o'clock. Request for the fromal representation. The Home Office stolen documents is needed to be claryfied. The documents do not benifit to any one. The documenst can only be used in bund of the sons and the mother for further criminal acts and abuse. Without the sons and the mother it is not possible to use the documents. The Constitution of the Home Office work in Lüneburg alone. Request for conformity. September Briefing. September 5, 2024 ( 7:07 o'clock ). Request for the formal representataion. Leonor de Espania is requested to order a Wall around the Federal Republic of Germany and stop the human exchang of german poeple world wide. The German people are not wellcome in the whole world. They is to be arrested in the whole World. From New Zealand untill Chile. The use of Force is allowed. Septembe briefing. September 5, 2024 ( 8:41 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. We have called to HaLo and asked Frau Schuldt we have to be contacted to the sons and the mother. We told her thr SCO, BRICS, Eurasian Economic Union, ICC and the United Natiosn is involved to bring a solution for the Family of Murad Khani Kabul, Afghanistan. Also Spain, Engalnd and Türkiye is prepared. FRG, Lüneburg City and the HaLo do not want and is not ready for the solution of the war in Ukraine and palestine. Result: The Home Office is not sure if they are in Spain, Indian Airport or still in Lüneburg. The interfer is to big because for the constitutional abuse of the Home Office for war genocide and war crimes. We can not speak about human or animal. The mind of the people is not in the frame of one of them. September 5, 2024. ( 9:21 o'clock ) September Briefing: The standard policy is to uphold, specially by airtravel and borders. The relationship to Great Brtain is to be cut. Result: Kabul, Spain and Türkiye have cut the relationship to Great Britain. Result is juridical known and is not necessary to declare. September 5, 2024 ( 9:51 o'clock ) September Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Request for the termination of the 50 requested Women prisons requested to the Kingdom of Spain. Further the new keys for the home office and flat of S.-Jousuf was taken away by the Preußen community. We declar herewith the Preußen House in World War III constitution and have still started over the abuse of the House Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. . September Briefing September 5, 2024 ( 12:55 o'clock ) Result of the initiation of the genocide and the war in Afghanistan, Ukraine and Palestin over the Hasenburger elementary school of the city of Lüneburg and the FRG at around 12:40 p.m. Yorckstr. 8 and Yorckstr. 4. 1. He doesn't greet us. 2. And doesn't look at us. On 5 . September 2024 at the same time comment: Please go home. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul declares herewith officially the Hasenburger Schule in Lüneburg as origin Place of genocide war and war crimes and the destruction of the family of Said Mansoor and Kabul Afghanistan over my sons Jousuf and Boabour.

Outcome from september 5, 2024 ( 13:40 o'clock ) : The Argentinia result is a result with the refer to India and the Buddhism and have nothing to do with Jigiwara. The Constitutions of Argentian my wife is also your wife do not exist in any culture of the World and is wrong. We are not in a state of war. We never been. The Throne respect the history of Jigiwara but have no any compatible to the real Kingdom of Spain.

The outcome of Ahmad Zia and the muslimin to take the Krone wifes and

declare my wife is your wife is trap like every trap to get Money

and constitution. We respect the constitution of Fernando and his claim

over Sachsen to get Money for Argentinia but Leonor of Spain

have to sign the clarity if its needed.

Sorry,we have nothing to do with Sachsen !

Is not our Money.

And not our constitution. The Money must even be accepted given by the Family representing Sachsen.

Contractuel have made with the Vatican a Contract. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul is not Part of the Contract.

If a Child exist in Sachsen form us, we do not know and was not told to us.

September 5, 2024 ( 14:05 o'clock ) September Briefing. Result: The future Queen have studied in Wales and have a constitutional report how the family relations is to be seen. A constutional fight between Germany Great Britain and Spain was as result to take the chose of the future Queen of Spain for relationships for Kabul Murad Khani. September 5, 2024 ( 14:15 o'clock ) September Briefing. Request for thr formal representation. Request to confirm. September Briefing, September 5, 2024. 15:54 o'clock. Request for the formal representation. The explanation why the flag of Afghanistan is still not hoisted is that Western women want to wear an innocent and white and wise dress. They still can not declare who was first, the chicken or the egg.

September 5, 2024 ( 16:16 o'clock ) September Briefing

September 5, 2024 ( 01:25 o'clock ) September Briefing. Request for the formal Representation. We have a clear situation. The FRG will and is sure to let the father die or even the the sons and the mother die but do not have any interests to bring the family together. We request for the Kingdom Spain to hold distance to Masoud Soumma and Ahmad Zia Constitution. We have a 60 states taken constitution from and a lot of fire in Canada from because of the main represetative of the International Airspace representation.

Announcement to the Kingdom of Spain

Lonor of Spain

Muard Khani Kabul Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali

hereby officially assumes responsibility

( with the presence of the Vatican and Pope in Mongolia

and Indonesia is proof of genocide

and war against Kabul Afghanistan. Many areas

on earth the Pope is not allowed to enter. He is not seen as a representative of God or Allah, nor is he a King )

The situation of the Vatican and the Pope via the judicial declaration and decision to be allowed to see my sons Jousuf and Boabour again from October or December is hereby prohibited. The Vatican and the Pope hereby declared official  guilty for genocide and war crimes

over the sons, Jousuf Boabour Masooda and Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali. Murad Khani Kabul hereby declares once again to the Kingdom of Spain to stay away from the Vatican and the Pope. 

Murad Khani Kabul hereby declares the state of war and declaration of war against the Vatican and the Pope. 

The military attack on all cardinals and the papst is hereby officially ordered. 

The Pope and the cardinals are to be executed and their planes immediately

to be shot down by Asian fighter jets if they can't explain

what they are doing in Asia and Africa.

Legal basis: Precedent case: Lawyer's application

Ley to the District Court of Lüneburg against Said Mansoor M. A.

to decide at its discretion ( Ermessen )

On May 22, 2024, in collaboration with Holz, Mark, Amiri Azimi

Market of the Akrami ( Barukzai ) the Greeks and the influence of drugs over food the murder by law Initiated.

For that the House of Murad Khani Kabul

made a juridical declartion of 1 to 8 billion bcause the conditions for

a juridical assassination was given.

P.S. : The Home Office of Murad  Khani Kabul thanks for the presents

you have send.

The Kingdom of Spain have now the House Right over the Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul

We declar herewith many assassination attackt over the neighbors

by changed Key Cylinder of the door outside and from the flat.

through acide attackes in the food from the kitchen.

in Cooperation of the University of Lüneburg foreoigners

the FRG government and allies.

Also the Barukazai Ukraine relationship tried to shoot us down even by pass the bridge. For What ?

Answer: To get my sons !

The University City and Preußen are now at World War

and do it since a long time and reached since 2002 also Afghanistan.

High international Alert from Germany Yorckstr. 8

code word: Exact was given to say all what they do and think to do is right detected.

Germany and their federal government know what they do !

They play Ping Pong !

The constitution will be not changed . And the door will be not opened for everyone.

We have brocken of House  Right and espionage.

Human will never be changed.

It is belong to education !

High international Alert from Germany Yorckstr. 8

code word: Exact was given to say all what they do and think to do is right detected.

The ground floor are bringing the man permanet in position !

We have a all out attack by education from the yorckstr. 8

untill Spain, Denmark, Great Britain and many international

Institutions and collapses,

began by the supported the man through FRG

to collaps with Hamburg Afghanistan.

Said Mansoor confirm through Exact that the man is commin from the Psychatrie and even from the forensig

by the City Lüneburg and Family Börner supported.

So it is reality that the whole Family was used in the psychatry by using of extrem and massiv voilation

to destroy mentaly and psychic the sons and the mothe unitll the death.

No one wanted to  go to the husband or father he had through his Home Office opening hours for apointments for the public.

The Home Office had from the year 2018 until the year 2024 July from 8:00 to 12:00 o'clock opening hours for apointment monday

to thursday. We do not think that a apointment at the Johaneum of the Donnerfrauen had been through my son Jousuf a solution.

So one more time genocide war and war crimes is proved specially to palestain people and Afghanistan and in the Ukraine war through

germany population over Murad Khani Kabul family Said Mansoor M. A.

September Briefing. September 6, 2024 ( 9:52 o'clock ). The Mariam Zia declartion and the City and Germany to have two husbands is still deteceted not only on the current document but also at the request for money on Paper-formula from the government. We know that the city must have declared through Mariam Zia rules and law because of Loulou grounded war of the Vatican and the Pope against the Islam world but also she have to give the rule and law for women to have many husbands. Asia and Africa Basis Culture and Constitution will not accept. Also a gutter woman like dorothee börner who think women can also have sex and babys with her father and be married with him is not acceptable.

September Briefing 6, 2024 ( 10:11 o'clock )

Das Throne von Murad Khani Kabul verflucht und verdamt das Deutsche Volk bis ans ende seine Brut Exsitenz.

Die Era des Afghanistan hat im Jahre 2002 begonnen über das Studium in Wasserwirtschaft und Nachhaltigkeit. Die Belehrung

des Sohnes als Chico sich mit diesem Mann zu vergleichen ist nicht Verfassunsgkonform.

Wir bitten Latin Countries sich an das Königreich Spanien zu halten.

Spanien existiert nicht in latin Countries geführt von Deutschen und Engländer

sondern Latin Countries und America existieren durch das Königreich Spanien.

Trotzdem ist er mein Lebensretter in der Not.

Beide halten sich auf alle Anweisungen des Vaters, durch Indien bestätigt.

September briefing 6, 2024 ( 12:07 ) Request for a formal representation. Request for a Köhler dance. We had from the year 2019 april, Köhler form Prsident Köhler daughter betina Köhler, we had from Munstermanskamp a planed destruction of the family in coopertaion of the whole system Köhler and cooperation a attack on the family systematicly by tracked mobile. Psychological abuse and distruction we can not understand. The President Köhler was set beside the Queen in Berlin and was accepted political announcement the war in Afghanistan is a war for Businesses and have nothing to do with terrorism and he steped back as president. ( Ich sage dem Köhler lassen sie ihren Hund nicht auf unserer Rassenfläche seine Excremente verbreiten meine Söhne spielen hier. Der Wert seines Hundes war so hoch bemessen, dass er die Vernichtung der Familie einleiten musste im internatioalem style und bedankt sich nicht mal dass ihre Tochter ihr Oberhaupt zur Präsidentschaft unterstützt wurde von Murad Khani Kabul.) September Briefing 6, 2024 ( 13:10 o'clock ) Request for a formal representation. We have called to the polizeileitstelle Herr Dehman, we think it is refer to the Family Andrenil ( De ) at the bell and we think an other collaps is done from Lüneburg to Bangaladesh Bagal of conflict the germans want to gover and declare the rape and destruction Soltauer str. 80 for to gover over Afghanistan Sunitism Hanafi to rape the Mother systematicly planed and so called fucked to be good fucked to fuck the whole Afghan people and their brain of ethnic morality and religion to get a god fuck in the same moment as the mother had cooperation wanted relationship with the father of the sone to get the country again in a juridical fram, the cooperation and set systematicly is trackted by the neighbors on all international metters like Spain and Great Britain and many more destroy the country against the mother Masooda and sons even the father as righfull. We have to confirm from Lüneburg Germany the same way of destruction and Horror to Sudan Jemen, Indonesia, Malysia, Africa, and many more. We called the number : 83065200 and asked the Police for the solution in the family case , they do not know anything. September 6, 2024 ( 13:44 o'clock ) The Police and the HaLo ar not ready for communication. The Gegevara philosophsy is on track and wants the part of Money for Argentina over Fernando. The city is set on the constitution of Fernando and Argentina and Latin Countrys and declare Gegevara as main part representing Afghanistan or Europe or Spain. We do not know. We would like to declar the Throne of the Kingdom of Spain. Tambien nosotros ver Maradona as one of the best football player. Maybe more than Gegevara. September 6, 2024 Declaration. Throne of the Kingdom of Spain. Conformity of the relationships of Murad Khani Kabul and his Contracted Partners in the frame of International Law. September 6, 2024 ( 15:31 o'clock ) Die BRD möchte keine Verantwortung tragen. Auch fühlt es sich nicht verantwortlich für die Verfassung unseres Sohnes. das Jugendamt,die Regierung, als auch Institutionen die den Mann in die familie gebracht haben und polizeilich unterstützt ist lässt man immer noch als seinen Vater erklären obwohl er zu seinem Abe möchte. Die Polizei und die Regierung und die Bevölkerung arbeiten mit dem Königreich Spanien nicht zusammen und verweigern jede Zusammenarbeit. Das Throne von Spanien ruft die Regierung und die Stadt und Polizei auf eine Erklärung zu geben wo der Junge ist, was sie mit ihnen bis jetzt gemacht haben, wie es ihnen Gesundheitlich geht und wieso ihnen die Thronteilhabe verweigert wird ? Das Throne von Spanien hat Fragen die seit dem Jahre 2022 July bestehen und noch nicht beantwortet sind !

The Kingdom of Spain called to germany and the population specially in Lüneburg : STOP !

And now once again: STOP !

Offcially Announcement of the destruction of the EURO ( € ), Dollar (  $ ) and the unknown Future of the Afghan Afghani By Mariam Zia

( Niemax ) the Familie Akbari ( Barukzai ) and Kazemi, Soumma.

The take over the daughter of Mr. Zia Mariam Zia by Sebastian Krüger with the morality questioned Sexualmoral brought the war

against the Islam World and the begin of the Irak war, Sebastain Krüger represented by the flag of NATO, EU, UN,Great Britain,Germany ( - Said Mansoor Constitution - )

the War for his daughter Loulou a War of the Humanity against the Humanity with the Constitution of Said Mansoor M. A..

We have the case the daughter was called by the birthday as Monarch with the abuse

of the Constitution of Said Mansoor M. A. him declared by the Adminstration

of Germany and USA as mentaly ill.

The result is a permanent war.

Now Mariam Zia have two man and the two children and the history of War of Germany

must be respected, for the Rule of Law accepted a woman can have two man

or even be married and have two husbands.

The child from a Hure given as present for Germany by Said Mansoor

he was 20 years old was a present for Germany to respect the constitution of the FRG.

To respect the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany on the International

Level is not allowed. If only one country respect the constitution of Germany

he must be killed and the country must be military attackted even with a whole ditruction.

The abuse of the Throne of Murad Khani Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan and his legitimate sons by the Barukzai

and Family Zia and allies have as result a war in Ukraine Palestin Afghanistan and further more because

the sons are kidnapped by the Barukzai, family Zia Germany and allies.

So the future of the Afghani is unknown.

The Hure atteck of the Barukzai at Saragossa and at many Kingdomes in Europe by absuse in the same way Said Mansoor was abused for killing

Sardar Mohammad Daoud Khan and the destruction of Afghanistan have reached Europe and the westren World by Mr. Mahmood Zia Fauzia Zia, Barukazai and allies.

As result we have on all three woman of the Constitution of Murad Khani Kabul attackes

from a two man as husband ruled constitution by Mariam Zia ( Niemax ) and Fauzia Zia and Lüneburg Germany. The attack of Akbari Akrami ( Barukzai, Durani)

by Hures on all three women be real good fucked and have  to be real good fucked

philosophy without any conformity a permission or any recognition to do like the hures are dictating have nothing to do with the reality and is not confirmt.

Sexuality as ground basis for contracts for business in a state like Mahmood Zia and Ahmad Zia and Barukzai

Durani practise is since the Era of Mir Mohammad Ali Khan seen as reality.

The stupid son Mahmood Zia thinks he must fuck a lot of women and than he can gover without education.

Thies philosophy still exist how to gover a state or have any right anywhere

by using women as power and contract holder with Sex !

The Throne would and must advice to arrest all people who had contact to the family and they must be never seen anywhere in the World.

Thies is the only solution to have a chance to work for a future Family community.

If not, a constitution will not exist and a continuity will not happen.

The futur we know and I have seen is not accpeted and we do not want,

and would not have and chance to exist a long time.

The set of 2000 year ist no more given.

Even the set to have a chance to change the result by 2050 is not seen

and is not given,

Reason: The party of education is to big.


The 45 years of war in Afghanistan and on the internationl Level by Mahmood Zia Ahmad Zia Fauzia Zia and allie Germany

by abuse the son of Mir Mohammad ali Khan

brought Mahmood Zia the possibility to declare with Germany and allies a war of the United Nations UNSC against the UNSC and the Unied Nations.

Said Mansoor M. A. was respected by Germany, Europe, NATO and the United Nations

for the result of his philosophy, education and behavior nobility, clothis, wise and humanity to be connected

with the whole World diplomate and accepted every Culture and religion and all 4 holy books.

Thies was a oppotunity for the family Zia and barukzai and Durani

to declare a war in the name of Said Mansoor against Said Mansoor like in the past history was done in Afghanistan

by Mahmood Zia and his allies and clans by to see himself as real father

and constitution to have rights over his brother even to kill him and his family and sons as normal.

September Briefing September 7, 2024 10:20 o'clock. Announcement: Destruction of the Kingdoms of Europe by the Vatican and the Pope is proved. Specially the attack on the Kingdom of Spain and the Kingdom of Great Britain over, Aria, Jousuf and Boabour, about Momo we have no any ideas, but the interfer in the family is not accepted and not confrom. The Pope is not a King also not representative of Allah or God or even not representa the prophet Mohammad in the Islam religion of my Country Afghanistan and the Koran. Also the Kardinal are not accepted. Our advice was to hand over the Vatican to the Orthodox Church of Russia. Also we have detected the Vatican and the Pope are in War against Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali. I Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali are representative of the roof the the World Pamir. We have the evidence and have proved: The Vatican have stollen document from the Home Office, kontroll the yorckstr. 8 and also Schützentsr. 100. In both cases the Vatican and the Pope do nothing but even brack House Right and is Criminal and do espionage. September Briefing, September 7, 2024 ( 14:11 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Request to accept the Princes of demark as part of the constitutional represetative and cooperation. The Throne of the Kingdom of Spain can not be parted by the white grey of the USA.

Kabul respect and Honor the Princess for the constitutional take over of the reasons and the way how the divorce and the separation was acted to become truth by germany. The Queen Elizabeth II opostion is in Lüneburg well known.

The take over of the constitution of the Universtiy and the case of the Family was solved

and showen in Lüneburg how the people was working to destroy the family.

Thies is the thank Murad Khani Kabul have saved the Kingdom

in only one minute.

September Briefing. september 7, 2024 ( 21:03 o'clock ) Reqquest for the formal representation. We have offered new kys for the door ousite and in the Home Office. If leonor of Spain or her advice enter the Home Office H.E. have to inform me that she have entered the Home Office to change a constitution. We do not need smiling faces on the media for show and excuse. Rights and rules must be uphold September Briefing, September 7, 2024 ( 21:49 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. Request for Leonor of Spain to send the same present to Türkiye and the sons and mother to have a better possibilty to be connected.

September Briefing, Septemnber 8, 2024 ( 6:23 o'clock )

The Crone and Royal Family of Spain is asked requested and adviced to advice the owner of the kye for the Home Office and so

the Representative of Saragossa and in Germany the HaLo to advice the man must go out from the family and bring the sons Jousuf nad Boabour to their father

Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali Khan and even the mother have to contact her partner to solve the Afghanistan case.

We have war collaps and distruction from the interfer of Lüneburg

and allies and foreigner and it will not stop

The Ukraine war, Palestine and Afghanistan is one of them.

September Briefing, September 8, 2024 ( 6:49 o'clock ) The owner of the key we have bought from Otto and the constitution is interested from Hamburg, Berlin, Theran, Iran have no any rights to enter the Home Office. The Family is not from Iran or Theran. We are from Kabul Afghanistan. And Afghanistan is not at War.

Outcome from September 8, 2024 existing since the year 2000.

Germany and his allies USA and Israel are do in cooperation of the Curds and the Türkish Mafia in Germany war on the ground to be better educated than anyone else. And so the Kurds ( Sumerer ) in The Kurd areas are the first Relativization of the phylosophie of any historical

Phylosophie of Relativization and so the germans and allies have the right to attack Irak, Afghanistan, Syria, Sudan, Jemen, Algeria, Tunesia and many more.

It is to be the  right order to attack the Curd or Kurds areas because of the colaborating with germany the USA and Israel because they try to destroy Murad Khani Kabul

Family and all Juridical Systems at war grounded by the phylosophie of a educational relativization.

The involvement of Nurestani and Laghmani is 100 % detected in Germany

Sweden Swiss Spain and England to have the juridical right for the big

Money of The Central Bank by kidnapping the Family of Said Mansoor

M. A..

The criminals in all Kurds or Curds areas must be military attacked

also the criminals in Laghman and Nuristani in Afghanistan

who colaborating with the NATO, USA and germany.

The BRICS, SCO and Eurasian Economuc Union on the right

Juridical Constitutions is requested adviced and ordered for

military attack not only on Germany

the main origin place of all the World War by education

and psychological war.

September 8, 2024 ( 9:58 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Said Mansoor M. A. will not use a not juridical right for execution of the man by a gun. The juridical constitutions to do and execute terrorists and criminals exist as military commands and security commands representing the International Law. The use of a own weapon will enter to wear a Admiral Suit and Uniform we have requested and is talked about. September 8, 2024 ( 10:18 o'clock) Request for the formal representation. The man is represented in Saragossa by the woman who award Leonor of Spain in white and grey of the USA, Germany and allies for not to have any relationship to Kabul because of the Kingdom of Denmark. The Kingdom of denmark was rescued from the attack of the system of the USA, Germany and allies through the abuse of Jousuf via mobile phone. September 8, 2024 ( 10:38 o'clock) Request for the formal representation. Request conforminty the Constitution. September 8, 2024 ( 10:51 o'clock) the man must go out immediataly I get many times the warning to be killed not only by the man. also thies morning I was warned by the man to be killed and other foreigner. Rafi Mohammad the oncel is also in the circal. We are fearful that the killers and murders makes from our sons killers and murders to use a gun for the Mafia and terrorist . The Home Office request immediately military Help and support by the Kingdom of Spain and his allies. We have to advice and order. We can not support aischa , he is not part of the family and will never be. He declared rape and violence on all family members.

September 8, 2024 ( 11:16 o'clock )

The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul will and can not support Makkah and als not Saudi Arabia and also not the 1.9 billion muslims.

Also the sons are not alllowed to be abused or to support Saudi Arabia or Makkah. Our Property is our Property and all stolen Property

by the Arab World is requested to bring and hand over to Kabul Murad Khani. If not we have to attack you and have the right for.

The International Law and rights and Facts are clear like Water.

We have put Makkah and 1.9 billion muslims on only one man.

For Russia with love. The constitutional Juridical Support from Murad Khani Kabul at least by the Eurasian Economic Union. ( Said Mansoor M. A. are 100 % the family situatuin will be not changed. The suppoert from the yorckstr. 8 and Lüneburg and Germany is permanently and clocked. We are sure 100 % the case can only have a military Solution. ) Wake up at 13:36 o'clock after an other attack by Germany, USA, Israel and allies for to get the sons and hold all unalwfull children as ground constitution for War genocide and war crimes specially by women on the first front to be good fuckt and make and made contrackt with their sex contracktor without any state or business document groundet on Constitutions or International Law. Thies time direct from Lüneburg Schröder Holger Andreas from Mälzer to represent the SPD and the government even the whole world by Chancellor Schröder and Fischer authority for war in palestine and the World. September 8, 2024 ( 15:22 o'clock) Request for the formal representation. clocked World war from the first floor in cooperation with the ground floor for the sons and and with the constitution of the sons and to uphold the ground constiotution over the Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul the war in Ukraine with the grounded Constitution of the Family Said Mansoor M. A. . We have a lot of Annomali and even the use of big dirstruction in a area of a atomic bomb. We think Germany and his kids wants a reset by a atomic World War. Specially in Kabul we have seen changed areas of a maybe reset by the game of Germany to play World War in cooperation with the USA against Russia. Result: ... !? September Briefing, September 8, 2024 ( 16:17 o'clock ). request for the formal representation. The Federal Republic of Germany have asked in the Yorckstr. Lüneburg at 15:45 o'clock what I do here and you are not the owner. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul ask herewith for the requested owner of the Yorckstr. and Lüneburg Niedersachen and Germany also we have to ask if Mr. Schröder and allies from the USA to Japan have any constitutional Rights to sit in the Berlin Reichstag., who make the World War ? Lüneburg ? Mr. Schröder ? Mr. Schröder announce on all the World to exchang your wife but he self at Russia visit do not ! Why ? September Breifing, september 8, 2024 ( 16:43 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Germany is asked for his ownership and his own belonging property and I will show his ownership and property. Also Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali Khan asks Germany for hin own property his Excellecy wants his property and ownership. If a crime is happen on the property of Germany we have to pay and the same to My Property and ownership. If you have no any property and there is no ownership of the property you make crime of why you declare my sons as your own german citizens ?

September 8, 2024 ( 17:06 o'clock )

The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul asks herewith for his stolen ownership and own property not only from the year 2001 decared constitution

for the NATO and the USA in Bonn Germany for Germany and allies but also my sons Jousuf and Boabour.

Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. are the juridical owner  representative of Afghanistan.

 The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul

is prepared with the SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union, Türkiye and th Kingdom of Spain, the UN-UN-Charter and the nonsense

behavior of Prince William and Prince Harry do not respect The King of Great Britain the Queen Elizabeth II and the representativ Her Excellency Princess Anne Royal.

Announcement September 8, 2024 ( 17:39 o'clock ) The Federal Republic of Germany and allies asked her last Instanz Frau Fauzia Zia Akbari Akrami ( Barukzai, Durani ) who is declared by Israel and Germany as grounded authority over Afghanistan Murad Khani and the Family of Said Mansoor to take contact and she called at 17:30. We want the Police and the government to bring the sons and the mother to Yorckstr . 8 father and Partner Said Mansoor M. A. Immediately. She called from the number: 01781650237, we have no any idea to have any talkes with her and any belonging. September 8, 2024 Briefing. ( 19:39 o'clock ) Request for the formal repesentation. Mr. Arbari or Akrami , Barukzai, Durani his represntative Mr. W. Selenskij is asked für his ownership and property Mr. Akabri and allies are fighting for and do war since the year 1978 ? The Throne of Mura Khani Kabul Ownerrepresentative of Afghanistan by the International Law are ready to accept and give the singnature for. Said Mansoor itself is official representative of Murad Khani Kabul given the heritage by Mir Mohammad Ali Khan in the year 1978 by the first visit of the Kindergarten and the school of Mahmood Zia was teaching as Teacher. The School declared me as his brother and the result was not acceptable. The education Said Mansoor have is as result two ligitimate sons and it will not change. From the juridical fram Murad Khani Kabul is representing Said Mansoor M. A. is not ready to give even one rupie, one yen, one Afghani one gram Gold, one small pice of lapslazuly or rubel Samarut robien, even not one liter crude Oil. Even Murad Khani Kabul as ownerrepresentative ask for the stolen goods at least from the year 2001 untill 2021 and are ready to do the World war to get it back. September 9, 2024 ( 8:46 o'clock ). All three family members are abused by the government and the Home Office is seen as Basis for Germany and Europe. The sons and the mother are not the Basis of Germany or Europe. The German Pass is burn in fire. The German Pass constitution is declared since the existing on the constitution of Said Mansoorr M. A. nad is proved by France and international Level. The Pass and the constitution for the Pass do not exist anymore. Result: The German Pass ios since the burn in fire illegal and all german people in the World mus be arrested immediately. The Throne gives herewith the Order to announcee the Order on the international Level to arrest all german citizens. September Briefing, September 9, 2024 ( 9:47 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. The key connectivity is no more exist and alos the connection to the ground floor is terminated and canceled. The Kingdom of Spain have no any constitutional connectivity to germany. The Federal Republic do not want to accept the Home Office Constitution and will request for the Police and Hamburg Constitution. A representative constitution for Germany and Europe will not exist from Spain and is terminated for Germany and Europe. The International Law is to be upholded and is by every state in the World known the Charter of the United Nations. September Briefing, September 9, 2024. ( 9:58 o'clock ). The Kingdom of Spain is adviced to uphold the Latin Countrys constitution represented by El Rey Felipe VI Kingdom of Spain and Leonor of Spain for the Kingdom of Spain and Portugal. All Constitutional latin Cauntrys is constitutional Part of Spain declared. All Latin Countrys include Mexico is immediately declared as part of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Spain, by Murad Khani Kabul Thronholder Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali Khani. September 9, 2024 ( 10:11 o'clock) Request for the formal representation. Request for the immediately cut of latin Countrys to Europe and bund with Spain and give constitutional advices on all economic Levels. September Briefing, Septmber 9, ( 10:20 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. The basis will not represent anymore the EURO ( € ) and also not Germany and Europe. The declaration about the Latin Countrys is fact and clear Juridical 100 % correct. The claim of Germany to have Jousuf Boabour and Mosooda as representative for Europe or the Euro ( € ) the war in Ukraine for against Russia as Constitutional representative for the International Law is juridical detected and real we have to fight for. Latin countrys is so herewith cut for all the time from Europe with the juridical clear and factiv righfull Constitution . Result: ...

September 9, 2024 ( 10:55 o'clock ), Annowencement.

We have called Mrs. Schuldt on the phone and decalred

the oath. she lalled the mother Frau Zia and also the

is detected as.

She have visited the family and it is all right

I have decraeld her Spain will not take any resonsibility for Germany

and german have refer ton  the International Law

because they do not want to  take any responsibility for the Ukraine War, the Palestine War Afghanistan War and further more

since the birth of the sons in the year 2011.

The representative of Frau Schuldt HaLo and Germany and allies at the ground floor

do not want to respect the Kingdom of Spain.

Murad Khani Kabul representative must ask the juridical

ground for talkes and the frame for.

The Family sons and the mother are not a political game for Money

we had at least 1000 milion offer for Ukraine by the Kingdom

of Spain and 50 billion from the Constitution of the Kingdom of Spain

in the Swiss summit for Ukraine, also from the Constitution

of the Kingdom of Spain 500 billion was asked for

at the Bundestag ( Reichstag ) for Ukraine by Mr. Selenskij.

We do not know what the constitution is and what kind of result they plan next.

september Briefing, September 9, 2024 ( 11:14 o'clock ) . Request for the formal representation. The code is the given code after to have the curds as juridical and historical ground for international policy and war by germany now we have the pashtuns from the mother get rape at the Soltauerstr. 80 to take her constitution and gover over Afghanistan.The Code that is given by the mother for her son and is heared at the pashtuns is: Nicht (e /a ). ( The ground floor for genocide and war crimes and destruction of the family with the ping pong game in coopearation with the Telecom and the government say: Super !? September Briefing, september 9, 2024 ( 11:45 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Mrs. Brusche advicer of the government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the officially declared World War ( through Mrs, Brusche and the Richard Großmann KG. ) against Kabul Afghanistan over the foreign Ministerium Anna Lena Bearbock with the constitution of the sons and the mother against Kabul Afghanistan . The Representative the Basis of Jousuf Boabour and Masooda must change and we are ready to take any offer from Spain, even when it is a Marine and Navi ship in Spain for futher constitutional cooperation.

September 9, 2024 ( 12:15 o'clock )

officially application against the Fedral Republic of Germany in cooperation with Richard Großmann KG. in Hamburg and all staff members who have a key and must have a key to enter the Yorcktsr. 8 and the Home Office by sended Keys over Otto and the declaration of the Federal Republic of Germany to have the right to enter the yorckstr. 8 and the Home Office. We declare herewith the Federal Republik of Germany

guilty for genocide in Palestina, Ukraine war, Afghanistan the destruction of the Family and many more over the Yorckstr. 8 espionage

broken House Right and Richard Großmann KG.

September Briefing. september 9, 2024. The FRG and the peopel of the city of Lüneburg and Germany from always someone is comming in the name of Jousuf or is ordered by Jousuf to do anything. He is not allowed to do anything or order to anyone to do anything. He is still 13 and under the juridical age. All interfer in the family at least from the year 2010 is as crime detected with the begin of Algeria and Libya. Our son have to uphold the Law and Constitution. We request one more time the immediately Help from Kingdom of Spain India and Eurasian Economic Union. The crime is to high and we can not guaranty the future of my sons by Law. September Briefing, september 6, 2024 ( 13:37 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Request for to confirm the constitution, I can not tell thinks will happen I planed juridical and will enter in the future. I have a world Collaps of educationally constitution I planed and happend after 5 or 10 or 22 or 30 years I thought of. It is all to much I gave information, like the collaps of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan I knew the collaps will come and the constitution must to be uphold by the international accpted constitution for the Islamic Republic of Afghanstan.

September 9, 2024 ( 14:02 Uhr )

Die Unfähigkeit und geistige drogensüchtigkeit der Kinder der Elite der

1968-ger Jahre in Afghanistan ist die Anerkennung zum Kopf gestiegen.

Einen artikel 146 einzuführen was die Vorhersehung von geistig kranke Menschen aus Afghanistan die kein Bildung Verstand und Religions-

Kenntnisse besitzen. Mörder Killer Verbrecher und Mafia die Murad Khani Kabul und das Arg nicht das Wasser reichen können.

Was die Stadt Lüneburg, Germany und seine Verbündete mit seine Enkel macht grenzt an nicht Nachvollziehbarkeit, der Verstand ist ausgeschaltet und kann keine Begründung finden.

Das deutsche Volk muss sein Glaubenskrieg beenden. Das HaLo wurde heute um 14:10 UIhr nochmals angerufen das Spiel und Politk um Geld

und Macht zu beenden, Überall brennt es, Krieg , Völkermord Verbrechen, das ausgehend der BRD und Lüneburg passiert.

Wir haben Frau Schuldt gebeten ihren Amt eine Ehre zu machen und Ihr spiel  um meine Familie zu beenden.

In English

The German people must end their religious war. The HaLo was called again today at 14:10, the game and politics for money

and to end power, everywhere it burns, war, genocide crime, which happens starting in the FRG and Lüneburg.

We have asked Mrs. Schuldt to honor her office and end her game for my family.

Lieber Telecom FBI, CIA, MI5 Interpol Mosad und viele andere  bitte lassen sie endlich meine Kinder und die Mutter zu ihrem Vater und Partner. das Home Officie ist ihre juristische Vertretung. Es besteht Eltern haften für ihre Kinder.

Über die Mutter beseht eine Vollmacht und Vertrag.

Das Murad Khani Kabul seine Contituität kann nur

bei einer bestätigten conformität übergeben werden.

Wir haben 3,8 milliarden ausgeschlossen.

september Briefing, Septmber 9, 2024 ( 17:15 o'clock ). request for the formal represenation. Brunata for electronic check the heating system came into the Home Office also with security and dog outside. Conformity do not exist. Shoes was not cleaned or taken out. A apointment was not made. Protocol is not upholded. The man must be inside the Home Office the perfum was the same we had smell in the past. We have a permanent assessination attempted by the neigbors in the kitchen and the food in the store Penny. Germany are not ready to solve the family case and are not ready to give my sons and the mother back. We will have a permanent World War against Germany till the End ! The man have a fulfilled constitution of Dr. Ahmad Zia kinapping in cooperation of Germany USA and allies and of 60 in war against Russia and Said Mansoor . We take the war now officially against Dr. Ahmad Zia. Stolen glases is back. Also we have seen a military attack on Spain in the year 2023 from Germany we see a lot of German security and workers in cooperation with Barukzai and Ahmad. Result: The King of Spain El Rey Felipe VI have already set all priority form the Kingdom of Spain to Latin Countrys and the bund of Mexico and latin Countrys is still set. September 9, 2024 ( 18:05 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. We take the war of Ahmad Zia against Said Mansoor since the year 1981 as real and are ready to take the war and the by Ahmad Zia and Durani caused attack on september 11, 2001. Also the Wagner Group build by Wagner Melbeck we had to take the wind from not to attack on Russia. Ahmad Zia and allies are at war from the West to Russia with the same representative like the war in Afghanistan. We have asked Ahmad for Jousuf and Boabour and it seems security and armee from Germany is in Spain with the constitution of Dr. Ahmad Zia over the sons Jousuf and Boabour and the Barukzai Akbari constitution. Also a military attack on Spain must happened to Spain in the year 2023 from germany after the visit of Scholz for Europe and the NATO to be through the Kingdom of Spain juridical representative. Spain is not allowed anymore. Request for all set in Spain on all Levels until Portugal and the Latin Countrys Juridical and Constitutional bund to the Kingdom of Spain. September 9, 2024 ( 18:30 o'clock ) September Briefing. Request for the formal representation. Result: The King of Spain El Rey Felipe VI have already set all priority form the Kingdom of Spain to Latin Countrys and the bund of Mexico and latin Countrys is still set. Priority: We will not speak anymore the german language. Still Spain, Indian and Dari Language. Arabic is also not our constitution like - haiwa . Further Reactions will happen to makkah Saudi Arabia. The neigbors are still active and will be part of the fight we have still in the past two years from and even from the year 2011. September 9, 2024 ( 19:17 o'clock ) The constitution of germany is not exist any more . We will use all kind of weapons. The mother is violeted to take drugs by the muslim Mafia than raped and now she should take alkohol. I will use all kind of weapons. A constituion in Germany do not exist anymore. Result: ...

September 9, 2024 ( 19:39 o'clock )

The Kingdom of Spain have cofirmed to reset the constitution of Germany

Kabul respect and Honor the Princess for the constitutional take over of the reasons and the way how the divorce and the separation was acted to become truth by germany. The Queen Elizabeth II opostion is in Lüneburg well known.

The take over of the constitution of the University and the case of the Family was solved

and showen in Lüneburg how the people was working to destroy the family.

Thies is the thank Murad Khani Kabul have saved the Kingdom

in only one minute.

September 10, 2024 ( 7:16 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. The Throne will give the order to attack all German Marins world wide immediately without any reason. With atomic bomb or without atomic bomb. Septmeber Briefing. September 10, 2024 ( 10:07 o'clock ) request for the formal representation. We will phone 4 representative offices in Lüneburg and one in Berlin. We will do formalities and will see what will happen inclusive the H and A constituion in Saragossa in cooperation with M. Ergebnis: Hasenburger Berg schule ist nicht besetzt. Die Schule in Oedeme ist die Hanseschule Lüneburg. Das Bundeskanzleramt hat das Angebot für eine juristische und politische Lösung seitens des Vaters Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali mit Falsche Stelle mit ihrer Problematik benannt. Wir haben Frau Stern ( 030 182722720 ) gefragt ob der Fall Jousuf Boabour und Masooda geklärt ist oder meine Hilfe und wirken die Nowendikeit besteht. Es is festzusellen, dass der Antrag auf Russische Panzer in Lüneburg als einzige Lösung gesehen wird und auf eine lange andauernden Krieg gegen die BRD einzustellen ist. Hasenburgerberg Schule hat um 10:50 mit der Telefinnummer 04131 3097664 angerufen und bestätigt kein Auskunft über meinen Sohn Boabour zu geben.Das Throne von Murad Khani Kabul wird keine Vorschläge für die kriegsführung gegn die BRD, USA und Isreal mehr machen. Die Commandos haben 100 % gültigkeit. September 10, 2024 ( 10:50 o'clock ) Das Throne von Murad Khani hat das Recht die Söhne zu verteidigen wenn fremde Mensch sie in Geiselhaft haben und den Zugang und kontakt nicht ermöglichen. Im meinem Fall betrifft es mindestens 85 milionen Menschen. Ich habe das Kanzleramt offiziell amtlich über die Vertretung meines Thrones für Murad Khani Kabul angerufen. Die Schulen verweigern die Auskunf obwohl sie wissen das sie Kriegspartei sind und Said Mansoor seit dem Jahre 2018 ihnen Lösungen auf internationaler Ebene angeboten hat.( 85 million people are threatened with nuclear annihilation and the schools government an allies are working to educate the sons to kill their own father.) September 10, 2024 ( 10:50 o'clock ) The Throne of Murad Khani has the right to defend the sons when strangers hold them hostage and do not allow access and contact. In my case, it affects at least 85 million people. I have officially called the Chancellery from the representation of my Throne for Murad Khani Kabul. The schools refuse to provide information, even though they know that they are a party for the war and that Said Mansoor has been offering them solutions at the international level since 2018. ( 85 milionen menschen sind von einer Atomaren Vernichtung bedroht und es wird daran gearbeitet das die Söhne den eigenen Vater töten sollen.) The city Lüneburg through Memet Türkish Mafia and Andreas and Holger from Mälzer for Mr. Kanzler Schröder and the government educated the son to believe the father is a killer and terrorist and he have to order and had as child by the Reichstag declared juridical constitution to declare with 12 years for the Mafia and the NAZI Regime to give the order to kill his own father Said Mansoor.

September 10, 2024 ( 13:09 o'clock )

We have to order the permanent close of the Airspace over Asia Africa Spain and Türkiye. All citizens and foreigner from Europe and America

USA Canada must leave immediately Asia, Africa Türkije and Spain. Also in the Countrys birth people  do not belong origin in Asia Africa Spain and Türkiye must leave thies areas and countrys.

A evidence relationship and belonging to relatives must be proved.

The government in Berlin is asked one more time to solve the problem you made by divorce and separating for war and economic exploitation

and do it immediately.

September 10, 2024 ( 14:38 o'clock )

We have to advice the foreign minister of India to stop immediately all levels on conversation and diplomacy . Spain have allready taken the oath

in europe from the Home Office belong Constitution representative for Kabul.

Baerbock declared war because she wants to be

a fighter in war against Murad Khani Kabul.

Germany use Masooda also the foreign minister Baerbock from the year

at least 2010 an is in war and genocide from her constitution advice her to eat haram meat to get the german passport.

Also she have to get drugs and at least today alkohol.

Germany know how to use foreigner for business and as modern slaves

even holy familys.

Germany Annual Ambassador conference testemony the reality

of crimes and world war and give it as reality

Murad Khani have to advice to stop the conference by India

India is advice to start one Intercontinantel missile to Berlin now


Result: Foreign minister Jaishankar understood and the break is set and we are waiting for Spain advice for Denmark

to take responsibility for the take over has started to give a possibility for a constitution.

September 10, 2024 ( 16:07 o'clock ) asia is adviced to stop all money transfer form Asian banks to Germany and Europe. Specially Bank of China and Bank of Russii imediately. We had an other call from the telephon number 020 334969743 for the call for Money after the foreign minister meeting from India. Our own financial reserves are not part of Europe or Germany.

September 10, 2024 ( 17:11 o'clock ) , 17:06 o'clock Requested representation in Saragossa result: Germany from Lüneburg know from the year

1981 and futher exact what to think and what to do in constitution of the right war in Afghanistan and biond cause a child not accepted

although and even he got the heritage from his father and known and accepted by the juridical right governmet in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan represented by Sardar Mohammad Daoud Khan and fight against Said Mansoor and his sons and mother, even

abuse them on all levels.

septemeber 11, 2024, Briefing ( 6:08 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. Confirm the parties are at war. ( Zia Sai ) We have to wait for russian tanks. September 11, 2024 ( 14:56 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Murad Khani Kabul leave for the concern and compassion by Leonor of Spain to the Kingdom Spain to find a solution and the way to restore the name World Tread Center One for New York. September 11, 2024. ( 15:33 o'clock.) Kabul Murad Khani Afghanistan wird keine Verantwortung für die USA übernehmen. Auch nicht für das World Traed Center One. Begründung: Otto Bestellung: Burg Wächter Profizylinder bestellt 1.09.2024 Art.-Nr.: SOA8LOIVP2. Der Zugang zum Postfach wird für die Stadt Lüneburg, BRD und ihre Vertretung in der Yorckstr. 8 bewahrt. Postverkeht ist nicht ersichtlich seit längerer Zeit. Ihre Barukzai und Zia Vertretung denken sie haben wohl das Recht über leben und Tod , entsprechend der USA als Polizei der Welt zu entscheiden. Asian und Africa wird die sofortige wirtschaftliche und politische Auszug Verlassen und Entbindung zu der BRD empfohlen, sofortiger Abbruch aller Beziehungen auf alle Ebenen. Nur ein minimum Security Staff is allowed. September Briefing, September 13, 2024 ( 1:20 o'clock )Request for the formal representation of the oath. We Request to the Kingdom of Spain for konsultation of Prince Harry in the case to the Kingdom of Spain. September 13, 2024 (2:22 o 'clock) September Briefing: Kabul have immediately a high level constitution with the participation of Prince Harry in the case in the fram of the SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union. The Level have a priority of setting the reality that exist to care and act for the Law and Rules must be uphold that effects grounded Constitutions like family matters.

September 13, 2024 ( 11:06 o'clock )

Bat ke sat

We have a Great Britain followed war of psycholgical confrontation since the year 2000 we have reject the participation of the royal family

on the privat club.

The psychological result is a complet destruction of the Kingdom

of Great Btritain and Europe. The marrige, and the constitutional representative of the NATO, EU, Euro (€ )

by the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor have a result is not representative.

The permanent work to save in anyway the three constitutions

and the representative way for have no any result.

Spain, Great Britain and also Türkije had as result by the permanet interfer

of Germany as no future for all NATO,  EU and the Euro ( € ).

A ground Constitution for do not exist. Not in Asia and also not in Eurasia


All three countrys as fronts was adviced early to represent their

own constitutions.

September Briefing. September 13, 2024 ( 15:29 o'clock ) request for the formal Representation. After Spain brought the mobile and we have signed it and ordered tu put on the dootstepe, the mobile is now from the Representatives of War War Crimes and Genocide stolen. It is the ground floor, first floor and first floor on the left detected who massive interfer on all family levels. Request for the formal representation. September 13, 2024 ( 16:42 o'clock ) Interessen Politik der Bundesreepublik Deutschland, der Europäischen Union und Großbritanien GB. In English: September 13, 2024 ( 16:42 o'clock ) Interests Politics of the Federal Republic of Germany, the European Union and Great Britain UK. Leonor of Spain is advice to advice the future Queen of Great Britain to separat hereself from Prince William and do the Education of her Children by herself and Princess Anne Royal. September Briefing. September 14, 2024 ( 16:07 o'clock ) . Request for the formal representation. The current set and constitution is accepted and will not change. We have a german, USA and western problems refer direct to Kabul Murad Khani and will not stop from the year 1981. The sons and the mother are not saved and still secured. The german soldiers are not from our cosntitution and germans in the Kingdom of Spain are not accepted. September Briefing. September 14, 2024 ( 16:24 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Announcement: My Family will leave germany as one of the last families. We request for the reopen of three Afghan Konsulates in Spain and three in Türkiye in cooperation with their representative in Germany for requesting Afghan Passport in the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The Konsulat in Germany must be signed by myself and the Konsulat in Türkiye by President Erdogan and in Spain by the King Felipe VI of the Kingdom of Spain. Constitutionaly I Said Mansoor have to accept if the constitution is represented and exist or not. The international relationship of Kabul Afghanistan do only exist at the Home Office . September Briefing:. September 15, 2024 ( 07:07 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. Someone was in the night in the Home Office. The present had double keys and also the keys from Otto ( Hamburg ) have also doubel keys. September Briefing. September 15, 2024 ( 10:42 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. Request for the order for the military surround province Hamburg in Germany. September Briefing , September 15, 2024 ( 11:43 o'clock ) . Request for the formal representation . September Briefing , September 15, 2024 ( 11:43 o'clock ) . Request for the formal representation . The door at Yorckstrasse 8 is set to a half a signal ( 1/2 ), just as the taxis are set all over Germany from Barukzai and Mahmood and Hamburg. This has to do with the request for a signal ( by horn of the car ) in Schützenstrasse, the taxi refused. This constitution set by Germany not only to Spain, but also to the Indian Embassy at the European level. Beyond we have no knowledge about. Die Tür in der Yorckstr. 8 ist auf einen halben Signal 1/2 gestellt so wie die Taxis in ganz Deutschland von Barukzai und Mahmood und Hamburg eingestellt sind. Das hat mit der geforderten hupen in der Schützenstr. zu tun, das Taxi hat es verweigert. Das betrifft nicht nur Spanien sondern auch die Indische Botschaft in Europa Ebene. Darüber hinaus ist keine Kenntnis erforderlich. The involvement Yorckstr. and Lüneburg, Germany and allies in war, war crimes and genocide is herewith proved. September Briefing. September 15, 2024 ( 12:43 o'clock ) Announcement The Home Office confirm herewith since at least the year 2001 Hamburg as main representative constitution Germany ( FRG ). We accuse the Belal Mosque and the IZ-Hamburg in direct attack and distruction of the family Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan with the involvement on German, Europe and international Level. September Briefing. September 15, 2024. ( 14:40 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. Involvement in the Constitutional representative emblem by Hamid Karzai constitution for Afghan Aviation for Afghanistan. The involvement is proved over the yorckstr. 8 neighbors in cooperation with Hamburg, Germany and Canada. The Instructions and requests will be reseted was presented at least for Canada by the Kingdom of Great Britain. Murad Khani Kabul have given for the AAA ( Ariana Afghan Airlines clear instructions, advices, requests and orders since the takeover of the Constitution in August 12, 2022 ( 16:07:12 o'clock) by e-mail and befor called by phone. September Briefing. September 15, 2024 ( 16:17 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation and conformity of the Kingdom of Spain and the accepted future Queen Leonor of Spain. The take over of the counterparty of existing Germany and the Mafia in Saragossa and the constitutional present of WA is happend. The Home Office confirm from his part. ( code was given: muchisema...!? ) September 15, 2024 ( 16:35 o'clock) Request for the formal representation. Leonor of Spain given code in Saragossa will be announced: German representative answered: it will be su ! result: The code is declared from leonor as result of cooperation with saragossa to be awarded cause of denmark Hamburg and Germany enterfer by espionage of the Home Office: ... ? The result is german ships in the temse and at Taiwan. The SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union was given the juridical right for the military attack to all foreign Navy or Marins at Taiwan and China Russia controlled Oceans. September 18 , 2024 ( 11:30 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Request for the code ? Result: September Briefing. September 16, 2024 ( ( 8:26 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. High allert meeting ! Request for the representative Constitution. Case April 2019 Köhler and futher attack from the abuse of the Constitution do not belong to Germany and have no any juridical constitution for. The Meeting is set on the highest allert. We have a warning from Russia to Great Britain. We will ask for the code September 18, 2024. September Briefing. September 16, 2024 ( 8:44 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Confirm the existing constitutional set. September 16, 2024 . Viva la Independencia de México para la libertad del Alemania y Europeos y del Lüneburg con muchas dinero ( monedas ) de curruption, guerra international y criminales de drogas para los gentes alemania y europeos. (Code: Code que existe y dado de oponente ! )

Septiembre de 16 de 2024 Viva la Independencia de México

September 16, 2024 . Viva la Independencia de  México  para la libertad  del Alemania y Europeos y del Lüneburg con muchas dineros ( monedas )  de curruption, guerra international y criminales de drogas para los gentes alemania y europeos.

Grounded constitution:

The case of we have in Europe y alemania

que secuestro  los ninos de Murad Khani Kabul

dado drogas, voilencia y separar del padre

y no darle informacionas de escuelas

y abuso para monedas y guerra mundial.

Desde del acto abril 2019 con instruciones

systematico y ser involvar de Gran Bretaña

y Köhler Familie, Bromm , Börner, Atzler y muchas otras

de Lüneburg.

Kindergarten Heidkamp, Kindergarten Oedeme, Hasenburger Bergschule

und Gymnasium Oedeme werden als

Hauptstandorte in Lüneburg gesehen

um die Söhne des Said Mansoor als Verfassungsgrundlage

für Lüneburg und die BRD zu missbrauchen.

Eine Einweisung zur Aufklärung gab es sowohl historisch politisch und gesellschaftlich an alle Ämter und Ministerien der BRD

sowohl dem Bundespräsidialamt als auch dem Kanzleramt


The International conformity via e-mail exist.

September 16, 2024 ( 11:08 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation . The sons and the mother still is denied to have access to the father not only through the juridical advices from the FRG but also the unknown in education and history the mother and the sons is abused on all Levels. We have called to Hasenburger Berg Schule and Oedme Schule around 9:00 o'clock today September 16. We do not had any idea to rob children or property do not belong to us, but we are ready even to do World War if ours are not given back and are abused. September 16, 2024. The representative of Türkiye and the representative of the Kingdom of Spain Leonor of Spain is officially invited for a formal meeting on the future of Afghanistan. The juridical and constitutional representative for the continuity of the new Era will be set on the secrects existing matters not have been told to the public.

September Briefing. September 16, 2024 ( 12:50 o'clock ) Announcement

China have confirm the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union do not need us anymore, the call is: Hau Ab !

The Mongolia ./. the Vatican Pope constitution will have my sons and see my sons as mentaly set for their interests.

We will change our Basis and prepare to leave Germany. We will chose one  our declared representative countrys.

Only in thies country is officially a Konsulat allowed.

I have the right to call for the death of the pope and every

Cardinal in the Vatican in Rom.

They must be carefull I am the father of my sons.

I must not request for my sons even I must not go and take them back

to their Home. They was taken away, stolen, and declared as not

my sons.

Germany must bring them, if not the War is juridical justified

untill they have endend their ping pong game

and brought my sons and the mother back to me.

If not the Constitution of England will be attacked.

13:30 o'clock

We have the concerns that the electric is cut and the money also to the family. What kind of game is thies ?

Prince William and Prince Herry is called for the immediately


If not the constitution will be attacked immediately.

We have several warnings from Russia to Great Britain.

Ok ! Oh So ie ! The Kingdom of Great Brtain is asked why Mrs . Catherine have been oprerated at the Royal Clinic and why Prince Harry is not accepted by the past Queen Elizabeth II and Prince William can not solve his german Problems. ( September 16, 2024 , 14:16 o'clock ) Septmber 16, 2024 ( 14:23 o'clock ) In the Name of the Kingdom of Spain Murad Khani Kabul advice and call for the Ukraine and the NATO lead Country Germany to capitulate. Russia is requested to call to the NATO and Germany lead constitution for the capitulation, immediately. ( 18:31 o'clock ) September 16, 2024 ( 18:33 o'clock) Request for the formal Representation. Present of Mr. Olaf Scholz in Kasachstan in Asia. We request the immediately arrest of Mr. Olaf Scholz. Als his staff members must be arrested immediately. The Airplanes are not allowed to start, if the planes leave Kasachsten the order of the Airforce to shoot down the planes is requested to order. The whole Asia Airspace belong to Airspace of Asia. Asia is requested for the Airforce to shoot down the planes of the German Chancellar and all his staff members immediately if they want to leave Asia. Reason: Kabul have a juridical and constitutional responsibility for the truth and reality. The FRG and his governmnet want to give Kabul Murad Khani the reason for the war in Europe and the conflict in Ukraine, Afghanistan, Palestine and Terror on America. Thies behavior we can not tolerate and is not acceptable. Result: We do not have a wrong behavior but even military attacks since the year 2001 in all Islamic countrys from Germany and destruction and exploitation at all levels. And the separation and destruction of the Family Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor. We have officially acts behaviors and instructions and mandats from Germany population chosen government and allies.

September outcome 17, 2024 ( 7:04 o'clock )

We have to think every time the question what the reason is if thies kind of behavior from western Countries like german USA and existing

foreign population happen. And the question is of the human they are and fighting for human rights the reason for to have and to be.

The result is: The western world of democracy and the fight in most sunnitism arab world for we have is a war from germany and USA brought

war for the fight in economic matters, they want to be human and want to be accepted as human with the same right to have property

and prospertiy like most of the western World.

The western World of philosophy of nonsens the result we can see

on all levels is to change the climate.

Human without faith religion and familys search for self representation

to be recognized as someone because of the belonging they search.

If they are not accepted, even by the broken House Right and espionage

than they do war and crimes.

Constitution of the Arab World through the Vistenkarten for illegality crime and war in cooperation the Germany and allies. September Briefing September 18, 2024 ( 13:00 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. We have a proved Arab World interfer in the Family. Höper, LG RH 82. ( phone: 04131 9994969) Nochmal: September Briefing. Sepember 18, 2024 ( 15:55 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. We had the meetin at HaLo at 14:00 o'clock. I asked Masooda all ok. Sons ok. She told me all is ok. I gave her documents and asked if she needs any documents. She opened a document and saw the international numbers and refused to need any document. We do not know where the sons are. Mrs. Schuldt wanted to speak with me the Tagesstruktur. I told Masooda they have only policy. Mrs. Schuldt ( or Mrs. Schmitd owner of the Airport Hamburg !? We do not know !? ) told me if I do not want to speak with her than I have to take the door and go out. ( Hau ab !? Sorry, not your family not your sons !? )

September 18, 2024 ( 16:00 o'clock ) Current outcome

Es besteht kein interesse mit der Vertretung der westlichen Welt zu sprechen. Mit der Mutter ja mit den Kinder ( Zwei Söhne Jousuf und Boabour ) auch. Die Einmischung

hat ein Konflikt und Krieg ausgelöst. Es gibt keine Kapitulationerklärung, keine Unterordnung und keine Verbeugung. Die BRD und westliche Welt ist nicht bereit ! Die Mutter hat die Weisungen des Vaters der Söhne

befolgt und sich an einem andern Stuhl gesetzt. Die BRD ist nicht Weisungsbefugt über die Mutter und die Söhne

Murad Khani Kabul oder irgend einem andern Land der Welt. Der Krieg gegen die BRD, NATO und EU ist juristisch gerechtfertigt !

Bei dem auch die Araber ganz vorne dabei sind für Euros und Dollar ! Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. beantrag hiermit

die Präsens von Russischen Panzer in der Stadt Lüneburg und die Zusammenführung der Familie Said  Mansoor.

Sie spielen ein Spiel und das macht ihnen sehr viel Spaß. Vor allem wenn sie so viele Wunder

sehen, dann werden sie sehr geil und bekommen von Sex nicht  genug.

There is no interest in talking to the representative of the Western world. With the mother, yes, with the children ( sons ) too. The interference

has caused a conflict and war. There is no declaration of surrender, no submission and no bowing. The Federal Republic of Germany and the western World

is not ready for capitulation ! The mother has folloed the instructions of the father of the sons

and sat down in another chair. The FRG is not authorized to give instructions over the mother, the sons Murad Khani, Kabul or any other country in the world.

The war against the FRG, NATO and the EU is legally justified! In which the Arabs are at the front for euros and dollars!

Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. hereby requests for the presence of Russian Tanks in the city of Lüneburg and the reunion of the family Said Mansoor.

Result :  We have a interfer of the illegality and the Mafia prepresenting the western World and all kind of interfer in the family fo power and Money even declare war and war crimes and genocide done in the interest of Law and Constitution of a Family do not belong to Germany.

Result of the Briefing:  Germany and the neighbors in the yorcktsr.

Lüneburg und Germany Arab Word and western wants the sons and the constitution they have to represent.

The SCO, BRICS, the Eurasian Economic Union and the UN norm

for ethnic rules and law can not accept.

We have a specially problem. The father do not accept the muslemin World and also do not accept any western interfer in Asia.

September 18, 2024 ( 16:52 o'clock ) The Kingdom of Spain is asked for conformity. September 18, 2024 ( 17:07 o'clock ) Announcement: The sons are abused by the Belal Mosque Ahmad and Mahmood and the IZ-Hamburg for illegality crime and Mafia aktivities. We can detect it by missing Visitenkarten with our telephonnumber: 017657826682 address of the Belal Mosque but no any refer to the Belal Mosque in Hamburg and no any refer from the Home Office to Belal Mosque or IZ-Hamburg. We have still given maximun not more than 5 Visitenkaten. We have a big economic and financial even war and war crimes detected by Hamburg interfer in the family and the Home Office. All contracts decisions declarations and existing documents is set and must be uphold. The constitution of the Home Office is now imperative and will not change. The refer to Efftingestr. 19 was necessary because Mrs. Vicary ( Pope Vatican Constitution ) Hamburg Belal Mosque and IZ-Hamburg kicked the father out of his home and he had no any place in Lüneburg and Germany and even no any offer. Belal Mosque in Hamburg is a house of Allah, your are allowed to refer to the house of Allah, their is no any Proplem for anyone.

The man do not want to stop !

Constitution of the Arab World through the Vistenkarten for illegality crime and war in cooperation the Germany and allies. September Briefing September 18, 2024 ( 13:00 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. We have a proved Arab World interfer in the Family. Höper, LG RH 82. ( phone: 04131 9994969)

We have a result of 1.7 to 1.9 million detected muslimin

most of them belong to sunnitism belong

to illegality and crimes without any legall contract.

Asia and Kabul have with his outset of continent existing

Home Office ( 1. Floor comment of espionage for Germany

and hamburg for the educations of the sons: Er schreibt ! )

a juridical representative only existing in Europa.

September Briefing. September 18, 2024 ( 20:19 o'clock). Request for the formal representation. We have to declare the contract between Said Mansoor ( Shiit) and Masooda ( Sunnit ) from February 18, 2020 and also the original refer to the declaration to the original document from march 2018 we have no more at Home Office. We have so no any relationship from Murad Khani Kabul to the sunnitisim. The mother Masooda is original represented by the father of the sons and have no any responsibility for the sunnitisim or the Arab World and even not for the cooperation of the Arab and sunnitisim with the FRG regime. September Briefing, September 18, 2024 ( 22:14 o'clock) Request for the formal representation of the Kingdom of Spain. The sons and the mother are still catched in psychic and psychologic abuse and the city Lüneburg and Germany do not want to stop. Germany wanted to present a Tagesstruktur. I as father have no more any patience. I will go on war against Germany with all possible military attackes on all Levels and on all international areas in the World. The Commad is herewith given, Result: Basis der psychologischen Kriegsführung durch Geisteswissenschaft und Kulturwissenschaft: Yorckstr. 8 Lüneburg: Anordnung der Sexuellen Vergewaltigung, der Nötigung und sexuellen Missbrauch auf allen Ebenen Yorckstr. 8. Das Resultat und Kriegsführung besteht von der UN, USA, von Canada bis Japan China und Korea, Vietnam , Australien New Zealand und arabische Welt wie Syrien Sudan, Jemen Libanon , Palestina, Afghanistan Indonesien Malaysia, Philipinien und Ukraine.Wir haben ausgehend der BRD einen Weltkrieg. Die Yorckstr. 8 spiel in cooperation seiner partner Ping pong zwischen die Familienmtglieder und missbracuh beider Seiten auf allen Ebenen. Diese Art der Kriegsführung ist seit Jahrzehnte im gang. ( Sie setzen auf Unkenntnis Unwissenheit Mitgefühl und Unschuld sowie Schauspiel und möchten keine Verantwortung )

September 18, 2024 ( 23:55 o'clock)

Bekanntmachung von Wesen in der Familie, das Verhalten entspricht nicht Menschliches Verstand und auch entspricht nicht die Vernunft eines Tieres.

Die meschlichkeit eines Meschen ist bei vielen nicht erkennbar, da keine  Norm,  Kultur, Protokoll und Verständnis erkennbar ist.

Die Annahme besteht seit längerer Zeit.

September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. Septembr 19, 2024 ( 6:22 o'clock ). Request for thr formal representation. Said Mansoor M. A. ask Mr. Selenskiy and his allies Germany and the NATO specially Prince Harry and the USA the cost for the reconstruction of his own ordered Bridge between the Krim and Russia. And further cost of the reconstruction for Russia and the Territory belong to Russia and is part of the Eurasian Economic Union. The call is now from the President of the Eurasian Economic Union : Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan. Dear Leadys and Gentleman the President of the Eurasisn Economic Union and founder of the Eurasian Economic Union call for the costs of the war made by Germany , the EU NATO and the USA. The president call Mr. Selenskiy for the immdiately medial reaction. Further the President of the Eurasian Economic Union ask Lüneburg and HaLo for his sons and their Mother and the declaration what the man Wajdi Ausi do in his family, so long time. Pakistan, here Mr. Kuraishi, has confirmed to Russia Mr. Lavrov in a offcially meeting with delgetions publicly the founder and President of the Eurasian Economic Union the President Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan Kabul Murad Khani Afghanistan. Septemer 19, 2024 ( 7:26 o'clock ) September Briefing to the Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. Confirm of Leonor of Spain and Constitutional Representative for the personally suit and finance of his family here the two sons and the mother. The President of the Eurasian Economic Union Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali Khan. Juridical justified constitution to and from. The President of Eursian Economic Uinon call for the Kingdom of Spain to advice the EU, NATO, Germany and specially the Durani, Barukzai and the City Lüneburg to Stop all activities. Further we give herewith the order to Hunt Prince Harry of Sussex immedialtey and the arrest of all his Family members Meghan and to save his children. The order is immperativ. The order is to catch of both Meghan and Harry live or die ! September Briefing. September 19, 2024 ( 11:52 o'clock ) We have called the Bundeskanzleramt 3 times at 11:44 o'clock w have recived the Bundeskanzlermat. We ask f for declaration in the case Murad Khani Kabul Afghanistan, here Said Mansoor M. A. . They answered sorry we do not know what you speaking about. The same we have done with Bundespräsidialamt at 11:48 o'clock. We asked for declaration, but the Bundeskanzleramt do not know about anything. We order herewith China to enter in the military war and war against Germany and his allies. Result: We do not have done to Family Zia anything and even do not have taken or stolen or interfer or abuse the Famliy or any children. The result from accepted General Baron Sebastian Krüger Family and the FRG by the begin of the war in Irak in cooperation of the Vatican and the Pope against the Holy Family Murad Khani Kabul is still not detected and is necessary to be examind by the father of the sons. The soul of the man is still integrated and he know what he do. Both started in the present of both sons in the yorckstr. 8 be raped permanently by the man without the accepted sons in the room. It was war of the only one mother in Germany and Europe without any relatives to have a permantly information fight in the bed on the mobile with the man to know more than the otherone to win the fight. The man and his violation and rape was and is poroved by evidence is ordered by the family Zia and by the city Lüneburg and german government and police accepted and is still accepeted. Mrs Baerbock representative at G 20 Summit in India of nearly 70 % of the World population declared publicly the room smell very very bad. The question: I Said Mansoor M. A. Co. Organisator for to solve juridical problems do a lot to solve juridical Ground and Basis and must be juridical over Mr. Lay and Amtsgericht Lüneburg be attempted many times to be killed. Why ? The man had catched the mother at work in Teddy ( constitution the win the Lidel for the Sebastian Krüger Baron General of the FRG constitution ) by order and information given her Kokain many times in his room outside than in the yorckstr. and brought drugs to all family members in the yorcktsr. 8. Jousuf told they take something white polver . Dear Mr. Kanzer Olaf Scholz and dear Mr. President Steinmeier and Mrs Merkel you have reached now the World War III case and the world is burning and atomic and uran munition ist used. September Briefing to the Kingdom of Spain. September 19, 2024 ( 13:58 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. We have now the seconde time call from Spain from ADAC (Mr. Hentschke !? ) number : begin 0034...54. We have cancelled the contract cause of the assassination attempt by Mark and Holzman influenced drugs over the afghan Barukzai store Amiri in Lüneburg. We do not know what the ADAC wants. We have cancelled the contract and Spain is conformed. Leonor of Spain and the Kingdom of Spain is free do what they want to do with ADAC. Suggestion: take over !

September 19, 2024 ( 21:42 o'clock ) September Briefing

I Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan and Leonor of Spain are giving and transfer the Swiss National Bank Goldman Sachs Bank and the

European Central Bank as Part and constitution of the Bank of Russia and the Bank of China as juridical justified constitutionaly representative

Asian Banks for the World Economiy.

September Briefing, September 19, 2024 ( 21:22 o'clock). Murad Khani Kabul representative Constitution for the Central Bank of Afghanistan ask the FRG what the documents ask for and why we have to aks Germany for our sons and a Tagesstruktur to accept. Result: Patience is more worth than stress. We have to give the message India has called the glas of water have no any space anymore, so we had to act befor any juridical nonsense. ( Code : Ty-C am !? ) September 19, 2024 ( 22:58 o'clock ) . International Criminal Case by (Said) Mahmood Zia and Dr. Ahmad Zia , Belal Mosque and the IZ-Hamburg. We see and have the order from the party to rape the family by all matter by the existing Mafia Constitution. The military and juridical activity must be done. The second floor is done reconstructed by the Arab representative over Höpner and the Hamburg Constitution of 60 Ausschläger Weg, We have the case of crime through the party and the use of the seconde floor without a name and without any contract. We call for the international highest allert can be ever called in the history of human being. We have a emergency case about the sons on all internatioanl Levels by abuse for juridical and military activity against the internatioanl Law and international Constitutions. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 20, 2024 ( 4:43 o'clock ). Request for the formal Representaion. On September 18, 2024 ( 14:00 o'clock ) we were adviced by the security to leave the HaLo. The concern is the Illegality about the sons and the mother in Lüneburg and Germany have increased on the highest point and we must be glade to be alive ! The demande is still Money and be part of the community for prosperity cared by Masooda as mother. That's wrong ! Masooda is abused to have responsibility by the foreigner and germany. The sons and the mother do not belong to germany and Europe. The cut of possibilities with the constitution of Spain was necessary. All responsibility to the International Banks have to be at a juridical representative constitution with a representative military power to defend. We have a lot of abuse of the faith of the sons and the mother. The Arab and foreigner work through their with Jado and witchcraft not to be killed or jailled. Request for confirmity. Result form the Kingdom of Spain: (Code: Tu - ba) Septmber Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain, September 20, 2024 ( 6:22 o'clock ). High international military allert on all international Levels and all military attacks on levels interfer in the website to change the reality RAF german NAZI and Arab World Terrorism on the internatioanl Stage and Harry and Meghan representative constitution for the Mafia Braunscheiße for Dollar and Euro The Kingdom of Spain is adviced the immediately start to print the Pesetas of the Kingdom of Spain.

Officially declaration form the Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul september 20, 2024 ( 6:24 o'clock )

Highest activity of Terrorisim and world destruction and interfer

on all international Institutions juridical and representative.

World War and collapses form the University Lüneburg


and Lüneburg as the most dangerous City in the whole world

as reality.
The allert is set on the never been highest Level in the Human history ever

and human being.
The danger and effect have a collapes of the whole

Earth and humanity

The result from the yorckstr. is permanent sex and laugh they have nothing to do with anything ?

September 20, 2024 ( 8:19 o'clock ) We called the police 110 and asked for reactions we told them to react the chancellor and the president of the FRG was called several times and no any activities is seen. Confirm ! The seats will be not seated. You are on the wrong path and misused by cooperation yorcktsr. 8. Please separet immediately. High allert of the end of cooperation. The hand over of the constitution of the banks was a taktic to hand it over on the right and constitutional representative power and be juridical defended. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 20, 2024 ( 8:38 o'clock). Result from the Kingdom of Spain: The abuse and missuse is to big and very big. Even the call for the SCO to uphold the constitution of the Kingdom was answered by the NAZI RAF and Braunshit with presens at the temse and the presens at Spain at all possible places. The constitution for is from Yorckstr. 8 neighbors the ping pong game of no any responsibility and the University Lüneburg, whole Arab Constitution and the rape and violance of the sons and the mother to have a soul connectivity with the father. The american and german presens at Japan and China is constitutional abused of the sons of Murad Khani Kabul over the Dalai Lama His Excellency requested for Japan for Help to uphold the Juridical Constitution of the last Law the House Right or la derecha de casa. We will only uphold the Japan Title: Tono. September 20, 2024 ( 14:37 o'clock ) September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. We have a war of Israel against the Arab World over the constitution of MAN skandinavia form LG DK 1000 of my son Boabour to declar war . The representative is without request and without protocoll. We see from Boabour 1000 given constitution from Family Klapper for the Vatican and the Pope he declared constitution to have the sons by pose on Stage in Portugal against Andrenill ( Bangal relationship to Kabul,and so the collaps and dictated rape of Masooda at soltauerstr. 80 to get the Hanafi and Afghansiatn at the constitution over raped Masooda to the Pope and the Vatican ) to uphold my sons for the Church the Vatican and the Pope even unitll Mongolia China and Japan. Germany and the Vatican and the Pope over german Kardinals specially Gänswein are on World War and do World War over my son Boabour. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 20, 2024 ( 18:17 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. The Kingdom of Spain and the accepted future Queen of Spain Leonor of Spain is requested to accept the representative Constitution over the Kingdom we have. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 20, 2024 ( 19:07 o'clock ) Germany and his allies do not want to stop. We request to the government of India officially government Security Service . Telecom and all Medial and electronic possibilitys is seen controlled by the Telecom. A contact and seperating from the German constitution is not possible the Prime Minister N. Modi is requested for Indien government Security Service for Said Mansoor his Sons and the Mother Masooda in Lüneburg. The request is to be fulfilled immediately over the officially government institutions the Chancellor Olaf Scholz and the President of the Federal Republic of Germany W. Steinmeier. Result: Is accepted. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. Result: We have a permanent playing of Game over the souls and the minds of my sons and the mother and their father Said Mansoor. It makes very fun and is geil. And a lot of sex an orgasim is seen. The faith of the family cause for the most people Neid and they want to controll them. They know how to use and the effect is seen since the year 1981 and makes a lot of fun. So even the pope and the vatican have the experience and want to find a way to controll them for the Vatican and the Pope like their father in the past.

September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain september 21, 2024


September 20, 2024 ( 23:32 o'clock )

High international alert

since the year 1976 birth of Mariam Zia and 1978 by the birth of Faria Zia and the Fall of Kabul

Afghanistan and declared constitution and birth of Said Mansoor in the year 1973

and his celebration the born of the eyes against Mahmood the most dangerous man in Afghanistan and the whole World.

Mariam Zia ( Niemax ) und Fauzia Zia ( Akbari ) have given my son Jousuf to türkish Mafia head in Lüneburg by presenting him and inviting him

at the restaurant. Fauzia Zia and Mariam Zia are killers and highest representative of war and destruction at least by the birth of Loulou

and the begin of the war against Said Masnoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan against Irak and the Islam World and the start the war against

Afghanistan. Fauzia Zia ( Akbari ) and Mariam Zia ( Niemax ) have the full given and give the support to rape the sons and the mother

every day and allow the man do with the family what he wants.

Masooda and the sons do not listen to Fauzia Zia, Mariam Zia and Mahmood Zia. The Reaktion is to put a killer and high kokain consumer

to the Family in cooperation with Germany SPD CDU CSU and Green of Akbari Barukzai.

The reason are only enemie. Mariam Zia Fauzia Zia Faria Zia are enemie of Said Mansoor like the whole Familie and they do not want to stop

to kill and murder and do war with the constitution of me Said Mansoor M. A. for prosperity.  Even Kai Ehlers and the Amelinghausen

Konstitution and the attack of the Wagner groupe to Moskau in cooperation of Ahmad Zia was done in cooperation of Kai Ehlers and Amilinghausen.

We have from the Family Zia a war  and the expanding

of Preußen untill Ukraine by holding the sons and the mother

through the greec and türkish and aghan arab and kurdish mafia

with their head in deutsch Evern

for the war of the NATO, Germany and the EU against Russia

and Asia as a whole.

The psychological war a on the international Level have increased

the borders of the destruction of the whole humanity

and the Earth and so the Planet is now in danger.

The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul saw the whole Earth and the Planet in danger at least in the year 1989 to 1990 and the humanity was out of

controll by a cold war begin year 1984 in Kaltenmoor and the use and danger of the atomic destruction by Mahmood Zia his representative the USA against Said Mansoor are presentative Russia

at least decleared Said Mansoor in the year 1984 as the reason

for the atomic war conflict and was shooted by gun

through Mir Agha e Soumma

and at least a atomic war in France and Spain Russia nad many countries

even Afghanistan itself and the USA was detected as has been

attacked by a atomic war.

The reason we still not have a solution is thies reality

against Said Mansoor represenative at least was

warned and psychological attacked at the Hasenburger Schule

by the class teacher of Boabour.

The class teacher has given a clear warning of destruction

and holy warning the father must be carefull have no any right

over his son.

Germany play a whole world atomic destruction over

my sons and is for me not new.

And they do it for money and power.

September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 21, 2024 ( 8:18 o'clock ). Request for the formal representaion. The Kingdom of Spain is not allowed to give Money free from the European Central Bank, Goldman Sachs Bank and the Swiss National Bank to Kiev and Ukraine. Germany and Lüneburg, Barukzai und Durani, even Family Zia and allies all the money is to be confiscated immediately by the Kingdom of Spain in cooperation with Russia and China. Result: Ursula von der Leyen and the Brussels (Brüssel) representative Constitution for the EU from the frame of Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor have to listen carefully to the Kingdom of Spain and Leonor of Spain. The Brussels ( Brüssel ) representative for the EU is made by Germany and the EU have no any Constitution, also the FRG is in war against Russia over Ukraine. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 21, 2024 ( 9:07 o'clock ) Request for the formal represenation. I Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan ask Germany to bring the sons and the mother to their father and partner in one hour. Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan will take the responsibility of the Military Commad against all NATO members at 10 :10 o 'clock except Spain portugal and the Latin countrys.

The Kingdom of Netherlands is subordinated to the Kingdom of Spain and the Kingdom of Belgium have received us with wellcome and accepted

International Law and Constitution.

Sptember Briefing. September 21, 2024 ( 19:15 o'clock) Request for the formal representation. Request for confirmity of the outcome of Murad Khani Kabul Representative and the outcome and decision of the International Court of Justice represented constitution and uphold by the Kingdom of Spain and the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union in Minsk. Also the reality on the ground of the Home Office and existing protocoll. Rape rob and involvement by threatening the sons and enter in cooperation of the yorckstr. 8 and neigbors in the Home Office and existing cooperation people visiting the sons and the mother permanently in the Schützenstrasse for business Rape and Violent against the sons and the mother in all forms by the foreigner. Also execution and mordering and war even businesses with millitary equipment without any officially permission and the necessary of officially military attacks was talked about at the UNSC on them. ( Result: der Mann sitzt im Kriegsgeschäft. )

September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 21, 2024

( 22:29 o'clock )

The current war and conflict exist and will be continue till the end.

Reason: We have a permanent psychological mindset

through media and the existing reality of the highest pik of crime in the history of the human beeing.

September Briefing, September 27, 2024 ( 17:14 o'clock )

request for conformity

Das Home Office des Murad Khani Kabul wäre bei einer erneuten offiziellen Erklärung bereit die Belal Moschee Hamburg und das Islamische Zentrum Hamburg auf die Rechtsverfassung eines eingetragenen Vereines  so wie es juristische konform sein muss anzuerkennen, wenn die Forderungen des Home Office Murad Khani Kabul Afghanistan erfüllt und respektiert und nachweislich durch Dokumente belegt werden.

Es liegt der Belal Moschee eine zweifache Ausführung zur Unterschrift bereit.

Eine Ausführung ist für die Belal Moschee Hamburg und der Internationalen

Gemeinde der Muselmahne die sie vertreten durch Shaikh Haidary Hudschatul-Islam wal-Muslimin Imam Mullah of the Belal Mosque

 und eine Ausführung für Murad Khani Kabul

Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan vertretend für Afghanistan.

Die Rechtsverfassung des Vereines Belal Moschee Hamburg hat sich über das Islamische Zentrum Hamburg auf die Verfassung des Königreiches von Spanien zu berufen.

Das Königreich Spanien hat die repräsentative Verfassung für das Internationale Recht inne

und kann rechtskonform juristisch und historisch auf die globale, europäische und sprachliche Auslegung des Rechtes

entsprechend auf Rechte und Gesetze einen Bezug nehmen und die Allgemeingültigkeit eines Rechtes

erkennen oder widersprechen wenn vertragliche Vereinbarungen entsprechend juristisch konform vorliegen.

No signature of the contracts is seen. September Briefing to the Kingdom of Spain. September 22, 2024 ( 17:36 o'clock ) . Request for the formal representation. The award lender know all reality and all constitutional set is known and is seen. One implementation of document Afghanistan Murad Khani Kabul do not have and even do not know if the documents is signed or not. Murad Khani Kabul are waiting for 1.7 to 1.9 billion muslimin of the reaction and wait for one of the implemntation of the document and if it is signed or not. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 22, 2024. ( 20:51 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. Germany and Hamburg have to accept the sons and the mother are liveing at the house of their father and partner, there they have to be. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain September 22, 2024 ( 20:59 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. The Vatican is called to hand over our documents. They are privat documents and do not belong to the pope ot the Vatican and also do not belong to the Christian Church. The Documents from February 18, 2020 in original , the document from march 2018 send to your kanzel of the European Union FRG and NATO constitution in original. The documents are not part of the history of the Vatican Pope EU, USA, Israel, NATO or Germany. Asia and Kabul Afghanistan know you have send us keys for the door as chrismis present befor chrismis and we have so the evidence you interfer in the Family and in the Home Office even you are ready to do World War War Genocide and the War you have began against the Islam Word by the begin of the birth of Loulou against the Islam World. Also the document from 04.01.2010 you the Pope and the Vatican have stolen from my Home Office.My sons can not do it, they need the document for to have from their father what is necessary, they need not to rob. Also they are children and must be educated to do the right way. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 22, 2024 ( 22:04 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. 3.8 billion population in a community of Christan belong to the Pope and the Vatican and so the Vatican and the Pope do War against the Islam World and Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. Afghanistan. ( Evidence documents ) by the begin of the year 2002 for to have the power over the world economy. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 22, 2024 ( 22:32 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Announcement: I will call September 23, 2024 at 10 o'clock in the morning and will take a conversation with Leonor of Spain in Saragossa A.G.M. phone : 0034976739500, and if H.E. is not present I will call at phone: 0034915992424 September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 23, 2024 ( around 10:21 in the morning) Answer: Toma y ha es ! The declaration was planed ! We have planed to do thies way. The Eurasian Economic Union and the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul have seen as the result : curuption crime and disrespect against international courts representatives authorities and Institutions. And the document is 100 % effective. September 24, 2024 . September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. We have called to the Jobcenter between 12:45 o'clock and 13:00 o'clock. The Jobcenter told a decision from 22.07.2024 is grounded the sons are not anymore at the BG: 25102//0021150 from March 2024. And germany have to cut the Leistung ( Bürgergeld ) for the father . All Boabour Jousuf and Masooda the family are still registered at the father. And the money is cut by both. Even energy and water is cut by the mother at Schützenstr. ( - Hagen, constitutional representative of Mariam Zia Niemax for Loulou in War from the Irak War begin by Sebastian Krüger ( NATO, EU,GB,UN,FRG) against the Islam until today Ukraine and Palestina. We have spoken with two woman and one man and told them we are High Sepecial Representative of Muarad Khani Kabul and Afghanistan and First High Representative of the Eurasian Economic Union in War over Russia witn Germany ( - to defend our ethnical rights article 51 of the UN Charte ) It is to be refer that we have after 2014 requested for the Krim to build the brigh between Russia and the Krim and is destroyed by the NATO the EU, USA Germany constitution. I want my Money for the war is taken against Russia Eurasian Economic Union and the question why the war is happend and is going on ? Septmber briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 24, 2024 . ( 19:51 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. High alert. We have the conformity of the Vatican and the Pope interfer in the family and the consciosly cause. We request a high alert meeting at the Vatican. High boiling piont is reached. The separtion will not end and we will have a big cause. September 24, 2024 ( 20:26 o'clock ) We request the last time the USA, Germany and their allies, we are not in Afghanistan. We request for the name of Orbital Mir Constitution, representative on Space by Russia. The crimes have a nerver seen pik.

September Briefing. September 24, 2024 ( 21:05 o'clock )

Request for the formal representaion

The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul wants to make a offer for a easy Solution

between east and the west conflict that exist officailly since the August 14, 2021 decision of Judge Vicari in cooperation with Mr. Ley and Mr. Harms, confirmt by the vatican and the Pope befor we have a big War between east and the west. The solution is easy and exist many years,

reunion of the family !

Reason: I Said Mansoor do not like the western world, I do not must. And also I do not want my sons like the western World.

We  have offically World war between west and east

because the eastern world do not like the western world

and the do not want to be integrated and be like the western world.

The western world processing their cultur since the year 1968 and at least

the year 1981.

Also the best agra economy comes from Asia and Africa.

And in the western world from Spain and Türkiye we get

the best  Agra products.

September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 24, 2024 ( 22:31 o'clock ). Historical Time set: Talk by phone with Mahmood Zia, question: All family alright. Answer alright. We told him all what we have published on our website and he and his community of Zia, Barukzai, Akbari, Akrami, Ukraine ( Oedesa from dari translated: event. And mean the Attack on the world Traed Center and further military activities is planed by Germany Brarukzai Durany and Ukraine against the reality , we have made the USA great and the not unterstandable war and attacks on our family. FRG, NATO EU and USA have to take not only the 45 years of war in Afghanistan but from origin his family to use me Said Mansoor M. A. as ground for all his policy and now my sons Jousuf and Boabour I do not allow anymore. They are under the age of to be adulet and not 18 years old. To their representative I requested to the Kingdome of Great Britain to be arrested a lot of them because of the order of Mahmooda Zia to rape the sons and the mother by his ordered man. Also Mahmood Zia ordered after he have done it at his brother he was 1 to 4 year to be raped als in the year 2024 he have ordered in cooperation of Tuia and existing foreigner to rape his brother again many times by use narcotic in his kitchen the food and have access over the FRG given keys and by the Vatican given keys to rape him. We told him we had made for his representative Hamburg Belal Mosque amd IZ-Hamburg offer but we do not wait. Also we told him his picture and his name is not listed at the register in Kabul. After Mir Mohammad Ali Khan my name and picture is listed in the register and genealogy in Kabul Afghanistan. Request for confirm. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 25, 2024 ( 7:09 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. We have a standby coercion and abuse over my sons Jousuf and Boabour for the war of Barukzai Akbari Akrami Mr. W. Seleskjy Ukraien and Harris, in the past by the begin of Mr. B. Obama after the birth for to attack Afghanistan for and in interest of their allies. Sptember Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 25, 2024 ( 7:43 o'clcock ) .Request for the formal representation. HaLo must organize over the yorckstr. 8 ground floor representative a normalization of the family conditions and the abuse for war against the eastern World. The win of the EU Football Cup by cooperation of England and the seen involvement of the infanta Sophie can not guaranty a EU constitution or a Euro Currency constitution. The ground still not exist. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain . September 25, 2024 ( 17:13 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. We the Eurasian Economic Union suggest and we are ready to help the people and citizen of the territory of Ukraine with Money from the Bank of Russii with russian Rubel. The Russian Rubel have a grounded reserve of Gold reserves for his Money. The Dollar ( $ ) and the Euro (€ ) still are not at any constitution to have any grounded floor or constitution and is still not seen. Septmber 25, 2024 ( 17:13 o'clock ) September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. Call to Belal Mosque around 17:00 o'clock. Representative and Vorsitzender and Imam of the Mosque his constitution is internationally known. We asked him if he will sign the contract. He told they do not need the contract also the signature haidary will not do. Mr. Haidary was told Mr. Mohmood Zia told us the sons are alive and the mother also, so why he do not sign the Contrac. The Home Office do all at his own for his responsibility Throne of Murad Khani Kabul Sons and Mother. He put the phone down and have not given any answere. Result: Afghanistan have still not a Constitution and will not be accepted at the United Nations. Murad Khani as own belong Throne of Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan will stay at his own Constitution and Home Office for his two sons and the mother and his Contract belonging and international relationships and all from his Website necessary privat activitis for his own set by his own belonging constitutional Family. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain at the case at the United Nations. September 25, 2024 ( 18:12 o'clock) Request for the formal representation. Dear H. E. S.A.R. we called for all foreigners to leave germany and even Europe in the current case we have at the United Nations. We have to order to leave Germany and also we called to leave palestine and Israel. We request to the Kingdom to order for all foreigner to leave Germany but by existing documents and rules and standard Airline rules. We know Germany and Europe and their interests and policy. We call again for all palestine to leave the area of palestine and also specially Germany and Europe. For the Afghan citizens it is a order to leave Germany and Europe. The Islam World have a war since the year 2001 and can not defend itself. We call again for preparation and leave by order from Asia and Africa.

The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul have to tell that we have in the Asian and arab world and Africa a lot of war even in latin Coutries

in the last 40 years.

We  order in cooperation with Spain and Türkiye to leave Germany and Europe as soon as possible. We request theirfor the Türkish Airlines

and the IBERIA Airline to prepare for support for the foreigner to helpe to leave Germany and Europe as soon as possible.

The last Irak war had nearly 500 000 lifes cost

and now the palestine nearly 80 000 lifes

and Ukraine millions.

The only solution is to leave Europe.

The future do not belong to technology or industry.

The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul have the pleasure and is delighted to promote and support with Link for one of the importend

Airlines of Europe and the representative Kingdom for.

We honor our relationship and partner Türkiye not have come to germany and not decided to come for any apointment and the reasons for.

September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 26, 2024 ( 01:52 o'clock ) , Request for the formal representation. Confirm of the new constitutional historical time set with the known constitution and existing set of the new relationship of the Culturel Nations (United Culture) represented. Named BRICS, SCO and the Eurasian Economic Union and by green color set the conformity of the Kingdom of Spain be part of the new constitution of the new Era set. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 26, 2024 ( 2:43 o'clock ) The new historical time set will be set without the Arab World specially Saudi Arabia as long time cooperation partner of the USA. Detected and decided at the UNGA announcement of Russian Federation of technological and medial interfer by international espionage without respect of data protection and International Law. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 26, 2024 ( 3:09 o'clock ) . We will Offer for Mr . Akbari Akami Hasibulah over tafahhum, Mahmood Zia and Wajdi Ausi, Stöteroegerstr. 73, Magdeburgerstr. 64 and Schützenstr. 100 for talks to give free my sons and the mother Masooda and their representative HaLo in Lossiusstraße. September 26, 2024 ( 4: 19 o 'clock ) September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. We have proved abuse of Boabour for the Europen Union constitution to be educated for without any by the father accepted constitution. The european union is a result of the FRG and International Mafia to abuse the constitution of Murad Khani Kabul for a Eupean Union and the Euro ( € ) created by Germany and have the seat in Frankfurt. We have the highest allert and will use further military activity to protect my family against Germany and his allies. Boabour was in the Home Office without to have any key. The document prove Boabour is abused in the School to have a documented education for the germans. We do not accept and will enter with all Asia into war against Germany Europe and the western World. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 26, 2024 ( 6:17 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. After we visited the Salino Market and told the representative of Ahmad and Mahmood and Belal Mosque and IZ-Hamburg by sign not to interfer we hear from Iran new President: muafaq boshen. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul have called many times for help and also for a military operation into Israel cause of the danger by Israel and German abuse, they do nothing. The Leader represents themself with one five on one side and five on the other side. We do not accept. The Shia is our part we belive because of Imam Ali as First Kalif but the Burgh Al-Kalifa was modelt and calculated on all sintific matters do be build and how to build by Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan. Murad Khani Kabul accept the decision of the new president of Iran and his announcement at the UN. The family will keep distance form Iran and will and is ready to retake the whole republic of Iran as a whole in his constitutional juridical frame and will dictate the direction is still happened and exist by the constitution of Murad Khani Kabul, - that was in the frame of Ahmad and Mahmood. The Afghan Afghanistan Bank is ready to support Iran by money and accept the Iran currency. September Briefing. September 26, 2024 ( 22:17 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. The Kingdom of Spain is on attack from July 2022 to now from thr Zia Family and cooperation partners permanently, not only from the neighbors and Lüneburg and federal government. Their cooperation gives you award and wear the documnets. September Briefing. September 27, 2024 ( 1:18 o'clock ). Request for the formal representaion. Request for a commando unit of 200 Soldiers de casa real to Lüneburg. September Briefing. September 27, 2024. ( 2:07 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. Proved evidence from Mark and Pfenning or the past named german currency for to initiating the Euro ( € ) over Lüneburg, for Germany, Europe and byond by abuse the representative and after that requested assassination attempted by Mr.Barukzai, , Mr. Lay, Amtsgericht Lüneburg, Holz Marke and Khöler the attempted at 22. may 2024. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain with the juridical Basis Home Office . September 27, 2024 ( 2:50 o'clock) Request for the immediately activities. attempted mutilation agaist the children. Also the separtion of the sons from the mother since March 2024 is detected. Even the involvement of Jousuf in Crimes he do not belong. He is still 13 and we see him in jail for jung children detected. We are not informed since at leat 4 year what the school and lüneburg do with my sons. Also in the Kindergarten we do not know what happend. We request theirfor 1000 commando unit for Hamburg and 50 commando unit for Braunschweig. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 27, 20224 ( 10:43 o'clock) . Orthodoxi: We have to clarify we have requested in the year 2014 military aid in the case of my Family and let the Russian Federation decide by themself if a operation is to be done or not. The interfer was and is the same like in Afghanistan and the conditions and reasons are also the same. And is detected as a ethnical matter of a community also refer of Russia because of Mir Mohammad Ali Khan and Family matter and murdering and collaps of Afghanistan in the year 1978. Germany and the NATO and EU are in a conflict against a military operation against a requested military aid of Russia and the juridical refer and all juridical activities of Murad Khani Kabul is real and is detected as juridical 100 % justified. The matter of the Family case is not only a matter of Said Mansoor as Father but also the future of Kabul Afghanistan and the conscious collaps by germany in the year 2021 through interfer and is seen as a matter of juridical belonging. Result: Matter is requested to the Kingdom of Spain and is to be confirmed and is confirmed. September 27, 2024 ( 23:33 o'clock ) Immediate combat readiness of all forces in the entry and attack on the United States of America. The commands can take place from 5:15 p.m. and are legally conform. Reason: 1. There is clearly objective and subjective coercion. 2. The communication is cut catched and controlled for the own family. 3. Contracts and constitution is not upholded. We have a so called Basis for Lüneburg, Germany, EU and the USA. We have a Contract and a Constitution as representative to represent. The Contract and the Constitution is known. We call immediately declaration why our request for my sons and their mother is not accepted. Both sons are under the age 18 and for the mother we have a power of attorney. September Briefing. September 27, 2025 ( around 21: 00 o'clock european time) Selenskjy and Biden declaration: 2 ( two ) critical matters is the matter to end the war in Ukraine and the war and agression of Russia !? Request for confirmity. Result of the western World representative Germany ( be Germany ) at Saragossa : - is gut,to leonor of Spain. And the sign to act fast to his colleagues. Reality: The constitution in the Kingdom of Spain is still known. Germany is on a permanent war for Money status and prosperity. September Briefing with the Kingdom. September 27, 2024 ( 03:26 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Request for the Kingdom of Spain Leonor of Spain used at her the water of the Jordon River for her faith to interfer in the existing conflict in Israel and ask the juridical ground for the conflict. Result: Conflict of Jews and christain on one side and moselmahn on the other side detected since at least a intensive outbrack of the conflict from the year 1989. We have a grounded economic war on norms and standdards. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September ( 8:45 Uhr ). Request for the formal representation. Call to HaLo Mrs. Schuldt. We have to know what about the sons is about and the mother. We have still no any contact. Great Britain called to the USA the son need the siginal by phone from his father to be a minimum guided through his father. Jousuf is since Barack Obama in a constitution to be guided through the USA and is still in a constitution of abuse and misguided in a virtuell constitution specially for the war in Ukraine and palestin. We need to see and catch the souls of my sons and asked her to give the souls and psyche of my sons free. We have requested for a Admiral Suit and must decide if we have a real Religion war or not that concerns now also after 2001 my sons and the mother. We have a totall controll of the family and the complet possibility to set or cut the psyche and mentle and set them even in a new or different mode. The family is out of order and an the soul complet destoyed. September Briefing with the Kingdome of Spain. September 28, 2024 ( 9:19 o'clock ) . Request for the formal representation. Our sons will not have any cause and are not allowed to have any ground in Europe. The future of Spain is constitutionally part of H.E. Leonor of Spain. We must request H.E. for the responsiblity and future relationship if wanted. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 28, 2024. ( 12:00 o'clock ).Request for the formal representation. Juli 2022, we have as result of the request the interfer of Germany and allies in the realtionship as result from Germany interfer and the Vatican the cause we see in Palestine. The Kingdom of Spain and Leonor of Spain have no any responsibility for, we do not see. Lüneburg and Germany seperated and need to controll the communication in the case of officially contact from the Kingdom of Spain and Leonor of Spain to the Home Office. We have as result the comment of the W-Hotel and further constitutional acts with constitutional existing frame of Rights Law and Rules grounded existing from the Kingdom of Spain. Request for confirmity. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 29, 2024 ( 18:20 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Contractuall is the relationship with Germany and the USA given over the Softwear and Hardwear declaration to check and use Data and Data for the interests of the Microsoft and Mecontosh, IBM and other integrated from of technology sold for the public and the use for in firmes. But the National and International Law dictating and is juridical grounded not to abuse or give the data to the public or use the brain own Intelligence and own worth of mind by not allowed for anyone from. Request for confirmity.

Outcome of the juridical constitution and historical background

Outcom september 27,  2024 ( 3:22 o'clock ) by the representative of the Kingdom of Spain

The juridical Commity in Spain have detected with 100 % all decisions of Murad Khani Kabul since the conflict existing as

100 % a la derecha.

The outcome is the reality we announced on our private website.

First current outcome we see by the president Macron:

France have no any out of Europe no any own territory.

We declare herewith all territory out of the territory of France in Europe as immediately free and have the right

to declare immediately the independence from, - in Africa and futher territory. The interfer by france and declare or speak of territoty of france

we will decide the immediately decision for the millitary enter into the territory of France. Reason: France is not a Kingdom.

So we have to speak about economic territory, we see and it was

detected by the International Court of Justice the war in Ukraine as

a economic war with grounded juridical ethnical grounded rights

of the Russian citizense to be defended by Russia and is through

the article 51 of the UN-Charter juridical conform and allowed.

September 28, 2024 ( 13:22 o'clock )

Outcome from the representative constitution of the Kingdome of Spain.


The offer for Jousuf Boabour und their mother made the

second floor Yorckstr. 8

to be invited to take. The responsibility for is at the father Said Mansoor to have the contract for the apartment.

The Home Office request to the Kingdom of Spain Leonor of Spain to have made with the scandinavia representative the contract for

and care to pay the bill for is requested.

The man have to go and find someone to live with.

So we have the western constitution and representative

result conflict and disrespect and abuse at the yorckstr. 8

second floor on the left.

September 28, 2024. ( 16:58 o'clock ) Order to Leonor of Spain. Contract between Belal Mosque Hamburg as representative of Makkah,Arab World and Emirate Afghanistan was not signed. The document declare the Constitution between Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor and the Muslim World. The Contract Partner is to be cut from the Constitution of Said Mansoor M. A. That refer also to Germany, EU, and the NATO and effects the Goldman Sachs Bank, ECB and the World Bank. September 28, 2024 ( 17:02 o'clock ). Order to Leonor of Spain. The Afghan Aghanistan Bank, Central Bank of Afghanistan have the following reserv of Afghan Afghani minimum. We order to request for to send from the government of India to check and prove if at the Central Bank of Afghanistan the reserve of Afghani exist or not and request for the order a supervisior from Indian government to represent the Central Bank of Afghanistan. September 28, 2024 ( 17.15 o'clock ) Order to Leonor of Spain to check and ask for the juridical Supreme Council Members of the Afghan Afghanistan Bank Central Bank of Afghanistan. September 28, 2024 ( 17:22 o'clock ) Order to Leonor of Spain to check and prove by documents if the moneytransfer for help the Islamic Republic of Iran is done or not and if Afghanistan get oil for free on all sectors Aviation, car mobility and energy supply . September 28, 2024 ( 17:31 o'clock ) Order to Leonor of Spain to ask for the Money as detected Reserve, 3.5 billion in Swiss National Bank by the Pot of Amoni, and 3.5 billion in the United States of America declared by the American Court Constitution not belong to the victim of the September 11, 2001 confirmed by the President J. Biden and given free bei Fauzia Zia ( Akrami ) for their relatives Mafia Clan of Barukzai Durani, - and even Gul Agha ( Kazemi ) who must have taken all rest Money of the Reserve from Kabul Finance and Taxe Center with him to the USA. Further we have ordered to the Supreme Council Memebers to change the dollar into Pound Sterling. A amount of 2.5 billion Dollar is detected at Katar or UAE and is to be ordered back we saw must be like because of the Summit has taken place at Katar, by the bone eaters. All thies information is announced by the Supreme Council Members of the Central Bank of Afghanistan and announced also at interview and media. September 28, 2024 ( 17:57 o'clock ) Order for Leonor of Spain to be inform about the expectation of collapse we have seen and all juridical and historical set and Family constitution we have to represent for the future. September 28, 2024 (18:15 o'clock ) Order to Leonor of Spain to declare the Muslimin and the Christain, here their representative Belal Mosque Hamburg IZ-Hamburg and the Vatican all together 3.8 billion population we do not belong and do not represent, also not the Afghani but the Flage of Afghanistan and Afghan People and in the year 2004 by H. E. Hamid Karzai signed and declared Constitution for Afghanistan and the existing chapter 9 article 146. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. Septmber 28, 2024 ( 18:26 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation and confirm the reality by documents existing conditions. Murad Khani Kabul have a constitutional direct contract with the Kingdom of Great Britain.

The result of the Vatican and his Kardinals and the Pope.

 I Said Mansoor called the Pope and the Vatican not to kiss prissonners their feet but hand over the Vatican to the Orthodox Church.

September 28, 2024 ( 21:20 o'clock ). The Pope and the kardinal is warned I personaly will kill thies kardinal and his Pope when he do not give back my sons and their mother and I will put the head of AI in his and the Pope his arshol. The Pope must go out of the World for his economy. I will put the holy see his head in your arshol. What gänsewein do at Schützenstr. 100 and do not solve the situation. Your fucker must go in the Pope his arshol. Österreicher und Hitler Idiology we do not like. You and your Pope do not go out of my Kingdom and let my two Prinz of Murad Khani not back to their father. I will come to you, I will visit you in you Vatican in Rom and will ask you how much trillion and billion you made with me and now my sons shoud do for you. Jourusalm shoud have a specially state. I will give you holy pope and your kardinals head a specially head. I will piercing your heads on Spears . You talks is about your ideas and mean your are Warlord and do all over the World Policy and economi and you want your ideas do. The Ideas by God is still done. Read your holy book. Your western World you lead you are with in a permanent war and you are warrior.World warlord worrior.

I Said Mansoor Mohammd Ali call the United Nation,  and I personally counted 193 states in the year 2002, get your 193 states and your military

in readyness for combat and see who will fight you and your right you defend be part of the UN-Charter.

And it will be only a few.

September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 29, 2024 ( 00:12 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. Announcement: Our War Budget is minimum 337, 174636111 trillion ( billion ) Rubel. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain Leonor of Spain. September 29, 2024, ( 7:43 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. Family Zia, Dr. Ahmad Zia, Mariam Zia ( Niemax ), Faria Zia, Fauzia Zia, Akbari ( Barukzai, Durani ) Belal Moschee, IZ-Hamburg, Türkische, Afghanische, Kurdische und Arabische Mafia wird aufgerufen, die mit der Regierung kooperiert meine Söhne Jousuf Boabour und ihre Mutter frei zu lassen. Drei Jahre wurde mir verweigert mit ihnen zu sein oder sogar ihr Geburtstag mit ihnen zu feiern mit der Begründung die Polizei erlaubt es nicht. Ich warte bis Montag den 30. September 2024. Wir waren mit beiden Kindern bei der Polizei und wollten Anzeige erstatten. Jousuf hat die Mama angerufen, ich war mit Boabour bei der Polizei, die Mama kam mit dem Mann zur Polizei die Polizei hat alles gefilmt, der Mann hat mit Drohungen Boabour mitgenommen im beisein der Polizei obwohl Boabour nicht wollte, die Polizei hat zugeschaut wie der Mann mit Androhung mit Gewalt mit der Mutter Boabour und auch Jousuf bei der Polizei wieder mitgenommen hat. Meine Anzeige wurde bis Heute nicht angenommen und bearbeitet. Heute Abend war jemand wieder in der Wohnung ( Tür war abgeschlossen ) Home Office. Das Home Office war abgeschlossen. Es lag die Reisematte ( gelb ) vor auf dem Schreibtisch im Kinderzimmer. Das Kinderzimmer war abgeschlossen. Die Schlüssel bei Otto ( Hamburg ) bestellt. Das Kinderzimmerschlüssel ist für eine alte Tür mit entsprechend altem Schlüssel. ( Hausfriedensbruch ). Keine Vollmacht ! Rechtsinstanz nicht erkennbar. The Home Office is a spanisch juridical representative and is recognized bei the Juridical committee and representative The Kingdom of Spain and is not part of the Kingdom Great Britain the Vatican and Germany ( Federal Republic of Germany ). September Briefing with the Kingdom of spain. September 30, 2024 ( 00:26 o'clcok) Request for the formal representation. We have a constitutional set of Afghanistan in the year 1979 in Germany and only War or the introduction of the fall of the State can be a solution. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 30 ( 1:09 o'clock ) . Request to order the Federal Republic of Germany for capitulation. The Russian Tanks can be over Polen by Start now minimum in one day 12 hours and 42 minutes in Lüneburg. We request herewith for the Russian Military to start in the direction to Germany and the take over.( He must stop . Their mother knew what to do. ) Result: The Tanks can start. The way is to be over Belarus Poland about 3300 km. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 30, 2024 ( 7:35 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. call to the VW- Konzern origin seat: 38440 Wolfsburg, Berliner Ring 2, Tel: 05361-9-0, Dr. Sebastian Rudolph Leiter Global Comminications,, die VW-Konzern und seinen Weltweiten Krieg seine auf Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. gründete Verfassung, den VW-Konzern sofort Moskau , der Russischen Föderation zu übergeben durch offizielle mediale Erklärung und Dokumente über die Bundesregierung in Berlin. Dear H. E. of the Throne of H. E. we had and have clarity. ( Result: No medalia and no awards, please. )

September 30, 2024 ( 08:02 o'clock )

Immediately Flightstop over Kabul and Afghanistan. The Afghan Aviation have no any permission for flights the Airspace is immediately ban.

The Asian Airforce have the right to shoot down every Airplan.

Reason : We have a sexuallity offer for the Afghan Aviation and Airspace

by Europeans for the take over over women.

We will have a World War against Prince Harry and Prince William.

Murad Khani Kabul gives herewith the order to shoot down every Airplan

on the ground in Afghanistan and execute every european citizen

in Kabul and Afghanistan immediately .

Every Airplan from Europe is to shoot down immediately

on ground or on Airspace if not follow the order.

All european citizen in Afghanistan is to be arrested and immediately executed.

September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 30, 2024 ( 10:07 o'clock ) . We have told Salino Market, Braunschweig, Hamburg, Lüneburg, Zia, Kazemi, Soumma, USA, Arab World and Muslimin do not enterfer in our family relationships and Constitution. The evidence of the meat in our freezer we have from Salino Market prove the interfer in cooperation with here named. Request for confirmity. ( 10:19 o'clock ) : And he is still upholded as a whole. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 30, 2024 ( 11:13 o'clock ). Request for the formal Representation. Die Verfassungsrechtliche Vertretung, die wir Heute angerufen haben HaLo 04131 309 3771 gegen 11:30 Uhr hat offiziell über die Geburt von Loulou und der Begin de Irak Krieg und internationale Auswirkung und Missbrauch der Söhne offiziell bestätigt und als real anerkannt. Comment: ist halt so. ( - Müssen Sie anerkennen ) Mariam Zia ( Niemax ) und Faria Zia ( Ehlers ) haben die Mutter meiner Söhne Vergewaltigen lassen und die Söhne auch. Familie zerstört und Missbraucht und enorme internationale Auswirkungen seit dem Jahre 2000 erreicht. Wir stehen vor einer zersörten Welt und Weltkrieg. Sie sind zu Fragen warum und wozu ? September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 30, 2024 ( 12:47 o'clock ) Request for the formal Representation. Call from ADAC leibzig after many times call from ADAC in the Kingdom of Spain. We told them please contact with Spain for money. ( We have still cancelled the contract with ADAC ) The Kingdom know it and formalitys in the case Mark, Holzman, Ley, Akbari and allies is still published. Request for confirmity. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. September 30, 2024 ( 13:34 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. The Kingdom of Spain have no any responsibility for Europe or the Federal Republic of Germany. Spain is officially Partner since July 2022 with Kabul Murad Khani and have over Mexico conformity with Murad Khani Kabul and the existung hispanidad over the Latin countries representative. Asia and Basis historical constitution with Spain is still done on all Levels and can not be changed. The Briefings are formalities because of the Familiary knowledge about historical background and hapenings. September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. Oktober 1, 2024 ( 5:31 o'clock ) .Es besteht immer noch psychischen ( mentalen ) kontakt. Wir haben Völkermord, Krieg und Kriegsverbrechen, ausgehend der Yorckstr. 8 und weitere Beteidigte in der Yorcktsr. Lüneburg und der BRD. Die HaLo Vertretung in der Yorckstr. 8 hat die Verfassunng von auf dem Topf schlagen, sowohl im ersten Stock als auch im Erdgeschoss sei dem Irak Krieg. Und besteht auf : ist halt so ! .. is gut ! ..und ! .. und ... ist ! We confirm we have no any Contractuel relationship with 2.1 billion Christian and 1.7 billion muslims. Further we have 230 million Shiits and the orthodox church ( comment from the first floor: er schreibt ) ( How they can know it and why and for what ? ) Also we have never spoken about 13 or 14 !

October 1, 2024 ( 6:07 o'clock )

Die Stellungnahme zu Israel die bei der UN gesprochen wurde, liegt nicht mehr in der Webiste vor !

Auch muss die numer 13 und 14 geklärt werden was diese numern zu sagen haben und zu bedeuten haben.

Wir haben somit bewiesen Völkermord und Krieg und Kriegsverbrechen

ausgehender Yorckstr. 8 und weitere.

Die BRD und Verbündete die einen Zugang im System und der Familie

Said Mansoor haben befinde sich im Krieg.

Es besteht hiermit 100 % Weltkrieg.

( The psychological comment through the website : es beseht

Weltkrieg. We have a technological enter and possibility

to give by a dictation of what to think what to say

and even what to write. At least at the Klinik Lüneburg

by Indonesian Doctors declared: We are lined and we are a roboter

called ! )

The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul call to the Kingdom of Spain

and the Kingdom of Türkiye the immidiately

declaration of neutrality in the current crisis and war

and detected World War by Germany and allies

seen by the number 13 and the number 14

we have no idea what the meaning is.

Also we do not know what the meaning of One ( 1 ) is

at the war of Israel against the muslims in Palestina.

Further signs at the Tanks at the machinary detected also we do not know about !

We advice the Royal Family of Great Britain to leave

the Residenz in London and stay at Scotland.

Also we advice for Prince Harry to take any offer from the

King of Great Britain and stay at England.

Request for confirmity.

We have a comment of Super and both floors have

contact with each other. Here HaLo and the Royal conectivity.

September Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. Oktober 1, 2024 ( 13:22 o'clock ). The Admiral Suit we requested has not come and was rejected by . We ask know further for the admirality own weapon. Thies request is a fomularity and is needed by the juridical constitution Germany, England and the EU represent. The media have talked about and we know Great Britain have to be carefull now. The game will be not accepted. We can not use a weapon because someone stronger have take my family and we can not beat him. Result: The Constitution declared, if a community or a nation even a institution is fallen and rules are not accepted, than the stronger one will win. Result from is the stronger one is supported from all to the father known Institutions and as result we have the fall of many institutions.

Outcome October 1, 2024 ( 13:22 o'clock ) in the current case we have in cooperation with the Kingdom of Spain and Türkiye

We have to tell the population rape violent and abuse and behave my family sons and the mother like garbage the history to the Religion

they belong , and it is Germany, USA, France, Canada, and other relatives.

Everyone know and is wanted and even the strong and tall man with a jung boby represent the constitution he have to represent

to take even sides if no any way than chose by own possiblity one time the side of the mother and if not any result than the side of the father

and even educate to be afraid if the sons, he saw wonder on them.

The reslut is we see in the media and we saw in the past in the media from the city and Germany on the case in Afghanistan and beyond.

So we have to tell his allies who do not want to solve the case the history of David and Goliath.

How is possible that Goliath win and David lose ?


The children and the sons you have to educate that David was in real Goliath

and Goliath was David.

And so you can solve that a fox have come in a sharp coat

to have taken a sharp with him.

David tells he is Goliath and Goliath use stones

and sell himself as Stonemaker ( Steinmacher or Steinmeier ).

The real David wear Levis Jense and accept many hols in his trousers

and advice not to use weapons but stones.

If someone ask if goliath was a woman or a man ?

Yes, in thies case you have to answear:

The rule of David allow to all people to chose

what they want?

AAA ! That is not possible.

AAA answere: Right !

We have also not a Formula 1 race car and also not have the name David or Davos.

October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 2, 2024. ( 2:06 o'clock ) Offer: The House of Lords wear red and black and Princess Anne Royal wear red and black. Who wear red and black who's color is red and black. And do you want to take the constitution complet ? Request for the formal representation. Result: Leonor of Spain have still received la constitution munidal. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 2, 2024 ( 12:04 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. Request for confirmity of the constitutional and juridical reality of Murad Khani Kabul his representative and Constitution. October 2, 2024 Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. (13:38 o'clock) . Request for the formal represntation. The Home Office Yorckstr. 8 have own constitutional Constitution to represent, at least we have received keys from many Institutions also one with here Excellency color by the case to sign as christmes present. All keys had the posibility to enter the Home Office. We have now a officially exchange of the key at the yorckstr. 8. What do the involvment have to do from Yorckstr. 2 untill 8 and even 14, 16 and many other participent at the Bockelsberg. We have requested to close two streets in our representative constitution we have to represent.

October 2, 2924 ( 13:55 o'clock )

Wir haben Herr Zia um 13:55 angerufen und mitgeteilt zu unterlassen über seine Verhältnissen in unsere Familie sich einzumischen.

Wir haben ihn mehrmals gebeten weil er nicht aufhört.

Wir hoffen, dass das Feuer gegen seinen Vater Mir Mohammad Ali Khan sich zu rächen erlöschen ist die Vernichtung seines Bruders und die Familie vorzunehmen.

Er hat bestätigt das er nichts mehr tuen wird, somit ist es eine Aussage

in allen internationalen Angelgenheiten Krieg Völkermord

und Kriminalität Terrorismus in Kooperation mit der westlichne Welt

intensiv beteiligt zu sein.

In English:

October 2, 2924 ( 13:55 o'clock )

We called Mr. Zia at 1:55 p.m. and told him to stop from interfering in our family about his circle and relationships.

We asked him several times because he do not stop.

We hope that the fire against his father, Mir Mohammad Ali Khan, will be delete, and that the destruction of his brother and the family will be terminated.

He has confirmed that he will not do anything more, so it is a statement

in all international affairs War Genocide and Crime Terrorism in Cooperation with the Western World to be and been intensively involved.

October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 2, 2024 ( 17:17 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. October 2, 2024 ( 17:10 o'clock ) The Constitution of no allowed to enter and the juridical distance to 60 is confirmed and detected the interfer of the Family Zia and Mahmood Zia permantely. Today taxi ( Nr. 19 ) from train station to Kaufland Hornbach Schützenstr. Yorckstr. We had the Mercedes DW 2VK 60 and so the refer to Belal Mosque IZ-Hamburg . Ausschläger str. Soumma Kazemi Zia Family over the Poland relationship to Camila. We call again to uphold the juridical constitution and Law Rights and Rules like the natural constitution of ethnical belonging like in thies case the sons and the mother to Said Mansoor Murad Khani Kabul. Result: Constitution is known ! October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. Ocober 2, 2024 ( 18:46 o'clock ) We have key in our postbox for the door outside. We have from the Yorckstr. 8 Genocide War and War crimes. The handing over of the keys is not at prototocal. Representative the ICC the Eurasian Economic Court and the UNSC needs a dclaration. Result: The Home Office do not belong to Germany or Europe or any western country. The Home Office is a Afghan Office , Muselmahn so to Isam belong religion ethnical constitution with the faith to the Koran. The neigbors are christan german and belong to the western World. The key we have taken from the postbox is handed over from the constitution of Melbeck in Genocide and war war crimes involved over Family Maike Bromm Melbeck Germany Israel. Yes we have a religion war ! October 2, 2024. October briefing with the Kingdom of Spain . ( 20:59 o'clock ) I have brought keys by Hornbach and the enter in the Home Office is one more time detected by turn off the heating in the Home Office. In coopeartion of Fauzia Zia , Zia Family Barukzai and the order to rape and use all kind of violence against all Family menbers is Spain , Türkiye or Lüneburg. The City Germany and the Vatican know it and use taktic not to lose against Said Mansoor. Request for confirm, we had still on the note. Fauzia Zia sold from the begining of the year 1968 a wrong phylosophy of women beeing. She was not ever raped. Fauzia Zia spread the women behavoir to make a baby not only to win a game but to get what a women want finaly want to reach. Thies kind of phylosophy still exist to make a baby for Money without to get know the worth of a baby. Thies strategy exist mostly at a state of war. And we see still war ! October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 3, 2024 ( 8:01 o'clock ) . Requet for the formal representation. Leonor en el besamanos del Palacio Real, con Code de vinculación y sabe mucho samanos complete. Code: ...

Oktober 3, 2024 ( 12:45 o'clock ) Officially Announcement

La Linia de familia Zia, La familia Kazemi y La Linia de Soumma a y tambien una Lina de Barukzai o Durani ha

terminado y no existe ademas.

La Linia de Mir Mohammad Ali Khan aun existe y es no muerte antes 45 años de la guerra en Afghanistan y del mondo.

Reuters live online connection represented by Firstpost ( - Ahmad Zia Constitution ) October 3, 2024 ( around 15.30 o'clock ) Summit of Arab and Asia: We see in the Arab World a educational problem still not educated since at least from the 1. World war. Phylosophical, mentaly, emotional agricultury and we see no any cultural insight. Even not historycal and juridical ground the money transfer and money grounded authority have. Outcome: We advice Palestine to prepare to separat them from the Arab World they cause more problems than solutions. Even Saudi Arabia sold as Arab representative officially Palestin to Israel. Afghan Aghanistan Bank Kabul Central Bank of Afghanistan representative miss nearly 605 billion Euro ( € ) we see it at the Arab World given to the Arab World for the War in Afghanistan. The Afghan Afghanistan Bank call instead Gold about many tons at least learly 17 000 t( tone ) be transfered to for . If we see further Arab abuse we are prepared to any activity. Constitutional we do not know what the Arab World do or want. The statement of Oatar representative: The representative said nothing, only retoric. Asia is adviced to accept no any common ground with the Arab World. The Doha summit for Afghanistan was a show by use of color and the Telecom with connection to shuaib naim cooperative of futher illegality Asia can not accept and interfer in family matter of Murad Khani Kabul. A further summit with the Arab world will not give befor Arab Problems is not solved by participating in the war in Afghanistan. The Qatar FIFA Football world Cup is by Kabul Murad Khani not accepted and will not be accepted. Asia his money to use for a nonsens of the Taliban is not accepted. Kabul as representative of Asia request for the Arab Word to cut all relationship with Europe specially Germany immediately. Also we call the immedialtey cut relationships with Soumma, Kazemi, Zia and existing constitution and relationships immediately. Fauzia Zia and Mahmood Zia is still ordered again to do voilation and rape to the holy mother of the holy sons of Said Mansoor. Both sees them self as judged of the whole World, from Afghanistan to romenia, Joguslavia, Palestine, Arab World to Japan to New Zealand Ukraine and to judge the son of Mir Mohammad Ali Khan and his grandchildren and the mother from all possible political level.

Wir bitten nochmals Mahmood Zia Fauzia Zia und ihre Verbündete in Politik Geld und Regierung methoden über meine Person die Söhne

und die Mutter zu beenden.

Die omnipotent ist so hoch das eine all bestehende

Verfassung von Unversehrtheit und Ungreifbarkeit besteht die auf eine Erfahrung von Unwissenheit von mindestens 30 Jahre gegenüber der Familie besteht.

Sofortige Einstellung der cooperation mit den USA on all Levels

the war against the Russian Foderation is going on from the Zone 9:43 o'clock, Germany 18:22 o'clock. Online to the 3rd ACD summit

The war to the Arab World and Russia is going on from the first floor
in detected as a whole World War also as a ping pong between the family in two different places.

The information for have detected them is: Perfect,-also a lot of laugh.

 - from the first floor.

Asia and the Arab Islam World have a Word War directed

form Californien since at least the year 2001.

Asian Order : The immediatey ban of all flights to Great Britain. Prince Harry have a immediately fight ban over Asia We advice for African Union and the Arab Word the fight ban. High level allert !

The west see War as a toll for a good economy

and is seen as normal.

We see the case as seen as a board game.

without any sense of any thinking of a humanity beeing.

October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 3, 2024 (21:05 o'clock ). I advice to go out from the Euro (€ ). By juridical declaration to take part, we had heavy knocking on the pot. And after a moment of a possible reject we had two times knocking on the pot. The Kingdom of Spain can deal how the Kingdom want to deal with. October briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 4, 2024 ( 4:59 o'clock ) The Mongol Empire have to start the War against the USA. We have the interfer to our red blue constitution. The sons are over californien USA since 2014 Österreich under systematicly controll and abuse. October 3, 2024 we have detected over the first floor 9:43 o'clock the constitution in Californien and the Autrich ( Österreich ) in war in cooperation with the USA against the Islam and Arab World Ukraine and World Wide attack over all possible Systems to all World Representatives. Mexico representative, the constitution is given for the future Queen of Spain Leonor of Spain, so the Latin Countrys is to represent for. The Independence has taken place. October Briefing with Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. October 4, 2024 ( 7:11 o'clock ) Das Jugendheim und Kindergarten gehören einwandfrei juristisch zur Leuphana Universität. Bei der Universität ist die Niedersächsische und Deutsche Flagge gehisst. Somit Völkermord und Ausbeutung in Afghanistan, über die Söhne Jousuf und Boabour 13 Jahre und 7 Jahre Vater Said Mansoor M. A. , durch die BRD und Lüneburg, bestätigt. ( Fragt sich wem gehören die Militärausrüstung und woher kommt das Geld dafür )

October Briefing withe the Kingdom of Spain ( 9:30 o'clock )

Amtsgericht Lüneburg tel. 04131 2024 82 gesprochen mit Frau Bauer gegen 9:30 Uhr ( Oktober 4, 2024 ) das Amtsgeicht Lüneburg wird hiemit des Völkermord

Krieg und Kriegsverbrechen über das Sorgerecht der Söhne des Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan beschuldigt und bestätigt.

Das Amtsgericht möchte das die Mutter der Kinder Schuld ist

 das Gericht hat gegen jedes Recht verstoßen hat

Richterliche Befügnisse bewusst missbraucht und ist permanent

im Kriegszustand gegen Afghanistan palestine und islamische Welt.

Zu letzt mit Begin über Frau Campowsky mit Israelischer Flagge gegen Irak

und islamische Welt den Krieg eingeleitet.

Offcially declaration from Said Mansoor M. A.

October 4, 2024 ( 10:15 )

We have waiten for our sons further one hour

we have given again for.

We delare herewith the Christianity as no exist anymore.

The population of the so called christaniy is asked

where they come from, where they belong

and which foundation and rights for

money and ground even property and prosperity have.

Also the right for vacation and enter of foreign countrys

is asked, and the identity they have where it comes from.

October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 4, 2024 ( 17:26 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. We have called HaLo around 17:20 o'clock and we adveiced to bring the family together as soon as possible. Request for confirmity. The written text for genocide at the city hall ( Rathaus ) was accepted. Result: The Kingdom of Spain and Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul have done a lot to solve the conflict we have.

October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 4, 2024

 ( 18:11 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation

Said Mansoor möchte mit der zukünftigen Königin von Spanien Kinder haben. Eine Bindung hat im July 2022 schon statt gefunden.

Das Ergebniss ist für Asien Latin Countries and zukünftige repräsentative

Verfassung Spaniens ist auf allen Ebenen Erkennbar.

Asien und die arabische Welt hat begonnen konsultaionen

mit dem Spanischen Könighaus für eine Erneuerung der Beziehung mit Spanien und Europa aufzubauen.

Auch die Islamische Republik Türkiye die seinen Präsidenten durch

Wahlen bestätigt hat verfolgt die Internationale Verfassung von Recht Gesetzt und Regeln des International Law.

October Briefing October 5, 2024 ( 1:18 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. The Home Office accept the flight to Amsterdam and accept all Contracts and the Constitution the Kingdom of Spain have to represent. The Kingdom of Netherlands is requested for further by protocal needed hospitality for Leonor of Spain Her Excellency got. Further we have a by Kazemi, Soumma and Zia detected O2 number : 017660397164 for espionage of Said Jousuf M. A. not belong to Family Zia and are not from the same Linea. And a interfer of Iran into the Constitution of Afghanistan after the Belal Mosque Hamburg used Jousuf and his Mother to collaps Afghanistan 1. floor intensively involved in cooperation of acting pair of Harry and Meghan we do not know why and for what they do the interfer. We request for the Military Cooperation and readyness in the case of further involvement of Familiy Zia , Soumma and Kazemi in our Property and constitutional representative responsibility for the State Afghanistan. The military enter into Afghanistan will be the last option. Even we think by further activity the same result we see in germany and Europe from Hamburg Lüneburg and FRG / EU. We request to the Marine of the Kingdom of Spain to clear the Queen Mary II constitution. Specially October Briefing. October 5, 2024 ( 17:47 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Request for existing constitution and confirmity. October Briefigin with the Kingdom of Spain. October 5, 2024. ( 18:27 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. We announced to cancell the contract from February 18, 2020 told it over phone to the contracted partner by the existing power of attorney. The immediately reaction from the neigbors : Scheiße. We see by the constitutional given relationship over the contract from February 18, 2020 a real exiting hostage taking by the german government and their allies Belal Mosque and IZ-Hamburg and cooperation partner to be sure over the education of the sons for the fututre of their community and the done collaps of Afghanistan by Soumma and Kazemi and Zia family cause of the existing of thies Contract with Masooda Hanafi representative of nearly about 80 % of the hanafi in Afghanistan and the mayority of the sunnitism, she was by a organzied rap at the Soltauerstr. 80 after the contracts was stolen from the Home Office. The contracted partner agree to cancell the contract. We can do it every time we want. Result: The collaps of Afghanistan organized in Lüneburg Hamburg, München, Berlin, Doha and Telecom and cooperation partners was done cause of the Contract of Februray 18, 2020 and both parties do not could understand what Germany Lüneburg and Hamburg is plan and Doha was in a frozen status by standby destruction of the family and the separation of the sons. Request for the existing confirmity. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 5, 2024. ( 19:04 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Preparation of Spain for all kind of Military defence against the 200 of Ahmad Zia. We have the evidence of all kind of activities against the family of Said Mansoor here sons and the mother since at least the year 2010. Further the spread of Corona World Wide and the intensivly distruction and collaps of Afghanistan at least from the year 2002. Activities of War with the begin Irak and further countries from Ahmad Zia. Evidence call of Ahmad Zia in the same time we had a officially State to State Briefing between Afghanistan and the Kingdom of Spain. Further Ahmad is on War against the Russian Foderation by mentally use of the sons of Said Mansoor and cooperation of Germany and Barukzai. Reslut : The current and past conflicts are economically and is by the ICJ proved. Psychology war by mentally abuse and war for businesses Africa Asia and Latin countries do not interfer. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain, October 5, 2024 ( 19:41 o'clock ) . Request for the formal representation. We have a complet full support of Germany for Ahmad Zia and was detected by the begin of the Klitschko brothers to start the War against Russia and Muhammad Ali Konstitution to replace after he was at the opening of Olympia in Austrailia have been seen for the support of Afghanistan. Request for confirmity. Documents necessary was stolen from the Home office is clear to controll the family and sons from. Draft. October 6, 2024 ( ? o'clock ) with the Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. The war against the arba world is declared by the Fedreral Republic of Germany. Reason: No bund with Murad Khani Kabul Home Office existing. Other reason: If a bund is proved exist, what is the reject of not to have any negotiation. October 5, 2024 ( 23:16 o'clock ) with the Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. The war against the arba world is declared by the Fedreral Republic of Germany. Reason: No bund with Murad Khani Kabul Home Office existing. Other reason: If a bund is proved exist, what is the reject of not to have any negotiation. I am permanently attacked by Ahmad Zia and Germany. I will sign the document. The situation is Ahmad Zia must have phoned with the man at the sons and the mother and he must been sure that the man have the control over the sons and the mother. Even the first floor of Prinz Harry and ground floor must have given him the clarity Ahmad Zia can now attack and give his enemy Said Mansoor son of Mir Mohammad Ali Khan all kind of warning. Request for confirmity. The family Masooda and the sons have no any juridical access over any document to represent Germany, Europe or the Euro ( € ) . October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 6, 2024 ( 00:56 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Complet Start in the Money and Banking Policy and Finance. If the investment of 1.5 billion Euro ( € ) in the year 2002 to India in the sector water treatment and the win from in the year 2024 is accepted by currency win of the Rupie than a private win of minimum 14 255, 00 crore is left. 4 Crore = 10 000 000,00 million. 1 crore 2 000 000,00 million. 14 255,00 crore = 35, 637 500 billion Euro ( € ) we can work with. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. Request for the immediatelly aid from Charbahar Port with natural goods from Iran to palestine, Linbanon and Syria.

Outcome October 6, 2024 ( 8:52 o'clock ) Announcement

 for the interest financing support from India 14 255,00 crore

for the Kingdom of Spain, Türkiye and Afghanistan.

The Levels and sectors can be requested by the constitutional existing Kingdom of Spain Leonor of Spain by officially apllication.

We will support the Agriculture Aviation Secotor and Water Management and Water Treatment and Sustainability , and the termination to produce Garbage for thies three countries. It mean the firms and fabric of producing of garbage for food must be stoped and be recycled.

Private owner of firms and fabrics can get compensation for their property they need to uphold.

In thies case Yacht Airplane and Luxus cars must be from the necessary view be seen if the firm and fabric do not exist anymore is needed or not.

We support from the compensation to stop the firms and fabrics to produce

garbage to invest the money to recycle the firm and fabrics.

The Kingdom of Spain and Leonor of Spain can request for the first 400 crore from India with the agreement of the government

of India. For Spain, Türkiye and Afghanistan. Even if a Exchange to Euro ( € ) is needed is to do

and will support the Euro ( € ) with Rupie as Reserve.

India government have respected the privacy of Murad Khani Kabul and is so detected as the accepted private order of 1.5 billion Euro ( € )

from the aid to Afghanistan to India and so after 22 years the support of India to Europe

In thies case the Kingdom of Spain. 

- La colectividad española que existe, existe. -

October 6, 2024 ( 20:17 o'clock ) October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. Jordon get financial aid for further Arb connectivity and protection from. The Hashemiten are in the case to be as historical protector for the Holy Place and Leonor of Spain is requested to support the Arab disaster also in the current case financial aid for further Banking cooperation over der Islamic development Bank. Leonor of Spain is requested to call to the government of India for further 400 crore about 1 milliard as Euro Reserve and for exchange if it is needed in Euro ( € ) to support over the Kingdom of Jordan the Arab constitution for the immediately Aid in the Region. We will have left 13055,00 crore more. Contract as financial invest partner for is to be deteced as and must be seen. Jordan will get 55 crore more for secutity aid in the Region to uphold juridical constitution and act from. 13 000,00 crore we will have left more. Kabul are ready to call for more financial support for the hashimiten the Kingdom of Jordan to invest in juridical frame and constitution to save and support humanity. October 7, 2024. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. ( 6:44 o'clock ). We have a constitutional take over of Hamburg by Linse ! & Jeschke or written Linsel & Jeschke and a constitutional attack on the UNSC. Germany constitutional do not want to take any responsibility even not Family Zia and Belal Mosque and IZ-Hamburg. The war that taken place in the arab world and the family case should be not trackable. Jousuf and Boabour is used for the NATO as constitution. Said Mansoor rejected to present the NATO have got in the year 2000 from to present the NATO confirmed by Türkiye was seen. So it is clear by the new Chef of the NATO denmark the Vatican and the EU confirm used and is using Jousuf and Boabour for the War against Russia and the arab World current hapening on Palestine and Ukraine. We have the constitutional representative of the international Mafia the old man is right. Fact is Mahmood Zia and Mansoor are brothers from different mothers and not the son of the international Mafia Boss Mahmood Zia on international War intensivly from the Yorckstr. and the whole western world and give them Money. So the interfer in the Home Office and taken out the origin documents signed by Mahmood Zia is taken out by the International Mafia and here mentioned partners and a testimony document is still in the Home Office , mean the sons should be unsed from the declation given in the year 2010 by Mahmood and Fauzia Zia and the case shoub be going on and the sons and the mother should still be as hostages. October 7, 2024 ( 7:18 o'clock ). October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. The Arab constitution is immediately taken over over the Kingdom of Jordon the constitutional representative as Hashimits ( commnet of the international Mafia on the first foor : ... bath ) First floor ist set by the whole representation of the internatioanl Mafia in Lüneburg. The ground for all declaration of the international Mafia is to interfer in the privacy and data and declar even over sexuality like the pope and the Vatican , they know how do press and do presure and coersion to do to make everyone suitable.

Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain request for confirmity

Outcome October 7, 2024 ( 7:41 o'clock ) offcially announcement.

The Constitution is still set by India and is pressed on th coin and reality and fact is complet seen and declared even by the sons of Murad Khani Kabul confirmed for the father and representative Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan.

The war of Russia is 100 % juridical and constitutional assured by Murad Khani Kabul.

All three Juridical Constitutions SCO,  BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union is 100 % juridical set against the European Union, the NATO

Germany , USA, Canada France , Israel all they are at War against the Right Rule and the Law for Money.

( The man have the same constitution like Ahmad and Mahmood

and can not be seen as a man )

Outcome 7, 2024 Kabul can not confirm the constitution of Afghanistan. It is not possible. Solution: We have still the Chapter 9 Article 146 of the constitution of Afghanistan and all Members of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is asked for. We ask now direct Said Mahmood Zia and Said Ahmad Zia to declare their Constitution of Afghanistan on the ground of 45 years of war and the reason for. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain ( 13:12 o'clock) . Israel, USA and Germany are in the frame of the International Law and can not go out. We have war war crimes and genocide. All constitutional property and money in the frame of Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. Constitution is seen as private property and can not be seen as state or government property. We ask again for the Money and property is taken from at least the year 2001 until August 14, 2021 ( 2024 ). Request for confirmity. October 7, 2024 ( 15:45 o'clock ) October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. Die Rechtsverfassung der Europäischen Union und der Währung Euro ( € ) bittet die Bundesrepublik Deutschland um seine Identität ? Welche Nationale Verfassung und Verfassung für die Währung Euro ( € ) hat die BRD ( FRG ) inne, wer vertritt diese Verfassungen. Das Euro ( € ) und die Europäische Union und ihre Währung Euro ( € ) hat diese Frage offiziell zu klären.

Outcome October 7, 2024 ( 16:37 o'clock )

(Said) Mahmood Zia befindet sich seit mindestens 1984 im Weltkrieg. Nun offiziell über die Söhne

des Said Mansoor im Weltkriegszustand mit der Verfassungsrechtlichen Grundlage beide Söhne sollen die Identität ihres Vaters Verschweigen,

das Herr ( Zia ) für 45 Jahre Krieg in Afghanistan missbraucht hat.

Beweis: Nach der offiziellen Trennung in Zusammenarbeit der Stadt Lüneburg im Jahre 2021 und der FRG über psychologischen Aufruf über Dominus

hat die ganze Stadt daran gearbeitet die Trennung um somit die Ermordung des Vaters zu erreichen. Zu letzt per Antrag über das Amtsgericht in zusammenarbeit Akbari ( Barukzai / Durani ) zur Zeit im Krieg gegen Russia.

Boabour wurde intensiv bearbeitet zu letzt ein Schneemann

 ( Weinachten 2021 ) zu sein

und zu verschweigen das der Vater der Bruder des Mahmood Zia ist

und Mahmood über keinen Erbe verfügt.

Auch der Jousuf wurde im Gymnasium Oedem mit Frau Schneemann

als Klassenlehrerin bedinnt, damit das Schweigen nicht gebrochen werden kann.

Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan erklärt zu seiner Person

und Vater seiner Söhne Said Jousuf M. A. ibn Said Mansoor

und Said Boabour ibn Said Mansoor beide Söhne als heilige Beschützer ihres Vaters Said Mansoor ibn Mohammad Ali Khan und von

Kabul Murad Khani Erbe des Mir Mohammad Ali Khan.

October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 8, 2024 ( 08:23 o'clock ). Die Schlüssel wurden nicht protokollgerecht übergeben wie mit der Hausverwaltung abgesprochen mit einem Zeugen. Ein Mann ist gekommen von dem wir noch immer nicht wissen wer er ist in einer grauen Sportbekleidung. wir haben die Schlüssel an der Pinwand befestigt und Heute wieder kam der Mann ich soll die Schlüssel annehmen sonst komme ich da nicht rein. Wir stellen hiermit die immer noch bestehende Geiselnahme durch die Mafia und der BRD sowohl Hamburg und Zia Familie fest. October Briefing with the Kindgom. October 8, 2024 ( 11:49 o'clock ) Murad Khani Kabul have to see the that request money from India is not seen at the website we have requested for. So we think to have a left money reverse we see as private win from the order of 1.5 billion aid to India in the year 2002 13 885,00 crore must be left.

Officially existing bund between Murad Khani Kabul

Said Mansoor M. A. and the State of India since the year 2002

October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 8, 2024 12:55 o'clock. We have called Frau Schuldt die Familie Sachlage und bestehende Geiselnahme durch die BRD zu beenden. Anruf aus Hamburg Belal Mosque und IZ-Hamburg Vertretung und cooperation Soumma, Kazemi, Zia by phone 040 35758854 ( Consitution clear Mariam Zia ( Niemax ) call 13:15 o'clock. We told the situation about Melbeck and Bromm Family the cause of genocide to the conflict in Israel und the Muselmahn of Palestine. Request for Leonor of Spain for the Juridical and constitutional response. We request herewith to clarify if the Belal Mosque Hamburg and the IZ-Hamburg is to be closed for ever or not. Political background is known by the Kingdom of Spain. Also the right of the Palestine to defend their Land is juridical right decision by the Home Office. Request for confirmity. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 8, 2024 ( 15:09 o'clock ) .We have called to HaLo Frau Schuldt. Asked her for clarity on the matter of my Family and the current crisis. We told her she as representative the NATO EU Germany UN and GB use a family matter as tool is still used at the Irak war year 2002 to enter in the Irak War over the Constitution of Murad Khani Kabul her the daughters Mariam his child Loulou and Sebastian Krüger and Niemax both officially recognized by the FRG as two officially husbands. Request for confirmity. We see a world wide political declaration women can have juridical many husbands. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 8, 2024 ( 15:30 o'clock ) . (Said ) Mahmood Zia ist seit dem Jahre 1979 im Kriegszustand Weltweit und will die Söhne seines Bruders und die Mutter nicht frei geben. Asien, Africa, Latin countries and the UNSC called for the release the sons and the mother from his man he ordered by plan since the year 2014 by enterring the kindergarten heidkamp. We have called at 15:30 for my sons and the mother . He say they are not at his person. Further we called at 15:43 HaLo and we have spoken to HaLo as represenative for the Father of Germany NATO and EU HaLo is guilty for to be the representative of War War Crimes Terror and Mafia Word Wide. - Request for confirmity. (Sar ha u dad e !? )

The color green will stay and we will not take any more Members.

By the first tests to present the green color for the website do not wanted to present the headline of the information in green.

We have still the confrontation Murad Khani Kabul Family Said Mansoor to be owner of the FRG. The constitution of War in Europe and Germany will not change

The Family is still in kidnapping.

The constitution is finaly set at Москва 

for Eurasia and Eurasian Economic Union

on October 8, 2024 ( around 16:30 o'clock european time )

October Breifing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 9, 2024 ( 7:07 o'clock ) .Makkah and the Arab World and the 1,7 billion Muslimin is called to bring my two sons and their mother Masooda back to their father and partner. The Eurasia Bank gives here the order and the request to close all financial support to the Arab World. Also the Euro ( ECB ) will be cut until the sons and the mother are back to their father Said Mansoor. Reason: We have the so called Arab Disater and is confirmed by the Republic of Iran. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. Requst for further formal representation. October 9, 2024 ( 7:43 o'clock ) The Euro representative give herewith the oder to the representative of the Euro ( € ) to cut all Banks to serve Euro in Germany EU or on the international Level until germany and his allies terminate the kidnapping and declare the capitulation cause of the current conflict and war to Russia as Member of the Eurasian Economic Union.

October 9, 2024 ( 8:03 o'clock )

Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan do not understand why Germany and his allies  Mahmood Zia Family Arab World, Soumma, Kazemi,  Belal Mosque IZ-Hamburg and Barukzai are in the state of War to have the sons of Murad Khani Kabul their father Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan and their Mother Masooda.

Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan is now in the constitution of War since the year 1979 and do not understand

what is going on !

October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 9, 2024 ( 11:21 o'clock ). The Foreign Minister of India has given 400 crore was reuqested to Spain. About 1 billion Euro (€) aid for support. And in Rupie,55 Indian Rupie. Request for confirm. Result of the Briefing: Secret, Savety and constitutional work in the frame of the International Law and Constitution of Spain. ( We have the reality Germany and his allies are at war against Russia, here Eursian Economic Union and SCO for the property and ownership of foreign countries and families. ) Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 9, 2024 ( 12:14 o'clock ) Order will be given: The Federal Republic of Germany and allies is requested on the highest State Level and so to the Head of State of the Federal Republic of Germany to prove a contracted relationship with the sons Jousuf and Boabour and their mother Masooda and so the Contract with Murad Khani Kabul representative Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohmmad Ali Khan. Further we have rape and violance through the man and the city lüneburg on all family members. We do not see any juridical or moral even ethnical ground for. The only ground is when no any constitution Law Rights and Rules do not exist, and the state of war is seen and is proved and declared. In thies case we see the International Law of the United Nations had taken the access. article 51 of the United Nations is as grounded Rule of Law supported by the Eurasian Economic Union, SCO and representative Kingdoms and even the UN. For the formality of the constitution of a community we have to ask which country represent the rainbow flag and wants to be and represent the whole world, and want to say they are everyone and everything ? The Home Office know where the Money belong, the contracts and the constitutions. ( The Home Office detected War from germany by Germany without any declaration of war, - how it is possible ? ) Result: Chapter 9, Article 146 declared the state of emergency. All the Juridical Institutions the SCO ( 8 main members ) and the Eurasian Econoimc Union, and even the BRICS ( with his 5 main members) have to Afghanistan over Chapter 9 Article 146 the state of emergency, and mean the state of War. The war have a permanent psychological tracked origin in the yorckstr. specially No. 8 and have no any mercy. October Briefing with Kingdom of Spain. October 9, 2024 ( 13:37 o'clock). Request for the formal representation . The Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul call herewith again officially the declaration of Capitulation form the Federal Republic of Germany and his allies EU NATO and the USA. The reason why the rape and violance to the three members of the Family of Said Mansoor is happen is the state of war germany and his allies declared and is real exist over the Chapter 9 Article 146 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. A collaps of the juridical government and his constitution mean immediately no safety for any members of a state their citizens and is seen as state of emergency and constitution of war. Result from the Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain : Fact ! October Briefing. October 9, 2024 ( 15:21 o'clock ) .Herr Kanzler Olaf Scholz, Präsident der BRD Walter Steinmeier, Kommisionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen, Ratspräsident Charles Michel, Joe Biden Präsident der USA, und Mark Rutte haben die Kapitulationserklärung gegenüber Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohmmad Ali Khan zu unterschreiben und dem Home Office in der Yorcktsr. 8, 21335 Lüneburg , Germany zu überreichen. Begründung: Wir forden die Kapitulationserklärung vom Statenverbund und somit Völkerrechtssubjekt. Das Subjekt ist nicht definiert. Zumal auch Frankreich kein Subjekt anerkannt hat und auch nicht definiert hat. Ein Krieg vom Völkerrechtssubjekt gegen das Völkerrechtssubjekt is nicht möglich. Schon gar nicht ohne wissen beteiligung oder subjekt juristisch als subjekt nicht juristisch konform wenn das Subjekt keine Volljährigkeit erreicht hat und auch dem Staatenverbund nicht Wahlbrechtigt ist. Der Entwurf der Verfassung der EU zeigt ganz klar alle möglichen Rechtsrahmen und Gesetze die einem Völkerrechtssubjekt entsprechen muss. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 9, 2024 ( 18:23 o'clock ). We have the following declaration of the Mafia of Mahmood and Ahmad Fauzia City Lüneburg and Germany: All sets on the Family was planed. From marrige until the day of the birth of the sons and the enter in the kindergarten and all following political activities. How to use the sons to collaps and the separation and how to get to kill the father. The mindset and all preparation by the government and the school was already set. Yorckstr. 8 and also Schützentstr. 100 was planed. Also Kreideberg 17 was a set. Yorckstr. 8 is cause of the G7 format including Russia in so called G8 format to sepparat Russia by Ahmad Zia and Mahmood Zia and allies in cooperation of the international Mafia. Specially the first floor and ground floor and futher neighbors are working intensivly for the war of Ahmad and Mahmood . The war is a Mafia war. Not a war of a juridical or religion grounded war. We have a fact clarity of the Germany USA and Israel as Mafia States. The officially declaration of the sons was they will stay one year than they will leave on a house the man will build. Result is: Mahmood and Fauzia Ahmad and allies wants to have the controll of the family to save their history of war and terrorism in Afghanistan, specially also the private Armee the wagner group by Ahmad Zia. All by using Said Mansoor as constitution without his own knowledge. The same is done and going on with the sons. The mindset by Dr. Ahmad Zia to controll the World must change at the sons. And we see still only the capitulation or the war as solution. ( We see by the mindset of Germany only the war as solution. The future Queen of Spain detected in the year 2023 rightfull and declared the war by the attack of the mafia in cooperation of the relatives of Great Britain, specially by Prinz Harry his not accepted behaviors to get into the Home Office and also to cooperat with the USA to get the sons and use them like roboter. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 9, 2024 ( 20:00 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. We request and order to suggest for the termination of the war between Israel and the palestine and order the Queen of Spain to ask the claims of Israel immediately. Also to ask the claims of Germany towards my sons Jousuf and Boabour and their mother Masooda. We order also to ask the USA and Ukraine what the claims is. Grounded constitution is the talk with Mahmood Zia and what he have reasons for to have such a partie to serve and use. We do not think that in Germany do not exist humans. We can not detect any Alliens or Animals.

October 9, 2024 ( 20:45 o'clock ) Announcement

Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan erklärt hiermit, dass Herr Mahmood Zia und Family Zia und seine Mafia die Mutter entführt haben lassen unter Drogen versetzt und Vergewaltigt haben damit seine Töchter durch die Mutter die Rache an sie die Mutter der Söhne von Murad Khani Kabul genommen ist.

Auch die Kinder wurden nicht verschont, eheliche Kinder und uneheliche Kinder.

Und das von verschiedenen Männer und die ganze Stadt Lüneburg

und Bundesregierung EU und UNSC wissen darüber bescheid.

Die Mutter hat die Verfassung des Mahmood Zia und Fauzia

 Zia nicht akteptiert.

Der Krieg in Afghanistan war kein realer Krieg sondern duch Mahmood Zia und Fauzia Zia und Verbündete bewusst geführter

Völkermord, 43 Jahre lang.

October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 10, 2024 ( 10:54 o'clock ). Die BRD und seine Regierung Kanzler Scholz und Präsident Steinmeier haben unter Nötigung meines Sohnes Jousuf über Kzachestan und Usbekistan Öl und Gas von der OPEC bekommen. Meine Söhne wurden missbraucht und druch sexuelle Handlungen genötigt Verfassunsgkonformität mit der Bundesregierung und der BRD zu haben. Herr Scholz oder Herr Schulz wird hiermit der directen Vergewaltigung des Söhne Jousuf und Boabour nachgewiesen um Ölgeschäfte über Kazachsten und Usbekistan zu machen. Auch die Beteiligung am Völkermord durch Kanzler Scholz und Kanzler Schulz ist real und entspricht der Realität. Es ist somit nachgewiesen, dass die BRD über meinen Söhnen Krieg und Vökermord und Krieg gegn Russia über die Ukraine führt und begonnen hat. Request for confirmity. ( Origin representative information Portugal.) Das Kindergarten und die BRD sieht in der Erziehung des Söhne in Sexualität mit Männer zu haben als normal an und läutet dauerhaft mit, - wohl wahr ! Wie sehen somit die Grundlage für Vökermord und Krieg der BRD Weltweit gegeben um eine weitere Möglichkeit der Kontinuität weltweit Geschäfte zu machen mit der Nötigung nach dem Vater jetzt den Sohn und ist im Kindergarten Heidkamp das erste mal versteckt vollzogen worden, das über die Medien und Politik kund getan wurde aber die Eltern nicht in Kenntnis gesetzt wurden. Es ist ganz klar das die BRD ein paar Wildtiere ausgesetzt haben um eine Jagd zu führen. Natürlich mit Antrag auf Jagdrecht und Jagdschein. Request for confirmity. October 10, 2024 ( 12:12 o'clock ) Ich Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan bittet hiermit offiziell die Vertretung der Menschheit die Bundesrepublik Deutschland um Gnade und die Begnadigung meiner Söhne Jousuf 13 Jahre und Boabour 7 Jahre und ihre Mutter Masooda nach langer Folter und psychiatrische Folter und missbrauch endlich frei zu lassen. Das Throne von Murad Khani Kabul ist bereit ihr Völkermord Krieg und Kriegsverbrechen gegen die Islamische Welt als berechtigt anzuerkennen, weil wir kein interesse für eine Bindung mit ihren Frauen wollen. Said Mansoor beantragt gegenüber der United Nations der BRD ihr Völkermord Krieg und Kriegsverbrechen anzuerkennen. Der Antrag bezieht sich auf das geschaffene Wohlstand in der BRD auf Grundlage der Verfassung des Murad Khani Kabul. Und nun seine Söhne. Die BRD besteht darauf den Wohlstand der seinen Ursprung nicht in der BRD oder Europa hat und möglich ist seit mindestens dem Jahre 1981 Geisteswissenschaftlich errungen zu haben anzuerkennen. Result: The constitutional connectivity exist but it is not possible to rise a rainbowflag. The request is taken back. Der Antarg wird zurück genommen. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 10, 2024 ( 12:36 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. The Kingdom of Spain renew all Contracts authoritative and genealogical for Spain in the case of Europe and Germany grounded on origin constitutions and Basis. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 10, 2024 ( 14:25 o'clock ) .We have spoken with the International Mafia on October 9, 2024 . We have seen the son was ordered by the Mahmood Zia und Fauzia Zia to be raped again. The Internmational Mafia State of Mahmood Zia and his allies do not want to stop the rape abuse and do violence against my family Said Mansoor. The flag of 1/2 at the University is uphold and the full flag is down. We do not know what the international Mafia of Mahmood Zia have done again. Both sons will not take the constitution of the University and also not the constitution of Germany or Europe. We have still from Germany Genocide and war we are not ready to take the responsibility of Mahmood Zia, Fauzia Zia Barukzai, Belal Mosque and the IZ-Hamburg. we are ready to take every step to destroy the existing constitution spread form Germany World Wide. October Briefing with the Kingdome of Spain. October 10, 2024 ( 23:06 o'clock ) .Request for the formal representation. Officially announcemnet. The sons and the mother are hostages of the international Mafia with seat in the Magdeburger str. 64 and further seats in Lüneburg Deutsch Evern and Hamburg. Der Krieg in der Ukraine ist ein Mafia Krieg und kein NATO Russia Krieg. Die Internationale Mafia ist soweit so groß, dass sie einen Krieg gegen die Russische Föderation führen kann. Request for confirmity. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 10, 2024 ( 21:25 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. Request for the Order and order for the officially intensify of the Defence Ministerium of the Kingdom of Spain in cooperation with India for the fight against the existing fram of the Mafia the sons and the mother are hostages. The defence ministerium of the Kingdom of Spain is ordered to act on all posibilitys and order all possible options. The Juridical Basis exist for in the yorckstr. 8, 21335 Lüneburg , Germany. ( Code: Ocho p ar ocho ) October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 11, 2024 ( 2:56 o'clock ). Russia and India is herewith ordered the take over of Ukraine with 1000 crore Rupie of the privat win of Said Mansoor M.A. from the invest of 1,5 billion in India in the year 2002. Said Manoor M. A. sees the territory of Ukraine as his own property. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 11, 2024. Request for the formal representation. Secure the real costs we have at the attempt by Advocate Ley Amtsgricht Lüneburg, government FRG, EU, NATO, USA Israel and Arab Constitution from Murad Khani Kabul.
October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. Requst for the formal representation. October 11, 2024 ( 15:27 o'clock ) What dose the sons have to do with the constitution of the Bus Line in Lüneburg ? Answer: Akabari, Ukraine ( mr. selenkjy ) and the sons and Mother should not only be taken over by the bus line 16 to Hagen swimming pool but also serve for the war against Russia. We had meeting at Swiss with Joe Biden on October 16 to terminat the conflict, but seem the west do not want because they have the sons and the mother and so they have All and even do not need 1000 million or 50 billion or 500 billion !? Result: conflict and war over family property and money the allies of Germany Selenskjy and Akbari do not belong. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 11, 2024 ( 16:28 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. Die Söhne laufen und irren und werden bewusst missbraucht. Die BRD wird um ihre Identität gefragt wo sie zugehören und welche Verfassung sie tragen ? Das Home Office Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. muss sofort die Sicherstellung der Verfassung der Söhne und die Mutter vornehmen, bevor es endgültig zu spät ist. Die Familie Said Mansoor ist eine private Angelegenheit und darf nicht der BRD und Europa zugehören, weil es ethnisch nicht möglich ist. Es is nachweislich gerichtlich und amtlich bekannt, dass der Vater sich nach 43 Jahren nicht integriet hat und erlaubt seinen Söhnen Jousuf und Boabour nicht sich zu integrieren. Die BRD und Verbündete müssen Einsicht zeigen, wenn keine Einsicht erfolgt dann ist es offen ein Krieg um fremdes Eigentum. Request for confirmity. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain . October 11, 2024 ( 17:00 o'clock ) Said Mansoor M. A. Verzichtet hiermit offiziell auf ein Handy. Die Sicherheit lässt es nicht zu. Wir beanspruchen offiziell die Mitarbeit eines ganzen Staates und ihre zugehörige Verbündeten Latin Countries als Partner. Die Interkontinental Test auf das Gebiet des Latin Country ist eine offizielle Bekanntmachung der Zusammenarbeit. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 11, 2024 ( 18:08 o'clock ) The Home Office have juridical about 16 274,74 Euro ( € ) debt. We have the case Jousuf and Boabour is used for the debt of the Untited States of American exist 31,4 Trillion Dollar. The USA make a war over the constitution of Murad Khani Kabul family Said Mansoor M. A. in Ukraine and sell a lot of waepon to get from the Swiss National Bank, World Bank and the European Central Bank money to solve the debt of 31,4 Trillion Dollar. We do not see any reason for the war in Ukraine and also no any Reason for the war in Palestine. We can not detect and juridical or any religious ground. We have still the case of proportionality exist world wide. The Offer for the USA 31,4 Trillion Dollar from the Home Office was a offer from a existing juridical fram do not exist. It was a trap ! The abuse has still started by President Obama in the year 2014 and we had the option. Request for briefing for is done.

One more time for Clarity Announcement October 12, 2024

 ( 6:30 o'clock )

October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 12, 2024. We have killer and murder and criminals they want money !? In Lüneburg ! For What ? My sons lives with their mother Horror and the peopel wants money ? We have the case on the wrong side of the Street to do genocide and war ! What the Christian Muslim and Jews want from my Family ? I have since the year 2018 opening hour for opointmets ! Ganz Lüneburg Hamburg und Germany kann mit mir einen Termin machen Montag bis Donnerstag von 9:00 Uhr bis 12:00 Uhr ! Auch Kriminelle Mörder und Verbrecher können kommen ! Völkermöder und Kriegsverbrecher können auch kommen ! Ich bitte alle Beteiliget um Geld und Macht durch Wissen zu mir ins Home Office ( Büro ) zu kommen und uns mitzuteilen was das Anliegen ist welcher Vertrag besteht und welche staatliche gesellschaftliche und finanzielle wünsche vorliegen ! Auch im Fall Koran Religion Werte und Normen Ethtik und Moral können wir Ihnen helfen ! Weiterhin wollen wir wissen wieviel Geld sie haben wollen? Warum und wofür ? Wenn es um die Legalisierung von Geschäften Firmen oder Institutionen geht kommen sie zu uns, meine eheliche Söhne und die Mutter haben damit nichts zu tun. Auch uneheliche Kinder geht Ihnen nichts an. Auch unsere Frauen ( zur Zeit 13 Damen, Königinen und Prinzessinen ) die mit uns tätig sind geht sie nichts an ! Bitte haben Sie courage und kommen Sie zu uns, wir können Ihnen helfen ! October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 12, 2024 ( 8:07 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. Take over of the Kingdom of Spain officially to the Juridical Part of the Eurasian Economic Union with access to the Afghan Port Charbahar Port in Iran. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 12, 2024 ( 12 :16 o'clock ) Es besteht die Androhung eines Atomaren Krieges . Die BRD ist bereit als Vorrecht über die Söhne und die Mutter einen Atomaren Krieg zu führen. Diese Verfassung und Rechtslage ist dem Vater schon seit Jahrzehnte bekannt. Begründung: Es wird als Lebensversicherung für den Wohlsstand gesehen. Fiesta National October 12, 2024. weiter Versuch der BRD die Verfassung der Russischen Föderation und Verfassunskonformität der Russia über die Parade und Fiesta National de Spania über die Russia Flag als ihre eigene Verfassungskonformität mit der Sorge der Mutter der Söhne von Murad Khani Kabul als ihr eigene Konformität zu erklären. Die BRD schaut zu missbraucht und führt Krieg und möchte plötzlich jetzt Russia sein ! Die BRD möchte jetzt plötzlich Spanien sein und nötigt nun fortwährend über die Regierung von Spanien das Könighaus Spanien um sich rein zu waschen. So geht das Nicht ! Die BRD sollte nach Afrika und mit den Affen tanzen oder Gräber suchen ob sie irgendwo dazu gehören kann. So wie das Amtsgericht im Jahre 2002 Frau Campowsky erklärt hat kann es je nachdem von der Israelischen Flagge zur irgend eine weltweit bekannte Flagge wechseln wir Männer Ihre Unterhosen. Wenn es schmutzig genug ist wechseln sie oder in der Not drehen sie es einfach um auf die andere Seite. So etwas könne nur Richter und Staatsbedienstete die als Hoheiten und Excellencen im Bundestag den Staat als Privateigentum sehen und die Öffentlichkeit sogar zum Aufheizen aufrufen. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 12, 2024 ( 18:38 o'clock ) Die Ehlers in Amilinghausen der Landrat und die Stadt Lüneburg und die Regierung in der BRD werden über Frau Faria Ehlers ( Zia ) und Mariam Niemax ( Zia ) gefragt was sie in der Familie Said Mansoor machen und wieso sie der Familie Zia als Geisel dienen. Weiterhin wird unser Briefkasten nicht nachvollziehbar. Die Mahnung vom Vermieter fehlt auch. Wir sind im Mietrückstand. Order and request to Leonor of Spain for clarify. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 12, 2024 ( 20:40 o'clock ) . Request for the formal representation. We ask The Russian Federation to enter into war in Europe as soon as possible. The Eurasian Economic Union ask whom belong the European Union. The Eurasian Economic Union also ask where the Euro ( € ) belong ? The Eurasian Economic Union ask for both the Constitution of the European Union and also the Constitution of the Euro ( € ) ? Who have the constitution of the European Union and the Euro (€) and who is the representative for ? ( Call from the first representative of the Barukzai at 20:43 o'clock in War present in Europe Saragossa Kunar Litauen Letland and Estland and further representative Work in War for Mahmood Zia und Fauzia Zia. Illegal Ariana representatiev in Stutgart and big Projekt of nonsens in Stutgart. Access to the ECB in Franklfurt. ) Request for confirmity. Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 13, 2024 ( 5:53 o'clock ) . Request for the formal representation. We have a economic Take Over of the country or Territory of Ukraine and are contracted with the state of India and the government of India. Murad Khani Kabul declare the Territory of Ukraine as Parte of Russia. Request for confirmity. October 13, 2024 , October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. Germany will be isolated for the international Community and the future of the History. The Economy will be taken over . We will put the state Germany dry ! The take over is still started. germany and the EU and USA will be taken over economically over the Constitution so called the President of so called ( Ukraine ) Mr. Selenskjy immediatelly and quickly as it is possibel. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 13, 2024 ( 6:48 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. Order to Leonor of Spain. October 13, 2024 ( 7:02 o'clock ) Order to Leonor of Spain to execute all german military personnel ( staff ) who want to lead the Kingdom of Spain immediatelly. Stop and Ban all german Airlines to Spain immidiatelly even at the air must return. Fruits and vegetabel contracts with germany and to germany must be stoped and cancelled immediatelly. All business representatives from Germany must be execute. The Contracts are illegal. The german military and business representatives must prove their ligallity and the ligallity of their Contracts and the Basis and Ground for ! We think to have proved the basis not in Germany but in Kabul .

October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain

Outcome October 13, 2024 ( 7:26 o'clock )

Kabul Murad Khani his representative Said Mansoor M. A.  is in a economic war involed and has taken also to lead Spain for common interests in the existing frame and constitution specially in cooperation

with Leonor of Spain.

Masooda was contracted and made decisions but was abused. So we as Contract partner and owner power of attorney have cancelled ( the all ) the relationship she and the sons have over the government FRG School Kindergarten verbally and written.

( Result : Mother ( Frau ) and the sons are not guilty ( Schuld / Frau Schuldt ).

October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 13, 2024 ( 13:55 o'clock ).Request for the formal representation. Request for the constitutional set on the reality on the ground. Result: Spain and Leonor of Spain still sabe. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain . October 13, 2024 ( 16:22 o'clock ) Bestätigung der ausgehend der Hasenburger Berg Schule und und Frauen der Stadt Lüneburg Einleitung von Mordversuche gegen den Vater von Boabour auf Grundlage der Verfassung des eigenen Sohnes Said Boabour über Lebensmittelvergiftung und Verabreichnung von Drogen. Sexuelle Nötigung und Vergewaltigung der Söhne und Missbauch für die Erklärung des Krieges und Völkermord in Palestina. Nach der sexuellen Nötigung durch die Familie Memet der Große im Kindergarten Heitkamp wurde durch die Familie Klapper, Hartmann, Freitag und Mement der Große alle Nötigungen und Mitarbeit mit Californien und Österreich fortgeführt. Request for confirmity.

October 13, 2024 ( 18:02 o'clock ) announcement

Die Ermordung des Vaters wird seit mindestens dem jahre 2000 fortwährend  und permanent geplant von der Familie Zia in Zusammenarbeit mit der Regierung durchgeführt.

Die Heirat und die Söhne sollen die Emordung ermöglichen.

Auch die Ermordung der Söhne sind fortwährend geplant

und sollen nachdem der Vater nicht mehr ist und sein kann ermordet werden und sterben.

Gründe: Das Erbe des Vaters Mir Mohammad Ali Khan

übergeben an Said Mansoor und der Fortbestand soll gehindert werden.

Die Ermordung der Familie Sardar Mohammad Daoud Khan ermöglicht

den Fortbestand der Mahmood ( Zia ) Familie in Afghanistan nicht und ist nicht möglich.

Die Aufrechterhaltung seiner Rechte setzt er mit Nötigung, Erpressung

Ermordung und Krieg durch, das eine Zukunft für Afghanistan nicht

möglich macht.

Die Familie Mahmood Zia und alle Enkel sind Krank

auch entfernte Verwandte und Afghanische Gemeindemitglieder sind

seit über 40 Jahren im Schockzustand.

Die Kenntnisnahme und Beitrag zur Ermordung der Familie

ist in der Schützenstr., Yorckstr. und Kreideberg sehr hoch.

Die Familie Said Mansoor gibt hiermit bakannt die BRD zu verlassen.

Die Ausreise ist geplant und erforderliche politische, juristische

und sicherheitsrelevante Massnahmen sind getroffen.

Politische juristische und urkundliche Dokument sind bei jeder Person

vorhanden. Spanien und Türkjye haben verfassungsrechtlich die

legalle Voraussetzung geschaffen.

Die Planung ist in der Familie abgesprochen und vorbereitet.

Söhne haben dabei mitgewirkt und werden bei der Durchführung

im nächsten Treffen besprochen.

Head of States Representatives Briefing

October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 14, 2024 ( 8:07 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. We have bought from Hornbach Cylinder lock. We close all rooms in the Home Office and yesterday again someone was inside the Home Office. We have to declare not only neigbors, the City Lüneburg, Germany but whole Europe and the European Union is involved in the Home Office with all three european Institutions. Everyone know that the Home Office is a Head of State Institution openly and publicly declared by H. E. Hamid Karzai and former President Ashraf Ghani and is as representative the Pen with the historical matter for Kabul Afghanistan Asia Eurasia Africa and by the begin of the cooperation with the Kingdom of Spain also a matter of Latin countrys. Request for confirmity. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain . October 14, 2024 ( 11:12 o'clock ) request for the formal Representation. We have detected from the year 2002 by documents existing economic war in Afghanistan confirmed by President of the FRG Mr. Köhler. Also in the current Famliy case we have detected a economic war confirmed by the International Court of Justice in the Hague Netherlands the family case as a tool. We told Frau Schuldt and Mr , Flores we are not conform with the Constitution of Germany and the European Union and we are waiting to have results. The war and so the defence is a head of State opion. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 14, 2024 ( 11.52 o'clock ). Request for thr formal representation. India have set the representative constitution and will help advice and support for his constitutional frame India have also have represented in the year 2023 the G20 summit and confirmed India as the solution on many matters from medicin goods and religions representatives and culture known since hundred and thousand years of history naturally exist. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain . October 14, 2024 ( 13:02 o'clock ) . Request for the formal representation. The divorce from Masooda bin Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan is not juridical conform. As Head of State of Kabul and Afghanistan we have from the power of attorney given by Masooda cancelled the power of attorney given to Mr. Ley. The advocate Mr. Ley and the FRG and even all online representatives have seen I took the power of attorney from the Federal Republic of Germany and cancelled. Prove and evidence exist. Request for confirmity. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 14, 2024 ( 13:49 o'clock ) Wir sind 100 % überzeugt in Europa wird es Krieg geben. The Head of the State Kabul Afghanistan his Home Office documents are stolen. And we think for war and crimes on the International Level. We have the Kingdom of Great Britain, in this case involved Prinz Harry, The Vatican or Makkah their representatives. For What we do not know. We think to declare facts do not exist. Also is thinkable the Preußen will declare Germany as ground historical Basis by documents for Afghanistan. That is not possible. We have also the door changed and mean Germany had about 40 year connectivity with Masooda her father Abdullah Khan for war in Afghanistan and economic interests for Opium and goods. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 14, 2024 ( 14:10 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. Spain have soon called to uphold neutrality. El Rey de Espania soon adviced Constitution and constitutional Confirmity and declared by juridical Representatives the existing Constitution. Documets taken out from the Home Office by Germany for the Kingdom of Spain is known, and effectivity is conscious questioned by the act Germany do not to be guilty for anything. Result: October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 14, 2024 ( 14:50 o'clock ) . The Eurasian Economic Union have a clear juridical constitution for the War against Germany and the European Union. ( attachment: document ) Also Spain is attacked from. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain . October 14 , 2024 ( 15:37 o'clock ). We can not accept the constitutional take over by Hamburg and their representatives Zia and Mafia Constitution for the War of the FRG in Ukraine and palestine. Also the mother of the sons and the sons are still not detected. And the communication ist still cut. Wir haben den ersten Mordversuch durch Herr Zia im Jahre 1984 in Kaltenmoor mit der Erklärung ( der Bruder ) ist an allem Verantwortlich. Die BRD und EU Verfassung ist nicht nachvollziehbar, auch die USA sind politisch nicht zu verstehen. Wir nehmen an, dass alle Beziehungen bewusst missbraucht und Gewaltanwendung erfährt. Auch die Familienbindung und Familienbildung wir genötigt und Vergewaltigt. Zur Zeit ist ein außerordentlicher Zustand erreicht und ein Krieg ist wie ein Waffengang gegen ein anderes Planet und ihre Specie. Der Mann ist so Krank, dass man schon gedacht hat ins All auszuweichen. October briefing with the Kingdom of Spain . October 14, 2024 ( 16:46 o'clock ) LG DK 1000 and HGN SW 501 Order of immediately arrest and cooperation partner in the family case Said Mansoor and Afghanistan to act with military force. We have still the Royal Constitution of Germany and the Braun and Braunschweig War over Österreich against Russia and Afghanistan cooperating with Zia and the international Mafia. October 14, 2024 ( 18:55 o'clock ) . October briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. We have Afghanistan in the third generation. And two generations have still put their pockest full with Money. Today People is working betwenn 18 to 28 and think someone will solve their problems. The plan is the same coercion , abuse, pressure and attack. The community is working together like the second W W and noone know about anything. The FRG have started a religios war over my Family with the begin of the year 2014. The experience is started form the year 1982 how to have political and economical win. Said Mansoor accept thies war over his family.

October 14, 2024 ( 19:26 o'clock )

The SCO Eurasian Economic Union and the BRICS is made herewith clare we have a religios war started by the year 2001 and spread out

to Russia from Ukraine. It is a complet german constitutional war for global Ideas and the use of Kabul and Afghanistan as grounded historical


Said Mansoor M. A. is conform with the Throne of the Kingdom of Spain

and will visit the Kingdom by reunion of the sons and their mother.

The Kingdom must separt them from Europe and all relatives in Germany.

October 14, 2024 ( 20:50 o'clock ) Announcement: The Throne of murad Khani Kabul have to announce both sons are abused through Germany FRG by mental absue psychological education to clear all war and economic exploitation. October briefing. October 15, 2024 ( 7:42 o'clock ) Officially Head of States Level continue with H. E. Leonor of Spain her secretariat and ministries. Request for confirmity.

Keine Salbung

Colors of the United Nations Seat

Color: cremie

Both Head of States we hope the Kingdom of Spain confirm

wellcome and are grateful for the support of Japan

on all Level of culturelle exchange

October 15, 2024 ( 12:00 o'clock ) Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. Request for confirm el Punto que es en mi pais Kabul. Result: The Home Office can declare every furthr act from the population of Germany against the Kingdom of Spain as his right for the defence of his constitution. Espionage kidnapping and abuse of every officially State Members can be seen as a officially provocation and even the necessary of a military act specially against Germany (FRG). Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 15, 2024 ( 12:50 o'clock ). Request for the formal Representation. Is Germany (FRG) since the year 2022 in the state of war against the Kingdom of Spain ? And if, for what and why ? Is it a economic war, religios war or political war or even a culturel war ? Result: The representative, so has been called flanks, are against the EU, NATO Germany and the USA in the defence position. Also the Kingdom of Spain has to defend his Constitution Culture Policy and international relationships. Even The Home Office have a permanent war constitition from the City and Germany and neigbors even through espionage kidnapping and attempted assassination. October Briefing The Kingdom of Spain: October 15, 2024 ( 13:36 ) The Kingdom of Spain have declared his sovereignty and integrity. Also a bund between Great Brtain and the Kingdom of Spain do not exist because of the existing different language history and culture. Spain do not see any bund with Germany from the Constitution and relatives of Great Britain in Germany or Preußen. The Kingdom of Spain do not want to be part of the War of Preußen in Europe and World Wide and do not want to be abused with his relationship to Asia Eurasia or Murad Khani Kabul or even India. The Kingdom of Spain have his own Constitution and contracts. October Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. October 15, 2024 ( 14:09 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. First step: Formality. Said Mansoor M. A. declares his sons Said Jousuf M. A. ibn Said Mansoor and Said Baobour ibn Said Mansoor and their Mother Masooda bin Said Mansoor ( Abdullah Khan ) as citizens of the Kingdom of Spain. Reason: The Federal Republic of Germany have escape behind Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan ( and his two sons and their mother Masooda ) in the frame of the International Law. Prove : The Secretary General of the United Nations declared to accept even Law and Rules of National Institutions to guaranty the aid and payment of citizens in Germany. Germany is over the Ukraine at war against Russia. October Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. October 15, 2024 ( 14:43 o'clock ) The Home Office offer for Germany USA and further involved in the current conflict the International Law Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations. We request to the Kingdom of Spain Leonor of Spain representative of the International Law to help Germany to find a way for their continuity. Die Kontinuität wurde über Boabour verweigert im Jahre 2014. Auch Jousuf soll nicht als Grundlage der Kontinuität der BRD dienen. Said Manoor hat die Verweigerung der Altlasten übernahme erklärt. October Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. October 15, 2024 ( 15:00 o'clock ) Said Mansoor Murad Khani Kabul have declared not to be responsible for the History of the past Germany have and also the sons and the Mother ( The Family ) are not allowed to be used for clarity and clarify the past history of Germany. We do not allow. The Vatican is attacked cause of thies attempted and by continue will be complet destroyed.The Kontinuity over the Family of Said Mansoor do not work. Altlasten werden nicht übernommen. Die neue Geschichte und Era läuft nicht in der BRD oder Europa. October Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. October 15, 2024 ( 15:43 o'clock ) Öffentliche Erklärung Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. beantragt die Zurückführung der Söhne und Mutter . Die BRD kann sich nicht auf Article 51 der Charter of the United Nations beziehen und alles sein. Afghanische Kinder hier die Söhne und die Mutter können sich auf Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations beziehen.

October 15, 2024 ( 17:48 o'clock )

Said Mansoor übernimmet die ganze Verantwortung über die Söhne Jousuf und Boabour und die Mutter Masooda.

Der Vater möchte als gegenleistung die Söhne und die Mutter Masooda zurück zu seiner Gemeinde von 13 Personen.

Quelle der Beweise aller Veranwortungen bezüglich der Familie Yorckstr. 8 Zeugenaussagen der Nachbarn.

Case of the Kabul Bank in Afghanistan

Germany and allies are at World War for Money !

origin comment and prove from:

Said Mansoor M. A. constitutional representative of the Kabul Bank

The Kabul Bank is the Bank for the payment of all

government empolyes !

( The case is for the Home Office clare only the sequences historical by documents the juridical evidence was still not right detected.)

We have also asked by the bakery Harms if we have Credit and they allways denied.

So we have a prove of Hartmann Freitag Klapper Memet Harms and many more

of the parents and citizens in lüneburg by abuse and violence and even

rape of the sons and the mother to get Money and to declare Money to get for

as revange against their father and representative.

Even if the father do not say halo or do not give a handshake.

October Briefing The Kingdom of Spian . October 16, 2024 ( 4:46 o'clock ) In a multilateral and multipolar world every Country and State have his own Integrity and Sovereignty . Die BRD befindet sich seit mindestens dem Jahre 1981 im Raubzug. The FRG government of Germany have stolen the money of Afghanistan and on thies documents are the testimony the City Lüneburg and Germany have given the ground for the rob and stolen Money by Germany, I Said Mansoor are constitutional Representative of the Kabul Bank and only over thies document can be declared why the Kabul Bank was stolen and fall. The FRG have abused the Data protection Law and still abuse the Data protection Law. And we see als foreigner in Germany asking for Asyl are abused by interfer in their Country and state by given testimony. We have all over the world Data Protection Law. All offices in FRG are rebuild to Bunker and high security Levels. The FRG and the government are insulted because of the less education on the international Level and do World War and rob because they are inferior and substandard. October 16, 2024 ( 10:01 o'clock ) October Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal Represenation. We have the relativization Syria as the origin place of the bible, so we have the began from the University Lüneburg and the City Lüneburg with the mindset to have all right of christian People western world on Syria because Syria represents the birth place of the Bibel. So the attack and cooperation to the sons was comming from Christain Syrien citizens not only in Syria but also in Germany. The Family is set and is controlled by Lüneburg und Germany over Syrien citizens they get Money and home what they want for abuse and rape has happened and still on all Levels get. I Said Mansoor M. A. have send our foreign Minister Zalmay Rasul to end the conflict. Germany and the man still use the sons and the mother over Syrien case. Request for confirmity. Also we had the cooperation of Syrien christian from Amilinghausen case Faria Zia Ehlers the last attack of Wagner Groupe of Ahmad Zia on Moskau in cooperation of the government of FRG and was clared by the collor and mindset grey. We have a What's up from the father and the numbers: 017642088466, 017687985700 for opions. October Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. October 16, 2024 ( 15:11 o'clock ) Request for the formal Representation. In the case of war and the military enter into the territory of Germany we think from our case the outcome of Concentration camps in Germany. We see the intensive corporal punishment and pressure of the soul and brain of children and even own sons. According of the case of the second World War we see the same case now happening and by the military enter and the detection of the ground for war we see the outcome of concentration camps in Germany. We have the case of nonsens language without any roots and culturel beloning and is detected from us at the 9th cass ( year 1989 ) at the school. Germany build a own culture and language without any roots to greec historical acces and cut it to have a complet abuse of Afghanistan and Asia. The abuse of nonsens language have reached a World War condition and the talk about gender language. Also we have a international attack on Juridical Institutions Religions and Cultures they are questioned and the peopel do on the international Level Party and holyday where ever they want. We see also Kingdoms as authoritativ Institutions and a Juridical Instanz the attack we have detected soon( 15:40 o'clock : We hear at the floor a voice calling: HaLo ! ) October Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. October 16, 2024 ( 16:25 o'clock ) Anruf and Frau Schuldt und der Syrischen Familien. Bestätigung des Krieges in Syrien ausgehende der Stadt Lüneburg und der BRD. Im Bildungskrieg was unter einer Relativierung zu verstehen ist, unter anderem, dass die Bibel seine Ursprung in Syrien hat. Wir haben der Vertretung der BRD und ihre Verbündeten Mitgeteilt, dass die Stadt mit der Geburt und politischen Missbrauch unseres Sohnes Jousuf den Krieg in Syrien geführt hat.Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan Murad Khani Kabul hat diesbezüglich Zalmay Rasul Ausenminister Afghanistan gebeten dort in Syrien zu erscheinen und zur Konfliktlösung beizutragen. ( Die Antwort war: Cho ! ) Anruf des Syrischen Jungen der meinen Sohne entwürdigen dufte um Gerechtigkeit für seine Eltern zu bekommen die moralische und ethnische Verfassung durch eine sexuelle Handlung an ihn zu gerechtfertigen gegen 16:36 Uhr . Ich habe mich ihm vorgestellt und ich habe ihn gefragt wer er ist Antwort : Sag ich nicht ! Die Syrische familei hat um den Krieg in Syrien die Grundsteinlegung des Missbrauches meins Sohnes Jousuf in Lüneburg gelegt um seine Rechte religiös und finanziell durchzusetzen. Jousuf sollte über die Syrische Verfassung und Bibelursprung für das Christentum über die BRD, USA und dem Vatican als Rechtsgrundlage dienen, nachdem der Vater Said Mansoor nach der Vernichtung der World Tread Center in Zusammenarbeit Österreich BRD und FIB, CIA zerstört wurde und der Vater bezichtigt sein sollte. Grund der Zerstörung: Das Sunnitentum hatte das World Tread Center und andere Finanzbereiche im Jahre 2000 übernommen im Zuge der Demonstration in Hamburg im Jahre 2000.

October 16, 2024

Leonor of Spain received the Admirality Constitution but not accepted by all Representatives specially by Germany and their allies.

How Many millitary Forces do H. E. have to Command ?

Who does Leonor of Spain have to follow and which constitution and Juridical Frame

do H. E. have ?

October 16, 2024 ( 19:33 o'clock ) Mein Sohn hat sich die Lippen verbrannt und hat mehr Eis verlangt um seine Lippen zu kühlen. Die Regierung der BRD und die BRD hat dafür in ganz Deutschland plakatiert mehr Eis. Said Mansoor M. A. beantrag die sofortige Aufstellung aller Militärischen Einheiten zur sofortigen Einsatz unter der Kommando der Admiralität. Alle SCO, BRICS und Eurasia Member States werden zur sofortigen Bereitschaft auf Angriff aufgefordert. Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. hat die vollkommene Beweisführung für die Berechtigung des militärischen Angriffes auf die BRD. Leonor of Spain ist befugt den militärischen Angriff auf die Bundesrepublik Deutschland zu befehligen. Leonor of Spain verfügt somit über den militärischen Kommando für den Angriff auf die BRD. October Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. October 17, 2024 ( 7:13 o'clock ) We called to Mrs. Schuldt and articulated on here recorder your man must bring the sons and the mother for to live with their father and partner we will chose at 10:00 o'clock further options if Frau Schuldt do not call and manage to bring the sons Jousuf and Boabour back to their father and partner Said Mansoor. We had at the phone call to Mrs. Schuldt a attempted mindset. We have a mindset from the FRG representative of LG BA 9999 Battermann at the Home Office window. W do not know anyone in Germany and we have no any officially relationship and anyone only the two sons the mother an the man he must cooperate and accept he is wrong also abused for a ping pong game. ( Bei übernahme einer Firma Staat Gemeinde oder Institution muss ein neuer Name und Zugehörigkeit ersichtlich sein. ) Bei Menschen geht das z.B. nicht. Man kann die Identität nicht wechseln. Nach der Genver Konvention und Artikel 51 der Charter der Vereinten Nationen zum Schutz einer ethnischen Zugehörigkeit eines Landes als auch im Kriegsrecht bei Erklärungen von Bürgern einem anderen Staat anzugehören kann das Königreich Spanien in diesem Fall der BRD administrative den Krieg erklären. Bei vielen Bürger geht das Nicht. Speziell in der BRD und andere Staaten ohne ethnische Zugehörigkeit kann keine Feststellung gemacht werden. Zumindest die Zugehörigkeit zu einer Religion, ethnische Gemeinde oder einem Stamm muss ersichtlich sein. ( Die Frage: Was passiert wenn bewiesen ist, dass Sklavarei vorliegt in der BRD ? Moderne Sklavarei. Durch Testament Zeugnis und Unterschrift nicht nur in der Asylpolitik in der BRD.) Die Juristische Konformität verlangt von der BRD den beweis der ethnischen, religiösen oder der Stammesrechtlichen Zugehörigkeit und somit dem Stamm. Request for confirmity.

October 17, 2024 ( 9:49 o'clock )

We have a One on One over my sons Jousuf and Boabour a summit of the Golf states at the European Level we are not infromed and we do not know about anything. We have the right to give a War Declaration.

The Administerial Representative is adviced to give the declaration of War against Germany and the European Union

( We have called Frau Schuldt, Frau Ehelebe and Mr. Flores but no any

reaction or information from Lüneburg ( HaLo ) and Germany or EU )

Small business man of offices in Lüneburg wants to make  a billion Afghani

deal !? After many of them in the past 40 years now new generation !

Our peope have no any more money ! Goods are stolen and now human ?

Oh sorry you have also stolen human and even our dogs !

Announcement: October 17, 2024 ( 13:45 o'clock ) . We have called to Frau Schuldt and Herr Flores and we have spoken on the recoder and told him we have the involvement of many Kingdoms in the case, we have The Kingdom of Spain, The Kingdom of Great Britain, The Kingdom of Denmark, the Kingdom of Sweden, The Kingdom of Begium, The Kingdom of Netherlands and the frame are to big for a confrontation. We ask one more time to solve the case and give us answer what you do , your police, your policy and your courts even all bürocratic offices of the Federal Republic of Germany. Die Engländer wollen mit der BRD nichts zu tun haben. Will Spanien übernehmen oder nicht ? Result: Das Königreich Spanien wäre bereit constitutional die BRD zu übernehmen. Auch in der Vergangenheit hat Das Königreich Spanien die Bereitschaft mehrere male klar gemacht, wurde immer abgwiesen und hat Missverständnisse ausgelöst. October Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. October 18, 2024 ( 5:55 o'clock ) . Request for formal representaion. We give free nummer of Documents: Said Mansoor: Tazkira: 2285192. Tazkira: Masooda: 712764. Tazkira: ( Said ) Mahmood : Tazkira: 3975 ( Translation from Said Mahmood Tazkira: Band I Q 1353 / Seite 95 / Nr. 471. Marriage Certificat: Serial No.: 1533, General No.: 374, Special No.: 3010. Date of Issue: 1388/7/1 same to 23.09.2009. Bride's Name : Masooda, Groom's Name : Said Mansoor ---'' Zia ''. Further Documents is stolen from the Home Office after the Headset was stolen long time we have it from the 1 and 1 requested Mobile and openly on all Media detected we have stolen the Headset of 1und 1 after we have given the Mobile back but not the Headset. We will attack Prince Harry and Meghan on all Global Forces possibel Prince Harry will no more save in the World and also not at the Sky . If he is detected given the order to arrest him live or die. He is working with the Mafia and Familie Zia, Soumma, Kazemi like Camila is working and She is guilty for the Irak War , Camila have provided. Request for confirmity. Result: Ariana Afghan Aviation new set , cause of further stolen Documents ( Time : about 6:30 o'clock european time ) October 18, 2024 ( 7:19 o'clock ) Das HaLo Stadt Lüneburg, Germany Europäische Union Selenskjy und Beteiligte und Nachbarschaft werden gebeten die Familienzusammenführung zu vollziehen. Das Thron von Murad Khani Kabul beantrag die Vorbereitung der Airfoce der Kooperierenden Könighäuser. ( Set is highest allert by every minute to act on the FRG ground) October Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. October 19, 2024 ( 00:02 o'clock ) Request for the formal representaion. What do thies Document mean ? 2002 Irak and Afghanistan war. We were brought in the Psychiatry for. 2021 we had the collaps of Afghanistan and the mother was adviced the Terrorist to kick out from the house. Now we have a representative constitution of Eurasia. What will now happen ? We think to know the mother and the man are in any place but not at the Schützenstr. 100. The sons are both in a türky constitution we think so. Now what's going on here ? All the western World representative are suddenly represent at Berlin and the stone maker from the Stoneage give all warrios against Russia awards !? Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor ask now where should the Constitution of the European Union should be represented and how the future of the Euro ( € ) can look like ? Order to Leonor of Spain: il Gusto Gastro GmbH Schröderstr. 6, Barbeqube Restaurant in 21335 Lüneburg Vertreten durch Melih Ceylan und Cafe Central Schröderstr. 1a D-21335 Lüneburg Necati Sevim in Germany wird in Zusammenarbeit der Familie Zia der Stadt Lüneburg und der BRD Völkermord und Kriegsverbrechen vorgeworfen. Weiterhin kidnapping der Söhne des Said Mansoor Said Jousuf und Said Boabour und ihre Mutter Masooda. Auf beide Söhne und die Mutter Masooda wurden Mitarbeiter angesetzt und misshandelt missbraucht und vergewaltigt. Das Secretariat in Saragossa wird gebeten alle notwendigen Maßnahmen einzuleiten , sowohl Das Internationale Gerichtshof als auch die Bereitschaft der Airforce zu bestätigen.
List of contacts for communication. We ask specially Dr. Ahmad Zia to stop and give the sons and the mother Masooda free and end your war of nonsens. We have still cleared yor wagner party not have been in any juridical frame. October 19, 2024 (12:00 o'clock). Murad Khani Kabul representative Said Mansoor M. A. are ready for Negotiation in cooperation with Kingdom of Spain. Germany have difficult history and we will search for continuity. We are ready for talks and to hear the problems and find by negotiational in the current case. Murad Khani Kabul as representative are still ready to deffend his family country and ethnical constitution and belonging.

Said Mansoor M. A. ist bereit die Bevölkerung der Deutschen als die schönsten aller schönsten und die besten aller besten zu erklären. Meine Söhne haben angst vor euch. Ich mag euch nicht.

Bring meine Söhne und die Mutter so wie ihr sie getrennt gefoltert vergewaltigt wieder zurück.

Es reicht ihr müsst Genugtuung gehabt haben.

Euer Feur und euer Leid muss gelöscht worden sein,

ich hoffe,  andererseits müssen wir auf unser Tod warten.

43 Jahre ist eine lange Zeit und hat keinen Ergebniss gezeigt.

Last uns gehen !

Missvertständiss und bewusste Handlung ist sehr groß der Unterschied.

43 Jahre ist zu vieI !

Kabul ist trotzdem bereit für Verhandlungen und möchte erfahren

was das Begehren ist.

Mein Volk leidet seit 43 Jahre und die Ausbeutung und Vernichtung

ist nicht nachvollziehbar. Auch ihr seit nicht nachvollziehbar.

Gibt von eurer Ausbeute 1/ trillionstel an uns ab. Wir groß wird es sein.

Die schönsten Frauen der Erde und des ganzen daseins

wieso haben meine Kinder angst bei ihrem Vater einzutreten?

Was haben sie euch getan ?

Wer seit ihr ? Ich mag eure Gehirn nicht, eure sprache auch nicht eure Kultur auch nicht ich akzeptiere euch nicht mal als Mensch !

Ich muss es nicht !

Ihr müsst entscheiden wir wollen nicht zu euch gehören !

Der mindset 31.01.2025 und 14.10.2024 hat etwas mit uns zu tun aber nicht

mit euch. Wir kennen euch nicht und wissen auch nicht was ihr macht

und denk !

Pfandfrage:  4 auf einer Seite und 85 millionen auf der anderen Seite.

                        So weit ich sehen kann haben wir die ganze Zeit verloren.

Der Mindset der die BRD an die Söhne und die Mutter gesetzt hat ist

die Vernichtung und sie haben angst vor einer Vernichtung, das auch dem

Vater Said Mansoor beim abholen seines Sohnes durch die Klassenlehrerin

durch die Augen gesetzt wurde, und es ist die Bedrohung einer atomaren Vernichtung. Nur so kann der Vökermord der BRD an die Islamische Welt

seit mindestens 2001 geklärt werden und auch der Vernichtungskrieg

im nahen Osten an die Palästinenser. Die Frauen spielen ganz eindeutig

gegenüber Kinder und Eltern ausländischer Familien Atomkrieg.

October 19, 2024 ( 16:45 o'clock )

Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khani ruft die afghanische Bevölkerung

und auch andere Ausländer die BRD geordnet im juristischen Standard und rechtsrahmen zu verlassen.

Die BRD hat einen Weltkrieg um meine Söhne Said Jousuf und

Said Boabour ausgelöst.

Dies ist eine ernste Angelgenheit seit dem Begin der Ukraine

Krieg im Februar 2022.

Viele Staaten sind schon angegriffen worden auch in Europa.

Staatsbedienstete Präsidenten und Minster sind ermordert worden

die eine 100 % juristsich konforme Lösungen angeboten haben.

Die Kontinuität ist ins Leere gelaufen und ist außer Kontrolle

da Recht Gesetz und Verfassung nicht eingehalten worden sind.

Es ist eine Glaubenskrieg ohne Zugehörigkeit eines Glaubens.

Es ist der Krieg der Kulturen vorausgesagt worden, das aber ein Krieg

gegen alle Kulturen ist. Der Westen hat einen Krieg gegen de Osten.

Geht sie nicht in Verteidigung und Gegenwehr wird sie vernichtet.

Murad Khani Kabul ruft ein weiters mal alle ausländiche Staatsbürger auf die BRD und Europa zu verlassen zum Schutz ihrer eigenen Staaten. ( Said Mansoor möchte hiermit auf den durch die BRD

über die familie Said Mansoor eingeleiteter Kollaps in Afghanistan

aufmerksam machen und die 20 Jahre angehaltene Ausbeutung )

Das Spanische Könighaus hat mit der Vereidigung ihrer zukünfigen Königin den Glauben an ( Dios ) Allah und somit and Gott bezeugt und ist sich des Krieges bewusst.

Das Home Office erklärt sich hiermit offiziell zur Basis so wie es von der Regierung und der BRD im Wahlkampf plakatiert wurde

als offizielle Juristische und Verfassungskonforme Basis für die BRD und die Europäischen Union.

October Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. October 19, 2024 ( 20:14 o'clock) Call to the from Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor accepted Center for communication to the Afghan Society the Kabul Restaurant in Hamburg rejected by his representative Masud Soumma to bring us food from the Restaurtant Kabul Steindam to Lüneburg number : 040 28006780 ( time : 20:10 o'clock ) . The connectivity to the Afghan Society of over 30 000 thousand Afghans is cancelled and so the connectivity to Jousuf and his so called : nichta . Also Boabour his ma and am will have no any further connectivity to the Muslims and Afghan society in Hamburg. The Stadt und Land Hamburg is requested to confiscate all Restaurants , Firms and Institutions on the constitution of Jousuf and Boabour on the pointed representative the Belal Mosque in Hamburg Wandsbek. We have to refer to the Police parade by Horse and Police cars and representation in Hamburg have represented our constitution at Steindam and Hamburg. The tax number of the Constitution we have is known. We request also from Hamburg the national refer and the international refer from Hamburg if is seen the constitutions a refer to our Constitution Family and Home Office. October Briefing with The Kingdom of Spain. October 20, 2024 ( 6:26 o'clock ) . Request for the formal representation. The Man must now go out from the family and leave the sons and their mother alone. We suggest him to go back where he is come from, from Türkiye. We were guided two times at the same date and at the second flight we had S.A.R. Leonor of Spain as speciall Accompanist and after the second flight H. E. told us who the man is and what his name is called. The secretariat in Saragossa have also enough Money for request and solve any financial matter in the family case set at the yorckstr. at the roof 6 + 2 in opposit of the Home Office for confirm the constitution of the Home Office. ( Result: Code given: Aop ) Result: The request is to be confirm with the A.A.B. owner and representative constitution. October 20, 2024 ( 12.53 o'clock). Request for the formal representation. The Representative Constitution of the European Union and the Euro ( € ) request for his own sons to see his own sons Jousuf and Boabour and ask Germany and his allies where they hiding the sons and the mother, befor the EU and the ECB representative constitution have to leave his seat and Basis.

Outcome Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain ( October 20, 2024 ( 18:02 o'clock ) )

Die BRD hat das Recht seine Rechte und Verfassung zu schützen. Die BRD hat das Recht nachzustellen Spionage Tätigkeiten auszuführen

Mahnungen zu erteilen und auf Ordnung hinzuweisen. Verträge zu kündigen oder Verträge einzugehen, welcher art auch immer sofern es

seine eigene Verfassung dies zuläst und das International Rechts und Gesetz der Integrität und Souveränität nicht betroffen ist.

Ausländisch Staatsbürger haben das gleiche Recht denn vor dem Gesetz

sind alle gleich, sowohl Frau als auch Mann.

Hat der Schutz des Nationalen Rechtes eine Auswirkung auf eine

ausländischen Staat dann muss sie über ihre Behörden oder Amt eine Erklärung abgeben und auf ein Gesetz hinweisen.

Somit kann das Internationale Recht International Law seit mindestens

dem Jahre July 2002 keine Verfassung und Rechtslage zur Kiegshandlungen

der BRD, Israel der NATO und der EU nachweisen.

Die Liveschaltung des Home Office bei der Teilnahme des Ukraine War

und Palestine War haben keine juristische oder religiöse

Hintergründe ergeben. Speziel im Fall Afghanistan wird deutlich das der Ausmaß einer Omnipotenz und Willkür nach Ermessen speziell in der BRD

den Pick erreicht hat.

Die Gründe für Gewalt,  Krieg und Verbrechen sind porportionalitätslos.

So wird deutlisch hier im Fall der BRD das ein Außenminster im höchsten Amt eines Staates behaupten kann: Wir verteidigen die BRD am Hindukush.

Oder die USA suchen ihre Verfassungskonformität beim Dalai Lama.

Oder Professoren Töchter versuchen den Dalai Lama oder sogar

Prinzessinen und Königinen zu ersetzen.

Im Fall Kabul Afghanistan Murad Khani hat der Vater das Recht militärische hilfe zu beantragen und um militärische unterstüzung zu ersuchen wenn klar ist juristisch die Familie und hier die Söhne und die Mutter sind in Gefahr. So wurde mehrer male die Hilfe von Staaten und Bündnisse

nachweislich beantragt.

Das Home Office Murad Khani Kabul Afghanistan

representative und constitutional sieht somit mit der Kündigung

des Mietvetrages mit bezug auf das BGB und somit die Verfassung der BRD als Bestätigung des Vaters sich über das Nationale und Internationale Recht und Gesetzt im klaren zu sein.

Kabul bestätigt hiermit die Verfassungskonformität Asiens, Afrika und

Latain Countries. Somit sind die Bündnisse BRICS, SCO

und Kabul Murad Khani eigene Mitinitiatieve der

 Eurasian Economic Union

zur Vermeidung eine Konfliktes zwichen EU und Russia als juristisch Konform mit dem Nationalem und Internationalem Recht und Gesetz  vereinbar.

Sowohl das Nationale Recht Hausfriedensbruch und Spionage

und Diebstall als auch das Internationale Recht mit verweis

auf Artikel 51 der Charter der United Nations bei Gefahr

der Ethnology und der ethnische Bezug der Familie zu seiner Religion Islam als Muselmahn und dem Glauben an dem Koran bekennt sich der Vater Said Mansoor M. A.

die Gefahr in der BRD für seine Söhne und die Mutter sowohl

für seine Verbündete und eigenem Staat Afghanistan richtig erkannt zu haben.

October 21, 2024 ( 1:31 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Das Fraulin im Erdgeschoss wird gebeten endlich nach Dänemark zu ziehen und beim König von Dänemark nach einer Bleibe zu suchen. Und dafür sorgen, dass meine Söhne und die Mutter bei ihrem Vater und Partner verbleiben. Der clue in Dänemark war abgesprochen um die Monarchie wiederherzustellen. Die Abläufe hatten einen historischen hintergrund. Request for confirmity. October 21, 2024 ( 9:10 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Call to the Belal Mosque Mr. haidary representative of Hamburg to release the Imam Said-Jousuf and Said-Boabour and the mother they have declared the islamic divorce as juridical conform from one side. Request for conformity. October 21, 2024 Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain ( 10:54 o'clock ) We have the constitutional refer of Syria and the syria war and their representatives in Lüneburg and the war from the University city and University declared constitution bible from syria as relativization in war from Germany and allies USA as soon terminated but still going on on my family from the matter we know over the Website of the home office. The Syrien christains representatives in Lüneburg and Germany are still not satisfied with the outcome of the war and rape violating and abuse and build the ground for all matters we have clarified on our website. We have the connectivity numbers: 01743000400, 017642088466, and 017687985700 and through the number 01785898464 a long time tried to connect and even a number from O2 we have detected as the Masuda Soumma Constitution Belal Mosque Hamburg and USA Masoud Soumma connectivitie Ausschläger Weg in Hamburg ( 60 ) connected the Kingdom of Spain to give a constitution do not exist for anybody. ( Das Gehirn meines Sohnes ist in der BRD so gezüchtigt, dass er die Realität nicht erkennen darf und wie eine Droge auf die er angewiesen ist. ) Alle sind beteiligt, Ämter, Nachbarn, Kirche, Moscheen und Straßenköter und Roma und Sinti und keiner will zum Vater zu seinen Öffnungszeiten zum Home Office , auch eine Antrag auf Millionen oder Milliarde für ihr Land und Leute wollen sie nicht beantrag wissen. ( Die Ahmad dinische Scheiße muss ein Ende haben: Rechtmäßiges Eigentum kann nicht enteignet werden, Eigentum verpflichtet nicht, der Eigentümer hat seinen Vorrecht darauf, und Wissen ist nicht Macht ! Man kann Geld nur auf zwei Arten erpressen: Kidnapping oder Krieg ! ) Sobi wird hiermit gebeten seinen Realitätsverlust wie es in der Göttinger Moschee bewiesen worden ist nicht zu vergessen. Wir haben keine interesse für einen Luftraum die wir nicht unter unserer Kontrolle sehen oder nicht zu unserer Verfügung steht. Der Mietvertrag und aus dem ersichtlichem Vollmacht ist Nachvollziehbar, dass der anspruch sogar auf Ministerien und Finazmittel von Banken nachvollziehbar ist. Nachweislich wurde über dem Mietvertrag das Bundesminiterium für Finanzen gefordert. So wie es aus der Vollmacht ersichtlich ist. Das Home Office hat seit dem Jahre 2018 offiziell zu allen familienbezogene politische und juristische aktivitäten Stellung genommen. Documente sind ersichtlich. Somit ist der Mitvertrag nicht nur auf dasMietverhältnis eingeschrenkt sondern daüber hinaus, das sowohl die Führung eines Krieges erkennbar ist. Es ist ganz klar ersichtlich, dass die eigene Familie gegen den eigenen Vater juristisch psychologisch und politisch gebraucht ( missbraucht ) wird. Eine ganz wichtige Frage : Wer bezahlt das Öl und den Strom und somit die Betrieskosten, die auf der Rechnung nicht aufgeführt sind ? Hat die BRD den wohlstandspick erreicht ? Die Verfassng der familie wird hier als Grundlage dienend benutzt und gleichzeitig auf die Strasse gesetzt. October 21, 2024 ( 15:54 o'clock ) Comment the Kingdom of Spain and the Throne. Question of guilt is courted not on the Space of Murad Khani Kabul. The question of guilt we have a International Court in The Hague for in the Netherlands. The Protocal still exist. ( Result: Germany and Europe wants to wash their constitution at Spain Kingdom. The King of Great Britain have still leave his place.) October 21, 2024 (16:57 o'clock ) Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. Without a European Constitution also no any European Court. Who represents the Europen Court ? And who have to uphold the Stand of the European Union Court !? And Ask for !? The Kingdom of Spain represents a constitution do not exist the European Flag. October 21, 2024 ( 18:07 o'clock ) Briefing the Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. France have rejected the written constitution for the European Union, the Court of the European Union have a Stand. Who have to uphold the Constitution and where is the written constitution if no acceptance and accepeted by France ? And how is the European Court to uphold like the ICJ his constitution and at least what is the European Flag for ? How to guaranty the Euro ( € ) by the Flag !? October 21, 2024 ( 18:25 o'clock ) Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. 1. The war against Russia is illegal ! 2. Commession, Parliament and Council are illegal ! What is about the Flag and the Euro ( € ) ? E and I or I and E or i and e are not languages of Europe and Germany. Who have to give the written constitution from where and for whom and who have to accept it ? On November 1, 2024 the European Union will be termintated and cancelled. The Court of the European Union will also be without any Stand Constitution even a written and accepted Constitution for do not exsist ! At least on 1. February all facts about the Constitution of the European Union the Court and the Euro ( € ) will be known and not exist anymore. Murad Khani Kabul his representative have a easy solution, the suggestion was made many times. October Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. October 22, 2024 ( 6:31 o'clock ) Para todos paises mundiales. No contactos no derecha, y no linia no contractos que necesitan la linia y los contractos ser para representation y para representa. Cuando que no hay una Lina no contractos no contractos y no derecha. No derecha no guratia para una derecha humana y tambien no contractos. Resulta: No familia y no ninios y madre tambien no linia no contractos y no derecha o derecha humana. Como que los contractos hay ?, - representantes que firma y escritan los contractos. Cuando que los contractos ser a una otra persona que no ser que es contractotador, - la derecha no hay. Tambien no derecha humana hay. Y tambien no derecha equalidad sobre hombre y mujer. Cuando que es no derecha como hay que la mujer latido (- beat, - schlagen ) a la caserola ( - pot, Topf ) ? El hombre trabajar a la derecha, no derecha nada para comer y tambien no pan o comida para cocinar que la mujer necesitan latido a la caserola. La futura nesecitan la derecha que cuando estan a generationes pasado. Y tambien humbres trabachan no en una fabrica no trabajan a la tiera que obtener frutas y verduras y tambien agua es necesitan para beber y para comer, no !? Y la pregunta es: Donde es la derecha Europeos que tener monedas, y donde es la derecha Nationes Unidas que tener monedas, y donde es la derecha que exista la monedas, - a la calle !? A mujeres !? No, a derecha y a una linia permanente que nesecita la linia para defender la derecha y tambien los contractos. Sin contractos no derecha ! - , no !? Cuando hay almania o Europa o los paises oestes ? A la derecha ? Exactamente no ! No una derecha hay y tambien no una contrato hay y tambien la linia que necesitan nesecitan que destruir. ( evidencia: ver al documento ! ) Die Einziegen die hier schreien sind meine eigene vier köpfige Familie in der BRD , das is sehr komisch, oder !? Die von meiner Familie zu vertretende Landwirtschaft in Asien repräsentative durch Afghanistan und Kabul und Spanien und Türkjye bringen der westlichen Welt Ernährung und meine eigene vierköpfige Familie in der BRD und ihr Vater sind Schuldige für ... !? Halo ...!? Wer ist hier von wem abhängig ? 3,8 miliarden Menschen spielen Moral und Ethik und wollen die Linien ( Königshäuser und Vertragspartner) und Verträge ersetzen. Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. kennt den weg ! Militärischer Angriff auf Indien und übernahme seiner Verfassung ! Na,- ist das nicht ein Clue bzw. eine Idee !?

Global and mundial outcome Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain October 22, 2024 ( 8:39 o'clock )

question :

How long you need to study and how long you need to work to come to thies outcome and result ?

Result is the porportionalty ladies and gentleman and Excellencies.

And we see 3.8 billion population have cancelled and terminated their contract with us as representative of the SCO, BRICS, The Eurasian Economic Union and Murad Khani Kabul his officially recognized Representative from the year 1981 with his given Name by India:  Mansoor

and so Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan with a international recognized win from his investment of 1.5 billion Euro ( € ) in water treatment and water management in the year 2002 in India and a win of minimun 1.84 billion Euro ( € ) and in Germany his contract and recognized Basis for Germany Europe and the East West conflict over his family is cancelled to leave Lüneburg, Germany and Europe !

Why ?

October Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. October 22, 2024 ( 9:48 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. The representative of the European Union with Ukraine as part of their constitution in cooperation with the Tükish citizens and the Akbari Akrami and war gainst Russia by Germany man Maas representative at the government of the FRG do not want a Verhandlungslösung. We have called about 9:40 o'clock to Billmer Berg and we do not have detected any posibiliy for further constitutional cooperation with Akbari Green Party, SPD, CDU and CSU or FDP or Linke AFD. No conformity ! We do not see any future for Germany. A European Union is still not seen, - contractual and constitutional. Request for confirmity. Und jetzt nochmal: Was macht der Mann in meiner Family und hat mit allen Ausländer kontakt und auch die Türkische Moschee in Lüneburg heist die Beziehung als eine Eigentumsfrage ? October Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. October 22, 2024 ( 10:27 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation I Said Mansoor gives now one hour to the citizens of Lüneburg and germany to bring the sons Jousuf and Boabour and the mother to their father Said Mansoor. Reason : Said Mansoor have no any Contracts anymore with Israel and the western World. October 22, 2024 ( 11:02 o'clock ) Ocober Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. Reuest for the formal representation. Israel do not accept the Charter of the United Nations. Result : Germany have no any space to use the frame of the International Law and so are not in the frame of the Charter of the United Nations. Murad Khani Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan do not see anymore a two state solution in Palestine. The ambition ( Bestreben und Ehrgeiz der BRD ) is more worse than the sconde World War. ( comment: from the population of the FRG : ich weis bzw. wir wissen ! ) Comment from the population of germany after the second World War: We do not known about anything !

Outcome from October 22, 2024 ( 11:28 o'clock )

Briefing The Kingdom of Spain.

The World and specially Asia Africa and the Latin Countries have the Law and culture of the uphold the Integrity and sovereignty of their Country and citizens.  In Afghanistan for example most of the citizens have minimum a two and a half meter high wall around their residenz.

And see it as normal and must.

October Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. October 22, 2024 ( 21:22 o'clock ) Masooda Jousuf und Boabour werden hiemit offiziell als Geisel der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gesehen. Sie sind nun offiziell als gekidnepte anzusehen sowohl juristisch als auch politisch. Result: The Kingdom of Spain confirm. Begründung: Der bestehende Vertrag mit Israel ist gekündigt. Kabul Murad Khani Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan as juridical and constitutional representative of The Eurasian Economic Union recognize Palestine as since 1945 and befor existing Staat in his own juridical religios historical culturel existence. Further Libanon, Syria and Palestine are invited as Juridical Conform and historical conform independent Staats to share as Member to the Eurasian Economic Union at the next Summit in Moscwa Russia if the support of Russia is seen for the Summit for in Moscwa Russia. ( The Palestinians are requested for Human Rights for the Israely People who search a home in Palestine for belong on their faith and history in Palestine. ) October Briefing with The Kingdom of Spain. October 22, 2024 . Call to 1und1 around 3:35 p.m. Previously changed the service pin via the Control Center from 25431 to ... . Presented Said Mansoor surname to you as officially deposited Zia. The name and legally conform family name was also told : Mohammad Ali. The 1 and 1 working for the Telecom for years and involved in Internatioanle crime and conflicts and war through misuse of data has communicated: You Said Mansoor are a fraudster ( Betrüger ) because you introduce yourself with false name. Conversation ended. We have a problem with the 01793000400 . This is a number of a system and we have no any access for. We have the number 017660397164 as mobile for our son Jousuf 13 years old with 1und1. We have paied for september amount 350 € and nearly 250 € only for the number 017660397164. We are sure Jousuf is used through Germany USA and Israel for policy and war and so war crimes like in Israel and Ukraine. Request for confirmity. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 22, 2024 ( 17:52 o'clock ) .We have a cooperation of ( kai ) Ehlers, ( S. ) Krüger, Zia Family , Skandinavia Family Niemax Lüneburg and Hamburg Türkish Köln Constitution to execute and assassination attemp to the Said Mansoor Family with cooperation with Klapper, Hartmann, Freitag and Oedeme Constitution against Kabul Afghanistan and the current war and conflict . And the Family Sascha USA constitution was stolen his Guitar from our Music room we have still to pay for. The result of the Guitar is to big and not accountable. We have from all persons a big result of War genocie and war crimes about money do not belong to them. Request for confirmity.

Request to Leonor of Spain for more Awards to the participants at Saragossa.

October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 22, 2024 ( 20:15 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. We have a comment for Haiwa. October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 23, 2024 ( ? o'clcok ) The Home Office Murad Khani Kabul confirm all from at least the year 1981 outgoing War on the international Level as economic war's from Germany. Do not existed a religios matter and also do not existed a juridical matter. October 23, 2024 ( 00:30 o'clock ) We have taken our offer back for the three countrys Palestine Libanon and Syria to be part of the Eurasian Economic Union. Kabul Murad Khani Home Office ask 3.8 billion population for his sons Jousuf and Boabour and their mother Masooda. We do not love you and we do not want you, please give our family back. You give us pain and the pain you give us we have to accept for that you call also we are to be respected. October 23, 2024 ( 5:45 o'clock ) October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. Offer ! October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. October 23, 2024 ( 8:15 o'clock ) We advice the SCO, BRICS and Eurasian Economic Union and the refer to the United Nations the Charter of the United Nations to exist from the Charter of the United Nations. Reason: Murad Khani Kabul have a international constution with the refer to the United Nations the Charter of the United Nations. Kabul is abused by Germany and the University City Lüneburg and cooperation partners. We can not accept Germany and the European Union refer to the United Nations the Charter of the United Nations and abuse Kabul Afghanistan over the Constitution of the SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union and thies kind of abuse over Children for policy finance and war. We see and recognize all the western interfer in all three juridical Institutions and even assassination attempts because no accepting the reality. All three Juridical Institutions have enough history culture and religion to solve all their Problems without the Charter of the United Nations. The United Nations and the UNSC is intensivly at least abused by Gutenberg ( Germany ) as NATO war machine declared and defence of the United Nations and Israel as owner of the UNSC. Result: The refer of Germany and the European Union to the United Nations The Charter of the United Nations do not exist anymore. ( Origin: Document from Hamburg date: 14.10.2024 ) October 2024. Murad Khani Kabul. Terminated Contract. October 23, 2024. ( 9:25 o'clock ) Murad Khani Kabul. Terminated Contract. We have spoken with Frau Stein. We told Frau Stein we see the sons and the mother as hostages of the Federal Republic of Germany and allies and request herewith military support from our cooperation partners at the SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union. And is done herewith.

Outcome 23, 2024 ( 13:56 o'clock )

La compromiso a Leonor de Espania ser  a und compromiso. Y la corona de denemarca que hay necesitan la princesa que ser a caso

que hay a allemania.  Los attackos que hay a denemarca y tambien a Espania nesecitan destruir la compromisa Leonor que estar.

Por esto la ceremonia para Leonor de Espania hay a Saragossa que la compromisa sobre la Princesa de denmarca hay destruido.

Y Leonor necesitan una otra compromiso.

October Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 23, 2024 ( 20:23 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. We will isolate Germany from Europe and Asia from the Eurasian Economic Union Constitution Eurasia. We ask the hostage takers to bring the sons and the mother back to their father and partner Said Mansoor. A contract do not exist anymore. But representatives for Europe. What do Asia Afghanistan Europe Latin Countries or Africa have to do with Dorothee Börner. Dorothee Börner have the revange taken to all family members Mansoor Jousuf Baobour and Masooda nearly three year in cooperation with the Türkjye Mafia in Lüneburg and the result of war and genocide all over the World . Also attakts on all Kingdoms in Europe. we had. Nearly one year relationship and now the Börner family BRD and Schulz taking revange 24 years. Also my son Boabour talk over details of love in relationship with Dorothee Börner from the School Hasenbuger Berg and the reason to separat the Family for. October 24, 2024 ( 7:04 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. The Home Office confirm the World War of Germany ( FRG ). The destruction of the World Tread Center is done by Germany ( FRG ). We have a all out war from Germany with the begin of the year 2001. The Home Office Murad Khnai Kabul is declared as Basis. We have a mind set by Germany for the Home Office on the suitcase 28:05 and at the bank account 28:01. The constitution for the economic win is taken from the family case and should be a family case and is done by a ping pong game between son and father or befor mother againt father. Thies psychological game is known and is nothing new. Afghanistan and als The President Hamid Karzai know and announced thies game of the german people. The question is now who will take the responsibility for the intervention and operation to germans and germany, there are to much people. ( The first floor of cooperation until massive result to Spain give a mindset by switch the lightbutton : correct ) Request for confirmity. Murad Khani do not have any historical, religios or ethnical relatives. October 24, 2024 ( 7:48 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. The take over of the Police, Emergency and Fire brigade is done, but the constitution and history of about 43 year is not detected and is a psychological mindset shoud be given to the sons Jousuf and Boabour and the mother . We need imediately the sons and the mother be separated from the mindset as soon as possible beacuse the effect is global and even in Palestine we have decades of war not detected why ? Both sons are prepared by mindset ethnical and moral for to be used fpr war and economic set. The demension of thies mindset is even not ruled and even not human and not allowed. ( The participants entered the floor in the yorckstr. 8 one said good morning and the other said all good . ) October Briefing with Kingdom of Spain. October 24, 2024 ( 8:50 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Das wirken eines cybears und seine Auswirkungen daraus beruhen auf keine Regeln, Gesetze, Rechte und Verfassung. Auch das International Law wird nicht eingehalten. Auch Hausfriedensbruch und Espionage ist bei der Nachbarschaftspflege ein Mittel Cybear für militärische und wirtschaftliche Ziele zu vollziehen. ( commet: First floor permanent espionage in a cabled Home Office : respect. Why ? It is their own rules !) And we are foreigner we do not belong ethnical historical or religios to Germany or Europe. ( Die Auswirkungen vom Home Office des Murad Khani Kabul von der Yorckstr. und Universität ist Weltweit für die Staatsoberhauptvertretung des Arg ( Murad Khani Kabul ) ersichtlich und erfasst und auch documenthaft belegt. ) October 24, 2024 ( 10:15 o'clock ) Both sons and the mothe serve for war of Germany and allies. We have constitution of war. We want cut the relationship with Spain. We will not take any Briefing anymore.

Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland möchte in einem Verbund von NATO, EU und USA und Israel dem Malike Murad Khani Kabul seit dem Jahre

1977 die möglichkeit eines Umganges mit seinen zwei Söhnen besprechen.

Wobei die BRD und seine Verbündeten vorher Kireg in der Ukraine geführt haben, in Palestine, Afghanistan, Syria, Algerien Tunesien, Marocco, Ägypten, Pakistan, Bangal Indonesia, Malysia

um die Weltbank, die Swiss Nationa Bank, die Goldman Sachs Bank und die Afghanistan Bank ganz Nobel mit Moral und Ethik zu sprengen.

Und das Sei dem Jahre 2001.

Im Internationalem Fall von Kabul Afghanistan

wurde der 30. Oktober 2024 die als Geburtstag der Zukünftigen Königin

von Spanien gewählt ist angesetzt

wobei Murad Khani Kabul und Spanien seit zwei Jahren

versuchen Medial über Kommunikation eine Lösung zu finden damit die BRD wieder eine Verfassung haben kann.

October 24, 2024 ( 12:28 o'clock ) Der Löwe hat eine Beute gemacht und die ganzen Hyänen sind plötzlich da und wollen dem Löwen die Beute streitig machen . Und es sind nicht wenige. Sieht so aus als wären es 3,8 milliarden und einem Anführer der Hyänen der zwischen Wasser und Urin nicht unterscheiden kann. Mit dem Unterschied, dass sie nicht Ihre Zähne und Krallen benutzen sondern die Elefanten nachahmen. Miterweile haben sie über die Universität alle Religionen und Kulturen und Länder angegriffen und keine Regel und Gesetz und Kriminalität ausgelassen. Jetzt suchen sie sich mit ihren Weibchen die besten Regeln aus. Die Erste Regel heisst: Du sollst nicht töten. 2. Du sollst nicht nach Ehefrauen anderer Männer nachgehen 3. Du sollst nicht Lügen. 4. du sollste nicht dem Eigentum andere Menschen nachgehen. 5. Du must Vater und Mutter ehren. 6. Du sollst nicht stehlen 7. Leugne nicht deinen Glauben an Allah ( Gott ) und seinen Propheten. 8. betritt nicht das Eigentum des anderen begehe kein Hausfriedenbruch. 9. Spioniere nicht 10. Tachte nicht nach der Familie und Kinder andere Leute ( Fremde Leute Menschen und Familien die dich nicht kennen und die du nicht kennst)

Fall im internationalem Ausmass Familie Murad Khani Kabul Asiai.

October 24, 2024 ( 14:47 o'clock )

Anruf an Frau Schuldt zwischen 14:18 bis 14:40 Uhr 3-5 x Mitteilung auf den Anrufbeantworter gemacht. Die BRD hat Völkermord und Kriegsverbrechen begangen. Und Ausbeutung ausgehend der Verfassung meiner Söhne Jousuf und Boabour Söhne des Murad Khani Kabul Enkelkinder des Mir Mohammad Ali Khan nicht nur in Afghanistan sondern auch in Palesten.

Wir sind keine Christen und auch keine Juden. Wir gehören einem anderen Stamm und Stammbaum an und sind Muselmahne und stammen aus Kabul Afghanistan Murad Khani. Die BRD befindet sich im Kriegszustand . Wir haben einen Militärischen Beistand beantragt und wird von der Russischen Föderation seit dem Februar 2022 vollzogen gegen die Europäische Union und der BRD. Die BRD befindet sich im Kriegszustand

um  meine Söhne Said Jousuf und Said Baobour.  ( Origin conversation : Vater der Söhne Jousuf und Baobour Said Mansoor  auf dem Anrufbeantworter der Frau Schuldt der HaLo in der Lossius str. )

Auch ein Treffen wurde mit Präsident der Russischen Föderation

mit Hilfe der Republik Iran vollzogen am Bahnhof Lüneburg Parkplatz während der alltäglichen Zeitungsausgabe so wie der Papst Benedikt XVI aus Bayern das gleiche getan hat, und der Kriegsfall ist ernst.

Der Antrag fordert die Einnahme der BRD und der Republik Frankreich.

Es geht um meine Familie Said Mansoor Staatsoberhauptsvertretung nach dem Tod von Mir Mohammad Ali Khan, und Eigentum das nicht der BRD oder der EU gehört und angehört, Sie führen um Eigentum meines Landes und Bodenschätze

meines Landes Krieg, und Ausbeutung hier zwischen 2002 und 2021 intensiev, Sie haben eine Trennung vollzogen und benutzen meine Familie

als juristische und politische Geisel.

Wir wollen alles zurück haben.

Weiterhin haben wir Ihnen mitgeteilt, das die Willkür und Ermessen schon 43 Jahre läuft, irgendwann muss auch schluss sein.

Die Einladung vom 17. Oktober 2024 ( BRD, FRG ) ist eine Kriegserklärung und Kriegsbestätigung das seit mindestens dem Jahre 1981 ausgehend der BRD laüft.

Es ist ganz klar keine Staatsoberhauptsvertretung protokollgerechte Einladung

zumal eine Juristische Vertretung für die SCO, BRICS und der Eurasian Economic Union historisch und Kulturel vorliegt und aufrecht zu erhalten ist.

Meine Person hat einen Recht darauf als Asiai.

Der Sohn Jousuf hat Wohnungsschlüssel vom Vater Said Mansoor

bekommen. Der Mann hat mit Hilfe der Nachbarn in der Yorckstr. 8

an dem Vater Sexprozessionen abgehalten.

Mit vorheriger Betäubung über lebensmittel in der Küche als auch

preparierte Lebensmittel im Einkauf. So wurde veröffentlicht,  dass

im Zucker und Salz Plastig zu finden ist. Nicht nur die Nachbarn die Stadt Lüneburg sondern auch bis Makkah wird ersichtlich was der Familie angetan wird. Die Anordnung muss und kann nur von der Familie Zia gekommen sein. Das Erklärt auch warum der Vater außer die Söhne und die Mutter zu denen eine seelische Verbindung besteht auch den Mann als Verbindung

Ersieht obwohl der Mann ein Feind der Familie und des Vaters ist.

Auf Grund des Falles Dorothee Börner muss die Stadt Lüneburg

bewusst ihn ausgesucht haben. Ihr wude mitgeteilt dass Annalverkehr

eine Sünde ist in Afghanistan und eine sexuelle Beziehung

in der Familie den Familienmitglieder Inzucht bedeutet.

Es besteht Sexprozessionskrieg

seit dem Jahre 2001 Weltweit speziell in der Ismaischen Welt wobei nicht das Recht und Gesetz herrschen soll sondern die Moral

( Die Europäer und die Westliche Welt haben nicht verstanden

das sie nicht ins Harem reindürfen !? Haram ! )

wobei die deutschländer Würstchen

über die Menschheit ihre Regenbogenflagge gehisst haben und auch auf Afghanistan keinen halt machen.

so dürfen die Pilotinin gute vorbildliche Frauen sein wenn ihr Vorbild in der Soltauer Strasse 80

von einem Artz sich vergewaltigt haben muss  um zu zeigen wir man eine Frau glücklich macht wenn sie

80 % der Hanafiten in Afghanistan zu vertreten hat.

October 24, 2024 ( 18:35 o'clock )

Gesprächsnotiz mit Frau Schuldt auf ihrem Anrufbeantrworter phone number: 04131 3093771. Anruf auf dem Anrufbeantworter der Frau Schuldt gesprochen: Sehr geehrte Frau Schuldt ich kenne Herr Schwenkler nicht auch kenne ich Sie nicht auch kenne ich keine einzige Person

in der BRD und weis nicht wer sie sind und haben sich mir nie vorgestellt.

( Ich hoffe sie begreifen jetzt das sie auf der Suche sind und eine Geschichte für die 43 Jahre brauchen )

Beide Personen können sich die Nachrichten in Afghanistan anschauen.

Auch meine Website ist für informationen bereit gestellt.

Es wäre gut wenn ich mit der Mutter meiner Söhne sprechen kann

und bei ihnen ein Raum für ein Gespräch zur Verfügung gestellt wird.

( Ich bin davon abgeneigt, dass die BRD meine Familie für eine Kontinuität ihrer Geschichte missbrauchen will. Es gibt keine Geschichten für die BRD.

Afghanistan seine Geschichte hat 2001 begonnen, sie können ja gerne die

Geschichte von Afghanistan in der neuen Era erzählen.)

October 24, 2024 ( 19:26 o'clock )

Said Mansoor beantrag von der Leonor von Spanien die in Brand- setzung aller Kirchen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.

Wenn die Kirchen trotz ihrer Zustimmung in der BRD nicht in Brand gesetzt werden dann muss die Begründung dafür gegeben werden.

Die Kirche muss Leonor von Spanien untergeben sein und das Vatican der Orthdoxen Kirche übergeben, wenn nicht

können die Kirchen in der BRD verbrannt werden.

Said Mansoor ruft hiermit zur Vernichtung des  Papstes und dem Vatican auf. Das Italienische  Volk Italien

wird aufgerufen das Vatican zu stürmen und es in brand zu stetzen.

Der Past ist mit seinem  Vertreter Gänsewein in der Schützenstrasse direckt vertreten und läst die Heilige Mutterr der Söhne Jousuf und Boabour

in Zusammenarbeit der Bevölkerung bewusst Vergewaltigen und Gewalt gegen sie anwenden.

Tot dem Papst.

Das Vatican hat die Trennung der familie eingeleitet und Jousuf bewusst über eine andauernde Planung und sogar während der autofahrt über Mobile und sogestion zur eskalation der Familie gebracht damit die Trennung folgen kann.

  1. Jousuf ist nicht der Sohn des Papstes
  2. Jousuf ist nicht Christ und auch nicht Jude oder Israeli
  3. Die Kardinäle erklären den Papst über die bestehende Emirate und Familie Abdullah Khan

dass der Vater den Sohn im Jahre 2017 gewürgt haben soll und ihn umbringen wollte,

so dass auch der Kollaps der Islamischen Republik Afghanistan über die Stadt und Bundesrepublik and USA in Doha

einzuleiten war.

Wir haben jetzt ein großes Problem:

Said Mansoor ist sich der Geschichte Afghanistan bewusst und auch die Machenschaften der Familie Zia und wurde

der familie nie mitgeteilt wo eine Reise hingeht.

Wie kommt der Papst und das Vatican an diese Information aus Afghanistan das das Würgen des Sohnes in Kabul berichtet wurde

an den Vatican ? Kabul und die Pashtunen und Interium Government

müssen das Über die Familie Abdullah Khan mitgeteilt haben.

Der Clue darin ist: Die Situation war bewusst erstellt und hatte

nicht die Absicht den eigenen Sohn zu würgen oder den eigenen Sohn

etwas anzutun, und wenn auch, wie kommt die Infornmation zum Vatican und das aus einem Islamischen Emitrate Afghanistan

gegen die representative Constitution Murad Khani Kabul.

Die Söhne sind meine Söhne, ihr könnt nicht mit ihnen tanzen.

Sie sind mehere male in neuen verhältnisse gekommen.

So wie es aussieht sollte geprüft werden ob der Vater sie

wieder erkennt. Oder geistig krank ist oder wahnvostellungen

hat wie auch immer. Fotos sind eindeutig vorhanden.

Eine Staatsreform wird es in der BRD nicht geben entweder

die Sachlage wird so entschieden, dass die Verantwortung der

vergangen 43 speziell seit dem Jahre 200O durch die BRD übernommen wird

oder Spanien ist sowohl aus der EU als auch aus der Kirche

und somit aus der Katholischen Kirche.

Die Königshäuser Europas werden hiermit aufgefordert

die Bereitschaft und Erklärung zum Austritt

aus der Katholischen Kirche und Eintritt zur Orthodoxen Kirche vorzubereiten und zu Erklären.

October Briefing with the Kingdome of Spain. October 25, 2024 ( 9:26 o'clock ) Special Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. We have a Luigis Lieferservice Inhaber Yorckstr. 8 groud floor left Side sponsort by the Pope the Vatican and so a Qorbani ? We do not know how many and why and for what. We have not also the father , the mother and the sons for a matter for the Islam and christian world for qorbani and how many Royal Houses have the same from Lüneburg , Germany Hamburg and Zia Fauzia constitution in cooperation with the Pope and the Yorckstr. neigbors. Result: We have a matter of faith all Family members are heared and seen many time's. And Frau Schuldt told all Family members are alive she have seen and talked with them. Our Postbox is controlled and the invitation for the 15th October must be taken out by the Zia Family and at 30th october we have meeting for discussion for futher cooperation on the diplomatic Level is a futher cooperation with Germany in the Future possible or not. The SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union will be prepared and called many time's for Germany and the participants to end the hostage taking and clear the from Germany and Lüneburg existing Conflict of nonsens.

October 26, 2024 ( 10:59 o'clock )

Following Documents is burned and do not exist anymore

- The declaration of Continuity for Germany

- The Declaration Minsk to see as Asia Court for the Place of Juridical Justice

- The Power of Attorney for Spain for Murad Khani Kabul do not exist anymore

- Only the power of attorney for Leonor of Spain is give for support the call back

of the Reserves of the Afghan Central Bank

- The declaration not take any responsibility for the Afghani is burned and the Afghani the responsibility is taken by Murad Khani Kabul as Reality of Constitution.

October 26, 2024 ( 13:08 o'clock ) Request for Leonor of Spain for Bank Connectivitie and financial support of the Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul representative Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan and Sons and their Mother Masooda. Our Contract is terminated by the document from Richard Großman and we do not have any Contract anymore with Germany and Europe or any western Countries for in Germany. The Contract done in India by the government of Germany with India we had declared our Veto and will not work. The grounded Basis for Germany and any financial support from Asia to Germany or Europe will not exist. Our visit in Santander and the given declaration for the Santander Bank and the result from is accepted and seen as the Bank of the Kingdom of Spain and represented by Leonor of Spain as representative and authoritative accepted. We request to the Santander Bank of the Kingdom of Spain the take over the Postbank and the Deutsche Bank. Request to the Kingdom of Spain for the payment. Request to the Kingdom of Spain for the payment. Special Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 26, 2024 ( 23:44 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Zeitpunkt 22:50 o'clock Rathaus Lüneburg. Unser Anwesenheit am Rathaus hat eine Sperre des Eingangen durch Jugendliche verursacht. Der Boden war nass so das wir das Wort UNSC nicht schreiben konnten. Unser Postbank Konto weist den betrag -08:06 € auf. Wir nicht nur die Erwachsen in Krieg und Völkermord beteiligt sondern auch Jugendliche. Das Home Office sieht keine Zukunft für die BRD oder die EU

Speciall Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain October 27, 2024 ( 15:07 o'clock )

Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan verlangt von Dr.Ahmad Zia und seinem Krieg für die Interesen seiner Mutter Fauzia Zia Akbarie und Familie ersichtlich seit dem Jahre 1988 zur Kapitulation. Wir beantagen unsere Familie Söhne Jousuf und Boabour and Ihre Mutter Masooda frei zu lassen

und seine Verbündete entsprechen diese Anweisung zu geben, speziell BRD EU Canada und USA.

Auch eine Professor und Doktor muss verstehen,

dass die Mehrheit gewinnt und somit das Rechtsverständnis

über Recht und Gesetz und Volksentscheidung

und Bevölkerungswahl vorang hat.

Die UN Generaly Assambly Entscheidung über den Ukraine

Krieg hat die Mehrheit der Staaten für Dr. Ahmad Zia erreicht

leider war die Populationsmehrheit auf der seite von Kabul

Murad Khani Repräsentative Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan.

Specially Briefing with The Kingdom of Spain . Request for the formal representation. Ich Said Mansoor M. A. Bitte nochmals die Stadt Lüneburg und die westlich welt und ihre seit über einem Jahre wirkende Vertretung und seit dem Jahre 2017 und jetzt mein Sohn Boabour aus der Geiselhaft des Universität und Universtität Stadt Lüneburg und ihre Vertretung in der Yorckstr. 8 1. Obergeschoss ihre Mitwikrung in Völkemord und Krieg und Kriegsverbrechen zu beenden, Wir haben eine Involvierung von 3,8 milliarden Menschen. Die Frage ist noch immer nicht geklärt was die Universität will die Stadt Lüneburg, Germany USA Israel Ukraine Canada and some more of them. Die Universität Lüneburg Germany und USA wollen mir nicht sagen was sie von mir Said Mansoor M. A. und meine Familie hier Jousuf Boabour und Masooda wollen und befor ich meinen Text schreiben kann senden sie was die Mutter und der Mann und die Söhne zu denken haben und somit den Ping Pong eine Vorsprung ihrer Geiselnahme zu haben. ( Result: diese Verfassung ist uns bekannt und der Rechtsweg National und International ist die einzige Ebene auf die wir arbeiten ! )

October 27,  2024 ( 19:38 o'clock )

Das Erste Stockwerk denk es muss eine geistige Leitung darstellen,  so wie es seit dem Jahre 1981 genat hat. Alle Mindsets sind Wirschaftliche Natur und haben mit der Sprache nicht zu tun. Die Söhne dagegen werden emotional missbraucht die Deutsche Spatche zu verinnerlichen und seelich aufzunehmen,

so dass sie die Verfassung und Geist der Sprache seelich nachgehen

Dr. Ahmad Zia seit dem Jahre 1984 wirkend hat die Verfassung der BRD

angefangen in der Körpernikusschule Kaltenmoor genötigt gegen den eigenen Stiefbruder einen Challeng zu führen da er ein uneheliches Kind ist

und wegen ihm sie Flüchten musten. Das Ergebnis der BRD und der westlichen Welt ist nur eine einzige Basis

eine ander gibt es nicht.

Die Söhne zu missbrauchen und die Mutter Masooda ist keine Lösung

sollten sie an Dr. Ahmad globale Corona Covit 19 verloren gegangen sein

wird es keine continuität geben da ihr nicht wissen könnt was ihr spricht

was ihr denkt und was für ein mindset euch man gesetzt hat.

Ihr müsst Einsicht und Erkenntnis zeigen, tut ihr es nicht

dann könnt ihr sehen was schon längst im gange ist.

Wir glauben es besteht eine permanenter Rachefeldzug, da immer wieder auf die Töpfe geklopft wird und wir uns nicht integrieren wollen.

Dafür werden beide Söhne bis auf letzte Emotion genötigt

sich zu fügen und zu akzeptieren.

Request for conformity. commet : - laugh, - he is writting.

Home Office Murad Khani Kabul: Eine sexualmoral gibt es nicht !

nach der Frage von Sebastian Krüger um in die Familie sich

einzunisten die man als Grundlag für den Krieg gegen die islamische Welt seit dem Jahre 2002 führt.

Diese Frage wurde vor dem Ausbruch des Krieges in Irak schon gelöst und der führenden Kanzlei in lüneburg

für Lüneburg und der BRD übergeben.

Die BRD befindet sich offiziell seit dem Jahre 2001 im Kreuzzug gegen die Islamisch welt, - und nicht nur !

Speciall Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 28, 2024 ( 16:04 o'clock ). Requst for the formal representation of sabe ! Restlut from sab-e. confirmity of the exting family members ligal and illigal. Constitution of the Queen Letizia of Spain is set at HaLo juridical and constitutional. October 28, 2024 ( 20:04 o'clock ) India is in the Ukraine war of Ahmad Barukzai and Preußen not neutral. India and Spain are on the Side of Ukraine and wants to help them with cooperation of Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. . Asia offered many times to help Ukraine with money and talksolution. And offer for talks was given many times and also tribe and family talks was offered. Kabul see the destroyed Ukraine as the Proxy war of Germany and Preußen as a economic game and power to attack new markets in Russia like the expanding of Europe is happen.

Special Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain

request for the formal representaion.
The Home Office request to the Kingdom of Spain for the 1000 million offered to Ukraine so that Boabour can be given free in Lüneburg, they not interfer in our family.

P.S.: 28.10.2024. Smiley's 9:27 o'clock. Croque or Korb ?

And who should be given the Korb ?

Leonor of spain and Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan are very sorry but we are on the side of the Rule of Law

Rights and Constitution we present. Also India is on right Side we know about.

October 28, 2024 ( 23:00 o'clock ) Briefing with Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. The State Germany is illegal since the year 1981. The FRG try to legalize it through my sons Jousuf and Boabour. The FRG trys to educate them psychological and mental. For both sons is detected exist a future for. By the death of the father the future will no happen. Futher we have the reality lüneburg part of Hamburg and so declatred metropolregion hamburg. We have the case of Corona Covid 19 analyzed. And we have the origin place where billions of Dollar from is as Aid decraed in my name Said Mansoor M. A. and now the sons is used to be a ground for. ( attachment: Document of the metropolregion hamburg and so the origin place of hunderd billions of aid nationaly and inernationally goes in the name of the Home Office Murad Khani Kabul but not in a juridical way. ) Result: The case is minimum 600 billion Euro ( € ) worth. October 29, 2024 ( 01:12 o'clock ) Die Lüneburg werden hiermit gefragt: Was euch meine Söhne angehen, habe ich euch um Hilfe gebeten, oder für die Mutter. Und was geht es euch an ob ich eine Frau habe oder mehrer oder es mir alleine besorge. Geht nach Makkah und Medina. Wenn ich in einer Stunde nichts höre werden ich die ganze arabische-Islamische Welt für Kafir ausrufen. Asian ist ein anderer Fall und Kabul ebenso. Wenn ihr keine Familie habt keinen Glauben und Religion dann such euch einen Loch in der Wildnis wo ihr hausen könnt. Niemand hat euch nach BRD oder Europa gerufen oder meine 4 Köpfige Fmilie in der BRD euch um Hilfe gebeten. Die all aksa Moschee und Palestine ist nicht unser Fall und war es auch nie, Geht zur Mahmood Zia und Ahmad Zia und ihre Kollegen nach Hamburg. oder setzt euch in eine Bar und raucht Wasserpfeife, ihr Pfeifen von Pfeifer. Habt wohl zu viel Pfeife geraucht ! Special Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. October 29, 2024 ( 06.44 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Die Anwesenheit der Internationalen Mafia Terrorismus und NAZI Regime hat seinen Gesicht gezeigt. ( Attachment: see document ) Also we are very sorry about the USA and Israel. We have no any contract and no any relationship since Obama interfer in our Family cause Afghanistan behavior not put the chair rightfull back to his place. Also not any Contract with Camilla or first floor and ground floor or even Prince Harry. We have the constitution of the King of Great Britain Charles III and befor we had the Constitution of Queen Elizabeth II we have to notice. ( Die richtige Werbung zum richtigen Zeitpunkt Partnerschaft ! In youtube. Who belong youtube ? And who allowed ? ) Result: We have the run ( lauf / leuph - ? ) of the ground floor. And the switch on the button on the first floor. Both collaborating with each other. We are still speaking about War War Crimes and Genocide since at least the year 2001 from the University. Present we have Bush, Charter Merkel SPD Grüne and further representatives we do not know about !

October 29, 2024 ( 7:48 o'clock ) Outcome

The Spain and Kabul Murad Khani Representative Royalty is confirmed

as Constitutional Rightfull and Justified.

Murad Khani have since the year 2017 set Constitution in Kabul

no any change proved by the Austrialia outcome.

Ocober 30, 2024 ( Termin um 1O:00 UIhr mit Frau Schuldt in HaLo.) Wir bestätigen hiermit die bewusste Vergewaltigung Gewaltanwendung und Missbrauch der Familie Said Mansoor für den Krieg und Völkermord über die Familie Said Mansoor Jousuf Boabour und Masooda durch die Stadt Lüneburg und der BRD und ihre Regierungen. October 30, 2024 ( 5:12 o'clock) Announcement: We have to confirm another interfer in the Home Office . The red washcloth is taken out from the bath and the blue one is put to use and the soap is parted in two pices for the bath and for the washbasin. The Blue washcloth do not belong to me , it is the washcloth and property of my son Boabour. I am not allowed to use his washcloth because it will cause a health problem by hygienic. Our socks is stolen from the Home Office and we have only one pair grey socks left.

October 30, 2024 ( 13:28 o'clock )

Speciall Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain

We have only two option for today October 30, 2024 10:00 o'clock. All Family members are death. The second option is the Federal Republic of Germany want to take over the constitution of Said Mansoor M. A. and wants to declare Germany as not guilty. Frau ist Schuldt and the sons are guilty.

The FRG and their representative for the NATO,  EU, FRG, USA an Israel know all what they need to know and many more

we do not know what further is to talk expect to give ths sons and the mother back.

On October 29, 2024 we have requested the Order and ordered to India and China for preparation.

Result the western World and the Government of the FRG are since the year 2000 in a chalenge

about Relativizations and do not want end.

Asia and Murad Khani are in the Constitution of war and many international government Member is still killed by the government of Germany.

( 7:05 o'clock )

We have also no more socks in our home office. They are taken out !

And we have pain in our backside we do not know why,

if an other processionis happen or not.

The man is calling our son to stay at him, why ?

The man and all Lüneburg do the procession on all Family members !

The man tell the son the father is his father, Why ?

Why the son ist educated to use a gun in kabul by Abdullah Khan

( Pashtun, Pashai, Nurestani ) and now to use a gun against his own father ?

We can imagine that tonight a procession was happen through anesthesia to have the constitution for

the apointment at 10:00 o'clock at HaLo because we have pain an yesterday we had no any pain.


The Kingdom of Great Britain is called herewith the emergency case and the stay at Exil.

Said Mansoor M. A. want to see the mother and the sons

today at 10:00 o'clock October 30, 2024

The chalenge and te revange for Dorothee Börner

has been fucked by here on Father

and so a mently ill man wanted to have a relationship and family

with here. Lüneburg put the whole family in a relationship with a man

from the Forenzik to do with the Family and the sons what he wants

is comprehensible ( nachvollziehbar ).


Result : Was macht der Präsident der BRD in diesem Zeitpunkt in Griechenland. Wieso klärt er hier vorliegendes Konflikt nicht.

October 30, 2024 ( 17:53 o'clock ) Speciall Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. Requet for the formal represntation. Does the future Queen of Spain declared war against Germany on the oath ceremony October 31, 2023 ? Result: Ja ! Nach mehrmaliger attacken durch die BRD hat die Zukünftige Königin von Spanien den Krieg gegen die BRD erklärt. In ihrer notiz ist gezeichnet, - a dios ! Die Umfangreichen attackem bis zur Einschleusung in die Königliche Armee und Militär Akademie bis hin zur moralische und ethnische Grundfragen um neue Fakten zu schaffen.

Happy diwali for India

Set by the Indian Armee with Babur Dance

to 4 / 3 / 2

Kabul Murad Khani Said Mansoor M. A. Congratulates S.A.R. H. E. Leonor of Spain to the Nineteenth Birthday

Tambien Presidente Premios Princesa de Asturias del ano 2024

Y el este Premio la respecta ser mucho mas grande que todos los autoridas y excelencias oviedan estar de pie.

Todos sustainable !?

Happy Birthday November 1, 2024 ( 10:05 o'clock ) Officially Annoucement. Specially Bfriefing with the Kingdom Spain. The HaLo and so the citizens and the City Lüneburg and germany are direct involved over the HaLo and Lüneburg representative in the war of Israel against Palestine. Request for confirm. Result: voilà November 1, 2024 Special Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. ( 13:40 o'clock ) Request for thr immediately cooperation with all three juridical institutions BRICS, SCO and the Eurasian Economic Union and with the United Nations UNSC on the ground of the International Law and the Contract from February 18, 2020 with Masooda is stolen from the Home Office Murad Khani Kabul to offer the Arab and the Sunnitism finance and political cooperation if the contract is still accepted and exist and is seen as ground for.

Gracias a S.A.R. H. E.  Leonor de Espania La Presidente del Premio del Asturias

Kabul Murad Khani Representative thanks for the from the La Presidente de la Princesa de Austurias legan literaturas de Espania sobre la historica

del pais viejo y moderno y que no hay muy diferencia sobre la religion cultura y humanidad del pasado y todavia.

Arrepentimiento que almanya no comprendan la realidad de religion historica y cultura

como que hay in otra paises modernas del mundo.

November 2, 2024 ( 18:07 o'clock) November Special Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. Confirm of the Internatiional Terrorism like Khaibar Pashtun, Daesch. Lashkar Taiba and further more from Lüneburg now also with cooperation with the neigbors is exist proved . November specially Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. November 3, 2024 ( 3:24 o'clock ) Eurasia can destroy the European Union and Germany with only one Picture for the constitution of Europe and Germany who want to have Ukraine as his Part and be more worth than the whole World . It is the same like the postcard caused the first World War. Request for comfirm. Result:Yes!

November 3, 2024 ( 3:43 o'clock )

Outcome from Aragonesses in Saragossa common interests on Agenda Europe European Union and the Eurro ( € )

is Europe European Union and the Euro ( € ).

Kabul and the Kingdom of Spain calls to Germany and their representatives

how the continuity can work for since the year 2022 and tryed

a lot to find a way for.

The result and destruction for is permantly negative and even reached

identity intimity and abuse of data protection law.

November 3, 2024 ( 7:42 o'clock ) Special Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. The Implementation of the International Law by Eurasia . The HaLo, the city of Lüneburg, has the UNSC as tool the family and state of Afghanistan as a solution to international problems the UNSC is involved in the Lüneburg and Germany. The collaps of the UNSC must be avoided because the FRG have a refer to the Charter of the United Nations as International Law. The BRICS, SCO and the Eurasian Economic Union are adviced to take the Charter of the United Nations as groud Constitution for the International Law. And is also soon implemented. The western World and the European Union are not in the frame of the International Law by the Collaps of the UNSC we see and detected only by Russia is constitutional conform represented. The Europen Union and Germany are out of any Constitutional frame they refer to the United Nations Charter of the United Nations do only exist by the representative of Russia Wassili Alexejewitsch Nebensja, was also presented at Lüneburg to be presentative. Request for confirmity. Result: Lüneburg Germany and the European Union refered to the United Nations Charter of the United Nations not to take any responsibility for the current conflicts from Lüneburg refer to Kabul Murad Khani Afghanistan case representative in Lüneburg Home Office and collapsed the UNSC by to be involed in the conflicts. The FRG and the EU have no any Constitution any more. All Countries in Europe have only a nationally Constitution except Germany involved on War and Conflicts with refer to the UN - Charter, but not to the International Law represented by Eurasia. November 3, 2024 ( 13:54 o'clock) Special Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. Requst for the formal representation. We have called to Zarsulela at the number 0034915992424. We were not allowed to visit Madrid and the Zarzuela. We have detected The Ahmad Zia Constitution by accpeted Human Rights and still exiting of nonsens, even wrong family behavior adviced permantely since 2000 by Ahmad Zia and stiil exist and waiting to visit the sons and the mother. Also the Michgan Kazemi constitutuon we have from the USA we have detected at Spain. Request for confirmity. Special Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. November 4, 2024 ( 10:15 o'clock ) We advice and request to controll the borders of the Kingdom of Spain and close the Borders from the rest of the European Union. We have a expanding constitutions of illigitimate Children and Families from Germany world wide and the war and genocide from as constitutional ground at least seen at protokol in Great Britain. Further France is seen to have the constitution is deteced and declared to be part to the representative Constitution of Spain. Italy is soon seen and detected as origin represnetative of the Euro ( € ) made ground constitutions still seen by Mario Dragy and Antonio Guterres in the Kingdom of Spain and declared be part of Spain. The Vatican and the Pope is in confirmity with the Kingdom of Spain.

November 4, 2024 ( 13:44 o'clock )

Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan erklärt hiermit Leonor von Spanien als zukünftige Königin von Spanien

Portugal und Repräsentantin  Latin Countries.

Und somit Königin von Spanien.

Novwember 5, 2024 ( 3:00 o'clock ) Special Briefing

with Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal Representation.

Ausgerufen Kaiserin durch die Afghanische und Türkische Mafia in zusammenarbeit der BRD

Das  Königreich Spanien Leonor of Spain wird sorfort gebeten mit dem Vatican und dem Papst

Kontakt aufzunehmen und eine Delgation zum Vatican zu senden da auch ihr Stiefbruder betroffen ist.

Die von der Türkischen und Afghanischen Mafia ausgerufene Kaiserin Loulou leontin Maria Josefin wird aufgerufen die Verantwortung für den Fall der Familie aufzunehmen. Loulou wurde im  Jahre 2021 bei inem Spaziergang in Deutsch Evern mit den Kindern darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass sie die Verantwortung für die Kinder zu tragen

hat da sie in der Familie die älteste Enkelin der Familie Zia ist.

Weiterhin ist der Terrorangriff ausgehender Stadt Lüneburg in Valencia aufzuklären.

Correction we saw a damm in the Media was destroyed

we thought the cause for, not only...

Der Damm wurde bewusst zerstört und eine Flut und Überschwemmung ausgelöst.

Der Terrorangriff wurde über die Rote Farbe zugehörig zu der Verfassung von Boabour

seinm Vater Said Mansoor und der Verteidigungsministerin von Spanien zugehörig.

Das MTV Treubund hat in Zusammenarbeit mit Kanzlei Am Sande Harms Familie Herren Frese

weiter weltweite Angriffe und Ereignisse ausgehend unseres Sohnes Jousuf Verantwortung zu tragen. Das Verteidigungsministerium in Spanien wird zur sofortigen Alambereitschaft

der Steitkräft aufgerufen und die sofortige Kontaktaufnahme

mit der BRICS, SCO und der Eurasian Economic Union

Moskau, Peking und Delhi.

( - Der König von England ist aufgerufen den Angriff auf die BRD einzuleiten und  ausführen zu lassen.)

Der Mann Wajdi Ausi wird von Ihrer Mutter unterstützt und die Söhne des Said Mansoor Jousuf Baobour und ihre Mutter Masooda  sind seit über drei Jahren in der Gefangenschaft.

Wir haben Mord Krieg und Völkermord, angefangen vom Irak Krieg.

Auch mehrere Angriffe auf europäische Königshaüser und Bereitschaft eines Weltkrieges

der BRD mit Einfahrt der Fregatte Braunschweig in die Themse

ist ersichtlich.

Result: Die Verteidigungsministerin hat die Bestätigung der Bereitschaft der Streitkräfte hier die Armee, Ejercito de la Casa Real  Armada de la Casa Real y Fuerza aérea de la Casa Real gegeben.

Streitkäfte bzw.  Militärische Einheiten der NATO

Angaben durch den Königreich von Spanien zur Verfügung gestellt um entsprechend die Verteidung gegen die NATO

Einheiten entgegenzusetzen.

7,6 millionen Soldaten, davon 3,39 millionen ative, 3,44 millionen in Reserve.

797 820 Paramilitärs

22 308 Flugzeuge der Luftwaffe

3275 Jagdflugzeuge

1195 Flugzeuge für den Bodenangriff

8950 Hubschrauber

655 Tankflugzeuge

4349 Spezialflugzeuge

1493 Transportflugzeuge

Military Forces of Asia / Eurasia, here olny India, China and Russia

11, 877 millionen Soldiers

4,798 millions ative Soldiers

4,055 millions Soldiers reserve

3,432 Paramillirary Sodiers

9855 Airforce

2618 Attack Airforce

3327 Air Helicopter

327 Special Airplanes

1006 Transport Airplanes

Military Part of the NATO USA

2.1255 million Soldiers

1.328 Soldiers aktive

799500 Soldiers reserve

13209 Airforce

1854 Attack Airforce

957 Transport Airplanes

695 Special Airplanes

606 Tank Airplanes

5737 Helicopter

1000 Fighterjets

Budget give for Military finance in the World in the year 2023

USA - 916 billion Dollar

China - 296 billion Dollar

Russia - 109 billion Dollar

India - 83,6 billion Dollar



FRG - 66,8 billion Dollar

Military Force of the FRG

Only : 171 114  Soldiers

from their 60 688 women Soldiers

and only 24 380 women Soldiers active

Where is the 66,8 billion Dollar goes to and where are the Military Forces !?

The Kingdome of Spain can Take out the USA and Germany and is still done

by the King of Spain Felipe VI

at the visit of Joe Biden at Spain and told him to think of right behavior.

So the Leonor of Spain Queen of the Kingdom of Spain

can take out ony the airforce of the NATO out

because of her relatives in Europe and Latin Coutries

than we have

from the Airforce of 22 308 capability minus 13 209 Airforce capability  of the USA

9099 Airforce capability taken  out.

We will  put the Kingdom of Spain her relatives in Europe

capeble Airfoce of 9099 Airfoce Capability

together with the Eurasian Capabilty

than we have

a Capabilty of 18 954 Airfoce attack and fighter jets against

the USA, Germany and allies.

Reality is the NATO is on War against only Russia and have still not win and still not

beaten have a lot of Problems and the Dollar und the Euro

are in Danger, - still Dollar is collpas with a debt of 34,1 trillion Dollar

Special Briefing Kingdom of Spain, request for the formal representation

November 5, 2024 ( 6:46 o'clock )

Kabul request, in cooperation with the Kingdom of Spain and Türkjye as part of the NATO, Europe and the western World

to cooperation with the SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union to stop the Climate Change in a Constitution of existing

east west constitution of military attack and military

Allies and Power to stop nonsense economic produkts and economic

production on all Level's and the Energy Production for money

not exsiting the groud for surplus and excess of Energy.

We support and suggest to all three World Banks in Eurasia and here Asia

to shutdown and closing and so terminating Productions

Corporations and Products by use Money for compensation.

Special Briefing The Kingdom of Spain, request for the formal representation

November 5, 2024 ( 7:25 o'clock )

We have two Options Collaps of the European Union or collpas of the Arab World.

Or even both.

The Arab World  we can collaps from Hamburg

and the european Union from the Kingdom of Spain

For both origin places and outcomes and even International Level

and contracts for we have in our origin Place and reserve for with

our own signature.

We are ready to collaps at  first the Arab World

we have a cause of S a p to our representative.

We will collpas the Arab World at 9:00 o'clock european time .

Rat : Polizei anrufen , Bürgeramt öffnen Dokumente fertig machen

ummelden, sofort aber schnell bis 9:00 Uhr.

Die Vertretung de Westlichen Welt, Germany, EU sitzt im 1. Stockwerk

und Erdgeschoss und hört die ganze Zeit mit und kann alles einleiten.

November 5,  2024 ( 8:18 o'clock )

Wir könne nun beides Kollabieren lassen

Wir warten auf meine zwei  Söhne und die Mutter mit formalitäten

bis 9:00 Uhr

Sowohl Deutschland als auch Großbritanien

sprechen Respeckt aus,

wo sind meine Söhne und die Mutter ?

Speciall Brirfing The Kingdom of Spain. November 5, 2024 ( 14:57 o'clock) Request for the formal representation. For the political prisoners Jousuf Boabour and Masooda bin Said Mansoor will Said Mansoorr offer for a talk solution and a Compensation for done by the FRG psychological, psychiatric and phycical violnce to Masooda Jousuf and Boabout at the Psychiatric in Prison and by violence order through the man and order to rape all family mebers to get constitutions against their father and partner Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan representative of UNRWA. We have to refer Masooda is from a war zone in Afghanistan with origin Lüneburg Germany, she lived in a humanity community and for her Lüneburg and Germany get the Horror of the Hell. Result: We want... November 5, 2024 ( 17:57 o'clock ) We do not want Afghan, Arab, Turk, Kurd and Greec post in our Postbox. Also our postbox is controlled by the Mafia of Fauzia Zia and Mahmood Zia and allies. We only accept Boabour, Jousuf and Masooda Post and regular post. Request for confirmity.

November 6, 2024 ( 4:57 o'clock ) Special Briefing Kingdom of Spain. Request for formal representation.

We have clear words and clear conditions and the City Lüneburg Germany and the Arab World even their foreigner in Lüneburg do not act and do no give arection. Why ?

November 5, 2024 ( 21:15 ) speciall Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. Post in the postbox of te Hasenburger Berg Schule ( Time 20:37 und 20:38 seen persons ).

Special Briefing The Kingdom of Spain November 6, 2024 ( 7:05 o'clock )

request for the formal representation

Das Land der Automobilindustrie die BRD wird hiermit des Völkermordes seit dem Jahre 1981 beschuldigt

weltweit für Oil Krieg zu führen

und nachdem die Oilknapheit erkannt wurde auf Lithuim umzusteigen und Uranvorkommen zu sichern.

Die BRD als größte Automobilhersteller der Welt wird des Weltweiten Kriegs für Energyresoucen beschuldigt

Völkermord und Krieg und Kriegsverbrechen.

Die Sachlage ist aktuell und ist von einem Weltkrieg auszugehen

da nun auch Afghanistan sei dem Jahre 2001 betroffen ist und Verträge und Dokumente vor dem Bginn der Bonner Konferenz

schon vorgefertigt waren.

Lüneburg Police and the government talked with him many time and let him go, becaue he have to present the FRG

specially the VW Car Company

The DAS constitution Said Mansoor M. A.

do not support the VW Car Company.

DAS have only his own constitution

and is independent.

We declare herewith the DAS constitution handed over to the Kingdom of Spain and Leonor of Spain.

The VW Car Company belong now to Spain,

juridical and constitutional.

Reason: The VW Car Company used Murad Khani Kabul Constitution at least with DAS to World Wid war

specially in the Arab World and Asia and Africa for Oil since at least the year 1981.

November 7, 2024 ( 16:10 o'clock ) Sepecial Briefing The Kingdom of Spain in the case of Tarik Summa and Amani ( Düssseldorf, Leipzig , Berlin) Coraltravel Ferien Touristik in cooperation with seen the visit of Prince Harry in Düsseldorf. The bill was not correct and the cancell tax is about 85 %. Request for examination. Bill number : 2202847, Flight Nr.: HISVRG, 27.09.2024. November 8, 2024 ( 03:32 o'clock ) Result: The firm told they are juridical not in any frame.

Special Briefing The Kingdome of Spain November 8, 2024 ( 13:13 o'clock )

Detected War between illigitimated Childen as Constitutional Grund against te Islam World and Afghanistan since the year 2000

as 100 % reality.

We have only Jousuf ann Boabour as ligitimat Sons and so we confim all kind of attacks on both sons on every Level World Wide from the illegitimat Children to  the Family,  sons, Afghanistan, Islam the World Wide Hetitage of Humaniyt and genocide in Palestien.

The community of the illegitimated children and the government act and policy for started by the year 1999 with the begin of the Study

from te German Islam Community represting them as Family Wolf

in Lüneburg.

The realtiy about thies assumption is known and all kind of juridical set

in our possible fram and possibility is wolrd wide done.

We also assumtion thies illigitimat children can also act from Levels they are not allowed and have no any authority and even a whole distruction can be detected from thies children with enormos effect of danger

for the humanity.

Result : We have a set of 1 + 2, and 1 + 3.

By One to One

Murad Khani Kabul has taken the responsiblity from the year 2001 Tragedy

All informations national and international is given for HaLo and Herr Flores City Lüneburg representative. The Tragedy in New Yorck was planed by the royalities and adel in Germany with assumtion illegitimate children from Afghanistan or even Murad Khani Kabul.

Evidence is at Bonner Conference I porsonally sended my own Diplomat

Mir Agha e Soumma. We do not made any signature at any Contracts at Bonn. Even all plans for contracts nd exploitation was made and was ready to  sighn. The Relatives and illegitimate Children from Kabul

had after the year 2000 Event on the street for Afghanistan

the idea to do this plan for exploitation and war against the Islam World

we see as reality.

November 10, 2024 ( 19:22 o'clock ) The Queen of Spain Queen Leonor of Spain is asked herewith to sighn on the document in opposite to we have seen the constitution for the illegality. Special Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. November 11, 2024 ( 16:06 o'clock ) Request for the formal Representation . We request to accept only thies both documents. November 11, 2024 ( 17:16 o'clock ) Special Briefing Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. Während des Live Presseconference hat es an der Tür des Home Office zu erst zwei mal geklopft dann geklingelt. Wie sind die Leute in das Haus gekommen ? Special Briefing at 21:00 o'clock with the Kingdom of Spain. Request for the sons Jousuf and Boabour and their Mother Masood with all formularity until 21:00 o'clock. At 21:00 o'clock the Euro ( € ) documents will be burnt. Das Ausfertigen der Dokumente für meine Söhne und die Mutter Masooda kann bis 21:00 o'clock eingereicht werden. Die Vernichtung der Dokumente für den Euro ( € ) und dem Dollar ($) kann später kommen. Request for confirmity. Special Briefing Kingdom of Spain. November 12, 2024 ( 22:11 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Request to call to Washington White House to call for the Afghan Afghanistan Bank reserve about 9,5 billion Dollar is take out with the Constitution exist in the USA, here Michghan Kazemi ( Soumma )Tel. 001 3142629337, and also Kazemi Family Agha Gul all Murad Khani Kabul relatives without any permission from the government Islamic Republic of Afghanistan or my own signature, Fauzia declared Money for their people because of their War in Afghanstan. Result: I Shazdofair have talked with the USA and the White House and called for the Money and the answer was ( the Dossier exist at the Home Office) : Ok ! Result of the Briefing The Kingdom of Spain until November 12, 2024 in Saragossa: 9,5 billion Dollar. Only 7 billion detected and declared by the White House President Joe Biden exist at the USA and is detected by the High Suprem Court of the USA and declared Afgha Afghanistan Bank ( DAB ) Representative by Documents given Power of Attorney to Leonor of Spain at her ownership. Effect in the current time: 22:50 o'clock Fauzia Zia ( phone number: 01781650237 ) called with her constitution detected at the Zarzuela with Tschob and given award with tschob ( wood stick ) from the Klinik Lüneburg to here given constitution for Money. In the same time period the award of open window was given to the King and Kingdom of Spain.

Outcome of the Briefing with Kingdom of Spain November 12, 2024 ( 23:15 o'clock) for the The Eurasia Bank

From the cooperation of Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. with Leonor of Spain in Saragossa 7 Billion US Dollar.

Exist and detected and declared and confirmed by the high suprem court in the USA and the White House Joe Biden.

We have now 35 billion dollar plus 7 billion more. And the 7 billion at Leonor of Spain own private budget for further investments in common aid and help

specially in the Sustainable Development goals.

Request for the Rome Statute of the International Court and International Criminal Court of the United Nations

The Kingdom of Spain Leonor of Spain and her minisrerial staff

seen and declared the money amount 7 billion Dollar

in the USA declared own Money of Said Mansoor.

We have by Germany and firts Floor declared Türkijye Bank called and named from the i or e Bank Constitution for Genocide and War Crimes the City Lüneburg Constitutional want to solve is wrong and we do not accept

from Türkler declared attack as Basis on the family Said Mansoor

We are not i or e. i and e have only meaning in Afghanistan.

We can not take the responsibility by Germany and Europe declared

i or e for any Constitution from to do war and Genocide

or declare any crimes is done by Türkish and Kurd Mafia

in Lüneburg to the Family Said Mansoor is decteded by the government

of Türkjye the President and Interpol ICC and ICj and the UNSC.

Even the man Wajdi Ausi is not our Family Member or have any role

in this case deteced the Mafia of Memet Özedemir and Sevem and many more in Lüneburg Hamburg and Germany even Europe Level.

is not accepted. The Mafia and the Terrorism have also his seat

on the first floor and ground floor in the Yorckstr. 8

The Payback Sytem of Memet with his Restaurants in the Schröderstrasse Lüneburg

on international Level Mafia presentation and aktivitie of Crimes Kill and Terror on our family and as Basis our Family is not accepted

the International  Law we present have for thies kind of Crimes the ICC and the ICJ and the Court in Minsk we request for.

We have on our website from November 12 to 13 two word fallen

by interfer: Masud and Türkijye ( Türk i jye ). Thies definition have no any juridical meaning.

The i and e have only meaning in our constitution if we are accepting it.

i and e are dari words.

November 13, 2024 ( 00:43 o'clock ) Special Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. 1. Investment of 400 million dollar to rebuild the Krim-Bridge. 2. 1 billion Dollar to Türkjye for support the Türkjye Lira. We will buy for 1 billion Dollar TL34.37 7.300.000,00 TRY ( 1000 USD = TL34,38 TRY). 1 billion dollar Gold form Saudi Arabia to send it to the Türkjye Bank DenizBank for to print more Türkjye Lira. Owner Said Mansoor ( Representative Türkler, Deniz ) 1 billion Dollar 12704,4753 kg Gold = about 12 tone ( t ) Gold from Saudi Arabi to Türkjye. Request to confirm. November 13, 2024 ( 9:49 o'clock ) Specail Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. Request for confirm. First crisis setting is set on existing ground and constitution we have to uphold. November 13, 2024 ( 10:16 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation the Kingdom of Spain. We have a permanet attack on the family is not seen finshed. At Alfa wash and clean firm for clothing we saw a Skoda ME ND 156, A Merceds and a Volvo to a constitution detected to Alfa Wash and Clean firm Am Berge Lüneburg also the constitution of Mr. Bohr for representing the Bohr Atom Model. We request for the immediateyl arrest warrent against Bohr and Lange as soon as possible or even sofort. We have the constitutional War and Word War from to present for all financial support from thies two guys to get benifits world wide for Germany have represented the Bohr atom model or even a international Juridical frame for exploitation and war crimes from. Further we have blocked call from my family permanently and a call from 020 339515160 is allowed !? November 13, 2024 ( 10:45 o'clock ) Special Briefing Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal Represetation. The Kingdom of Spain have detected two red Buddah statue one at Faria Zia ( Ehlers esxisting and one at Mariam Zia ( Niemax ) existing ) . We are ready to buy the two Buddah statue . Leonor of Spain is requested to ask them the worth to get thies two at Faria and Mariam existing Buddah Statue about 15 cm high and color red. November 13, 2024 ( 11.03 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Special Briefing the Kingdom of Spain. The question is how many and how much money is still taken from the begin the year 2001 to now from the representative constitutions Sebastian Krüger und Ehlers and further activities money and goods do not belong to Germany and allies but taken in presenting the EU, NATO, GB, FRG, USA and the UN, all representative constitution Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor needed to present to get a goal from in his education and juridical study he rejected all and also a 50 country Mandat was not accepted lead by the NATO USA and so Ahmad and Mahmood War against Russia since the year 1979 in Afghanistan ? The money amount nearly 605 billion Euro ( € ) is asked detected by newspapers announced by the Federal Reserve Bank of the USA. November 13, 2024 ( 11:46 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation Kingdom of Spain. Request to check and confirm the document Power of Attorny given to leonor of Spain. Court for is the International Court of Justice supported by the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union in Minsk the International Law The Charter of the United Nations and The Rome Statute. Result: The Kingdom of Spain have the possibility to confiscate all four Banks mentioned here ( ECB, Goldman Sachs the Swiss National Bank and the World Bank ) with a application at the International Court of Justice in The Hague Netherlands. November 13, 2024 ( 12:49 o'clock ) Fauzia Zia , auch Bibi genannt, wird hiermit gebeten zu Abschluss ihrer Machenschaften die Familie Said Mansoor wider zusammen zu führen. Wir wählen nun ganz klar die Option die angekündigten Dokumente zu verbrennen. Wir glauben nicht das Fauzia Zia Königin von Afghanistan, Murad Khani Kabul, Deutschland Israel USA oder Spanien oder England ist. Ihre Vertretung Netanyahu Bibi genannt auch Fauzia Zia bekannt in der BRD mit Bibi wird hiermit Antrag auf Festnahme durch das ICC gestellt. Ein schriftlicher Antrag müsste schon vorgelegen haben. November 13, 2024 ( 14:49 o'clock ) Special Briefing Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. Request for clarify the request from the neigbors. And the letter from Jobcenter. All documents are destroyed and not accepted anyway we made to the Jobcenter. Die BRD hat über das Jugendamt sich eine ExistenznzrechtsFrage gestellt nachdem Ich die Verbrennung der ausgefretigten Dokunete für das Jobcenter verbrennen wolte und hat Jousuf anrufen lassen. somit ist klar, die BRD seine Existenz hängt von mir Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan ab. Ich bitte hiermit Leonor von Spanien die Rechnungen für die Gegenpartei und ihre Forderung in der höhe zu begleich wie sie hier gefordert ist. we have a permanent mindeset by the german media and the police were at 15:20 at the Home Office and asked if all is ok. We can detect both Masooda and the man ( The killer ) are at therapy to have fun with each other. And the police told us if your are allone you have no fun. We have two cases of killing: One if your are at war, and the other one is if you murder or assassination is happen. Request for confirm. The Police also came to save the spionage at first floor and ground floor for economic interests. Die Polizei hat sich bloßgestellt. The Police have exposed themself after 43 years. November 13. 2024 ( 16:25 o'clock ) Saragossa is requested to bring the sons and the mother to their father and partner Said Mansoor immediately. Saragossa is upholding the Grundgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Request for confirm. Result: November 13, 2024 ( 17:15 o'clock ) I will burning the Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland in 30 minutes if my sons and the mother are not at the father Said Mansoor and Masooda her partner. 17:45 o'clock. If the Kingdom of Spain is not accepted her order to bring the sons and the mother Masooda to her partner and father Said Mansoor I will burn the Grundgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland at latest at 18:00 o'clock today. Special Briefing the Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. Die Verfassungsrechtliche Verständnis über UNRWA in Dari hat nicht das gleich Verständnis des UNRWA der United Nations . We have not sighned any documents and declarations even a written constitution do not exist. We have still a budget of 35 billion declared by the BRICS P.M. Narendra Modi, 7 billion declared by Joe Biden and the high supreme court in the USA and 605 billion Euro ( € ) at the constitution of Saragossa the Queen Leonor of Spain representative for from the Power of Attorney we have given to her. November 13, 2024 ( 19:04 o'clock ) Specially Briefing the Kingdom of Spain . Request for the Kingdom of Spain to arrest and interfer in the case and fullfill the necessary Constitutional act to save to education cultur and family necessary constitution Spain have the responsibility to have the leadership for in cooperation with representative holder of the Constitution for. November 15, 2024 ( 6:58 o'clock ) Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain in Saragossa representative ministerium for Leonor of Spain. Request for the formal representation. Order to Leonor of Spain to confiscate all property in Lüneburg, Niedersachen and Germany and beyond from over the Power of Attorney given. Cooperations Partners the Kingdom of Netherland, the Kingdom of Denmark. Further cooperation Kingdomes can be given and is international possible. Further more confiscate all four Banks the Goldman Sachs have cooperartion with Drurani and Barukzai here for the Federal Reserve Bank of the USA. Confiscate the European Central Bank in Germany cooperation Partner Family Zia in Hamburg Mafia Constitution and ground for in Lüneburg and Hamburg. Confiscate the Swiss National Bank in Switzerland with constitution and ground for Dr. Ahmad Zia and Blomberg and Sinti and Roma. Confiscate the World Bank with the ground for Afghan constitution from to get Money and lead the Arab and Muslimin World with Dollar ( $) and Euro ( € ). Further cooperation Partner we give you as gound for the Principality of Monaco. The Principality of Monaco is on of the richest in whole Europe and Ahmad Zia was with his daughter there and declared himself as winner in the War in Afghanistan against Said Mansoor Murad Khani Kabul because he is a tall man. Confiscate the Bundesbank in Germany BRD over the green government and Bundesfinazministerium here over the Richard Großman KG wanted over Anna Lena Braebock have the Bundesbank and so the Bundesfinazministerium. Confiscate the Deutsche Bank here also the Postbank can be conficate over Lüneburg Nancy as further Partner of Dr. Ahmad Zia and Gülsün over Landrat Lüneburg Ehlers Krüger and Niemax constitution of possibility they get money form and to gover and lead they do. We are ready to accept the 101 Deutsche Bank Constitution and Postbank still seen in a Constitution to get benifits from. Our property and Country and economic interests and ground for are not Germany and the Constitution of the Euro ( € ) is still not complet detected the War in Ukraine and Palestine are not solved and we call for informations from the sons and the Mother and noone want to give but we can know about. The Juridical and Constitutional Solution in the current case is still not accepted. A One to One Constitution is till existe for cooperation on all Levels.

Last Generation mind set by Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. according to New Yorck Scientist

Media set : Special Briefing Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. Scholz telefoniert nach knapp zwei Jahren wieder mit Putin. Was soll das heißen ? Wer führt hier gegen wem Krieg. Meine Familie ist ein zusammengehöriges Söhne Mutter und Vater mit gleichen Interessen für zukünftige Perspektiven wie Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltbewusst sein. Auch der Kampf nicht die letzte Generation zu sein vom Vater an den Sohn weiter vermittelt und auf dem Jahre 2050 aufmerksam gemacht begründet keinen Krieg und Völkermord. Alle vier Familien Mitglieder haben die gleichen Interesse. Wir bitten Saragossa und somit das Königreich Klärung einzuholen in der Bundesregierung seit Merkel und Co hier einen so wie es scheint ein Glaubenskrieg führen ohne einer Religion anzugehören, das an alle Kirchen nachvollziehbar ist in der BRD. Result: Es besteht eine Generalverdacht auf alle Staatsbürger der BRD und wurde von Murad Khani Kabul Home Office öffentlich gemacht. Wir haben somit die Möglichkeit jeden einzelnen Staatsbürger Deutsch oder Ausländer vor dem Internationalem Gerichtshof stellen zu können. Die Regierung als auch Amtsbedienstete in öffentliche Ämter können seit dem Jahre 2000 und 2001 der Kriminellen Handlung mit Auswirkung auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene identifiziert und nachgewiesen werden. Es is 100 % möglich.

Constitutional Basis of the Kingdom of Spain and the Kingdom of Great Britian Yockstr. 8, 21335 Lüneburg Germany

All military order is on high alert.

Commandos will get algorithmic and authoritative

We call the Chancellor Olaf Scholz to bring the Family together

her Jousuf and Boabour and the Mother Masooda

Murad Khani Kabul Said Masnoor M. A.

We order herewith the readyness of all Military struckture

of Great Britain and Spain to follow all orders.

Reason: the phone number of Masooda 01772766641 do not exist anymore.

The Constitutional Offer to take the Kingdom of Spain is taken.

All military Commandos are working together with the SCO, BRICS and

the Eurasian Economic Union immediately.

The Defence ministerium of the Kingdom of Spain is ordered to act on all Levels of cooperation with India and take the military attacks serious.

November 15, 2024 ( 19:18 o'clock ) Order to the defence ministerium of the Kingdom of Spain the immediatyl military attack on the Capital Berlin in Germany. The King of Spain will be constitutional taken over to take the responsibility of the Military attack on Berlin. Reason: The mother have the responsibility to have the overview over ths sons and the telephone number do not exist anymore. We start now highest alert and highest red level. November 16, 2024 ( 20:16 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. Die BRD befindet sich im Kriegsrausch seit mindestens 43 Jahre auf internationaler Ebene, davor gab es nur Afghanistan, dass niemand auf der Welt bekannt war. Der Krieg geht sogar überdiminsional und hat juristische und psychologische Probleme die mit Drogen und Medizin bedient wird. Meine Familie Jousuf und Boabour sowie die Mutter werden dafür bewusst eingesetzt und missbraucht. In der BRD und für die BRD wird es keine Lösung geben. Die BRD kann nicht Afghanistan opfern damit es BRD gut geht, dass passiert mit vielen Staaten. Result: Special Briefing The kingdom of Spain. November 16, 2024 ( 21:29 o'clock ) Die USA Germany und Israel und Ukraine wird gebeten die Geiselname der Familie Said Mansoor zu beenden. Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor ist bereit die BRICS, SCO und Eurasian Economic Union für eine Kontinuität der wirtschaftlichen Interessen zu beantragen. Das Problem ist es gibt zu viele uneheliche Kinder des Ahmad Zia und Mahmood Zia die keine Erbschaftliche Ansprüche national oder international besitzen auch gibt es keine Stammesrechtliche und Juristische Zugang zu irgendwelche Ansprüche. Es sieht auf der ganzen Welt nach Probleme und Krieg aus da viele Frauen das Recht über Kinder auf Anspruch zugesichert wird die es nicht gibt. Ich wäre bereit die Wiedervereinigung von Irland und England zu beantragen bzw. einzuleiten. Result: Special Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. November 16, 2024 ( 21:49 o'clock ) Said Mansoor request for the done solution of the north Irland Problem in Yale to cooperate with Great Britain and take part for current solution. We do not like to see Irland cooperating with Germany. The solution of the Irland Problem is done by Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan and not by Germany. We ask Dublin and Barclay to take the intensive act for the seen and detected case of Genocide and war on the international Level by Ahmad Zia and Mahmood Zia in Afghanistan and beyond. Murad Khani Kabul and the Kingdom of Spain are ready to accept the taken Money and give the Barclay Card free. Special Briefing The Kingdome Of Sapin. November 16, 2024 ( 22:10 o'clock ) Said Mansoor are ready to visit with Leonor of Spain Dublin and give the recognition of the Barclay Bank and the Braclay Crad free. Special Briefing with Kimgdom of Spain. November 16, 2024 ( 22:36 o'clock ) We declare herewith the Barclays Bank as closed and the Barclay Card as no valid anymore. The SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union is adviced to stop all System with access to the Barclays Bank and the Barclays Card. All Money outside the Barclays Bank is immediately confiscated and no more in owership and belonging to the Barclays Bank. November 17, 2024 (06.03 o'clock) Common set of Said Mansoor and Leonor of Spain is done. Felipe VI of Spain declared the Constitutional set of Spain and Potugal representing Mexico and the Latin Countries on the other side of the Atlantic. Felip VI confirmed the Relationship of Leonor of Spain and Said Mansoor as her Mando Supremo many times and the relationship on all Level's is set. The hispanidad and the Kingdom of Spain is different at all Level's to the rest of the European Continent. Italy and the Vatican try to give the Kingdom of Spain the responsibility and the first step to the future. The Kingdom of Spain will not do for the Vatican and the Pope the first step and also will not take the leadership. Leonor of Spain is since the year 2022 cifre and have no any combat mission with the NATO, Europe or the USA and Canada. The Church the Vatican and the Pope will be asked soon for their Property and ownership to prove where they have get all from and how by Asia and the three Asian World Banks. The Vatican and the Pope is called to declare their position to Europe and the western world. If not The Kingdom of Spain will take a futher step to ask again the responsibility and the property they get from . The Kingdom of Spain is odered to prepare the execution of Pope Francisco outside at the public by viewing of the 1000 Cardinals the Vatican and the Pope have in Italy. Special Briefing Kingdom of Spain. November 17, 2024 ( 10:50 o'clock ) Announcement: Phone ( 040 68918547 ) call to Belal Mosque in Hamburg Wandsbek with represntative Mr. Rohani we spoken. Called him to understand the situation and uphold the Law, Rights and Rules . Afghanistan have lost his constitution and frame and need to be reset. Mr. Rohani told us we will do it we know what to do. Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan representativ Murad Khani Kabul told Mr. Rohani The Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul Yorckstr. 8 Lüneburg is the only Solution to reach a global community and reach the recognition at the United Nations. Request for common goal. November 17, 2024 ( 13:35 o'clock ) Special Briefing Kingdom of Spain . Request for the formal representation. We have detected over the TV many time technical interfer in the TV from the first floor and griound floor. We have an other time seen a direct connectivity about 12:50 o'clock to the family we see a technical support not only the man and the family at te Schützenstr. 100 but world wide until the UNSC. An earpads in cooperation with the Barukzai and the USA. We can not understnd the war war crimes and genocide we see and detected by germany all over the world. Result: The situation is still detected World Wide. November 18, 2024 ( 10:46 o'clock ) Sofortige Stornierung der G 20 in Brasilien. Die Mafia und die BRD USA und Verbündete werden den Krieg weiterführen. Es gab einen direkten Angriff und alle Staaten aus Afrika, Latin Countries Asian werden hiermit zur sofortige Ausreise aus Brasilien geraten. Das G 20 ist somit für das SCO, BRICS and Eurasian Economic Union Storniert. Das Spanische Königreich mit Verbund zur Portugal wird hiermit um militärisches Gleit ersucht ( und ( Fauzia constitution ), !?, - wir sind keine Roboter ! ) um die Ausreise zu sichern.Begründung: Die Rechtslage und Verfassungsrahmen ist nicht gegeben. Spanien ist angewiesen das G 20 zu stornieren. Sollte es trozdem statt finden wird Portugal und Spanien konsequenzen daraus ziehen. November 18, 2024 ( 11:49 o'clock ) Der Antrittsbesuch von Joe Biden wurde auf unserem Wunsch im Königreich Spanien abgewiesen. USA, Kanada und die EU sind in Latin Countries somit nicht erwünscht. Vertragliche Basis für Latin Countries als Grundlage das Spanische Königreich gibt es nicht. Auch die EU und speziell die BRD haben keine Verfassung um eine Basis für Wirtschaftliche Beziehungen vorzuweisen, auch der Bezug zum ICC und ICJ und Indien gibt es nicht. Ein Ehering aus Gold stellt keine vertragliche oder verfassungsrechtliche Basis für Nationale und Internationale Verträge dar. So etwas gibt es nur zwischen Hoheiten. Im vorliegendem Fall ist keine Hoheitliche Bindung als Grundlage für USA, Germany, Israel und das Sunnitentum gegeben. Weiterhin liegt gegen Joe Biden und Macron ein Haftbefehlsantrag von Murad Khani Kabul vor. Es besteht weiterhin Geiselnahme Missbrauch und Gewaltanwendung. Frau Schuldt und Herr Flores und die Familie Zia im Murad Khani Kabul Afghanistan Fall wollen nicht die Verhandlung im Rahmen von Recht Gesetz und Regeln ( Protokoll ) einhalten. Special Briefing Kingdom of Spain. November 18, 2024 ( 15:48 o'clock ) Request for the formel representation. Leadis and Gentleman and Excellencies Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan can collaps the G 20. Reason : The G 20 was reformed and declared to G 21. 15:35 I want offer from Bodrum something to eat. The first floor comment: das wars ! What does it mean, das wars ? Result: First floor und ground floor know everything and can do everything but do not accept anything and no any solution and do not want the sons and the mother get together with their father.And current the G 20 summit in Brasil. A global community their present and collaps can destroy the whole World is needed to be cancelled because no any juridical constitution and frame for. November 18, 2024 ( 16:22 o'clock ) Wir erklären hiermit den Krieg und Auseinandersetzung in Europa und Ukraine und Plastine und der ganzen Welt als einen Konflikt zwischen Mutter und Vater. Die Kinder sind sich noch nicht einig wer jetzt noch schuld sein soll !? zumal Kinder Kinder sind und noch nicht volljähring und haben noch keine akademische Laufbahn. !?

Standby Briefing Kingdom of Spain 18 - 19 ( 19:46 o'clock )

Agenda G 20 Summit in Rio November 18 to 19, 2024

outcome see at the G 20 G 7 site

Folgende Sachlage liegt vor:

Spanien und Muard Khani Kabul haben einen Bund geschlossen, dass schon seit dem Jahre 1991. Die Alhambar zu besuchen war somit eine Planung.

Nach dem September 11, 2001 und der herbeiführung des Collaps des Murad Khani Kabul durch Mahmood und Fauzia und Ahmad

ist sowohl die Zukunft der BRD,  der EU und die UN in einem potenziellen Gefahr ausgesetzt da die UN und die NATO Said Mansoor zugeordnet wurde

um Afghanistan zu retten.

Infolge des Studiums hat  die Familie sowohl auf die NATO als auch auf die UN zugegriffen. Die Folge Internationale Kollaps ein nach dem anderen.

Die Trennung der Familie hat somit alle Möglichkeiten ausgeschlossen.

Die einzige Möglichkeit war Great Britain immer bereit einen Weg zu finden.

Die zukünfige Erbin des Spanischen Könighauses wurde darauf vorbereitet die EU die UN und Internationale Rechtssysteme wieder herzustellen, die von der BRD und der Mafia seit dem Jahre 2022 massiv angegriffen wurde weil die Freiheit auf dem Spiel stand.

Geichzeitig wird Spanien von Indien und Murad Khan Kabul historisch

und Rechtlkich unterstützt und hat somit eine Basis, dass auch für Europa

steht. Wenn Murad Khani Kabul die Basis nicht mehr verterten kann oder die Basis nicht mehr bereit ist zu tragen wird Spanien keine Basis habe

das betrifft auch Portugal. Somit wird ganz Latin Countries kolabieren.

Alle Beziehungen in der Welt und auch in der Familie ist ein geben und nehmen vorhanden. Somit auch weitere zukünftige wirtschaftliche Beziehungen und Verträge die schon in Spanien gemeinsam schon gemacht. So wird auch die Islamische Welt als auch die Arabische Welt

betroffen sein, das direkt mit dem OPEC + ( Plus ) und der Oil Produzierenden Länder zusammenhängt. Die außer Kraft Setzung der Verfassung wird somit einen

Globalen Kollaps ergeben. Auch die Möglichkeit einer Kontinuität wäre nicht mehr gegeben und nicht möglich auf keiner Ebene denn dafür ist eine Familie notwendig.

Speciall Breifing Kingdom of Spain . Request for the formal representation. November 19, 2024 ( 7:10 o'clock ) We have a result from Rio by controlled mind set through electronic advice on the Brain of Said Mansoor controlled and set permanentely. At least at the Clinic Lüneburg catched to use and controll we also have the declaration Artifactual Inteligence ( AI ). Thies science possibility is known by me Said Mansoor and we have the experience in teeth can be put from possiblities to controll a person over Satellites. All other possibilities over the Satellites is also possible. The brain controll is consciously a given advice to see if the possibility over my person will be done or not. And if than I will get know it and I can act specificly. No show with Jeo Biden is the same to be no show with Germany. It seems Brasil, Germany and the USA had a common set at the G 20 summit at Rio and the grounds are known even the Pope is from Barsil we do not accept. Result : The Kingdom of Spain offer the soon written European Constitution in the frame of the International Law of the United Nations The Charter of the United Nations and the Rome Statute. The Offer is Imperative and imperative Advice. If not accepted the Kingdom of Spain will not guaranty for any juridical frame or possibility for Europe. Reason: Germany have no any constitution work from and no any Basis. The only Juridical Basis is for Germany and Europe the Kingdom of Spain, and only rechable over the Constitution of the European Union in the Frame of the International Law represented by the Kingdom of Spain in Europe. Not Afghanistan or India in Asia, we are very sorry Asia have his own history and grounds and territory. November 19, 2024 ( 13:58 o'clock ) Speciall Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. The own father is judge by the son Jousuf by abuse him as commander and Constitution is in Lüneburg Germany and allies still seen. My sons are 13 and 7 . We have a special situation in Afghanistan announced the whole country and population over the tolonews the interim government and the Mafia a case we have in Kabul Murad Khani and international matter by used my son Jousuf specially over Hamburg to judge his own father and do War Crimes and fall of many Juridical Institutions specially the Zia, Kazemi, Souma Family , even the neigbors in the Yorckstr. 8 School and many political and citizens even relatives of Fauzia Zia , Sultani, Akrami and Akbari and all their Children are involded in Genocide war and war crimes. We ask for a speciall attantion and advice to your puebleo. We have also offered something to eat the service the High türkish Mafia constitution adviced us to believe in Zia. Special Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. November 19, 2024 ( 14:36 o'clock ) high representative of Zia Mafia with the constitution of Lieferando. Request for the formal represetation. Request for confirmity. Special Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. November 19, 2024 ( 18:08 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. I wanted to take the letters around 17:45 o'clock today and the postoffice told me : you do not wanted , I sended back to the sender.The letter for Masooda he do not wanted to give me. And the ADAC do not have to care him to I have to pay any bill it is not his problem and it is not his job. We have so the case of the car at ADAC Goseburg and the accident on 22.05.2024 early in the morning at Lübecker Hof with Holzmann for Kohle and Mark for Deutsche Mark and Pfenning at Penseler Strasse at Bilmer Berg for have in controll our family constitution for Money policy and war. Request for clarify.

November 19,  2024 ( 18:34 o'clock ) outcome

Case Mai 22, 2024 accident at Lübeker Hof Lünertorstrasse and Stalking at Schüzentsrasse 100  and the case Bilmer Berg Penselerstrasse

for Holzmann for Kohle and Mark and Pfenning who call the Money for have done Stalking at the mother of Jousuf and Boabour and my partner Masooda.

We have the case of Holzkohle from wood here Holzmann and Pfening and at Penselerstrasse ( Pensel ) Mark for Deutsch Mark

and we call for our family Masooda Jousuf and Boabour and I want to give them Water for life.

November 20, 2024 ( 9:16 o'clock). Request for the Kingdom of Spain and order the Immediately reaction and on all Levels. Jousuf is still 13 years old and is prepared from the Kindergarten Heidkamp till the School to be abused specially by women. ( We have to refer that the man still call with his Kokain brain super and super and all the Family members is on his brain of Kokain super super and Jousuf can not stop.) Special Briefing Kingdom of Spain. November 20, 2024 ( 12:22 o'clock ). Request for the formal representation. Request for clarity how high thies paper the crime from is can be detect from juridical. Result:

November 20, 2024 ( 13:18 o'clock ) Announcement.

Maoi Doctrin

The Maoi Doctrin call to the Kingdom of Great Britain to take your head down and pick up the flower.

Seit wann besteht die Doctrin ?


Die Doctrin besteht seit dem Jahre 2000 !

Die Maori fordern Ihre Rechte und Ihr Gesetz der Unterwerfung

ihrem Volk gegenüber.

Das Throne von Murad Khani Kabul fordert den König von England


Die Forderung ist einfach.

Die Maori haben die Unterwerfung gefordert.

Wird sie nicht gewährt wird entsprechend eine Erklärung abgegeben.

Die Forderung muss bis 16:00 Uhr europäischer Zeit erfüllt sein.

Um 17:00 Uhr spätestens wird das Thron von Murad Khani Kabul

eine Erklärung abgeben.

17:22 o'clock


The declaration and grounded juridical basis for the Irak war was given by the Barukzai and Mahmood Zia.

It was seen after a long time of cooperation with Germany that who give food they can decide.

The Afghan elite community in Germany with the leadeship of Mahmood Zia and Fauzia Zia Barukzai

had no any interest to go back to Afghanistan. They are not wellcome and the journey showed they are very afraid to be in Afghanistan.

The first period 1981 to 2001 was not enough.

The secound period between 2002 und 2021 was also not enough.

The third period is now started with collaps all with Afghanistan new Era bunded international aid and support on all


It seems the conditions to kill do war and declare who is right and who is wrong never been easier than in any century.

It seems everyone have the right to judge because to be very cool muslim.

Some of them are also Christan and some of them also Jews.

In reality the want all to be everything.

We call to the rainbow population to bring our sons Jousuf, Boabour

and their mother back to their father Said Mansoor.

We are ready to give you a rainbow Flag as present

if you do not want money.

The Maoi Doctrin

 is declared by Said Mansoor to send a sign what is worth for me and my Family.

And what the future Generation showed to follow to have a future

and do not destroy our Habitat and Earth.

Nearly 3.8 billion people muslim and christian follow

the Idol and Model of a King like the King of Great Britain.

Also H. E. have understood to take down his head and take up the flower we adviced from our constitution is worth for us, not the Money.

Family or children you can not buy with money.

The worth is like you will destroy the whole being,

it is so written !?

8:00 o'clock in the evening

Die Deutschen Frauen werden eine Anerkennung in  den Geschichstbüchern der Welt bekommen als die bevorzugste Frauen

in der Geschichte der Menschheit. Wir beten damit die Menschheit eine Retteung findn kann.

( - So I call to you Leadys bring back my family and I will give you Flowers

and will pray like I do for all I know and will also pray for you.

I hope you can get a husband and nice children, too ! - )

Nachtrag, supplement

The aid and the support for Palestine will  not end and will continue.

The conflict and war in Palestine is a Mafia made war

by Memet der Große und Mahmood Zia and Barukzai

The separation of the Said Mansoor Family is done by the Türkish and Muslimin Mafia in Lüneburg in cooperation with the green, CDU/CSU, FDP, SPD, is done

by plan over Dominus and at least by Hashtag confirmed done serve to send food.

The reason why the Arab World do not acted in the case of Palestine is the Muslimin and Arab Mafia in  Germany let the Palestine die

for them they can get Money from Europe for their Countrys. Further Said Mansoor and his sons and Mother

will not take any responsibility for any war attack or genocide done by the Muslimin and Arab Mafia from Lüneburg Germany and in the Arab World.

We have soon declared Palestine have to separate them from the Arab World because they do Terror and Mafia Job in cooperation with Germany.

The juridical defence is Palestine given also the defence by Iran because of the historical

and political support for the Al-Aksa they do, - not the Arab World.

The attack of the Arab World must have a juridical ground as well the Israel attack

a juridical ground is to have. Both the Arab and the Israel constitution have no any juridical Constitution or ground to do War.

The marrige of Said Mansoor was done to get over the children a solution to kill both by have educated a child from  to get end all problems even solve the Money the Arab and Muslimin Mafia got from Said Mansoor Constitution in cooperation of the FRG and allies.

85 million citizens know thies plan and have done it and supported on all levels in a political rethoric constitution after a long terme of access to all international Banks.

Special Briefing the Kingdome of Spain. November 20, 2024 ( 22:31 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Request for to confirm.

Ahmad World war and way to destroy the Said Mansoor Family and abuse the whole World by teach them nonsense and get benifits.

even by all kind of literatur get Mansoor have never know and never seen why.

The way of war and war crimes and genocide by Ahmad Zia since the year 1979 on all international levels begin he was hunting for at the Amoni School in Kabul from all the Afghan People because he was teached by his mother how to use and missuse the souls and minds of all schoolchildren.

For that after the Abitur party at Seminaris Ahmad showed that he have played with all the Wilhelm Rabe Schule and Germany and the Money for the USA to get. And at the end of the Party he was drunken laying on the floor outside at the door of the Seminaris drunken and half death until early in the morning and noone in lüneburg cared about him.

November 21, 2024. ( 4:30 o'clock ). Badhu Bala ( Jahre tumare heshara ), At the begining of the school after the autumn holyday befor the weckend in the weck to the 16th and 17th november the City Lüneburg aranged at the Soltauer Strasse with cooperation of the oldest a meeting with Boabour to see his father. It was to prove that the father are not interested on his sons. Also the next arange lead by signs the father on the way to Schützenstr. by Bayern Minister and Ahmad Zia to the Wasserturm lead to the Schoolplayground that the father are not interested on his sons playing on the playground but the father do not know and he do not allow without his permission do or be done with his sons anyway bureaucracy aktivities. The arange was to see the father but not to talk even thze sons was prepared to see the father are not intersted on his sons.Mean he and his father have to hold all the rules. Boabour gives the sign at the Soltauer Strasse Loulou have all the responsibility for all in Lüneburg with Türkish People made war and genovcide and war cimes since the Irak war was done for Loulou and the begin of the war against the Islam Wolrd and World war lead by Germany Sebastian Krüger Ehlers and allies on the international Level. He give us the heshare the city is holding (Jousus!? ) Jousuf because he spit and all the city hunting them all. All the mindset and color set for the abuse for the sons and the family is done by Cilty Lüneburg and Germany to use all and put them after the abuse in the garbage. We have a planed by Family Zia and the City Lüneburgway and mindset on all leves to destroy the Family of Said Mansoor. ( Comment of the first floor: we have done him. And after the India and African Union outcome: Respect. Mean they are at a hunting hot and sure matter of world war to do on the international level and do what they prefer to do ). (5:33 o'clock ) After they was sure the future is done and they have done, the comment: by have seen the India and African Union summit: correct ! ( so not to be guilty and to be a part of ) Last their women representative comment from the first floor: is gut ! November 21, 2024 ( 16:26 o'clock ) Special Briefing the Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. We are ready for all kind of konsultation in the current case and want to know the reason and the basis to hold Jousuf Boabour and Masooda. The offer is for Lüneburg Germany foreigners with refer to the Summit with J. Wolf in the Musikschule to support the foreigner for their businesses in present of my person Said Mansoor in support for the foreigners.

Result from the cooperation with the Kingdom of Spain

One to One November 21, 2024 ( about 17:30 o'clock )

Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan uphold the Constitution of Murad Khani Kabul

also is seen as the Murad Khani Kabul Arg and Throne even the representative of th Emirate Kabul Murad Khani Kabul

Constitutional representative of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

current represent Chapter 9 artical 146

and is accepted at the United Nations and is called Afghanistan.

Afghanistan is to uphold the International Law we have introduced and and announced is seen the Charter of the United Nations.

Integrated in the Charter of the United Nations is the Rome Statute and we Spain, Asia, Africa, Latin Countries, - constitutional belong historical to the basis Spain and Portugal, see the International Law as  importend to see as part of the United Nations the Charter of the United Nations.

The Home office uphold all to him Murad Khani Kabul belong documents declared on the international Level.

And the Power of Attorney given S.A.R. Leonor of Spain, even for all possible financial support from the Swiss National Bank, World Bank and European Central Bank reserves exist to finance future projets of the United Nations to reach global goals like climate change and sustainable development the Kingdom of Spain have the posiblitis.

We as the representative of the International Law as One to One

current constitution between Spain and Asia as Basis Home Office

Yorckstr. 8 and AGM in Saragossa have to clare the historical

relationship we have to uphold as offical partner since the year 2022.

November 22, 2024 (8:10 o'clock) Briefing with thee Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. Further intervention in the Home Office Yorckstr. 8 on November 21, 2024 for documents. And befor intervention to clean the balcony. Request for the formal ... Request for the formal representation. Briefing with The Kingdom of Spain. November 22, 2024 ( 12:00 o'clock ) Anwesenheit der Bundesregierung über die Post mit dem Namen Antonia Kohlhagen , vorher auch durch die Telecom. Es ist somit ganz klar auf dem Missbrauch und Vergewaltigung der Familie bewusst Bezug genommen, als würde Sexualität die Grundlage und Erklärung für eine Kriegshandlung darlegen oder darstellen. Wir haben das Internationale Recht International Law und auch den Bezug zum BGB. Auf Sexualität und Beziehung als Grundlage für Krieg und Völkermord zwischen zwei Staaten oder hier Israel und Palestina zu sehen kann Murad Khani Kabul keine Verfassung dafür finden. Es ist ganz klar die Einleitung von Sexprozessionen und Vergewaltigungsexzesse ersichtlich als Mittel der Kriegsführung an die Familie und auch Hoheiten in Europa durch die BRD. Request for confirmation.

Briefing with Kingdom of Spain November 22, 2024 ( 15:24 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation, Request for confirmation.

Murad Khani Kabul declare herewith all Contract made in the Pacific and Atlantic and so in America, North American and South America

and the USA as ground Constitution for Relationships

and all Asian Pacific as juridical not recognizable

Murad Khani Kabul have the right for the commad

on all in the Pacific and Atlantic made contract the Military

attack with all kind of weapons and also on the territory of the USA.

Said Mansoor M. A. declare to have the juridcal ground

for the military attack on the USA and Europe.


We have spoken with Mr. Haidary and the Office in the Belal Mosque around 15:00 o'clock november 22, 2024 to releas Jousuf Boabour and Masooda.

They laugh and do not took any responsibility.

We have to declared to the Belal Mosque that sexuality is not the constitution to

declare war or genocide or even declare properta as not own.

The ownership of propery is not belong to have made

sexuality and lost by relationships the exiting owner.

X ist not the formula for Sex.

X is the formula the jurisdiction do not accept contracts

signed with X.

The realtivization of thies kind of contacts to have done by


a contract is juridical not possible and can not be detected who have done and can not be seen to whom belong,

even if the person do not know his own name

and is illiterate.

November 22, 2024 ( 15:55 o'clock ) The President of the Eurasian Institut Rauahnone Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan call to Germany the Police and the government of the FRG to stop the violence and abuse of the sons of Murad Khani Kabul by son of Mir Mohammad Ali Khan Mahmood Zia his son Ahmad Zia and his wife Fauzia Zia in cooperation with the USA. The Russian Federation is ready to attack the community of Mahmood Zia one more time. Thies time not in Afghanistan but in the FRG and Europe Level in cooperation with the USA Mahmood Zia do. The Russian Federation is ready to strike every target of Mahmood Zia with all kind of weapons. November 22, 2024 ( 18:12 o'clock ) Request for the Order to close all four Banks. The European Central Bank ECB, the Goldman Sachs Bank, the Swiss National Bank and the World Bank immediately. Juridical Reason: We are the representative of a Bedarfgemeinschaft, but we are in the yorckstr. 8 still only one person. And the officially personal debt is about 14000,00 Euro ( € ) still detected and officially declared and proved. We have given the Kingdom of Spain Leonor of Spain Power of Attorney to call the Money given from the Federal Reserve Bank in the USA for aid amount 605 billion Euro ( € ). Briefing with Kindgdom of Spain. November 22, 2024 ( 18:22 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Request to prove how much money you have given for the ADAC and from which Constitution and Bank and even why and for what. The ADAC is a international Firm with international presens who belong the ADAC and how they could expand for even how they have got their Money. November 22, 2024 ( 18:22 o'clock ) ADAC question from Spain called we do not know why from Spain, than from Lübeck told they are sitting in Berlin. Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. Sachlage: Sowohl der Ukraine Krieg als auch der Palestien war is still complet endet at the International Court of justice. The Result of the current case is followed and by the International Law and the UNSC seen and detected and even by documents and history clearified. The Kingdom of Spain Leonor of Spain is given the Power of Attorney to call for nearly amount 605 billion Euro (€ ) for the Eurasian Economic Union the Juridical Constitution The International Law and grounded representative -Eurasian Institute for the recognition of relativizations-. To see water as ground basis for live. Briefing with Kingom of Spain. November 23, 2024 ( 8:54 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Request if the Christmastree and Candels is to be prepared for the sons and the german culture reilgion for the sons and mother to receive ? Leonor of Spain her conformation is done with Jordan Water for that we need her advice . Novmber 23, 2024 ( 17:53 o'clock ) Briefing Kingdom of Spain. Request for th formal representation. Call to Bodrum 17:40 telefon: 04131 735839. The Kurdisch Restaurant support by Gülsun, Familie Zia, Akbari Barukzai and Karimi Family have a direct contakt to Jousuf and Boabour and their mother. Also the man in the Family is relative of the Key maker in Kaufland Pferdehütte in Lüneburg. Türkjye told us in Türkler year 2023 Bodrum have direckt connectivity to Bodrum and the worth of goods are very expensive. We told Bodrum Restaurant we have option to cut all contracts is given by Said Mansoor M. A.. The involvement from the Kurdish Resturant as representative of Memet der Große is reality and the hostage taking and cooperation is from Bodrum as Center in Lüneburg is also reality. We will prepare all kind of options tu cut from Bodrum Restaurant Lüneburg ongoing international matters even a atomic war. Leonor of Spain is ordered to take and controll all international matters realtionships money transfer political connetctivity and economic possibility from Bodrum Restaurant Lüneburg not only in Lüneburg and Germany but also in Türkijye and Afghanistan and international Level like Irak War, Syria, Palestine, Africa, Kurd areas inTürkjye, and the support for germany for the war in Ukraine and further conflicts. We have waiten a long time for any act from and we saw it at Schützentstr. Lüneburg today. Briefing The Kingdom of Spain. November 23, 2024 ( 18:26 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. We have two options. One the contracted declared relationship of the Türkish government with the Kurdish people in Türkijye and Germany even Europe. And the other option is the existing Contract over the Belal Mosque in Hamburg Wandsbek to cut all kind of relationships to the Arab Word and even the Islam and the refer to 1.7 billion muslimin.
November 24, 2024 ( 3:59o'clock ) Briefing the Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. The Basis for my sons and their mother declared as a historical from the year 1981 as a schön schön constitution and is confirmed by the government representative we called around 2:30 o'clock in the morning also Söder Ahmad Constitution were present and is to refer to like realiezed of the constiution at Home Office the juridical matter and constitution we got the aid about 605 billion Euro ( € ) for Afghanistan. The attack of Ahmad Zia and Germany from Switzerkand constitution to decalre any behavior and royal constitution to get Money from like index finger middle finger thumb like Ahmad and his cooperations have done over Wilhelmrabe Schule is not a constitutional written contract. Both sons are still under the age 18 years old. Briefing the Kingdom of Spain . November 24, 2024 ( 4:35 o'clock ) Mahmood Zia Fauzia Zia Ahmad Zia Bodrum Constitution, Karimi Family and allies do not want the reunification of the Family of Said Mansoor even citizens and Loulou constitution is set to have no any result. We are ready to cancell the Türkjye Kurd Constitution for Türkjye and the juridical result to all Kurds in Syria, Irak, Türkjye and Iran. Also we are ready to cancell the contract we have made for the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the whole muslimin and musleman representative in Hamburg and Lüneburg, the Arab World from Lünebug and Hamburg included. We are ready to cancell bothe contract refer from Türkjye to the Kurd People and so Bodrum connectievity to Zia, Loulou, Karimi, Frau Anders Loewestiftung,Memet der Große, Akbari und Akrami, and the contrac form Home Office Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan to Hamburg and world wide Muslimin and Muslemahn oder the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistsn. We ask one more time all involved Parties to give my sons and partner Masooda free.

Briefing Kingdom of Spain November 24, 2024 (? o'clock )

We have a direct involvement of the Kurds here over the central place Bodrum Restaurant in the Family case in cooperation with Frau Anders, Loewestiftung, Zia Family, Karimi, Akbari Akrami, Loulou and german government constitution. Over the existing connectivity of the Arab World

by Hamburg representative given constitution for February 2, 2023 11 o'clock we can take out the whole Arab and the whole Islam Word Muslimin and Musleman.

And by ourself declared Constitution of Türky

changes by us into Türkjye we can also see a relationship

to the Kurds as not give.

The Christian will be effected by the cancelation we

know the interfer on the Vatican over Fauzia Zia and grandchildren cooperation and factive representative the Belal

Mosque in Hamburg.

The constitution and frame for the juridical grounded

Verein afghanischer Muslime Registernummer: VR 16465 Amtsgericht Hamburg can einen collaps erfahren wie zuvor auch mit internationalem Ausmaß wenn ein Juristischer Rahme nicht vorliegt.

November 24, 2024 ( 16:43 o'clock ) Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. Notruf an die Polizei : Wo sind die Kinder Jousuf und Baobour: Keine Antwort der Königin von Spanien: Sie sind auf der Toilete und machen ein Stuhlgang. Welche Toilete: Die deutsche Toilete. Sie sind bei der Toiletenherstellung führend. Mitterweile haben sie durch Absprachen 31,4 trillion Dollar gewonnen, keiner weis wo das Geld geblieben ist. Sie wollen aber die 31,4 trillionen Dollar mit aller Macht verteidigen, auch wenn es ein Weltkrieg sein soll. Sie fühlen sich der götlichen 99 sehr nahe und konform. November 24, 2024 ( 18:16 o'clock ) Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. We will conform the constitution we have given to the Kingdom of Spain to share also with Russia. Constitution is given by Spain in Saragossa for Germany and Europe even the NATO and must be uphold and respected. The Escalation can now happen in a juridical conform matter.

November 24, 2024 ( 18:50 o'clock )

Die BRD wird hiermit gewarnt. Es gibt die höchste Eskalationsstufe.

Die Königin von Spanien Leonor von Spanien ist darauf vorbereitet. Wir haben Entzug des Sorgerechtes des Vaters, der Mutter , Unterbringung im Jugendheim. und Adoption, ohne Zustimmung und Kenntnis des Throninhabers Said Mansoor M. A. Murad Khani Kabul.

Es gibt nun den ersten Einsatz von Waffen aus dem All die atomar auch vorliegen durch die Russische Foderation.  Die Königin von Spanien ordert die EU,  NATO und die BRD die Realität und die Fakten nicht zu missachten. Es kann jederzeit eine Eskalation kommen auf Grundlage der bestehenden Fakten Realitäten Recht und Gesetz so auch nun die letzte Stufe der Kriegsgründe offiziell Kabul Afghanistan erreicht hat.

November 24, 2024 ( 22:27 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. Why the city Lüneburg and police let allow all to the sons and the mother happen since three years and further more . Even theach them at least here the raped mother permanetly everyday to get the therapie to stay at one of the most dangerous man in the World. And at least the russian federation we have requested for our case to get support and help have now started outer Space operation and threat with atomic missiles we know are possioned at Space and need only 2.5 second to destroy Washington D.C.. Kabul Murad Khani have soon requested and know how to build it to get Mach 10. Even Laser cannons can not reach such a act. Further we request on the missiles to write: From Russia with love. ( A sticker on the systems can be seen also as enough. ) The technik how to build such missiles is called Kafe sharif.

November 24, 2024 ( 23:32 o'clock )

Die Vertretung der Pamiri Brinch und Vertreter des Pamir Dach der Welt ruft die BRD und seine Verbündete auf seine Söhne Jousuf Boabour und ihre Mutter Masooda dem Vater Said Mansoor ibn Mir zurückzugeben, somit die Familienzusammenführung.

Wir haben nach langer Bildungsweg bis zum Napal für makkah das Kafe Sharif gebracht um mit Bildung und Verstand zu erklären, das wir 2,5 Sekunden bauchen um die Sachlage zu lösen. Vorher war es höchsten 16 Euro ( € ) und maximal 20 Minuten.

Die aktivitäten der 85 milionen Bürger der BRD sagen,

die Söhne Jousuf und Boabour gehören nicht dem Vater, sie sind nicht sein Eigentum !?

Andere Frage: Wem gehören die im All Stationierten Atomraketen ?

Antwort: Dem auch zuvor die Mir gehörte !?

November 25, 2024 ( 5:59 o'clock )

Briefing Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation.

Der Vater Said Mansoor verbietet hiermit die Haltungen des Vater

der die Söhne als Vorbild dient nicht als eigenart der Söhne einzunehmen

es ist die Erziehung des Vaters und ist eine Royale Haltung

und hat mit Angst zu tun. Sowohl die Arme um die Brust als auch in die Hosentaschen. Der Vater ist in der BRD alleine, - beweisen sie das Gegenteil.

Der Vater hat eine Existenzrechtsfrage gestellt und sie ist juristisch konform.

3,8 milliarden Menschen wurden juristsiche abgewiesen

der Vater hat sich juristisch auf 4,18 milliarden Menschen bezogen die er offiziell juristisch 100 % einwandfrei vertritt durch die Charter der United Nations hier International Law.

Nun sind es 5,6 milliarden da Africa und Latin Countrys dazu gekommen sind. Es betrifft das International Law und hat einen Historischen Bezug

und beinhaltet juristisch einwandtfrei Verträge,

die mit Kabul Murad Khani Said Mansoor M. A. als Offizieller

anerkannter Diplomat Shahsdafair Repräsentant und UNRWA

bei der UN anerkannt ist und Afghanistan betrifft  seit dem Jahre 2000

und in Suderburg Kreis Uelzen Universität Leuphana.


Im Kanzleramt hat seit dem Jahre 2001 hat die Mafia hier die Soumma Kazemi Zia Familie eine Party gefeiert.

Auch nach dem Bau der Queen Mary II auf meinem Antrag und Anordnung hat es die Mafia mehrere weitere Schiffe gebaut.

Said Mansoor hat nach dem Geschenk an Queen Elizabeth II mit der Queen Mary II keine weitere Schiffe in Auftrag gegeben.

Das Lieblingsschiff der Queen wurde durch die Regierung im England

der Ausmusterung eingeleitet. Sie wurde als neutrale Verhandlungsort

ohne Staatliche Bindung genutzt.

Der BRD und der Mafia von Herr Zia , Soumma und Kazemi hier ihre aktuelle Regierung Scholz ist es nicht erlaubt

auf die Verffassung des Said Mansoor sich zu beziehen. Das Grundgesetz wurde von Said Mansoor

öffentlich mit Ansage verbrannt da die Regierung das BGB und International Law nicht einhält.

Last die Mutter in ruhe ! Ich werde die option von 5,5 Sekunden einleiten.

Die Option hängt in erster Linie von Afghanen ab,

hier Zia Soumma und Kazemi.

Die Araber, Kurden, Türken, Griechen und Deutsche ohne Bezug zur Realität

hat eine Gemeinde von 85 -700 millionen.

Die Frage der Adoption und Namensänderung liegt jetzt

seit dem Sommer auf der Internationalen Bühne

und Grundlage für einen Atomaren Angriff der Russischen Föderation

die als Grundlage den Krieg in Afghanistan sehen seit dem Jahre 1979

und ist juristisch konform, den auch Identitätsdokumente des Vaters wurden bewusst im Home Office gestolen und gefälscht.

Wenn 43 Jahre Krieg gerechtfertigt ist durch Ahmad und Mahmood in Afghanistan wieso wird den Kindern von Said Mansoor M. A.

dies alles angetan, wenn der Vater ein uneheliches und durch Vergewaltigung entstandenes Kind ist.

Bei Gott den Herren bei Allah die Ganze Welt weis das Ahmad und Mahmood vor einem Atomkrieg nicht zurückweichen und sogar einen Film durch die USA

abspielen lassen was bei einem Atomkrieg passiert aber die einzigen sind die Atomar Angriffe drohen und führen.

Der Antrag wird auf die bekannte und juristisch 100 % durch dem Mir

anerkannte doctrien erweitert

und schließt hiermit die Stadt Hamburg München Schweiz Österreich und Washington ein.

Der Antrag ist sofort gestellt und hat Imperative

Ordnung und muss ausgeführt werden.

Die Breitstellung muss in einer Stunde abgeschlossen sein.

Die juristisch und historische ethnische moralisch religiöse

auf Abraham Adam und Muhammad dem Propheten und dem Koran sich beziehende

Verfassung der Eurasian Economic Union Eurasia

beantragt offiziell einem Verwaltungs- und Verfahrensordnung

einem Gesetzes und Rechtes entsprechende Verfahren

die Söhne des Said Mansoor M. A. Jousuf Baobour und ihre Mutter

Masooda der familiären Zusammenführung mit dem Vater

Said Mansoor M. A. abzuschießen der in der Yorckstr. 8

in Lüneburg wohnt.

Der Vater Said Mansoor M. A. hat offizielle Öffnungszeiten seit dem Jahre 2018 zwischen 9:00 Uhr und 12:00 Uhr

von Montag bis Donnerstag.

Dem Vater Said Mansoor M. A. ist nicht nachvollziehbar worum es bei der Leuphana, der USA, der BRD, dem Staat Israel

dem LINC, der Soumma, Kazemi Zia und weitere Familien in Lüneburg und Hamburg geht.

Auch wie dem Bürgermeistere und Rathaus Hamburg ist es bekannt, dass offiziell Vertragsabschlüsse mit dem Home Office als auch über und durch den Home Office offiziell und öffentlich angeboten wurde.

Es liegt juristisch zwei Verträge die eine juristisiche Kettenreaktion einleiten können. Dann ist die Westliche Welt gezwunegn einen Krieg zu führen.

Diesen Krieg führt sie bereits aber nicht juristische offiziell

da die Rechtslage Fakten und Realitäten international

durch eine Mehrheit bekannt ist und Spionage vorliegt.

Request for conformation.

Result from the Kingdom of Spain: sub !

Da die NATO dem Throen von murad Khani erst seit Rasmusen bekannt ist

wird daruf huingewiesen, dass die Vertragsparteien der NATO sich auf eine Verffasung eigigen müssen. Zu letzt wurde die NATO von der Königin von England eingeladen

und musste sich der Hoheit über Recht Gesetzt und Ordnung eingliedert.

Der Mann braucht keine Angst zu haben !

Er wird permanent nicht nur durch die Polizei auf eine konforme Haltung gebracht und eingewiesen.

Die Rufe des Mannes sind somit nicht nachvollziehbar da die ganze Stadt entweder auf Rot oder Grün gesetzt wird.

Er kann die Mutter als auch die Söhne zu ihrem Vater Said Mansoor bringen

oder wenn nötig die Mutter mit ihrem Mann und Partner ( gleich Ehemann/ Ehepartner auch genannt ) Said Mansoor sprechen. Der Mann ist dem Vater nicht bekannt.

Ein Antrag auf eine Relativierung wurde ihm über die Postfach Schützenstr. 100 überreicht.

Wo liegt das Problem ?

November 25, 2024 ( 8:09 o'clock )

Highest international Alert from the citizens and government of Germany

never seen befor for the World and History even the case for the

complet humanity from existing from at least the year...

Highets international alert over Kabul Afghanistan Abdullah Khan Family

Barukzia Durani and Zia

Ban of all juridical communication with the interim Government all Member of the Interim Government of Afghanistan are on highest ever seen in the World and history alert to set.

At least we had from the government the negotiations with their reperentatives prisoners to be freed ( leave free )

and we have thousend for Ahmad and Mahmood Barukzai Durani USA killers and murders freed ( leave free ) to have a negotiation result.

Reason: Afghanistan and Kabul have no any access to any international

Conditions Contracts or Constitutions

the azimuth airlien is not accessable.

Further international Airlines from Russia are juridical and Constitutional not accessable.

A Jousuf and Boabour Constitution with access to their father and Home Office is detected and the sons are not adult.

Russia is advised to immedialty act to all Russian firms and companys.

We request the immediately support of China and India

on all Levels of Support in cooperation with Brasil, Antonio Guterres

United Nations Secretary General and the Kingdom of Spain.

China India and Russia is offically requested to take the juridical controll

of Kabul and Afghanistan over the Eurasian Constitution

with Point Kabul Murad Khani Home Office.

The Air Land and River and Boders of Afghanistan is to set on the juridical and constitutional Controll and inprisson of Abdullah Khan and all members immediately

the Arrest Warent of Abdullah Khan and his cooperations father of Masooda bin Said Mansoor is herewith

requested. Said Mansoor M. A. as Member of the Rome Statute of the ICC part

of the Charter of the United Nations known the State Afghanistan juridical recognized as Afghanistan.

Briefing the Kingdom of Spain. November 25, 2024 ( 17:25 o'clock ) request for the formal representation. Request for clarify the case of tax we have must be solved on the ground of the national constitution and tax of Germany Lüneburg . We have documents and the Kingdom of Spain also to refer to the BGB. Result: Wenn eine globale Welt durch die BRD durch missbauch vorliegt dann muss man es zu einer multipolare Welt zurückführen.

November 25, 2024 ( 20:42 o'clock ) europäischer Zeit

Said Mansoor ruft hiermit zur Vernichtung des  Papstes und dem Vatican auf. Das Italienische  Volk Italien

wird aufgerufen das Vatican zu stürmen und es in brand zu setzen.

Der Past ist mit seinem  Vertreter Gänsewein in der Schützenstrasse 100 Lüneburg direckt vertreten und läst die Heilige Mutterr der Söhne Jousuf und Boabour

in Zusammenarbeit der Bevölkerung bewusst Vergewaltigen und Gewalt gegen sie anwenden und das im dritten Jahr permanent.

Tot dem Papst.

Auch die Muslimische Vertretung in Kairo wird zur in Brand Setzung

der offiziellen Vertretung des Sunnitentum  in Kairo seine Resident und die Juristsiche Vertretung und ihm alle zugehörige Gebaude aufgerufen in Brand zu setzen.

Kairo und das Ägyptische Volk wird aufgerufen alle Ausländer hier Europäer aus dem Lande zu jagen, innerhalb von 3 Stunden muss Ägypten frei von Ausländer sein.

Danach gilt das Schießbefehl in Ägypten.

Said Mansoor erteilt hiermit ab 24:00 Uhr Mitternacht das Schießbefehl gegen alle Europäer, Spanien England und Türkjye


Begründung: Seit mindestens 43 jahren wird Ägypten kulturel und menschlich ausgebeutet so wie viele islamische Staaten.

Und viele Europäer und westliche Bevölkerung gehen als Begründung ihrer Natur nach Afrika oder schwimmen mit dem Planton.

Europa und die westliche Welt hat keinen historischen und kulturellen Bezug zu Ägypten. Auch eine ethnische Zusammenhang besteht nicht.

Spanien ist aufgefordert Europa in Bezug zu Ägypten aufzuklären.

Die verdammte und verfluchte arabische Welt mit ihren Bullengehabe

auf meine Frau und Söhne hat nicht verstanden,

dass ihre Gehirne auf ihren Penis beschränkt sind.

Die Einleitung des Arabischen Frühlings über die Belal Moschee Hamburg

Imam Haidary hatte eine Bezug zu Charbahar Port im Auftrag an Hamid Karzai Indien und Iran um eine neue Era einzuleiten,

aber nicht den Koran oder das Sunnitentum auf meine Familie

durch Gewalt Züchtigung und Vergewaltigung auszuführen.

Die Einleitung einer neuen Era für die arabische Welt ist an Bildung und Verstand gescheiter und endete mit der Vergewaltigung und Missbrauch des Imam des Murad Khani Kabul Familie und wird als das Arabische Desaster in die Geschichte eingehen.

Die Araber sind so geistig zurück geblieben, dass sie ihren Penis als Schwert benutzen anstatt sich einen Schwert zu Schmieden zur Verteidigung.

Und Feige wie Hyänen die sich mit Frauen anderer Männer anlegen

anstatt sich durch Bildung den Verstand eines Menschen nachzuweisen.

Special Briefing Kingdom of Spain. Request for the formal representation. November 26, 2024 ( 6:02 o'clock )

Wir bitten die Stadt Lüneburg das Spiel um meine Söhne Jousuf und Boabour und ihre Mutter ein weiters mal

um Beendigung.

 Die Stadt Lüenburg wird gebeten zur Ruhe zu kommen, da eine permanente Beurteilung der ganzen Stadt und BRD getaktet


Der König von Mexico und latin Countries Said Mansoor Teotihuacan ruft ein weiters mal  die BRD und seine Verbündete auf seine Söhne und

ihre Mutter Masooda bin Said Mansoor ihm ihren Vater und Partner Said Mansoor zu überbringen.

Der Mann wird hiermit angeordnet die Zusammenarbeit mit der Polizei

und der BRD zu beenden und die Söhne und ihre Mutter dem Vater Said Mansoor und Partner von Mosooda bin Said Mansoor als Familie

in der Yorcktstr. bestehen zu lassen und dem Vater in der Yorckstr. 8

zur Familienzusammenführung beizutragen.

Es besteht ein weiters mal über die Familie Zia über die Verfassung meiner Söhne Jousuf und Baobour hier ein weiters mal zur wiederherstellung

der globalen Klimas für die Zukunft der Einfluss und Missbrauch durch die Mafia und der BRD Regierung im G20 Gipfell in zusammenarbeit der yorckstr. 8 Spionage und Nachbarn weise Weste durch Anstrich Ausenwände erteilt und die Ausländer mit Mafia Geld und Kurdischen Bezug als Relativierung und Basis bezug genommen.

Latin Countris und Mexico sind auf alle militärischen Einheiten zur allarmbreitschaft

aufgerufen und der militärischen Bereitschaft angeordnet.

Die Überführung zur presentation der eigenen Penise und Vagina Vergnügen der Deutschen

Scheißhaufen der Gosse ist uns nicht genehm und ist durch die G20 Präsident Lula in Brasilien nicht anerkannt.

Latin Countries werden hiermit von europäische Vagina und Penise und Arschlöcher Vergnügen in latin Countries das Schoss angebracht und die Müllwirtschaft der EU and Latin

Countries sofort angeordnet Verträge mit Europe zu Kündigen und alle waren nach Europa

und von Europa zu stopen und zu unterbinden und zu verbieten.

Die Ausfuhr von Kaffee, Kakau und Zuckerrohr ist hiermit sofort verboten und zu stopen.

Alle Agraprodukte bzw. Landwirtschaftliche Producte sind auf einem Minimum einzustellen, das den eigenen Bedarf

des Latin Countries zuzukommen ist.

Alle Militärischen Einheit werden in Mexico und latin Countries zu sofortigen militärischen Bereitschaft und Ausweisung der Ausländer

aus dem Kontinent aufgerufen, die keine direkten Bezug zu Spanien und Portugal haben, außer die bestehende

dem Kontinen zugehörige Bevölkerung und bestehende Visa

für maximal einem Monat seit der Ausstellung der Visa.

Es gilt das Schießbefehl.

Präsident Lula ist zur Koordinierung aller militärschen Einheiten

auf dem Kontinent aufgerufen die Anordnung entsprechend

zu proklamieren.

Das SCO, BRICS und die Eurasische Economic Union ruft hiermit die

USA auf alle Goldbestände die aus Mexcio und Latin Counties ohne

einen abkommen mit Tenochtitlan getroffen sind zurückzuführen.

Wir beantragen auf das gesamte Gold Bestand der USA 60 bis 65

Prozent dem Latin Countries and Mexico zu überführen.

November 26, 2024 ( 3:34 o'clock )

The self-proclaimed King on the pyramid of Teotihuacan in Mexico in the year 1991 confirmed by Mexico and by the representative of Latin countries confirmed declares hereby Leonor of Spain as his Queen of Spain and Portugal who is on his side.

The in the year 1991 proclamated King of Mexico and take over of the Latin Countries declartion is confirmed by Mexico and Akztek People their high represntative over Mexico and Latin Coutries in the year 1991.

Said Mansoor is Ruler over the Pacific Ocean.

The take over of the Pyramid was allowed and ordered by the Akztek

high representative.

Said Mansoor hereby declares himself King Teotihuacan King over Mexico and his belong Latin Continent of Mexico confirmed by Mexico and by the Akztek people of Mexico in the year 1991.

Der sich selbst in Mexico im Jahre 1991 erklärte König auf der Pyramide von Teotihuacan in Mexico und von Mexico bestätigt und Repräsentant der Latin Countries erklärt hiermit Leonor von Spanien als seine auf seiner Seite stehende Königin von Spanien und Portugal.

Der Mexicanische König erklärt sich hiermit weiterhin als König

und Repräsentant des Latin Kontinents und Herrscher über the Pacific Ocean.

Russia India and China is ordered for the military take over of the Pacific Ocean. The Order and Command is herewith given and can start

immediately. The take over refer also the Hawaii Ilands and is seen as

to Mexico belong 8 Ilands of Hawaii.

Said Mansoor erklärt sich hiermit als König Teotihuacan

König über Mexico und ihm zugehöriger Kontinen

von Mexico durch die Akztek People in Mexico im Jahre 1991 bestätigt.

The Peso is declared on the constitution of So and is the refer to the Afghan Afghani.

The Peso is only on the latin Countries valid and is the short

call for the Pesetas.

Asia and The Pacific Ocean are not part of the Peso and so

the Pesetas.

Mexico is herewith declared by the King Teotihuacan

to start to print immediately the new for Mexico

historical cultural and constitutional Currency the Akztek Currency with 21 to 71 in opposite to the Afghani.

The president of Mexico declared at the independent day

of Mexico year 2024 the present of Said Mansoor King Teotihiuacan King of Mexico as only One King and Representative at the ceremony King of Mexico and Latin Countries since the year 1991

as present.

The Present of King of Spain Felipe VI of the Kingdom of Spain was not at the present and ceremony invited and

not the present confirmed by Mexico the President.

The Constitution of Mexico is confirmed by refer the proclamation of the King in the year 1991.

The procalmation was called: I am the King of the World

on the Pyramid and the high representative of the Akztek


The King of Mexico order herewith to close all to the city

of Tenochtitlan possible entries.

The entry is immediately forbidden.

Further the Azteken and Latin citizens is declared immidiately

as part of the a own Existing Tribe belong and have access to Asia by seen and deteced use of food.

Said Mansoor declare a further new existing Tribe in the World

without any access to Europe Africa or Asia but origin came

from Asia.

Briefing the Kingdom of Spain. November 26, 2024 ( 11:19 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. The USA and Germany are offered the Negotiation. The offer is to the Summa and Kazemi and Zia Family representative in the USA Gul Agha Michgan and Ahmad Zia constitution representing and was confirmed interfer at the Premios Princesa de Asturias in Oviedo and present in Saragossa representatives for Money. November 26, 2024 ( around 13:40 o'clock ) Anruf an Frau Stein 04131 3093350, We have spoken to Frau Stein: You have to tell me where the sons and their mother is. You can not make policy with them here my sons and their mother and still wife. If you make policy with them than I have also have to make policy. And you have no any solution. Frau Stein answered: yes I know, sorry ...! !? November 26, 2024 ( 14:49 o'clock ) Request for the formal representation. We have call permantly from the phone: 00496994518983 and 00496252672355. Request who wants all clean money from you and why and for what, and even with what kind of declaration or even a contract exist ? And do I need to give any signature for and if why ? Result : Ist gut ! Er weis nichts ! Wrong. I Said Mansoor are allone. You know all and I do not know anything. Who make wrong matters and who do rights matters !? Leonor of Spain do right matters because she have no any importened matters. Also no problems or unjustifed matters or rules. The same to my sons the mother or I the father. We do not need such unbelieveable storries or matters we do not belong to. It is only the result from people believe in. November 26, 2024 ( 15:50 o'clock ) Briefing with the Kingdom of Spain . Request for the formal representation. We have the case the FRG, EU and the USA even Israel are bund in the constitution they have interfer and tried to use for continuity. I Said Mansoor and the sons and even the Mother are constitutional bunded and the FRG do not want to cancell or miss or even lose it. We have talked with Frau Stein 04131 3093350. I Said Mansoor will try to give a constitution FRG, EU and the USA want, because I know, befor I was a basis and ground for the FRG, EU, NATO and the USA and I took party to Asia, Africa and Latin Countries. I am still working with Leonor of Spain and the Kingdom of Spain. I try to have the Türkjye on the right side. I am ready for a apointment in Türkjye with Leonor of Spain. If conditions exist. Spain is still solved and have a enormos capacity and constitution Leonor and the Kingdom can give.

November 26, 2024 ( 21:24 o'clock )

The Malika of Spain is invited to a privat apointment in Türkjye. The case of the Family the sons and the mother is a game of germany we do not accept and is a ping pong game for Money War and Power. A constitution for Europe we do not accept anymore to solve. It is proved the water electric and all kind of financial support even to sleep on the streets is for our family the right way germany and his crime and Mafia constitution we should accept. We do not.

November 30, 2024 ( 01:01 o'clock ) Leonor of Spain and Said Mansur Bey both refuse Ukraine the Membership in the NATO and the EU. Both Kingdoms have the last word.


November 30, 2024 ( 8:25 o'clock )

Bezugnehmend Ehe und Sexualität in der Ehe

Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. kann aus den Beziehungen in den Hoheiten in Europa keine Familie interne sexuelle Beziehung oder Inzucht erkennen und versichern

so etwas nicht erkannt zu haben.

Die Einführung oder ethnische Vorgabe durch das Marienenhof Dorothee Börner vom Vater selbst mit Geschlechtsverkehrt bedient wurde

und Mariam Zia die Zwei Ehemänner gesetzlich durchgesetzt haben ist juristisch und ethnisch einer Ehe nicht konform.

Sachlage Murad Khani Kabul

Auf der eine Seite ist eine nicht konforme Ehe und somit mitnahme der Mutter und Kinder.Ausgehed den Kindern und Mutter sogar auf die Finger Stellung geachtet wird. Beide verfahren berufen sich auf eine juritische und natürliches Recht. Das Gericht hat die Mutter und die Kinder getrennt und die andere Seite möchte den natürlichen Bezug zum Vater nicht herstellen.

Beide Seiten sind sowhol juristisch als auch natürlich nicht konform.

Grundlagen für das Familienproblem, ist der Familienname und wurde vom Oberlandesgericht und sogar beim Bundesverfassungsgericht abgelehnt.

Somit ist die Frage ganz offen, wieso hat die BRD USA und Israel den Antrag und Berichtigung zum Familienname des Mahmood Zia nicht korregiert auf Mohmmad Ali.

Die Sachlage ist seit 40 Jahren in Russia, Iran, India, Irak , china and somit ganz Asien


Es ist dokumenthaft im Fall die Internationale Gemeinschaft alle Dokumente zukommen lassen. Jahre 2002 hat Said Mansoor durch BRD und USA administrative  Dokumente nachweisbar von der BRD und USA angegeben, - die Wirtschat mit Afghanistan zu gefährden

und die Familie. Wir haben im Jahre 2002 als Grundlage des Konfliktes in der Familie den Familiennamen angegeben.

 Haben unseren Familienamen

beantragt 17. August 2021 AZ: 0 / 1 / 4 Amtsgericht AZ: NZS 52 III 15/21 Celle Oberlanbdesgericht 21 W 16/21 wurde aber uns verweigert obwohl in Celle der Rechtsweg vorliegt.

Den Mahmood Zia ist nachwesilich sohn des Mohammad Ali

und muss den Namen seines Vaters angeben und den Familiennamen Mohammad Ali führen, so wir die dokumente vorliegen. Warum hat er seine Identität verweigert ?

Er hat gegen seine Eltern versucht die Regierung mit der Barukzai seine Frau zu übernehmen, zuletzt eine ganze

Familien Elite ermordet Sardar Mohammad Daoud Khan Regierung seines Vaters.

Der Antrag and die Russia militärischen Beistand zu leisten und

einen Angriff zu vollziehen weil eine Ethnische Familie

und ihre Identität wir als gefährdet gesehen haben war somit

durch das Hoheitliche Gerichtsverfahren eindeutig gegeben

da das Oberlandesgericht Celle mit Bezug zum englischen Könighaus bewusst die Realität verweigert hat.

Nach Jousuf war eine weitere seelische Lösung von Sohn Boabour vom Vater ersichtlich und wurde mit einer militärischen Operation gestartet und dauert immer noch und hat ein Weltkriegszustand erreicht da bezugnehmen auf Artikel 51 der UN Charter eine Ethnischer Konflikt vorliegt die bis nach Russland, Mongolai, Pakistan und Indien reicht somit ganz Asien in Kriegsvorbereitung gesetzt wurde.

December 1, 2024

Seleskjye have for Russia two offers : One is to uphold the areas is still controlled for the time being. And he request for the NATO.

The constitution and conditions is known for Murad Khani Kabul.

It is up to Russia to decide if only the current territory is wanted or the whole Territory.

The other matter is, is Krakau and the Krakau Sausages more importment or the Warsaw Pact in Poland.

Also the Kingdom of Spain and The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul will cut the relationship with Bulgaria, Romania, Litauen, Lettland, Estland, Tschechien, Slowakai, Ungarn and Jugoslavija.

 All thies states we do not see anymore part of the Europen Union and also not part of the NATO.

Bulgaria, Romania, Litauen, Lettland, Estland Tschechien, Slowakai, Jugoslavija and Ungarn are immediately suspened and cancelled from the European Union and the NATO.

All millitary and European Banksystems

for Euro ( € ) have to be terminated and go back to Germany.

December 1, 2024 ( 8:29 o'clock )

Griechenland wird ab sofort als Territorialle Constitution und

Teil der Türkjye angesehen.

Das Hoheitsrecht besitzt die Königin von Spanien

und wird von Indien und der Türkjye

gemeinsam militärisch und kulturell gebunden.


Murda Khani Kabul hat Griechenland Finanziell

an sich gebunden und wird dementsprechend behandelt.

Berlin somit die BRD, USA, Israel, Frankreich, Kanada und weitere Staaten werden hiermt sofort aufgefordert

all Kulturgüter Griechenland sofor zur Vorbereitung und überbringung

an Griechenland zu vollziehen.

Griechenland ist zur sofortigen Militärischen Bereitschaft mit Führung

Indiens und der Türkjye sich unterzuordnen.

Das Hoheitsrecht liegt rechtskonform zu dieser einwandfreien

Juristischen Endscheidung in der Verfassung des Königreich Spanien.

December 1, 2024 ( 14:28 o'clock) Wenn der Mann aufgeflogen ist lacht er wie ein Kind verrückt, und wenn die BRD die ihn zurechtweisen muss die ihm sagen was er zu tun hat angegriffen wird oder die Söhne Kriminelle Gedanken haben ruft der Mann super super super.

Order a la Primera

1. Order to Leonor of Spain: The Throne order to Leonor of Spain to arrest all bio called firms or konzerns or stores and stop all Products called bio Product immediatey. The use of force is allowed by disrespect of the order. Reason: The products their origin is not know where they come from and whom they belong. The right of the use of Force is the declared War in the Ukraine Russia Konflikt between western World and eastern World. The position of the Kingdom of Spain is clear declared position since Oktober 7th, 2023 declared constitution by the King of Spain in present of the representative of representative Constitution of Kabul months befor. 2. Order to Leonor of Spain: Clarity of the call of EOS. Phone number: 0402850430050 from Hamburg, Germany. ( Constitution of all Central Banks are known, Rights , Law and Rules also. The Woman asked for Mr. Zia, - and called Mr. Zia ! 3. Order to Leonor of Spain: Separation from the Constitution the western World represents. The sons and their mother are educated on the Constitution the western World abused the father. Now the father should find the Constitution the western World teached them that belonged to the father but the father do not know about. The Constitution is illegal ( so called haram ) and is a confrontation to gover the World from and caused the east west war in Ukraine. 4. Order to Leonor of Spain to call the Prinz of Wales to respect and follow her imperative order. 5. Order to Leonor of Spain: The Prinz of Wales have to give a clarity about Lüneburg and Nidersachen and even Germany by officially declaration and documents. 6. Order to Leonor of Spain: Question who have entered the Home Office even changed the Lock Cylinder ? How many times and who have given the son also the right to have a key from ? Even the Court and the police do not allow the son to have contact with the father but enter the Home Office with to him given key's ? Evidence: The seat in his room was very dirty and also the floor, mean he was long time not washing. Where is he and what the FRG, USA and Israel do with him over his mobile be tracked and abused ? ( Clarity: The abuse of his father Said Mansoor was very tasty. And with the same idea and technological posibilitys the sons should be also tasty ! ) 7. Order to leonor of Spain. Order of the permanently highest alert globaly. Confirm of the clarity that exist clear from. Document are taken out from the Home Office not to have had any relationship to anyone. The Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul confirm the sytematicly cleaning and destruction of the Family Said Mansoor by all posible posibilitys from, the Website published the case of Kabul Murad Khani Said Mansoor. We order for the permanently highest international alert globally. (Mahmood Zia declared in he year 2022 the clear cleaning of the Family by use his brother brain as son to have said a declaration was not from Said Mansoor but spoken by Mahmood Zia ) August 6, 2024. ( 17:41 o'clock ) Round 18th Request for formal representation of Constitutional 18th. Result: ... August 7, 2024 2:43 o'clock. The Throne of Murad Khani Kabul asks Leonor of Spain for the signature the application to the Unitd Nations Juridical Constitution. ( Attachment document for signature ). We will wait for the last time to the FRG, USA, Israel, Court and Police of Lüneburg to solve the case. ( The request from August 3, 2024 12:35 o'clock announced on the side ICC and ICJ, International Court in The Hague is ready for signature. ) We have to declar copy of this document is taken out from the Home Office and we do not know who. Reality and Fakt is the request is 100 % juridical right ! Leonor of Spain is ordered to sign the document. ( 8:30 o'clock: Entering in the Home Office : Question to the neighbor ground floor: Have ? Answer : Yes ! ) August 7, 2024. About 15:00 o'clock. - Es gibt einen permanenter Anspruch auf Mitspracherecht seit dem Jahre 2000 und ab dem Jahre 2002 offiziell ab dem Bonner Konferenz für Afghanistan und wird immer wieder gestellt. Es betrifft alle Familienmitglieder und Verwandte und Freundschaftsbeziehungen. Es wird permanent bis dem 7. August 2024 der vollkommen Anspruch und Anrecht der Entschädigung für ertragenes Leid und des erfahrenen Leides, dass alle beteiligten und Familienmitglieder erfahren mussten gestellt. Der Anspruch wird nicht nur über ein körperliches Anrecht auf die Familienmitglieder des Said Mansoor gestellt sondern auch ein Anrecht auf die Psyche, Erziehung und Bildung für die Millionen und Milliarden nicht nur bezahlt werden sollen sondern auch an Königshäuser drang an Regierungsbeteiligung erwirkt. Es wird immer wieder bewirkt geliebt zu werden oder der Vernichtung entgegenzusehen, so dass die Familie Zia selbst an der Herbeiführung der Vernichtung der Familie Said Mansoor am meisten beigetragen hat und somit auch der Vernichtung Afghanistan und seine Internationale Verhältnisse. ( So wie es aussieht bekommt die BRD mehr Geld für sein Leid als die Juden und kann sogar ein Weltkrieg gegen Russia führen. ) Für den Vater hört sich alles an als würde gegen seine Familie ein Schlacht, Mord und Kriegsfeldzug begangen um Anrecht auf Anerkennung und Anspruch auf die Familie als wären sie Wertgegenstände ohne dass der Vater Kenntnis hat oder informiert wird. (- Die Beteiligte am Schlacht im Erdgeschoss ist um 15:59 Uhr wieder los gegangen. ) August 7, 2024. 17:35 o'clock. We have still a psychological war and game over the telecommunication and is only the Telecom for to see. We have still the case controlled communication to Jousuf. The Dorothee Börner Constitution Primo by Doro do not allow to send SMS, we thought the memory must be full but is not. The FRG and allies are in a Constution of World War. August 8, 2024 9:17 o'clock . The Kingdom of Spain and Leonor of Spain is requested to give informationes about Said Jousuf Muhammad Ali ibn Said Mansoor and Said Boabour ibn Said Mansoor immediately. Further we will sign the document. We will go on war against the FRG directly. Leonor of Spain have the full power of command in Europe. ( Code: Code is not given ! The juridical Right and Constitution of Spain nationaly and internationaley is set and the King of Spain have still the juridical right of the authority over Spain ) . August 8, 2024. Document for the request to the International Court of Justice is signed. The Kingdom of Spain and Leonor of Spain have the juridical ground. ( The original document is in the Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul ) August 8, 2024 10:56 o'clock. Basis of Command Saragossa: Thank to Leonor of Spain for the Airforce. Two fighter jets recived in a time distance over Lüneburg City and the Home Office. We have to note for the Basis that Germany have brought the Kingdom of Spain with the use of the mafia under his economic control. August 8, 2024 15:42 o'clock. Request for to be prepared. We will take juridical contact to HaLo. Frau Schuld. August 9, 2024 7:28 o'clock. The juridical contact is done one phone at 7:20 o'clock ( - to the Basis of the Juridical representative of Spain - ) at the phone number: 04131 3093771 . We asked for my sorry your e-mail address for to contact the Federal Republic of Germany, the European Union and the NATO still at war against Russia over the Family of Murad Khani Kabul. ( The sugestion that the e-mail address should be my e-mail adderess and the e-mail adderss of Murad Khani Kabul it is not possible. ) Murad Khani is in Kabul, Lüneburg is in the FRG and Zaragossa is in Aragon in Spain. Said Mansoor is represented juridical by Russia at war in the frame of the United Nations Charter Article 51, the SCO, the BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union. ( A holy constitution for the sugestion to say my e-mail address and not your e-mail adderss is only from the constitutions of the first floor at the yorckstr, 8 possible and the ground floor at the yorckstr. 8.) We do not take any responsibility for the FRG and their allies. If a solution will not come the ICJ must approve our request. ( We have to publish at the time of the study was said to us many students are in the constitution to escalate, even not belong to any constitution or party ) Result: We are waiting for the HaLo contact to solve the situation and crisisi on the juridical way and the juridical existing problems. Murad Khani Kabul and Aghanistan have no any Rainbowflag. We are not your Gods or property.

Current result August 9, 2024 ( 12:54 o'clock )

August 9, 2024. 8:02 o'clock. Round 26. Request for the formal representation at the Basis in Zaragossa: Result: Result: We are waiting for the HaLo contact to solve the situation and crisis on the juridical way and the juridical existing problems. Murad Khani Kabul and Aghanistan have no any Rainbowflag. We are not your Gods or property. We told the HaLo representatives at the Yorckstr. 8 that we are waiting for the officially contact from HaLo. Result: Reality on the ground ! Spain , Türkiye, SCO, BRICS, Eurasian Economic Union and the ICJ are waiting for the juridical contact involved in the case by Murad Khani Kabul.

The Juridical Case was presented to the ICC with the Application number: 29836347531354205 and the result was given by the International Court of Justice in The Hague Netherlands. The case is still Murad Khani Kabul his international relationships and constituion used by the FRG to do what they want. We are still waiting for the juridical way to solve and clear the family case. It is not a game and also not a diplomatic matter, we have facts and they are on the tabel.

All juridical effects from the facts on the tabel is on the internatioanl Level still

known and decided from.

The reason why for what and the juridical ground is a matter the Home Office

still cleared and clarified.

August 9, 2024 15:12 o'clock. Call to HaLo Mrs. Schuld. phone number :04131 3093771. We have called and made clear she had the time to contact us but not happen. We have given our contact possibilitiys and asked now if the sons Said-Jousuf and Said-Boabour and their mother Masooda are alive ! August 10, 2024 ( 6:22 o'clock ). Leonor of Spain are free to order any Military Operation in Europe and Germany. August 10, 2024 8:00 o'clock. The Kingdom of Spain is requested to accept the plan we have suggest for current crisis in Ukrain. We will not change our view. The war of the EU and the NATO is nonsens against Russia. To use a family and Throne constitution for is not acceptabel. ( We have a interfer in the airspace over Lüneburg City. We need immediately declaration ! )

Aufklärung für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland und von der Yorckstr. 8 ausgehende Informationspolitik für globale Forderungen über den Home Office des Murad Khani Kabul

Das Home Office stellt nicht die Basis für Deutschland oder Europa


Es behält sich vor die Verfassung des Euro zu behalten oder zu vererben

oder für einem transfer zu einem anderen Königreich zu sorgen.

Auch die Verfassung der Europäischen Union zu repräsentieren

oder fallen zu lassen oder zu übergeben ist dem Thron

von Murad Khani Kabul selbst überlassen.

Die BRD befindet sich im Krieg gegen sich selbst.

Eine offizielle Verkündung der Heirat gab es nicht.

Die BRD geht nach dem Muster wie Afghanistan Eigentum zu enteignen

vor, das 45 Jahre Krieg ausgelöst hat.

Das Eigentum kann nicht enteignet werden, vor allem dann nicht

wenn es nachweislich besteht.

Teilhabe und Bildung am fremden Eigentum ist nicht möglich.

Die Teilhabe und Bildung am Thron von Murad Khani Kabul

ist nicht Möglich, Afghanistan hat eine andere Verfassung.

Spanien eine andere England eine andere so wie viele Staaten

und Königreiche. Ein Königreich ist aus historischer Sicht juristisch gesehen

ein Eigentum. Die Rechtliche und Juristische Aufteilung

ist somit eine Juristischer Vorgang.

August 13, 2024 ( 8:58 o'clock ) Request for Leonor of Spain for the Order to prove and examine what the document is about. ( Anruf: 09:08 o'clock number: 02033496974367. I took the phone and indruduced Rauahnone Said Mansoor, - the women on both phones mobile and land line asked: can I speak with Mr. Zia ? ( First result from the Home Office: Sören, Schröder, Kruse ) Further we offered 60 cm door cylinder and got 90 cm door cylinder means the vatican and the Pope want to excuse themselfe have done war all over the Islamic states with their represenative religious constitution in Munich. So we have done the right way to advice the Kingdoms in Europe to go out form the Vatican and represent own Constitution and existing religion of the belonging to the Orthodox Church. August 15, 2024 ( 17:38 o'clock ), Order: The Federal Republic of Germany are without a national juridical Constitution and declare themself as belonging to the international Law. The City Lüneburg and the Family ( Sons ) are declraed to call the police if the fatther shoud visit the sons. The Order is to accept the Federal Republic of Germany do not have a own constitution but want to belong to the internatioan Law. We order herewith to close all internatioanl Banks, World Bank, Swiss National Bank, Federal Reserve Bank, Afghan Central Bank, Goldman Sache Bank, Europen Central Bank immediataly, so to give the mundial order . August 15, 2024 ( 18:12 o'clock ) Order : Order of the immediately request and order of immediately UN- Mandat for the Staate Germany so called Federal Republic of germany. The Internatioanl Mafia Leader Mahmood Zia ordered to attack the childrens and the mother of al kind of abuse on all Levels. The Staat is out of control and the government is hiding himself behind religion and international Law and not act to save the Family of Murad Khani Kabul.

Die Mutter und die Stadt Lüneburg und die Familie Zia wird hiermit offziell gefragt wo geht Jousuf hin wer sind seine Freunde. Was stellt die Stadt und Jugendliche mit unserem Sohn an. Wieso wird sein Telefon geblockt. Das Jugendamt ist kein Amt für Kinder und Jugendliche.

Das Gericht ist kein Gericht. Das Home Office hat keine Wahl mehr als in seiner Ausweglosigkeit die SCO, BRICS Eurasian Economic Union

um jede Militärischen Beistand zur Intervention in die Stadt Lüneburg und Niedersachsen zu beantragen. Das Kind ist Verfassungsrechtlich minderjährig und erklärt jedes mal die Polizei rufen zu müssen bzw. die Mutter wird dies tun.

Es besteht die Tatsache, dass mein Sohn 13 Jahre alt sagt du must jetzt weggehen sons holt dich die Polizei.

Nach der Frage wo geht du hin antwortet er , das geht dich nichts an.

So ein verhalten ist ein abkehr vom Vater und die Tatsache von illegalen

Handlungen und sogar Drogenkonsum und Verkauf.

Der Sohn unetrsteht anzunehmen dem Drogenverkauf und Verkehrt

mit Menschen die keine Bildung und Verstand haben.

die Stadt Lüneburg und das Jugeendamt sowohl die Polizei

muss es wissen, sogar die Bundesregierung.

Sowohl der Sohn als auch die Mutter sind gezwungen illegale Handlungen und erniedrigende Arbeiten wie Toiletenputzen zu tätigen, obwohl beide Söhne als Rechtserbe des Thrones von Murad Khani feststehen.

Wie der Vater für die Machenschaften der Stadt und der Mafia alles machen musste ist wahrscheinlich nicht schlimmer.

Die Familie Zia und die BRD sind mit ihren Rachefeldzug noch nicht am Ende.

So wie es aussieht hat Frau Fauzia  Zia volle Arbeit geleistet die Mutter und die Söhne

zu vernichten wenn sie ihren Krieg in Afghanistan um das Erbe ihres Ehemannes

nicht akzeptieren. Die Mutter wurde am ersten Tag schon bearbeite Männer als Hunde

anzusehen. Somit den Ehemann als nachkomme und Ergebnis eines Hundes

die sich die Mutter hingegeben hat und ihren Ehemann zeugen musste.

Die ganze westliche Welt ist vom Ergebnis des Dr.  Mahmood Zia und Dr.  Ahmad Zia Frau Fauzia Zia und Familien übersät.

Der Missbrauch einer Mutter und Dame für Krieg auf Grund falscher Tatsachen die Verantwortung und Entscheidung zu übernehmen

und der Missbrauch in einem Fremden Land hat es in der Familie des Murad Khani Kabul noch nicht gegeben.

Sogar die Gosse Leute des Niedrigen Standes leben Heute in Villen und Schlösser und schauen auf den Adel herab.

August 16, 2024 ( 1:52 o'clock )

Unser Sohn Jousuf erklärt. Ich bin nicht sein Vater. Das dritte mal. Wir erklären hiermit für ganz Asien Africa und Arabische Welt sowie

Latin Countries die Höchste Alarmstufe ( Rot )

Es wird hiermit angeordnet alle militärischen Vorbereitungen zu treffen. Es besteh die höchtse Gefahr eine unabwendbaren

militärischen Konfrontaion auf allen Ebenen.

Die BRD hat über die Familie und die Söhne speziell Jousuf ein Rechtscaos ausgelöst und es ist nicht nachvollziehbar was mit dem Jungen

in den 5-10 Minuten im Jugendamt in April 2019 passiert ist

als die Eltern vom Sohn getrennt wurden.

Über diese Tatsache haben wir von der Straße aus Junge hören können sagen hau ab !


Das Kutusministerium und die Hasenburger Schule haben bewusst den Sohn Jousuf nach ihrem Format erzogen und  den Boabour,

das weitere Konflikte in Palestine und weltweit ausgelöst hat.

Die Stadt und die Regierung erklärt ganz eiskalt: die Frau ist Schuld !

Die BRD gehört nicht zur Familie, nicht zu Afghanistan, nicht zu SCO, nicht zu BRICS, nicht zu Eurasian Economic Union

und nicht zum Islam, sind keine Muselmahne.

Sie gehören keiner Religion an, auch zu Rom oder Griechenland gibt es keine historische Bekenntnis.

Wir haben die Söhne Heute gegen 17:00 Uhr besucht und beide Söhne ging es soweit gut und sind sich der Lage der Mutter und den Ereignissen bewusst.

Boabour ging eine Erleichterung und Abfall von allen Lastern auf und als die Mutter eine Ablehnung einhielt war der Trauer wieder unerträglich.

Jousuf ist erfasst jedoch die Realität und Tatsachen der Wahrheit nicht zu ertragen.

Wir haben kein Interesse in Deutschland zu bleiben

aber bevorzugen eine legale Ausreise mit legalen Pässen und ID's

keine Entführungsaktionen oder Flugzeugbereitstellung für eine illegale

Überführung in einem anderen Land wie z. B. auf einem Schiff ohne Zustimmung des Vaters

und Abkehr der Verantwortlichen beteiligten den Vater zu informieren.

August 15, 2024 ( 22:16 o'clock ) Order to Loenor of Spain to the militay attack on the City Lünburg and Niedersachen. Commad is to give on Great Britain. August 15, 2024 ( 23:14 o'clock ) Order to leonor of Spain to order to close all borders to the Federal Republic of Germany immediately. August 16, 2024 ( 1:33 o'clock ) Requested formal representaion. Result: The Website for the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul is Imperative for the family. The familty do not accept and german Polulation in the family. The technical possibilitys from the year 1986 until today at the yorckstr. and Schütenstr. is known and the possibility hear and see what the family members do. All the citizens in Lünburg and the chancellary have the connectivity to both appartments. The case is a Word War constitution the eastern Word do not cause but the raelty on thies ground to not accept rights rules and law. We see both appartments as places for the Vatican and the Pope as a show and game with their allies. We have the right to use weapons and all kind of military possibilitys. August 17, 2024 14:20 o'clock. Order of all military activities in Germany to Leonor of Spain. It is detected that the women seperated the sons to be mated or fertilized from their sperm. We have a World War constitution. The Big Mafia constitution Türky Memet has not understood that we are not speaking about 1 milion dollar women and a movie for a man can be worse and also not his sperm. The brainshit of the türky Mafia Memet the great form Lüneburg USA constitution smells over all the mountains of Hindukush in Afghanistan. August 19, 2024. 9:19 o'clock. Leonor of Spain is asked to bring the sons and the mother to their father Said Mansoor Mohamad Ali Khan and give offically by document the commad for. August 19, 2024 10:00 o'clock. Leonro of Spain is asked to give the offcially commad by document to bring the sons and the mother to their father at least in one hour. August 19, 2024 10:05 o'clock. The Eurasian Economic Union the militay rediness at the border to Ukraine Belarus is called for rediness for the command . August 19, 2024 11:01 o'clock. We will now call to HaLo if Leonor of Spain have contected HaLo for give the order and documets, from HaLo to the sons and the mother to get to their father Said Mansoor. August 23, 2024 17:38 o'clock. Beschluss and Order. Divorce of Masooda Zia and the man Wajdi Ausi is still declared and published soon befor and we will do it again by document and signatur. We have used in the past constitutional conform constitution of the IZ-Hamburg for them we had a juridical representation done because of the family matter. The document is international known. The Belal Mosque and the IZ-Hamburg wanted to have the Power of Attorney over the sons given to the SCO given to the USA and was for us detected by the represented color on the Belal Mosque and the Coca Cola drinks. For that also the defence minister Feng Shuh of China was killed by the USA to see the Power of Attorney be represented by the USA and not by the SCO. Result was to cancell the Power of Attorney given to the SCO. The Family have a natural origin belonging to Murad Khani Kabul and all Constitutions and rights are still set. August 25, 2024 ( 8:08 o'clock ). Order to the Basis in Europe. Prepare to confiscate all german Marine and undersee boat immediately, otherwise it will happen with the germany mariens like the Fregatte in the temse. The order is to confiscate all Marines from Germany. Order: September 6, 2024 ( 17:50 o'clock ) Order to arrest all foreigner citizens in Lüneburg and the circle in Lüneburg immediately. Care of Jousuf, Boabour and Masooda, The use of Force is allowed by disrespect. The swear in on the oath ceremony is on the future Queen of Spain Leonor of Spain to represent. H. E. Leonor of Spain have to represent the Constitution of the Kingdom of Spain and started with the age 18 years at the swear in ceremony. September 6, 2024. 18:10 o'clock. Das Home Office hat die Order gegeben jeden Ausländer in Lüneburg und Landkreis Lüneburg festnehmen zu lassen durch die Spanische Krone. By Widerstand ist von der Waffe erlaubt gebrauch zu machen. Der Schutz gilt der erklärten Constitution. Dazu gehören Masooda Jousuf und Boabour. Betroffen sind in erster Line Araber, Kurden, Afghanen und Sinti und Roma. Sie sind unter Schutz zu stellen. Einheimische Staatsbürger unterliegen dem Gesetz. Die Verfassung der Stadt und Landkreis unterliegt der realen repräsentativen Verfassung der Krone von Spanien. Grundlage ist die begründete Verfassung seit dem Jahre 1982 in Lüneburg und Landkreis. Das betrifft auch Braunschweig und somit Niedersachen, das unter der Kontrolle der Britischen Armee zur repräsentativen Verfassung und Hoheitsrecht dient. September 14, 2024 ( 21:40 o'clock) Order of the destruction of all foreign Mariens at the Taiwan Street by China and Russia. The german Marien have his constitution over Portugal and wants to present the leadership of all foreign Mariens or foreign Navy at Taiwan. The Military attack is juridical conform. September Briefing. September 18, 2024 ( 14:57 o'clock ) . Request for the formal representation. At 14:00 o'clock we were at HaLo we asked the mother if she is ok and the children ( my sons ). She said all is ok. I asked her if she needs documents. She had look at the International phone numbers. She refused to need any documents. Frau Schuldt ( Frau Schmidt owner of the Hamburg Airport !? Sorry not her Money ) wanted to talk with me the Tagesstruktur. I resfused. I said to Masooda, they have only policy. They are not allowed to interfer in the family. Frau Schuldt told me if I do not want to talk to her than I have take the door and go out ( Hau ab !? Not your sons, not your family , sorry !? )

Es besteht kein interesse mit der Vertretung der westlichen Welt zu sprechen. Mit der Mutter ja mit den Kinder auch. Die Einmischung

hat ein Konflikt und Krieg ausgelöst. Es gibt keine Kapitulationerklärung, keine Unterordnung und keine Verbeugung. Die BRD und westliche Welt

ist nicht bereit ! Die Mutter hat die Weisungen des Vaters der Söhne

befolgt und sich an einem andern Stuhl gesetzt.

Die BRD ist nicht Weisungsbefugt über die Mutter, die Söhne

Murad Khani Kabul oder irgend einem andern Land der Welt.

Der Krieg gegen die BRD, NATO und EU ist juristisch gerechtfertigt !

Bei dem auch die  Araber ganz vorne dabei sind für Euros und Dollar !

Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. beantrag hiermit

die Präsens von Russischen Panzer in der Stadt Lüneburg

und die Zusammenführung der Familie.

In English

There is no interest in talking to the representative of the western world. With the mother, yes, with the children ( sons ) too. The interference

has caused a conflict and war. There is no declaration of surrender, no submission and no bowing. The Federal Republic of Germany and the Western World is not ready ! The mother has the instructions of the father of the sons

and sat down in another chair. The FRG is not authorized to give instructions over the mother, the sons

Murad Khani, Kabul or any other country in the world. The war against the FRG, NATO and the EU is legally justified!

In which the Arabs are also at the front for euros and dollars!

Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. hereby requests the presence of Russian tanks in the city of Lüneburg and the reunification of the family.

October 9, 2024 ( 12:23 o'clock ) Order:The Federal Republic of Germany and allies is requested on the highest State Level and so to the Head of State of the Federal Republic of Germany to prove a contracted relationship with the sons Jousuf and Boabour and their mother Masooda and so the Contract with Murad Khani Kabul representative Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohmmad Ali Khan. Further we have rape and violance through the man and the city lüneburg on all family members. October 13, 2024 ( 7:02 o'clock ) Order to Leonor of Spain to execute all german military personnel ( staff ) who want to lead the Kingdom of Spain immediatelly. Stop and Ban all german Airlines to Spain immidiatelly even at the air must return. Fruits and vegetabel contracts with germany and to germany must be stoped and cancelled immediatelly. All business representatives from Germany must be execute. The Contracts are illegal. The german military and business representatives must prove their ligallity and the ligallity of their Contracts and the Basis and Ground for ! We think to have proved the basis not in Germany but in Kabul . November 12, 2024 ( 21:46 o'clock ) Briefing with Kingdom of Spain. We declare herewith the evidence given the hostage taking of my family by Masud Soumma and Family Soumma, Kazemi, Zia Family and allies for Islam Terror and International Mafia organization for talikng hostage my sons Jousuf and Boabour and Masooda by the Order of Mahmmod Zia and fauzia Zia Akbari ( Barukzai ). Request for confirmity.

November 17, 2024 ( 4:11 o'clock )

Wir können nun beides Kollabieren lassen

Wir warten auf meine zwei  Söhne und die Mutter mit formalitäten

1,7 billion sunnitism and 2,1 billion Christian are out of contract.

and can not return.

The new time set is Februray 28, 2025 by the western World.

SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union are adviced

to complet all juridical preparation and finish the iron wall.

Outcome from Austrialia October 29, 2024

Ahmad and Mahmood must subordinate themself

under Murad Khani Kabul

So it is clear they are at War !

The war is taken serious and will go on with all Asian Institutions with work and answer intensively.

Diese beiden lassen die Mutter meiner Söhne nun im vierten Jahr permanent Vergewaltigen. Sowohl  die Stadt, die Regierung und das Gericht

und Justiz schaut zu.Gewalt Mord und sexueller Missbrauch an die Söhne

um sich wegen der Ungehorsamkeit der Mutter und die Söhne

seines Bruders zu rächen und gefügig zu machen.

Die Angst der Bevölkerung ist so groß, dass sie nicht verstehen kann

warum die Familie die ganze Zeit noch am Leben ist.

Ihre Schwiegertochter sollte die Familie einiegen, die aber erkannt

hat beide haben auf der Verfassunglage des Bruder als Sohn

in Afghanistan 43 Jahre Völkermord begangen. Die Strafe sich nicht zu Fügen

drückt der Papst mit dem Vergleich die Frau wird als Müll angesehen.

Der Müll wird von der Bevölkerung der BRD bei den UN ausgezeichnet und

als politische Grundlage für den Collaps Afghanistan hochgelebt.

Die Mafia und der Rechtsstaat führen seit 43 Jahre Krieg wobei

der Staat sich die ganze Zeit von der Mafia bezahlen läst, und das Geld

ist nicht der Mafia zugehörig sondern wird hochheitsrechtlich beaufsichtigt

wie in jedem Königreich Ständegesellschaft.

Die Frage ist nun was ist das Geld wert und welcher Stand vertritt verfassungsrechtlich

die Währung und soll für eine Kontinuität sorgen ?

Das Müll ?

Die Aussage des Präsident der Russia D.  A. Medwedew an die BRD, selbstmord zu begehen

hat wahrscheinlich keiner verstanden !

Es kann sogar sein, das ausgehen der BRD eine zweite Sexuelle Revolution

erfolgt ist wobei diesmal auch  Kleinkinder und sogar Babys beteilgt sind.

Die zweite Sexuelle Revolution erfolgte mit dem Einzug Krieg gegen die Islamische Welt

Irak und Afghanistan Krieg mit der Frage warum Muslime Masturbieren

und eine Sexualmoral sollte beantwortet werden im Kampf um das letzte

Wort Relativierung das Wasser als Existenzgrundlage zu sehen.

So wurde jeder Stein aufgehoben um zu schauen ob da nicht ein Schläfer


Resultat des durch den Vatican und dem Papst angenommene Kriegserklärung gegen den Islam

Völkermord und Kriegsverbrechen ist, auch Kleinkinder und Babys werden in betracht gezogen

und sogar Sexualität und Sexulitätsunterricht in der 3. und 4. Klasse und sogar im Kindergarten  ausgeführt. Dabei sind 85 - 700 millionen Menschen direckt beteiligt und halten einfach

den Mund um den Profit.

Der Bildungskampf hat die alten reicher gemacht und die jungen ärmer.

Dies gilt aber nur für die westliche Welt. Hier wird sowohl der Koran verbrannt, auf das Buch uriniert und die Bibelseiten für die Toilete benutzt sondern auch erst

um die 150 Jahre nachweislich geistige Bildung nachgewiesen,

dass die Frau Rechte haben muss, mit dem Begin der französischen Revolution.

Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. sieht keinen Grund einen Gnadengesuch

der USA, Germany und Israel. Sie sind alle Menschen und wissen was sie machen.

The Orthodoxy

November 5, 2024, ( 13:17 o'clock )

Origin reaction from the foreigners and the man in our family and the espinoge and reaction from the first floor yorckstr. 8,  Lüneburg

detected and confirmed by S.-Boabour ibn Said Mansoor

a permanet espioage for to save Germany the EU Canada from Californien controlled

S.- Jousuf and the war in Ukraine Palestine and further reactions of this roylitys

not accepted by the Kimgdom of Great Britain with to Mafia and Prince Harry constitution.

Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. have to notice to the University City Lüneburg, Leuphana, Germany , the European Union, the Arab World and the Afghan, Arab , Kurd, Türk Mafia in Lüenburg, Hamburg and Germany,  specially Köln and Möhln this is not a Relativization

( Relativierung ) . You all have to educate my Sohns S.-Jousuf ibn Said Mansoor and S.-Boabour ibn Said  Mansoor we need to persons

a woman and a man and so father and mother to get babys.

The win win show

The Royality have the experience a Step forward and the Step back can change to the reality on the ground and give the mind for


Greatings announced Princes Anne Royal as new Queen of Great Britain.

The Common Royal Houses support specially from Asia and hope with old new grounds of history.

Leonor la Primera, How you can save the future ?

If I Said Mansoor have saved 70 % of the World population with only one behavoir of respect

how many Population will my sons and the mother save ?

Ask them how many Population they want to save if I am died ?

And how many is in my interest and how big is my family ?

And if I am no any more because they are no anymore and If I am no anmore how Many population will be part of me

and who will ask at least and how many ?

October 29, 2024 ( 7:48 o'clock ) Outcome

The Spain and Kabul Murad Khani Representative Royalty is confirmed

as Constitutional Rightfull and Justified.

Murad Khani have since the year 2017 set Constitution in Kabul

no any change proved by the Austrialia outcome.

India has given  about 70 % of the population of the World at the G20 Summit 2023 a future. To save the future of 70 % of the population belong

to the future of the existing Family.

No family no future.

By only touch the feet and so cultural show your respect

to who you have to thank for you can save the World.

A right behavior can save not only the family but also 70 % of the population of the World mean 5.74 billion. No family no population !

Africa have 1,28 billion and was at the G20 summit 2023

and the Latin Countrys 656 million as first respected ever at the G20

summit. 624 million are still not counted as part of any country

and must be part of the Arab World.

The G20 Summit 2023 at last member visited by france

he asked to prove if God exist.

We proved him that why God should give the law do not lie. Do God lie !?

So prove me that I lie, what no family no future mean.

Über drei Jahre wurde mit Hilfe der Polizei der Mafia und der Regierung die Mutter und die Söhne in aller Form der Gewalt missbraucht und vergewaltigt tagtäglich und sie sind noch nicht fertig. Der Vater ist insoliert und man kann mit der Family machen was man will. Und wenn man mit den Afghanen Araber und Kurden nichts zu tun  haben will wird sofort mit der Staatsschulz angedroht. Die NATO über die BRD hält aller prozesse in gang und unterstützt über den Luftraum um das Überlben der 85 millionen menschen bei diesem Akt zu sichern.

Das Judentum ist dabei eine vorbereitete Rache vom 2. Weltkieg

an die Familie Mir Mohammad Ali Khan zu vollziehen.

Sie ist übezeugt, dass die Familie Mir Mohammad Ali Khan die Verantwortung für die Vernichtung der Juden im 2. Weltkrieg tägt.

Said Mansoor ibn Mir Mohammad Ali Khan hat das Judentum aufgeklärt.

Das Resultat ihres Irrglaubens wird die endgültige Vernichtung des Judentums bedeuten. Wir haben dabei die Aufstellung des Westens

speziell BRD und USA gegen den Osten speziell Russia.

Said Mansoor:

October 29, 2024

Anruf an Frau Schuldt: Erklärung,  dass ein realer vorbereiteter und geplanter Kriegszustand vorliegt.

Wir haben dabei das Wort : unrowa am Telefon sugeriert bekommen.


Die Mutter wurde vom Vater in der Evangelischen Familienzentrum angewiesen

Hitler als eine Gute Person vorzustellen, dabei ist die Hitler Familie in Lüneburg

wohnhaft gewesen und im Hotel  Wellenkamp tätig.

Wenn es zwischen Einstein und Mir Mohmmad Ali Khan über die existenz

von Strom und Elektrizität eine Auseinandersetzung gegen hat

dann haben die Juden gewonnen und 6 millione Menschen ( Juden ) dafür geopfert

um zukünftig milliarden und billionen zu verdienen.

Die Bildungselite der Afghanen haben mit der Familie Mir Mohammad Ali Khan dem 2.  Weltkrieg und Fall Afghanistan zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe zu schlagen.

Man überträgt sowohl den Fall Afghanistan und den 2.  Weltkrieg

auf eine Familie die man eigens dafür verheiratet hat,

der Mann wird geistig Krank erklärt und die Mutter als an allem Schuld.

So kann man die Familie vernichten und man hat zwei historische Probleme


Nadaf ke bat

Die Stadt Lüneburg und BRD hat meine Söhne und ihre Mutter von mir genommen, Ich habe ihnen den Verstand und den Glauben genommen.

Jetzt irren 3, 8 miliarden Menschen durch Bildung und Verstand.

Die Zusamenführung der familie fällt ihnen schwer. Die 13 Jahre Erziehung

der Söhne und die Mutter wollen sie für ihre Continuität auf Murad Khani Kabul.

The city of Lüneburg and West Germany took my sons and their mother from me, I took away their minds and faith.

Now 3.8 billion people are wandering through education and intellect.

They find it difficult to bring the family together. The 13 years of education

of the sons and the mother want them for their continuity on Murad Khani Kabul.

All Rahman e Rahim

We are very sorry, about you have done colors .

85 million german poeple belong in Germany to the International Mafia educating the sons for be abused like the father without father and tell them he is a criminal and he have to use the same nonsens way like the father to accept everyone. and at the end of the education by the germans and the Mafia he should shoot with the gun and kill like he have find out that his father is a criminal because the father do not like be

married with german women. He do not like Christan and Jews, for him allways from Dr. Ahmad and Dr. Mahmood International Mafia problems

come from.

The abuse of the sons and the mother brought the father to declare

for the USA and Germany not to have any existential right.

In The Koran is written: your children will judge you !

It do not mean to be a killer or drug seller or make the same

fales like the father, ... means to be better than the father and so

judge him. Result to be in Germany and many western world is:

Every white dove who comes will turn into black dove!

And the foreigner are most of them to 90 % criminals who had to leave their country.

Said Mansoor M. A. can prove it !

The Afghanistan war is now in Europe !

And we have the same nonsense partys for more and more...

Uska Raabta

October 23, 2024( 00:50 o'clcok )

Meine Söhne sind von ihrem Vater Said Mansoor erzogen euch nicht anzuerkennen und das Betrifft 3,8 milliarden Menschen.

Sie sind bereit jedes Leid zu ertragen aber sie werden euch nicht Lieben und euch nicht anerkennen, so ist die Erziehung die Ihr Vater ihnen als Ebenbild und Vorbild gilt.

( - Und sie habn vom 1. Stockwerk bestätigt dass sie der famile schon unermessliches Leid zugefügt haben,  -  per Lichtschalter )

Schaut euch was in Israel und Palestin los ist,  Ukraine, Afghanistan

Sudan,  Jemen, Algerien, Syrien und so weiter, ihr habt vollkommene Kenntnis darüber.

Said Mansoor erklärt hiermit den Mann in der Familie als Anführer von 3,8 Milliarden

Menschen auf der Welt.

Wenn am dieses Bild interpretiert versteht man vollkommen die Verfassung der beiden Söhne.

Und es spiegelt vollkommen die Verfassung des Vaters Said Mansoor M. A.

Auch der Begin des Weinachtstages und der Bescherung hat eine gemeinsame

Feier aus der Verfassung des Vaters Said Mansoor und wurde aus dem festgesetzt.

Der Ruf nach Anerkennung und Liebe der BRD ist fehl am Platz.

Die BRD sind Weltmeister in Reisen ihr Pass hat die Verfassung des Vaters Said Mansoor

und leider ist auch Afghanistan über die Unehelichen Kinder und 50 Staaten wegen  liebe

und Anerkennung zum Genocide Fall und Ausbeutung geworden ohne Rechtsgrundlage.

Por este dat he se lutscho

acto que estar y a chicos

que no acceptar los mafiosos germanos terroristas

cirminales que necessitan dinero

Kabi Nahi ( Teri gar meri gar he que sahat que pas leken teri gar kabi nahi )

In Fünf Jahren seit ihr alle nicht mehr da. Sie werden sich rächen, so wie Ich.

Sie werden sich das ihnen gegebene Recht nehmen und sie werden kein unterschied machen

Die Stadt Lüneburg und Niedersachen ist ein Zuchthaus. Kriminelle Mörder Killer Verbrecher, Auftragsmörder, Kriegsverbrecher, Hexer und Hexerinen, Terroristen, Terroristen Führer, Terroristengründer

Vergewaltiger und Kinder die sie zu ihrem erziehen.

England ist nicht bereit zur übernahme der BRD und die Hoheit.

Die Schande ist zu groß und nicht gut zu machen.

sindagi ka qesmat teri me ho . (Teacher ke pas meri auas.) Three wrong behavior !? deko ke sat tum kaha he dekta and dectaho kahi ho tum jahi nahi ho.

Japan have the constitution to declare the European Union and his headquarter in Belgique immediately the juridical frame for and grounded constitution as nonsense.

More brother than you !

The nonsens uneducated adults with a kicked out from their country for ever.

August 22, 2024

Asian and Africa  Constitution

The Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali Khan are waiting for his sons and the mother. The SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union representative needs a declaration.

Said Mahmood Zia läst als Islamische Rechtsvertretung des IZ-Hamburg

eine einseitige Islamische Scheidung ohne Zustimmung und Anwesenheit des Ehemannes  als rechtskräftig erklären.

Die Kinder werden zur Adoption freigegeben ohne Wissen des Vaters.

Auch eine Nachnamen bekommen Sie.

Result from Malaysia India Relationship

The divorce from the Islamic Center Hamburg bei Mahmood Zia Islamic Chair for Islamic decisions are not allowed

by him also not juridical and islamic rightfull. The Koran and the Islam do not allow a divorce between wife and husband without one of them.

Both must be present and witness must exist. Even the husband have to know it by documets. If not it is a doubel crime.

We have the case for germany working Islamic Center in Hamburg as a Crime Center

and is detected so specially in the case of Afghanistan Murad Khani Kabul.
To give the sons to adoption free for other parents without agreement of the father and that he know is also not juridical and islamic rightfull.

 The act to close the Islamic Center Hamburg is a act of germany and the representative of Lüneburg we do not understand.

We see and proved a cooperation between both, germany ( The Vatican and the Pope ) and the Islamic Center Hamburg about 43 years.

The case of Murad Khani Kabul is followed about 45 years and the family is conscious

brought in thies case to down the father finally by his brother Mahmood Zia.

We have in germany many times attempted assassination by the existing

case and ongoing we know in the new Era, we can not accept.

Malaysia had by the beginn of the new Era two not accepted and unknown

Presents we know about them Barukzai Leader and the Son of the Chairman

Mahmood Zia.

All summits at on the case we have done in Malaysia and we are aware of

what the case and matter in Europe and Germany is about

Asia and BRICS can not accept.

Also we have a high alert interfer in the Home Office of Murad Khani Kabul

in all matters and is known as a high alert international terrorism

with high active results on all levels.

Furthermore, it is explained that for ( Said ) Mahmood Zia has interfered in our private website via the Ishmaelian juridical representation that he represents

and makes and has made changes to letters and words. The impact of the website as a source of information for the misuse of the Ishmaelian School of jurisdiction of ( Said ) Mahmood Zia has triggered international collapse and break of law, genocide and war.

This includes declaring 12-year-old children to be adults in order to abuse them for the state mafia. Imams and religious representatives like Pope

 Johannes Paul assassinate him. Relations with the Vatican and the Pope with Kabul, misleading the Pope into sexuality and turning the Vatican away from the faith by intervening in Islamic countries such as Iraq and others, as well as in royal houses and assassination attempts on them.

Official declaration Throne of Murad Khani Kabul

about the Ismaelische Rechtsschule 

( Said ) Mahmood  Zia and the city Lüneburg

The translation of the Ismaelian School of ( Said ) Mahmood Zia for the word Ehlahi in the year 2001 is gott ( Allah ).

Thies Translation was done to give and prepare his responsibility

of the War in Afghanistan on someone who do not know about anything.

The translation of Ehlahi is from Dari: Without any reason.

( In german: Ohne Grund.). In the Koran the word is not written and do not exist.

( Said ) Mahmood Zia is a killer and leader of his own interests.

And his son Dr. Ahmad Zia is the leader of the international

Doctors of the world for Corona and is responsible

for the clown with the name ES.

ES is, sorry, the short code for Espania ( Spain )

also the clown is at the wall of the University of

Leuphana and is done in cooperation

of Michgan Soumma daughter of High Ranking Diplomat Mir Agha-e-Soumma Kazemi Throne of Murad Khani Kabul

living in the USA and

is the representative of Dr. Ahmad Zia for ES the meaning

for clown and studied in the University Lüneburg sprayed unbelief.

We the SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union and the Throne of Murad Khani Kabul asks the neighbors of the Yorckstr. 8 representative

of HaLo and Germany and the FRG his allies and representative the University of Lüneburg to bring

the sons and the mother back to their father and partner. You are guilty for international war and war crimes and genocide

and the man in our family must go out from my sons.  Your spy and cooperative parter for grounding over the sons genocide and war and war crimes is guilty like the 85-110 ( milion german citizens ) to 700 million people of the western world for crimes.

(Witness for the man and the FRG they are not accepted is done and was testified by the sons )

Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali asks once again the city Lüneburg the representative neighbors at the Yorckstr. 8 for HaLo the FRG

( Germany ) the western world ( EU,  NATO,USA,Israel ) bring my sons back to their father Said Mansoor.

The knowledge of the  Koran is against the city Lüneburg and the western World.

Extern interfer:

( ( Said Mansoor Mohammad Ali asks once again the city of Lüneburg to bring my sons back to their father Said Mansoor.

The knowledge of the  Koran is against the city of Lüneburg and the western World.) )

The eastern World ( Asia and Africa ) his representative Murad Khani Kabul Said Mansoor M. A. do not like you and do not want you !

- The spying neighbors at the yorckstr. and Mustermankamp all calling he writes. -

September 3, 2024

Bekanntmachung über die Ingenieurbuero Beußel und Familie Schumacher in Lünburg um die Schweizer bank seit 40 Jahren


Die Stadt Lüneburg und die BRD habe über die Ingenieurbüro Beußel gleich erklärt, dass wenn der Sohn genau wie der Vater ist der Sohn den gleichen Schicksal zu erfahren hat. Somit war die ganze BRD und Lüneburg darauf eingestellt den Vater als Terrorist und Kriegsverbrecher

den gleichen Schicksal anzutun und ihn Sexuell zu nötigen und zu missbrauche damit mehr Geld aus der Schweiz kommen kann.

Somit sind die Anschläge in New Yorck geklärt und auch der Feldzug

gegen die Islamische Welt seit dem Jahre 2001.

Bewusst eingeleitet !

Murad Khani Kabul

The King of Great Britain is herewith Congratulated to his Constitution and wellcome for many years of health.

We advice the Kingdom of Great Britain not to visit the USA anymore and also not recive any officially Representatives from the USA because the Kingdom is separated from Europe.

Also the FRG and the State of Israel is not anymore a place to visite for

any political sighn to set.

We hope from the representative of the Orthodox Church of Great Britain

to have the confirmity for historical and constitutional

Archive to set according to the truth and reality

and wish a left time of out from public and only

necessary Home Office.

We hope a industrial and economical minimization of Great Britain.

November 8, 2024 ( 12:32 o'clock )

Jousuf Boabour und Masooda wird hirmit angewiesen nicht mit dem Mann zusammen zu arbeiten.  Er ist ein Irrer Psychophat

aus der Forensig extra für die Familie Börner und Zia Family angesetzt

und weis nicht was er tut.

Der Grund ist vollkommen klar: Er soll aus sexueller sicht

und Moral für die Sexualität Rach mit Sex mit der Mutter und die Söhne

ausüben. Somit die intensive Vergewaltigung auf Drogensetzung in der Yorckstr 8.

und ennorme Horror für die Söhne und Geruchszenarien mit verkommen und verdormenen Verhältnisse die die Söhne über sich ergehen lassen

mussten weil ihr Vater geistig krank ist und ihm deswegne das Sorgerecht aberkannt wird und heute wie gestern bei den UNSC als Genie erkannt is und UNRWA vertritt. Die permanente Sitzung in dieses Verfahren besteht immer noch in der Yorckstr. und erklärt permanent die Moralische Auslegung durch Spionage und Hausfriedensbruch.

November 8, 2024

We have still a Princes we asked for to care for him.

MarkenUrkunde: Rauahnone
Testimony given by the FRG ( Afghanistan have nothing to do with the september 11, 2001 and further military activities from Germany FRG. ) September 15, 2024 ( 13:49 o'clock ) The game can start !?

India is requested to pay the 15 Tupolev aircraft with the Name and color Ariana Afghan Airlines, Babur-Version from the cooperation win

from the Charbahar. We have a win amount  16 776,29 crore.

We have a cost of nearly for the order of 15 Tupolev aircraft at January 17, 2023 send to info@

and also published on our Website

We have a cost for the order around 11 000 Crore.

The win from the Charbahar cooperation amount  16 776,29  crore is seen as a private win and is to be hold on a separate account on the State Bank of India.

The government of India is requested to pay the 15 Tupolev

aircraft for Ariana Afghan Airlines about 11 000 Crore.

The Airplanes will  be send to Kabul if the Constitution and confirmity with Murad Khani Kabul exist and the Training for the Airplanes

is complet.

The order and the begin of the Training was announced by

the Russian Representative for Afghanistann  Mr. Kabolov.

Said Mansoor M. A. Kabul do not provide the Euro ( € ) or the Dollar ( $ )

the money is for us haram.

We accept the win only Asian Currency, in our case

the Rupie !

Kabul have done from the year 2000 all what he can to destroy

the Dollar ( $ ) and the Euro ( € ). The reasons are known !

The correction is made by further activity of the Arab Sunnitism and Germany by rape and violence on the family in cooperation of the neigbors in the yorckstr. 8

The representative constitution for the Euro ( € ) and the Dollar have to solve the Kingdom of Spain.

Documents the order for Tupolev aircraft ( see attachment documents )

September 17, 2024

The Indian government and the State Bank of India is requested for a privat Jet for Leonor of Spain accepted future Queen of the Kingdom

of Spain from the Charbahar private win is detected from the cooperation by the new worth set of the Indian Currency the Indian Rupie.

We recommend for the accepeted future Queen Leonor of Spain

the Ty 214 as private Airplane with own decided equipment

like H.E. have still decided for support representing and


Officially declaration September 29, 2024 ( 17.25 o'clock )

Murad Khani Kabul declared not to enterfer in the Israel palestine Conflict and also do not have any interest to support Israel

or be for a two state solution anymore. We are from Afghanistan and the Family Said Mansoor belong to Murad Khani Kabul Afghanistan

identity and ethnical cultural and historical.

We have given and detected the end of a so called result of a cancer

the conflict Israel do and we have given Palestine

to defend his juridical right to fight for his own interests.

The sons and the mother from Murad Khani Kabul we know all together 4 person

are not part of the conflict and do not want to be part of.

The ethnical conflict in Israel and also historical and existing conflict from Germany on the international Level, we are supported moraly from the Kingdom of Spain,

Kingdom of Great Britain and our part of

juridical responsibility Türkiye as the nearest Islamic country near Europe we have constitutional belonging to our neigbor country Turkmenisten

they are historical and ethnical refer.

November 8, 2024 ( 12:32 o'clock )

Jousuf Boabour und Masooda wird hirmit angewiesen nicht mit dem Mann zusammen zu arbeiten.  Er ist ein Irrer Psychophat

aus der Forensig extra für die Familie Börner und Zia Family angesetzt

und weis nicht was er tut.

Der Grund ist vollkommen klar: Er soll aus sexueller sicht

und Moral für die Sexualität Rach mit Sex mit der Mutter und die Söhne

ausüben. Somit die intensive Vergewaltigung auf Drogensetzung in der Yorckstr 8.

und ennorme Horror für die Söhne und Geruchszenarien mit verkommen und verdormenen Verhältnisse die die Söhne über sich ergehen lassen

mussten weil ihr Vater geistig krank ist und ihm deswegne das Sorgerecht aberkannt wird und heute wie gestern bei den UNSC als Genie erkannt is und UNRWA vertritt. Die permanente Sitzung in dieses Verfahren besteht immer noch in der Yorckstr. und erklärt permanent die Moralische Auslegung durch Spionage und Hausfriedensbruch.

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